THE JOURNAL, a MHf, M 4 ki4l Bra No. . cmarixs l rrevENS. M laorroa, , , t:iwatsms 1UTW- v i . jee. la man. t lw Mr, eo4 ia adv-aoa,... PWU'1 " AdvwrUelag RaSse raralehed artna.- . Eaiared at the Post OaVo, New Bar, ILCLee OMctal faaar a W ara. U Cravea Canty. riewrJerB. H. Oct A, lift. TBI vriKiT is ro XFAI. Through all tha maBleeBt raeaaUoa (Irea Admiral Dawey aa4 Ike taea baalad tha ' of kla warshrpa, ta all Ibe peaoaa addressee sad cheer of tha Aaarieu people, ndg tag from thdle Balcbetr, laa' teaor aad 'aplrit show a . W that thf Aavarlcaa'1 paopW dacUra iar taoldle-fevery aeeeessloa hick haacaaM aadertbe Amerlesa at re a, by force or maly., ta It U A-lerican, aad ABglo-aexoa to aipaad, to broadea eat, to acquire, b li territory, educatloa, rellgloa or eoav mere. If ft wtri notor ll,plrlta apaa Iob how alow tha world would ba today, aad haw would tha great leforma have DMi accomplished, altiliaUloB advanced aad oWiilUntty can lad to thejattarmoel parts of lb earth, IT tha aplrltof Anglo Saioalsm hail hot Bsea aa oryfcag a,t aad raacbiag oat for aw paoplaa aad aew leads lo subdue, physically, moral lr and Commerclallyf Ia tha aarly dayi of tbli great Ameil can ; Republic, thla aplrit of azpaailoa waa 'arouaed, aad tha (real lervllory within tha noma bounds waa (ha muli. , Tba cItII war eaniad a halt, bat whaa tha declarant a war against Spala waa heard, there was ona people la spirit, united and determined far tba success af the atajt of tha RajrabHal-1 '- -OX Tbaauocaeafalaaaalaeioaoftha war, tha saw duties Involved la llar aoaoeas, has groused lha expansion spirit at the aalloa, tao desire to throw off Its lassi tude, and1 1 seek ,to broaden It trade and oouimarce,- aad If aeed be shape aay deellay tor good which night threaten n.'. '-;- Cp TV : . The Americas: Repobllo ie In the world's race for progress aad tha uplift ing of hemaaKy, aad do better exhibit that It Is In to stay, can be furnished, than In reading tba story of Dewey's homeeoialag;--r W'W"V Beware efOUvmeats tat Catarrh That ' Cental Marceiy, as mercury will surely destroy the sense ot smell and completely damage) the whole system woea. .entering It through the' mueous surfaces, Sock articles should BsrsrUe used except oa pre scrlplloDS from reputable physicians as the damage they will do Is tea fold to tbs good you can possibly derlra from them. Ball's Catarrh Cera, manufac tured by F. 1. Cbeaey At Co .Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the bleed and mucous Surfaces of tha system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be aura you get the genuine. It la taken Internally, aad made la; Toledo, Ohio, by V. i Cbeaey A Uo.. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c par bot tle.' !;.,.; Hall's Family Pills aretes beet ' .. Water FreeC ' "It seems to me," remarked tbe pros peclive tenant as ha noted feorlnrbee of water In tbaaameat, "that thla ceUae leaks." -Uakrl Hat at of It," spoka np tba hustling agent. "Why that water baa been there far a month and not a drop- has esosped.". . Telcaaia. BraptJeaa Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob Ufa of Joy. ' Bucklea's Arnica Salve cures them, also Old,' Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Fslons, Corns, Warts,. Cute,. Bruises Bum, Scalda, Chapped Bsadar Chilblains, C est Pile cure on eank. DrtvtSf out rales and Aches. Only eScts kboa. Can (Siraa teed Sold by F. S. Duffy ft Co., Drag gists. -. " " ;. - - " ; j - f ' a tuitakea Kft'at ; With 4 borrkl grla lha ksoallag spec ter raised tbs gob! 6a lilb and quaffed the fiery nald.' . :- 1 "I hsis tt on de red," mated the hsunteA t iiaV. VS nuaat by a ghost of a smiler - . At this the grewseme spirit fled soosa Ing down, the wan reaches of tbe night. .' Ton assume ao risk wben yoa boy Chamber! sin's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. F, S. Buffy ft Co., will refund your money if you are' not satis fied sfter uslcg it, . It Is sr-y where ad- miltted to be ILe mot successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one thst tieM f..s It Is piensaat, sfe and reliable. itut lt, i tt i m hi J mr