j I AL, , 4 oaulf, a. 13 N I'a.t No. I. L CMAkUlS L STEVEN3. "v ' uii ma iKi raorairroa. ' sciwciumus Ratts; Jj fcnf, Mui J jrr. Be l nd-aOCe. htmU'T, by 0T- is is div,. . . . w Advertising Kate fare abed ea apeU atiua. Rotered at tee Port Oltot, Kw Beta, It. U a a-cood class matter. . OBcUl rap' K,w Br M' Craves Ceiaty. New Bera. N. G, OrV . DESTROYED Bt FOOL FRIENDS. ,1a tbe "midst of the rejoicing over Admiral Dewey'e noma oomiaf , aad the cclobratioa of hi epleadld victories la th Pblllppln, there l th dally dis tasting spectacle of the .wordy Mfh paper fight orar Ik merits aaddemerlta of Adatlrali Sarapsoa aad Scblcy. 'If ibere were ever two unfortunate men, who bad fallea completely Into Ibe hands ot fool 'friend, these American Admlra'i era the two. ; , - . ; ; Tbe result of tbeae recrimlnationa bee been to overshadow tbe great victory at Santiago, and Instead of celebrating tbat victory a waa Manila, th Ureaoma and senseless trssh of faVe Interviews, false doings and Impossible sayings of these two men are published In newspapers which know their falsity. - s . These -fool friends have not merely kept Schley and Sampson from receiving due sndJair recognition for tbelr ser vice? , bat they nave by tbelr efforts of tr')Ing to dowsveach other, kept' both . I I . 1 . 1. . -1. A . 1 tueir vwb iSYurna uaua, nu iihbkh anv lust reward or recognition being paid tbe gallant captains of Iba war ships who assisted in defeating Cervera'a fleet. . - . . " ' - Sampson, Schley, Clarke, Philip, Evans, Wainwrlgbt and the rest, together with the men behind the guns who sank Oervera's fleet, or assisted in the fight, all deserved and "would have been 'given an oration by tha'American people, ex cept for the fool friends of the two Ad mirals. As It is a hardship has been done all the men, officers and crews, for .not be ing given doe eredlt for their magnificent behavior at Santiago, all on account of mischievous bickerings and attempts to hoist Schley over Sampson, or 8ampson over Schley. T '. It is a splendid Illustration of being in tbe bauds of feol friends, and the bad results of each a position. - " - CONFIDENCE AND WORK. Local eSorts fn promoting and assist iog la building industries In Mew Bern are growing." ... . m. ' -' There is both an Increased confidence being felt, locally, tbat industries can be established, and once built, will prove profitable Investments for those taking -atotk in them. , ' ----:'-. t. . Belter than the expressed confidence, Is the faith expressed in actions and works towards securing these Industries. The work of the Chamber ' of Com merce la being seen and felt, a single outgrowth being the cotton mill project which has reached a temporary organi zation and will soon be in shape for permanent organization and work of constructing a mill. .' " :' ? : Ti.. - 1.. n n t I.M .1.1.1. demand the attention of the several com mittees of the Chamber, which mean the betterment of Now Bern and her inter eats, "and It' is to be hoped tbat these committees will give such matters their immediate attention, - -' .' That confidence is being restored in ; New Bern's future Is a matter of con gratulation, especially when it further inspires work ' on the part of the peo . pie. 'v 'V 1- ; ';:;;-'.'? .- Beware afOiBTmeats for Catarrh That Contain Mercery, - i as merenrv will aurelr destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mncous surfaces. Such articles should , never be used -except on pre-. scriptions from reputable physicians, - tbe damage they will do is ten fold to ' the good yon can poisibly derive from ..-them. Hall's Calarrh Cure, manufac- ' turedby F. J. Cli-nfy t Co .Toledo, O., aally, acting directly upon the blood . and mucous- surf u es of tbe system. In buying Hall's Ca'unk Cure be sure you - get the genuine. It is taken Internally, I I II: end made in To; ;o, Ohio, by F. J, 4 Cheney &Uo. 1 ..Lnonlalsfree. SoldbyDrur price 75c per bot tie ; Hall's Fami' ; :' a I -t A a !:.,.: t , ... . . tb.tid i ' auj m.:it i. -3 ta- k'-a art" a -. :.7, a y-g. ftTa faced. .. t.. em tJ Vitiri tulTm y. TV awrrfajv brwubl sritvre if tarrudtx-tk lo a Chirac s-aa fruaa a U ksowa Loo dua attur aud aa pqatJif sruaiMl sua of tatvra. Tbe t-ui ui raane dirrct to Clktt. a.T aa aus ta Kew tore. Th avcretarr eaiW4 apai tbe C'LVrifO snaa to wbsaa be kad M tore aad vat did a lint eetartAl&tcg, tarttluf thrta rHJ frteada to me( the artvmte tetmmrj at taarueoa at a act ed rvaiaaraaL - It was after taa eiaara were tL(t)te4 tkat tbe coavaraauoei taraed opoe) thlnaa ABxrtcaa. ' Taa Caicaaaaaa kaew that the Brttooa vera erdte4 vtik brUevlag that tary rould abeot boffakea aader tba aaada of Ua Aadi. tociaa and aboot grtesUaa aioag