Tino Tutacco, True!.; and General Farming: Lands For Bale. ( tract of SO acm la hm fuarth kit of ctiy el Sew f era. Owe Irmrt of fi srrre la lera I Was ewe ante ol city ol New rkaa. Oae tract ol S0 arree la a beat km it ol city of N.w IW-a. UMlminllilirM la two Bvlee of city ut New item. Um tract ol SO acres la two Bad oae hall ol Cil ol New Perm. Um urn ol - la Um tad oae quarter aiilea ol rlijr 4 New Hen. All ol IK above uacu aes ll ka-w- ted, bring oa the aaase axle ol Um rtn Uut BVra w. 1 bey r la good lata of eanivailoa and hold Uira al a asooerete ptioa. For prices, ec, apply to J.J. WOLFENDEN, New Bera.N.C A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A BUSINESS NECE88ITT, A HOME CO.NVKJUENCE. A COM BINED . . CoitTenlencc. Luxury I Order Your Phoos at Ones I IF YOU WANT Fine SbaIa Trees, Fine Fruit Tree a. Fin Ornamental Trees, : Flna Roses or Fine Shrubbery riace your ordera with R. tL HILL. New Dm, N. C. Ordera bow being taken for Fall Plant ing. : REALESTATEAGENCY Hoatea and Lota For Sale al Lowut Poatibla Figurca. Di-tlralila Homea and Tenementi Ibat will prore a line lnreit ment. -Celleellei ef Reata a Specialty. '. Office at re dence, 17 Jobnion atreet B. E. IIAUPEK. ammmmmninmiiimmmmmmms . IT UllLzi ia MEN ondKWOr.1Grj.l Oar SMMllelM mn TAtlOTT aUHl pOCDt IB Ul0UrOiaiMWaS akf bsil mack aa IHIsa. Ootutrrhaa. GUL. AnrnnatorrtwM, Varicwia, Impctmtv, JdaX JLfamAoud, Pl rrnalU of 901 euJ4- 4 rati, U(r tMSaw, worr, swrwra, a., avod In dteutt of wotnw. uch u PiUt, Qmerrhmu, lAmrra, Womb JsenSnf Damna Pw, Mtnt.nuU IrovUa. OiraMaUdM avr aiti tw-Uy Is, lata aoTvr favU e are ej ailrk ly I M ZZZ PROVE THIS BY 0RDERIX9 A TRIAL TREAT?.' EXT. ZZi WOWKBMKWBEat wa aaaia trwuu.l mmA aarlee F" aa aaay aav euearr.eejremareatBoeB. - yimroMa. tba man he S.war. toot nnvib.r, love, ooaate and suta. . DKNTIAI. It too. ate.! una offer roa will attwajra. Write to-as la SALISOS tt:- TRY FIRST-DUY AFTC RVARD3. iiiuiiauiiuauuiiuiuuuiuuuuiiiuit? ! am now the Sole Agent for the CELEBRATED!' o 00 n AG? UDlin A.J.SMITH SO MIDDLE STREET, U. 1 CI rCFFETTS lj ixaTOp:' SPECIAL - TO - Bargains.?: the American stock Company , We bare just arrived from iho liue of CLOTHINO, DRY 00005, SHOES, HATS, Ladles' and Qenls's Furnishing which will ba sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! . We snrrly have the la'gest line of to suit and til ereiy man, triy youth will wonder. We are untlile to mention great Vomt yourarlt sn 1 be convinced. Come early and avoid the rtuh. Tha early bird cutcbrs tha worm and the early customer catches the barguiuf. Kemetnber tills sale will not last very iODg. The American Stock Company, ' , HOWARD et MACHT, Proprietors. 59 ar,d 01 Middle Street - - EERS N p rdieumatism. TVwe who tiara -..!, ira tn4 tKetnaHrea frrm ,r e waO if (WW aj tre tuie. una rveaoa i4 tti.a ta that lea r.ruaue pmcnlaj I f u di-ur arinuua r-x-rcury bjxI FUuA, stitch cl- titnaw-iy in wna.:y mdiM l caus ing U juinta to swell and Hi3-n, rJu-m a ? acting c4 the bur-e. tt. K. aaa bc-ra eurms; Umiuum for twenty yuan area ua worst oasai which seemed alir.u.1 iocunlle. On. O E rltra, lb. a.e.ttr iailraa aa. J-o. ul UhU. A C, a&4 .a prv aw va liktisaiuaakaa aw i.iwi aiat Ihtl tb.f l f fl. aarr t ikaiaau luli ( ft, t' w a arbt mIhv fmaj bio r rsier I.mhkh tr -twe yt-ars. 1 eujd jr Ba rKftlM ' wala! . troai ajif afcMl'l na ara entd l-T f fi-ia. . u -i a a aoa Bw I la M vail as I rnrvulDar laal aura ItMl fvar aiadtetn lin-d ai. an J 1 wo-jid racial aKl 1 ID any ana aaana Iraai ul Mua4 Rrei7odr know that BKaainaUns la a diMMUKl aut of the blond, and oaly a blood maady ia thaonly auner tratmnt, but