LfUiL X0TICIV a Lt.lL CiTiriJ. ub.itb4 rt S !M year, sir; i MakJlJ, MM BUJJ, ris. ,1 lull h . 1 CHARULS L. STEVENS. BKifoa raoreiswi. .IrWCRIrTlOK RATE.. e f la advtar I Oss year, sot la sdtaae.... 00 Hostel, by earner la lb efy M AdvwtUlag iUu fa re Used oa pf II- Katered at la Po Offlc. New Brn, N . C, a aacoad class sutler. 0eiU rr r Nw VUr aa Craves Caty. iw r. K.CW1I, lift. AIB HATIOHAL HOKHATTUG COrTYEimOKS KECESSaRT. A tali country bscossss bmm pollll cally piogroaalv," lhr aaaaai M b Uss d (or Ua vur to h a kav la polllicej views, polllloal principles, or a panaaaca ta ba at all eoaaklaiad before tha day of elect!. Of eoars laa rotar la bsaleged froai taa (tamp, fro U rear of a railroad train, aad baa coasttea aewapeper flaaf at bla, all of tb lafloaacaa ial Wrlng hla by tailing kl'a of al Individ gal Importanoa. -, ', Bat of what aaa ara voter Tiawa or principle, whu kit paity b apt to iprlof torn aaw aches, which aa a 'good party aaaa" ha moat swallow, without area debating whether Um daaa Is something In agreesjeat with what la alraady la alt political stomach, ar whether tba lataat polllloal aoatmra will pradaoa aanaaa, aad mai laa vle- tin a blind, nahoadlng rotar whoIU daposlt a ballot oa alactlca day, ladlf feraat to what It nuty ba, or for whoa It nay baeaaL That It ia, white tba Totar la landed aa being "fraa," he actually aaaoaata to vary llule, except aa ha may be rated to farther tba pollUcal arartee of tba affioe aeeker. ' " , " . ; ; -' Of what actual tlgntocaaoa, aaaiprcaa- Ing any real opinio of tha Tatar, la Matlonal CoarentloD, held for tha pur- poee of nominating Prealdeat and Yloa President: V, "'.,'''- The delegate there seated may be largely "elected" for a purpo,or elaa are of inch aa "Impressionable"- charac ter that they may be stampeded by a peech, or change aa ai to be with the "Winner." :. .... ' .. Take the National Presidential com Tenttont to be held next year. Where la tha voter Tolce la them, for already both of tba great pollUcal par tita hare practically named their Piei dents, through the politicians, with tbe probabUltle that tke second place will ba filled before the eonTeaUona ara held. Why thoold tha Tatar b nay longer deluded by talk oa hi CpoUtlcal free dom f. Why should the aewipapen be filled with oolnma of the "wonderful public enthusiasm" over thla or that traveling political gymnast who doe hit special contartlon act to rail acu crowd of kearert f . . Bat aa long a the rater delight In being humbugged, ad long will he be deceived Into thinking himself "free and tha wily pellllciaa will make tbe nomination and lead tha Tatar ta the polli, bereft of kl principle and Indl- Tiduallsm, a mockery and ah am o far a pollUcal freedom la concerned. Beware afOiatataat far Catarrh That Oaatala Msrcary, ' ai mercury will surely destroy th tea of smell and completely derange th whole aystem whea entering It through tbe mucous surfaces. Sack articles should nerer be used except oa pre- acrlpUon from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is tea fold to the good yoa can possibly derive from them. Hsll'i Catarrh Care, manufac tured by F. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, X . contain no mercury, and I takea Inter hally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoui surfaces of the system. In buying Hall' Catarrh Cora ba sure yon get the genuine. It is takea Internally, and made la Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney ft Oo. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 7So. per bot tle. - , v Hall's Family Pills ar the best. ' A Mntaal l-rlM4. Bobby Dad, what is a mutual friend f Mr. Fog He Is generally one wbo makes It his business to see that yoa don't miss hearing the nasty things your friends ssy about yea, . , On the 10th of December" 1807, RtT. 8. A. Donshoe, pastor M. E. Church, Bouth, Pt, rieatant, W. Vs., contracted a severe cold which was aticided from the beginning by viuknt coi-.Viig. V sayi: "After resortlrg to a nun.ber of o-callcd 'r;' '.".,' f; "y k t la V e house, to no purpe .