VOL. XV1I--N0. 205. NEW BERN, N. I'., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1899. ESTABLTSnEtTl882 'V - .- It .1" t 1 "V vii. ri- Wf VlU! 74V . - v7 it -Ik I V fcYn'y- toil -k - w ,1 E;B: HACKBURN. hardware' r- 'f i. WittJf lsVoming a'd lle hM ; '.' weather Is all rght, as lcnu a jcJ ,. . . are out of doonf In ryu T -Uoiwr,-.- 1 ' however f ou ai I to be snug and : warm. One of Carbon Air !Iy!.t ; "1 eate will- -msk jour ro. n s ' are a v. It only ultra eb ui i t-. ' bait the coal cf the average stOT'v T We r. sVnt f mi t eaier i n - also the Wrwn Al -Tltls Wd Heater. ' k ; IV A Thing of Beauty ts a .Joy Fotevt r. ' , Our Co(.k fctove Ipartmrit "Ill . crrpj lute. The wife, the dat gbn'r ., t pod ftce) Uung-Tou cao maUan(i te conk will have a ; Ifniirer . It will dmv for HrIf in s fcbort two liy tavir.g ful; tler e ' arc inoimcialilo reonons why you . I v(, h nM have and not a single rt as bort lin o liy fravfog iw l; tier m why j ca should not , GASKILL & HARDWARE: ' 73 MIDDLE STJEtEET. -'Phone iicrli raLJLJLJLJL.Jl.JL.lLJCSLJI.JUJ IT uui WF OFFER ; III our Carpet Department some jSweep- "- iJln lrx Tarlnc"! Iatisi In rviro OTtrt it Tmi rrtm. rllui " ln,Tl ' -.-rr"'"-. ' -- -i -,. u, gr3 template buying . anything: in this ; line Q any time soon it will pay ,you ;to do so ) " M now.'.- : , r ..... : C' y.- -,.'':; j' P 4-5 Po Bo113 lgrinJesnlM price, 30, 60, 65c, thU week 25, W fta H ; : Jwlis J ancy iUauiDg, regular price, zoo, una wees, mc, m Largo . Stock uf Irjgrairanfl Smyrna Art Squares at- 25. per KlLn . x . These are fresh new goods, no old i 1 III. Sit Biofii, auu n win uo Kjj to see them- FRANt- H: J0NES S G0.. nl3 87 MIDDM T? -xr,. -ai jfit 7Wken PrC&rina Your "ErczMst: I fiomr inoriili e 1 1 tit. ... .. J 'Ml t lr) llill Wh t ll.ul . . I na'iif.iftt FinhI It U i il and f ri'- tlJi f. a w.ll a-, v Our Mi iki.H eri a' ni.n'r m i the fu'.Icil snil ll .i t lx hi. i rats, rice, e'v- 1iij'i iih 1'H time in ti t it I Hfhl i i.nd "it ' "'i 1 1 j ') many r - ilg ffltlll.f.lHl I II l tlll"iV Wniic r. . rIko Iihv a fit k'i 1 I r 3 It ' r Itinter, S U l iji tjj Itrenkfunt Hirii, & : In fact our line of F.iw) (W , Miiii ai i'uni It ti. t ii. i i.i livi j t llllM ! t. (..iU 1,1 1 1 ! hi I ! tl V C n.ll i ii'S t' r I i.:-i ( j. r?. 7 V? PRACTICAL iSHOCMAKCRi' &STH - ' 3 EAiY fi 1 THE I W2f - MITCHELL; "JQROCERIES: , '6TBVQAO STEEBT UT.'- THIS WEEK ! l.lt-. .worm youi-,'wmio --.Vv -".V v -'' STREET. : : 7 n u id V .c? ? ST" 55? T? T1 5? r " If - Jht"l'"iHl-.r-Sr'L,.Sf"nr'j''.li'".J1'r JTi i JTu, s?'i dfijijt f . . .... " .... . y, . . , p!l !.' J OH, h : :.:;" I That Otho'S Resljatlon Was Of No . Effect Whatever. The N. G. Tablet for the Confederate Museum. Convicts en the Farms v- The Normal School. Dr. Schlestnger lu Raleigh. Flag Half masted. Ralioh,'Mov. 24-J. 0. I.. Harris, one of the State counseim the matter of the right of the corporation commission to assess railroads for taxation, which Judge Slmonton recently decided adversely,- end which is appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals at Hichmond, says: ''The decision Of the North Caro lina Supreme Court, ousting. Bedding field and (eating Abbott as corporation commlssUnef, also declares that there is in the latter commission a contlnuanee of tho power given the railroad commis sion. Judge Bimonton did not deny, out admitted, the right Of the railroad commission to assets. v This declblon of the Supreme Court knocks Judge Simon ton pol, because the United State) CourU always follow-the decisions of the State courts as to State laws. When we gtt to Richmond all we will have to do will be to ebow this last decision ol the StsU Supreme Court, which, in effect say Judge Slmonton Is wrong." . .. . ,,- Harrii was asked some farther ques tions as to Olho Wilson's "rights" to the office of corporation commissioner iu place of S. li. ltogors, and said in replj: ' Oiho'a resignation placed In tho Iunde of the Legislature was of no force and effect. He might si well have resigned to the Hethodist : Conference.' -wUh you would say this from