L ' Li The Best Washing Powder. Ask Your Laundress to Try It. Siilltliil1iliiii!II!!!il!!il!i!!i!iillillillii!5 -- r "' p- -v a"---" 'j p aj p Ts"wnsiBjjsi 4 r1 , (r L.LL.-...- AD a 3 , J 3 roa :r ii Li ULzaLa r.lEN and WOr.iEH.rs C fasaUay anstl wanl ! Uasoarw..f aumW 'A mum, Uitr rw, 1 1 p. iwnwirt, ! T " Md III dlMAMM Of lmipM,tH M , "' A ' flssj, Km lMMWrMM. U'WN IM, vr ran I fx rratrk ly m4 mm kftmtl ffett. rwi tk:s it cr.:rr.:a a nn treitvxt. e)W tri n Inn, m mm WW Itll US ' ""'"T.-HWMMmi ? f p- b.f r. ymr M-, w-'oif-.i .ml full bl!ri nui.M"H ! il TW ".'!t, tnwm, .ou.i, o .ui.. v N t roft r It rlt4llll.V ..wi m. ' BTIAA. llgiMilu.iAr!'a I nlauMl MOX that 1U if . . i Mwar. w- -r i-"ir 1'-I - n ' -i -ir . I n,.i.r.i mm T S TRY FIRST CUY AFTERWARDS. z2L ?ll!lltllllllllll!lil!lillllllllllllll!lllllllltl? "irrTT CI .") Sold by Druggtrt wiwbn. ? 1 h. Ite'M Umuli h, run. i 1 Turn Uond. Urn In IU1M. I Tli P Onrninnj. Wrr. J' t. July W Jii ii I am now the Sole Agent for the 000 CELEBRATED o o o 99 MIDDLE STREET, - . SPECIAL - TO - Barak" the American Stock Com puny . . , . We have just arrived from ti liue of CLOTHINC, DRY 000D5, Otnts's Furnishings which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM . PRICES CLoTiiixu !' cyvrmsG ! CLOTHING ! We surely have tba largest line of Clothing in town, we bare Clothing enough to auit and fit ever; man, every joutli and eveiy Utile boy, for prices at which you will wonder. We are unable to mculion price on Clothing for our itoclc in top great Ccme yourself and be convinced. - Come early ami avoid the rush. The early bird catcbri tho vcorm and the vmm 1 j cuBi'imrr cuicnea luv uargainB, Jienieinoer wis sale win nus uui very ioug. The American Stock Company, HOWAtlD & MACIlt, Proprietor. ' " 60 and l Middle Slieet, " , NEW BERN, N. C. , A repuCalioo for pure food products lias always been our aim, aud which we have succeeded in by alwujs keeping our goods np to the lilitlwMt standard of excellence. Our high grade iuirl CJootls Iioico Tn niiil C'oKV'f, v Flue IVrenlj. ISi:t(er . C luese, Are always the befit to be foa id i ny w u is, auJ our prices arc as Low as tho Lowest. "' , I ask ih houeekeepi to call Ht niy store and make a persoml exami nation of Stock and 1 am sine you ll be please I bolh as to finality and prices. karmlrlLMUIIalll mmiMli for Consumption nrwkw. i i,egan U8ing Piso'a Cure 13 8f.j3 years ago, and believe It saved : - 1 me from consumption. Mv child k $ Oth, I80O. .. so: , NEW BEBK. H CJ THE - PUBLIC ! Northern Markets with a "complete SHOES, HATS, Ladles and' Have Just Begun ! I. -. .!...; ll .. ii f.' -a v . . I ,l. a f'. fc;-1;.it . 1 a. ..t !.'. i-V. tut )t I ay ts Kirt. t :t tr t'i.'i.!i; ti;-ii-i Tb vu,' 1 tf a t i ti :. :c i , v . x uj-uo. srv eLtci.j r.oti.f ahi k that mJ !'. t an ori.nry nun. fcet arm ;Mirri:y nn tti Wirm t it the n'i ,.-,( r.sa. "I returatiN m time ajo Cvd; Ve cf ynntix f :'! caine In costx-t ard denul'y with a live wir at manufac tory her la town, and both rereiwd exactly the ama nirfrol One of thorn was beSprr anmnd a dynamo and had met with iuihsps of tiiat aurt befir. II was kDucked off his fwt and no nieotari!rannrd, bat waa all right la m tla minntea, The other man. wbo l- - i strangnr, fill over as If RtrnrV . 'htniu)(. and it was fnlly half aur before he ahowed tint leant d?na of returning eonacloaaneaa. lie was bid op fur several days sod, oddly cnongh. wa much the more powerful phyucally of the pair. 