southern ail way. Tbe Standard Railway at the SOUTH The Direct Liue to all Points, - . . ......... : -- r : - TJSXAS, . . CALIFORNIA, FJLOIUDA, CUBA AND POBTO lllt'O. fll.aa P.... !,..... .... all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Tel ace Sleeping Can on all Night Trams; Fast aud Safe Schedules. Travel by Ike Southern and you are as sured a Safe. Comfortable and Expedl tious Journey. - . Apply to Ticket Agents for Time T lilua, Rates tnd General Information, or address ' F. R. DARBY, It. L. VERNON, ' ar. AT. a, . T. r. a., Asheville, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. FttASK S.ANHOR, : J. M.CtJLP, aa i T wi n . . m a . an v r a.ucn man. - . j rai. man W. A. Trjaa, G P A. r' WASHINGTON. - D. C Our BiedlotBw ar factorr mid DOtantla saa 1 tiijL' -j.-i of nwa, such u jPiUi, Ootwmioa, Oittt, RvermiinrrketM- VarizncMlA. Imoattncv- tort Mmnhoodt Vi4 rctuitt if art y CnrfO- : rtHM, iaur swcmmi, worry, ovmeoric, ttc nod In dheai of women, aucJi m .. Nit, OtnorrhuOt Lnuorrlun, Womb .. IWut, TmaH WealmMt, SteriHtv, B rtny Dn Prntna, Mttuirual TrovbU, Oar mtMlieincB ro exttmatveiy sim, aTr nu PROVE THIS IY ORDERINQ WWBtTIBim w treatiiaent ana advice VBI1 and wrepay ' g leUvarf, m yam an at vaaaa. Bt CAJtEa'lJK, to tell na all yon can about . mf VV'ITllt! the mnrt inn aattan Ttmr mira AnniMflMi tnri fill fl d rr.j, , iimtia. irirMt ami Mmber.towa, eomty and state. COBKEttPOlTDKlICB 8VKICTI.T COITFI. aawjra. Write to-iay to &AXYlola XIBO. t;0., LaacaatenOhta. TRY FIRST OUY AFTERWARDS. uuuuautuuuiiuuuuuuuituuuuu? p DR. SOFFETTS filfl N TEETH1B8 FGWBEK 1 f. ' ' s Nofhitte . cnij that the highest grade of cellen,:r.-:'?V;T-,,fv-;: 1 ..This is a, practical day.ani generatiorji, X Public .'? uV patronagrests bpon posit meriC for this reason :l!0hr&" SanHorn'sIl Brad, Jaw OUrer luh carcemcnt Sort lined t-J, r ' arc consumed Sally in more ih.xii 4 miiHoii lijmes.:Tliey -', have;t)f eh praven'the full standard of coffee goodness. ' ' ' " The frsrgrant ntoma is (ipoetlzlhg: there's enjoymentr . - It is hot possible to T AmAWUiAia HnA Hm 'kl ' - - Quality Is the foundation of value In the un - rivaled aualitv of Chase & Sanborn's Coffws' rpt -1 ' '.their merit: for public condencev We evet have to .' j. . coax the second order.. ;-vi:'"-3;'u.C'v-':i;:.-v;v?.r, Irhitations and counterfeits are common. " A few , ' I 'Jcertts rhore profit often induces the dealer to urge a iiiiviivi iiu' anvivivm irv,HJ' n.b ' tllHI U1V J '. seal of Chase & Sanborn is ort every package you' buy. Then disappointment is impossible. . : : BLiririr-ij-u ir--inr . . 3011N DUJffN, Cool and Cola' feather Clothing, I n New Goods and Latest Styles. Everything clsc advaliced except prices of our Clothing. , , Bee these Tulues ' " .' ,;' : ' lien's Ciiitg t3 60 to $10 00.. , ; : ., - Boy's Guit3 $1 50 to $5 DO. ' . Children's Suits' 75c to $3 CO. Fall and y inter Styles in Hutu Big Line of TJmli rueiir, Siioes, Goods at Lowest Priepft, Come and Ix-t ns Show you oir Goods. ' The American 'Stock Coi.ipr.ny, irOWAIllJ &. MAC 1ST, I'r. J i mn. 09 and 61 M:.M!n Sue '.. Kr.W I'! V. N, II. V. Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. They may dosa a patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never' be rid of the disease on the other handT his condition will grow steadily worse. S. S. S. is the only cure fortius terrible affliction, because it is the only remedy which goes direct to the cause of the disease and forces it from the system., ' :-: k vt tvu afflicted with Blood Poison, and ttat ouotots ala nit no good, tuougn I took their treatment fat tb lull;.' In test, I seemed to set worse all tha while. I took almost every so-oalled blood remedy, but they didnot . swam to reach the dla - ease, end had no effect whatever, I was dis heartened, for It teemed that I vrimld never toe a trie nd I then tnol S, 8. a., and began tolm nrove. I continued thl medlotne, and tt on red me completely, tmlld InK up my health and inoreaslog my appetite Although this was ten yeara ago, I have nevei ret had a sign of the disease to return. - ,v ... . .. W.B.Kkwbm.'-' '.i.iJ' StauLton.Va. ? It is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury ; besidei totally destroying the digestion, the; dry up the marrow, in the bones, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of th1 Joints, causing tho hair to fall out, an J Completely wrecking the system. - S.S.S.rTrhoBIoorS is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, anil il the only blood remedy free from tliess dangerous minerals. . - - . Book on self-treatment sent free bj Swift Speoilio Company, Atlanta, Ga. Mai r3!W"E 4-2 ADVICE FOB MEN and WOMEN voivtorfnllr Mtl- thaoureof dtMi wcr qitcsi i j k TRIAL TREATMENT. Kates TeetliiDg Easy, TEEIEINA . fitoea tie Bowd Troabiffl of -(Mtei cf Any Igsv ' I Coita Oarr 95 Canta. 'Aak tem VruesIM fori but, Coffee. and Mocha, (n Hir W . V' f - - GnMl Brands; la. . : V- ' ' base. ',. t get better, coffee; it Is hot'?- - A ' ,', m .-m. I . J V W c x"v , rinr onf f Nolo Agent. at Prices to J-nit! every j ni-chawr. Toadies and (ii'iilVFurnisliingH, Dress The Lovea of aa Architect. The architect, says RQKsell Stnrgig In The Atlantic, mnst possess a love of building, and of heavy stones, and of good bricks, and of stout, solid walls and of handsome timbers, handsomely oat and framed. He mast even love tbe new material, wrought and rolled Iron and steel, far it3 great and aa yet only partly known capabilities. When one is asked by a would b student of architecture about his (the student's) chances of succeeding aa an architect,, it is very good to find out what his proclivities are and wheth er he is merely interested in fine art and seized with the idea that archi tecture is an easy, fine art to study and to praotioe. - '-' The architect should love the quarries and should visit them with eager cari osity. The oleavage of atone and its ap pearance in its' natural bed should be not only a delight to him, but an object of close study. The architect should love tbe lumber yard, not to say tbe forest To him the timber in itself shonldbea thing delightful to study and its possible uses delightful to con template. The architect should love the brickyard, and experiments in cements and in mortars should be big holiday amusement." And, finally, the arcbiteot must -have such an eye and suou a soundness: of judgment that bad work cannot escape blm. A familiarity with details not unlike that of a good master builder he must onmbine with a knowl edge of principles and of possibilities lar beyond that of the master builder. sq that good work will come to his buildings as of inevitable sequence, and bad or even slighted work will be im possible in them. New fork Babtee, There are 90,000 babies bom In