me.5 Bisjreslg natlon ought tg have gone to Uoveruor Kussell. Of course Rogers will say VYi son bad abandoned his office. . Cut the Legislature filed vouchers for his salary to show that be was not abandoning hit office, and to keep alive his contention.1' A tablet has been prepared end is on view here which will be placed In the North Carolina room of the Confederate Museum." It Is about our feet suusrv, with gilt frame, and on a white back ground bears the following .Inscription in white letters: "First at iietheL Pai thest at Gettjsburg. Last at Appomat ox. ' .With a voting population of 115,- 000 North Carolina sent 183,000 volun teers to the Confederate service, or one tifth of the entire Confederate army. . At Big Bethol, June 10, 1801, Henry Lamson Wjatt fell, the first Confederate soldier killed lu pitched battle; Company H. First North Carolina Iicgimenu AfBa laklava, in the charge of the light Brl- tfAtU, England's loss wa 8?f per. cent of her men, Thef Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment at Gettysburg July 1-3 1803, Jot 60 pet, beat of Us men Sorlh Carolina , trooos mada .the last charge at Appomatox.- One halt ' of the muskets tamed over at Appomatox' were la the hands of North Carolina soldiers. Tfiere are now 180 Federal prlwners in the penitentiary here At discharge the government elves each convict a $12 outfit of clothes, of any style be likes. bought from stores, 9 ia money and a ticket home. The state Rives- a sujt ol clothes made In tbeprison and a : ticket as far 'as the convict's good "conduct money will pay for, ;'; 1. - There are only about 120 State cod victs now In. the penitentiary, all the available men having been sent to piok cotton on the Roanoke farms. " F. B. Atendell ssys that only about 80A bales remain unpicked. . Convicts from the J-Anson and Castle Uayne farms bare .tl o been rushed to the Roanoke farms, leav Ing enough oa the Anson farm to . sow wheat and oa the castle Hayne to thresh the ilce crop. There are also too free laborers employed In gathering tho cot ton on the Roanoke farms. ; v The new heating and (ewer pipes of the capllol have been laid and a. capital piece of work the new arrangement Is It is (aid that In the saving of coal the new heating pipes will psy; for tberu selves in six years. They are tlx Inches in diameter and are covered with nou Conducting material. They pass through a tunnel. The sewer pipe It twice the .1.. ..L. .11 . ' . ' size oi mo oiu one. It is Intimated that tho type of fevei at the Stated Normal and Industrial Col lege li so low as to look a good dial llkr typbua-.Tbe latter la very rare ootr. It 1884 there was a cao here. One of th- State chcmUts had a room In the ngrt cultural building. A partition was torn away and germs which bed lain l li -rt in 1 8D I gave him the ilUi a-e. A phy sician ncallid tho fact that theie wth' la the Utter jear ifvurul chi s of typhu vn .ig solilii-r in lliu liuihliiK Tin- .1 H'i'ne;t J. lie tinw liven l i l'l-ik, mul Mi- tmine l I!. Von lie. IT. S'irrilf Mit'iii, of llyili- i:l lii l!ii. Mii.ll:lt!ui i s -rve I wn mm. Tim -In: a i hp iiii.l.,;,. i.f i i ,1 ,u i-t lu !( ill) w m li. r i ih:: ki. ut A :f'. k! i;:u lu l , t'.l' I) lo'j.'l t ' i : III 'r ii;,'ht a C m a lilit.iiUt, in iiT t tln.t up r,( i:;i.;i i'u- :,rj mi I. h it llutt l;li r-i!iy w l 'III li I'' lif I m il X I tired of being wail-flowers at the dances I where the unmarried ones "cut all the . lee." are iil&nnlnir to have a "declaration of independence" In the shape of a ger- nn olub of their Very own. - ut. acnieainger,) wno u a jiingiisn- man and not a Gorman, by the way, Is here. He created more than a sensation at Wilmington and Goldsboro by his mind reading.' He says he Is no fortune teller. "Some of the newspaper folk called on him today and he assuredoneof them tfiai big things wore ahead of him, by W03, The doctor did not say whether the'newspaper "Tsfl would marry an heiress, discover a gold mine, Invent a reliable perpetual motion machine cr and out how people can ny, - Elwood Cox has begun work on fats shuttle