The Washing Powder. Cleans Everything from CeSIar to Garret. C I a J I!ti IM for Consumption M ' f "a t7 Druggists everywhere I 2 ( I iAStfffil j is subject to Croup. Piso's Cure 1,4 ' V I always relieves him. Mrs. B. , v. 1 Crandell, Mannsville, Ky., 4 ; y The PisoCompanj'. Warren, P.. July gtb, I8gg. ' WOMEN WHO WORK. St. Louis, Ilo.i Aug. O. -' 1 Thongn only it yean old, I tattered from - peine ana female troublea two yean. Last epring I get so bad I bad to quit worka I bad to snpport myself, and oonld not afford a high priced doctor. I got on boUIe of Wine of ' Cardui and that made me feel better. Bare Bow used several bottle aud am. well. My mother need tha Wine for Change of Life ana ni greatly relieved. -1 - , HISS MABGABET WAL8B. HI IK, ' ii Many girls and women find it necessary to tarn their own living in 7 ;? various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin- ' tag that the health breaks down.' Their delicate constitutions are unfitted -for tiresome tasks. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the -peculiarly delicate womanly jorgans.i: C&nstant standing on the feet, 'v And coming and going at the beck of 1 superintendent or foreman, in , ; duces falling of the womb, leucorrhcea, headache and backache. . The pay of women workers is ottea so notoriously small that when sickness P2 comes they have no money to engage . . , , 3 UIIES' MVISMi KPARTMENT, Vnr aaivlen In mim rpcinlririhT mtadal -Alrectlous, addroM, giving lymptoaii, MEUICIN1E CO- rhikttftnoOBhaU Tma. Druggists sell Large :" Nothing and that tlW Mghest grade cf excellence. ' - .-' This is a practical day and generation. Public ' patronage rests upon positive merit. - For this reason - Chase & Sanborn's . ' Coffees: l :. ", ' ' - "Beal "itwi. tar and Worha, In Ua ; . " i :' can. OtHtr (linh-Orade urbuds, In . - ,archi.tvui fi'jre linrd ba(;a. a. "': ' ' ' are consumed daily in more than a million homes, They ' have been proven the full standard of coffee goodness. The fragfrant aroma is appetizing; there's enjoyment ! and health in every rupfu). ' . i , , ' ' , It. is not possible to get better coffee; it is not probable as good can be had under any other brand for any price. ' - . Quality is the foundation of value In the un rivaled quality of Chase & Sanbornls Coffees rests their merit for public confidence. We never have to Coax the second order. Imitations and counterfeits are common. A few . cents more profit often indjees the dealer to urge some inferior brand, therefore we say, see that the seal of Chase & Sanborn is on every package you buy. Then disappointment is impossible. JOim DUNN, fio!e,tr'i.t. Cool and Cold IVei;: C!oi!;i;:n, In New Goods and Latest Styles. ; Everrlliing el no advanced except prices of our tlolliiiijj. See llo ViilueB - lien's Guiti C2 CO to 10 CO". Uoy';j ::it3 $1 HO to C " 10. ..,4 v. I i J..-U Best for Consumption teean using Piso's Cure 13 .r years ago, and believe it saved I mrvfrnm rnnmimntinn. Mvr-.hilrl $ mm " 1 i-1 skillful physicians. To them Wine of Cardui Is truly a blessing. It r , cures them or tneir 111s at a smau cost, and they can act as their own, : physicians, No doctor can do as ; ' much for "female troubles" as , Wine of Cardui. - V ', . Bottles for $1.00, bil Coffee He Vu "Swiied.." Tie 8., t In t c n u ' .f ioi.iu cf a Cl.l- eago hotel wuli a uoicdoob ana pencil In Lis haud, anil after wetting the pen cil on liia tongue a dozen times with out writing anything he turned to the man on his left and said: I want to get at an expression, but can't think of it. I want Kouielhiug synonymous with avalanche." "Would landslide dor "I've got that." "In what sense are you going to use it?" "Well, I'm running for alderman at a special election In my town, and I want to make a memorandum of bow lt resulted." . 