VOL. XV1I--K0. 20.2 NEW BERN, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1899. ESTABLISHED 1882 IMP0RTANNT DECISIONS. iEV.HACKBURNi AS AS AS AS : AS AS AS . I AS ;AS AS AS . AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS V JBLCWISC? PRACTICAL SHOEMAKeRi' JJ3TN W III V& 8 1 1 ;VV E.WHAGKBURN 111 S Ml HARDWARE. -; Wii t;r is coming -d the oold weather h all right as long as jou are out of rtoorei' j- your house, , however pu went to bo snug and.. "warm.. One of Carbon Air Tlfht Healers will make your ' rooms t comfortable and coey, " The prke. r cy.:, It only lakes alual ore half Ihe col of tba'afersg ot.v.-. WJ Art agent f tliU hritler i-.d I oIko the WiUoa Ali-TIht Wn J ' Ifoitu, , " i ' ' vA Thing of Beuu'y Is a "''Joy Forevrr. i'. " : OirCook Bto Dopirtr. hi It com;ilale. Tba wife, lUy daugtu-r, or evrn d; old cook ild hire - . a gO'Hl ateel .: Range. , 'Yoa- an well afford li you will hare belt, r mcaia and the cook'.will bare a better -temper an-1 bj joa : longer.. It will pay lur itrelf in a aliort Hire ty,aatg fuel; Uiere are Innumerable leuoni why yon f lioiv'd hare sud not atingle rea ' on why ) ou thould not, , r i '. r GASKILL .& MITCHELL:, . '- HARDWARE: ' 73 MIDDLE STREET. . ?Phone H7. OROCER1ES: : - 6i suoad'steeet. iWEilOFFERWHISIWEEK ! 1 In our Carpet Department some sweep-; 1 1 J .1! i " -J 1 X " ' " m ing reuuctious m pricea, ana n you com- p ; ffil any time soon it will pay you to do so ffl! fflfl ' ,6;Roll Tnpcsly J5ru6t:1i Carvief,' regular price 65o this nffi MS week : :-,;; u ; rut 1 Koll Mottled Velvet Carput, reg. price 85c thig weey 70c.' Ciil M j 10 Colli i Ingram, regular prices, 30, 50, G5c, tuiB week 25, W CvU ': 28 RoW FHiicy Matting, regular price 55c, this week, 22o, Kin M i . ; Large Stock of Ingrain and Smyrna Art Jjuarea at 25 per jtJvq cent diMOunt. tbit, week.''s.r-v',''' V'-vj ''.irf ' Vv-w' . mu U1TJ These are fresh hew goods, no old vfi sock, and it will be , worth 'your wliile CjjH y to see them., t; lr . v7v, frtAXXVtV Wl nJui Cnnniol itirl flnio! RnlStinr-ino To the Pembroke Manufacturing: Company of New Bern. The Ice Cemuaay Snlt Blltmore Prizes. - Mosqnltoi are tiallty. Telephones pay Taxes. ' Fen J. - itentiary Bends Have " - . Come. IULEiQivNbvember SU-rArtlcles of agreement were filed for the Pembroke Manufacturing Company of: New Bern. The object of the corporation Is the manufactnre of cotton and woolen goods and other textile products: The com pany is Incorporated for sixty Jears and has a capital stock of $75,000 The In corporators are War Danu, C S Uol lis ter, J O Whltty, O O Brad ham, J R Par A ker, Jr , 8 K Eaton, A H Bangert, H B Smith, W Armstrong, G L Ley burn, C E Foy, W H Oliver, -John Dunn, 8 M Brlnson, T K Foust. A D Ward: O L Ives. W N Pugh, T W Dewey, 0 1 8te vens anc P H Pelletter. , " -. Much has been said about the notable law suit by the ffygenlo Ice Company, orCfaarleston, 8, C , for $30,000 d ima ges for the alleged burning of Us ice ; Dr. W. Wixon, Itejly Hill, N. Y.; says: "I heartily recommend - One . Minute tatoryrlMM -by. loeoiMtlmpuiOoiiKk Cm. It gave my wife Imme- There has been much swearing pro and coa and the ease is now alt tangie It w.11 be beard this week by the Supreme Court.