frttr S( iiir4 ojiutwl, ilu ty n.:.,ra i, aML yMlxnt lb lukil fotrve la ttw rf cuata. Ow Lr'.l.t ivioba aon.ttic word was m-ivcd tbal a auiail lpfsctiBMt f Urtutxl tVavHcfe raralryaiea was oa tbe o It er akle at tbe but. aad a furr started at Is purettlu Tbe swit day ttk Coo federatre Wet retwrUrd Bulk dUlant la tbe oiuila dtrertlua. The tblrd day tbe aw euluarl aod a Tetmi tirttldteC atartMl out fur a leasare rtde. A kill from ramp tliey rude In to Qa fi(lt1f CVafiMk-raU'a. who bad be ruvUaa: the camp ft a wk. It was a narrow eacapa, but they got away nabaraacd. Atltt It wrae aver the leoaral aald to the )looL "Weir, what do you think al war nowf . "Is Wueeicr la thla aebibborfaood moeh ot tbe timer replied tbe colo nel ersatrely. "AH the tiasa. He b here, there ami everywhere. What do you Uilufc ot tbe urospwtT" . "WeM" answered tbe eolooel reBeet rely, 1 woo dec whether there tatt't aueae way tbta Infernal tbhig can be compromised! flaa Kraodsco Argonaut. The Taahee Mw Abr. ' A story oa the fraud uleot eotiferrtng of degreea la toM la tbe Loodoa fost, widen, while It may Dot be strictly ac curate, la not without Interest. It seems that a chlmaey sweep took proceedings against aa Edinburgh man for debt, aad Id tbe course of his erldeoco the sweep meoUoaed that bis uatue waa "Jamie Gregory , LU D." Tbe following colloquy ensued between tba witness ail tie) sheriff: "VI' bat. (lector of laws or lettersT And Sr an earth did you- get that die ttnettour 'JJ. t t ' "It was a fellow fra' an American nalrerslty. at 1 awaeplt bla chimney three times. '! canna pay ' ye cash, Jamie Gregory,' be says, but I'll maks j s LL. and we'll ca' H queta,' Aa be did." . The study of the occult sciences rlntffrcata wry much." remarked the new boarder, "I lor to explore tu .dark depths of tbe mysterious, to delve lata tbe region at the -unknown, to ratboau tua.uaratuoiaabla, aa It were, and to"- "May I help yon to some of the bash, ptofwaorr tahMTapted the landlady. It he gooxl woman never knew why tbe other.boardera smiled audi hlj. CUIcsgo News. St ' Ta Ola, Oil Starr. Lady (reading a letter from her son In college) Lor askea alivel Jo star. If John ualn't gone an dona It! -Aa ha ararnt no band fer tbe gals, nutberl , .w -fief1 Werae Uslf-Wnt'a tha trouble, Bamanthyl Old Udj-Wb- he aaya he's fallen In lore wKh BeBv-er Belle Lettera. Brooklyn Life.) fir, ; ? ! HOZLan LBMOIf EUZIR. agalataa the Livsr, ttomach, Bewela Far tlllonsness, constipation and ma ana..- : ' For Indigestion, sick and nervous headache. i t .. For sleeplessness, - nervousness and heart failure, s : , For fover, chills, debility and kidney diseases, tska Lemon Elixir. " Ladles, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. SAftand 1 bottles st drogglsts. Prepared only by Dr. II. slozley, At 'aua.Qa., a , . - -t. :' ' A Prominent minister Writes. After ten yesrs of great suffering from Indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, billonsness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Itozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Ret. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. U.S. Church South, No. 88 Talnsll M Atlanta, Ua. i , A Fremiaant Memp hiaa Writ a Dr. H.', Atlanta: Having been a great sufferer for three yesrs from indigeetloeji- and been treated by many physicians, who fsiled to give me aay relief. Continuing to grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. Jloi ley's Lemon Elixir, which remedy he bsd used for several years. I commenced its use, and must say your Lemon Elixer la the greatest medicine on esrth. I have never suffered a day since I commenced using Lemon EHxir. B, L. Rocco, tO Beraando Bt , Memphis, Tenn- ' A Card. : This Is to certify that I used Dr. Mox lsy's Lemon Elixir for neurslgia of tbe head aad eyes with tbe moat marketf benefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid $500 for tba relief It has given me al a cost of two or three dollars. U. A. Bull, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Oa. r,''..; Facta la tha Case. ,. ' Hlx It takes a man who wanta office to. discover, (he