'Oh, I see! You could say you were snowed under." "Yes;' - but that's : hardly, strong enough." "Burled out of sight." - "That's better, but lacks strength." "How badly were you beaten" "By over 800, where I ought to bare bad 450 majority." - "Then I should put It that you were literally swiped off the face of th earth." That's eood that's the Idea. That's strong and euphonious and has rhythm in It. Yes; I was on the ticket and sure of election. I bad $300 up that I had a walkover. I was swiped, and tliera are not enough of my maugled remains left to mi a thimble. Thank you, sir literally swiped off the face' of the earth and be banged to me I" Wash ington Post. - A Compllented Flair. The Spanish royal standard Is most complicated. Tho red aud yellow of the Spanish flag is said to he derived from this occurrence:. In 1378 Charlex the Bold dipped bis lingers In the blood of Geoffrey,; count of Barcelona, ..and drew them down the count's golaes shield In token of bis appreciation of the letter's bravery. The shield, so marked, became the arms of Barce lona, whtcb became part of Aragon, and its arms were taken by that king dom. ' ' Now to the royal standard: In the first quarter or upper left hand part of tbe flag are the arms of Leon and Cas tile, tho lion and the castle; the second quarter is taken tip, one-half by .the arms of Aragon, one-half by the arms of Sicily. Tbe upper third of tbe quar ter (directly under tbe first) shows the Austrian colors, the lower two-thirds Is -divided between the flag Of Bur gundy and the black lion of Flanders; the upper third of tbe fourth quarter shows the checkers, another Burgun dlan device, while tbe lower two-thirds is shared by the red eagle of Antwerp and the; golden Hon of Brabant, and on the top of all this are two shields, one showiug the Portuguese arms, the oth er the French fleur-de-lis.: Considerable of a flag that f , Oot tk Watj. ' ., A Camden lawyer put up a bluff suc cessfully not long ago. A client came to. him and explained that' a young man had bought a watch from htm on the Installment plan. He made one pay ment, care the watch to a young lady and skipped out. The client wanted to know If he could recover the watch from tbe young lady. The lawyer said that he could not without spending more money . than the watch ' was worth, except tbe young woman could be bluffed. The client said a bluff would be paid for if successful,' and the lawyer posted the following letter: & "Dear Madam The, watch recently presented to you by Mr. Blank was ob talned surreptitiously from the estab lishment of my client, and unless it Is returned by next .Tuesday morning I will be obliged to, very reluctantly, dis patch a judicial functionary to your residence with process. : The watch: was delivered the follow ing morning and the lawyer received a fine gold chain for writing the letter.- Pittsburg Dispatch. , ,7 The Sponco Aalaasl. If the spoage as brought up freBh from the sea bottom were a familiar object, says Dr. Ledekker, few would be in doubt as to Its; being an animal, When frosrt. It Is a fleshy looking sub stance covered with a Arm skin, and If cut lt presents somewhat the ap pearance of raw meat - Its cavities are filled with a gelatinous substance call ed "milk."' American sponges, ;: and those of all other parts of the world, are Inferior to tbe sponges of the east ern shores of the Mediterranean. The finest of all sponges is the Turkey tol let sponge, which Is cup shaped. The American sponge, most 'nearly,: ap proaching It in quality Is the West In dian glove sponge, Youth's Compan ion. '- ;. ' Dewer Hat Ho Orltraaeii "Where do you take command of tbe fleet?' a lady friend asked Dewey just bofore be left for Manila, , "At Hongkong," he replied. After a silence the lady said:'. : "Arcu'J you