a ramly oootajuing potash and Caareory only aarraratoi the troubla. t , t . , S.S.S.,Blood being Purely Vegtabla, toes direct is tha Terr eauae ot the diacaaa and a per taaeot eiira alwaya raaulta. It ia the only blood remedy aoaranteed to eoa tain ao potaah, mercary or other dan aeroua niinenua. Booka nmned free by Bwlft Byeelfld Uotupany, a 11 an la, ueorgia. H OR flOMK CSS Qraa, pure wrhokaome, guaranteed to k obfBtcally made from diatlUed water and frta from Imparttlea, Bpecially In-. tended and prepared for bumea eoa anmnlion. loa d IWertd dally (except Bund art) a m to I p m. - -" - -' Mnatya (retail only) 7 a m to IS nooo. .Jot prion and other information, , v - ; j Addrosa, - Kew Berne Ice Co., , B. 8. GUlOi MaKAOKB. All reranna maalln STOVES OF ANT KIND REPAIRED AND PUT UP, Call on J. iVa WOQJ, Corner rroui and Mldille Slreeti, (bi n I Inc f nnerlr ucd as Mrs. btauly'i lek aiore) ai.d tliey ' will Recclre Pnmpt Atuntior. Alio Tin Work of any tin ! woodayrfonr mti aWaraaUU eWMeaW a caJBcrL's. to tell aa an joe oaneaeoi at. oeottpttoq BTHlru!len1rBj riam, I a7ikBiaieAlarf( fc eTKlt-1 1.V iniw4bovasaauaiaiuM, aurai. v ee 0 0 k 1 y. .'".. tvj ji). 1: : NEW BERN, N 0 IM ITX U BflteJ luAiAlilltA tba CL2 im Any 141 Oona Oalr as Oaala Aak low finaatha tea I . , ; I .' w .-T4 THE ,- PUBLIC ! v; . . Northern Murlefs with a complete Clothing In town, we have Clolliinr rnougli aud eveiy little boy, for prices at wlilrb you prices on Clothing for our stock is tog i - 1 IlilVC Jollki KiLLCD tY A tZK LLCrf. Taa Ul U a Dama BU4 " w ara Bi f 1. lbt loua. ar grmt 6.-1!ri d m, ta a paa-aaful tint Iba twiualtig ta ataoc of asa of tlaa eog j;ii a Lil kap;ord a few year ar" ' A ywuug kltrtuac Ia-l.a. lirtcf at Grand Lama, N. R, wanleJ to f I the aita of one of lore beautiful ow-ta to preaattt to hia Btatreaa oa We birth day. One day tha youth. wa waa aa aJi-.it at ttultatlng Ut peculiar aoliUna cry of tha tuoa. aoccaailed ta calilus a bird ltlila ahaoUns dlataara. lila abut. bowetwr. filled ta kin outright, and tlx bird. alUxaygh ao eererely arooadr ad that tt could aetther awtra Bar dire,. yet retained auActent Ufa and itreuglh to rwiuala aprlght la tha watar. Tbe boy, think Ins that hia same did not need a Bulbar ahot, awam oat to re trtara It, bet wbea be approached Bear eooagh to erl Uie bird It auddealy mada a da ah at blm, aendlns lu bead and seek out with a aprlne like aa ar row from a bow. It waa only by a quirk dock of hla bead that tbe India a eueceaded ta evading tbe blow. li ewata about the kooa aevaral tiiuea. at tempting ta daab la and eelse him by the Bark, bat tbe wary bird encceeded Ul foiling each effort by continually facing blm and tanging out with hla powerful Berk. The Indian then awam op to within a few Net of tbe bird aVi, dlrlng Bixler blm with eooalderable aklll, caught blm by tbe legs, lie carried blm wa der, and, although tbe bird struggled Bercel, managed to retain hla bold. Bnt wbea they both roan to tbe Bur- face agala a battle royal began, tbe Indian aeeklng to carry bla prise aabore and tbe bird attempting to re gain bla freedom. The bird, boweTer, waa too much for bla foe and before the Indian bad core red a yard on bit abore bound course disabled blm with a rlcloiia blow froea bla beak full oa tbe naked cheat Tbe effort ot tbe blow waa almost ut- atantaoeoosly fatal, for tbe beak pene trated close to tbe Indian's heart Youth'a Companion.' 