KIW ESILN, N. C.,, . -.AY KOUMISS, MVIDIIl II, 1CC3. ISTABLr.HL1i.lC84 - miltill SUPPLY of THE CELEBRATED I 20c 20c 20c 20c r-mm it - J Younsfcllow Secures a Eride From Peace Institute by Stratagem. r O CM VOL; XYli-NO. 183. . ill A , i t A t (. A o a A A A A & A A A Do you Want , ; , to buy , : ; Mocha and Java. Roasted Coffee at 20c, at 20c, at 20c per lb. o o A . - . vu Cold months are abeadi Warm (hem up with .,. Store to replace that one 6f yonra that can't give ont enough heat.'? Our Stoves are heat- ":n'-en, are handsome, bam easily, don't clinker easily, have all the improve- merits, are just the kind of Stoves yon want. Our prices , are always moderate, , -. ' We are SjIq Agent for (he SV ' mows "f " " Peninsular "V Carbon Air-Tight Heater. A Household DrUgl. . f ' NVe are also agents for the Wit- con Heatoi, .The btst Air Tifchi Wood heater on the Market and a if we have plenty of them in stock. re have plenty of them in stock. ' COOK STORES A SPECIALTY. . We have 67 KEGS NAILS that we offer at ti CO base. . . - . '. GASKILL & '' HARDWARE: n MIDDLE STREET. - .'Phone ar'r"ir"iSr'Lici Prepare foi r your Thanksghmg Dinner, jfiij ' Aiid when the family have their annoal reunion, yoar dlnlif'Irn room will be a thins; of beautrUyon rJJ handioine Diolng Room Furnllare. II :- -our -,. a ln -T- " , ' i n wm gijoa more Deaaiy to k j can buy In Ulnin?, Room Furniture, Did . . . . .. ! , , . ri in . ..... I J ViM.fc , . .. . cij. and Sideboards 1 ii n cp n we. vk taitpq C3 C3 87 Spccinl r.'.ul Qiilclx Dc!Ivcii Of even the Bmllost orders is one of our methods of di lig bus iness tlifit nmkeD rarkei'Croery A favorite source 'of Snplles in Tore I'ofni Products of ail kinds Aimtlier oiio is the hir.h ricilily t.f onr choi e r.w"rief, wlii h w gu.uiHil. e to l.e of the veiy hii-i, fit the lovn .'t p'h ea to I e foiii.d In the city. J.i t r '-( i v -1 ( ' 'i I t r x I r r " -. ; "iii- : . : ! " r f..r I ' t ; o J' (V A o V , 7 o v. o VV 7 ' W XWf JtH f JkS (j fuJMllkr '. were slightly damaged Id ihesterm ;- s MITCHELL, V, " " 1 GROCERIES: 147. ",B1 3R0AD STREET. furolsh it from onr up-to-date and M ; - "' ' j'jj I fflA tue square men man anvming you p -i with Quality and Prices combined. ; j f;Ti:ri:T. ! J 1, ' -I-' f. Vs " I i., . ,jr .'. AM 6 Queer Bankruptcy Case. New Spin dle' InTention. Fayetterllle Fair, Fertilizer Case. A. . " M. College Improreinent. ; Amateur In Opera. Ralkioh, Kovember 10. Mr. J. Wat klus Goode, of Chase City, Vs., came here Wednesday who registered at a ho tel ai "George tt. Gllmore." Ue poaed as the b totber of Hiss Oilmore, a sta dent In Peace Institute, met har ia the cipltol square, walked a few yardt to a minister's house and there married them Then he went back W the hotel, bis bride with htm, and registered In his proper name. The bride is from Chase City, Her parents did not wish her to marry Until she had completed her edu cation a year hence. The marriage li cense gave the bride's age as 18, but it is said the is really only 16, , . " ' . What may be termed a novel question in bankruptcy comes op today here. A man apd his wife, In business, and tra ding as "8. & Co.'' for example make a voluntary petition In bankruptcy. The man asks for 500 exemption and the woman asks for $500 for her self. . - 1 - Mr. Wetmore, of Fayetterille, who is not only a lawyer, but an Inventor and of a noted family, ia here and is' haying made at the Agricultural and Mechanical College a model of his latest invention, the purpose of which is to automatically atop a particular "spindle the thread of which breaks in a' cotton utllL At pres ent the whole machine automatically stops : when a thread breaks, but by means of this Invention . all the other plndlea keep on at work and only the one affected stops. Today the Guilford College football team plays that of the A. and M. College it the Slate Fair ground here. The A. and M. team has not yet perfected the a-rangementa for Its Southern tour- Ii hopea and expects,.to gel a game with the Uuiversily of Virginia. . The Fayetterille fair is in progresi this week.