'I have knows several nuns of prac tically the same sort. The motonuen oa the street cars frequently 'git the current.' as they call it. eaperially in rainy weather, when wet wood bonornos s coodncwir. They tell me they don't mind it much aftr the first few tiiuea. " New Orleans Times-Democrat TkM Tkal Waa Savac CallaS r, On tba eve of the Franco-German war wbea tba Emperor Looia Napoleon entered opus tba conflict which endod so disastrously to himself and hia coao tryroen. a ooaple of strangers appeared at s German town.Tbey brongbt with tbero a Urge packing caaa, which on their arrival waa can-led to a hotel Hera tba nnknowa visitors remained soma time and eventually disappeared without paying their MIL which amounted to a considerable sum. Tba landlord, whose curiosity had of ten been aroused with reference to the possible content of the case, at last de termined to open it and on doing so found a handsomely designed and rich ly upholstered state chair. Tbla waa adorned with the French imperial amia. eagle aad Louis Napoleon's monogram, and beneath it was s musical box which played when the cushion waa sat opon. It is supposed that the throne for such it is believed to have been in tbe event of success attending tba French army waa to have been nsed by the em peror st Berlin after the capture of the German metropolis Pate, however, spoiled the imperial plana, hence the sudden and precipitate flight of the cus todians of the chair. The widow of the hotel keeper s tew yoara later sent It to England, whera-it eventually found s purchaser. 8trny Stories. A Med leal Praapaetor. "It isn't getting your diploma that's the worst of it" said s new fledged M D. "It's where to hang out your shin gle. A doctor's got to bear two things in mind in deciding .that he mustn't choose a place that already baa physi cians enough, and, above all. hs must not settle In s healthy place one of those towns, don't yon know, where nobody dies except of old age. Of course a doctor doesn't want people to die that's almost as bad ss to hnve them never sick but he does want them to be sick enough to keep him going. - "Now, the way a friend of mine did was this : He took the train out through central New York, snd be stopped off st protty much every place he. came to till he found what be wanted. It was s pretty place to look st bnt it lay low along a river. Be noticed ss they ap proached it lots of marsh lands, and he said to himself, 'There'll be malaria here anyhow and probably typhoid.' And, sure enough, though he's only been there three years, he already has a paying practice." New York Com mercial Advertiser. - ' . Bar ritralif la Chlaa. ' Every Chinese woman has her ears pierced. In fact the custom is nearly es important ss the binding of the feet VTben the child is s year old. the oper ation may be performed as soon ss con venient It Is considered quite sn art First two tittle tassels of red cotton are prepared, with a blue bead on each snd s long end hanging loose. Then the child's ear is pinched till it is numb, when a needle ia run through and the thread after it till the tassel hangs over the lobe, where it is secured. Of course tho child often makes considerable ob jection -to the operation and then if there is s kitten anywhere near its ears are often pierced to encourage the hu man victim. This accounts for the fre quence of cats with holea and slits in their ears in the Celestial empire. The Traajedlaat's Da ... "Yah I Yah I" yelled the boys in the gallery. "Wot ye doin on de stage t Go back to de Innch counter I" "Canaille! Rabble! Scum of the earth I Offscourings of tbe slums I" hissed the tragedian, facing them with folded arms; "the hoodlums of tbe gal lery hoot at . tn and the critics of a venal press roast me I I defy ye both I I care neither for the higher criticism nor the hired criticism I" And he went on with bis lines. Chi cago Tribune. . The Refractory Weather. "Does the climate agree with yout" inquired