8T0RY OF NOSES. . , ami Oraaa at Roaaaa Type. . . Tlie fc-aturca are developed by tbe nilnd. A child that la reared amid ploaunt surroundlnga and whose mind la filled with pleasant thoughts, will hare a pleasing face. Tee alinpo -ef tbe noae and cbln will depend entirely upon tbe strength and character of tbe mental faculties. . At 10 a boy's nose may be small and turned up at tbe end, at IS It way hare grown larger and be straight and at 23 It may be pronounced Roman. It all de pends upon bla mind. The Romans bad big nqacs with high bridges because .tbey were a etendy and determined race of people. Sturdl neea and determination will give a man a Roman noae, no matter bow Dttlo or bow anubby bis proboscis may bare been when be waa born. The Ureeks had straight, delicate, finely chiseled noaee because their tastes are artistic and poetic. Vou never saw a poet or an artist with a Roman or snub nose. did you? Oa the other band. It would be hard to find a great general who had not a Roman nose. Get pictures of Alexan der the Orcat Napoleon, Wellington, Wasblngtou or Grant and see If they bare not all got big, strong noses of the Romanesque type.. Yet It Is quite safe to say that If we could bavo por traits of all these personages, taken In Infancy, we would find tholr olfactory organs little pudgy affairs, like those of the common ruu of babies. Tl-ese men were not great generals because they had Roman noses; they had Ro man noses because tbey were great generals. San Francisco Bulletin. : ! . ' A Reliable Cenreatehee. By this whimsical Incident tbe Chi cago News reminds na that In real life as well as In the dictionary wonts nave more than one meaning: ; Tardon me," said the tourist as he eased at tbe country's first locomotive. "but why li that lasso banging under the smokestack r That" responded Amber Pete, act Ins engineer. "Is the cowcatcher. Tbnr was an Iron concern that came with the engine, but tbe boys didn't exactly understand how It could catch a cow, so they unscrewed tt and put on one that tbey knew something about If s tbe best cowcatcher this side of Den ver too." 1 1 1 1 - nia Preaeat raa. . . A "Yon don't seem to be buying many rare books nowadays," said Perkins ti Jlmpsonberry. "Got tired of collect- Ingr ' .;..:.-..-. ' "No," replied Jlmpsonberry. "Chang ed my bobby, that's alL My boys have grown some In the past seven or eight years, and I've taken op tbe fad of col lectiug derby hats and trousers and shoes and other things of that kind. I have a splendid collection of school bills. 400, I'd like to show you," Har per's Bazar. A Maa of Heaaa. , Mamma," said little Ethel, must be Just awfully rich." "papa "Why do you think thnt my child?" "I heard him tell grandma that waa going to buy Boston and Albany today." Brooklyn Life. ,; A fly 10 minute as -to be almost In visible ran three Inches In a half sec ond and was calculated . to make leas than 610 steps la the time healthy man wonld take to breathe once. A man with proportionate agili ty could run 24 miles In a minute. . Originally clocks had only the hour hand, but the minute was added later, as It became fashionable to make the dials at decorative as possible. Distressing Stemack Disease Permanently cured by tbe masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need tttger no longer, because this remedy can cure them all. It Is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and Indigestion. The cure beglni with the Bret dose. The re lief It brings It marvelous and surpris ing. It makes na failure; never disnp points. Ne matter how long you have suffered, your cure is certain under the oe of this great health giving force, Plcioant snd always safe. Sclii by (1. D. Ersuhsm, druggist, Kew Bern, N C. i . vOi'O to Doctors Va baea tba h gS-t reg ard lor tha Wwdical praaaK i Har i ir:aia'tt ara not eid tbe partwaa