block factory here. State Treas urer Worth tells me that if Mr. dx can get' enough persimmon and dogwood here He-will build two factories. ' - Lieutenant Douglas Settle say hs wants ten desirable recruits for Dattfry O. Fifth Artillervk stationed at San Juan fporto Rico.' - .. ;. ' " ; The flags on the cspltol were '"at half mast as a mark of respect to the memoiy of Vice President Hobart. - ' V WIN IN BATTLE. British Carry Belmont With the Bayonet. ' Boer Accomplish Little by BI; Guns. , London, Nov. 24 The announcement cornea from Natal that a strong position of: the Boers has-been carried at the point of the bayonet. There is a'so the suggestive newn -thaj the burghers are leaving Natal for the capital of the Free State, apparently a clear indication that they foresee the plan of campaign. f An official telegram front Lord Meth- uen says that at daybreak yesterday morning he look the Boer pdailioa at Belmont, 66 miles, south of Klmberley This is the spot where Lieotenant-Cplo-el Keith-Falconer and" Lieutenant Wood were killed. The Infantry behave 1 with great gallantry and were well sup ported by the naval brigade -' The Brit lih losses are said to be considerable and those of the enemy heavy. , The British troops earried the positions at the point of the bjyonet, -. - s. . ' ' - Third Battalion of Oreuadler Guards suffered most eeverelv.. One of.,, their ofllceis, Lieutenant Fryer, was klllod, aud eight others wounded. Of the rank and file 28 were killed, 88 wounded and 18 are missing: The British total casu altles are 223 killed, wounded and miss ing. . f ; - . Scanty although, "the details are, It Is evident the action was of a pretty severe character- The victory Is complete, say Cord Methuen - ' - - The Mool- river cample still able to commuulcaie with. Piutermarltzburg. which show that the place has not as yet been cut off. It was shelled yester day by the Boer guns, whlca were out 61 the range of the Brttiah weapon, there being apparently' no naval 12- pounders oret.7 Inch quick; Ores' to belp.iirC;-; But no damage was done by the bom bafdm'ent , The .Boers, it it stated, have with them a big bowiteer. The presence of a: considerable num ber f gun and heavy howllter seems to Indicate that the Boer are moving oihh in considerable force."" Probably this I a Urge detachment f rom'Geoeral Joubeit's army before Ladysmlth. As the British are very short of cavalry; . lnfor matlon u to the Boer' strength is neces- arlally vague. i. ' . General ilery has been' strengthened by 800 Ootlander Infantry, and will also be reinforced bj troops from Cephalonla Pavonia and . Goorkha, which have reached Durban. . .. . ..;,' . Gen. Siruedvers Bullet ha, gone to Natal in the Mohawk. He Is expected back again in Caps town very shortly. His - journey is considered in some quarters that the iltuatlon In Natal 1 serious. ;', 'The Dally Mall, however, say that Iht chief object of General ' Bailer's journey to.. Natal is oo'-ordlnate ' with movements of small Utlttab foies south of the Tugela river, o that not only will the Boers bo cleared out of the district, but General Clery will be placed In position to undertake the advance to the relief of Ladytmilh with full strength. " News conies from Mafeking that on November 15 the lowu was safe. The Boers were miking trenclien, but there was no clianr of lli iir capturing the place. Their big g-tns had not bees h' aid for two days anj it wis supposed thit thuy had ben withdrawn "I w'liiMii't lie without DeWltt's Witch li;'..i.-l alv6;f(l any i on.ldcriition," rii Thou. It. Rhodes, Centerllelil, O I f.,1 ) i !,' o fur fill a, tut, bums snil tkln Hi ware r.f Ciiiinlvrfelts, F. 8 ) Simple Bitri.il Services. I'ai tin is, N. J. N iv. 2 1. I'lu funer il hi' i v li i S:ii.ir,l n- ('nrii)ll II ill, the ll'lilli) of I he Hho I hllil ! H.i: 1 1 1 1 1 r.m in ii..:fiii tl. C'.iim li or il 1 .In Vli:o ni;,lr, I !,. ,'l .,.',, I.'. 