the mild but conversational person. "No," answered the weather prophet fiercely. "Nearly every time I announce what it onght to do it assumes an atti tude of rigid and uncompromising op position." Washington Star. The Be Aothorltr. Hettie Harry is a man always to be trusted. He has never deceived ma Clara But how do you know thatt Hyttie Know it? Why, he told me so himself only last evening. Boston Transcript Eistreitif E'omaca r sea Permanently cuteil ly tbe n '.rr'y pow er of South Amerh an Kervins Tot!c, Invalids ne-.l si-;r no Inr -cr, hern e tuts re:r-t- y c -n cine ti :u s i. It 1 a cure f r t' a v'- 'a v ' ! of at -- a-h f "fir" : a. l ie cure 1 i '. s ' :i t' ; . ; ,' , 1 . a t 1 f it I,.'.- ! - ' : a f I r h: '. It I in; : r - iVionth thi-rc a-; !. t f wo men who tcrly m::cr !r:!i frrai Irregular mt nes- Some times the perhKi " comes too diet! c!:.:es Sot often enncgh soon-times the Ci.w ia too sx ant. and again if is too profuse. ELh symptom Shows that Natcra needs he la. and that there is trouble to the or gans concerned. Bs cartful when ia sny of the above con ditions. Don't take sny snd every nostra in sdverused to ctrs feii'.a'.c troubles. BRADFIELD'S -FDIALE REGULATOR is the one safe and sure medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation. It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity, such as leucnr rhcea, falling of the womb, nervousness; pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides, hips and limbs. By regulating; the menses so that they occur every twenty-eighth day, all those aches disappear together. Just before your time comes, get a bottle snd see how much good it will do you. Druggists sell it at $t. 8d tor r ft book, Prtot Hn US toe Wona." TUB BtADFIELD SEGULaTO. CO. A TLA ITS. SS. . We sre leaders la building the Lightest Buggy made and can supply job with any thing yon need for one st short no tice by mall. Yours to serve, G. H, Waters & Son. SEE HERE i We now furjtah you Btove Wood ready cut and delivered to your door. Always kept under large sheds, never Cels wet In rslny weather. Nice Brick and Lathes. ' Flats to L( t A large stock ot No 1 Hand Made Heart Shingles Just arrived. -Tar snd Lime. . J BIG HILL, The SMnnle Mai. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, an FREIGHT & PASSENGER. ; For All Points North. The Steamer NETJSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridspi at 6 p. m. sharp, mak ing landings at Oriental, Ocracoke and Roanoke Island. . 1 ; Freight roceived not later than one hour previous to sailing. For farther information apply to - GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Euro, Qon. Mgr., LLC. IIuDaiN8,Gon.Frt.& rassiAgt. , : Norfolk, Va, New Berne. N. C, May 30th, 1898 In Store aud to Arrive ! t,0OO rolls cotton bagging; 8.500 bun dles cotton ties; Heavy sacks, twine, etc. Prices low a any; I buy the contract quantity and ?et freight by schooner. " - J. E. LATHAM, .THE COTTON BUYER. NOTICE ! All persons wanting BTOVEB OF ANY KIND REPAIRED AND TUT DP, Call on -. J. W. WOOD, . Corner Bio id snd Middle Streets, (build ins formerly ufed as Mrs. 8tsnlv's book store) and they will Receive Prompt Attention. Also Tin Work of sny kind. For Ilcnt or Sale ! My residence on National Avenue. 8 large rooms and an a tic. Bath room. Wkter closet snd fewerage,.. For terms addrefs, T. W. DEWEY or myself. KATIE B. BOYD. fk'coiitl-lland and New DICYCLES. To pti tics needing good second-hand i sd new Bicycles. We hnve on band at present: 1 1 l adies Falcon, $18 00 8 (.i-iua Lilicrtv'S,. 10 00 2 t'luits lavoriles, 10 t'O 1 Inns 1 'Hi-toman 10 Ik) 1 ! u s 1,0 II,,. 7 ( I 1 I . s ! i i ii Oil I ( . ,iu,uuiiton, l'l l i II " : M ! 