, without Gold Dat. It lightens the labor ' of cleaning m u' than half and saves both time and r.o icy. It is "Woman's Best Friend, Dirt's Worst Enemy." : SaS for tre booklet "OoldM Bates for Honwvork." .v.... - THE N.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY Calct , St.Uals NtwYork Boito A, LITTLE nncc jm.rH Z4 7 - Boon, low, Dee. no sonirao on ten iru a uuiw .... v ". tvth.n.aM.iiMirBwllhiniinnnt.lilvilnk. r ... . - . asu. While luHorlng OQtold agony, a friend called aud reoommended Vtuie of -Ordot. I sent for a bottle, and Oh I what relief. - After the first doie I began to feel . -.. : better ud have had no pain since. .V ....... . UBS. OBAGB Ii&lfPHEBB. ' ' Wine of Cardul not only curs but it acts AT ONCE. Here tea case , often years' standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better,. , - and stopped the pain. The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital Organs. , Its action is not r i' violent, and it does not force a result It simply gives Nature that little ;i: ' assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. 1; A single disorder In the "' feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and wherrthe ';: -' Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course, A - woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. . Local ex-.J. - - ' amimtions are largely thingsof the Wilts' StVISHf llrAITNHT. Tor irlvtM tn mim rmnhini mMill erection, nddrcu, giving symptom, 4W A4lao7 Otp't, ThCHATTABOOOA ijBaiunoos -ina, - - K J . WHi " h : ..Tiim BLOOD XURE; An Offer- Proving Faith fiTSnrMfrl f r ; Headers -Write Today ! , . i - " Vr'f"noerr,':il''n8 'Sores, Painful Swellings' Effects 4.1 lol Poion, Persist nt Eruptions, ihat refuse to heal Tirdtir ordinary treatment qir."kly ' oared by B D B (Botanic Bloo-Uelin), made especially to. euro all t err iblv obeli- nf, dep seated Blo;U ai.d Skin tnmbles.' I jour blord 11 i-iT Ate. vji ja'cf All run iow.f Have you EcKmt? -Pimtlesf r MotoJes and -Buropsf bkla or Sjaln Humors? : Boils? Eruptions? Skin Itcbes and Swollen? Acblni Bones? R lei matism?' EcrofnUr Catarrh? Tbeaytu need B B B (Botanic Blood Balm), bee iuse it drains from the blond and enlir erhUh cause all of these trembles, and the f 1 owe. ' n A B acta ai a line k n c 1 0 Ulnff - 'yl yttj one eays that BBBts kem t wonderful Bloo Purifier of u agej aid no wondtr, fot it bat cur-d tbe tn ml deep seaUd, obstinate 'caees, (even the most doadlr Cancer) afw-r doctors and patent medicines ht failedr.ThorOugbly tested for thhly years and uey. t km, wo t great in B H B that wa will senflto any te.i (bemediciDO at our expets'. Nmo iditlopfattio icd to this -.offer,-; .-w kn w what BUI) csntto, ill we aslc is for jouto try it. If you era satisfied that II RnfH,nnir n;r,wi lini ng n what vnn drue I ores for U t six larg iKitilrs ('Ull treatment) $5. For tree trial bottle sn dn-sa BLOOO liJVLft OO., 181 Mltoheii strae', AllaoU, Ua., and bottle and mcdi oal boik will be iwnt, all cbame pn paid Duscribe your trouble, and we will In v chide 'ree medlt al edvire. Write tmlity.--- -; - -:; t-;--' - ;;". ;. . - ' v- .... - . .. I Nothing and that'the highest grad of excellence. . This is a practical day and generation. Public patronage rests upon positive merit, for this reason Chnce 1 Sanborn's . Coffees l'. i, ( 8al HmJ. ?-.va end Mwia. !n t!a , can. Cltlirr lln ti Brsu-14, la , , parchmrtil l,:,te ttuLt bng. 1 are consumed daily in more tiiana million homes. They have been proven tiie full sfnndnrd of toffee coo,-lncr.3. The fragrant aroma is iop( tiling; tt.rre's cnjoymer.t and health in every cupful. . . It Is not p0ii!lc to cot beiU-r c ;'f .