-s, I f an'' -11 t tl of Chan ' Co'' V. which acle.l 1:1 a c' .,, a. 1 1, it' f."y r 1 It t !.: e i ' " i r a;s I. , . 3 L , j& Cj. : . : i I S I I , . .1 I I I B t. .,.! t a r f i' t.. 1 t-J lU t .l J ; J t s 1 a I..-,: ... 1.1. b be . a n:r!jH n.v h.a ' '.uri Iwitb t' .i-l i 1 tb Vje i. Jk. i U:rf was tx !:!: b :.U:t. aa im tnrt'a tp i!w f. :n uJ rv W li'O ti jiur w f ia. d aunlrxl tSe ciuk.r. Die snaw, tinir la s die tut part of tbe ruum. did a 4 are it ln on ittrecuur. tta u tbe t ir,l anw tbe prtrall of IU nwniT aiil with on I Urklml Hi-. fnritij rni.-J at tbe katnl far aod rra Ui. j to bit it Inaayrering Uwt tbe fnc did But KaoT. the maraw at la. it 1 Ue hand in tbe picture. A it movod not. tbe bird marched round tbe picture, as If exam ining what the thing w. and tboa walked away. AKata aad aaia th macaw repeated lb adrance. tba at tack aad tbe retreat Theaini-Tilaraha-y wa aoind abroad aad EJmand Barke, Dr. Johuena and OuMamlth rial ted Bir J labna'i parlur to aee tba exhibition. What made It the more remarkabl waa Uut when the macaw was trtod with any other por trait it took no aotioa of tha picture. Yooth Cuanpeckm. Kre sjmI Wfw. ThI thing remarked Oonler confi dential! la the bartender, "about whis ky making maa drunk is all la your MOlXiri LBMOH EUXtB. ' agalate th Lira, Iteeaaea, Bewel 'aad Xidaaya. Far bllloasaeaa, eonsUpaUoa and ma laria. For ladlgestloa, sick aad aerroui beadacbe. For sleeplessneaa, Berrousnes and heart faiinra. , V.. fr okllla M.hllll. nt kUnn dlaeaaea, talfa Letnoa Kllilr. Ladles, lor natural and thomnin or ganic regulation, take Lemon Kllxir. socanu f i Dotuea at arngriat. Prepared only br Dr. 11. Motley, At lanta, Ua. ft PraaUaaat Hlmiater Write. After ten Tear of great infferlng from Indigestion, with great nerrous prostra tion, blllouaness, aisordered kidneys and cona 1 1 patio n, I hare been cured br Dr. Motley's Lemoa Aiuir, ana am now a well man. Kar. v. V. uayis, . Eld. hi. K. Church South, No. t8 Tslnall oU, Atlanta.ua. ft Premlaeat namphiaa Writs. - Dr. II. HoiLsr. Atlanta.- HsTlng been a great sufferer for three years from Indigestion, and been treated by many phyalciana, wbo failed to (tire me any relief. Continuing to grow worse my brother adTlaed me to try ur. (losv ley' Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had ueed for aererai years. I commenced ita uaa, and mast say your Lemon Elder is tba greatest medicine oa earth. I hare aerer sunered a day alnoa I commenced aaing Lemon Elixir. R. L. Rocco. 80 Hernando Bt., Memphis, Tenn, ''f ; - ft Oard. ' This I to certify that I used Dr. Mot ley s Lemon iUlilr (or neuralgia or the head and eyes with the most marked benefit to my areneral health. I would eladl hara nald S500 for the relief it has glyen me at a coat of two or three dollar. n. A. iSKALL, Clark Superler Court Randolph Co., Ga, ', i - ::.ABhyAt. ' Hoai Dedbroke tall me that he staked many a modest little sum on the card last night . . , Joax Teaj hi ante waa frequently tit Bight ta Uf aliaM. Th woman who is lorely In face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and Irritable. If the hi constipation or kidney trouble, her Impure .blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruption and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitter 1 th best medicine in tbe world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin rich complexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run down Invalid. Only 60 cents at, 0 D Brad ham' drug store. The Hew TTeaaaa. " Hicks What 1 your opinion of th new woman? . Wicks About the same as my wife's opinion f the new girl. She is all right for a little while, but she very soon de velops into a nuisance. .