taa kaokla. bot taey ware qatta pra paxtd for what was to coma. Tbe Ut Ua laacbeoa party aad beas) waited opoa by a eoal black aefro wltk cvtea batr carted Usht to bia aaad. Tae aee racary Uroaa-boat tbe rcpaat bad er4 taa attoadaat wrU tatarcat. Waea taa waiter flnalty bad left taa room, taa EacUab gaeat taraad to bia boat aad aatd: - 'ale. Nelson, II aeeena lo bm that I read aomewbera that taa AneerkM la dlaaa bad etraurht bate. Tba hair ad tae eaa who waltod aa ae carta Uke aatrakhaa." Cbtcago Tribaaa. . lanM With a Sn, Tba saarriafa euatauia of Nefiuloa are peculiar. Tbe yeang - soaa wbo aeeka a brtde Brat obtains tba rarer of bar parent aad tbek paraaaa ber, ratchlna ber la bia arms. 8ba breaks tooae and runs aad doea aot yield aattl be baa eaug Ut ber aaveral tlnseev Ftaal ly be leada ber la triumph to bar borne. Hera ber father draga taa youth op a ladder te ber floor af tbelr hot. Tba mother draga ap tba BiaMeo. Tbey are tbea uada to kaasl. aad tba fa ther pours over them a cocoaaut abetk ful of waUr. Ua then bum pa tbelr beads together, aad lbarareaioay la completed. They spend tbelr boney cuooo la the eVptba af tba moaatalaa and for live days and nights are lost to eight, after which tbey coma back to everyday life. " There la auotber marriage custom which la worth iSeacriblng. Inatead of the youth and maiden being dragged op the hut ladder tbey are made to climb two eapHmre tbat grow near each other. Tbea an elder of the group graspa tbe anpUuga and draw them together until tbv beads of tbe young couple touch, with klae or a buain. according to tba force nawL This makea them man and wife. Forum. Morxirs uxor? sum. - egalatee the Liver, teaaaah, Bearela "" ' aad Eldarvs. Fat blllousaeaa, constipation aad ma laria. - . For Indigestion, tlek and nervous headache. . i For sleeplessneae, aervoaaaea and heart fallara, . Fot fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Klixlr. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 60c and 11 bottles at dragrista. Prepared only by Di, H. Moaley, At lanta, 6a. . . - . . - . A rreaUaaat aUaistec Writaa. ' After ten years of great suffering from Indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, bUloasnese, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. liozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. ' Rbv. C. 0. Davie, ' Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 88 Tataall Bt., Atlanta, Oa. : , A Fxesaiaaat Haasf kiaa Writes. : Dr. H. Hoztsv, Atlanta.- Having been a great-aaflerar for-three years from Indigestion, and been treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief. Continniog to grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. M ox ley's Lemon Elixir, which remedy be bad need for several years. I commenced Its nse, and must say your Lemon Elixer Is tbe greatest medicine oa earth. I have never suffered a day sine I commenced using Lemon Elixir. a L. Rooco, tCi Hernando St., Memphis, Tenn. u ' : .-. A Oavd. '. ' ; - i '' This is lo cert if v tbat I used Dr. Hoe- ley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the. neaa eaa eyes wltn tbe moat marked benefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid tSOO for the relief It has given me at a cost of two ar three dollars. - s ' ' " " H. A. Bball, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Ga. - , OUwlla War BbaMir. Maalstrate What yon got to say far yerselff..' . " Priseaei Wall, as Othello said ' . Magistrate Never mind what O'Thsi- ler said, he'll testify fur himself when his time oomea. Ton assume no risk when yoa buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. F. 8. Duffy A Co., will refund your money If yoa are not satis fied after nslng it. It ts everywhere ad mitted to be the most successful remedy In nse for bowel complaints and the only one tbat never falls U Is pleasant, safe and reliable. , ' , WIIIIob la OUe IS Away. .Hix Say you want somsthlog for that cough; old man. ; , ' .-':- " Dix Ho; I don't. I'll glva It to any one for the asking. . Remarkable (testae. Mrs. Michael Cartaln, Plain field, Hi., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on ber lungs; she was treated fork month by her family physi cian, but grew worse: He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sur-"sted Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found hertelf benefitted from first dose. She continued Its use a. i after tuUng six bottles found herself sound and well, now does her own houeewoik and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great F '.:,,very at F. S. Duty's Drug Store, hot tips 60 cents and 1.C0. - w -d a t s Sslwiry. Skort Wete joe at Ike rarta yester davf Loag N " " HUon Tba yoa aie