- r i . a . . 4 It.rt t ce ta Tra t "l TT tiitl-i si4llitrttrHttUta.V ' " -S6 " -- m, j, atV i c C ' V -V. .r2i v ACTSCtNTLY ON Tht Kidneys, Liver and Dowels CUANSCS THE JYSTLM RITUAL fEKMJLNLNTa. vv-jtf"W "SLvSi 1s, THE JOURNAL. , Nw Bra, M. (X. Oct . ' w aiiiitui Tata . nradtiam Ooaja Car. ' ThMU-LM, the aypaotlat. -!. i Business Locals. ' WANTED To bay good mate or aoree to work to ' dray. M. I Hollow ell, at MEW CABINET CTCLOPEDIA. SpotTord'e. Tho acweet editioa ubj liiheJ. - One set for tale vary ap at Journal office. Call aad exam'ne. 1 AM prepared to do all kind of FlrsV das Bicjcls Repairing, promptly and at price cooal loot with claaa of work. I hare largeet atoek of Tire in Batters Carolina, all grade and aJiea at fowest prl-i. Columbia aad Hartford Bicycle of eouree. ' WM. T. BILL. WANTED A few mora pnplli on tli piano and guitar. Hits Mollie WlnBald, flu. 43 South Front Street. THE lineal Beer alwaya oa draught, at Jacob's, M iddl Street. Jaat arrived at DUUTJID A SON Dua- lips Wine BUff Hats for Fall TO, 13 00 and (3 60. Call and tee tbem. " AttMttMlaalw, ' Wa liave just received another large and beautiful Una of cot glaaa which wa w 1J1 be pleaaed to hare you call and ex amine, .J' In Arflr laa ail v Art m tnr nnr liaHAa trade we will aell at remarkably low price. .-., . ; ; ';- i L. U. Cctlrk, Bakdwari Co. ' LayalM JaekaU. ... . Wa hare Jut recelred aoma very , late atyle la Ladlea Jacket In black, brown, tan, etc, very nobby and price ex tremely reasonable. ' O. A. Barfoot. For the relief and ear of that Inflam mation and congestion called "a cold In the head" there I more potency In Dime Catarrh Care than anything el It 1 potaible to ne. It is noD-lrrltatlng, easy of application, and reach the moat re- mate of Inflamed parts, .allaying and aoothing th Inflammation and Irritation and cleanaing the natal passage of ca tarrhal Tim. Children may uae th Baud with perfect ; safety, a la ne ease doe it produce' the (lightest ill effect. For al at Bradham't Pharmacy. Jaat arrived at DU6U1 V A SON Dun laps Wine Stiff Bat for Fall trJ, 12.00 and $3.50. Call and tee them. . . ' "--. - ' i- JsasyCata. - -j -' Wa are showing fer the first time a new Una of baby caps,' bonnets, eta. price ranging from 33o for a silk cap np to 13.00. G. A. Banvoo r. Prescriptions a specialty at Davie Prescription .Pharmacy.', Bend yours there to be filled. They will receive careful attention and tie delivered prompt ly. Night bell at front doer. Pboaa 61 Mr. C, D. Bradham, New Bern, N. 0. - ' Dbav Sir: Enclosed please find $3.00 for which send me 1 do. Aa; way's Croup Byrup. ': -:-" -i I desire to express my gratitude and thanks for the benefit Aaway'a has been In my family. It is the only remedy which care croup Immediately. I ase it as aa orainary coogn syrup wiin all my children With best results. - Very Respectfully, -. Norfolk, Va, Ubj. E. D. Cobb. ! Polk Miller'' is the name of a new 'cigar lliat is' rapidly becoming popular. It Is on sale at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. '-t.V :. ' ' r. , :: Each Bottft) ruarsc: "1 to est re Nervous i:.s .acI. tUuTs.'ia, Sick KeaJjcS-e, etc. - ... . . . ...... , c. D. tr; : . , gi.J I'. C. I. & Co., Ct-;-. 