- : His Lite Waa Save. Mr. J. E. IXly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumon ia. My lungs became' hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up ia bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much In its praise." , This marvel lous medicine is the -surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes SO cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at C D Bradham's drug store; every bottle guar anteed. . Happy Last Thought. Nell Jack kissed me last thing befo leaving. Belle Yes, It struck me that that would be the last thing he'd think of do ing. Volcar.ie EmpUcm Are grand, but slJn eruptions rob life of joy. rn.:Un's Arnica t-'-ilvc, cures thin; a"o old running sn.l fever so i:' X-.h'a, f,':-n, "- , Tc't, r 1 ! ':ri-s f . ('.. 1 I ( i. I -t ) i r ou i 1 - ( 't i , ( -: t I'j'.y cues cf p-sor f.i - cc-e jK-n cjv cf tu.'iV fu!".ess. ' H-t if yev keep your L'ooJ purr nothUfan ste&t your hei'ih. Ti.e on efT.-cUre, natural blood pnri- 6r is Iliad's Sarupanila. It turn k-npur Eiood-" Fir ytrs I anfiVrvd wtia piiuika oa KM aa body. Rood Raraaparllla rarri m parmaneolly. II aiw cured my nutaw" earbonckia.' Axanf K. Cain, TullB aty, CaL Catarrh-- HrwM eatarrbal dmn- r1"' in niy thruaU Biaii m nrrvoos aid diMy. My Ufr waa torpid. Hind i hr i'lrllll enrrrtt em Iraobta. My b-iih la vrry f.;L Maa. ktvraa J. buuit, 171 Mala bt. Ad bora, Maiiw. RmII ftllt nm hf tlk: th m rr-tetlb m4 Lilt! Willi "Hal kal I chocked a bananer skin la froai of our teacher to day eat fer a Joke." Willie's Pop Tat surprised at yoa. I doa'l ee any Joke In that." "Don't yaaf Wall, a tumbled, all right, all right." During lb winter of 1807 Mr. Jamea Reed, oa of lb leading elllsena aod merchants of Clay, Clay Co, W. Ya, truck his leg against a cak of lc la such a manner a to bra la It severely, It became very much swollen and pained him to badly that h could not walk without th aid of crutch. Ea wa I reeled by phyalcaos, also used several kinds of liniment and two snd a half gallons of whisky la bathing It, but nothing gave any relief until b began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought tlmost a complete cur In a week' time and ba believe that had b not used this remedy his leg would hsv had to be amputated. Pain Balm I an. equaled for sprains, braises and rheuma tism. For sal by F. 8. Daffy ft Co. - Mara CeWaValaa. . ''Ton never can tell," say th Maae- yunk Philosopher, "how highly a msa I vslued by his friends until he's been run over by a railroad train." ' Relief ia fix Bears, Distressing Kidney snd .Bladder DIs ease relieved ia lx hours by "New Great Booth American Kidney Cure." It la a- great surprise on aocouutof Its exceed' ing promptness In relieving pain In blsd der, kidney and back, in mala or female Relieves retention of water almost Im mediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this I the remedy. Bold by C. D Bradham, druggist. New Bern, N. 0. Football. ' ' -' .. '' Football i really an intellectual game, It certainly bring the understanding into plsy. i Why experiment oa yourself with remedies of doubtful utility when yoa can get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy' which has stood th test of time? Twen ty five years' tale and use have proven that remedy to be Vprompt and certain cure for colds,' It will cur a cold In a dsy if tsken aa toon s th cold ka been contracted and before It ha settled In the system. Bold by F. B. Duffy Co. - s Strictly Strict. ; "He's a vtgetarlsn, Is hr "Oh I the strictest kind. He won't even eat oyster plant." : "'-' ' Biamarck'a Irsa Nerv Wa the result of his splendid health, Indomitable will and tremendous energy art not found where itomach, liver, kid ney and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the succes they bring, use Dr King's New Ufa Fills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 85c. at 0 D Bradham's drugstore. . ' J fc . Watching the Shamrock "Barrln' her name, what be there Irish about her?" "Dom If I know, lest it be that after her leavln' there's a wake.", ''I wish to express my thank to th manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for hav ing put on the market such a wonderful medicine," says W. W Msastngill, of Beaumont, Texas. Ther are msny thousands of mothers whose children have been saved fiom attacks of dysen tery and cholera Infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by F 8. Duffy & Co. The JXeaeoB Why. If it Is really a disgrace to die rich, we begin to understand why it is that wick ed little boys so often live to grow up and-succeed In business. 