'H.I i'rivi.l hi, will Ix .f V W I J Makes the food more deficious and wnolesonie HDVAl BftKMt MWtCK CO"., NCW VOM. 6RDER OP SUCCESSION. The Lav of 1889 Arranged the Preslden- tial Succession. Pres. McKinley ' Wa'S-- Coes'to Patertoav " " "i Wabhisotok;"' November 24 The United Ststes will have no Vice - Presi- dent nntllafter next inauguration day, The law provides no method of filling the vacancy left by the lamented death of Mr. Uobart. In case of the removal, death, or inability of the President, there being no Vice President, the following members ' of the Cabinet, in the order named, are eligible to the Presidency until a now obc ha been elected. The Secretary of State, the Secretary o( tBe Treasury, the Secretary of War, the At torney General, the Postmaster General, they Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Interior. Tui law of succession was agitated after the assas sination of President Garfield, , which arousedjubllo sentiment in lis favor be cause only the life of one man Presi dent Arthur stood between the United Stales governmentand what might have been anarchy, but it was nolehaciei ii nnlil after the death of . Vice President, Hendricks, November 25, 1880, left the country In the same sort of predlcamel It was. because ofjhe absence of any lew providing for a successor that Piesi deni. Cleveland did not go to Indiana to attend the funei at of Vice President Hendricks; allhongji the rail! oad authori ties promised every possible precaution to prlvent accidents It was decided not to take any chances, and only the Cabi net went to the funeral. No such care being necessary now President McKin ley and his entire Cabinet will attend the funeral of Vloe President Hobart, at Pslerson, NJ , going on especial train and returning to Washington the same day Saturday.. i."'- ' . . . -. - The Kentncky Legislature. - Wabiungtoh, Nov; 24 Senator De- boe, of Kentucky, who was In Washing ton-this weok, greatly Interested the politicians by positively asserting that the legislature Joal elected would be suit Goebel and anti-Blackburn. - If Senator Oeboe has that straight, and he sayt he has,.it mean the election of an adminis tration tienalor to succeed Benatar Llndsey perhaps Senator Llndsey's re election. Senator Llndsey is a Democrat but he supports the expansion and gold standard policies of the administration. 1 mm Wm Is now open to the publics inspectionwitJ a large and fine line of ch(ew Toys OF ALL KINDS. CALL AND Store Si McSojiey K t 1 Jl MORE TROOPS ,F0R OTIS. Troops Will Be Used to Clean Out Cavite , 1 Province. , - WasnrmTo, November I) ft la aela ,he War Department that by the end ' 'e present week General Otis will rt- elve reinforcement to the n amber of ton. ' It U expected that the major portion of this force will be thrown directly into Cavite Province, south(of Manila, and will clean out the Insurgents who have infested that region ever since the tall of Manila. The Insurgents In this section are. believed to number about 1,500 or 2,000 men. , AiiUBook Store i i Second-Hand 4 Kchool Book.xk I Fine Stationery " and Ealfst Poula I I Hooks a Specialty. 6. H. Ennett. I Henry's Pharmacy v 127 Middle Street, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The best known Skin and Blood Rem edy, for the cure Of Pimples, Postules, l otter or salt Ktieum, tsiotcnes, Tumors. Boils, Ring. Worm, itheumatism, feo., is HENRY'S COflPOUND Exmcf OP 5AR5APARILLA . - WITH IODIDES. JA. powerful purifier of the blooit, act ing through tha natural secretary and excrvtary organs. - removing those matters which uieturo ns purity, uen ry's Sarsaparilla is put. op to meet the popular need for suoh a remedy, without being related to the many secret nos trums and quack medicines of the day of unknown composition. It contains lust what the formula calls for as prluted in on the label of each bottle and cell for one naif the price charged for nnkoown oouinositlons. For.: Sale at Honrv'e Pharmacy, where yoa will find Combs, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Articles, Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. .-- . We Are Now Showing an Un isually . . Pull Line of , lugs, it ' 7ts'- S l: ' '.'.'