' I M f-w ajcsai' WW WT" v i 3 r VOW i ! T" :i it r . a. a J Wm u fcw : THY Fl."T-EUY AFTCinVAnSS. l:!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!U1!1!1!11!!!!1UU!11!1I!U I am now the SoIg Agent for the CELEBRATED o o o EM DO a", smictb: M MIDDLE BTBKET, TELTEII8 SPECIAL - TO - Bargains ; the American Stock Company . We htit jnst arrirod from the Northern MarVcIs wUIl ft complete lm nf CLOTHINQ. bUY GOODS. SHOES. HVT5. Ladies' and OtntFurnishlnx which will be - . - CU)TI11N(J ! CLOTHING V r;CL0TIUXG ! ' : - W iurely bar the lareeit I n of Oothtng in town, we bare Clothing enough in auit and lit mf man. t rT Touth and eiy llltls boy, for rrict at whloli you 111 won.lor. Wa are unable to mention great, Ccme youraelf and be conrinoed. o-mcnirlf and avoid the r'iih. Tli enly cuitomer catchr the bargatna, Kemember tblt tale will not but very .oug The American Stock Company, - nOWA.RO 3r MA CUT, Proprietor. V - "'r v 50 and 6t Middle 8ti, KEW BERN, K. O. - REALESTATEAGENCY Ilouaea and Ixta For Bale at-Lower . Pomible Figure. IXV.mV. Home and '' Tenement that will prove a fine inveat ; Dicnt. - " : . CoUeetioa of Beats a Specialty. Office at reiidence, 17 Johnson itrvoL "E. XL II AltPEll. A FREE PATTERN S (raar'owa Mlectlon) to iTery ana 3C icrltx; Only SO cents J IX. nr.GAziriEV'y A LADIES' MAQAZINE. ! A rnai bcaartHnl cotonsl platn; IrV ' fatriiona ; draasAtakina; economics ; f jkt work ; houahoM hinta; Iktion, tc Sub- acrtb to-dafi or, w&nm c. tor latcat comm. i aur waatML Bana lor una. StTllsh. Reliable. SImdIb. TTivtrv ! date. Economical aod AbtolntUj i pBrfect-FittitaB; Paper pBtUro. BAZAR. I i r (NtSBB.A!lowajic Patterns.) ; Onl m bbcI ik etc BBch Bona klhar. ' Ask for them. Sold in BBBfly avBff city bb1 iwb, or by maui from THB McCALL CO., 5 ll-14S Wtrt I4th St.. amTHk.) Telephone ';v SERVICE 13 A. BUSINESS 'NECESSITY, A;' HOME CONVENIENCE. . A COM- . BINED V: "i- V , ; j..4 Weeessity, ;-: : v ti v;;;-- Convenient, Order Your Phone at Once I 4- Mi iiriu a Irlp to tile K;,r)K I- s i',IUon, with good li 1 T &il U r . II 9 p3 '! v (l 1 W! I . B Ihs fAlixl Ui.tonki.liitlmork,MJ j SO YEARS' t ,.n .J tv,VB I E '5 i " f - .i 3 Ar:uT?rT":sT. - . -1 . I Is ll.MI., o o o fir LV't a a. SEW BERN. K C. BapilOa tin Bordl, - niTMi Brflcra On Bow al TtodUm f Ctildrei inj 1& I aMta Cknt mm em. P2WES THE - PUBLIC ! sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Dtlce on Clothing for our itock i loo . , . " ' ' earlv bird catnhr Hi worm and "The ALL HANDS 'ROUND ' And join 0 in praising the beaut't ful Line ol Heating Htoves, now in flock and on tale by (be- L. II. Cutler Hard ware Company. . They hTe them large and small, bandtome and plain. To look at them in lo bur them, because of the remarkably low rrice, fJ V- - - Alro don't forget we always have on hand a large dock of wholesale and re tail Hard ware of ejl kind. Sash, Donrt, and Blind a iptcuuy. Cull and exam Ine. ... - ' - L H:CUTLIB HDWECO. For -Itentwor Kale ! My rctidence on National Ayenue." ,6 large rooms and an a tio. Bath room, vwter closet and tewerage. ror termt, addrea, T. W. DEWET or myself. KATIE B. BOVD.l SrGi far'Cic(cr KviiA Pi- rf,.,) in U.1 sld Uctkl IliOlnU v. 