aggrieved, In view of our possible trouble with Spain, over being ordered to tbe remote Asiatic station, which can hardly be In tbe picture In case of war?" iV "Sailor's luck!" rcplltd Dewey. fJMorcover. I haven't entertained grlev nnces for years." And then he added, evidently as an after thought, "Besides, you know, (Spain owns the Philippines.":-Ladles' Home Journal. . CIvliiB II fin a, Hint. ) "John," alia said softly, "have you tieen saying nnythlug about, me to mother lately?" "No," replied John. "Why do you ask?" V v "Hcrnmio she said this morning Hint she believed yon were on tho eve of propoHliis to me. Now, I do not wIhIi you to Rieak to mother when you have anything of that kind to say. Bpeak to in.', ami I'll iiianiiiru tho hiiKini'Hs with mother." And John miid h would. Tern cr c f lin 1 VJ '1 !,, 1 I i r V ...... ..,.1 X. A -.V M..M., TLs 1. 1 1 roach of jothuihood is thm Occasion of Huch. Anxiety to All. Every woman dreads th6 ordtal through which she must pass in becom ing a mother. The pain and suiiering which is in store for her is a source of constant anxiety, and dread, to say Homing oi tne dinger wmcn the coming incident entails. The joyous anticipations with which she looks for word to bnby's coming cives wsy to an indescribable dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trying event which will soon approach and nave to De endured. Women should hail with delight a remedy which insures to them im munity from the pain, suffering and danger incidental to child-bearing. Such a remedy is now offered, and women need not fear longer the hour of childbirth. - "Mother's Friend" is a scientific liniment and if used before confinement, gently and surely prepares the Douy lor the great requirements and changes It iB undergoing, insures safety to both mother and child, and takes hur through the event withcom- Sarative ease and comfort. This won. orful remedy is praised by every woman who has used it. What woman-is not interested in "Mother's Friend?" This Wonderful remedy has been tested and its price less value proven by the experience of tnousonus or nappy mowers wno have used it during the most critical period of woman's life the approach and oulinination of motherhood. It has won. their everlasting praise. for It gave them, help and nope in their most . trying hour and - when most needed. Every woman may some day need "Mother's Friend.' The little book, ."Before Baby is Born." telling all about it, and when it should be used , will prove of great interest and benefit ,o all expectant mothers, and will be cent free to any address upon application to the Bradfleld Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga, I I'There be some guns when aimed at duck or plover, Do oft rebound and kick the owner . over.". Not so with our loaded shells they are loaded Just right and always, bring tha game.' We have just opened up a new line of guns ranging in price from $3.00 to $18. The handsomest single Breech loader on the market, , . . A 28 single Shot Riflefor $g 60, ' A S3 sporting H. & A. Rifle for $6 00. ' Hunting Goats, 75o, $1 ZS, and $175, rach, , - Hunting Vets,V$l 25. . ' Gun Covers, 5o, $1 28 and $3 00, . Huuters Caps, 80c and 75c, taob. 20th Cent ury Air Rifles ABottbm Prices. Leading - Implements, ' Primers, Caps, isrs, DO Of : Gun Tube. And a full Una of Hardware $ '-- v' , , , i . , At Illglit Vrlce. ' Yours for Business, - J. C. Vhitty S. 300 Kegs ot Nails Just , Received. TiitdirK, MIhmck and Children', Coats and Wraps. ) J 5 tn t r : e s 1 1 1 1 .1 C la v sr.s THAT THI3 Hunters cittention i, ' Loda Directory., VICTORY COUNCIL NO. 11, JUNIOR O U A M: Sleet every first and llittd Wednesday nlijnt in Rotiuiree Hall. .! O I elemsr C ; G I) Gordner, V C; A IS Hihliard, Tress ; C P BartllDg, R 8. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4 I, O. O. F.' Officers: -L L Moody, O P; J G Delamsr, H P; J J Baxter, S W; O II Hall, J W; Geo. Green, Scribe; E Uerock, Treasurer, ltegular encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and SlU (it any) Thursduy nights in each month at 7:80 o'clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. I.PH4C J 0 8csle,Prest; J II Smith, Recording Sec'y; E E Quidley, Financial Bec'y. Meets In the Enlghts of Harmony Hall every lit snd 8rd Monday nights in each month, EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O, F. Officers: T, H. Sutton, . ( f W. I. litll, V. 8 ; Geo. Green, ltec'd'g Secly; J. H. Parker: Jr. Tress. Regular meetings every Monday night at 7;80 o'clock; - CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNiwiFfS OF HARMONY: Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday ntghU in each month in Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at -7:80 nV-Wa- A n Hall. President. R J. DU- oaway, Seo'y, R. R. Hill, V. Bec'y, KNIGHTS OF HONOR Officers! K R Jones, Dictator; G L Vinson, Reporter; W F Rountree, Financial Reportor-. New Berne Lodge N a 448 meets the 2nd and 4th Friday nights at 7:30 o'clock in Rountree's Uaii, fouoca street, . - lanwa ui.aiaiv-A- nw. , r. y OIBcere: Geo. Blover, Captain; T. G . Hy man, Lieut.; P. Ill Pelletl.r, KntKn;Wm. J Pitta, Clerk; la. Oerook, Acoountjiit. Beg mar CantoBmenta, Sd and 4th Thurartay atglits laoaontn ats w .oiooa- . Iu fiitore and lo Arrive ! 1.000 rolls cotton bagging; 9.500 bun dles cotton ties; Heavy sacks, twine, etc. Prices low as anv: I bnv the contract quantity and get freight by schooner. J..E. LATHAM, THE COTTON BUYER., WANTED ! Old Scrap Iron and Brass Price of Iron $10.00 per ton; Price of brass 10 cent per pound. Willli A, l Hscblnest and Founders, i 18 te 8S Craven street. a . Clean, pure wholasome, guaranteed to , ... . ., r Tl-.III.J pe cnemicauy maue irom uuuuw wki ana free from impurities, opeciany in tended and prepared for human con sumntion. . v ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 8 a m too p m. - Sundays (retail only) 7 a m to 18 noon, -:, For prices and other information, - Address, - New Berne Ice Co. SHOE SHOP ! , At 8, H, Scott's Stables on Middle Street. I offer these Inducements to custom' era. ' Wid use the best of stock and give you as good and neat work as you can set ia this citv. This I guarantee. New work a SDeoiallv. Repair work done neatly and -with dispatch. Prices as jow as csn be made, yours to suit, . H. W. GIBBS. ; For IXent or Sale I . My residence on National Avenue. 8 large rooms ana an atic vain room, water closet and sewerage. ' For terms, address, T. W. DEWEY or myself. -, .. KATIE B. BOYD. Henry's Pharmacy V l7 Middle) Street, NEW BERN, . NORTH CAROLINA. Tbe best known Skin and Blood Ram, edr. for the cure of Pimples, Postules. Tetter or Salt Rheum, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Ring Worm, Rheumatism, Ac,, is HENRY'S. COflPOUND . EXTRACT OP 5AR5APARILLA ' WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of the blood, act ing through the natural secretary and excretary organs - rrmoving those matters which disturb its purity, Hen ry's Barsapsrilla Is put up lo meet Jho popular need for such a remedy, without Lciug related to the many secret nos trums and quack medicines or tne os oi unknown composition, lt contains just what the formula calls for as printed in on the label of each bottle and sells for one half the pi Ice charged for unknown compositions. For bale at Henry,' Pharmacy, where yon will find Comh,v Tooth Brushes, Toilet Articles.-' Physicians Prescription Cirefully Compounded. . , e- -T " TT" u XJ t I , I i 1 I IS Tj H i JOB HOME P8E WILMINGTON & WMLDON k R. Ard Brat.cilcn. Aod Atlatitic ( oa.t Lh," l;a, rfiad Co.. if Sonili rn U,. TRAINS GOING S(UTH, i "it," i&Efr & !i . 