100. Cr. B. Eetehton's Antl Diuretic May be worth to you more than $100 if you have a rhild who soils bedding from Incontence of water during sleep Cures old and young alike. It arrest the trouble at once. $1. Bold by C. D Bradham, druggist, New Bern, N. C. There Wu a Slip. Bir Thomas should Iskc time to remetri' ber that there al'-o tepy be n sny a Blip k-twoeu tha Cup and the Lie-ton. Y'u b- --e en (".. ' '".'S I r -a i .-. r lie r ! v. ' i you bey ' (' e, ! 4 la.i'ii . : a i 1- t a f .. . t t . a i .". r ua t-. r. I r mm r u c e.,.!?ai v r, ;:r tr,a crwa h V i I' r, :r ! .w (. at.-t Uv : '.i- Tut i.ra . q be rt aral.4 the ,- Mi msktula cf j ! Witrb'J h IB b"'hi.J,r aa b a.j iy made his way ap U.m pdU-j '. ckf tbe aVpla, Of courne ha wm iM.TTiwet aad be aaij Ut- lr.j.''T that tbe Uk wa o eaay that be eid Jost aa well carry maa Bp oa his bark. t hat nooa iT(ra aail timidly to hi city edikc tiutt be had read of tbe awple climber' offer and would bo yUd to aaueod tbe spir oa hi back. Tbe edib trinl to point oat to II nam th peril of th thing, tnt be would not Utn. Finally tha elm-pie dlmrxw and lieara arraoe-ed tbeir aod of th foal At the appointed time Bearn mourrt- ad th steppl climber abooldrr. and th dixry Joonwy txvau. Ten of thoa (aad of people watched th foolhardy fair. At last th cross wa reached, and lieara loft hi perch on th climber' shoulder. Th snob In tbe streets be low cheered, and tbea tbe two meo re turned to th ground aafely. Hears went back to the office and aat down and wrote two column of a story describing bis aaneattooa, and th glo ries of th view be had obtained from th (teepl top. Back a glowing d srriptioa of a city seen from a rreat height baa aerer been read before or ioc. The most interesting thing about It was the Tact that Heara waa ao near sighted b could Dot as fir fee beyond th tip of bi Boa. Baa Franciaoo Argonaut . Th aartwwTwl Tm, There I a tree) in Persia to which the nam "th lorrowful tree" i given. Perhaps becaoa it bloesoni only la th evening. When th first star appear In th heaven the first budtjf the aorrowful tree open, and aa tbe abodes of nlpbt advene and the star thickly atnd the sky th buds continue gradually open ing nntll the whole tree looks like on Immense white flower. Oa the approach of dawn, when the brilliancy of th stars gradually fade in the lihtof day, th lorrowful tree close ita flow er, and are the tun is rally risen not a ingle blosBoin is visible A sheet of Sower dust aa white aa snow covers th ground around the foot of tha tree. which seems blighted and withered dur ing th day. while, however, it ia ac tively preparing for the next nocturnal festival The fragrance of the blossom ta like that of the evening primrose. , If the tree 1 nt down close to th root, new plant shoot up and attain maturity in an Incredibly short time. In the vicinity of this singnlar tree there usually growe another, which ia almost an exact counterpart of the aor rowful tree, but leaa beautiful, and. strange to say. It blooms - only in tba daytime. St Louis Globe-Democrat A Bride With Rome Good Totals. Borne years ago in an agricultural district there lived a farmer wbo want ed to sell one of bis cows. There wo not at that time a weekly paper In which he could advertise, so he resolved to follow a local custom and ask the vicar of the parish when giving ont his notice at church to advertise the cow. 