4 lu I fm trf4. Tin I"rrct -irs tt ittm l-it ( initl r . ib. ' ft , . tt a J 1 & J w . ' .i.t A c. aiyaieruv af .fiK.a to m ftiiltl pfiiii leibasvril r i aa J to drri'e ar"e th t&! far a L-liu( tL Tfe aweilng wa U'gt'jr aiaOt. Tla tlon i lor iL Hit Fait m m W lanlng April tOia, tC Ttl ks at a Uiar date ikaa twtor Ttr aw for alrlla( I tits data am xmI oma, tt etitaf orva t.f eourae kla( Ut secura ( tod waaUxr. A great titk It raa la February aad March oa aoroanl f ralr, for la Ikoae rrkl storm laal log Ktcral daya are aot lafraqocet aad sack aa aorarrreo weald rata la wbol faurpriaa. How aarroaly U Fair apcd tb big au Uiaaard last fear w 11 b recalled. A aot r adraataf to be deiUed i that a dkplay of agricnltaral producta, grata staff aa J tarty vrgaiab'aa eaa I If a batxklUiied. Ihia aecUaa will aUo Im looklaf tU best, the fleMaeavered with apriag erupt end vlallor will becharaaed with lit appearaaoa. Tba reaolt a 111 be of great beaant to this aeotlua. Oame, oystara, ate. eaa be collect! aad pr ecvad at the cold atirage rovtm of the lot hoa eatll Fair opens. Th Dlreclora decided to stake a spec Ul paint of a great Iadaatrial Parade, aw to bs worthy of oar city aad section For tkl purpose aad for other alma, a eomaliias wa appolaled to confer with th Chamber of Ouamero to accare aalud action oa tba part at all ctllxcnt U auka a a;reat aecieaa of Ih affair Taeaeet'atitee aeeaed were P. U Ptlle tier, Ralph Gray aad E. K. BUhop. The puree to b offered for the rtcei 'war decided oa aad will aggregate $3,000. Ta data aaued will ault the horatmtn at they have alwaj wUbed for warmer weather. Frod all tbese thing it Is safe to predict the oeit Fair will surpass any prevloaa attempt aad be aa Indoatrtml aad financial tuccet AUAtm Tax cm. ,Th weather orecait la for rain, north west wl ad. - n " . Ther wa aa alarm of Ore about t o'clock from box S3, which proved to be a felts oa. '.The atonlhly meeting of the Woman't Foreign Ulaalonary society of Centenary M. I. Church will ba held this after noon at 4 o'clock, ot' the resldeiica of lira. L. M. Bandren. . ; Prof. Barry P. Herding left Friday tor Nw Barn. The New Bern Graded school peal till week and he I aulttant Prla cipaL . W congralultte New Bern apoa aecnrlng hi aervlcea. JLIog' Weekly, Oct S, ."': t data Mill iMla, .Taatciit, . Subacribera to tb Cotton Mill ttock will pleas remember the meeting to be held Weight at 8 o'clock, end all at test .-. - ... ,v Alto Ihota who hav not subscribed but intend to do so.tre requested to come Corns and be on time. ' millaarr Oim !-. , ' The weather was threatening yester day, but In tba morning there was a fairly large turnout of ladies who were attracted by the millinery openings. . , TbeO. Marke Company's- store from its handsomely designed front window displays, throughout it two floor! was very attractive and Its new line of good, eipeclally of millinery received th full inspection of the ladle who throsged the store. - - ' The millinery store of Mrs. 8. 11 Lan mad , a fine dliplay of the latest stylet, pleating to the ladlea who flatted the store la number daring the day. Weafetmrat'e' SMthara Mtutrala. ' A packed house greeted the Great Southern Ulnstrels at the theatre last night The musical firat part wa ex cellently mounted and the aonga and comle tllnatlon were greeted with much applause and laughter by the audience. . There were a number of peclaltlee given, dancing and topical aonga. The costume and make apt were good and judging by the applause the performance was a satisfactory on to aU. " I The ttreet parade la the afternoon, allheugh Interfered with by rain, was a fine one. There were two band and ev era! lmmenaa grotesque figure which highly amused the crowd. . . Ur. Bca Edward of Ooldiboro is In tbe city. ' ' '- D. L. Ward, Esq , returned last night from Raleigh, V v ; ' Mr. M. L. Jacob returned from New Yorklatt night . " ' Mr, 8. W. Ferebee of Stonewall, waa in tba city yesterday. Mr. D. U. Stanton left for hit home at LaGrauge yesterday. ' Mr. J. M. Hinei and family left for Belma, yesterday morning. Mr A. M. Edwardt, of VTaablngton, Ni C, wat here yestertlay. Ml Daisy Smith of Golrisboro, Is visiting Miat Anna Uyman. Mr. D. M. Robert, who 1 at been visiting relative at lielliaven; returned last eight Mi's. W. r. Johntou of Raleigh, re tamed home yetterday from a visit to her sister, lira. G. Bi Watert. J G. C - ..lier, son of lion. Wm. E, Cjauu.er, U. 8. Senator from New Kampililre, is here arranging for the ap pearance here next week of Lee, tbe Hypnotist, - E;it plenty, Kolol Dyipepita Cure will i't:fu wliat you eat It cures all forms of dyippla and stomach troi.l.