corruption there lain ajbelrdeivw . . vj . Dii Yes; and the more ba discovers lha mora anxious he seems to be to get Into it - Remarkable Bescae. Mrs. Mlchsel Cnrtsln, Plalnflcld, 111., makes, tbe statement that she caught cold, which settled on ber lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physi cian, but grew worse: He told her she wss a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to ber delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued Its use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, large bottles SO cents and $1.00. Tbs Green. Ot running brooks snd verdsnt banks, The poet gaily poles; But while bis notes are of green banks, His wsnt Is green bsnk notes. Joieph 8tockford, Ilodgilon, Me., healed s sore running for aeventeen years snd cured his piles of long stsnding by using DeAVitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures tU skin dlst&aea. F S Duffy. T.'t-a In Eayboro stop at the Lupton BouaJ'or good accommodations. Hit N on-Irritating Cathartic Euy to UXa, eaty M apfio Hood's Pills laealtod. Weary Walker-"Toa look hot aader der collar, Dssly. Dosty m. a feller ( lokl ess ler git eft da earth." "Del woalda'l worry ass aay." "Be autber, If be ksdal offered ma a cake o soap ter git It art with." During tbe wlatrr at 18V7 Mr. James Read,oaa ot lha leading elUsaaa aad faercaeala of Clay, flay Ca, W. Ta, slrockhialaf saiaas- a oaka of laa U suck a maaaar aa to braise It aoveraly. It bacaast Tory wrack two! lea aad pained him so badly thai ha ooald aat walk without tbe aid of eralcbea. Ua was treated by pbysicaas, also asad several klads ot llntmeat aad two aad a halt gallons of whisky la balking It, but nothing gave aay relief aatll ha Isagaa slog Ckamberlala'a Pala Balsa, This brought almost a complete en re la a week's lima aad ha believes that had ha aot ased this remedy bis leg weald bava had to ba amputated. Pala Bala la aa equaled for spreiaa, bra 1ms aad raoataa tism. For sale by F. 8. Duffy ft Co. A Wiaa Seaaa, There's aa odor of ter camphor about soma overcoats and their owasrs doat Ilka It for a sceoL "Wbta our boys were almost dead from whooping cough, our doctor gave Ona ktlnute Cough Cure. They recovered rapidly,' writes P. B. belles, Argyla, Pa, It cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat aad lung troubles. F. 8. Duffy. ! Quite a Jen..- ; ; " ' LoaOiig looks easy, but It takes all a man's lima to laara it. ' I wish te express my thanks to the manufacturers ot Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for hav ing put ou the market such a wonderful medicine," aaya W. W. Mssslnglll, ot Besnmoat, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whesa children bava been saved fiom attacks of dysen tery' aad cholera Infantum who must alio feel thsnkfuL It Is for sale by F. 8. Duffy A Co. . Why Mat lama Other Bind. It ought to be next to Impossible for a man with whiskers to tell a barefaced lie. Bismsrck's Irea Narve Was tbe result of bis splendid heslth. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not ,found whera Stomach, Liver, Kidneys aud Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tbey develop every power of brain ami body. Only Mo at F. 8. Duffy ft Co's. drug store. ; . Bet ttaC - Hostels your cook quick about get ting op a meal F ' , Joax 'Quick? Why, man, she's a regular searcher." . Why experiment on yourself with remedies ot doubtful utility when you can gel Chamberlain's Ceugb Remedy! which has stood tba teat ot tlmef Twen ty Ave years' sale and nss bava proven that remedy to be a prompt and certain cure for colds. It will core a cold la a day if taken as soon aa tbe cold has been contracted and before tt has settled in the system. Sold by F. 8. Duffy Co. ' Fleaty ef fueh. A Uanayunk man calls his wife Mis ary because she's as fond of company. ' Itory af a fclave. To ba bound hand and foot for years by lha chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Willlams.of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He says, "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over In bed alene. After using two, bottles