-: Beveral prominent men from that town are .here. They say the at- teudance Is large and the exhibits meri. t irious. , ' ; In the Superior Court yesterday two railroad cases were calledlhe defend. ants being the Raleigh ft Gaston and the Raleigh & Augusta Railroads. , It will be remembered that some time airo the corporation commission made; 10 tons the minimum : Car load of : fertilizers. Mrs. llatthews,' of Mew York, a stock holder in the Carolina Central Railroad, look the matter before Judge Slmonton. He decided in favor of the commission The . Raleigh & Gaston and Raleigh d Augusta roada took their matter to the Superior Court.-. . t- The removal, of two of - the oldest stores ' on Fayettevilla street, to give place to the Odd Fellows' building, be gan today. y . ij ., -. . It was thought even by the foslonist offlclala in the conflict .here that the fusion sheriff of . Hertford county ha been ousted under lbe legal .proceedings instituted and was a statesman oat of a Job. But today he bobbed np serenely, and sent a lot of money to Father Wortb President Winston, of the Agrloultu' ral and Mechanical College, It certainly in his element He is a tireless worker. His enlhusiaam is impetueus. The col lege owns much land and he contem plate! many more improvements, such as the building ef dormitories npon a hill near the colloge, the parking of the Intermediate grounds and the removal of the barns and dairy to a point some bun dreds of y aid away and more in the centra of the farm. Amateurs here this evening began to rehearse the opera, the 'Chimes of THot mandy," which is to be given tu aid of Rex Hospital. . " The annual chrysanthemum show will be held here next Monday, It Is the belief of a number of people that expnrt negro thieves blew open the afe of the shod! of Orange county Wednesday night and got i,0v9. It is the liellef that negroes roblwd Colonel Colonel Carr's liouuo at Durham and several houses here. cou Official Count Kcccsiry In Kentucky. T.t; i- r's riurailty rrobaWy Ah;:u!J 2,500. S,k cihI to Journul. Loi'ibvii.i.k, Kr., Nu '! irr 10 -- V. " s: !i ro.!i,.!i.te r' tuin fruni tM eo'in'lrrt ft. s i ;-'y r, to i. iiniii fiuui 1:1 r.-.i'i- 4, ' : a of lit o ,! of il l. 5 V, ,-,,,!: t,-::vr . or. , .-, I, -'.,,-. R: J.C3 C,3 fee J r : ra CzJlzzs cad wt.oIesomQ MONUMENTS UNVEILED. Zolnay'S Masterpieces Exposed to View at 'tHriimnnd. Great r-nihiitinsm. ... Richmond, Vs., November 9. Rich moud,-ttie former Confederate capital, the scene of so mtny thrilling event', today witnessed an impressive one. ' AS the sun' was about to sink in the west thousands were gathered to wltneM the removal of the veil from mennments to Jefferson Davis and Miss Winnie Davis, father and daughter. - ' ' ' From a stand which had been erected on Davis Circle the speaker addressed the vast gathering of people. ' On this stand ware Mrs. Jefferson Davis, her daughter, Mrs. Uayes,' the letter's son, Jefferson Hayes Davis, who nn veiled the monuments, and other . distinguished guests, .including Gen. Fitzhngb Lee, Governor Tyler, Judge Reagan, Hon. B. Munford and other speakers. . ' , - Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, who . was intro duced by Mr, EUyson, spoke about five minutes. - x i , ' Just before the veil was removed from the Winnie Davis Monument Dr. H. M. Clarkson read a sonnet opening In these words: ''Sweet women of the South, come gather ronnd this silent statue; it but typifies the grief the people feel for her who lies in the restful sleep beneath this hallowed mound." s ;- : y Amid a salvo of artillery, the veil was removed, . exposing to view Zolnay's beautiful monument to the "Daughter Of the Confederacy .""The artist's product was received with every mark of admira tion from, those who caught a critical glimpse of Its outlines.