'yes, farmer." enid the vicar. "1 should be willing to oblige yon, but you don't attend my church. Presently, however, they struck a bargain that the vicar should advertise the cow, and the man in return prom ised to go to church. Now. unfortunately the man wo deaf, and on the Sunduy following when the vicar gave out the banns of mar riage between Joseph So-and-so. bach elor, and Sarah So-and-so. spinster, the farmer took it for granted th&t the vicar wa giving out particulars of his cow and shouted oat: -- .. "Ton might as well say while yon are about it that sho is a maut gentle creature and entirely free from vice. -Stray Stories. ,. ' Wasted a Haunted Ilcnac. Tha following enrion letter waa re cently received by a house renting agency In London -. "Have yon a reputed hannted bonse on your books? ' I ant not afraid of ghosts. . I do not as a matter of course believe in tucir existence, und I am willing to live in a bouse for a long or short term by arrangement Of course, rent free. Should there be no ghuet then, if yon wish it. 1 nhnll be willing to testify , on oath to the fact , But should I see an apparition I will keep the matter secret and only acquaint you. With the circumstance ; I will pledge myself not to pander to local gossip. I hfrvo a small income on which I can subsist My Sole object in thus applying to yon is to be allowed to live in a place In which I do not need to pay any rent" The inquirer waa Informed that the firm had no haunted bouses on its list but would inform him when it had. . ; Jack Redeemed Himself. - A mother, indignant to find hor lit tle son very low In his class at school. exclaimed wrathfully: .. -"I am out of all patience with you Jack I I should jnst like to know why George Jones is always at the head of his class, while you are always at the footl" Jack hesitated for a moment and then, looking his mother squarely in the face, he suid innocently "You forget that Jones has very slever parental" Tit-Bits. . The man who Is always pointing out to other people whnt a lot of money they might have if they took his ndvice never has : any himself. Atchison Globe. .- A light find trifling mind never takes in grout ideas mid never accomplishes anything pront or pood. Sprajjne. Joseph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me., healed a sore running for seventeen years snd cured hi plies of long standing by n-ii -I reWiit's Wih h r .' Falve. It c (.'i s' ';i " 8 F S ! -.' 1"n I 1 1 r n D.'jests whit you eat. It art: 3c V.lyd F-'.lhfnGdanlld ature la atxei .-irntrf structirig the eil.auMd d'k-rtlv or gaus. ii is ine tii a.HCOvmaa rml ant nd Uitiic ho otb-r preparauoa can approach It In ernertcy. It to. !nny reaere ana prrmaneollycarea 'rrp!a,.Ind:gin,n, lirartbura, iatoienee. Sour ritnmerh, Kaoaea, irk Hedch.GaUltfla,CTamrja,an3 jiotbermuluof Inir-vfertdiresUosV. VefW IrLC DeaiuC,Cetcaw. f. B. DCFFT. Fine Tobacco, Truck and General Farming: Lands ' . For Sale. On tract of BO arm la ra fourth mil of city of New Fern. One tract of 77 acre la lea Ibaa on mile of city of New Bern. una tract of 830 arre la about on mil of city of New Ben. . On tract of Worr la two mi'e of elty of New Hera. una tract of vu acre la tiro aod oa half atiles of Cur of New Hero. One tract of 800 acre in thre aad on quarter miles of ctly of Nw Ben. All of th abov tracts ar well Iocs ted, being oa the tarn aid of Um rtver Uut New Bern . They are in rood state of cultivation and wa hold them at a moderate price. For prices, Xc, apply to J.J. WOLFENDEN, New Bern.N.O FOR RENT I The Hall, Srd door, riant er' Building, Middle street, . : recently occupied by tbe Hebrews a a Synagogue, ALBO A FEW BOOMS, 2ND FLOOR, ; ' Bame Building. ' W. . Iff. STREET. School Books 1 All Kinds At Baxter' Jewelry Store, next to th Journal, New Beta, N. V. School Books at Low Trices by mall, post paid. Write ua for price lists snd term. - J. M. & J. B. HEEL, "BKKLE1IOUO, N. C . REALESTATEAGENCY Houses and Lots For Balo at Lowest Possible Figures. "Desirable Home and Tenement (hat will prove a lino Invest ment. "'.. . "" Collection ef Rents a Specially. OtBce at residence, 17 Johnson street E. 11 