-V. E. H C;-!:!:'a, Veruon, Ter., v j, "U rcliereJ tte fro.a Ce start aiij cur. J n e. It now my evetlintiijg fdcuvl." F S DuiTy. Bnf I asj 4 e'clatk ytniay a'l.ra.a tlr. M a srk lU A. N. (.'. ax.a aaila Uln Tl9r- mta. li m cauaej If raaatcg lato a cow oa Ut tr. a. Tta lr. a f aa 'd. taWr aad fMir fat cart aad laira a tuad of ).( to Bia.tat: at Jaaaea City aad had aa- lua.ld aad aa bawralng itoaa the trac t, lae amj ij fiat rare aaaad. One mile balow Ttittrataa a fall htuOatrd aleraay ooe, (aotse aay It waa aa oldoiX wa aooeelared. Tee foar fiat caua aad ea gle left the Vark, tbe leader remaining oa the ralla. Tba cere were kaocked off their tracks, belag the chief damace. I0 a waa Injarad exeepl the eaimal that can aad tb troabla. COTTO TtCBTKO FlttK. BssawttMala al LavaU ataaara tava Atraua. tae-a Aaaartia aila aialaa. The Itvandlap bale of the Aeterloaa Cotios Co , tba Lovry bale of tti Plaa tert' Comprea Coeapaay, aad aa erall aary equaia eottoa bate were aabjeoted to a thoroogh going Ira teat la Lowell, Meet, Job 8th by tbe Aaaoclaled Fac tory Mnlual Fir Inauraao Com panic of the United Slataa, for tb perpeee of Ularmlalng the relative Ire haxarUt of the aereral methods of bailing eottoa. Two small frame ban tee, exactly alike, aad torn dlttaace apart had been erected oa a vacant plot aad tb space beaeata them Oiled with board aad eottoa watte over which tea gallon of coal oil war poured, la one building eight Aaaer leia Bouadlap balea aad oaa aquare bale war ttored. la th other, tight Lowry bales and oaa square bale. The torch wa applied and the flame war permit ted to bura oaa hour before being ex tiBguiebed. It wat at hot a blaxe at cat ion could well be aubjected to. There wat bo teat of the aquare bale owing to the fact that wbaa the auperatractarea collapsed, which they did a few mtaulee after being fired, one of th aquare balea fell away from tbe flame and then tba other wa removed. It wat evident and generally conceded that the Americas Ronndlap bate stood tba teat much belter then the. Lowry bale. Nearly all the wire oa the Lowry balea were burned off and the bale elon gated from their original length of I feet t Incbet I I feel and over. Thlt exposed the cotton In tha Lowry bale to th flame which, wart eating lata th bale at many point when tb fire waa pat out Two of the Lowry bale broke In two and were mora badly burned than tha other. The American btlet ttood np plen dldly under tb aevr ordeal. They neither unrolled nor extended In length, and only the outer turface exposed to th intents lint were burned. Thlt lateet teat waa only another triumph tor th American Cotton Company' Round- lap ba!e. . The cotton aaved from th fir will be carefully picked over and the aalvaga re claimed will be weighed. ' v s ' It wat stated by underwriter present at tha Lowell lire leal that, at a secret teat recently made at to the ability of tha two different atyle of round bale to withstand the action of water, after being submerged for torn lime tb wire on the Lowry bale had bant and none of tha Lowry cotton waa recovered from the lest The American Company' balea came out Intact, and wet only on th exterior, which soon dried, leaving