of Electric Bitters, she Is wonderfully Improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures ner vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a Godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only Bt cents. Sold by F. 8. Duff, druggist. . An Unholy Light, The near-elghled individual who reads a paper without glasses makta a spec tacle ot himself. BeUefia SU Bears, Distressing Kidney snd .Blsddir Dis ease relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of Its exceed ing promptness In relieving psin in Mad der, kidneys and back, In male or female Relieves retention ot water almost Im mediately. If yen want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. 8old by C. D Bradhsin, druggist, New Bern, N. C. I weeter Fer Sqoaaxlng. "Like tbe lemon," said the Corn red Philosopher "a woman is not so seur after a litt'.e Judicious tueez!ng." 100. Br. F. Betcbten's Aatl riaretie. Msy bs worth to you more than t'0 If you have a rh,IJJ who soils beJ.iirg from incontericey ater dutirj slipp Cures old aid youiVg alike. It arrr . the trouble at once fl. PuM fcy C, D Brsdham, dri';!Mt Kew Lern, Is. C. SECRET OF BRIGHT COLOr.3. a !!., rare ttaarir fat a lauklH Trtok. La atn-aalug to um wrtiar aboot tba faTarattle Icauror that ftoe weelher has upoe) lb producUoei ot brtchl aa4 daiiretaly aaa4a4 dyaa aad eoam. a famous kofLib maoufactarer of earmtSB) raraally aaUl: "tVinn years ago 1 was aware of tbe eepertority U the French eaxmlna, aad, bwtag aaxtows) as Improve aaaa any owa pcocsaa. i weal to Lyaaa aad bargaiaod with tbe snost reWbratad menafacturer la that rtty tor tbe acquisition ot hts aacres, foe which I waa la pay 1&.000. "WeU, I waa abowa all tbe prareaa aad aaw a most beautiful eoior pro duced, but I noticed that there waa not tha least difference la tbe French mode af fabrtrattoa and that which 1 eoa ataaily adopted myaalf. I tbeewopoa appealed to my Instructor and Instat ed that be meat have kept earns assess eoocealed. Tbe man aasnred sae bo bad not nod naked me to Inspect the proc ess a aecood time. I accepted tha la vttatloo, and after I bad minutely ex amined the water amMbe materials, which were ta every respect atmllar to my own, I still felt ao much la tba dark that 1 aald, 'I tore lost both my tabor aad. money, for the air of England doea aot admit aa to make good carmine.' " Btay aald tba Frenchman, 'Doat deceive yourself. What kind ot weather ta It dowF " 'A bright and annny day.' I replied. "'And each are tha days.' aald tbe Frestchnian, "oa which I make my col or. Were I to attempt to manufacture It-vTa a dark and cloudy day my results would be tbe same aa yours. Let aaa ad rise you, my friend, only to make your carmine on bright, sunny daya. "Tbe moral of thla," cootiuued tbe Englishman, "will apply quite aa well to tbe making of many other colore need hi manufacturee, and abas la tba Una arts, for It Illustrates In a practical way tb chemical Influence of light upon certain coloring compounds or mixtures." Wash I ngton btar. A PECULIAR SPIDER. a Catehee Dirts as Bla aa tairka 1st Hla Maajsaasa Waa. Far Dp la the mountains of Coyloa there bt a spider that spins a web like bright yellowish silk, the central net ot which la live feet In diameter, while tbe supporting lines, or guys, aa they are called, measure sometimes 10 or 12 feet, and, riding quickly in tbe early mornlug, you may dash right Into It, tbo stout threads twining round your face like a bice veil, while, aa tha creature who has woven It taken up hla position In the middle, he generally catehee you right In the nose, "aud, though be seldom bltus or atlnga, tbe contact of his Urge body and long legs Is anything but pleasant If you forget yourself and try to catch him, bite be will, and, though not Tenomoua, bla Jaws are aa powerful as a bird's beak, and you are not likely to forget tbe en counter. Tbe bodies of tbeso spiders are very handsomely decorated, being bright gold or scarlet underneath, while tbe upper part la covered with tbe most delicate suite colored fur. Bo strong are the webs that birds the size of larks are frequently caught