-e ; it i- not probable as good csa b5 had under any oilier bmnd for any pr'1 Qu.tl.iy is the foundation of v.i!:-"- i i t un rivaled :!..: ;y cf Ch.i-,2 ft St:.l m V- C ' - - . i ' tlictr mi i.t I n p.! lie CV coax t'..- ' i .,: ! ( : r. I:!,:! i': ' :"' ' ctnls rune j : . a some iii' --t',r I '. i' - I.ea! (,f Cha : " buy. '(i.'-i) i... .1 A " ;! ! - "! U. 'jjjji "past the oonoxious custom-is no - longer necessary. Wine of Cardui is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable Wine -made to-day for the cure-of female troubles",' , 1-EaHTecttJiigEasj. 1 T 7KT NS,, Kfi ATM ths BowdlrcuKeiof ". - .. .. . VU1,W Wi. V UQW - nnnmrmt f ! i OaetL Onrr as Oenteb- SENT FREE. to Sufferers. Journal system all the ' poisons aod humors cause-being removed, a permanent ours on tl S broken down constitution. . r fil.:; Jot thli reason our lalth ,i so rollerer a Tri ir Bottle tre4, o lliey may nee - 1 Ton will nna laree oouies at an bul Ccffee, 1 1 .IV':- t ) .. A f j t 1 ;. .1 :'..: j , y ' J 1 ., i -in f T' r r (' j I - i ! to a largo yard comuiUiug ). iv-ttt liwtiw of scrap Iron and ciJ nii-taig of o..: ureot kinds. orkUK U weie son;."; out tue masses of rusty, nus-.lnipi'a and tan gled metals, each of wUu;u evidently had Its particular value In the market wondered what became of all tLe castaway metal and wnat peculiar transformations it underwent In seek ing gome information on the point from the proprietor of the place he said: - . 'r "This business doesD't look as If It possessed any elements of Interest ed ucational or romantic, and yet it has something of both of those. Now, there's an old horseshoe. It may shave a Mongolian In China, though what a Mongolian bag to shave I don't clearly see. Of coarse it will be con verted first Into arrazor ". I ship large quantities of these wornout horseshoes and wagon tires to the Celestial king dom to be worked up Into razors, knives and other useful domestic arti cles, i The Chinaman engaged In this particular industry gets 12 cents a day for bis labor. - These, horseshies and wagon tires are wrought Iran and are preferred to other forms of this metal, because they are the most conveniently handled. i ' .- .. i - "When you go across the bridge to the borough of Manhattan, you proba bly notice some of the new 20 or 30 story buildings going np there and the big Iron columns and girders used in their construction, ; You probably think that those columns and girders are all new metal, but It Is likely that they are not . They are scrap Iron, pure and simple,-, or may "be mixed with some J new ore In .the melting and recasting . of the scrap metal la the foundry or rolling mill- where all tbe scrap goes. Tour discarded kitchen stove may re appear In one of the columns of gird err of a skyscraper.: The owners of these lofty buildings may think they are getting new iron-material arid may pay for It, but they are probably not getting It Perhaps there. Isn't niuoh -difference in tbe durability of the rev cast metal and the new. ' When you are riding tn a trolley car. yon may reflect that the metal In the axles of tbe wheels and In the railroad tracks may have, formerly served In stove grates. , Such are some of the new forms and uses which scrap metal assumes.