'lois. atajati uo omo niwm us J fg :nnami iauu la Harar-i lor a--CT..hre-'-a4l iHnafti tamrWiiawa. Atlruaiara.rttn4. fur p-irtwuurs, nunk)oimij n r l.aill-.ntN (altar, b rrtir p, OOB TMilmooiali. Jfaaaa "atKt IF YOU WANT Fine Shade Trees, ' Fine Fruit Trees, : , ; Fine Ornamental Trees, Fine Roses or - Fine Shrubbery Place your orders with 11. A HILL, . ',,' , New Bom, N. 6. O der now being taken for Full Plant '; lug. "- . 1 FU CkkknUrS EavU'k IMMMa Braaa, " rEUNYROYAL PILLS B Sav Ortj1! mm& oly OwnUe. A Consumption. Ary ot a caj 1.M UJtil in V li ! ntur tnuT pu.. I'-rit; such t '...d c .-, "".' ot'y kiH cure fur Stf T ilr.f'.a IriU "-.' it the i'iM, tpauM it to th oi !j reisMly dkiclt ean react the d om 1 Km (. i vm fc,atH'wi 4 ewesw Uv W 1. 4. itv-l'-l 1m ttM 4 v firm via irwr. l Ti'.eiini Tram a.Aa, ImI, lot HQ4 ui n to rrit it ; .3 MM Id mt tt tbud i rf Ml. 11 wl hAt nitolA at oon tra-vd at BtwiT MTU BMIBfBW W ' II. UTV BK i-w ficrofak Is an obcthtate Wood dU6 a4 U bejoctd ib tcAh of tb n0i blood medteioe. Bwlfl's Bpeeiflo aasoBiood h th on It remedy equal to aaok dr oatea Queue; n tpm oowa w im ery fcondtion and forona oat ererj taint. It it nnll awtaW. and u the only blood remedy guaranteed U contain no mercur, poiaah or othei mineral aubttance wbatarrr. Book muled free by Bwift Spttolfll Company, AUaQta, Utxtrgla. . PREniUMS AWARDED By the Oriental Industrial, Stock, Fruit and Agricultural Fair Association of - " Hew Bern, H. t, Sept. 20, low. Beat ttalk of cotton rowa In N C, Peter Rlchtrdson $1; bearleat ear of eora on on stalk do, $1; largest emoont of ear of corn on one (talk, do, f 1; for largest and bett tweet potatoes, do, f 1; do Iiiah potato, do, $1; beat peck-f onions, do, 50ej do beet, do, 60r; bett and largest pumpkin N O grown Mr Fllu Allen &0c; beat variety pear John Rlcbardtoa 11; do grapea, Peter Rich ardson $1; bett aad largest water melon Horace Sparrow $1; bett variety tobacco this year Jesnle Biooki $1; beat brabroa chicken, aot leu tbaa ; David Morrill l; cochins do, Caesar Lewi $1( domta qua do, Mn Henrietta Butsey tli bett bantam John Taylor U native croet Mr AnnIM White 1; leg hem Mrs Charlotte Hyman $1; largest collection by one person Wm Bishop $1.50. Beit native orcrota, Frank Dawioa U . ' ' " DCCC. ... " Beat pair puddle Henry Barnes 60c; do Pekln. V8 Bryan 50c: best exhibit -of ducks, Mist Laura Wards 1. ' Beit pair Bremen, Albert Field 50c; d J Hong Kont. Willlant Marrell 50c; do native or cross, Mr Mary Gaskln 50. -i PANTRY SUPFLIM " , Beat ttialned honey Catharin fndlef 60, do glast of apple jelly Eveline Banks 15c; do glass of grape jelly Mis A Love, 25c; do peach jelly Caroline Fields 23; do ttrawberry jelly Mr Henry Bim mon 25: beat -jar of preserved applet, Carolina Fields 25, do peaches 25; do peart Peter Richardson 25c; do tomatoes Caroline Fields 25c; do plums Eveline Bank 25c; do strawberries 25o, do citron 25, do grapes 25, do fig 25c; Caroline Fields, do jar peaches, Sophia Fenner 25c; do peart Caroline Fields 25; do tweet pickled green tomatoes, 25 do peaches, 25, do pears 25, Caroline Fields; do cu cumbers Susan Hardison 25: do com Eveline Bankt 25. - ,T-'::'. - wtsKS, cissr, bradt ' ' ' Best tcuppernnng wine Mrs. Caroline Field 50; do wine any other grapes Catharine Dudly 50; do blackberry cor dial Mr Henry Simmon 60; do peach cordial Caroline Fields 50; do grape brandy Sophia Fenner SOodo tomato wine Eveline Banks 50, do plum wine Evelina Bank 50; do beet wine Eveline Bank 60; do pear wine Eveline Banks 60; do peach vineger Caroline Fields CO; do apple vinegtr Clarence Bryant 50; do blackberry