lIAltFIIK. fKOttSSlONAL. F. M. Simmons, i. H. fou. A. I. Hard . W. Fou. 51MJ10NS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS al -; LAW. " ' ,; ' ' MEW DKatRR, BT. V ' OMce W Bo, Front Street, nearly oppo- , site Hotel i'natiawaa. - (Offloe also at Ralohrb and Smithfleld.) Praotioe In tha eountiea of Craven, Duplin, Jonea, Onalow, Carteret Pauilloo, Wake, Jonnaion, Hamen ana wiiaon; mine 911 prerae snd Federal Coarta, and wherever HmcM anuwinu. P. H. Pelletler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Mlddl Street, Lawyers Brick , ; Building. Will nraetice In the Oonntlos ot Craven 1 arterst, Jonea, Onalow ana I'amlloo. U. a uourt at new xterne ana Bupraue Lmirs o e mats. ROMULUS A. NU.NN, " mw BUUTB,' - it. C. (; Offlcei Opp. Hotel Chattawka. 8011th Front Street. Praotioe in North Carolina . FINANCIAL. T. A. ttieen. Free, E.H. Meadows, Vlos Pre : :-'. H.M.eBovas.Caahier. ; CITIZEN'S -BANK or jm ju w HBmn, rr. o. OO A GKMKRA1, BASKINQ BD8INBS1 The Aeoonnta oi Bank a, Bankers, Gorpor atlona, rannera. tierenanu ann oiaera re eeived on lavorable terma. ITompt and ean rol attention given to tbe lntei eat 01 our en tomer. coulouobs a specialty. . aoaan or DIBtCTOnS. rerdlnand Ulrica K. H. Meadows. J. A. ateadowa, . Cha. Dully, Jr. Samuel w. IpoeK, jamea Keoinona, Caas. B . To wier, llayer Halin M 1. W. Grainser, .' Thomas A. fcreea, B. W.Smallwood, , C.K.Fov. Ueo.K.Ive. , W. F. Crockett. F. & BAHK, MAT 1st, 1898. Capital Stock...... ..$75,000.00 Surplaa,.., 0,000,00 Undivided Profits,.. ..... 2,000.00 - .OFFICERS. V. H. CoTi.Kll President. V W. 8. CnADWiCK, Vice Pres. .. T. W. Dswsy, Csehier, J. W. Bipdi.b, Teller. C. T. Chadwick. Collector DIUECTOES: Wm, B. Blades, H. M. Mnrks, O. D. Bradham, F. U. Pelletier, fj. U. Cutler, Jno. Suter, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Stewart, T. W.IDcwey, We wsnt your business and feel that we cancer you as much in return as o.:...t tmuk in the city. It is our t ivor to niuke businc-h. n 'ntions mut r. y p'-.-wHiit and prtii.-.oi.io to our Adsls.'itrtten litter. firlef eseiiaed a tksi AssiisLuirmia ef W.U. Harvey rrisisd bus o ta leaaly of truf. Ulakito axlff ail perauaa hafisf ciaiat araiaat ta ssuta MiaiiiKaaam aeataiMt tseaa la th tsJrt'.Mt os M bsfor tb Ilia, qay ( October liajo, or Ik is aotiot will to lesd ia rir o( Uetr iwewvety. AU per ladUsd a said eslala will plsas sake Imamtlate r-' sesu TUOS f. sU-CAKTlit, A Jstlalairauir. TkU October lllk, 1MM. . lOMMlSSIUXIR'S MLt. North Camliaa. Ruperlnr Conn. Craven Ce. Fall Teram, 187. - Juaepk L liana. Vs. Waablattoa Blads. Uasoah Mad. I arsuant to a rsda-nwrat reodsnd si lb rail I elm JSVJ oi uravea eouaty t perior t'oort In lb abov sell lied aotioa. ia which said lodgawat tse andersif aed wr dulv puuiaied eosambatuoera (or th sale oi Um property brelnaltcr scribed. Mow I here foes ia coordaaa with aald Judgmeot aad by request of ptelaltS w win oner lor sal and aril la it higbe bidder lor cask at pa UtcssoUoa ai th cowl boa Vor in flaw Bra ea Moa- day th Bib day of November 18M at II etocB aa, lit lollowiag rssl property, towlt; the ooanty of Craven and Stai of North Carolina oa Pea, broke msd and edjoiatog th land ot FhUlip J Lee on the aotUi; tb land kaowa aa lb Bray pi see oa lb south; th lead of K O Uoseiey oa tk weal aad bounded On lb east by Psmbrok rood. Being is east land purchase by WsaaiaKloa blade from th beir of Jess (laj pools by deed ezecaled by Emelio Clay poote, Kxecutrlx to which said deed rsfsrsecs I hereby mad for a full and mure det ail descrtplioa I hereof, (eieepi tea acres thereof heretofore. covved la Philip J Lee. Th abov described property being tbe earn upon which th dwelling boose of tb Mia Wasbiagloa Biad and 11 a a aaa mad la Moated aad w hereon they now reside. This I am day or Hcptemoer ltwv. J. E. iao'HARA, Cotnntlaeiooers. COMMISSIONER'S Sill. North Carolina. f Buperlor Court. Craven Co. f May Term, 18W . - joan o uarrelt, T. Henry J Long aad C 0 Roach. Pursuant to a judgment of th