- - , - -, . ?We dealers alight upon some strange finds among the old metal which we . from such so called weakness, but,-In gather. - lhave . at borne six solid fact,Jhey have Stomachs and are suf bronce plaques, as one of this class of ' ferers at times the tame as the- rest finds, which 1 wouldn't take $75 for. 1 of humanity l - ' I've also got at home an -Iron and l bronze aquarium, another of these pe-' collar discoveries, which I- wouldn't part with for rQ. - - ! "it is curious to think now inch ram-: able articles get Into sucb poor com-v pany as scrap Iron."'" Perhaps the orlg-1 inal owners carelessly permit them to , get mixed up ,witn some' oia jnna i which they disposed of to tbe Junk-1 man who brings his collection of stocfc to us, or perhaps they . deliberately throw tbem away tlirougb simple weariness of thelt possesion. Then, ' again, the articles may possibly' be j stolen and sold to tbe Junkman, : "There are other Interesting finds we ' meet with in our business. Not only j the common but the finer metals, such as Jewelry and silverware, fall into our bands. Possibly you've- heard your wife remark one day that there was a silver spoon missing, and she might suspect that the servant has stolen It But the' truth Is the spoon bar acci dentally gone, astray and passed tin noticed Into the ash can or garbage tab and In tbe course of time, possibly, we pick It up out of the dumps. - Many a spoon, knife and fork-wlth Tiffany's or .Benedict's stamp on It I bave bought at Barren Island after being taken out of these dumps. Other stray waifs In this class which t have gath ered from tbe Barren Island dumps are silver pocketknlves aud match boxes, ' gold and silver thimbles and cuff buttons, gold rings and a ladles' gold purse which 1 sold for $20 as old gold. Some time ago a ring with a transparent atone was" picked out of the dumps. A business rival of mine Jusfgot abead of me In the purchase of the ring, which be got for $10. The stone proved to be a genuine diamond, and the purchaser got $..0 for the ring. It looked like a Indies' rugae ment ling and tbe sympathetic thought struck me that Its possibly fair owner was at thnt moment suffering unim aginable distress at Its loss. ; "Bo you see," continued the dealer, "there are a few Interesting and some- what rouiautlc. features associated with our very prosy looking busluess." Brooklyn Citizen. - Carina a Cold.. To ferd a cold aud atnrvc a fever Is a dangerousmaxlm. At the first sljrn Of a Cold tbe patient on;;ht to Hike a rapid hot bath In a warm, well venti lated room, tbeu remain covered In bed, with but water nt the feet, fur several hours, Dm-km the windows, court sleep, and fa-.t, f .' e oii'y from drinking warm Tii-mli or gvin-1, until unpleasant symptoms sol. -.Me. Js'or should tliere be mental or i l: 4ital exertion. Then nil tbe vl': '.i'r tan t'i to restorli nIT that ed, la fibs coalition st law to & clri-nhi t am a asie ii aO'ri;!l v- l. .'ate pal aai. To l. to add the the (-Miners I I t st hi ti lion pit:;:. ii rn f. d r I,,-. dill. . I ft.' 1 ,' i 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 s. t d 'Hi i ii i 1 lu al J, i i o i il ti.iiii ." .e niuuimus wao bcai-J her oiay ,n;i. il aud aiisH-eifd notlimg ut all, tor each of us remembered that she was youii? nrul that there were many.many things unit slie dij not know. lie did not know that when the sweetheart bad changed to the wife and the wife to the mother there comes a woudrous first time. That first time that slie feels the downy head nestling under her chlu, that first time that she feels the restless pat, pat of little feet as she vainly tries to prison them In her hand, she learns then that her life has burst into a new and wonderful fullness. In her heart there Is kindled the fire of love, and the Incense that arises from It glorifies the whole at mosphere, and the warmth envelops ber and