marmalade 25c,' do pound cake 50, Caroline Fields; do gold cak Sarah Davis 50; do silver cake Carrie Jackson 60; do loaf bread Sarah A Carter 50; do plate of biscuit Emerllne Simmons 50; do rolls Mrs W A By rd 50c. - . - v - ' CIIILDKEN'S DKPAKTKBNT. .. Best light bread doughnuts Sadie E Petty 25c, do dozen rolls Elveta' Petty 25c, do biscultt Emily Freeman 25c. z MANCFACTCRKD TEXTILES ETC.' J- Largest and beet collection' Of furni ture John Wadsworth, $1 00; beat dis play by merchant J L McDanksl, (1 00; specials premiums 1 light house John H Qibb,50c; do,l boat Nannie GasklntSOo; do, 1 fox Mrs SEC Petty 60c; do small house Willie Gibbs 50c; do crOBS ladder fan and tomb stone, George Brown 60c. ' FARCY WORK CLASS F,- ; ; Bett tilk crazy work by hand Mrs Wm n Johnson, 1 00; do plain quilt any kind hand JudlaFoy 75c; do set pill shams ikttie Fisber 23; do, specimen home braiding W GLAvaut 25c; do, suit of ladies undergarment Nancy Dudley $1 00; do, Infant dress fancy made, do, 25c; - do, specimen of home made lace Sophia Finner 50c; do, embroidered robe Dolly Boom 50c; do, fancy toilet set Suda Mauly 25c; do, emoroldered table cover, Mrs W Q Avant, 00c; do, wall protector Suda Manly 2jc; do, made apron Talelhs Fisher 25c; do, and largest display of needle work, Suda Manly 50c; do, crochet knit work Ida Jackson 60 CHILDREN INDEU SIXTKEf YKAHS. Best plain sewing maohince or by band Mamie Petty Site; do, silk embroid ery do, 50ci' do, outline embroidery, do 5nc; do, pin Vtobioa' Annie Dudli y 23c; do, fancy book b? friary 0n I -yant, ' :; dot ii 1 c df 1 1 ' woik ' lV'v i '; ' ' I ' ! ' 1. I r . , . . i Vwi I tu ' i- u , . ' . at mjv T-wrt w.l W. v twwfcwl ( WMB lM rk bat wot t Ikraoik U aua l 1M k W llm b: al rmr ta. I aia. Ma ta niikiiTk um. Ok (likUM ar f s kt, M u 14M I kMk l . ax kkl TV. MM nU axa !.' TW kH via kai . -(ami k tui (k tlakkM. FIRST AMERICAN PATENT. BMkH at Shim la tevsa'aaa TatW a Maaaaalv. To the pi-ucral court of Maaaacha rtu bfkinga the boo or of granting the flnit Amerk-aa iatoC Tbla wa hi 1648 and wa thea dVklgmtrd a nouonoly. - It wa roollu-d to tb re gion rout rolled by MaaaacbuaeUa, and lite oue Issue amarently InrlqoVd all the Invention ol the loventor connect ed with engine that aVpeuded poo water for their motive power. The Unilt of the tuouopoly w it yeera. nd the court not only retained power to forbid exportation, but to prevent exorbitant charge upon tb public for their use. - . The patent was leaned lo this form: "JEXKES UONOTOLXE. At a aenerall Court at Boatoa the Oth of the 3th Mo 1W. The corn eon- ald'lnk re necessity of ralalnx such man I fact urea of engln of mil to go by water for needy dispatch of tnoch work with few handa, and being sum clently Informed of ye ability of ye pe tition to pcronne uen worse grant IiIr netltiun (yet no Othr per en shall act op or one nny such new Invention, or trade for U yearea wtuout y u- cense of him the said Joaoph Jenke) to fart as conceroe any tuch new In vention, ft so It shall lie alwaye In ye powr of thla co'te to roe train ye ex noiiatlon of such manufactures ft ye pilaes of them to moderntioo If occa sion bo reuulro. This " inventor, Joseph Jenkea, or Jenks, a It would now be rpeUeu came from Hiunruemmltli. England, settled In Linn In 104S and died In 1082-83. aKed 8L He Wa a black smith and machinist, made the dies for the coining of the Tine Tree money and built the