the cotton a good at aver. ' . Wamatan of H yiaaotiaiam. . Next Monday night, Sylvaln A La aad hit great company of hypnotists open a week'a engagement at tha theatre here, giving a aeries of most Interesting and laughable exhibition of the wonder ful science of Hypnotism. Mr. Lee, who I lb ion of a Jwlk Rabbi, la from Memphis Tenn , and has mad hypno tism a life study. . - V ; Hi entertainment are unique In every feature and are are attended by the Minister, Doctors, Lawyer and beat people of every city whre he appear. In Wilmington and Raleigh where ha ha just been for the third engagement the theatre have been crowded nightly by large enthusiastic audience. The following amusing Incident oc curred at one of IheLet'tenterttlnmentt, "A number of gentlemen were hypno tised and made to indulge In a crap game while they were all excited over It, Mr. Lee suggested that tha police ' were breaking In and that they would all be arretted, greet consternation ensued among tha player and one of them waa ao frightened that he rushed off the itage and down the ttreet, Mr. Lee.bireheaded and with hit coat-tails ttreamlng la the wind raa after htm and after chasing him teveral blockt to tbe great amute- menrVfople on the street, caught him woke hinropand returned to the thetli with him, tUi;ouse at their entrance fairly thoeEwflh the rounds of laughter and applause that greeted them. Summer Heat. Thlt it the season for bowel complaluts. Green tpplet and cu cumber produce them and 1'kkiit Davis' Pain-KilLER cure Ibeiu. To the Iron bled ttomtch it comet Ijke a balm, the wind is assuaged, and the trouble ceases Every druggist lu tbe land keep Pain Killer, aud no should be without it In his family. Avoid substitutes, there la but one rin-lilller, Terry Davis'. Price 2"c and 50c !'. - i -aar. Nethertola Str'.;l Silver Bracelets for 75 ceuU at Bain tu, 1 be Jeweler. - a. - i' , c ratUaaaiaalNanaaa. MaaMtMBin awiM atMUla att a BWMaa- awta. Cuir, S. C.,M. t. Fn Jot aL- Fix sue ttax tbaqsaa- lui kat W-ra at-llaleJ la rrgaid r lb aaBatuera if lk roeaty apropriai- tc c moaey for lb talUiBf aad rapalriag i mavis tra.Ho j la tax Kaeae river brUft oa Ut Bona tU of river. IWv- eral artklaa hare apratared la the Jura- Bat. oa thlt quaatloa Froat a legal taad laert It ao quaatloa of the rig at ef the ceaimtaaloaer to do lata tklag. l U It rliat. It It tipaxiteat to uae the eoaaij't fnad for thlt parpoaa.. Wa eaa ae boss of tbe menev of the eoaaty at- opt fna tbe geseral fuad aad yoe kaaw that this feed I alway abort, rarilri worklag for the eoaaty and paid eat thia feed have to lake their Vtaca era ea the street aad sell Ibesa at a dta- laif I tlil right? Doat yoa thlak that lbs enmmleaioaer would deserve tb jaat erilkleta of the people of thlt eoaaty If they laagurated a tyatsta of xiravagaaos la the aaeoflbe people s moaey that will caste eaolaer heavy flemtiag debt! Thlt would ba a praeedaal aa where woald It aad. Now let at tat ap the other approach- aa to the city aad aaa If they daa'l lead aoma help from tbe county. None road frota Xaoch Wadt worth' place to New Barn (la winter) there la no wota road ton louad lath county. Who ate tblt road, Toaothlpt 8,1, 1 aad 1, over half lb people la the county eataid the city have to travel thlt road. Shall the commlttloaera make an appropriation for thlt road? Thea look to th eoala aide at Neua aad Treat river aad aee to the approach to Treat river bridge. Who travel thl road.towathlpe Mad f 8hall the oommlatlonera make aa appro prlallon for thit road. I doat think any fair miaded man would aay oa lb county's money for the roada la one of tha saiall townships of tha county aad give the other seven