- " . . ; It appears that the evidence, that Is the affidavits of a negro.deteciive, Den nis Itowe, of Richmond, Va, are the centre of distarcance. He swears that he was told by eyewitnesses that a ne gro fireman, now dead, burned the build- ldtr. The other side bas Died affidavits that Bowe is of bad characternd not to be believed- Now the railroad files affida vits from 13 business men of Richmond that Rowe'a character Is good There are also aUluavllt irom Wlleou that Rpwe's evidences In caieatace was fully 'believed by jurors and resu.fed In conv'ctlons. '' . ' . , Among the visitors to. the State Li brary waa General William D. Klrkland, who now make Raleigh bis home, lie Is very feeole, but is improving. For many years bo lived In Sew Tork. He was de lighted tosee the scores of; portraits of ex-Confederates in the library. At one time the Twenty-sixth, North Carolina, 'Vance's Own," was in Klrktand's brig ade. , . . F. E. Emery, who until recently .'was a professor at the Agrichllnre and Me chanical Cetlege, Is back after a' trip to the .fair at Atlanta and Birmingham- where Jbe was In charge of the butter making for the Blltmore herd. ;Prlzea aggregating $305 were won; ;: vS? ; TodayA. M. McPbeeters, Jr super intendent of the Ralolgh water: works, will be taken to Baltimore for surgical treatment. Ten weeks ago his ankle was spraIneA'3'.v'':;;i.ji,: A lot of mosquitoes from a county on the Roanoke river1 were sent (o Balti more for a baoterlologtoal examination. It Is said that in that particular section at soon as a mosquito bites a person .a case of chills and fever results lih Ire markaUe qolckngj a. s . ' The- financial report Of the peniten tiary Is a puzzle to the outside ' world. That Is what people say TheVe U some erltb-'ism of It, as .to the amounts paid far commlsaions to astamber of the board. The Treasury officials are not much Impressed by the report. " ' . j :. At the State Treasury It Is believed that toe telephone companies are paying taxes quite well Sheriffs sent In a list of 73 ef them ef the existence of which the treasurer bad no knowledge. V . - : Stale Treasurer Worth is all smiles, "the bonds have come at last," said he. He meant the pentunttary bonds, ttOi, 000 of them, which the American Bank Note Company was so long In furnish ing. It will betemembered that tbey were to bave been delivered last sum mer and that there was promise after promise to furnish them. But at last it turned oat that the man who made tbese promises was not at sound mind. Father Worth wu on the potiitot bring ing suit against the company for the In terest on the debt for the two peniten tiary farms bought, but the company said It would' pay the interest. ' This It did by sending a receipted bill for $750 for the printlog of the bonds. Bo that commission, ' place as 1 Those Decided by the Supreme Court Yes. terday Were Very Important Ones. Special to Journal . - ' ; - Raleigh, November 21 The Supreme , Court decisions today were of marked , interest. They cover nine polltlctl canes. . Abbott ousts ueddlngneld and gets the seat tn the corporation with continuous pay. ' - Theophllus nhile gels hid place as shellfish commUsloner. : ..i. ;; . ' -V . McCall gets the solicltorship of all the counties In the Western Criminal Cir cuit save the four added by the Legisla ture this year. ' -.The. Court decides that In the. case from Davidson conaty that the fusion county board of education wa Illegally ousted as the Legislature could not depose such board from ibe office to which it had been elected for three years. " The court renews Us declaration that public offlse is property. Justice Claik files dissenting opinion in each case He attacks the courts-declarations first made in case of Hoke vs Henderson, that an Makes the food more delicious and wholesome MVAl SAffim KWOC OO., TW VOflK. Americans Control Entire Railroad Llnr. Vice-President of the United States Passes . TweWli Infantry With Gen. Ma sj Awaf it gls Home at FattersonV J. '. - Arthur. T,'., iSpvckl to Journal. ' -Manila, November 80-General Mao-j, Tattehson, N. J. November 21 Vice Arlhnr! advance feuard entered Dajru- l han today. thus completing the becupa hi. me In Patterson, -N. J. at 8 80 tblf moruing.. - ; . - . portion