1 ( . i, 32 T a 1 ' if ill 1 i ; i t I 1 h i 1 ( ri t h i ' : 1 i ' i ' ! ; i r i v ' Lc.'.o Directory. V! T 'iY f (. MIL r-i, M. U.N ioK ill AM -V,n r-v f.it -it m'nj f t-wii Ij Kn'.n iim'.i. J I . -r i. t , (i l ...rji er, V t ; A at Hi L.i.!. 1 i ; t I' Itanlief. H 8. Ctll'MU FSCAall'MF.NT, NO. , I. O. O r. Otl.rtrrl. L Moodr. C P: J U l mar. K t-. i J baiter, ft W: C 11 111, J W;(eo. tiieen. hrribo; X (,rii k. Tiruurrr. Itefuiar ).ur7T.p- ttM-ni. Afl. and &lk til o I Thurtai alt; bit ia eaca bmniU st 7 SO o'clucs. HEW litltN L MM! I? No. I.r U C J C hcale. t'rrmt; J 11 !mlih. ItecorOInf bec'yj a, a, yaWley, nnaactat bery. Hrtu ta tin holln ef Harmony Hall every Ut sad led Monday nlbu is sacs BiOUlS. F.l'IIEK A IX1IKJE NO. 7. I. O. O. F. OftVer T. U. Hut Ion. N. O ; W. T. Hill. V. O i Cieo. (ireea, Uec d'g bactr. It I'arkerJr. Treaa. Becular airatlacs very Monday Bight st 1,'J0 o'clock. CRAVE! LODGE No. 1. KM'iUTS OK HAKMONVi Meets tad aad th Thorwlay rlrSt la each ntonth la Rauntree's Halt PoUock street st 840 o'clock. 8. It Ball, President It J. Dls Mwsy, Bec'y, H. 8. UUI, F. Bee'y. KN1CHT8 OF HONOR-Offlcsrai K 11 Joees, Dictator, U L Vlnnon, ltcporler; W F Rountrea, Fiaaarlal Repwrtor New Berne !.orfga ho. 448 meets lb Snd and 4tn TrMay sirtiia at 7:su o riocs in Koanlree's Hall, Pollock street. VA HTO CI BW 4IINT HO. , P. St-I. O. . t 0itter Ueo. Slnvw, CaiUln T. Ii. Ny ain, Uaut. P. 11. PelleUer, Kmlr; Wwi. J riiu, Clerk Bd. Uvroci, AerounWnt. R-s ir Canton menu, VI and lm Tiiumlay alit la auS wrath alSUS 'lots Hcnry'sPharmacy . . S7 Middle Street,. NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The beat knows Bkln and Blood Rem edy, for the care of Pimples, Posluiea, Tetter or Bait Rheum, Blotches, Tumor, Boils, King Worm, Kiieumalisni, AO., Is HENRY'S COnPOUND EXTRACT OF 5AR5APARILLA . WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of the blood, set Ins through the natural secretary and eicretary organs removing those matters which disluro its purity, lien ry'sBarsaparillsis put up to meet the popular need for such a remedy, without being related to the many secret nos tril ins snd qusck medicines of Uie day of unknown composition. It contains Just what the formula calls for as printed in on the label of each bottle snd sells for on bslf the price ohsrged for unknown composition. For Bale at Henry's Pharmacy, where you will find Combs, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Articles. . Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. ; . : ,W.S: DEALER IN Hardware and Fire An Saab, Doors and Blinds, Paints, - . Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc Agent for Garland Stores & Ranges - and Devoe's, and lieoj Moore&V -; READY MIXED PAINTS. .' Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW BElWf, JT. C. Autumn Leaves . Are FalliiiR . - Thick ss those of Ysllambroaa, and It is high time that you thought of pro curing a light or medium weight .Top Coat or Fall Suit, if you haven't done so before this lime. Complete line of nov elties in correct woolens are open for our patrons examination, and perfect Ot ex quisite style and highest grade tailor work is guaranteed. - F. II. C hntltvick. Middle street V NEW BERN. N. 0 ii. w. siiirsoji, litnnl Ct ! TAnlnnflnnl C3 ISroail Street.' i i A FREE PA1TERN t (iwir own Mlectloo) to erery Bctv 5 sv..tr. Only 60 cuts a, aar. f r-.-tlf., trrA rt. -"'a, WIUiUNaToN A Vi LLDON It. R. And LrsiKhes. Aad AihtBtie I oa.t Lh Kwlroaxl CaV. 4 vvtilh i i.Nia. THAI Nil OOLNU hOLTlt. a PATtn July Si, M il ml il Am . u !D II I. y A.M L. WcMoo.il aul t sdi.'