tbe very atee l a loeklat for." Loag-Wkyaof abaft I aaal In borrow S. Derlsglheolaurof IW7 Mr. Jaaea Read, oa of Ua toadlag clllseas aad avercbaau of Clay, Clay Can W. Ta, etrack ble Wg agaUst a rats at tea la sackaataaaaraalo braise It severely. Il berasse very saeeb saollea aad pal end bias so badly that be coald aot walk Uboal tbe aid of cretcbea. lie was treated by physicae, also used severs! kinds af llnlaveat aad taa and a ball gailnaaof aklsky la balking It, but aethlag gave any relief aatll be begaa ueiog CbambetUia't Pais Bala. Tots '.Muegkl alaaust a coeiplet care la a week's time and be belleveja thai had hs aot aaed this rauaJy kls leg weald hsve had lo be ampaialtd. Psla Balm 1 na rx)Oaled for spraloa, brutars and rheuma Iba. For sale by F. B. Daffy A Co. "I aonder why ibete emblems ate called aiatsr" ' - "Well, yetLiaow, a family Ilk arais kava a gvod deal ;thal would olherwbe be )ulie beyond their reach.", . "Wat a oar boy were almost dead front abooplng oough, our doctor gave Ooa af lnute Cough Cure. Tbey recovered rapidly wrltea P. B, Belle, Argylr, Pa. Il cares coughs, cokla, grippe aod all throat aad luag troubles. F, a. OutTy." - . - - , . - He Waa ' "So yoa are the only surviving partic ipant In tba feud T asked the North eraer. "Do yoa not feel lonely f ' "Lonely ain't aa name fer It, mister,' aald the Eealucklan.' I allow lu marry lata another feud as quick aa I I wish to exprete my thanks to tbe manufacturers of Chamberlain' Cholera aad Diarrhoea Kemedy, tor hav ing put on th market such a wonderful medicine," says W. W. klasalnglll, at Beau moat, Texaa. There are 4 many thousands of mothers whose chlldreu have been saved fiom attack of dysen tery aad cholera infantum who must also feci thankfuL It ts for sale by F. 8. Duffy tt Co. y. ' . WUtlat to Obllce. . Street Cat Conductor Saywill you kindly pass up tba aisle f ' Passenger Yea, I'll "pass il up" 1(1 can find a seat ' v ' Bismarck's bea It erra ; Was the result of his splendid heslth. Indomitable will and, tremendous energy are not found where Btoraach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring us Dr. King's Mew Lire Pills. . They develop every power of braia and body. Oaly (So at F. 8. Duffy A Co', drug store. ,'..-..' ltajoka. ' , ". . . " Laugh and grow fat, " and the iaugh will be on you sure enough. ' ' .- -$sZ ,VV:.; v. atary af a tlava. To be bound hand and foot for years by tba chain of disease is the worst form of slsTery. George D. WUliams.of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free He aays, "My wife ha been ao helpless for five years - that she could aot turn over in bed alene. After using two bottle of Electric Bitten, she Is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures ner vousness, sleeplessness, " melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dlxxy pells.. This miracle working medicine is a Godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 6V cent.' Bold by F. 8. Duff, druggist, : A;'' Baaaoa Forlt. ' IVtorebably because Truth Is naked that she so seldom appears -In public life. -v,. . . ' Why 'experiment on ' yourself with remedies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's Cough aliemedyi which has stood the test dl time? Twen ty five years' sale and use have proven tbat remedy to be a prompt and certain oore lor colas, it win cure a cold In a day it taken as soon as the celd has been contracted and before It has settled in the system, 8old by F. 8. Duffy Co. ' .v Vail Intld. , I ain't no bargcin store, remarked tie bad boy emerging from the pantry, but there's a perfect jam Inside me. '.'" V"' ' " 100. ' " Or. . Setcbten'a Aati Diuretic. Msy be worth to you more than $100 If you have a rtiild who soils bedding from Incontence of water during sleep Cure old and young alike. It arrests ths trouble st once. $1. Hold by C. D Bi adbam, druggist. New Bern, N. C. - Nell Goldle Lockea is just dying to catch that rich young man Belle That's literally true. 50 has fees; 1 be pre'rs brunettes. AM.M.'IAM'hiaX'il".. A o Out b-JJ h0 Va.j a GIN . Taia Huua SUaik E uMlnl !. lrMr4lur? Skill la TraJllaa) a Bv- aim--i mm iniiin .a a rt I Bm TkaJ VS re I Bsrrtaav. Arkknlta, a trpl(-al lu l'aa, was chief ecout at i'urt BiuHdO. lakuu. ta Altboufk be knew EnUb walk be beU tbe eld Indian hatred of Its aae, and wanld never Btak It except under extraonlluary clrramsUacea. lie at nod aboct fire re alaa tnchea la baigbt, traa aleodr, bat wiry, aod waa abeot M yrara of aga. Ordinarily be waa alow and sedate la bia aetloaa very dlfUtBcd; bat wbea the aecaaalty aroaa, l a could be aa ajulck aa a flaaa. and bad, like every Indian oa tba aortb-a-cetera ptalna, a pair af eyea that could eqpal