have . been discovered. Large office U property and denies that thLauantItfes of rolling stock, however, oourt has any power whatever to declare a legislative act nnconstltuttrJnaL dlate 'relief ip suffocatidg ", asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all cobghs, colds; throat and lung troubles. F. 6. Doff y. . ADVANCE IN rTBREB, COtUMNS. British Will Relieve the Besieged Towns. -They are Holding Out Against the -w ; ' Boers. " - v London, November SO -Tbe plan of tbe British campaign against the Boers is slowly unfolding Itself. -' -: . - It now appears definitely to consist of a ' threefold advance from Durban through JBstcourt toward ; Ladysmltb, from De Ar n Klmberley, and from East London In the' direction probably of Q leenslown and Burgherdorp, pape Colony. - - - 1 'V With regard to the first, -It Is not be-' lleved here that there is ground for alarm about Ladysmith. General White has by no means resigned himself, to a pas sive derenso. His Conn terstrokes hare been vigorous. ; vJ- ' :; It is presumed that Gfenerel Oildyard, who Is now at Ettcourt, commands a, body of men hot . far short of a brigade in strength.. He will te able to maintain his position until General Clery arrktfs It Is Impossible to say when Goneral Clery will march, but the forward move ment from Durban wilVno doubt, take place eoou.;,ia- - Lotd Methueu's advance from De Aar is for the moment perhaps tbe most Im portant of the three. The Boers ' beforeliadysmlth are re ported, from Biltlh sources, to be In a bad way.;,.' Exposure Mn the'-, rainy weather and a bad commissariat have caused' a great deal tl sickness. As yet there Is no real Indication that the fight log spirit of the Boers has sntfernd. -'The Boers' hear Estcourt - were quiet Sunday, but were Wording south. . Late Suuday night they appeared o i the rail way at Willow Orange, the next station to the south of Estcourt. " .. - Tbe Kimberley searcblight was seen oa Wednesday from 'the OietfgeT' river flashing news that all was well lhire.. -' Dr. II II. Haden, Summit, Ala., saya, ' I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendid medioiue. 1 prescribe It, and my eouddeuce lu It grows With contln nod use." It digeats ' whatvyou eat and quickly cures dyspep.la and Indigestion F.s. Duffy; v; . : . Supreme Court Decisions, Special to Journal. '. ' . -Raleios, November 21. The Supreme Court files the following opiulons: . , White vsHlll, from famlico, affirmed Abbott va Beddlngfleld, from Wake, error. ,.J .. . Gattls vs QrllUn, ' f rom Chatham;1 re versed. .' . , Weib'j vs flicks, from Cumberland, pe thiou lu ro-hear dlsmlsded. Jones vs Railroad, from Cumberland, error. ; ' ."' I Brulon vs Ucftae, from Montgomery, aSirrued. . 1 - V ' ' , . ;, BAGUPAN IS TAKEN. H0BART IS DEAD. tlon of the railroad Hue from Manila, 185 miles long. . w' , . . ' i , - The railroad Is practically 'ntaat be yond Oapas, except for a distance of five miles to the north, and tbe rails'for that hive been destroyed by the Flllnlnoj, There are reports of Filipinos concen' tratlng at San Miguel, west of Panlqut, and also weBt of Bayambang., General Mac Arthur Is prepared for the lighting, his forces being disposed from Dagopan south. The Twelfth Infantry, a bat talion of the Seventeenth Infantry and two" troops of cavalry are with "General MacAithur below Dagupan, General . Mac Arthur is moving bis troops by train.-The roads within General Lawlons' territory are becoming passable, rV. Capt, , Henry - A. Leenhauserv - wli h three 'companies of the Twenty fiflU Infantry, accomplished one ef the best coups of the war." Reaching O'Donnell at night by a march from Capas, he sur prised tbe Filipino force there, number ing 200, ad captured au of thorn, with their armV-10,000 rounds of ammunition and four tons of subsistence. Onu Fill' plno was Rilled, but there were no American losses. , COTTON MARKET. Received by J.E. Latham, commission merchant New Bern, N, C. .' , New Yobx, November 91. -u Open. High: Low. Close Jan. cotton .... 