first fire engine In this country, altogether a man of great inventive genius and the ancestor or a in ran number of descendant. One of hi son removed to Rhode .Island, where he built several mills. PostojA, Transcript. - - ClstTksaiag- Btensach Dltttw Permanently cured by the masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need tuger no longer, because this remedy can cure tbem all. It la a cure f or ' 1h whole world of Stomach weakness and Indigestion. The core begin with the first dote. The re lief it brings is marvelous and surpris ing. ' It tnskes no failure; never dtsap oolnla. No matter how lonr yon have suffered, your lure it certain under the nte of tblt great neaita giving iorce, ereat g for Pleasant and always tsfe. Sold by 0. Bradham, druggist, New Bern. N 0. - rterit by J B Holland to Mrs Betlie A Fisher ': ' C15- : rAINTINO, DBAWIMJ ADD OBSAMKNTAL ' - ... wobk. Best oil painting, other than portrait, Miss E A V Dudly, $1.00; do, hand pain ted fire screen, do, tt.00; do, water oclor fruits and flowers, do, $1.00; do, painting on silk, satin, or plush, do,' $1.00; do water color land scape, do, $1.00; do erayoa drawing," do, $l.0, do crayon portrait, W W Lawrence $1.00; do, pen c!l drawinr. Richard Swan, $1.00: do painting on glass or porcelain, Mia E A V Dudly, $1.00; do, colored photograph enlarged, J T York, $1.00; do, collection of photographs, NT C Art!, Hot i & Live, 50o; Catherine Dudly, 60c, each do, specimen of mechanical and machin ery .drawing, Chas Qodley, $1 00; do specimen ornamental penmanship George Joyner, $1.00; do, tpeclmen book print ing, Iter W J Moore DD, $1.03: do spec imen of plain and fancy job printing) J T York, $1.00; do, flowers ia silk, mn lin, paper or feathers, Hattle B Holley, 11.00; do, feather work, Hester Chad wick, $1.03; do, shell work, Mrs John E Uussey, $1.00. ' . CnitDBE!! CNDEB 16 YBAHS. Bast water color, Annie 3 Boone, $1; do, pencil drawing, Fettle Collins, 50c. ' FLOKICULTDHB VLOWEBS IN BLOOM Bett "collection of distinct variety' green house plants, Sophia Fenner, 50c; do, collection of geraniums, do, Toe; Handsomest display blooming plants, Mrs Noah Powell's, fTpO. ' OKNAMRNTAL AKftANORMEMTS FOR PLAMT Best rustlo flower stand with growing plants, Cora J Simmons, 50c, do, basket of choicest and mjat tastily , arranged flowers, Bennie Daniels, 60o. . . : TAXIDERMY. . Best and most varied display, If rt S E Pettiy, 1.00. " . DOB8ES, MARES, MOLES AND COLTS. ."Boat brood nisre, colt by her side, Hardy White, $3; do, entire colt t years old and under 4, Hardy White, $3; do, entire colt 2 yeare old and under 8, Wm Murrill,J3; do, Alley colt 1 year old and under 2, Wm Slurrill $4; do, mule 8 years and. over raised In N C, Peter Richardson, $3; do, mule colt 2 yean and under raised In N C, Allen Davis, $3; do, bull any breed, Aaron White f 1; do, cow for diiirr purposes, John K ihard son, t'J; do cow do, Wm Bishop, best yoke of oxen Wm J'arriil !; beat thoroughbred boar, any bie d, F A Va'l "; do SOW, Ol' -ii! n-,1, J i- i t.-..: i do b-'t t..nr, not Hi s 1. hr,' ;!fc 1.. :...