auy teklgUaa. Ilia aervicea for be bad beaa em ployed aa a eeoot for suae ynars hsd brea very valuable to the govaraaMot, and, la recognltlua of this fact, tba aoV rer la eommaad bad aeeared autbortty from tba war department to promote him to the rank af aergeaat; cease quently be went around la a neat anl form with chevrons and atrtpaa, vary much laipreeoed a-tth bia own Impor tance: whick be eonaldered aecood only to tbat of tbe commanding offloar; aad he took care that every ooa alaa also abould respect bis rank and dignity. ; Aa bia aatlre name la tbe Bloux for "soldier." It la easily aeea wby he waa ao named; bnt be bad atlll another nauia, which .the Indiana had given him before bia entering military cir cles; and that, translated Into Bngllak. waa tbe "graaawalker," or "trailer," from bia absolutely marvelooa ability to And the -trail of anything that left even the aligbtaet trace oa tba ground aa It paased over It, .- ' A deeperata aoldier named Brice broke Jail ooa night aad waa puraoed the following morning. Tba trail led to the neat for a trifle over a mile; tbea It turned north for a quarter of a mile and we followed until we came to a tree at tbe edge of a alongb to the northwest of the fort, called tba "gar don bar slough.". Here Arklchlta point ed under the tree and said Brtce bad lain down there ta reel. . , The trail here led Into the slough. A Dakota "slough" la a shallow lake the water of which la from atx Inches to three feet dop, with a aoft, muddy nf th ,h , .,,, Collo.-Uroui grasaMi or weed, but along the edges, from 20 la 00 yarda out, long tub? grass grows. , - Tbla particular alough waa a mile long and varied from an eighth to a quarter of a mile In width, and there waa a foot of water covering aa much aoft 'mud. During tbe night the wind had rolled the water up considerably. It seemed hardly possible to track any thing through It, except where the tule had been broken down. Where that waa tbe case, even I could follow the trail; on reaching open water, however, the caae was different Tbe eastern end of the alough reached to a point near tbe fort not more than ISO yards from a brickyard, on which was a kiln that bad been built during the surumor. The kiln waa now ready for firing. . -. . . V Once I thought Arklchlta waa baffled, after nil; he bad come to a dead stand still near the tule. Then an Inspiration struck me; perhaps by a circle I could And the trail. Happy thought! I put It into Immediate execution and found one. Rather elated at my success, I called. "Come quick; heap trail!" He came over, took one look; Just the sug gestion of a smile played on bia face as he said, "Cow." . " I did no more trailing, but under stood what waa tiothering him. - The post herd also had waded through here since Brlce'a escape, and It took all th scout's endless patience and wonderful eyesight to keep the trail where th cattle had passed through it. The grass stem was of no use here. - Wa had passed over half the alough In this circuitous route, when sudden ly Arklchlta started, straight aa the crow flics. Tor the edge-of too slough near the brickkiln. Waa he following tbe trail T . - - On he went until he came to the shore nearest tbe kiln; here be atopped, evidently bothered again.' There was a scarcely discernible footprint In the mud and water right at tbe edge of the slough, apparently tbe last step the de serter bad taken before reaching bard ground. This footprint showed the toes, so tbe deserter was now barefooted. Another thing about this print was its direction; it stood at light angles to the line previously followed. Either the man had taken a sideward spring for the land from bia right foot, or be bad turned around and started back over his own trail. ' ' Arklchlta went down ou bis knee and - Inspected the grass, blade ' by blade. I kept a respectful distance at one side, astonished at the turn the affair bad taken. Now.' Inch by Inch, on his knees, be wrenched the secret from the apparently unwtlllug surface of -tbe earth. Eighty yards from the kiln, be looked up and glanced at It -The same Idea evidently Instantly occur red to both of us. Tbo trail waa lead lug to tbo kiln! Then tae rose, and, bending over, slowly advanced to the edge of the brickyard. - After reaching the yard, Arklchlta walked slowly around the outer edg3 of It examining the ground with tbe utmost care, Ontll he came to tbe point from which he smiled, when he isnld, "Trail come In no go out; man In there." pointing to the kiln. ' --And circumstances proved him to be right, though It was 30 hours before the fugitive was located In the kllu and captured. Lieutenant W. O. Beunett, U. a A., In Bt. Nicholas. " Iioliff in Six I. svira, Distic x I i 1 y a 1 I Mir T i ense n ' . 