Sup rior Court of Craven county rendered at the Hay term 1MK) in lb above entitled action, the undersigned aa commieaioner will offer for sal and sell to tb highest Wider for caab at public veadj at the court bona door in New Bern, N (', oo Monday. Hie 6ib (lay of Jtoveiuber leW at 11 o chick in, the followlug described lots of land aituat la th city of Naw Hern, county of Craven, and Mate of North Carolina. Being lot 1M and 163 u n ail improvementa taareon aituatcd on the northeast corner of Slain and Muiry si reels iu Karruvill In the city of New Bern, adjoining tke loll of John Dawson snd other aod bounded aa fol lows: Oa tbe north by Hale street and on tbe east by slurry street, on the soutn oy the lana oi John Daweon and on the west by Abiam Dudley's lot, inn ffu, ah VI -1 . i un ,AJ A Murry street being a part of a tract of land left Isaao W Kubanks by will of Allen (1 Kubanks, deceased, and tbe rime lots conveyed to the said Henry J Long by deed from E M l'svle trustee ot Isaac W Kubanks and recorded la book 88 on pates 425 and 420 in th onico or the ltrglster of Deeds of Craven counly to which reference is had, ex oepting thirty feet which has been con- Vtyed to Wm Btarkey by d.ed. -This 13tb day of September 1899. . It. W. WILLIAMSON, J. E. O'UAHA, . , , Commissioners, .Commissioner's Sale. Norlk Carolina 1 Craven Oountv f Thomss F. McCarthy Administrator, of Mary v. Dewey Uecetsed, vs. C. II. Wlirelns and Other. Pursuant to that certain Judgment rendered at 'he Hay term ltwv ot craven Superior Court in the above entitled ac tion, under which tbe underaignwd ws duly appointed Commissioner to sell the hereinafter described tract of land: The undersigned aa Commissioner will proceed to offer for sale and sell on the 1st Mondav In November 1809. It heini the sixth day of said month; al the hour of 13 o'clock m. to th highest bidder for cash at the Court Uouae door In craven oountv: . AU that certain tract of land situated In Craven county on tbe oorlb side of Neuse river adjoining tbe lands of Nancy Adams snd others, known a th Dudley planlatioi containing about two thousand six hundred acres; Except' so much ef said land a is bounded and de scribed as follows: To wit: Beginnln uS at a cypress on neuse river below M Seine Beach running north : with the Dower line to Clevea line thence west with Bean Pole awamp to Henrahans line, then south with said line to Nancy Adams line thence with th river to th beeinningr. Being the ssme land conveyed to Alexander Mitchell by E. W. Carpenter Commissioner by deed dated February 33rd 1881 recorded in the office of tb Heglsler . ot Deeds of Craven county book 83, page 190 -101. and th asm conveyed by Rountree snd Carmer Kxecutors ot Alexander Mitchell dec, by deed dated September 15th 1889 re corded in raid record, book 89, page 492 etc. t his Keptemneraem lorn THOMAS F McCARTHT,--' ; Commissioner. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. State of North Carolina, ) Eighth County of Craven f Township. a ioun ana w is uroan .. American Electric Novelty and Mfg Co, and Joseph M Zamoiaki. The defendants above named will take notice that a summons In the abov en titled action was issued against said de fendant on the lllh day of September, 1809 by S It Street a Justice of the peace of Craven county, North Carolina, for the sura of I20J 75, due said flalnlitla by reason of breach of contract and dam ages accrued thereunder, wiucn sum mons is returnable before said justice at bis oltlce in New liern in raid county snd in Eighth township, on the lllth day of November 1809, at the hour of 11 o'clock a m. The defendants will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was ieued by said i'litice on tbe lllh day of rcplemlier IbiU sfrninut the prop erty oi mini ucieuunma wincu warrani 18 returnable before !the said Justice at the time snd place above named for tb return of the summons When snd where the defendants are required toap i r and answer or demur lo the com i i i tortile rtliif oenmr.ded will be -1. 