s VOL. XVll-NO. 192. NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY M0RXIK3, KOVELIBKR 10, 1839. : ESTABLISHED I'm): FIXES U SUPPLY of TIIE CELEBRATED 4S , 20c 20c 20c 20c V "1 1 r" . i Republicans Do Not Think Settle o V Amounts To Much. I .y tALkes the food more delicious end wholesome r M o to to to to to to to to k to to to to to to to to to to to Do yew Want ' ; - tu Good T " C ; lC Mocha and Java Roasted Coffee at 20c, at 20c, at 20c per lb. o u o o o MMI OKSM. Void months are sheni. W arm them np with ft Stove to replace that one of yours that can't k'ito out enough beat. ) Oar Stoves are heat ers, are handsome, burn easily, don't clinker easily, hate all the improve meets, are jnst the kind of Stoves yon want Our prices are always moderate. Wo are Sj'e Agent for the Fa ' mons - - - ' Peninsular Carbon , Air-Tight Heater. v " A Household IM.het. V are a!eo agt nts fur the WU- eon Ileutei, The bt' Air-Tiht -Wood heater on tbe Market and " tawn VinPA Afnnle) a.'F IVtatn in oftnlr , -. " COOK STOVES A SPECIALTY. , We havo 67 KEGS NAILS that we offer at l 09 base, GASKILL&r HARDWARE: U MIDDLE STREET. "Phone T3iiriiiri!ar!Vl.'iSrd5t'' r-nJ1r"nfirJ,ir"ifJ1fJ1d S Prepare for your Thanksgiving Dinner, &i3 : -. Aud when the family hve their nn'inl reunion, your d'nlcg O rjj room will be a thin? of beauty U you furnish It from ourup-to-dato and " J a inddome Dining Room Furnll ire. InfU EiiflL!''- vlvoCUS C.ii . and Sideboards- run ; Will gwe jot more biul j to llie f qu ire Iich'hin anytblnn you Flin can buy la Dlnlnj Ro Furnttur ', TltU Qos'ity and Prices combined. j P go a Mr u rnMGc s r r n , sub si via . m m C3 87 Special and Quick Delivori . Of e r.;n tin emulle t orders ll o'ic of our m ,'tlioi's o d' l g bus- in" tlnt mnkos Pa-kei' f'rorcry a 'nvor:io source of run lies ln Pure Fnod Products of a'l kinds Another one is Che high quality of our choice grocri, which wi gtmruntte to he of the very hot, t nt the lowest pi Ice to I e found In the city. Just rcoiivtd frh lot Vox Htver Uuttcr. 11m is noihii.-g better for l)iTakfi8t thim I!wk- wheat fakes and Po Eiwr Print o w o n o o ull. pUNBUlT were slightly damaged io thesterm " ' MITCHELL, ' ' . GROCERIES: - 147. 61 BTtOAD STREET." ' t nlui & VS. A -uuk : - . m Chairs m l m f mm m m - C CO STREET. S3 r-i r JiVp .flQ lit! I rt . ltutiw. Road Law Sustained. Healtby Bank Condition." Federal Conrt In' . December. The- magnetic Healer. Tree Planting. Seaboard Appeals. . Raleigh, November 8-rThe Republic cans who talk are now ridiculing ex Congressman 'Settle, saying he has no status in the party, and that his opinions are valueless. They are making these declarations In the hope of minimizing the effect of his letter to Congressman Linney. Settle said last night that be wanted to know whether it was propos ed to answer bis letter. The Supreme Court sustains the new road law; that is the law Which was enacted for a large number of counties la-it Bpring and to secure the enactment of which State Geologist Holmes worked so zealously. ? Chairman McNeill, of the corporation commission, says the elimination of tbe reports of the State bank examiners shows that most of the banks are in particularly healthy condition. . -The foundation of the Church of the Good Shepherd is practically completed It appears that work will be suspended for some lime. Tbe Federal Court meets here Decem ber 4th. So heavy Is the docket that it seems there Is to be a session In January there are now docketed 20 more cases than ever before at a term, and not all the comissioners have sent In their re .ions. The case of A. J.Uarshall.the Wll mlngton lawyer charged with counter feltlug, will not be heard at this term, It ippears, though the district attorney In curiously reticent about it. - Heury