therein, and even the small but powerful ca ly llxard falls a victim. A writer aaya that be has often aat and watched tbe yel low monster measuring, wben wnlttng for bis prey, with his legs stretched out, fully six lucbea striding across the middle of the net and uoted the rapid manner In which be winds bla stout threads round tbe unfortunate captive. - He usually throws the colls about the head until the wretched victim la first blinded and then choked. Ia many unfrequented dark nooks of the Jungle you come across most perfect skeletons of small birds caught in these terrible Pittsburg Disiiatcb. llnhtlr AbaeatsaJsaaa. "Does your husband ever help you about taking euro of tbe baby?" was asked the wife of a young professor la a neighboring city. "Not often, - though aometlmes be doea. Last evening he suld he'd take Willie for an airing as be waa gota; to walk down to the postofflce. Half an hour biter 1 saw tny husband sit ting In the parlor rending a eclentlfk' magazine, but I could see nothing of the baby, "Wuere'e Willie! What have you done with hlmT I naked. "'Why,' snld the professor, 'I forgot all about him. I think be Is sitting In tbe poatoffice.' "Detroit Free Preea. Lota af These Socialist. "No, my child, you cannot marry Bavenswood Plunks." i - "But, papa, what la your objection to Barter : "My child, he Is one of tbe moat ob jectionable socialists I ever met." "A socialist, papal Surely you are mistaken!" . "No, I'm not He actually demand ed to share my wealth with me!" "Havle did that? Why, papa, what did he say t" "He snld he wanted to be my aoo-lo-law." Cleveland ftaln Dealer. t A Geatle Raaroof. "Why Is It that you people have so many revolutions?" "My friend," replied the South Amer ican, "you forget that each country must have amusements suited to lis temperament You also overlook the airy facility which practice gives. Hence your misuse of language. Those are not revolutions. Tbey are merely somersaults. "Waablnertou 8tar. - TTaere and Here. "In India only one woman In every 180 Is able to read." "Well, I don't believe more than one In every 1( of our own women Is able to rend snythlnrt besides the dry goods JTls." Chicago Times-Herald. On tbe 10th of December 1897, Rev. 3. A. Denshoe, psator M. K. Church, South, Pi. Plesent, W. Vs., contrscted a fevers cold which waa attended from the beginning by violent coughing. Ha aaya: "After resorting to s number of so-called 'tpecifics,' uaually kept in tke house, to ne purpo, I purchased a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheer fully recommend 11 to tbe public." For ta's 1 7 F S Duffy Co. l. j Dyspepsia Curo Dlztits what you eat. 1 1 ar-U 8 clail y d i gwta tbe food aad aids Bslura In strengthening and recos tructtng the riLsuated digestive or-gaoa- ItialoelatAsid sreveraddlraafr. em tod looks, ho other prrparmUoa can arpmach It In efflciency. It in stantly relieves aod permanently cures rrspepala,.Iadlgooa, Ueenbura, Flstuieooa, Sour btomarh, Nauaea, Elrk Head ac-hd.Oaitra'li, Cramps, and al i olbar resu ! ta of I m perfect d IgesUoav "' ' st 1 C -frrgs. f 8. DUFFT. Step Ladders. Step Ladders, Step Ladders. A LFmi IaaIIer;Fr ' 48c. A ff-FMt ladder For 60 c- A G-Fbot Ladder For 72c. Tbe nicest jon ever taw. Now dont wait nntil they are all gone, but come at once and npply yourself. You cau't afford to. borrow oha alien theycaa ba had at these Low Trices. Xfrerjbody Nredw a Step TLndder. So Come Along And Get One. J. C. Whitty CO. FUOFKSSlOMAli. F. M. Slmaeas, J. H. Fee, A.V.Ward K. W. Fan. SIMflONS, POU ft WARD, ATTORN IT A aad COtNiELOt". al . .. LAW. . . aaw ksta,i. c (Jmca n So. Front Street, Dearly oppo- ,. sire noiet unatiawxa, (Offlces also at Raleigh aad Smlthfield,). Fraetlea la tse eoanties ol Oravea, Dnplln,, onas. vasiov, wmi rsouioo, sut. Juhusteu, Uarueta aod Wllaon; la tne u -: arsws ssS fadaral Voau-ta, aad whsrevae, aarvv-as sra uasirati. 1. U. Pelletler. ATT0EMT AT LAW. Udla 1 treat. Lawyers BrUk BalUIag. Witl meOae la Ike Coaatles of Orarsa Oarssrst, Je, Oaslow ana raalleo. U. I lSMIOO. U. Ml isaa Coart a) Ooart s Ksw a sras aao Buami ROMULUS A. NUNN, LITOMTBT . .X . XJs.