..' kr. R. Ml.. H si, 10 sJ. P.M. L. Tsrbon 11 II 1 1 L. R Ml. I oi io It a Lv. Wllsot.1 t Aflit 14 t 40 Lv. 8rlma. . Lv Fay'vllk V. II 6 t 1CH Ar.Fioreoct 1 i a Hi P.MJA.M Ar. Colrta. T St Lv. Ooid... 7 01 II 4 SO SO Lv. hlar'llai 0 40 ArWUsalton P.M A M P.M. TttAINa UOINQ NORTH. 2! 2fi & . 3 k2 il 43 -- Lv. Florence 40 ..... 7 4A Lv.Fay'ville lit ft)... . t 4ft Lv.tWraa.. 1 60 10 64 Ar. Wilson. I U 11 11 AM. P. M A.M. LvWilm'ton ..... .... 7 00 8 46 Lv. Msg'lis .... S M II 19 Lv. Golds t 15 ..... I 4ft IS 80 PJaT . 1A.M. P.M. P. If Lv. Wilson S aft a 43 U 81 10 88 1 1 Ar. a Ml.. 8 80 8 16 18 07 II 8o 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 i, Lv. Tarborq IS 81 .... Lr. RMt.. a 8o!7rriao9.... TTTTT Ar. Weldon 4 81 100 P.M A.M. Wllminirton and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic snd Yadkin Dlviaion Main Lin Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Fsyeitetille 18 15 p m, leaves Fay etteville 1 88 p at, arrives Saaford 148 p m. Returning leave Banford 8 80 p aa, arrive Fayetteville 8 49 p as, leave Fay ettevllla 8 50 p m, arrives Wilaingtoo S 80 p m. i Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Bennettaville Branch Trains leave Benneiisville 8 18 s m, Msxton 8 SO a m; Red Pprlngs 9 63 a m, Hope Mills 10 48 s m, arrive Fayetteville 10-60. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Hop Mills 4 85 p in, Red Springs 6 85 p so, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrives Beonrttsville 7 15 pm. , l Connections st Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with thsCsroliss Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs snd Bow mors railroad, stBanford with the Boabotrd Air Line and Bout hern Railway, at Ouff with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. I Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 pm, Halifax 4 16 p m, arrives Scotland Neck st 6 08 p m, Greenville 6 87 p m, Klnston 7 65 Sm. Returning leaves Kinston 7 60 a at reenvilleS 63 s m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 88 a at, daily ex cept Bunday. . - 1 Trains oa Washington Branch lesy Washington 8 10 s m and 9 80 p as, ar rive Parmele 9 10 s m, snd 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 s m snd 8 80 p m arrive Washington -11 00 a m aad 7 90 p m, dally except Sunday. ' ' Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re turning, lesves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 60 a m, aad Bunday 100 a u, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a tn, 11 00 a n ' Train on Midland; N O Branch leaves Goldsboro dsily, except Sunday, 7 08 s, m, arriving Smithfleld 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smithfleld 9 00 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 10 85 am. i Trains on Nashville Branch - leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 a m,. 4 08 p m, Bprlng Hope 10 40 a ro, 4 95 p m. Returning leSve Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 56 p m, Nash ville 11 98 s m, strive st Rooky Mount 11 45 s m, 6 00 p m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War law for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a tn and 4 15 p m. Returning eaves Clinton at 7 00 s m snd 10 60 p m. ' Train No 78 makes cloee connection st Weldon for sll points North dsily ' all rarl vis Richmond. H M EMERSON, Gen'l Psas Agent 4 it nriisi, uen'i Manager, . -i T M EMEltSON, Traffic Manager. ' OUR JfEW BXXOXIS I - Are now In and w will do yon good f yon will see our stock befor baying. Yon run no riik in buyine from oa Every pair gui-rsntetd to give satlsfso tlon. Also the latest In Hats, Clolhlnr, Furnishings, &o Respectfully, . J. J. BAXTER. Printing that Dlanrai! the kind w do. 1 IVUvkJ Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, and all kinds Job Printing at lowest prices. Do not send your piinting out of town, we will du plicate any prices you may have snd do the wnik in Fibkt Class Sttlb. Y1S1II.MJ t'ARIS Latest style, printed with imitation steel plate script. I :. STAFF'S manufactured tni. o a we-k. Ink, Fa in, Ac in stock. i ;,..,ily Printing Outiit complete with Iu.sciiDie Ink 5i'c. ( n HoiiTo la -..Illy, rrle t V i. i . A ak jV. C. II. IE "TiSI TAI I an. 9 IS 1a I F,t T.J.y. Aeg. a, la at rrtt 1. M. OcAi. tmml ScCiWtfc f Oc4b W im. a raasesger Trains He. 4 Ls. f as sTar.ossj i,.. 