E. Litchford, cashier of the ilizeus' National Bank, left here for rat boro, where he Is to be married today. A idltor Ayer and John O. Drewry ac- iiinpanied him. , . ' A "magnetio healer" is reported to be -working miracles" at Goldsboro. It Is ait) he cured a case of locomotor ataxia. :t seems that many people at Gohlsboro re greatly wrought up by his presence. lie is coming to Raleigh. The Slate charters the High Point -lilrt Factory, which adds a new Indus- ry to the many ln that busy and thriv ing town. Judge l'nnell has gone to Washington II. 0 , on business. Next week . this city will begin the work Of setting out on the sidewalks, SO feet apart, 1,000 sugar maples. ' ' The clerks ln the office of the Secre tary of State hare been at work 15 nights making extracts from the. legislative journals from 1854 to 1874-'5 regarding the Greenville & French-Broad Railroad and also making extracts from the jour uals of 1806-7 and 18G3 relative to the issue of Buncombe county bontis. -. ' : The Seaboard Air Line appeals to. the Superior Court from the decision of the corporation commission, that that road must give freight rates the same at if one one continuous road, since It is all under one ownership and manage ment. , ' " . LaGrlppe, with its after effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Oough Cure, tbe only remedy that pro duces immediate results la coughs, cplds croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. . It will prevent con sumption. F 8 Duffy. ... REINFORCEMENTS Advancing; Towards Ladysmitn. Colenso Probably Already Recovered. ' London, November 9 To the eyes of military experts the datkest page of the war is now being written. But even that Is illuminated with bright passages, such as General White's victorious sorties. If he us keep the British flag flying oyer Ladysmlth until he la relieved, tbo cam palgn will turn a fresh page.and With the advauce of Sir Redvers Bullers's force, the British public is promised more cheer ful reading. Tbe most Interesting news tonight, Is a clspatch from Estcourt, announcing the departure of a strong force of mounted troops and . artillery for destination not given in the advices. Another message announces the arrival at Estcourt and rietermaritzburg within tho last few days of re enforcement! from turban, and that 8,500 troops' are assembled ready for an advance to Colenso when the opportune moment arrives. . Dr. W. Wiion, Italy lilll, N. Y., says "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife tmme illat') lelief in suffiK-nllilir asthma." I'ic n?ant to take. Never f.-uis to in ' !y CUie nil cim- I ) U, tit t c. r IM 1 In' ; t.-otibloj. V. H, OaflV. S ' if I ' !' t!i r 7 c .i if , 1 4 nvAi mm from 90 of the 99 counties of the State, with estimates on the others, show that the Republican claim of 00,000 plurality for Governor Shaw is easily maintained and may go slightly above that figure, - NEBRASKA. Lincoln, ' Neb , Nov. .- 8. Complete county returns coming ln tonight do not materially change the early estimates of the results of yesterday's election.; : The fuslonists carry tbe State by 12,000 per haps more, on the face of the returns from nearly half the counties. . , KKNTCCK. Louisville, Nor. 8. -No' matter whit result the face of the return of "yester. day's State election shows, a' contest is very likely to' occur. Addition returns received today and tonight continue to show Republican gains and an estimate, based upon the normal complexion of the precincts still unreported,' indicates a plurality of 6,000 or 8,000 -for Taylor for Governor. ' SOUTH DAKOTA. Aberdeen, S. D., November 8 More complete returns from the State at large confirm last night's estimates of a Re publican majority of 7,000 to 10,000 for Supreme Court Judge. ' MAEYLAND. Baltimore, November 