-rt Stw nmxa, - ji. o. , Offlces Opp. Hotel Chattawka. . 8outb Front Street. Practice in North Carolina . FINANCIAL. T. A. rssa. Pres. I.H. Meadows, Ties Free CITIZEN'S BANK oar -snarw-sx-avsras,xr.o. DO A aiHCBAL .SX1B BDSlKEtsa The Aeooaata ot BsaKa, Baaksts, Corpor attoas, ranaars, kterohsata aad othsrs ra eslvsd oa tavormble terms. Prompt sad ear tsi attaauo gives 10 las uui sai ei ear eae tosaars. CoUtaUoos a Bpeetaltr. sosbd oraiaooroaa. rsrdlssad Clrleh K. U. Meadows, J. A. Meadows, Chss. Dotty, Jr. Bsmuel W. Ipock, ; Jsnna RsdsioBdJ Ckss. B. Fowier, Msysr HaUn.W t. W. Orstnisr, TUouaaas..?eaa, a. w.Snsiiwuod, c.a.rov. baa. I.Ith. W.r.Crsokett. F. Si . BAHIC, HAT 1st, 189S. Cayltal Stack $7S,00.0 Sarplas, 8,&0,0w UadlTldad Fronts,. e.OUo.Oo OFFI0ERS. Im H. Cun.xB President. W. 8. Caaowica, Vice Pres. T. W. DxwxY, Cashier. -J. W. ltiDDi.t, Teller. F. F. Mattbsws. Collector, t DIRECTORS: Wat. B. Blades, M. M. frks, C. D. Hradliam, P. H. Pelletier, I j. H. Cutler, - Jno. Suter, W. 8. Chadwick, J.W.Stewart, T. W.'Dewey. Ife want your business snd feel tbat ws can Ci r you as much iu return aa tiro r Lsuk in t!; city. It Is our eii"--vor to Ditks buines relations mut u r f -iit and prouuble to our LIwAL KOTICIL HlMlIISTEiTOR-S lOTirtl Hstti eaallBad as adalalatraiar tt J'-a V) liliaaka. darvseed, lata at Craaaa rot.aiy, W. C, U. tele aoufy all peraoaa bsttaf ciauM etsiDst lb eatats W the aald dirsasrd to aaMoat lhaaa S tbo aa tfars (Da4 OS of batore laa twk, day tl AeruM, IK, or this settee w tube plead ad la bar at iheiv iwresery. Al prreoae laoeotea io aaa aaia tatsis will slisaa mass lasaediaie pspaat. TUOi, F. McCARTQT, E. W, Wmiaaasoa, Administrator. Auoraey. This 0th day of Auaast, I8M. LOMMISSlOSIK'S H1LC. SorU CaroUaa, I SaperW Oowrt. CraroaCa. ( Fall Terra, ItnT7. Joseph L Hah a, ea. Waaklaitoa Blade, aaaak Elsde. t areaans so a iadrasrat laaiaied al Fail Term 18V) ot Cravew oooaty 8a aorlor Coon la the above eatlUed sotloa. faa srltlch said fadf meat Ue aaderataed ore a sly eoyutataa; ooasmlssloaars for the sale of the property kereiaaflar de scribed. Now therefore la accord snee with aald judf meat aad by rsqaeat of paUstllf we will oflsr for sale aad salt to the hi(beat bidder for oaah al pabtie aaotioa al the eowit boose duor la New Bera ea Moa day tba tU day of November ISM at It e'oiock aa, tha followlsg real property. toenu ja taa eouaty of (urarea aad Stale ot North Cs rolls a. oa Pembroke road aad adjotalag tba' bwda of PhUlip J Lea oa tba Boila lha la ads kaoara aa the Bray place oa the south; the lead of K O Most-ley oa tbe west sad boa seed oa tbo oast by Pembroke road. Being Ike eaaae land purchased by Washington blade from the belts of Jease lay pools by deed executed by Kmrlloe Clavpoole. Kxecatrlx to which said deed rafereace la hereby made for a full aad more dra alia deectiptioa thereof, (except tea acres thereof heretofore, coaveyed ta Philip J Lre. The above described properly being lbs same upon which tha dwelling bouse of the said Washington blade and Hannah Blade at located and whereon tbey now reside. Tble 18th day of 8rrlember 189. J. E R. ti'HAHA, t'ommissiooere. I'OMMISSieSStt'S SALE. North Carolina, I Superior Court, Craven Co. May Term, 18W Joha 8 Qarretl, va"r Henry J Long sad C O Roach. Pursuant to a judgnjent of the Supe rior Court nf I raven county rendered al tba May term IMI in the above entitled action, tba undersigned aa eommlsalooer will offer for sale aod sell to the highest bi-ider for cash at public vandje al the coart house door In New Bern, N , on Monday, the Cib day of November ltM) at Is o clock m, the following described lota of land aituate la tha my of New Bern, county of t raven, and Hate of North Carolina. Being lots 1M and ltlS with all improvements imrton situated on lbs northeast corner of Uam aad Moiry streets In Farmville In the city of New Bern, adjoining the lots of John Dawson and others eod bounded aa fol low!! Oa tbe north by At sin street and on tbe east by Murry street, on fie south by lite una of joub uawsoa ami on tbe weal by Auiam Dudley's