ol aoiag"- g Ibaaa. but raiier aa aa a.d. S Ut Jt damu aa ao aatabltanad truth that tstaiuai te iedie are fitirly lujarV out to taimlaot mothafa. Tbadwtreaa and diiouaaluii aipeneoced during the nwiM precadmg iliiUUirU can ba a laTiaici uoijr b ailainal treatment by applpoj a liciracat that sullen aad re laiea tlto over-etratned muaciaa. Va make and aall sack bouoaat, com- binuig tha iogredtenta In a main. at hubs no aaknua a, and call it filotlier's Friend Wa know that la thousands of cases k has proved mora (ban a bleaalog ta expectant mothers, H oreroomea mora- tog aicknaaa. It ralieeoa tha aease ot igblneaa. iteadachea ceaaa, ana aan- or from Swollaa, Hard aad Kumg Breasta ia aeotdrd. Labor Itself U aborteoed and ahora of moat of the pain. We know that many doctors recom mend it, and wa know that multitude! of women go to the drag stores and bay tt because they are sure their poriictans hare bo objections. Wa ask a trial-' just a fair teat. There ia bo posaibsi chance ot injury being tbe result, bo ss JHethera Frio to scientific ally oorn pounced. It ia sold atfi a bob Ha, and abotild ba need doriag asoat ol tba period of gestation, although great relit! is experienced if ased only a abort time before childbirth. Send for our a- hntrated book about Mother's Friend. THE BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO. ATLANTA. OA. In Mtore and to Arrive I 1,000 rolls colton bagging; IJWO boa dies oottoa ties; Heavy sacks, twins, ate. Prices low as any, I boy the ooatract quantity and get freight by schooner. J. E. LATHAM, THE COTTON BUYER. Autumn Leaves Are Falling Thick aa llioea ot ValWmbrosa, and 11 is high time that you thoneht of pro curing a light or medium weight Top (.'oat or Fall Suit, If you haven't done so before this lime. Complete line of nov elties In correct woolens are opea for our patrona examination, aad perfect nl, ex quisite style and highest grade tailor work la guaranteed. F. M. Chadvrlcli, Middle street NEW BERN, N. 0 STEAMERS CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, -AND- r HEIGHT & PASSING IH. For All Points North The Steamer NETJSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesday., aud Fiidapa at 6 p. ra. sharp, mak ing lucdines at Oriental, Ocrtcoke and Roanoke lilaud. , tW Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing, For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt ML K. King, Quo. Mgr., . tl.0. HuDGiN8,Gen.Frt-4 Pata.Ast ' ' Norfolk, Va. Kew Berne, N. C, May 30th, 1898 To Tlerchants I Office Regltler ot Deeds. Craves - County ' ; ! Saw Bern, September 9. You sre required by law to deliver or return to me, within ten days afterthe first diy of October, a twora ttslrment of the amount of capital employed by you in your business at a merchant, mercantile firm or association for the year (twelve months) preceding the first day of October, 1809. Aa a dealer tn cigars, cheroots, cigar ettes and manufactured tobacco', you are required by law to deliver er return ta me within ten days after the first day of October, a sworn statement of the number of cigars, cheroots, cigarettes, and the number of pounds of manufac tured smoking and chewing tobacco purchased by you for the yrar (twelve months) proceeding the first day of Oc tober, -1899. i . You are required by law to deliver or return to me, wilbln ten days afler tbe first day of October, a tworn statement of the amount of your comaiisBlon mer chant, broker or dealer, buying snd sell ing, for the year (twelve month) prece ding Uie first day of October, 1899. Prompt compliance with the law Is earneslly requested, and for failure to do so you will