1 in t- t 1 1 1 1 "?, ( ' F .ii h i " ( - " It a t SI . ( I f i ' r i i i r ' - A I w LIXT TRAILS. uir ta Ta iM la las UM. TL a'.'.. U Un-it tbat tbe belW traTle Urc-.h tba .t la a romd line CaJad tba trajectory, an 1 that three turemm art Bnt IV first, tba expkaiad cbarira, trading to drive II fta-ward la a rtmiifht hoe akog tba line U fire; earn Hid, tbe fta-re of gravity, aad. thud, tbe air reaUtnaca At M yartla, owini to tbraa forces, tbe ballet traveling at tba rate of 1.000 fee a ancuad. will have talks aboot two feet. la the ex ciUoneat of Bring at rioao quarters the aim wUl invariably be too biga. It aae beaa calculated that wbea tbe sb n y approaches within s"VO yard Ibe soldier will Instinctively fire a mack aa two feet or three for abore th-tl baada. Kow, it baa baan foaad by ax perimeet that tba fact of fixing bay ooets wlU caae th bullet ta drop distance of aboot t feet ta SM yards, and therefore whea about tbia distance from tbe enemy soldier are tnatracted to Bl bayooeta. la order to coaateract taa axeeaaive elevatioa of tbelr alia. -- Tba recruit loarn that tba moan ex treme range of th bullet ia 3.000 yards, aad that the longest shot ares' observed was 1,160 yards. He I taught the pene trating power of bia weapoa. eabject full of Interest - To take ooa or two ex amples, rammed earth gives lea pro tection than loose; bullets easily find their way through Joints of walla, while a concentrated fire of aboot 169 rounds at O0 yarda will breach a alas inch brick wall Only experience eaa teach a aoldier bow in neb be must aim to tbo right or left of bia mark to counteract th fore of the wind. A aid wind baa Bsore effect oa the flight of ths ballet than a wind blowing directly toward tba flrer. The aoldier must learn tba habits of his rifle, since some shoot higher or lower than - others - Every rifle, like every marksman, ha it own individuality. Pearson's Weekly.. - AN INCIDENT IN HAITI. lUaalsattna; th Peaalla Treatise Caataaa la Vasra Tbara. Of course .there la la Haiti a small circle of native bora crooloa, who are naturally Jban ladies and gentlemen, exquisite in their courtly manners and most desirable aa friends. Tbea lbs whits men wbo are living tbnre, as I have already mentioned, are charactert If tbey take a liking to yoa. all they have or can capture la yonra. - The fol lowing will illustrate this character istic: Mine boat and a friend were walking through the leading thoroughfare of one of the towns whea ths friend sod--denly cam to a standstill and. placing his long nervous indox finger on mine host' breast, remarked: "My dear boy, in here they make tho beat cocktails in Haiti. I bavo spent three fortunes iu assuring myself of the truth of this Let' go la ab.l try ooa " There was a prompt adjournment from the pathwalk to tho interior bt ths building, a few minute of delight ful, expectant silence as tho ingredient were shaken together, a mutual bow, followed by disappearance of the liq uids. " - .. -; -' Friend How do you liko that t - Mine Host Delicious I -" Friend Lot us have another. - Mine Host Certainly, only tltia sac ond one la on me. , Friend Make no mistake any boy; they are both on yoa. .I've uo inoney. It ia the unexpected that happens, especially in Haiti ths unknown. Henry Bandhani in Harper's Magaiine. - ; V'' Cklekena la Rattl. - The native call the island "Eye-to. " Nearly every one I have niet who can apeak English at all drops the "h" and picks it -up after tba manner of the London costsrmouger and bis cousin, the cockneys and 'Arryfeoya. Apple in Eye-te are bapple. It is a great chicken country, the variety of poultry depending entirely on tho color of the complexion of the incoming president If he ha yellow, the "yallor Lwgd" Dominique ia permitted to thrive alono la bia glory. Every black l?g;red chick en ia killed, and any petaon caught harboring on ij bound to suffor. On the other hand, if the president be black only black legged poultry is in tba fash ion. The "yallcr logs" are destroyed. Similar conditions prevail In Bantu Do mingo. Victor Smith in New York Press. . : - . ' : . - ; . Caelttna a ttatlwar. ' Do you know that a railway troci has an odor t The f act was learnad from a blind man who wasWalkiug witb a friend amid atcpnge anrronndings In Westchester county last woek. - .'Is a train coming!" he naked. ', "Why do you askf" bia friend in quired, for, though tflere waa a rail way track a fow hundred feet ahead of them there was not the slightest sound to indicate its presence. - . "I smell the rails, " he answered. . He did smell them, and though hi friend's noee was not nearly so sensi tive, he could with his head within