- uf f l-s.r,c.a 10 ii.it tinr t-ractv If e-vr.rg the kmtr ;rt u.' tbe fit :! a veil la An,c-H tr.e Ixsauty c muvy ii onr kiiifj Is Livl-irO ltat:e U tie WfirrM asd Stiknets prcn 1 r to the ms. If the Errpt. iaa eoici pre vailed ia this country, many tuuerris wvnld U flad to cver tkir prematn re wrinkle, tbeir sunkencfaetka. tbeir ooiiraltby eooiptexion. from the eye of the world with toe veil 01 toe uncui DrndiWs Fcmnb Regulator brinirs oat a woman true beauty, It make her strong and well ia those orrkut opon which her whole general health depends. It corrects all men strual disorders. It stops the drain of Lencorrbcea. It retro ret the womb to its proper place. ' It removes the canacs w neauavuv. wacaacu. aervousnesa. It takes the poor, at- I Wlii.il wreak. haevartL fadinsr woman and pats her on her feet vain, making her face beautiful by making her body wem - Drat tttts taB a aw SI a Sattta. Saa lor aat rra BlaMraue baok tot w The BraancU Hcgulstor Ca., AtUata, Ga. L Lawreaca, N0..8I Oeorg St The Board of Directors desire to re-1 tara tbsnks to all who hart eoatribated ! to raskt this Fair e tuccess. .. Uetpectfully, -' M. P. Hollet, Preside! W. W. LAwaaaca, Becretary. III All Till iaiii vm Pain-Killer. . A MkaM CU SmM. smnj. safi aao ouics eimi pm Orampa, Diarrhoea, Oolda, Oougha, Neuralgia, . Rhaumatlam. . -1 a4 SO ctat stMak, ' ' aiwAM or IMIVATIONl - BUV ONLY THI OlMUINt, PIRHY DAVIS' Are Falling Thick as those of Vallambrota, and it is high lime that yon thought DI pro curing a light or medium weight- Top lost or trail suit, tt you haven't done so before this lime. Complete line of nov elties in correct woolen are open for our patrons examination, and perfect fit, ex quisite ttyle and highest grade tailor work is guaranteed. - - F. 3X. Chatlwick, Middle streot. . . " -NEW BERN. N. 0 -STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH. LINE, - - AND ID i FREIGHT & PASStNGIR. For All Points Worth. The Steamer NETJSE will leave on Mondays,' Wednesdays, sod Fridaps at 6 p. tureharp, mak- ine landings at Oriental, Ocracoke and Eoanoke Island. 'v :' ' ' . Freight recoived ' not later than one hour previous to sailing;. - - For farther information apply to V'-' GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Kino, Gen. Mgr., . LLC. IICDOiN3,Oen.Frt.& Pass-Aft. Norfolk, Va. - -New Berne, N. O., May 30th, 1808 Cccoml-naml niulNew DIGYCLES. - To parties needing good second-hand and new Bicycles. We have on hand at prtse nl: 1 Ladies Falcon, $12 00 9 Gents Liberty's,.... , 10 00 3 Gents Favorite's, 10 00 10 00 1 hoys Hoftnnian 1 I'oys 1,0 11,.. .... 1 Toys 1"' vria 1 !,! iMiribauipton 1 ( ' :ie . -7 00 . 8 00 . 10 00 . 10 M . U 5J I It:::! s n This li:t (be 1 ""t bar C, : ( . t a of sticord hand i: a wa l ive evor 1 f ioa f :l. V a ! : I I f Vr- Tf Jw heels C T TP:!. S 1 ft r V Aiitumn Leaves oi i n Meamsnip to. lALLVAT ti A at kVT. S' 4 I. .1 . i.r ... - I 1. f p: i U IW aaar. Il f: i I rmiimt. M; C II li!. J .!. I. cra. J. Ilia; k a.rtjl, K S1.1. u4 4ki. I Tkuaia) a'bi la tack Bkuata at I a wciuca. YICTDHV I Ot M IL 0 It, JIMOH Ol'A M: M-n rvrrt W r4aHk l(a I Koaair Uail Jal tJ I f C ' Uaiiilig, I, a NF.W EKUM LOIHIt Se. t.F It C I t L Kca. frrai: J II ealk. KernnllBg 1: S JC Uut-llry. rtDaariki SnCv llnu la Ike kktxkli of llarakoav liall 1 every lt aad I'd HoaJty algku (a ach asoota. F.l'KEKa LOIWK NO. 7. I. O. O. . (fErart: T. II. Buttos, NO; W. T. TIllL. V. O 1 On C'eea. Wn'St Berty; . u. Psrker: Jr. Treaa. Rnrolar aieaUac I every Jloaday tight al 7,bV o clots. CWAVEH LODax Ko, I. INIOHTB OF IIAKMONTi Meets lad aad 4tb Tharsdav elf Su la ck taoaih ta Roaatree't IlalU Poliacl atraet, at aw o'clock. 