8 Unofficial re turns from Baltimore city., and all the counties of the State show that the Dem ocrats swept practically everything- be fore them in yesterday's contest by ap proximately 11,000 majority. The official count, it Is thought, will, not materially uhange these figures. --You never, know whit form of blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by uslnir De Witt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and llvbr and bowel troubles. F. 8. Duffy. . , y We have secured the agency In New Bern for the famous Tate Epsom Spring Water, and are prepared lo furnish it in any quantity. Davis' Prescription Pbar macy. - Celery Headache Powders will cure your headache, : Give them a trial. They are made and sold at Davis Prescription Pharmacy. .: Dime Catarrh Snuff cures cold in the head lu oue flight at Bradham's. - . If yon want a hair brush, tooth brush, or any other kind of brash go to Davis' Prescription Pharmacy for It. ' - , A complete line of Studt, at J. O. Bax ter's, The Jeweler, just received. . , GBISTHILLS. New MillM,; , . ISoiilng i)hest, Elevalort kii1 Corn tlenntiM, Of the Latest Improved and Up la-Date flill Machinery. YOUR THADE IS SOLICITED. tW SPECIAL PAINS taken lu clean ing and polishing gram before going thrOMgh the mills, wbch iniures pure meal. Corn, Ilomitiy, Oats and Mixed Feed. GEORGE BISHOP. New Bern, N. O. Dobbin & Ferrall, At Tucker's store. RALEIGH. N.C. At 03C. . - , r; - : ' Some of the best styles 00 Inch, all Wool Homespun Plaids. Rough and reliable. 5!akinn; perfect tklrls reduce! to t' c a j ard, have been selling at J1.C '' i I 'i 1 ' ! ir ('. , I ' !, i, ! , 1! ; . . t -tie - ( 5 mm no., nrw vmml " COTTON MARKET. Received by J. E. Latbamcommlssion merchant, New Bern: ' , Nw Tout, November 9 Open. High. Low. Close Jan. cotton .... 7 53 ,7.til 7.48 7.51 May. cotton..., 7.60 7-08 7.50 7.68 ' OSMCA80 MARKETS. WmaT! ', Open, High. Low. I lose December..., 68 68t t"i 8i Ooujl: - . December.... i Jli 81 81 Oofvak: . November ... 550 " 5.60 B. B. T.., ...... 88 88f 87i 8?i 8o.Ry Pfd..... 67i ' 57 66, 66i "Grasp all and lose all." Many are so Intention "grasping all" that they loose their health. Hood's Barsaparllla has helped many a business man on the road to success by making and keeping him healthy. Hood's Pills are gentle, yet effective. VS cts. ' , RUBBER STAMPS , 9 ' IS ' No need to send your orders out. of town tor Rubber Stamps; we are now MAKING THEM TWICE-A WEEK, and at Prices as Low as anybody. First-CIasi Work Guaranteed. . Full line of Ink, Pads, Oaters, &c., in Stock at Lowest Prices. REMKM OER We tueet all Competi tion aud make them promptly. -- W. T Hill & Co., 01 South Front Street, New Bern. N. 0. They are Here, What) THOSE Turnlgan Bay Oysters First of the Season. At Taylor's Ovs- ter Saloon.; Sneclal care taken with oysters for family use. All orders promptly - activerca. utve me a call, next aoor to JHann's Drablts. ,, V Yours for business, ; I it. II. TAYLOR. Wotice of Sale of Laiil , For ParUtiou. North Carolina, I In the Superior Conrt, Craven Co. ) " Before the Clerk. J. L. Harufleld, "", v . vs. - ' ' rv Mrs Barah A Taylor, JasC Taylor, Dr I M Taylor, Dr Geo Attmore, Dr R S Primrose, W H Oliver, Geo A Oliver, Mary T Oliver, Themas Constable and Martha Constable his wife, Benj R uusse ana nan nan uueae nis wile, Mar tin B Wlliard and Elizabeth G Wlllard his wife, Rebecca G Attmore, Dr J D Clark, Hannah T Clark, Tbe Trustees of Oavldaoa College, North Carolina, Set tle J Clark, anu Chas S Hollister, execu tor of Frances Taylor, deeeased. , v. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Craven countv lo the above entitled proceedings for sale of land for partition rendered by tbe Clerk of said Superior Court on tbe 9th day of Nov berl809. . The undersigned as - commissioners will offer for sale and sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder, at tbe Court House door of Graven county Monday the 11th day of December 1809 at tbe hour or is o clock noon all tbe lot lowing described .real estate towit: A tract of land containing 64C0 acres, lying and being in the county of. Craven and partly ln Pamlico county, on the north side of Neuse river between the heads of the northeast prong of Little Bwifl Creek and Bay river beginning at Wright C Stanley's last corner being four hundred and ninety poles from said Stanley's beginning at a black rum and on a course south fifty three east and runs the reverse of his line south seven degrees west one thousand & forty poles to his corner then slang another of said Stanly's lines south forty five degrees east fourteen hundred and flfty poles to his corner then south forty Ove degrees east seven hundred and five poles then norm forty uve degrees east two nun- dred and seventy two poles then north eleven hundred and seventy poles to a gum at uay river bridge then noun nrty three degrees west three hundred and twenty poles then south forty degrees went seven aunitred and titty poles then north forty five degrees west eleven hun dred and twenty poles north seven de- frr-s e-l si huiidu 1 and ti'i lily poles llu-a north li.ly llin-e iH i'reen went two hundred pole to tr.e flint, station; also a e-rtaiii t -. e or rre-l of land, situate, ' h i . i ' ' 1 v of Craven - i . i -l - . f i' 1 n h1 I vt ! if , 1 - i'i a rv- pir .iS mi t l :i a .. oiift n;ie tl'en , . I - .,,.. 2 El fB "..JWS I r? HI '"'iiiiiiiiintt14" . . . eTast Received by . . . J. L. McDANIEL, Wholesale & Retail Grocer. 71 BROAD STREET, ' NEW BERN, N. C. BOY'S Just Received a new and pretty line ot Boys' Suits, ages 3 to 7. Ladies especially invited to call and in spect these Bargains. i-ajr. 99 MIDDLE STREET, A NEAT APPEARANCE "founts for a great deal ia-thls world. There are H many times when small points will decide either for or against you. At such times the question of appearance is always bound to come up. E Let us take care of your appearance. Onr many patrons can tes- p tify that goods bought from us. can always be relied on. Style, Quality and Prices are always guaranteed, ; Tall and examine our stock and be convinced, Very Respectfully, jg T. G--. IDTTZbTZliT CO., I IE ' ' - -' 3 57 POLLOCK STREET. ' NEW BERN, N. O. iiiiiuujuikiiiiiiijajuiuiuiuiiiiuiiuuiuiuiaiuiiiiiiiuiiii t899 EDITIONS t- , J." ' - . " Of all school books. Office - and School Room supplies a - j 1 specialty.. I j G. H. Enrictt. levawvsvWaW'JsKi ; Hello Central, ! Give Tie 149, J loo re's XVood Ywrd, J Where they keep Dry Wood, sawed any length you want, anu win uenver it at your door. Full measure guaranteed. U. 1 Mil UnnM will tut t ill A IlttleP and glad to nccommorlate bis old ous tflmeis. Don't forget the place, on South Front street uy tne raiiroaa ana Pnone 149. . T. ll. MOOHE. 1 lmvo jtiBt gotten in a Fine Line of Pan and l',it-rt Leather Slues. Our lino la up-to-date, ' e i.i a Clt'l, : f TTs w t Am SUITS! :o: "NEW BERN. N C 3 3 It is Worth your . . . . To see our 8pecial Buggy, No. 40, called School Boy. This does not mean the 40th bey In tbe claw, but rather the first one In a class of that number. G. H. Waters & Son, 78 Broad Street, ' Exquisite Style In Dress l!c -longs to the man wl o has his o'nilnng nmdo to measure t.y an artist tailor who knowsthe value of peifi-el fit, (-nil t if ul l)iiih and fine wr rkmani-hip, . -j - ssa . ami i .) s -.!e.e,ta his fntirlcs with an eye to plmxe tie ta-iln of the well bred p.-ii-t!i i(in. ""1 he Ipilor nmkea ti e iiibh" is f. t..:. to-irg and we can supply ml drj Hit a of and give jou loth style a.ni fl...... .irf.iotl.