7,Z ?.3 tr,C ', '' : - am" pU" pTm a.m Km", Lv, Weldon 1 1 50 S 4k ". Ar. R. Mt.. W flo to !J( ,' ., Lv.Tarboro lit 8t A 0 LV. R. Mt. t 0 10 80 0 45 A 40 13 52 Lv. Wiisot I 5K 11 14 7 10 20 2 40 Lv. Selnia.. 2 55 II 61 LvFay'vilh 4 80 1 10 .-... ..... Ar.Florcntt 7 23,8 16 , ....' P.M. A.M - - Ar, Golds.,, .... 7 5t Lv, Gulds , .... 7 01 8 21 Lv. Mag'lia 6 0 4 26 ArWilm'ton .... .... .1... 0 40 0 00 - P.M. AM. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH, - 1 ? i d'S d'8 o'ai o'3 ' sP WQ ao K(5 - . Lv.F1oren.ce 8 40 7 45 Lv.Fay'viilt- 18 30 . . , . B 45 Lv.Selma.. 1 50 .... IP 64 Ar. WUson. 3 85 ... . II 81 - LvWilm'ton . 7 00 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 84 11 10 Lv. Golds.. ..... 5 15 45 13 80 PM. a3lP.M.P.U Lv. Wilson 8 85 8 48 11 81 10 88 1 10 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 6 16 18 07 II 88 1 68 Ar. Tarboro ..... 7 04 Lv.Tarboro 13 21 Lv. IV Mt. . 8 80 f3 OD Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 00 P.M. A.M. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Fayelteville 18 18 p m, leaves Fay ettevijle 13 28 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 r m. Returning leave Sanford 3 80 o m. arrive FayetteviTle 8 48 p m, leave Fay elteville 8 60 p m, arrives Wilmington soopm. fv iiiiiiutuu uuu vv eiuuu xuiuruau, Bennettsville Branch Trains leaves Bennettsvllle 8 15 am, Maxton 1 20 a m, Red Springs 9 58 a m. Hope Mills 10 42 a in, arrive Fayttteville 10 80. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p ta, Hope aims oo p m, uea pprings o bo p m, Maxton 0 18 p m, arrives Bennattsville 7 W p m, uonnectlans at f ayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxtoa with tbe Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Uowmore railroad, at Sanford with tbe Seabowd Air Lint and Southern Railway, at Guff with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 88 p m, Halifax 4 IS p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 8 08 p m, Greenville 0 67 p m, Einston 7 68 &m. Returning leaves Kinaton 7 60 a at reenvllle 8 62 a m, arriving Halifax at ins am, rveiaon nasa m, oauy ex. coot Sundav. Trains on Washington Brarch leaye Washington 8 10 a m and 2 80 d tn. ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 88 a m and 8 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 20 p m, dally except Sunday, i Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 18 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 0 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily exoept tsunoay, i ova m, ana nunaay ou a m, arrives Tarboro 1005 a m, 11 00 a m Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leaves Goldsboro daily exoept Sunday, 7 OS a, m, arriving Smithflela 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smithfield 9 00 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 9 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 a m, 4 08 p m, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 25 p m.Returning leave Spring Hope U 00 a m, 4 58 p m, Nash ville 11 93 a m, arrive at Rooky Mount 11 48 a m, 6 00 p m, daily except Sunday, - Train on unnton nrancn leaves war- .... n. muA. j;i. n, o..-jn man ,ui vnu,uu um.j, MWt UUUUUJ, 8 10 a m and 4 16 p m, Returning . eaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 10 60 D m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldoa for all points North daily all rail via tticnmona. . , H M EMERSON, Gen'I Pass Agent, i K n.iiiitLiX, uen'i manager, T M EMEIiSON. Trafflo Manager. CAROLINA -DISPATCH UIK , ANr 1 FREIGHT & PASSENOIB. For All Polatii Portia. The Steamer, NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fiidaps at 6 p. m. sharp, mak. ing landings at Oriental, Oorscoke and'Roauoke JUIaud. . ,. J3J" Freight reoeived not later than one honr previoni to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt M. K. Kino, Gen. Mgr., v , II. 0. IIuDQiK8,Gen.Frt.4 Pass. Aft. Norfolk, Va. . New Rarno, N. O., Mar 30th, 1898 Steamship Co DEALER IN ?::l;;m d Firo Arms f'.