her' baby In - an everlasting mantle. - - Then In the dim light she Bees bend ing over her the one that sue loves Dest of all, and she reaches out ber band to him to draw him near, that be, too, may come within the enchanted circle; that he, too, may breathe; the sacred Incense and be warmed by the heaven ly Are. Laying his hand Id hern, they look together into the new little face, but no word comes to . express the strange sweet feelings that are surg ing through them botb until, bending close to ber, be softly whispers, "Mam ma." . ' . , . It is a baptism, ill tbe sweet, In tangible things that have been rilling her being have been., caught and held In- that word.- The world may teem With mammas, but the name to ber baa a new and sacred -meaning. . Other names have been given her, other prom- Ises have been made In the giving and In the taking,' but nothing so tender, so strong, so-sweet as this, and her whole being goes out in a. silent prom Ise to live up to the sacredness of that same, Woman's Home Companion. - "SEASICK ON 6EA.LEGS. Dffleera and Sailors of the Navy Fre qacDtlr Dlatreaaed.- ' "The officer-and sailors of -the navy are frequent sufferers from seasick' nesa, even after .they have got tbelr sea legs on, observed a naval surgeon to a reporter. "Indeed 1 think I can - safely say that, young and old, one third of the entire navy officers as well as men are seasick during storms as well as at other times. In theory naval officers ..and sailors are entirely "free - 'l'be sailor In this respect hasmany advantages over tbe naval officers and Is less sensitive to seasickness for tbe reason tlmt be-seldom has what Is caiiea suore amy to perform, ana be Is on the shtp all the- time, barring the days off now: and then of liberty. When an orfleer. It is entirely different. xor ue seiaom nas to apena as muca time on the ship as be does on shore," ("The three years' sea-dnty are generally followed by three years' shore duty, - durlnff which time his sea legs and stomach entirely -disappear and bare to be built up again. - - . "It la rare that an officer on return to sea duty does not bave ' to go through all the painful and distressing experiences' .of his first seasickness, and 1 am not sare but each-recurrence of this experience Is worse than tbe original I bave known a dozen offi cers of from 13 to 23 years' experience In tbe navy, and I know of at least 60 others wbo admit that they are aa lia ble to seasickness now as they were when they were middles-fresh fronk the Naval academy." Washington mi X Star, . Foartrea Hlaiakea, - An English paper gives a list; of What It terras ."the .14 mistakes of life."- While there are undoubtedly oth er mistakes than those mentioned, tbe list Is a fulrly comprehensive one. It Is a great mistake to set tip our own Rtandard of right and wrong and Judge people accordingly: to measure the enjoyment of others by our own; to expect uniformity of opinion In this world; to look for Judgment and ex perience In youth: to endeavor to mold ail dispositions alike; to look for per fection In our own actions; to worry ourselves aud others with what can not be remedied: not to yield In Imma terial matters: not to alleviate all that needs alleviation as far as lies In power; not to make allowances for tbe InUrmitles- of others; to consider every thing Impossible that we canuot per form: to believe only what our finite uilnds enn grasp: to expert to be able to understand everything. ' And the last mid greatest mistake of nil Is t: live for time alnne, when any Ciooii'iit tuny I:i i-ni li uk Into eternity TV bat llllulit llv Brca. "Now. I suppose." tvniurkcd Mrs. Unites, "tluit the RurgeniM of the army oiv ntinchrd to the medical corps." "Your snpp'isltlon does you great rredll." n pliril Mr. Sua;: -s sai-rastlo ally. "It's U wonder you didn't Imag ine that donors Joined the army for the purpose of l-'.ilhlin lu-hles or go In up In a haUoon. Where should army sin;:, nas l.