the dty of Hew.; York every year. .They number 850 a day, or one each sis min utes. Take them out together for an air- - and the row of baby carriages would extend np the Hudson to Albany, jbu miles. current Literature. Distressing Itemaeh Disease " Permanently cured by the masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic, Invalids need suger no longer, because this remedy can cure them all, It Is a cure.; for the whole : world of stomach weakness and Indigestion. The cure begins with the first dose. The re lief it brings Is' marvelous and surpris ing. It makes no failure; never dlsap points. No matter how long you have suffered, your cure Is certain -under .the use of this great health giving force,' Ploasant and always safe. Sold by 0. D. Bradbam. druggist. New Bern, N 0. COURT CALENDAR. Craven County Superior Court, Fall Term, ; FIRST WEEK. . , mondat, November, 27th. 64 Abbott vs. Hancock.: 68 Congdon vs. City of New Bern ' 7r Agent vs. Willis. Vo w 72 Atkinson vs. Perry." 101 Ernul vs. Ooogdon, TTJK8DAY. 69 McCarthy va Tramway Co. 61 Ferrishoe Co. vs Swindell. 62 Covail V CovauV , v J:. WKDMBSOAT. " 48 Morton vs Morton. - 49' Reizenstein VI Kinnon. 159 Ryan vs Roach. 98 Kelly va Roach. 118 Roach va :; ...... v - VraiDAT." ;. 90 Gasklnt vs Broaddus. 94 Oowdy vs White. 99 Dickson vs Jones. " '108 Mollwane vs Walker: .V- 104' Moore vs Ives. '.- i ; U7 Meadews vs M. Reserve Fund. ?: jv , 118 Garrett vaBest.,fj.ii;'i-:'';:; -; v Garrett vs Douglass. . ' "v 118 Alexander Vs Danneoburg. ' 110 Barnum vs Barndm. S; J 114 Green vs Green, '.V;-:Xs;-.?.-Vv-'v ' v Robinson vs Robinson. ' ,.' : '';! Hudson vs Hudson. 'tiji. 'ei Psioe vs Paine. ;f ;V;S's'T.?;Vr Weeks vs Weeks. : X-i 'v( ';:ff MOTIONB. s ; 4 Bryan vs Grimes. -. 8 Biyan vs Bprulll. : :j 8 Bryan vs Lee. 5 7 Bryan vs Sprulll-, ; " : 8 Bryan vs Becton, j. :;' 9 Bryan vs Owens, ' -.10 Bryan. vs 8plve 0 .ill Bryan vsSpruul.;: V?'.;; v ; 14. Meadows va Tisdale.' ;-' ' h 16 Cohn vs Heath, m : C. :i i.17 Jones vs Rhcm. , ,'" -.8? Hlnes vs Outlaw. . ' tO Bank vs Spencer, v ' 87 Lovio vs Pearce. . '.x'f.:: "44, Pelletler vs Lumber Co. ' - .' 48. Gray vs Fisher.. ; '-; ' 60. Uaha vs 81ade. . . ' ' ; 68. Bsnk vs White Oak,1. ' v. ' 68. Morton vs Hudson Lumber Co. 88 Cohn vs Heath, - i;; ' ; j ' 97 Hain vs Heath. 95 Tobacco Co Vs Cfabtree. : S 98 Farmer vs French.-' '' i 103 Cutler Vs Bllmson Lumber Co.'" 108 Haywood vs New Bern, .. Bwan ys Hooker. ? 107 Hlnes vs Moye. ' 108 Clove vs Cleve. ' 115 McCrthy vs Wiggins. 116 Garrett vs Long. 119 Hutchinson vs Hutchinson. P. TRENWITH, IJIncJiM.sillj, Vs'I.wIrl-'if. SIunnriK'turi'r (if P,n;'ri h, Vari.S Cailf, Drnjs, Ao. I'cpnii Ing done on Qi't Nu, !. ( ;i-:hip work a i'. "r,'( j. f'-'l 1'ioi.t f lu-. !, i.. r ! t ',. .. i Alan; a .11 i : V 1 i, I ., f -- , f r . ; ,. A ' HUSBAND -..SAYS:;- " Belore my wife bcgali using' Mother's Friend she could hardly get around. I do not think she could get along without it now. nsed it for two months and it is a great help to Jier, She does her housework without trouble, Mothers Friend is an external liniment for expectant mothers to use. it gives them strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confine ment. It is the one and only prepara tion that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness. It is the - -only remedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It is the only remedy that makes labor short and delivery easy. It is the Only remedy that puts the breasts in condition so that swelling or rising is impossible. Don't take medicines internally; They endanger tbe lives of both mother and child. Mother's Friend Is eold by drurztata lor $1. Send for our tree Illustrated book. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga, Dobbin & Ferrall, At Tucker's store. RALEIGH. II. C. Kid Globes. A very Special Offer Genuine Alexandre Real Kid Gloves The Old A. T.-Btewii t & Co.'s Kid Gloves. . The best k!d glove ever import ed to tb is count ry. We went tbe supeiior merits of this glove to bc moie fully sppiei iatedS and as a special iidiicement will fill ma'! or dc'rs at 1 1 CO a pair, black sod co'ors. : A SPECIAL SUGGESTION A pair of Kid Glovei for a holiday gift and one that wi'l be truly appreciated. Dobbin & Ferrall, IF! YOU WANT Fine Shade Trees, Fine Fruit Trees, Fine Ornamental Trees, Fine Roses or Fine Shrubbery Place yoiMLorders with R. d. BILL, ' v :Si; New'Bern, N C. Ordcrsnow being taken for Fall Plrnt tint. " 'v-'"'' ", Our fee returned II we falL Any one aendina sketch and deacrlDtion of aav Invention will promptly receive our opinion fret concerning be patentability of aame. " Bow to Obtain a Patent", aent upoa rcqueet. Patents aecured thronn ua advertised fur sale at our axpcuM. . Patents taken out through ua receive aneetal Malice, without chanre. In 1 j PaTBMT Racoan. an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted oy atanuiacturera ana inveetora, -Send for sample copy rait. Addreea, viotor i. kvan a oo. ' - (fmtcnt Artoraejs,) J. , ; vaas Balldlni, : WASHINGTON, O. O. REALESTATEAGENCY ; Houses and Lots For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Home and Tenements that will prove a One Invest ment. -'' ": :;.-m-, Collection of Beats a Specialty, ' OTQce at residence. 17 Johnson street A Good ' Telephone , , SERVICE IrJ A BU8INKH8 NECE83ITT, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM- B1NED , , . ;. V'. ; ; Convenience, Taiixnr I .'. ,,. Order Vour Phone t One I IS A FREE PATTERN 5- (rnnr owsi )x-ilon) to rcrr tnV Z r sk ri:Hr. Only ia) ecats year. $z P r1 e'y r - v- -n. i A 1..:: :.7 i A r-rr; h".tMf-, rr-lnrr,! rlt ; r Vt ' '1. F r 1 ll Lodge .Directory. VICTOUT COUNCIL NO. 11, JUNIOR O U A M: Meet every firat and lliird WedDesuav iiijbt In Jiounlrea Hail. Jh O Delimar C ; G I) Gordner, V C; A E Ulblard, J rcas j j v artliDg, K b. CAI.UMET KNCAMPMENT, NO. 4 I. O. (). F. Officers: L L Moody, C Pj J O Melamar, H Pj 3 J Baxter, 8 W; U U Usll, J W; Ueo. Ureen, Scribe; J Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 8id, aud 6th (ii any) Thursday nights in each month at 7:80 o'clock. . , NEW BERN LOPGU No. 1, F H & CV J C Scales, Prest; J H Smith. Recording eecy; iii n, yuiniey, nnanciai ew.y. Meets in the Knights of Harmony Htul every 1st and 3rd Monday nights in each month, ... EUREKA LODGE NO. 7. I. O. O. F. Officers: T. H. Sutton. N. G ; W. T. Uiil. V. 0 i Geo, Green, liec d g oecty; J. It. l'arken Jr. Treas. ' Regular meeting every Monday night at 7;30 o'clock. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNimUTS OF HARMONY: Meets 2nd and 4fh Wednesday ' nights in each month in Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at -7 80 o'clock. S. R. Ball, President, R. J. Dis oaway, Seo'y, R. H. Hill, F. Bec'y. KN1CHTS OF HONOR Officers: K R Jones, Dictator! U L Vinson, Reporter; W F Uountrec, financial Keportor-- New Berne Lodge No. 448 meets the 2nd and 4th Friday nights at 7:S0 o'clock in Hoantree's nun, rouocx street. Mincer : Geo. Slnver, Captain; i. O. Ky man, Lieut.; P. U. Pelletler, FdsIk" ; Wm. 3 Pitts, Clerk ; Ed. Uerock, Aecountnnt. Beg uiar Cantonments, 3d and 4th Thursday aunts in soon monin ats w o-oiocz- In Store and io Arrive! 2,000 rolls cotton bagging; 2.600 bun dles cotton ties; Heavy sacks, twine, etc. Prices low as any; I buy the contract quantity and get freight bp schooner. J. E. LATHAM, THE COTTON BUYER. . JFOU HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to be cheHncally made liom a (stilled valor and free iroin impciiiles. Specially in tended and piepared for human con sumption. ice delivered daily (except eunaaysj 0 a m to 0 p m. Sundays (retail only) 7 a m to 12 noon For prices and other information, Address, New Berne Ice Co. SHOE SHOP ! AlS. II. Scott's Stables on Middle Street. I offer these inducements to custom ers. Wil use the best of stock and give you as good and neat work as you can get in this city. . This I guarantee. New work a Specialty. Re; air work done neatly ana wtiD aispatcn. rnces 1 Low as can be made. Yours to suit. U. W. GIBBS. Henry's Pharmacy 127 Middle Street, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The best known Skin and Blood Rem edy, for the cure of Pimples, Postules, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Blotches-Tumors, Boils, Ring Worm, Rheumatism, &c, is HENRY'S COJ1POUND EXTRACT OP SARSAPAR.LLA WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of he blood, act ing through tbe natural secretary and excretary . organs removing those matters which d'stnrb its purity. Hen- ry's Sarsauit'illa is nut up to meet the popular need for uoh a remedy, without being related to 'the many secret nos trums and quack medicines of the day of nnknowa composition. It contains lust what the formula csils for as printed in on the label of each bottle and sells for one balf tbe p. ice charged for unknown compositions. For Sale . at Henry's Pharmacy, where you will Bnd Combs; Tooth Brushes, Toilet Atucles. Physicians . Prescriptions Carefully (Compounded. . ; ! ALL HANDS 'ROUND And join us in praising the beauti ful Lina ot Heating Cloves, now in slock and on sale by Ihe L. II. Cutler Hard, ware Company. They hats them large and small, handsome and plain. To look at them is to buy them, because ot tbe remarkably low price. AIko don't forget wt alwpys have 00 hand a large Hock of wholesale and re tail Hardware of all kinds. Sna h, poors, and Blinds a speclulty. Ot.II and exam in. t o. cm Dim to. 5 f..i'Z "U;NCE idJE WILMINQTON A WELDON R. R. -"' Ard Baiiilit, , ' And Atlantic Cnart Lli'f hat ntd Co., i' - ' :)", ftf South f 'Niolina. " TRAlSS GOING SOUTH. VA': ' " a! ; DATED j a i 9?.f o July Si, W 'tffr .s - - r c b ; e ca! j;,;;'. 2- ?,fi a." P (r,C , A.M p j( pTm A.SKIpTm". Lv. Weldoi, 11 50 9 4i! .... Ar. R. Mu. ii 6f- 10 3t Lv.Tarboro IS 8i .... 6 01 Lv. R. Ml. 1 w 10 W, C 45 5 4i; 12 na Lv. Wilstii. 1 5H U 14 7 10 6 20 2 40 Lv. BHma.. 2 6" U 57 Lv Fay'vlilt 4 80 1 10 7 S5 3 15 P.M. A.M Ar. Golds. 7 S( l.v. Golds 7 01 a 21 I v Mag'liu 8 09 4 25 ArWilm'lon 9 40 5 60 P.M. AM. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. S'k 8 g, 5fc 63 0 j c'3 c"3 o'3 r,Z ao aa A M. P. M Lv.Florepct 8 40 7 45 Lv.Fay'villt 12 20 ... . 