. ;t and Oil Cloths. v1'1?: 'i'f'f ';-i'..':; .;':JJ'-' J' i: Onr line of Ladies, -Misses and Children' iKiA 0 Y-Zf Flannel- Underwear Is worth ypnr attention.; ? M ;-v. - :"'X "j-i '-j V" ' ?. ii. -.T- A new supply of the Fantont . ? Queen Quality ) Shoes "! i ': Just arrived, " Also Ladies, Hisses and Children's Shoes cannot be Surpassed. ' , d. f: jarvis. SoriietliingFliitcrcst Wbt 1 tlmt brnnd new Tticycle Lamiia it 4Ue, 1, i M). and ti each. Lampi Oil only 2(c bottle. . Ovor 2( 0 pr of Tiies o' varlnns makes ft prior ruiigirifr fn in $1 50 to f3 tach. A ii" 'iy -f Uriilifi port Pump, no i brill r iiinki'j lliey tlon'i make you swenr in ii V"" K'i to iiilliile jour tiies, piloel If:. In li. H:i i tun -!i .':i)l. M f I' nil 1 I V',:,:: p to prl c, when I f I c up. WrMit Ho- Mattinqs iP L. McDaniel, 71 BitOlD Has a fait suppfy of good things to eat j SUCHAS: 't Mince Meat, Jo!ly, Frnit Jams, Llnnants. CitrnnJ Raisins: Evaporated Apples u:kI Peaches, I iCKies. iiiacaro ;i ' lioese, Canned Frniis and Vegetahles. - " t lavonng i-.v tracts and Spices. The Very Best Butter, Prepared anJ-Old Fashion Flour 3Jc, all you want. Small Hams and Ureakfast Strips, big Hams to Cut. . Fulton Market Corned Beef aud hundreds of other good things. It will pay you to give me a call before plaoing your orders. Respectfully, J. L McDMIEL, Phone 01. j& Do You Wear Shoes) If so you can save from 50 to 75c a -5 E patr on them by buying from us. H For the next ten $2J5, S3 and $325 Shoes at $250. -1 r rr t. cc yjiuy a I & stvle and are nfferinn tfirtn ai- met " rlA 3 s I I ' ' some of them less We are now offaring Black Vici Kid Shoes in both lace ' and congress at $2 50, price was $3. , i We have both black and calf shoes in lace, in pointed round and square toes, regular $2 75, $3 and 3 85 qnal ities now 12 50. Come early and get your choice. Remember our offer holds good only for 10 days. Yours Truly, , Of. 57 POLLOCK STREET. BOY'S Just Received a new Boys' Suits, ages 3 to ... Ladies especially spect these Bargains. 29 MIDDLE 8TREBT1 - il Taxes for 1899 are now due and paya ble, and sboold be paid at once. . The lew win be enforced and all per. sons chirged with oosts, due to failure to pay their taxes, as warned, will hsve to bear the extra expense. ! - . : '? Taxpayers shooh see me at onoe and avoid tbia additional expense.'' .: - -:..; JOSEPH LVIUUN, 7 f j.t : -4 Ex-Shmfl and Tex Collector. M -Jr. SMiTi .vHW' Exquisite 5lylc in Dress li lone to tho man who has Ills !. ill. nit; inn lu to ini iimiio by an artist tiiilnr w lio kiniH s the vnlue of kj fnrt lit, lil'iullif ll lini .li ami lino WOl 1. Ill oiihIi i , ami w ho s-i.-i'iH his fiihilra wiih an eye to ' i" n' nf Din well bred fn t . .. " V.- '-.r limlii fl the nmn" la . i .1 . ' it' ll H.iriui F,iip ly nil do i . i : a. I i ii ) an b"t li n'3 lo 5: STREET. Dried Apples, Sweet and Soar Buckwheat. The very best Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Bro4 St. 3 '3; 3 days we will sell C'UJ Dt-GO ICtl III eaCn 3 fi J wvi v sv . 3 .. than cost I 3 .3 NEW BERN, N. O., V ',, 3 SUITS S and pretty line ot r V- ' 7. invited to call onrl In.;'. m, NEW BERN, IT 0 Hello Central, uive iei49. Moore's Wood Tard, ' Where they keep Dry Wood, rawed any length you want, and will deliver it at your ddbr. Full measure guaranteed. ' . Mr. J. W. Moore will be at he offlo. and glad to accommodate his old cus tomers. Don't forgot the place, on South Front street bv the railroad and Phone 149. i. T. H, MOORE. '.y .S ctfew 'Bern Theatre l THREE NIGHTS COMMENCING ,.:' . ' - : ' - Thursday, , Nol. 23rd, 7nrrnnt i ' , . Qu akers r. -. .... ),.''.: Supported bf MIb8 ANNA VIOLA . - RI8HER In a seiies of Comedy - ,', i Dramas, Opening . i TiuirsaayNigni, v Bullae's Daughter Friday Night ' A Millionaire -Tramp Saturday Matinee '; Tom8awyer " Saturday Night ' Miss Rora Admission 80o. "v t Seats oan be reserved oit Monday at Waters. - , , Gallery 20c. without extra if f n Wo advertise only t. 1 G. II. WATERS & f' era, 73 Ilroad Street, I h .fore vu Hint yon i. one (if ni'r tin-to l! ' ' 1 '.'-yit 1

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