-e evi pt III the nieilie- lll Cal iaiV" " .-I, I lf,iiKl,t that they ii,l, lit p' nihly li-toiy to the laneera." l.oiiil -.!all a.rd. l tier A ' ma H Cm:!! !y lurei i.ay lav ; a to I III' Blfl - al fr, r t' r piilL.hfoims after i.-.tirs. 1 Lis i.; due to n"aj e Can be i i jveJ beyond tJi ion if tfie ex- fictwt mother will $ v 4 a I MM ' '. " r- during tlis whole period of pregnancy. The earlier its uw is begun, the more per fectly tJe shape be preserved. : - - W-ttiitrt Trltr.3 net only softens and relaxes the muscles during the great strain before birth, but helps the skin to contract naturally afterward. It keeps unsightly wrinkles away, and the muscles underneath retain their pliability. n'OdW's friend, is that famous external liniment which bamshts morning' sickness and nervousness during pregnancy ) shortens labor and makes il yearly painless t builds up the patienf s constitutional strength, so that she emerges from tte ordeal without danger. The little one, too, shows the effects of mother friend by its robustness and vigor. v Sold at drug stores fer $1 a bottls." ' - . fiend for our flaly Illustrated book fov as pectant mothara, - - - , . THE BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO, ATLANTA, OA. A OXT1CK JTJRD , FOR COUGHS , - and COLDS Pyny Pectoral ' The Canadian Remedy for all Throat and Lung Affections. v " Large Bottles, 35 cents, , w -DAVIS ft LAWBESCa CO., limited, ''-it r-roprcrry Dartil' Piio-KUlef. - -:.'-UewTork. s - r ' , llontreal. I - rtkM V.MrlUli DlamwiS Braa CNNYROYAL PILLS f'H.'.N rs, o.iwa1 vrssfinssssasn r ChUhufrt Fitls Bis-i if It. aaJ C'la( MtalllC 'MAtWUsllwittsthMriMM. Tut tMi kr tiX LtU uracils- . , -I As, s &$'.'ri outhern ailway! The Standard Baltwuy ot lbe E0U1H the Direct Line t all Points, " - ' TEXAS,----' r caIaIFOrxia; CUBA AND POBTO BICO. ', Strictly Firat-Ulass Lqulpment 00 all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules, x V- - Travel by the Southern and yon are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Eipodl tious Journey, s v ' Apply to Ticket Agents tor Time T blus, ltatea and General Information,. oH address i - F. R. DARBY, -' W R. L. VERNON, - O.P.AT.A,- T. P. A., 1 Asheville, S. 0 - Charlotte, N. C.""' "'" " FlUKE S..GARNOII, .- .' J. M. CrLP. 8d V P A Gen Man".. Trafc Man ! r ' W. A. Tr.uK, Q P A. . ' WASlilNOTON. - . -"-0. CV FOR REtST I ' The llslljnl Boor, Plant- . . ; er's Building, Middle sticct, . -. ' recently occupied by tin . L'elircws as s Synagogue, ALSO A FEW ROOMS7 SND PLOOR, Si me Hulidirg. ' " , ii, I 1 rn.. iji. ja - t'mo Tobacco, Trucli and General 'r.rr Lands 'ale. tes in ono fourth n 1 l; ( 1 - I : t i.f is Hum one ut cue nf J y v. y t 1 i Directory. VH'.H'liY t il M il. NO h,.h:nm)U IlL'A Jl: Mn-l i tm Iti't i.iat ll.lid Ve.!ae-i!ay loaiit in ltniiinr Mull J- I eh mur.. C ; ii l (.onli:i, V : A K llihhaid, Tr'S ; (' T Itanlinn, It S CALUMET KNCAllI'MENT, -NO; I. O. U. r , Utlicers: h L, Slooily. u r"; .1 ii DelsmaT, II I'; J . Baxter, 8 W't C H Hull, J W; Oeo. Orwn, Peiibej Gerffck, -Trennurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1-t. lird, ana otti lit any) 1 iiursoay nigh In each month at 7:30 o'clock. -.. NEW HERN LOIV1K N-i. I, Y H 4 C .1 C Stale. I'ret; J II