be required to come be fore the Board of ,Counly Commission ers. The law governing tbe lilting of this tai will be rigidly enforced. ERNEST M.GREEN, Register of DeeiU. - BaaaStakaakf Lodge Directory. CALl'MET ECAsH'MEKT, HO. a. I. li. O f. l-fTce- L I. Hoodj, c r. U Ilsajar. II f, J J Haiter, B : C II Ua'l, J Wt baav Ore. a. N-riba; K Uerwk, Tieaaurar. her alar l.BCaJap avrat, 1-t lr.t, aad 5ik (if say) Tksraday gbis la sack aauaiih al I M o clock. VICTORY COLSUL MO. 11, JtSlOB O U A St Wert every V)edaaday alghl la Itoaairee Halt. Jas U I elraur, CI f tialliag, U It EW BKHS UJIHlt Nsl.ru l C Kcatea, Pmi; J II haiiih. Kecordiaf rVrr'v: Jl K UuMlrv. riaascl.l becy. Meats la the Ssiguia M llarmoay stall every 1st aad Sni Moaday algbu la I Btoaia. I'REKA LODGE NO. t. I. O. O. F. mrerwT.H.Satloa. X.OiW, T. HIiL . U : Oaa. Gtaea. liec'd g oactr. i- K. Parker-Jr. Treaa. Ursula Bieetlag very Monday aight at 7,W o dock. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1. ENI1HT8 OF HARMONY t Masts tad aad atk Thnradav alahu la each saoatk la Kou aires s Hall, roiiors atran. ai o w o'clock. 8. K. Ball. President, R. 1. Dls- U.way.Bae'y.lt. B, Ulll.F.Sec'y. KN1CBT8 OF HONOR OtBcerat Ell oaea. Dictator, O L Vinson, Keporteri W F Roaatrea, Flaaacial Repertor Mew Berne Ixdg No. 4W masu tba tad and 4th Friday alibla al 7 80 o'clock la Roaatree't Usll, foliocs street. t'aHTOaCLBaialONTa0.t,r. ht,l.o.o. ar.- aiao. Slovar, captain; T. w. tiy ! nan. Ltmrt-i P. 11. relleUer, KaatirB: Waa.J a,ita. I:lara : Kd. alaroek. Aeeouatant. 1 aiar CaatonnMaU, M aad 4 la Ttiarwtay alahts la eaoa aaoaia ass a a-atoaa- SEE HERE I Wa bow furjlsh yon Biove Wood ready eat and dcllvertd to your door. Always kept under Urge sheds, never gets wet la rainy weather. ' Nice Brick and Lathee. Flats to Let, A large stock of No. 1 Hand Made Heart Shingles Just arrived. Tar and Lima. BIG HILL, The SkhiJe Mai Henry's Pharmacy ' 187 Middle Street, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. Tbe best knows Bkln and Blood Rem edy, for the cure of Pimplea, Poetules, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Blotches, Tumors. Uolis, King worm, ltueumatism, eta, it HENRY'S COHPOUND EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of the blood, act ing through tus natural aeuretary and excretary organs removing - tin matters which disturb its purity. Hen ry 's Barsaparilla ia put op to meet Hie nular need lor such a remedy, without ing related to tha many secret nos trums and quack medicines of the day of unknown composition. It contains just what the formula cans lor as printed in on I he label of each bottle and sells for one half tho mice charted for unknown eo ui positions. ' For Bale at Henry's Pharmacy, where you will find Combs. Tootb Brushes, Toilet Articles. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. DEALER IN Hardware and Fire Arms -. Saab, Doors and Blinds, Paints, .': Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc. v Agtnt for Garland Stores & Baagei anil Itavnafa anil Hani Mnnraal ' RIIV VVIVV B IUH WVHJ iU VIII V BCADT MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel Cbattawka, NEW BERN. JT. C. School Books ! ' 1 All Kinds ' At Baxter's Jewelry Store, next to the Jodbnal, New Bern, N. C. 3chool Booka at Low Prices by mall, post paid. Write ut for price lists and terms, j. M. & J. B. REAL, KEKLSBOSO, K. 0 . We are leaders In building the Lightest Buggy made and can supply you with any thing you need for one at thort no tice by mall, Tourt to serve, G. H. "Waters & Son. BO Yf ARB EXPERiENCE - 1 li .na a tie ' nr .a Elkllwooi WILMINQTON A WODON vj. R. And BrasHhcs, Aad AUaatie t aat lJe Bai'reed tav. of fitb I aea.laa. TRAILS GOI.V0 boLTlL DATED 2 3 1 - sj juiysi.ua 3 rf rf r. .