- A moment later the bronze herolu statue .of Mr. Davis was unveiled, : Mr Zo)nay, who la also the author of this work, was present to bear his praises founded on both of these masterpieces. After the exercises thous ands of people gathered about the Davis Circlo to catch a better glimpse of the monuments, including that to little Jef ferson Davis,' which was also unveiled today. This consists of a broken marble shaft, representing the lad cut off in his young Up0j The parade, which was formed . at S o'clock, was leaded by Gen. Filxhugh Lee, with a staff composed of old Richmond friends. In the line were Lee ; and other "Confederate -.; eamps of ; tbli . etty . and ' Petersburg, ' the veterans , at .. the Soldier Home and a long line of carriages, In which were Mrs. : Davis and her party, the Daughters of the Confederacy and other honored guests. - Gen. Fitzhugh Lee was given a grand ovation all along the line, and when the procession passed In the cemetery theasands gathered on . the hills and could not resist the desire to give a yell, which was taken np at other places along the line. Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy HUL N. Y., says "I heartily recommend One ' Minute Cough Cure, It gave my wife Imme diate relief in' suflocatlJg asthma." Pleasant to take. ' Never fails to quickly care all coughs, colds, throat and lung t oubles. r. 8. yjny. - v . . NO CHANGE IN AFRICA. The Three Besel;cd Towns Holdinf Ont Against the Boers. ; London, Nov. 9 "On the whole, to day's newt from South Africa Is gratify ing," says the London Evening News, "all the details now coming in as to the fighting around Ladysmith prove can clualvely one fact that the skill and daring of lbe British In anything like close conflict are Inspiring the enemy with terror of the British In our swords and bayonets, while they are furthrrdla-ma3-ed l.y our eiTeetive Lee rlfurd rille fire i J.OvO yards' range, which the Boer Mausers are not able to cover." London, Nov. 9 The War Office has rcelvcd lbs L following d impale U from General Ihi'iler, dated Cuit Town, M:cd neiilny, 1 1 50 p m : "C'ul.inel Kek'-whli telegraphs froin Kim rloy, Nove;i;l tl.Hl nil Is well lii'iie ami thitt tli attfti'k yd. A i; I 0 j:iH h. IIO 8ol !'US :ht l.).)inhai.l.eoot did f n L7. f. I. A a u '.il e. ' I !-n I r 4 Admiral Dewey Married. '. , , Washihqtok, November 9-p.Vdmiral Geo. Dewey and lira. Mildre-1 M. listen were quietly married at the rectory of St. Paul's Catholic church, on V. street ear Fifteenth, this city, shortly before It o'clock this morning. - ' The ceremony was performed by Hit Rev. Jaraes F. Mackln, pastor of tbt church, assisted by Rev. Jos. H. Foley, assistant pastor, and Rev. Sidney Hurl- but. The ceremony was one ef the sim plest character, according to the rites of the Catholic church, and the Only wit nesses, beside the officiating clergymen, were Washington McLean . and ; Mrs Lndlow, wife of Admiral Lndlnw, wife and sister respectively of the bride, and Lieutenant Caldwell, Admiral Dewey's secretary, - '.