mllh. Hecorilms; fiec'yj E E- Quidlry, Financial Sen'v Meets id the Knit;hls of llsrniony Hall every lt snd 3rd Monday nights in escb ,u ' - .. .. r- - . ..... uiuuiu,f-i.i ,'...: . ' UREK- LODGE KO.! 7, I. O. O. Y. OfflrersiT.U. Button. N.U ) W. T, UIlL V. Q ; Oeo; Green, Kec'd'ft Seclyj J. It. Parken Jf, Tre.. Itegular Bieetingt jivery Monday night at 7;30 o'clock, . , OKAVEN LODGE NoT I. KNIUIITS OK UARMONy Meets rnd and 4ta Wednesday- nights in each month in Kountree's Hall, Pollock street, at -7:8(1 o'clock. Brit. Ball, President, U. Jt Pis osway.Sec'y.H. B. HlU.F.Betfj. '1 KN1CHT8 OF HONOR-Offlcersr K R Jones, Dictator; Q L Vinson, Reporter; W F Rouotree, Financial Reporter New Berne Lodge Jto. 443 meets ths Snd and 4th Friday nights at 7:30 o'clock in Kountree's Hall, Pollock street. j , CANTOS CtBkrfOMT HO. , P. at- LO.M.r Oiacerx tioo. Slover, Captain ; T. G. Il maa, Lient-l P.U FelleOer, KnsiKniWni. J Pltu, Clerk;JCd. UerooK, Aoconntant Beg alar Cantonments, sd and 4th Thursday aiaatelueae.il month at 8 -oa o'eloek1..: v IGE OR HOJIE USE s Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from aistllle6 water and free from impurities. Specially in- tended and prepared for bunion con Sumption. .., U 1. ' (S. Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) 8 UttteOpm...'. - 1 Hundays (retail only) 1 a m to 18 noon. For prices and other inforaiaUottr-v-x'T ' Address, .r'jj " New Berne Ice Co.- In Wore and to Arrive 1,000 rolls Cotton bagging; 8.500 bun. dies cotton ties; Heavy sacks,' twine, etc - Prices low si any; 1 buy the contract quantity and ret freight by schooner. -, " J.E. LATHAMf; ; THE COTTON bUYER.- " " P. TRENWITH, Blacksmith, ", and Wlieelrlght. Usoufaclurer of Bugs;ies,,.Wegona Carts, Drays, Ac ..-". .-.-j; - Repairing done on Qu ck Notice. ' , CsTShip work a Specialty: " : '' 'Bouth Front Street, near the railroad. . Always "on Hand Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drajs, etc, for sale, , ' 1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY -Houses and Lots For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements Ihat Kill prove a Aha Invest ment. X3"."T -'r':'fV': V -: Collectloa f Rents a'Speclalty. 4 - Office at residence, 17 Johnson street -sW -"' .:. TT A -ra"sT?T '"'' - ma . ja si rm am. mimm h YOU, WANT ""a,.-nno snauc . 1 sxsaij'tf.i a;; - ' Xst-'-'X .' ci- r Z. I uw viusiiiciuai,.-iiaI;t(. rv:.:-- Plna Ifaaest t&$?- Fine Shrubbery'?" Place your orders with R. rt GILL, ' , , New Bern, U Ci. Ordersnow being taken tor Fall Plant lag. . , - 5?fCi 4rf: A Good --i-t-i-r;-.:,"--- Telephone -'---'0,:;r-;i :J; -BERVICB IS X, By8INE83 K NECESSITY; A UOMB 7 CONVENIENCE. A COM- " . B1NED . .".'V y$P. ' , ' - Necessity" -' Cou veil if ace, "i " ;. Luxury ! - Order Your Phone at Once I ": , ......... tillllMClAiii,,,, i J A I "KLS PAsTtTvN 5 Vfttij. own twlprtlon) tr mvTT Hk - 1 W ILMlMiTON & WLLDONR. R. And Cranchea, " . - ; nd Atiamic Toaft Mn Railroad Co. r.f r-ciuth ( arfi.'lna.": TR UNS GOING SOTJTH. DATED Nov. IV, 88 24 5 Or A.M P M P.M. AM P.M. Lv. Weldou Ar. R. Jlfw 11 50 U 6& 8-68 .i. Lv.TurborJti! 81 (I Oti Lv. R.THt 1 0 61 -It if, e 8 5 401 IS B8 Lvj Wilsot,! t tw T 181 2ffl 3 40 Lv. Seluia.. 2 sr itlO I 22 Lv Fai'yllK 4 m 7 85 Ar. loreneti 1 P.M VAt Ar, Golds..". T'saJ Lv, .Golds..'.! Lv.HlaK'lia! ArWiltu'ton Toita 21 8 09 9 40 4 as 5 60 P.M. AM. IP.M. TRAILS GOING NORTH, ' - - t r " 1 Jj 3 6 L.'-j""-, e'S e"J d d"3 t3 -v. 3 a K(3 4a M p" P.M U J Lt.Florence l 40 ..... .7 45 ... . ,ni. Lv.Fay'vilb- U 80 0 45 ..... L.8elma.. 1 60 ..... 