& S .5 ka IA.II P U f.U. A.M IT. L. WeMoa II 6U t S. Ar. R. Ml..jlS tAi St Lv.Taiboroll tl 0b L. R kit. i us 43 t Wii at Lv. Wilson I a II 14 T to tul t 4 L. Raima-, t a-VIl IT L Fay'vulej 4 I 10 Ar.riursoce- t 15 I 14 . P.M. AM Ar. Uoida 1 Ot Lv, Oolde... t ! S II Lv. kiae-lia t OH 4 St ArWUa'tOB t 40 (60 P.M.A atTlP.M. TRAINS OOINQ NORTH. ' II k S2 i it & T, i all ktl X(f ! " ." nr pTat Ls.Florsoee t 40 T 44 Lv.ray'vulell 0... . 4S Lv.Reltna.. I 50 ! S4 Ar. Wllaoa. I as u ai AM. P. M AM, LvWDmtoa . T 00 I 4ft Lv. Msg'lla all. IS Lv. OoUs a 15 44 U 10 pTm! I am. p. m. p. m Lv. Wilson to I 43 11 II 10 H 1 14 Ar. R. Mt. . a a 16 it tn u & i aa Ar. Tarboro ..... 7 04 Lv. Tarboro II II Lt.RMI..Tm1ITT?7 Ar. Weldoa 4N 100 P.M AM. Wllmlnt-toa and Weldoa Railroad. Atlantic aad Yadkin Divlaioa Mala Line Train leaves Wilmington 0 00 a s, ar rives Fayetteville II IS p as, leavee ray- etleville II W p ra. arrives Baa ford 1 41 p as. Keturniog leave eanlbrd 1 00 p as, 3xSHZE& 0 50 pm, nitniiBKtoo auu rrciaon naiiroau. Beaneltavilie Branch Trains leaves Bennetuville 810 am. Maxtoa 0 10 a Red Springs 0 68 a m. Hope Mills 10 41 s bi. arrive rsynteyilla 10 60, Kelura ing leavea Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 6S p m. Red Springs 8 85 a m. Maxton 8 15 p m, arrives Benarltivllle 7 is p m. . v tjoonectlons at rayelteviua with train No, 78, at Maxtoa with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with tha tied springs and tfowasore railroad. atSanford with the Beabowd Air Una and Southern Railway, at Guff with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train oa the Scotland Neck Branca Road leavea Weldoa 8 85 n m. Halifax 4 15 p ra. arrives Scotland Neck at 6 OH p ni, urcenviiie a ei a m, aunstoa 7 oo &m. Returning leavea Kiss loa 7 60 a reenvUle 8 5)1 am, arriving Halifax ll is a m, weldua lini a, dally ex cept Sunday. Trains on waaulogton Branca Maya Washington 8 10 a m and 8 80 o as. ar rive Parmele 0 10 a m, and 4 00 p tn, re-, turning leave Parmele 0 85 a m and 8 80 p ra arrive Washington 11 00 a oa aad 7 SO, D m, dally except Sunday. Train leaves tarboro, N O, daily except) Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 416 p n, ar- rivet Plymouth- 7 40 p m, 8 10 p m. Re-, turning, leaves Plymouth daily exoept MWIIU.J, I MI, ult . w arrives Tarboro 10 OA a m, 11 00 a a. train on Midland; a V Branca leavea uoldsboro daily, except Sunday, 1 00 a. d, arriving Dmuoneio o lu a m. ttexura ing leaves Smllblleld 8 00 am; arrives at Goldsboro 10 86 a m. Trains on Nashville Branca leaves Rocky Mount at 6 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive, naaaviiie 10 10 a m, tvspBs, Bprua nope lu su a m, so p m.Beturnlngu Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 55 p m, N; vine ii mt a m, arrive at ttocxv Mount II 45 a m, 8 00 p m, daily except Sunday, Train on Clinton Branch leavea Wart ... rfl 1 J . J.ll . O A 8 10 a m and 4 10 p m, Returning eaves Ullnton at 7 00 a m and 10 00 p m. t rain no in males close oooneouoa at Weldoa for all points North daily rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON. Gent Pass Aasat, j H ssuli, uen-i Manager, T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. P. TRENW1TH; Blacksmith,' and Wheelrlght. Manufacturer of - Buggies, Wag ons. Carta, Drayt, dbc All kinds ot Repairing in my Una dons with neatness snd dispatch. Two new Carta and two new Drays on hand, also Spring Wagons and Buggies newly repaired, For Bale at a BeaaoosbV) Price. WSbip work a Specialty. Shop Booth side of South Front Street, betwecB Middle and Hancock, New llern.N. 0. OUR HEU t.llCHI Are now in snd we will do you good f you will ses our stock before buying. You run no risk In buylnr from Every pair guaranteed to give satisfac tion Also the latest in Hats, Clothing, Furnishings, Ao Respectfully, J. J. BAXTER. It a TU Uses Taa4ag. Ai. . Maw at S WO A, My Ootsaaak Scaucts, Oatag Waat io. B - raaatwfv Traiaa He. 4 Le.paa STanuawa Ar. a as . .Ora tabors. n ca latinm&. jg gg .EfcaaSeat...... 