nothing. I think, Mr. Editor, yoa can see that It aot expedient to ase iba eoaaty moaey for any such purpose. That It would be a bad precedent. ' Mr. Editor they say I am narrow cans I am fighting this extravagance. Well, 1 caa't help It, I wat built that wty I dq, what I conceive to ba right It hat been only a few yeara tine thl quatlloa of working lb road by taxation wat auboitted to lb people and they repudiated It Now let them work tha road until they get ready to ba taxed for It Mr. Editor I want te tell th people of New Bern and tha county how to have good roada. Listen: ' Let New Rem give at, w people that guide th plow market Yea, give at a market and we will build good roads, we will macadam 1x4 them, wa will make tha country i pleasant place. Ah, give us a market and the country ahall blossom like a rose. Let New Bern double her population, ye triple It, by Introducing fictorte a cotton factory, a ahoe factory, tobacco factory. New Bern' geographical situa tion is luch that It make it an opening for a great many enterprise Build II up make as market so that a few coop of thickens, a wtgon load of fresh pork, a rew beet cattle won't break tha market aid we will build the road and good ones too. Yours truly, . " " ' W.O. BKBWBtt. ' THA alOTrOt FKaXinO - With tb exhilarating tens of renewed health and strength and Internal cleanli ness, which follows the us of Syrup of Fig, I unknown to th few whs htvt not progressed beyond the old-time medicine aad tha cheap ' tubttltule sometime offered bat never accepted by tha well Informed. ' Buy lb genuine. Manufactured by th California Fig SjrupCo. f , - Tha Baat,rnaerlBlaa far Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grove' Taste less Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iran and quinine In a taateleai form. No cure no pay. Price 50c, Bsvea Spring! Hotel X. aaaad. Mi. W.F. Morrill, proprietor of lb Osmond Bona here, haa leased from Mr. G. F, Smith the Seven Spring Botel for a ttrm of five yean from tbe flrti of January, next. Mr. Morrill will conduct tbe hotel well. Greenville Reflector, 8rd. Some Haw oajalala. - Foar appointments were made yetter day on the A ds N. C. Railroad at fol lowis -. J. E. Kornegay bat been appointed agent at Dover to succeed B. L. Woolen. . - v. Mist Jennie Ivet haa been appointed agent at Rlverdala In place of J, 8 Fisher. - - .'. - TV' Allen. Tolson hat been named for tgent at Croatan in place of B C. Bar dlson. ' " . ".' C. Bell appointed agent at Newport in place of A. Mann. Millions of dollar, I th value placed by Mr. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which the taved from croup by the use of One Minute Coujh Cure. It cunt all coughs, coldt and throat aud lung troubles. F S Duffy. Just arrlred at Dl'Ul lD A SON Dun laps Wine Stiff llats.for Fall 99, 3 00 and t2.SU. Call and see them. Tenney's Caadles In sealed pscksges at McSorley'. Josrh SS(H:kforal, Hoilgdon, k'e., Ik-s'i s sore rminlni; for seveutwn yean t:iJ c 1 liis ' s of !r,r j bailing by u ; ",'iu's 1 : - h I ! i" .'ve. It A ri i 4 cl a WtoaS fa-aaaa Ban ttaa t-aitaw Waa B iiaaa1. PtrU MacRae yaanrJsy at art lag a- raaxad I yoaat walu at a a. waa gave his B tail aa fairkk lltvarat. aad wbi la traveniag wlib tat Wallace saowa, oa a wwraal fra Sao IWa, N. C, whkh allaga a saeikkaae aaaaalt aa aaa W. F Ball, at Newport, N. C, oa KrpvratUf IT la, the dale of the circa t rfureaBre la New Kara. The warraal waa for O. IT. Hlaas at tbe aaaa wk-J enstailual tbe aaaaalt, aad R. A. Naaa. Eq., eoaaaat for dell, same over yesterday fruaa Ntw Ba a I loot aflar the caae He Uaalifad llawari aa the aaaa who I aaay bad kit client aad had him arrested, though