an inch of the rails detect an odor like that from slightly heated iron Clings. New York Herald. - ; . ' - . Blew Him Goo. Arkansan It's an 111 wind Mow no body some good. Easterner How about a cyclone! Arkansan Same thing applies. Last one - went through here brought me a horse and wagon, a cow stable and J good, steady farm band, things I've needed for two years. Ohio Btate Journal. " To Stop Jtosebleeeb To stop nosebleed cut some- blot ting paper about an Inch square, roll It about the size of a lead pencil aud put It up the nostril that ts bleeding. The hollow lu It vlll till the space between the tube and the uoso and will very soou roagnlnte and thercliy stop the Intv of blood. New York Times. On the 10th nf IVoemtipr 1SP7, Kev. 8. A. Donalioe, pa-dor &'. fa. (l urrli, . nil, I't. I t, V,'. Va , r n- I at i ' I i 'ivis 1 f . t 1 i t t i ' t-i a i f f Dyspepsia Cure Di-ests what you et ItartiSriallyd rts the food aod aid suits la IreiiibeDtn.g and no (trucungiheeiliauated dlgratlvs or raaa. It i the 1st eat discovered digest sntadtuelo. o other pre para uoa raa approacb It la sSclerx-y. It la staotiy relieves aad permaoenllycaras J'vspepaia, lod.gestloa, HearLbura, tlaluieoea. Boor liUMnarh, Haaaaa, birk Ueadacrie.UalralKta,Crampa,aa J! otberreauluof ImperfertdlgraUosv Pi seats a 6.C BeBiM ACaCbtaaa, r a. dcpft. . Step Ladders, Step Ladders, Step Ladders. A. 4-Fxt Iaadtlcr For 48o. . JL 5-Foot ladder For ; 60o. GFoot Isadder For 72c. : - The nictat jou ever taw. Now (lout wait nntil tbej ar all goue, but come at once and upplj yourself. You can't afford to borrow out a hen they can be had at tbeae Lew Price. Everybody Needs a Slrp "Ladder. Ko Come Along And Get One. J. C. Whitty at CO. PKOfESSlUNAL. ' P. K. SlBmsB, i. U. Psa, A. I. Ward E. W. Psa. 5IMnONS, POU WARD, ; ATT0KNITS aad COUNSELORS ai , , LAW.-. ' Ohio M So, Front Street, nearly oppo- . , dt notel Ubatlawka,, (Offices also at Ralelfh aad Smithfleld.) Praettsa la the eoantics of Oraven. Dnpttn, Jenaa, Oailow, oaneret Famlloo, Waka, joBunw. uirnm ana tt uaon , in ua aa araima aa Vetlaral Ooarta, and wherever BM-vn-aa arauaauao. V. II. Pelletier, .. : ATTOtMT AT LAW. XUdls Street, Lawyers riii , Balldlag. , , anil araetlae la the Coantlas of Craves i artaraSi J..., Onslow aaa Pantlloo. U. 8 Court at Maw Berne aad Snpraaae Osart e ka State. - :y. R0MULU3 A. NUNN, kXioxirirr . . -a.x . saw stssa, - m. o. '. Office; Opp. Ilotel CliatUwka. South Front Street, , : Fraotlcb la North Carolina . FINAKCIAIi. I.A.tlraaa.rraa, B-H. ataadewa, TMa Fkm ... ; , .M.Bovs,0aahUr. . CITIZEN'S BANK or ararvr anjtNB, xr.o. . DO A eCNXRAL BCBIMBBtf TheaeeeantaotBaaka,aaBaara, Corper- atloas, rarm.rs, eronaaia ann ouart n oalrad oa favorable tonus, troinpt ami omr. rol atuiauoa gln to me lntsi .l si ear eat loaaara. Coli euons a spectaltv. BOABsoraiatoToaa. - , rerdlaaad Dtrleh . B. B. Meadowa, J. a. ht.ft.lowa, Cka.. Dufry, Jr. ' l.uil w.lrxwk. - Jmnt. R(liTiond, -C.. H. rowiar, aTar ilabn.rS 1. w. traii-c, -- t Toimua.bn B. W. Siauiwuod, ' C K.roir. tMO. ST. !. w. r. Oeckett MAI 1V 188. " Capital Stock .......$75,000.00 Sarplas, 8,500,0 Vadlvlded ProBti 4,025.00 .OFF10ERS. i L. II. CcTi.xa President. W. 8. ( BAnwicx, Vice Pres. T. W. 1 "1T, Csfhicr, " J. W. 1 noix. Teller. F. I feiTiiiKWS. Collector. i:ii-;r:roE3: ' .. r r . 'cs, J'. " i in, i . a i, P. 1 . 1 r. Jno. J. Ll.AL MjTlttS, IDUIIISTIiTOR'S KOTirCI Blr( aaalitW aa adBlalBtfrniar a Joan ) Dlaaa, Saofnia, la l U IVnvaa rat. a. J. at. C,U.Iin noulj all pmrm katrif claiat sgmlaal the eataie a she said ansa. id lu aabibii tkata ta Iks aa aas (al as ae Mots U sua, da? of stoat. IIM5, ar Ikl. aotare wlU lepkal mi la aar a tbar rrorf . AU pi raws laabd la tae aaU aaiaie will ptra ake lasatsdtaie yanamal. luuii r. ativairriiT, K. W, WUIiaauoa. AdaaloUtratar. Atunrv. TkietOkaaf afAacaat, M. ' tOMMlhSlOUti'6 f ILK Monk Tan Una, I 8pfrV Coar. ( Fall Tersa, IKT7. Crawa Cm Joaepk L. Raaa, va. Waakregtoa Bind", Haaaah Mad I smart is a iadfawat rea4arvd a! Iks Fail Tana 1W7 o Uravea voualj 8a perlar I aact ia the above aa titled act too. la which (aid jo4frat lbs aooVraifarel ware auiv apuwiniea soailaaioaara for Ike sale 4 the property aarelaaftar de sert bad. Now therefore la accord aare with aald Hirwieet aad bf reqaeet of plslatlC ws liloflar for sals and aril lo lha kit beat aidSVr far eaak at BsbUeaaoUoa at Iba omul houM Suor ta Wtw Bera oa aloa day taa ath aa; of Movawber 18M U It o'clock at. taa follow log real property, towii; la taa eoaaty of Craves aad State of North Carolina oa Peaibroke road aod adjoining tae lands of Phillip J Lea oa th aorta; lbs land kaowa a lb Bray place oa ta soalb; lha land of It U Bloaatrv oa ths