8 40........ . Ouldboro... ,i (ft LsQrssg .jo as . . Kintoa.......,..,.iQ if Berse,Lv.... . W L. " ' Ar. a7 111... Ar. MorbaJdty Lv..... 70s MfV ail . T - m a Mrt r k mnoMc M.y Pass Ta. I r L..ls. 1,... T18 .....Goldsboro tit 8 .....Beat's 11 8(4 .... .... laUraage..,.. u H Falling Creak 1 U a 14 Kinston ....1868 8 85.. ........ .(laawetl 11 aa Mie.- Dover 1140 10 40 CoraCMk itm 11 U...; Tuscarors 10 18 1181 Clarka mnn . mwmwmimmttm V VV 1105..... hw Bsrt 130 I Monday. Wsdoesdsy, Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. ' No. 1. I I r. . Mx'd Ft aad SriTtoxa: I Mit rt ...i Lv. a Ar. p at 818 T10 Ooldsboro.. ..... Best's 0.. LsUrsng Fslllsjoresk I. Kinston a 88 Oaswell 0 Ar. Dover. Lt 7 83 708 8 88 IS a is 800 480 1015 Lv. Ar 1040 ooracraak snn 1 1 Toacsrora. ia II 81. . ....... ...oUr.'. aan 18 OS Ar. New Bam. T. a an . . . - lK " Ar 1047 '1' Riverdsle 10 10 0.... oroatan 1000 48 Havelock 940 Newport, Lv 9 08 8 85 8 81 848 401 Wudwood...... Atlantic....... . . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv. . . . Ar. M. olty Depot, Lv. 8 47 888 890 760 S.K, A St. Monday. Wedneadav and IrrM.. fTuesdsy, Thursday snd Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superinteudent i " Atlantic Coast 11 ne. WiLa ikqton & Nkw Bbrni R. R. TIMB TABLE NO. 0, In Effect Wednesdsy, Aug. 7, 1898,JDaiIy Except Sunday. doing South sciiswjh: Going North o. 01, Passenger Trains No.60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 00 ....New Berne 640 PoUocksvUle.. 6 04 81 Maysville 4 49 10 08 Jacksonville 4 18 11 08. i wumington, i Union Depot 1815 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lt. ... 9 35 Fat No. 8, Passknor A FsxiaHT, No. 1 Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes dsy and Friday. Leave New Berne Tuea. dsy, Thursday snd Ssturday. Wi" Ar.rsi T80....Lt. Wilmingtoa, Ar 145 8 40...'.......8coU's HiU 19 65 880 Woodside 1915 WW ....Hollyrldge.... .1140 !?"'- -Do" ...1051 U 0 Verona 10 20 18 05 Jacksonville- 9 45 18 80 Northesst.. 866 8168 Whitecsk 8 80 180 ..MsysvUle 8 05 8 15 Pollocksville 7 90 8 55 DebruM's... 885 8 40 Ar, New Berne, Lt 600 Daily Except Sunday. . -' V- JJ. R. KENLY, Oeneral Manarer. - BORDEH, " "upt. Tianifortatirn. FOR HOME USE . . . . Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially in tended snd prepared for human con sumption. Ice delivered dsily (except Sundays) 6 a m to 6 p m. Sundays (retail only) 7 s m to 18 noon. For prices snd other information, Address, , New Berne Ice Co., a 8. GUIOL Mas AG IK. We Are Very Glad Yon are coming to the State Fair. Raleigh invites you meat cordially. ' Of course you will ccrue to our stole Tucker's Store, ,":"'i''-;;; ('if-:'..'') If you should need a Wrap, Jacket, Cape, a ;TaiIoi man-made Suit or the goods to make a dies, ae yoa awn re that yon can save the enpense of ycur trip by buying from nsT ' - We sell the best st the lowest prtoes snd you get a consctneM, an exce'lenos, s chatmingness la what yoa buy from u. Styles not to le hi d else i here. Come snd see us. ICE Dobbin & Ferrall, i At Tuckers S:ore, , 1S3 and 125 Fayetteville Etreet, T m. -mr -w-.--,--. ' m,J v -a Mlf X. sm , ST.

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