1 1 4a..M..A. Mew thews, Lv I oa a be......j. - xr. ay 1 1 A... At. MareAaad dtv Lv l aa yd FJ i atanoM Mi 4 rtaa4 PaasTaal - I ra. Ta. Lva. a. . . kj. p. m. T l...,..Goldebor. ass T4. Best's. Ill 1 04 .... .... LaOBaga 141 N FaMaaar Csrak . na 14 .-...-...sUoatoB, lata Vaawall 1159 lil..,:M.,u.. Doe, l40 e0 Cora Creek 10 40 II I ...Tastaanra 11 18 U II .Clarke 1010 UM.,.. ...... New Barns. too , - . . A.M. Moaday. Wsiassisy, Friday, t TlBBsaay, Tbanday Batarday. M a. L. I l Na 1 M I'd Ft and I StAnoasu I MitFt aad Fsa,Ta. I Pass. Tb. L,aais , - Ar. a at 710 OoIde4)ors, aia TOO an aia a is 800 400 400 lie T4I,... ...Beats. I evaaa f aaaaUfalDgi, M......a.siliaarcwak. It, ..Khaatoa. ..oaswaD a..'.,...A Dorrs. J. 143 185 ,...L. . Ar 10 40 core creek 11 18 Tuaoarora. llln.......clark,t 810 18 .. ...At, Haw Bane, Lv 8 50 18. Lv. Ar 1047 111.:. rUvardale 1010 I croataa 10 00 148 Havelock...t 140 II Newport, Lv 106 113..... Wlldweod 8 47 I 81 .-rAUantic 8 88 1 44. .. . Ar. Morehead city, Lv 810 401....Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 60 Monday. Wedneaday and Friday. tTaeaday, Tbureday and Saturday, & L. DILL, Superintendent Atlantic CoaI.ine. WiLhtiKOTOH & New Bikni R. K. TIM I TABLI SO. 6, InEsTect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 188,:Daily Exoept Sunday. Going South j 8CUXDULX: Going North No.61, Paaaenger Trains No.&O, Lv. a m, 8TAT10M8: ... New Berne . ...Pollocksville .....Maysville., Ar. p m, .... 640 604 4 49 8 00 180 61 1008 Jacksonville. I Wilmington, ( Union Depot .Ar. Wilmington: 4 18 881 185 P at No. A ti oa. I.. 1816 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. r m No. 8, Passuais ft Fbxioht, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. a at Ar. m ... 146 ...II 65 ...II 16 ...1140 ...10 51 ...10 80 ... 845 ... 8 65 ... 880 .. 806 ... 780 7 80... 8 40... 80... ..Lv, Wilmington, Ar Scott's Hill.... Woodaids Hollyrldge ... 10 05,.. 1061 .. UN... Dixon. .. Verona. .. Jacksonville IS 05... 18 80... .Northeast. . Whiter ak 8165... 180. 816, 8 66 Maysville... ........Pollocksville Debrnhl't 6 85 800 840. Ar. New Berne, Lv Daily Exoept Sunday. ;j. R. KENLY, General Manarer. IC11 IN, Vupt, Trantrortal n (Southern Railway. The Standard Railway ot the BOOTH The Direct Line to all Pointa, TEXAS, CAIalFOBiriA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO 1XICO. Blrictly First Class Equipment oa all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal;' ace Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules. . V Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedl Uous Journey. " . Apply to Ticket Ageots ior Time Ta; bias, Rates tad General Information, or address F. R. DARBY, B. L. VERNON, CP. AT. A, T. P. a., Ashevills, N. 0. : Charlotte, N. C ' Fsubk BGabsow, J. MrOtlLP, 8tlV P A Gen Man. r TraLMaa - W. A. Teas, G PA. v WASHINGTON, . - D. O A. A X. C It, 'n-raaka g". S Russell House. While la Beaufort be lure tad ttop at the Rutell House. Flrst-Clatt Board.x A home lor traveling people. Fishing sad buntlBt anexaelled. Ttrms IM a day or 3.u0 per weak. G. A. RUSSELL, Prop. . aa wi.a awwl 'AftO tAla..t AVW,