-,h, and Blinds, Paints, (, (' Mii i.t, Lime, Etc. tv If r":.' ' ir:.-."s!t K:r7i ; ! ; v v, r i : j r : : : ; r,!"i:5. x. V. ,12. is " Tai'ia sr. 10 "( ' Thke I Bu t 1Stit day, Ck t, S2d. 181'P, at 7,.'fi A, H. v. -,' in Going-ust EcCSilXK: . Going Wist o. 0 t-atscugcr Trains Nn. t I' IU .' ' 6TiTi(h!u - A, an 40....... . j Goldsboro..- 11 is 00.. i ...... LaGranire.;. ... in sa .. " . '. Eiuston 10 19 Ar. New Berne, Lv,.,. . 8 CO CO Lv. ir 13... At. Morshead citv Lv.. . . . t us No. S. I I i Tvn a Mx'd F"t & I STATIOSS: Mx'd Wand PassTn. 1'au, Tn. Lv, 4i M, - - Ar. P. M 10.. u. Goldsboro... 7 2 M W... Btit'i aia 09- LaGranae l 4St 20,. Falling Crtek i is H Kluston. , 12 r 85 Oaswell n 58 15 Dover .11 40 40 Core Creek JO 40 18 Tusc-arora 10 18 81 Ciaiks 1000 05 New Berne fl an u. . w I Monday. Wednesday. t Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. No. 1. t No. 2. Mx'd Ft. and STATIONS: Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar. p m 8 18 Paas.Tn. Lv, a m 7 10 7 48.. 808 . ..Goldsboro.. , .Best's LaGrange . . .Falling oreck 7 88 7 08 6 88 , 618 518 500 420 , 4 00 8 26 9 14 Kinston 9B8TT oaswell 9 40 Ar. Dover. Lv 10 15 Lv. " Ar 10 40 Core creek 11 16 Tuscarora 3 88 U 81 dark's s on 18 06 Ar. New Berne. Lv 9 no 180 Lv. " Ar 10 47 18 Rivcrdale 10 10 20 croatan 10 00 8 48 Havelock g 40 13 Newport, Lv 9 06 8 80. Wlldwood 8 47 8 81 Atlantic 8 88 8 46. . . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 20 4 01. . . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 P. M. . Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, Superintc ident Atlantic Coast lane. Wilmington & New Beknr R. R. T11CK TABLE NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1808,;Daily Except bundav. Going South schedule: Going North -iio. oi, rassenger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. d as. 00 New Berne 6 40 9 86 Pollocksville , 5 04 9 51 Mavsville 4 4u 10 08 Jacksonville 418 12 08. Wilmington, ) ( Wilmington, ) I Union Depot ( , , a .Ar. Wilmington; ly. iio ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 ij r u P No. 8, Pabsengee ft Fkeioht. No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues 1ay, Thursday and Saturday. LV. AM Ar. pu 7 80.. 8 40.'. 80.. 10 05.. 10 61 . 1120.. 13 08.. 13 80.. 11 68.. 180.. 118.. IBS . ..Lv. Wilmington, Ar 146 Scott's HiU.... 12 55 . . .. Woodside 1315 Hollyrldge 11 40 Dixon 10 51 Verona 10 20 Jacksonville. 945 Northeast 8 55 Whitorak 8 80 Maysville 8 Oi Pollocksville 720 Debrubl's ... 6 84 ..Ar. Nevfirinw. l,v a on 840 -Uaily Kxcop Sunday. J. R. KENLY, ' General Manager. BOP DEN, Tians; ortatfon. A Hatty aud fc j Swell JTncket, As well as handsome' Capes and Walkjug Coats tn tbe latest style. ' Also a new line of S P Heeds Fine Shoes. - ' v; .. ; i , r - A beautiful line of Silks for waists. ; : Plaid Novelties for Skirts, all to be -sold lower than can bought elsewhore. -. J.J.BAXTER. THE CAROLINA, Morehead Qty, N. 0. T. L. nail, Prop. Terms Bstlsfsctory. HOU"JK FRONTS TIIK OOEAN ' SEE HERE I We mow furjihh jou Stove Wood ready out snd delivered to your door, Always k'pt under large sheds, never g.ts wet In rainy WralUer. Nire Hrlrk and Lathes. I'.Va to Let. A la aioik of No. I Hand Made I 1 1 'n Juit srrl(l, 'J r a'. 1 Lime. Fall and Winlor t'lvl' s in at i'rii-i s to bwi i-v y Yi'i' IJno (if I'm, ri 11, f ' ,1 it-i1 (' ''(i ' iO"i!(l t Ijctwi'.:t I ) i t Cuitii! imil J,( t n ! iio.y yoi ii r ' .. a . . ' ; .. ; I I. .. i . ... & - ..... T 1 (" 'p

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