8. R. Ball, Prekideal, U. J. Dts- oiway.Bec'y.R. B. Ulll.F.rJec'y. TJUCRT8 OF BONOR-OfflosTi: K R Joaee, Dictator; U L Viasoa. Beporter, W F lions tree, Financial Keportnr New Brree I-odgk No. 4U meet tbeand and 4th Frtdty alihta at TJO o'clock ia Koanlr' UaU, rouoersiraet. cs ntom cLftbrforr ao.t, r. at, I. a o r uswMIh, siotw, C.pUlk; T. O. hy anaa, uwv r. a rtuv. Eia;Wa-J rnu.tl.rk ; Ud. Uaroc. Aoooaaiaat M alar Caalanniaaia, M and tb Ttiarvoajr I aisntk ia kaoa Bioau at u s eioaa- NEW BEUN GRIST-MILLS. IVew MUlit, -noltlug Client, ; EleTBtora and Corn Clean tro, Of tlx Latest Improved and Up to-Date mil Machinery. " YOUR TRADK IS SOLICITED. taT SPECIAL PAINS tsken In clean- iae and polishing gra.n before going through th mill, which Insure! pore meal. -.- - Corn, Hominy, Oat and Mixed Feed. GEORGE BISHOP, New Bern, N. 0. SEE HERE 1 We ow fursisk job Stove Wood ready cut and delivered to your door. Always ktpt under Urge sbeds, never gets wet In rslny weather. Nice Brick and Lathes. Flats to Let A large stock of No 1 Hand Mad Heart Shingle Just arrived. . , Tar and Lime. v , . . . BIS HILL, Tke Shingle Man. Henry's Pharmacy : . i. 127 Middle Street, -"- ; NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA The best known Skin and Blood Rem edy, for the care of Pimples, Postule, Tetter or Ban ttneum, Diotcnes, lumora. Boil, King Worm, Kbeumatum, so., is HENRY'S COnPOUND - EXTRACT OP ' 5AR5APAR1LLA WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of the blood, act ing through the natural secretary and excretary organs . removing those matter which disturb it purity. Hen ry' Sarsaparilla la put up to meet the popular need for such a remedy, without being related to the many secret nos trum and quack medicine of the day of unknown composition. It contains just what the formula calls for as printed in on the label of each bottler and wells for one balf the pi Ice charged for nnknown compositions, For . Sale at Henry's Pharmacy, where yog will find Combs, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Article. Physician ' Compounded. Prescriptions Carefully - . f DEALER IN - Hardware and Fire Arms "' Saab, Doors and Blind, Painta, : ' - Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc. Agent for Garland Stoves & Raigei and Deroe's, and BenJ MooreV READY MIXED PAINTS. . Under Hotel Chattawka, irdid fi Siiluhtet C3 i:rca,l tlircet. - i vi'h o.t no- And t'r laches, A a.Uaiit ( oat Ux Kai ra4 Oa, 4 (WW tW.'laa. TRAl.xs OOIXQ WiVTa I ll xl 8k a; 1! "'-""alheta il a "lA-M P M P.M Hi PjS". L. WeMoa II UK, I 4S,.... ar. R. Mu.illH.jiO v Lv.Taiborc.il llj -' Lv. R Mt. lotion 44 S4u!i"li Lv. WUtoo t HII U 4 lv SOI t 40 Lv. Mwia.. I U II 67 Lv Fay'tUk 4 90 1 10 If.Ftoreoce 1 24 I IS , P.M. A.M Ar. Golds-. t at Lv, Oolda. 1 01 I II Lv. Mar' Us, IN H ArWUm'loa 40 M I P.M AM. P.M. THA1N8 UOINO NOUTU. - ' 5g ' f?K 8 tfa; it i i ii 47L of ij - - & Jr. 2 5 KO AM" P.M Lv.Florence 140....'. til Lv.Fay-villellaO... . 44 Lv.Setma.. 