Howard atoat ly dealed that ho waa Ulaea aad em ployed Boa. J ao. D. Bellamy aad Co'. A- M. WaddaU I dtfead him, which I hay did by laalltutiag habaa corpet prooeedlagt befor Jwlge Bryta, aad htvlag tha prlaoaar leleated, karlag proved that be waa aot the mta waatad. Atotkar warraal wat leaned for How ard la sagal form for tha offaaea, bat after kla release ha ooald aot bo foaad by tha offloara oa the dress g roe ad a. WDmlngioa Star, l 'Experleoce It tb best teacher." Every tsatlmoalel la favor ef Hood's Sarsapa- rtlla la the voice of experience to yoa, aad yoa may take thlt medicine with perfect eoaadeace that It will do for yoa what It haa done for other. Hood's Pill cor Ulloasaeaa, tick headache. The quantity of Vichy sold at Davit Soda Foaalala I proof of It txcel- leaoa. Celery Headache Powder will car your head ache. Made and (old at Davie' Proscription Pharmacy, ZKeWBern Theatre 1 ONE WEES COMMENCING cMonday, October 9th. LEE'S Great Company of Hypnotists, Previous to their trip through California, Bonolalu, Australia and South Africa. PrlceSj lO-, IV, !3i and 16c Seat on Sale at B. B. Watrra. . - it would ba for yon to neglect a leaking gaa fixture knowingly. If your gat flxtun are old and need repair Ing we will pnt them in complete order tor yoa or pnt in new fixture, in elaborate or plain and arllatlo patterns, at a reas onable cost Now It tbe lime to have your PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING lacked a fur. I afore oloee.l door and windewt cans damage to your health. Hyman Supply Go. 'Phone 63. : ' 49 GRAVES STREET. ; KINSTON STEAM LAUNDRY. I liave taken the Bgencj for the above named laundry and solicit the patronage of (he people of this city. ":'- r .' , Our work is guaranteed to be First-Class and Up tonlate. Give it trial. Shipment flade Wednesday and Returned Friday. " ai.i. iiAr;TriFir:iAp II OTIC K I ; - All pen- ns htvrg my wo.k to I done on Watches, Clocks or Jewelry, I am prepared to do it reasonable. Clock faces repainted. V.'alcliet, Clocks and Jewelry for t ile. Will tuie orders for an? k!nj of Joac-'.-y if not in (tack. Ci.'.l h 1 s t: . 1 .'. T. I ", T Jeweler, . 8 ! ;r! . A. A K. C. d.pot. Suicide o ( 1 ( CJ 11 ESTMB-IKSIS o o a o o ( () C) We are showing fur tbe first time a nice assortment ot Ladies Tailor Made Suits and would especially call your at tention to the make and set ot these garments. The y are made by men tall ors and hare that certain art to them that every woman likes to have in her suit. The making (s the best that is possi ble, and the linings the newest style. To give you an idea of how low price we will sell them we say Ladies brown Cheviot Suits, jacket lined wth silk serge. $12 50 value for u o o o () o o o a o o () o $10.00. 9 O O n o o o u a o a o o o a o o O o o o a o o o Gray Homespun in lined $10.00. Navy blue and black, heavy serge, jacket lined with mercerized lining $10.00. Cadet blun lined $15.00. Castor Helton Cloth, a good $25 val ue lor $18.00. We Ask your constderal Ion of I1hh garniciita 'If you would he ftfylhiuly dreM3d t small cost. ccccccccocccoooccccoeoo Dry Millinery I G. A. Barfobt, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Owing to a rush of business and an unavoidable delay in get ting to market this season, we are compelled to postpone our Fal and Winter Opening which we in tended tp have Thursday. October 5th, (CCD, to Tuesday, October 10, IC09. ? - r c r C a L- PHONE 40. gi zponLXdOcii: st. o u o u o n o u o u o a o o o o o ci o o o a o n o a o o o Cheviot, j acket sat O O O 8 O o n o p 8 Q O O II O o o o n o o o o covert cloth, silk serge CI v u Bum.

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