- Ton never know what- form of blood poison will follow constipation. the liver clean by using; De Witt's Little Early Risers and yon will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. F. 8. Dnffy. If yon want a hair brush, tooth brash, or any other kind of brash go to ; Davis' Prescription Pharmacy for it. - - Give Dayberry's Laundry a trial, be guarantees all work to be satisfactory or no psy.-iiitf;'?ii'.";it'5rt.i;' it- '" A bottle of Violet Extract large as half dollar alee for 85c at Bradham's. . RUBBER STAMPS. ir;;v;- O S 9 . No need to send your orders out of town for Rubber Stamps; we are flow MAKING V THEM ' TWICE-A WEEK, and at Price as Low as anybody.' r ' Flrst-Class Work Quarantetd. Full line of Ink, Pads, Deters, &c, in Stook at Lowest Prices. , . X ; REMEMBER We meet all, Competi tion aud make them promptly. , wMmsco.; 61 South Front Street, New Born, N. O, They are Here, What ? vr-J'rH03E Tarnlgari Bay Oysters First of the Season. , At Taylor's Oys ter ; Saloon. Special care taken with oysters - for family use. All ... orders promptly deli vend, lilve me a call, next noor to uaon's D'anits. . ' Tours for business,'. J. II. TAYEOIL GRIST - PILLS. New Mills, Collins Chest,; Elevators and Corii t'leanrrs, Of the Latest Improved And Up- : . to-DaU mil' Machinery. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED, tT" SPECIAL PAINS taken In clean lng and polishing gram before going through the mills, which insures pure meal. Corn, Ilomlny, Oats and Mixed Feed, GHQUQE CICnOP. New Bern, N. O. Dotbin & Ferrall, At Tucker's store, EALEICH. N.C, ' I - - ? i .... 1 ...i . - W J , . f t 1 t s'yh s fiO Inch, a 1" "l 1,o 'i 6., - ' t i '. i r!s n-.!.i. i . H ".ii r at ft.' SiiiiiiiitittttV . ". Just Becelved by . . . J.'L McDANIEL 71 BROAD STRKETi BOY'S: ; Just Beceived a new and pretty line ot Boys' Suits, ages 3 to i Ladies especially spect these Bargains. 99 MIDDLE STREET," I A NEAT APPEARANCE - counts for a great deal In this world." '.There are many times when small points wllLv decide ' either for , or against yon. . At such times tne question of ippeatanee Is always bound to come up. r; Let us take care of jour appearance.' Onr miay patrons can tea- tlfy that goods bought from ns 7" : ftjle, Quality and Prices are ('all and examine our stock Very Respectfully, 1 i 57 POLLOCK STREET. t: 711 liiiiiiiiiiiiJiLiitmiiiiiniiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiLJiiiiniimiiiiiimiiiiiir Sins sasstissHsssssssasssssssssessssesess see esesssssseseswsss ass ssssssssst diilLBook Store t S 1899. EDITIONS i Of all school books. Office and School Room supplies specialty.. . G. II. Ennett. I Hello Central, Give He 149, lie s re's "lYood Yard, Where they keep Dry Wood, sawed any loio ih you wunt. and will deliver 11 at your door. Full measure guaranteed. Mr. J. W. Moore will bo at the olllc and ftiad to accommodate his old cus lotneia. Don't forjfet . th place, on K-Hitb Front street hy the railroad and I hone 1 lit. . i. T. U. KOUKE. 1 ! iva jt n in a Tine Line of i . 1 I .- t I,' i.'-r : i.i e. i i ii I j ! Me & Retail Grocer. NEW BERN, N. C. SUITS ! 7. invited to call and in :- NEW BERN. N C tkzsS can always be relied on. always guaranteed, and be convinced. 3 NEW BERN, N. O. 3 3 Iti87plp yburlilllOj To see our Special Buggy, No.j46, called : School Boy. This does not mean tbejieih -bey in the oiass, but rather theflrst oue in a class of that number. - Q. H. Waters & Son, s 78 Broad Street. . yy o C.tquisUe Style In Drcs 1'. ior to tho rnnn wlirt linn IiH '!"Hiii " 1 1 1 h . U to inenmire ,y tin artmt in hr v ,i li now iii vnhis of pt'iiYrt lit, 11 i; ' ;i nit( fino wtii ktminttiiip, " I v ; i t ri I h f hr ii n i ( h nn vytt ' ' ' f t ' O V 1)!- 1 ' r ii i if.' ii,!ui" ia ' V f" -1 h V Itil