west aad booneed aa tbs eat by P mi broke road, betof the naras land purcbased by Waaklnglna Made rrosa las neira at raaa laypoote by deed ezecated by Katrllo Claypoole, Kxecntrlx to which eaid derd reference I hereby made for a full aad move del Bits daactlptloa Ibereof, (except tes sere thereof heretofore, ooaveyed t romp utmy. ibe above oeaonued property hsint the Sams opoa which tbe dwelling boaee of Ibe said Washington Blade and Haanah Blade la located aod whereon tbey bow reside. Tale ISU aay or September ism. J. R. dt R. O'llAKA, t'omaUaa) oners. tOUillSSlOHIR'S SALt. North Carolina, I Superior Court, vravea ua ) stay rvroi, ibvu John q Garrett, va. Ileary J Loag aad C 0 Roach. Pursuant lo a Judgment of the 8upe rlor Court of t raven county tVBdered at tba May terra IrtlS la lha above emit ltd act Ion, the undersigned as commissioner will titer fur sals sod sell to tbs bia heat bidder for cash si public vend ja at the court bouts door la Hew Bera, N C, oa Monday, tbe lib lay of November 16W9 at IS o'clock ro, tke following described luta of land situate la tbe city or New Bern, county of i raven, and Hate of North Carolina, Being lota 181 and 103 witb all Improvement Ik.raoii situated on the northeast corner of Ma n and Mutry streets In Farmville In the city of New Bern, adjoiulng the lota of John Itawson and oibeis and bounded as fol lows! Oa tbe north by Mala street and outha east by Hurry street, on the south by tbe land or John Dawson and on tbe weat by ADiem lludley'e lot, brlnit 103 feet on Main street, 104 feet on Harry street being a part of a tract of land left Isaao W Xuuanks by will of Allen U fubanka, deceased, and the .ame lota conveyed to the said Henry J Long by deed from E H Pavie trustee of Isaao W Kubanks and recorded in hook 88 oa pajes SS and 42 in tke (moe or iba Keg later or Deeds ar Uraveo cuunly to which -refer. nee ia had, ex cepting thirty fnrt which ha been convey- d la Wm Starkey by died This 13th day of September 189. R. W., WlLUAMSON, J. K. O'UAKA, ' Commissioner. Notice of Sale ot Laud r For Partition. : North Carolina, I In the Bo per lor Court, Craves Co. I Before the Clerk. J I. darumeld, ; - - - . va, " Mr Sarah A Taylor, lat C.Taylor, Dr I at Taylor, Or Ueo Altmors, Ur it 8 Primrwaa, W U Oliver, Geo A Oliver. Mary T Oliver, Thomas Constable and Uartha Constable bis wile, Benj 8 Uuske and Hanaak llutk kls wife, alar tin t) WiUard and Elisabeth O Wiilard hia wlfs, Kebsora O Attmore, Dr J D Clark, Hannah T Clark, The Trusters of Davidson Uollrge, North Caroiiea, Bet tie J Cmik, aad Chas 9 Hail later, execu tor of Fraacea Taj lor, deceaaad. . Pursuant to a decree af tke Superior Court of Craves eoaaty ia tbe above entitled proceedings tor sals of land for partitioa reudered by the Clerk ot aaid superior Court on the 7th day of Sep tember, im. v The underalgsed as commissioner will offer for ssle and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at tba Court House door of Craven oounty on Tuesday tbe 1 0th day ot October 18lrtL at tbe hour of IS o'clock noea all the fol lowing described real estate towii: A tract of land containing 6400 scree, tying and being in the county of Craven and partly ia Pamlico county, on the noth aide of Nruse river between tbe heads of th northeast prong of Little Swift Creek and Bay river, beginning at Wright C Stanly' last corner being four hundred and ninety pole from aaid Sianlj'e beginning at a black gnm aod on a course souih fitly lb rue east and run ihe revr of kia line south seven degrees weat one thousand A lorty pol a to bia Comer then along another of aaid Stanly's line aauih forty Ave degrees esst fourteen hundred and fifty poles to bis corner then south forty five degrees east seven hundred sad five pole then north fotty five degree east twa hun dred aod seventy two poles then north eleven hundred and seventy pole to a gum at Bay river bridge then north fifty three degrees west three hundred and tweuly pules lhaa south forty degrees West seven hundred aad fifty poles then north forty fire decree west eleven hun dred and twenty poles north seven de crees east, six hundred and eighty poles then north fifty three degree, west two hundred poles to the first station; also a certain piece or parrel of land, altuate, lying and being In the county of ( raven on the north side of Kllin' lake and west s do of Black hike, beginning at a cy press on L1IU' lake the one mile tree westward from M landing running north two hundred and ihirly ihrte po'es, then south eighty two defrr es east lao hundred and eighty poKa t Ihe lSimk lake, lhen along tbe lake ruth thirteen degree east one hundred and ten pules to Janie. Parrott's second cor ilei, ihrnce wiili hit line south thirty p. irrera went one Im ml red and twenty nob-a to a rrpreis his heirim inif corner on 1 'iiis' le eicnty pnles .above the la-id:i ' and tin nee with the various mi-.' of ihe lake to the first el Hi ion. ci ; thrte hiiiiircd snd ninety I.. ' . ". 