7z 7.88 7.25 7. May. cotton.... 7,8 780 7.85 7.41 ' CHICA80 MARKETS. . Wheat: Open.. High. Low. ( lose May-.-..... Ookk: - May....;.. Cofvsb:- ' . March .. .. So, R y Pfd. B.R. X. ... M. Pao .... 0.40 ..... Reading .... 71 71 . 70 7I i.. 83, 331 m 1.70 5Ji 801 m 5H 5.85 5.70 5.85 57 87J 48r 28i 60T Tfie Toy Store OF C.J. -tri.i'r.''?. McSortey . Of even tbe smallest mdi is Is oi.e of otirmiithoiU of di li g lut In tat nilif Parkei'. Cio iry a favorite source of opt l'e rj . Pure Food Pndi cit of a I l.'i.c Another one is H p Llhh q' -of our choke gro&lij; whii'l. ,v"s guaianl eto be nf thn v iy In, at the lii' st p. teen to I e Tom d li. tlie city. ; Junt roini(d fiesli lot I'll (if-. itlvor riitlcr. line Ik (;v (l ' b.itlcr l"r break f; st 1 1: i. rs l'.i.ik- lii-fit Aikis and K.ix ):iver 1'ilnt H'lUcr. f . I t. r ii.. t.,.H.i. tun. M. V, .U UU..-, aretn T 0jpen fn)m D(kvId,on( mod,. wv km f tuo fi uir v ia uuau iuii iiust , . n, , o.. .u..' e..,.. .... fled and affirmed. v,mup.uj.,.. ,,, .0 .u w Lifordvs Greene, from Davidson, . " 'rr, ... .... ,n tjUloA. ,nrV , 7.. . .: W.lkera Bowles, from Iredell, (On ha kfnn rrr Ivedt tliat fur 1 .A tl . . -. - , , y (jf -t, , 1 . 00) will be received as soon as the bonds ,1 . n . error. Is. now open to: the ' ' .... . ;.. ' - : public s inspection with a Urge and fine lineof are delivered to the buyer. . Ki Congressman John" Nichols re nnrktd that tills week would See the end of the niarvelously fine weather, giving at a reason tht before tha wur the Lcjl.ilature al ') mot the tli'r I .Mon day In November, nml lliit tlie bad weniiier CHtne tlieu wi:!i in.li rem u'ftl!o r'(;iilft,iiy ui to iniikti Il a kiiio li i J'lku that tlio L';i' Unr.) biiin;.lit II. McCall vs Gardner and olhcrj, from R incoinbe, 'affirmed as to defendact Eaves, revi'r d a toother defendants. McCall vTVebb, from Itmieoinlii", f lirinc'it " j:c'"all Zachary, fro Madlon, af (irined. ' ' ' r In following ciise,: -.li i;i, from it iwuii, uf- OF ALL KINDS. IVi li 'Cjl JR., (j or" "I h:.(l dy ;; '!.: nsyfiin and Jl e V 0 r f f i il !i .1 " a I 'i. f till i U'Ml K' fl 'l I '. ' i -.t I : -i '' . ' .' i I li n w -, f. li i f' i - f R et v l: ' . ' s K .1 I i ; ' 'on v, . '-. ! . - ! t ili t I ."o. t t ,.; I:: M y. A-:,. 1 1 ' .1 I .-..- ii-:: i-It i fit ui einonl Vi U 'h ., I. ' at" vs I!n;; CALL AND fr l;.i af- S t sV 4 l ef I ! k: t.-:l : Mr. Dobart was born at Long Branch, N. J. iu IH44, His ancestry was English If President McKinley should die, tuil Speaker of the House of Representatives would succeed to the office of President, and if there should be no Speaker, tht Secretary of. Stale and then the other members of tbe cabinet in succession. ' LaGrippe, with ' its after effects, an nually destroys thousanda of peoples It may. be quickly cored by One Minute Congh Cure, the only remedy thatpec; dnces immediate results in coughs, coldf croup, bronchitis pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It. .will prevent con sumplionF 8 Duffy, Dobbla & Ferrall, At Tucker's store. RALEIGH, N.C. Unparalelletl Leading Bl'k Silk Values 8) inch Satin de Lyons, ' 50c 21 ' " " 75c yd 21 inch Satin Duchesne, 76c yd .24 . u .. $100yd 27 " - " 125j d ." 