lot, being 10s feet oa Alain street, 104 feet on Murry street bring a part of a tract of land left Issae W Kabaaka by will of Allen U Jtubanka, deceased, and the ame lots conveyed lo the said Henry J Long by deed from B M Pavia trna'.ee of Issao W Kubanks - and recorded in book 8 on paijes tU and 428 In tl.e orace of tne Hrg ater or ureas er craven county to wblcb refeHnce is bsd, ex crptiug thirty leet whfi.h hss been con vey-d lo Wm Htarkeyay d.ed. This 18tb dsv of September 18M. K. W. WlLtlAMHON, J. E. 0'HAlA, Commissioners. Notice of Bale ot Land For Partition. North Carolina, I In the Superior Court, craven two. tHtora tne Lierx. J h riarufleld, - s.ii ' Mrs Sarah ATaylor, , las C, Taylor, Dr I At Taylor. Or Geo Atlmore, Or It 8 Primroea, w a uuver, ueo A uuv, r. Hary T Ollverv Thomaa. Constable and Martha Constable his wife, BenJ R Uuske ana tiannsb tiusxe sis wire, Mar tin 8 Willard and Elisabeth O Willard his wife, Uebeere U- Atlmore, Dr J D Clark, Hannah T Clark, The Trustees of Davidson College, Notth Carolina, Bet tie J Clak, and Uhae 8 lielllaler, execu tor of Frances Taylor, deceased. . Pursuant lo a decree of the Baperior Court of Craven cojaly ia ihe above entitled prooeealoga for sale of land for Dartittoa rendered by the Clerk, of said tiuperlor Court on the 7th day of Sep tember, 1HW. The undersigned as commissioner will offer for ssle ead sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at-the Court liouse door of Craven county on Tuesday the 10th day of October 18V9 at the hour of U o'clock noon all the fol lowing described real estate to will A tract of land containing 6400 acres, lying and being in the county of Craven and partly in Pamlico county, on tbe north side of Neuss river between the heads of tbo northeast prong, of Little Swift Creek and Bay river, ' beginning at Wright C Stanly's leaf-corner being four hundred and ninety .poles from said Stanly's beginning al A black gam and on a course south fifty three esst and runa ihe reveres of bw line south seven degieva west one ihouaaad A forty poles to his corner then along another of aaid Stanly's lines seuth forty flva degrees east fourteen hundred and fifty poles to bis corner tbaaaoueli forty flva degrees east seven-hundred and flea, pales then nortivfoily ttva degreea east- two, ban dredand seventy lw poles-, the north eleven hundred and seventy poise to, a rum at Bay river bridge then north fifty three degreea west three hundred aod twenty polea thsB south forty degrees west seven, hundred and fifty poles then north forty five deareea wostelerea bua dred and twenty pole north seven decrees-east tlx hundred and eighty poles then north fifty three degree weeL, two hundred poles to tha first station; also a certain piece or parcel of land,, aituate, lying and bales; in tbe coonty of Craven on the north aids of Ellis' lake sod. west s de of Black late. beeiBeiogvat a cy press on Ellis' lake the- ane mile tree westward from running north two hundred and thirty three pqjaa, then south eighty two degrees east two hundred and eighty polts to the Black lake, then along the lake south thirteen degrees east one hundred aad len poles to James Parrolt'a second cor. der, thence with Ills, line south thirty prgrees west one hundred and twenty Doles to a cypress his beginninK corner on Ellis' lake eighty poles above the lauding and thence with the various meaniiVrs of ths lake to the first station, containing three hundred and ninety acres. This September 7, 1899. A. D. WARD, .. - W. H. OLIVER. ROMULUS A. NUNN, Commiaaioners. LffciAL XOTICE. rciLiciTioi. or fuu-oss North Carullaa,' I be per lor Court. Cravva I o. ( IWf mm Ihe CWtk B F Dlakiaa, Ada.r ti Ada Uifklaa, de Cesar d, a. Joha O I -let In, b F Diablo, llrlra liania, l-lutlua, Uarutia kios aad A V Mioe. To R-lward I let iaa. hsq: - It appealing to lha ssiblarttoa af tbo Coart by affidavit that hdward IHekia laaa a ieMlei.tof tbe Sa'e of Nnnk Ceroliaa, you are ben-by bk lilWd, that a Sewa-oasaad peihina for raJa i4 real estate lav eatete has Irea duly filed In ' tbe clerk's cities of t'ravea ruiaty, IS C, m lae aian-e