10 64 ..... Ar. Wilson. T8S ..... U 81 ..... .,.. '-'-- "aTmT ' P.M.A.M. LfcWilm'ton . 8 60 46 Lv. Mag'Iis .... .. . . 8 SOU 19 Lv. Golds.. ..... 6 00..... 0 87 13 80 - - p.m. ""a!m!p.m.p.m. Lv, Wilson 41 86 8 48 11 88 10 80 1 16 Ar. R, MU. 8 80 6 86 18 09 11 11 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 ..... ..... ..... Lv, Tarboro 13 2i Ly. R. MU. 8 80 .... 2 09 .... ....... Ar.Weldon 4 88.... 100 P.M AM. - k Wllminirton and Weldon Railroad, auantioana xaagin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Favf tteville 13 35 p in, leaves Fav- etteville 13 25 p m, arrives Sanford 143 p m. Returning leave ban ford 880 pm, arrive Fayetteville 8 41 p m, leave Fay ettevilte 8 60 p m, arrives Wilmington 6 40 p m. Wilmington- and Weldon Itailroad, Bennettsville Branch - Trains leaves Bennettsvllle 8 15 a m, Mazton 9 20 a m. Red Hprings 0 68 a m, Hope Mills 10 48 am. arrive FayTtteville 10 60. Return. Ing leaves (ayetteviiie 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 68 p m, Red Springs 6 88 p m, Maxtoa 8 15 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7.15 p m. '." " - : uonnecuons at r ayeiievuie wun train No. 78. at Maiton-wlth the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, st Saaford with the Hcabo vd Air - Line and Southern Railway, at Guff with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. ' Train-on .the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon' 8 85 b m. Halifax 4 16 p m. arrives Scotland Meek at 5 08 p m, ureenvme e oi p m.ninston 7 00 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m Greenville 8 62 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex. oept Sunday.- . Trains -oa wasbington IiraDoh leaye Washington 8 10 a as and 2 bUo m. ar- rive Parmele 9 10 a m, 8Dd 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 86 a m and 8 80 p m arrive wasmngion ii w a m aaa 7 D m. dally except Sunday. : Train leaves Tarboro, 0, daily except 8unday 8 80 pm, Sunday, 418 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, a 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plytnouth daily except sunaay, v ova m, ana nunaay 9 W a m, arrives Tarboro 10 OS a m, 11 00 a tu . . ' I'raia on Midland) N O Branch leaves uoldsboro dally, exoept Huaday, 7 00 a, m, arriving Smitbfleld 8 10 a m. Return- ing (leaves Smith field 9 00 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 10 86 a m. -Trains oil' Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 8 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 a m, 4 08 a m. Sorina Hope 10 40 a tn, 4 86 b m.Returnlngleave Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 56 trm, Nash ville 11 28 a tn, arrive at Rocky Mount U 45 a m,: 8 00 p m, daily except Sunday, - Train on Clinton Branoh leaves- War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday. It 40 a m and 4 15 p m, Returning leaves 01intonat7 00amand850Din. - - - -Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily , all rail via Richmond. "A H M EMERSON, Genl Pass Agent. 4 i n.s,niji, uen-i sianager, T M EMERSON, Trafflo Maoager CAROLINA ;BISPATCHLlHIf ;:. '' "wiaJ -'",--W rti -1 n lODMeamsoiDio. For All Pol alt North. The Steamer NEtTSE ill Icuvo odrlirordMVs. Wodnesdaya, and Fridais at 6 p. tt. sharp, mak ing tnudings at Oriontl,- Ooracoke nd Koanoke Island; 'Jrt.,s Freight f eool vod not " later ban one hour previous to sailing. For farther Information apply to GEO. HNDEGS0Nr Agt, . M, K. Kma, Don. Mgr., -'j IT.O. IItJDQiNarGeri.Frt.