1 '7. 11 Llt.il fOTIf IV PlELirATI'II Or K'NHuSJ North fSronaa. .1 BoperW CV-art ta.ea.( lalalMleik B F IMattM, AdM U Ads UU.klas de w J.Aa ft Lk.1 h F Ortiklaa, Hete a HankB, kdaard I li klaa, UwtSise K ka at d A Ka, To kiad I It kia. tnf . ltnvraibMti"ibraiiMartloa af the Coart by tCkul llm Lda.td 1t.kma Is a a a laahJr t u4 tbe r a'e of Nurih Larutina. yim we krb i4UVd, II at a aw.anad rwhtoa (ur M.a if rani eatais lav snarls Ua beaa duly filed la lha rk ik'a uflka ar l.rarea anl;. Nc, la tae atovs rail' lad ecitoa by H F Dln klna, s"siiuiUslr. yi aie krby a--liftrd laatp.Br be we fawl link st bia Scalar lle-ia. 1'r.r. a coubij, h C, oefauidy. tkt.lrr 19 tt ItwS. at IS' o'clock at aad at s r or Ceniur lo said prtitioaas oa waf d.rm brt, ntber wbtierarvoitbeaiiluBraill ba granted. ! U i.nter ta.t this BMlra be published oure a Week tor weeks is New Bera Journal Dated st New Pern, N C. 8Vrt. 1' aa, W. M. WATON. -Clerk KupevKir Court. - Commissioner's Sale. - North Carolina I Craves County . TkomasF. McCailhy Administrator, of . Mara 11 Damn. VS. f! Il Wlr.ln. .nil Oi k.n . . .. - i rnraaani 10 loai caiutin )Ueigrneat readered at the May term IbWSuI Craves .' Superior Court la the above entitled ae- lion, aoder which tbe uuitcnlgned wss only sppoiBted a JoranilB.liiBer to sell Ibe barelnafter deacrlbcd tract of lead; Tbe uaderslrnrd ss Cuminltaloner will proceed le offer for sale snd sell oa tbe ' ll Monday la November 199, It being tbe sixth day of aaid month; at lha hour of IS o'clock m to tbe highest bidder for eaab at the Court House door lu Craves count): All that certain tract of land situated In Crsvea county oa Ihe north aid of Neua river adjoining the lands af Nam y Adtmr and others, known aa the Dudley plantatio i containing about two thoutand six hundred aciee; Except so much ef aald land as is bounded and de scribed sr follow: To win Beginning at a cypress on Ncuse rlvrr below Mud Seine Beach miming north with Ihe Doner line to Cleres line thence west with llcsn Pole swamp to Hen rattans line, then south with said line to Nancy Adams Hue thenct with the river lo the breinnlni'. being tbe same land conveyed to ' Alexander Win bell by E. Carpenter Commissioner by deed rimed February 23rd 1881 recorded in the office of the lleglater of Deed of Craven county book 83, page 11KI 111. and the same conveyed bv Itiiunlree and Carmer Kxerulor of Alexander Milr.bell deo, by deed daled K-pti uibt r ITitli lh89 re-cordi-d I n raid ri cord, book H9, page t'd etc. 1 bl Seilimlr2Mh IHH9. THOMAS P MCCARTHY, Commissioner. Noiice til' .suiuniMiis and Wiriant or Atlichmenl. Bute nf North Curnlin , 1 Eighth Coualy ef Craven Township. ' A Culm and W Broan ji vs. u.i.. ...... i.,.,r,,j ., j,,, v,, and Joseph M Zamni.ki. The defendauts slave named will take notice that a summons in the above en -titled action was issued sgainst said de fendant on Ihe 11th dav of September,. 1899 by S U Street a justice of the peace of Craven county. North Carolina, for the aunt of iOi 75, duo aaid Plaintiffs by r won ot breach of contract and dam ages accrued tbereundrr, which sum mons In returnable before said Justice at bis office in New Bern in said county, -and in Eighth tnwnxhip. on the l'lth day of November 1899. at the hour of U o'clock a ni. The defeuoanta will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Justice on tbe 11 Hi dsy if HeptemlM-r 1&99 against the prop erty of said defendants which warrant ia returnable before ,'tbe said Justice at the time aod place above named for the return of Ihe summons When and wheie the defendants arc required to ap pear anil answer or demur lo the com plaint or the relit f demanded will be granted, - i This ihe Srd day nf Octohe-, 1890 " H R HTRKkT. J. P. . a i .1 . -aruii - hi 11 I ni . e e rr- a m r-i tnVTaTV -T III! W , A. W W ' And join us in praising the beauti ful Line ol Heating Stoves, now in Hock and on sale by the L. II. Cutler Herd. ware Company. They have them larce and small, hands' me snd flaln. To look at Ihrm Is to buy them, brrauaa of . tbe remarkably low price. - - ' . ' Also don't forget we always have oil hand a large --lock ot aholcsale and re tail Hardware of all kinds, H h, Dors, ami Blinds a sptclalty. ClII and einni Ine. - :---Vv- ---C-- -.-.'-:'. 1.1. CHIUR H'DIH CO. . THE: C' A ItOI.I IV A , Uoruhead Oty N. 0. T. L. Hall, Prop. ' . Terms flalbdoclcry. nOVBrl FRONTS THE OCEAN. ; CS ttroai'l Klro l. 1 , V.'hen In r