1(1 r cf ( a. K. s. 1 . 9 r. J. P. CBL1C1TI0R OP Sl'MMOSi Korlh Caruliaa, I aperies- CVsrt. thnital HHat the Cisrk B F PUsia. Adsir of Ads Uiukias, 4 Joka O Ustlns, b F Dibkiiw, Uelea Hanks, Kdsanl liualss, Uaruiis hie aad A V Htee. To Edward ( iskias. 1 aqi 11 spprsring is las ssKstsrllaa IM Coon by aindavM tbst Us srd Diukta is a sos rraiilsl oi Ike blais of honk Caroliaa. yom ar hereby amined, thai a auroa sad pslluoa lor as nf real sial lor aaaru baa bees dulv Bird la ta earra- on ice or ore Tea county, n u, la lb above milled action by B F Dto kins, alnlaHilralrr, you ar hereby ao tiBed lo appear be'or said rlerk al hi otne la New Iters, Craves county, N O ' oa Saturday, October tbvk 1WM, at II o'clock as, aad answer or demur to said aeihioa a yoa easy dress best, oUms wise tbe prayer of lb peililooec will be granted, fi is order tbst ibis aotioa ba pabliabed one a week for week la New Hera Journal. Dated at New Hern, N C, Sept 1 M W. If. WATdON, Clerk riopertor Court Uraialstratori Sale of Laid. velcyl Bny-HorCo. F P Row, Administrator of Was. Row deceased, vs AlleaO Row, Martha AOaskla ar . others, x Purauaat to a Judgment and ordei raadersd aad made la lb abov entitled can, la th Superior court ol crtvea eouaty Oct 7lb 1HWV I will i . poa lo sal t public auction for cash al th Court Houa door In New Bsra N O oa Monday November 17th 1899 be tween th hours ot 19 o'clock m. and 1 'clock p. as , tba land described la tbe complaint. It being acertala tract of lead la Craven county N. IX oa the north aid f Neuie rlvr and oa Broad creek bounded by th Und of Allen Barring ton, Wm Blapleford and by Broad creek, it being tbe same where Wm Roe. de ceased resided st the time of bis death, containing about SHO sere. For further description ae records In the office of the HegUlcr of Deeds of said county. r. I. HUE, Administrator of Wm. HOE, dee'd. Administrator'! Notice. Raving Qualified as the Administrator of Littleton J Potter, decessed, late of the Counly of Craven, this Is to notify sll person hiving claim against th estate of th deceased lo exhibit them to th undersigned on or before the 11th day of October, 1900. or this untice Will ue plead in bar oi ineir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will plena, make immediate payment. This October, 11th, 181W. THOS. F. McCARTHT, Adniiuftliaior. Administrator' Notice I Having qualified as tho Administra tor d. b. a,j( Edward Harvey, deceased 1st of the coliuiy of Craven, Ibis Is to notify all persons having claims against tbe estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned ou or before) the Uth day of Octolwr, 19C0, or thla Nolle will be plead in Bar of their re- , covery. All persons Indebttd to said estste will please mako Immediate pay ment. TI10S. F. McCARTHT, Administrator d. b. n. . This October 11, 1899. . ALL HANDS 'ROUND And Join us in praising the beauti ful Line ol Heating Hloves, now in Hock and on ssle by the U II. Cutler Hard ware Company. They have them large and small, handsome and plain. To look at them is to buy them, because of tbe remarkably low price. . , .. t . Also don't forget we always bare on hand a large rtock of wholesale and re- , tail Hardware of all kinds. Hush, Dots, and Blind a specialty. OUI and exam ine. Y' L. H.CUTLER HWECO. KINSTON STEAM LAUNDRY. " v ' I have taken the agency for the above named laundry and solicit the patronage of the people of this city. " ' -.-i .. .' j . Our work is guaranteed to he FirsMJlass and Up-to-date. v Give ua a trial. -Shipments flade Wednesday and "i" Returned Friday; ' ; j.i,. iiAiiT.srji:i.i. 600 ACRES I - FOR SALE. . Pamlico couuty, north side of Neuse riven " : ". . 100 ACRES CL.EAI El. 600 ACRES TIMBER. ' Dwelling and Teneuaiit houses, bams and outbuildings. Desirable property. For terms and particulars,' sddieEs, Journal, New Bern, N. C. the CMitoi, Moreheai City, N. O. T. L Hull, 1'iop. Terms Satiefactory. . HOUSE FRONTS TIIL CCAN.