1 60 10 64) Ar. WUtoa. t U.....U II """abuI , pTmaTm! LvWilmtoo ., 7 00 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 M It It -favrOold 6 15 1451210 " " pTm" " 1A.M. pTm! P. M, Lv. Wflton I a5 I 43 11 81 10 88 1 l4 Ar. R. Ml.. I 80 I 10 1 07 11 86 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 704 Lv. Tarboro II II Ly.KMt.. l8o7!7TlW v.. Ar. Weldon 4 8 1 00 - P.M. A.M. Wllmlnatoa and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Lin Train leave Wilmington 00 a m, ar rive Fayrtteville 18 10 p m, leave Fay etteville 18 86 p m, arrive Sao ford 1 48 p m. - tteturniog leave eanlora iNti, arrive Fayvlteville 1 46 p m, leave Fay ttevill 8 50 p m, arrive Wilmington 50 o m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Benneltaville Branch Train leaves Bennettsvllle 8 16 a m, Maxton 1 80 a m, Ked Springs 8 64 a m, Hope Mills 10 48 a m. arrive Fayrtteville 10 5a Return Ing leave Fayetteville 44(1 pn, Hop Mills id pa ilea spring oh in, Maxton 0 15 p m, arrive Bennettsvllle 7 15 p m. Connection at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at lied Spring! with the Bed Spring and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seabo trd Air Lin and Southern Railway, at Guff with tb Durham and Charlotte Railroad. .Train on th Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 S5 p m, Halifax 4 15 D ra. arrives Scotland Neck at 6 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kiotton ? 65 p as. Returning leaves Kintton 7 50 a at Greenville 8 58 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Washington Brafch leave Washington 8 10 a m and 2 80 p m, ar rive Parmele 8 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning: leave Parmele 8 85 a m and 4 30 p ra arrive Washington 11 00 a m aad 7 80 D m. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N O, daily except Sunday 0 80 p m, Sunday, 4 19 p m, ar rive Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re turning, leave Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 ova m, ana tsunday v uu a m, arrive Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a n. -1'rain on Midland; N C Branch leaves Ooldsboro dally, except Sunday, 7 00 a. m, arriving Smuhfleld 8 10 a m, Return ing leave Smith field 100 I mi arrives at Ooldtboro 10 25 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 8 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashvlirr 10 10 a m, 4 08 pm, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 86 pm.Returning leave Spring Hope 11 00 a m, A 06 p m, Nash ville 11 88 a m, arrive at Rockv Mount 11 45 a m, 6 00 n m, daily except Sunday, . Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a m and 4 15 p m, Returning eaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 10 60 p m. Train No 78 make close connection at Weldon for all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, GenT Pass Agent I K B.fcHL,T, uen'i Manager, T M EMERSON, Traffio Manager: oun new shoes -' Ar now in and w will do you good f you will see our stock' before buying, Yon run no risk in boyine- from Every pair guaranteed to give Htltfao- tion. Also the latest in Bats, Clothing, Furnishings, Ao Respectfully, J. J. BAXTER. Printing that Pleas Is the kind we do. Letter Beads, Bill Heads, Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, and all kindt Job Printing at lowsst pricks. Do not tend your ptinting out of town, we will du plicate any prices you may have and do the work in first ui ass ottlk. YISH'INtt CARDS Latest style, printed with Imitation steel plate script, RUCCHR STAMPS manufactured twice a week. Ink, Pads, Ac. in stock, Family Printing Outlitt complete with ladoiiuie Ink 60c.. . . t We Caa Salt Tea la Qoalttv, Price aad V'erkmiutblt. r t A. A C i:. . rial tsiLi so. a Take EAect Taatdkv. Ave : ' at A- M. Oolas; Eaat Hcwnxxai I Cola Wm B. raSaaagtV Tlaha K 4 Lv. P at arartoaai Ar . OoUabora .....11 OS 4 OS... ....... Latiraara mn Klnalna to It Ar.wBrB,Lv.... , 100 I60......LV. - Ar.:.... in t !.... Ar. Morehead city L... 7 06 No. 1 1 I i v a . Mx'd Ft Al (TAVtostc Mi'd riud faaaTa. P Ta. L. - M. A. ' 10 Ooldtboro. m . '41 Beat's U 6 01 LaG range j aj Falling Creek 1 11 14 Klostoo U U ' HatweU II 68 . 