27 ' " " 150 yd " - 24 inch eaiin Rhadance, $125d 24 ' s 150yd 22 inch Satin Liberty, $1 00 yd , 33 150 yd Si Inch Satin Mervellleux, $1 25 yd .23 " " ; " 150yd 20 Inch Peau de Sole, 75c yd 23 .. .. $100 yd 24 " t 125 yd Rewnt Durchaees from the great Silk Auctions have placed us la a very fortu nate position to offer our customers these leading; silk values Rich, Pure Silks, combining deanoe and eervice ablenesa at juow Prices. . Dobbin & Ferrall. I Dn Ynu Wrap SfinQ ?lz If so you can save from 50 to 75c a j & pair on them bv bttvina from at' -j i at: Z7 - lL x j m - u j. vruizncjtiienaays we will sell 3 $2J5, $3 and $325 Shoes at $2L f We have onh a few sizes left in each 'z.rstyte and are offering them at cost and ?d s5 r i .... 1 n . 5 some of mem less man cost. . r f 3 : What T that brand new Bicycle Lamps at 40c; $1, $1 60, and $2 85 jeach. Lamp uu oniy auo ooMie. . vv Over 200 pr of Tires of various makes a pricea ranging from $1 50 to 5 tach. A quantity of Bridgeport Pumps, no better makv; tbey don't make you swear when you go to Inflate your tires, price too ana fjoo. , , , w -, . Hand Pumps ton cheap to price, when in oeeo. oi one oau. , -. Handle Bars from 25e up.' " Hartford anl Morgan o Wright Re pair juts xoo eacn. v , . , . - Many other thinift too numerous to mention. When ia need of a Blovcle or anything In that line, call and examine our stock wined is the lancesi ana most complete in tbe South. - . A few more of those second hand Bikes left over at $10. flASKINS CYCLE COMPANY V'....:.'.' v ' Taxes for 1890 are now due and paya ble, and should be-pald at once, Tbe law will be enforce i and all per sods charged with oosta, due to failure to pay tlieir taxes, as warned, will have to bear the extra expense, . - ' n ; Taxpayers should sen me at onoe and avcrid this additional expense. JOSEPH L. IIAtlN,; v x Ex-81ierilf and TaColloctor. cHew Hern theatre I Till! EE NIGllTi COMMENCING Thursday) NoW 23rd, i $UST RECEIVED I Fresh from the mill, a car load of i " Voigt s Snow Drift - and Star Flour. If you are needing a barrel Qf good flour gibe me a call. Yours Truly, Wholesale A Betail - l.T T. MnTlAWTPl g Ui a, mVVkkkUUJd) Grocer, g 'Phone 91. 71 Bro4 NtV g IS Wo arc now offering Black Vici Kid Shoes in both lace and congress at fZ 50, price was $3. We have both bluck and calf shoes in lace, iu pointed, round and square toes, regular $2 75, $3 and 3 25 qual ities now $2 50. " , Come early and get your choice. Remember onr offar holds good only for 10 days. Yours Truly, , 4 CO.; 3 57 POLLOCK 8TKEET. NEW, BERN, N. O." BOY'S suiiisi i ' 1 "vV-,r-1,i,;..- j1. , Just Received a new and pretty line oi Boys' Suits, ages 3 to 7. , . v . Ladies especially invited to call and in spect these Bargains. Miif vJ" S ssr X fF aa ,i . W MIDDLE 8TBEE1 " ' :- NEW BERN. K C I Atjlf-Bobk Store 5 1 Second-llamV l S ' School Iloilkfi. i ! Fine Hfalloner ' I s -,. ... - g and Iatrst Popular 1 UooltH a Ni?clalfy. I 5 6. H. Ennctt-i Hello Central, ' Give 'fie 149,4 Ifloore' Wood , Tard, Where they ketp Dry Wood, sawed any length you want and w III deliver it at your door. Full meamue guaranteed Mr J. Vt'. Move will be at he office and glad lo a c n tiodale h a old cus tomers Uou forget t' plaoe, on South Front sl eat by the lall-oad and I'LoneHU. 4, V. n. JIOUKIi m) It is Worth your . To see our Special Buggy, No48, oalled School Boy. This does not mean tbe 40ih boy In tbe olass, but rather the first one In a class of that number. , - ' " , ' G. H. Waters & Son, , . , ' : 78Brod8lreet.V,7'' A i .. .:-.;.,'V.'' c I-1 i-y 7 J77? C VIOLA t OOiedy 'K j It'll I I: I '1' I bave just gotten In a Fine Line Of Tan ami Ptent Lrathor fjhoes. Our line Is ur-tn-rV-C. ( l'e us a C all, Exquisite 5ty!e In I DelonKs to the iheh olotlnng niaile to mcMimin, tailor who knowstlie vi... i)eutifiil flnloh and I ..... and w ho aeleeia lux f to i!eno tin- tiiulo of i IN o, nil. "'1 lin luilor i nil Ohi F'viln.; ft'-l v . f. rl, , f ( ,, , .1 , Tl.:""; : ('. .