eauiied acuoa ly U r Ula klaa, admlaiaUati r, yi-a are heteby do tlned to appear bs:oie said iktk al kia ofoca la hew Beta. Crave eouaty, N C. oa raiuruay, uctobrr SBtk lbh. at 11 o'clock aa, sad answer or demur to said petllioa aa yoa may deem brat, othrv wieeibeprajrraf tbepetlHiaerwill be granted. ! Is order last this notice be pebilsbed oore a week for weeks la New Btra Jnuroal Dated at New Bern. N C, Sept. 1. M. W. M. WATSON. Clerk Soperke- Court. Commissioner's Sale. North CaroUaa I Craves Coanty Thomas F. McCarthy Adminiatrater, of Mary 1). Dewey Deceased, vs. C. B. Wiggins and Others. Parsaaat to thai rertala jadgment readered at the Msy term 1W9 of Craven Bnperlor Conn la the alwva entitled ao lioa, under which the undersigned waa duly appointed a Commlsaioner to sell I be hereinafter described tract of land; Tbe underslcned as Commissioner will rroceed lo offer for sale and aell oa tba I Moaday In November I8MI, it being Ihe sixth day nf aald mouth; al the hour of 19 o'clock iu. lo the highest bidder for cash st tbo Court llouae door In ( raven count): All that certain tract of land situated In Craven county on tbe north side of Nsiue river ail joining the lauds of Nsnry Adsmt snd others, known as lha Dudley plantslio i containing about two thousand six hundred sciea; Except so much ef ssld land aa la bounded and de scribed ss follows: To wit: Beginning at a cypress on Neute river Ulow Mud Seine Beach running north with Ike Dower line to Cleres Hoe I hence west with Mean Pole awamp In Uenrahana line, then south with said line lo Nancy Adsms line thence with tbe rlvtr to the beglnnlnf. Being the same' Isud convejed to Aleisnder Mitchell by K. W Carpenter Comnilraloner bv deed dated February 3rd 1881 recorded In tbe olr) of lbs Register of Decdi of Ciaven county book B.1, psgo 11)0 1111, and tbe sme conveyed by Hountice snd Catmer Executors of Alexander Mitchell doc, by deed dated September 1.1th lt)D re corded In raid record, book Ml, page 493 etc. This Srptrmlier24lh 1H09. Thomas f McCarthy, Commissioner. Notice nf Summons ami Warrant of Allacbnidit. State nf Nor lb Cirolina, ) Kisbti County of Ci ivcn ( Township. A C.l.n and W E Br an vs. American Ebctric Novelty and Mfg d, snd Joa-pli M Ziiiioii-ki. The defendants above i-nnimt will tale notice that a ttimiiirns i:i tbe aliove en titled action was iseucd sKHinnt null d.i fendant on tbe lltli dar of September, ltW by S K Ml reel n justice cf the eacu Ot Craven county. North ('Hir.bnH, lor tbe aum of $i0J 75, duo wniil I'lNhiiiili by reason i f brench of ct and (lam sges act rued teieund. r, wbiuli sum mons i r turnoble befoie ici jusllco at bla olllc m -w Him in raid county, and in Eighth lownsbip on the I'ilb day of NovemlK-r ibW). nt lie hour of 11 o'clock a ru. Tbe ditcn. Knl will also lake nolle Ibat n warra ti f aitncbmeiit was inued by sai l justice on tne llth day i f .-epltmlw-r IfUU aiimt tbe prop erly of aaid def-Mlants n liich wnrraut is reluiniiM.) bffore ;the ei I J jitnlice at the I me snd place above nuiu d for the rttura t( the aumuioi.s Whn snd wlieie tbe licfendams are rc-iuiird to sp peer and answer or demur' In the com plaint or the n lit f demanded will be granted. This the 8rd day of Ot tol-, 1899 S II Si illChT. J. P. ALL HANDS 'BOUND And j-iin us in praising Ihe beauti ful Line ol Heating Stoves, now in Hock and on ssle by the L. II Cutler Hard ware Corapaiiy. They have tbrm lare and small, handsome and plain To look at them U to buy them, becuus' if tbo remarkably low price. - Also don't forget we alwnys have on bsnd a large stock of liolcsale and re tail Hnrdwarenf all kinds. Sash, Dor, and Blinds a specialty, Ci.ll and exam ine. .-. - I. H. CUTLER H'DV'E CO. 111 - A" THE CAIsINA, Morehead aty. N. 0. T. L. IIsll, Prop. - Terms Satisfactory. : HOI BE FR0NT8 THE OCEAN; Archltecl & Superinlendent CS XXroad Street. lrTnt or improve ; al'so vt t ... CsYHHTorbr..,,M t . bitd moutfl, sketch, or pliolo. (tr f"-e e-fauiiiia'n and advioo. I 'fir TC'TC FflES. Ko I i It I. iL.UO fee boforej Ko Attr'a Writer " " r -""". to i. -s .littlfwi Patent Lswyera. WASHINGTON, D.C.