10 ls Dover II 40 ; 10 40 Cor Creek 10 40 H 18 Tusrarora IS IS Ul CUrkt 1000 105 New Berne IN r. a. a a ' Monday . Wednesday, Friday, t Tuoaday, Thursday tjelurday. . P2- L t I I No. t. Mx'd Ft. and mnoas: Mx't Ft. aad . Paas.Tn. Paas.Ta. Lv. m Ar. pat .... 811 .... 7 83 , .... 701 . .... IIS .. .118, ... 118 .... 8 00 .... 4 80 .... 400 .... 188 .... 110 .... 150 7 10 7 48 8 06 SM 1 14 88 . . Ooldtboro Bests . . . LaXJ range Falling creek.... ....Kins too caswell 40. . ..Ar. Dover, Lv.., 1015 Lv. " Ar.. ....core creek.... . . . . Tutcarora. . . . 10 40.... 11 15.... U 81.... Clark's . ..Ar. New Berne, Lv 1305 .. 180... I 13... 330... 43... 8 18. 135... 881... 840... ...Lv. lliverdale croatan . Uavelock Ar 1047 10 10 ...1000 40 OS 8 47 ' 888 830 750 A. M. Newport, Lv.,.. Wild wood Atlantic . .Ar. MorebeaU city, Lv.. . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv.. 401.. P. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTueaday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, ' Superintendent Atlantic toasltiiue. Wilminoton & New Bern! R. R.' TIM E TAULK NO, 5, rn Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,Dally Except Sunday. Going Sonth ficuiDULB: Going North No. 51 Passenger Traiut No. 60, stations: At, p m, .. New Berne , 6 40 . . Pollocksville ........ 6 04 . . . .Maysville 4 49 ..Jacksonville 418 Lv. a m. 8 00 9 36.... 951 ... 10 03.... 13 0tf. Wilmington, t v In ion Depot lt - 9 83 1315 ..Ar. v ilmington; Lv. r ii No. 3, PAS8ENUBB & FanaHT, No. 4. No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tue. . day, Thursday and Saturday. w LV. AM Ar. Pit . 7 80 Lv. Wilmtnetoa. Ar..... l 4S 8 40 Scott's HiU. 18 56 ..T.".18iS ' ... .1140" ,. ...10 51 .. -10 20 . 9 45 ...... 855 8 80 ...... 805 .... 7 20 80., Woodside 10 05... 1061... ...Hollyrldge ....Dixon.... ... Verona. .. .Jacksonville. ..Northeast... ..Whitecak U 30... 13 05... 13 80... 3165... 1 80... 815... 3 55 .. ..Maysville ,.. .Pollocksville.... . . DebruM's ... a eo . 600 8 40., . . .Ar. New Berne, Lv. 'Daily Except Sunday. JI. Tt. KENLY, General Manarer. BORDEN, Snpt. Tiantportation. .Southern V. ; liailway. The Standard Railway of tbe SOUTH The Direct Line to all Points, TEXAS,'" CALIFORNIA, . FLORIDA, COIA AAD . FORTO RICO. Strictly First-Glass Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Oars on all Night Trains! Fast aud Safe Schedules- i Travel by the Southern and yon are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi ' Uoui Jonrney, o -- Apply to Ticket Agents for Tim Ta bles. Rate and General Information, or address" "... F. R. DARBY, R, L. VERNON, O. p. T. A, :: " T. P. a., Atheville, N. C " Charlotte, N. O. ,. ' Fbahk S.Ganhoh, . J.M.Cm.p, 8d4V P & Gen Man. . : Traf.JIan ' W. A. TdbK, G P A. ."WASHINGTON, - D. Oi. FOR HOME 1 ICE Clean,, pure wholesome, guarnnt be chemically made from distilit i and free from impurities. Spcci : tended and prepared for hum:, sumption. . , - Ice-delivered daily (except 6m am to 8 p m. - Sundays (retail only) 7am to i For prices and other inf or" ... Address, ITew Berne I B. S. GVIOk r