& Paaa,Agt. Norfolk, Va- 'ewRurn N;0., May 30th, 1808 im: A Ll.lt IN . I! ". , h n Fire Arcs T 'i, Iofn8 anl niimlfl, Tainla, . (i-.' f'.'tni'nt I, i nil F.lt '" ' A ; :;-'": ! f'ovesSi Kan;ei ' . "',;! i:-J Vr7:s A. k j-' t'XHH TABLE XC. 2 J to Take Effect Sunday, Oct. .',.' at 7;05j A. M. Going East SCHEDULB: Goin? V . Nov 9 Passenger Trains ho. 4 tit. p m 5rATioB: Ar. a 1 1 1 40.. . . . w Goldaboro. Hi "409.. LaGrange 10. 83.,,.. . -Kinston.,.. ...... .10 1 ; 40,.V..Ar. New Berne, Lv.... .. 9 t -J 5 60.-....-.Lv, ' - Ar. ' . S ? W....ArMorehead'city Lv..,. . i o No. 5,1 I . l"' No. .... ! as: I Mx'i 4 l; fl.t " Mx'd Ft 4 STAtlOHS: d Ft and PassTn. sss Tn. LiV A. u. Ar. p. m. 7 10, .... ...Goldsboro. . . 8 63 ....Best's..... ::;,..i 813 . LaGrange. .. i . 1 43 Falling Creek. v.. .'l 18 , . .Kinston . , 'vi . . . . 18 E3 8 08 ... 6 20.... 014.... 25 .OaswelLV..f. .11 68 10 18,.. , Dover ..11 40 10 40 , v . .Core Creek.'. V. . 10 40 U 10 .'. . .Tuscarora , .10 18 1181 Clarke.. rt.,.1000 1205- ...New Berne....?..., 9 80 P. Ur A. it. Monday, Wednesday, Friday t Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. No. 1. r I - I Nn S '' Mx'd Ft. and BTATloMi; I Mx't Ft. and Fasa.Tn. . - J Pasa. Ta. Lv. am -"Ar. otn - 7 10 GoldsborOi.i,.r.V...,"8 18 : 7 48 .Best,a.:.;"...-788:v 806 LaGrange 708 8 86. Fallina- rjreek;. . .i . 688 " 814 Kinston....,,... , 68 28 oaswell; w 1 s0 ..Ar. Dover. Lr..Z.... 5 00 1015 Lv. i Ar,.,., V.', 480 10 40 core creek. 400 U 16 Tnsoarora. ., i 8 88 1181 Clark's i,.,., ..V. 8 20 12 06 Ar. New Berne. Lt,... 8 50 180 Lv. i- , Ar. . . , .MO 47 2 18 Riverdaje . .10 10. .- 20 croataa . . ."....'.10 00 8 43 Havelock . .'. 40 ; Ul Newport, Lr.-.V.'si,' 8 06 ' 8 25. wudwood..v; i 8 47 ; 8 81 Atlantic.., 888 8 46. . . .Ar. Morehead OitytLr.... 8 80 : 4 01.... Ar. M. city Depot, Ly....; 7 50 - '. '" - '-A.K.. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. ; se fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday.. 8.L.P1XL,1 , Superintendent v Atlantic Coast Islne; Wilmington & Njarr-Buasa 1R..B." TIMB TABLl VO. i5. " '-T M. In Effect Wednesday, Aug.T, 1898)8 Exoeot Sunday. - - ' Going South BonaDDLs: I Going North T Lv. a m, . BTATiOHBt V - ' Ar. p nt, . 00 New Berne,"., ' 840- 80 PollooksvlUe.... 804 9R1 .. . Xf nvttvf 11 - - ,w: lift'.. IA AO T'.t ,, . . , - ..r . .... a .... .-uh.s . M.W. , -s w - 1308. 1 fe'r r-li'; luua jnmin.il n .'.aim I uuuu input 1 1 aa , ., , ) 1215 ...Ar. WUmlngtoni It. 8tS ; No, 8, Passknqbe ft Fbbiqet( Nov 4, Leave Wilmington- Monday," Wednns aay and Friday. Leave New Berhe TUea.r day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. am - Ar. P 1 780 Lv. WUmingto. A..,'.. 145 o w. Dcou-a niu , . ; . , ; . .vt oo : 80 Woodside. ...18 15 i 10 05 Hollyrldge ,-'..- ',11 40 10 51 Dixon... .. .v. .10 61 . 11 80 Verona. ... ,..10 80 18 05 Jacksonville.... 9 aft 18 30 Nortneast..t;u.' 8 65 2T55 Whlteoak . , 8 80. J80 MaysvUle- '..,..r80S 8 15 PoUooksvilla... 7 8 2 65 ...Debrubl's. ......... 685 - 8 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv...... 6 00 'Daily Exoep1; Stoday, v - , J. R. KENLT, i.r" General Manareiv- ' BORDEN, ' -' 0 " - Supt, Transportaticiii.::;;nY,t;ivij A JTntty and" : V Swell Jacket, . , '' " f As well aa handsome Capes - snd Walking CoaU In tbe latest style. Also a new line of K P Itoedf Fine Shoes, . , A beautiful line of Sllks'for wsIbIs. Plaid Novelties for Skirts, all to be sold lower than can bought elsewhere. J.?J;I BAXTER. TIIECAKOIain, Morehead City, N. 0. T. L. Dall, Tn . . . , ' " rr Terms Satisfactory. 'HOUSE FRONTS TUE OCEAN , SEE il": We bow furaish jot ( i. ready cut and delivered t j Always kept under lar i , gets wst In rainy wrsil.-T, Nles Brick and Latliex. Fluts to Let. ; A liu : stock of 1 .