9 46 Lv.8elma.. 1 50 10 54 Ar. Wilaon. 2 U0 .. . 11 81 A.M. P. MA.M. LvWilm'ton 7 00 9 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 84 11 19 Lv. Golds 5 16 9 45 12 80 P.M. A.M. P.M. P. M Lv. Wilson 2 85 6 48 11 81 10 38 1 16 Ar. R. Mt. . 8 80 6 15 12 07 11 85 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 Lv.Tarboro 12 21 Lv. R. Mt. . 8 80 12 09 Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 00 P.M A.M. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Fayetteville 12 15 p m, leaves Fay etteville 12 25 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 p m. Heturning leave banlord ii 30 p m, arrive Fayetteville 8 45 p m, leave Fay etteville 3 60 p m, arrives Wilmington 6 50 p ni. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Bennettsville Branch Trains leaves Benncltsvillc 8 15 am, Maxton 9 20 a m, Red f-prings 9 53 a m, Hope Mills 10 42 a in, arrive Fayttteville 10 50. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 55 p m, Red Springs 6 85 p m, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrives Bennrttsville 7 15 p in. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with tbe Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and bow more railroad, at Sanford with the Scabotrd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Guff with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p m, Halifax 4 15 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kinston 7 55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m Greenville 8 62 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 83 a in, dally ex cent Sunday. Trains on Washington Brar-ck leaye Washington 8 10 a m and 2 80 p m, ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 20 p m, daily except Sunday. Train-leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 5 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 60 a m, and Sunday 9 00 a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a m Train on Midland; N 0 Branoh leaves uoidsboro-dauy, exoept Sunday, 7 05 a m, arriving Smitbfleld 8 10 a m. Return ing leaves Smitbfleld 9 00 a m; arrives atuoldsboroiugsam. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 9 SO a ro, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 1010 a m, 4 08 Dm. Boring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 25 p m.Retnraing leave Bpring Mope 11 00 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash ville 11 22 a m. arrive at Rocky Mount 11 40 a m, 0 uu p m, Qaiiy except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves War . . nM nnn.M J.ll. . tJ 1 -f T . I. VUUWU WUl, S.WII DUUUSJ, 810am and 4 15 p m, Returning eaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 10 60 D m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dally all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Genl Pass Agent i it sVUixiiX, uen'i Manager, T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH UIN, anp ; FREIGHT & PASSING KB, For All Points North. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridges at 6 p. m. sharp, makr ing landings at Oriental, Ocrecoke and lioatioka island, ; : tW Freight received not later than one boor previous to sailing. : For farther information apply to v GEO. HENDERSON, Agi. M. K. Kino, Gen. Mgr., C, H.O. UUDnifS,Gon.Frt.a Pasa.Agt, Norfolk, Va. ; ; : New Berne. N. O., May 30th, 1898 9 km DEALER IN ware 8uah, Doors aud Blinds, Points, - ' Oils, Cement, Lime, I"' '. Asentfiir Carlanil Stovi ... t.ngei ami i;rviiR'8, anil i'mj tlooro' ur.u.Y :.:ixed taints. Old Dominion Steamship Co A. A' JS. C. II. B Tt it fc Tilil KO.10 to Take rCttt rundsj, Ott. 12d, 18! f, : u t-.'HJ.. M. UpiogEael I SciikUllJt: j Ooii.gWist WO. B Faasecger Twins Lv. p ni 81ATH. M : No. 4 Ar. s ci .. Iii6 ...10 IB ...10 12 . ,. il CO ... 8:7 ... 1 (5 Uoldtboro LeGrninre. . . . KJnston New Heme, Lv, . ..:.Lv. " Ar.. . Ar. Morehead city Lv. No. fl, Jlx'u Pt sad lts Tn. Ar. v. m. 2 51 3 13 1 43 1 13 Mx'U K-l & kTtiin: Pass To. Lv. A. M. 7 10 7 43 808 .... 8 20 Ill . .Gnltl-.N.iro. . ....'b . . . . LaGmni. . Kullinjj ( nd ...Kinston.. . . . 12 53 9 25 Oatwell n aa 10 15 Dover n 40 10 40 Core Creek. 11 15 Tuscaroia . . 1181 ClurkH.... 12 05 New Berne. P. u. .10 40 .1018 10 00 . 0 30 A. 11. Monday. Wtiluetdiiy, I'rhU. . t Tuesday, Tliursila- riuiiii-.luy. , No- I. t v ! No. 2, Mxd Ft. and stations: J:x"t Ft. and Paes.Tn. pll88, -r-u. LV. am Ar n m 710.... 743.... 8 08.... 8 26.... " (JoldBl)orn 8 18 Ik-t's . . . LuOrunge. . . . .Falling creek... . 7 33 7 08 . ?3 . 0 13 9 14 Kinston 9 28 caswell 9 40 Ar. Dover, Lv.. 1015 ...Lv. " Ar.. 518 5 00 4: 10 40 core Creek 4 00 11 15 Tuscarora 11 81 Clark's 12 05 Ar. New Berne, Lv 180 Lv. " Ar 2 12 Iiiverdalo 20 erontcn 2 43 Havelock 8 12 Newport, Lv 8 25 Wildwood 8 31 Atlantic 3 46 Ar. Morehead city, Lv. . . . 3 58 . 3 20 2 50 .10 47 .10 10 .10 00 0 40 . 900 . 8 47 . 838 . 8 20 . 7 50 4 01 . . Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. . . P. M. a. M. Monday. Wednesday and Fridav. fTuesday, Thuiedny and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superintc ident Atlantic Coast Lome. Wilmington & .New Berne R. R. . TlMli TABLE NO. 5, InEtftct Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,;Daily Except Sundav. Uoiug South schedule: Going North JNo. SI, I'assonger Trains No.60. Lv. am, stations: Ar. Dm. 9 00 New Berne 5 40 9 86 Pollocksville 5 04 9 51 Maysvillc 4 49 10 02 Jacksonville 4 18 12 08. Wilmington, j ( umuu uepot I , 1215 ...Ar. Wilmington; l.v. ... a &S P M l u No. 3, Passenger & Freight No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday Wpdnm. day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. am Ar. P M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott's Hill 12 55 9 80 Woodside 13 15 10 05 Hollyridge 11 40 10 51 Dixon 10 61 U 20 Verona 10 20 12 05 Jacksonville. 9 45 12 30 Northeast 8 55 21 65 Whitorak 8 80 1 80 Maysville 8 05 2 15 Pollocksville 7 20 2 65 DebruM's 6 85 8 40 Ar. Now Berne, Lv 0 00 Daily Excep Sunday. J. R. KENLY, General A1 an Acer. RORDfN, M-ipt. Trans,-oi ta'.ion. A. Ratty ami Swell Jacket, E?As Wfll as handsome Capes and Walking Coats in (be latest style. Also a new .line of E P Reeds Fine Shoos, . - A beautiful line of Bilks'for waists. Plaid Novelties for Skirts, all to be scld lower than can, bought elsewhere. J. J. BAXTER. THE CAROLINA, Morehead City, N. 0. T. L. Hall, Prop.. Terms Satlsfactcry.' .' n.lL'SK FRONTS THK OOKAN : SEE HERE.I r ... We now furjiiih jou Stove Wood ready out and delivered to your door, AIwbm ki-pt under large sheds, never eels wet In rainy weather. Nice Brick and Lathes, Fists to Let. A InrfTO stock of No. 1 Hand Made Heart K-lili'i;l'S Just arrived, Tnr and Lime. 8 40 4 09. Va 4o.:rmti 5 50.. i 15.. 'IT. T j Life In,