! . (I -. -4 3 J? T&r3-Z 1 V.-U. ACTS GENTLYjON THE Kidneys, Liver t and Bowels , ..EFFECTUALLY ""Oil UAL v PERMANENTLY KI' - BW THt 6ENUINI-MAHV0 -. THE JOURNAL. ' New Bern. N. C, Not. 25, 1890, : Index to New Advertisements." - J M Reel School books.-- '. - A & N C R R Co-Notice. - J T VY Dewey Property -for tale.; s,' Business Locals."" V WASTED TO RENT House With. 7 room;. Write particulars, to Postoffioe "Box 657. - . 1 FOR SALE or to Lease The house, No. 84 East Front Street now occupied by .' Mrs. A. 8 Seymour.-. - ... , ' .THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Sfeet . . COTTON MARKET. Received by J. E. Latham, commission merchant New Barn, N, C. 'V- -".; w New York, November 24. r . Open. High. Low. Close May. cotton ... 7.54 . 7.59 - 7.54 '7.58 Jan.cotton 7.45 7.54 .: 7.48 ' "7.60 CIIICAOO HABKRTB. WHEAT: May. COBH: May .a Corns: 1 March ... So. R'y Pfd. B. R. T. ... J. Pae ..... C. &O .Reading Open. High. Low. .. 70J 701 TOj Close 701 83t :, 5.00 581 ' 48 881 59 . S8F 82J 690 6.85 82 6.85 68 ' 89 S8f .69 i LaGrlppe. with Its after effects, an toallv destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Binnte Cough Cure, the only remedy that pro duces immediate results in coughs, colds croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat , and lung troubles. It will prevent con sumption. F 8 Duffy., " Notice. By direction of the Board of Commls- sloners. Bids and Proposals are hereo - asked for r ebnildlng and repairing Four ier' ferry road in No, 9 Township. '-' For cutting new ditch as per speclflca- ilon. , .. For cleaning out and repairing old ditch. . : Plots and specifications of road and old ditch and proposed new ditch may be examined at this office. .- . Separate Healed Bids to be made for , each of the above,' - .i .. . : . Bids will be received up to 11 o'clock ' m. Dessnvber 4th, 1899 at the office of the Register of Deeds. Ebhist M. Gbbeh, . -'. Cerk of Board Commissioners', Notice of First Meetlnf of Creditors; In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of N, C. ' -J In the matter of J. Adler and C. Adler, trading as Adler Bros. Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. ' To the creditors of J. Adler and C. Ad - ler, trading as Adler Bros, of New '"Bern in tbe .County of Craven and .' , District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given thai on the 14th ' day of November A. D. ('Jy, tho said t - Adier and O. Adler, trulini as Adler Bros, was-duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his credl lou will be hold at the olllre of L Moore, In New Bern, N. C, at 13 m. on the 25th day of November at which time the said creditors mny attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and Iranmnt surh other business as may properly come liofor said meeting ' : LJ. M'K'KK, Referee Iri 1 ".uVriiplry. New Bern, N.'C. Nov W Wh, 1 3. -iS Of Ii.'.vot 1.1 1 .S I 'J( ' KvH-Oi'llOOJ. ; Cotton told jesterdny ia tins market from 7.25 to 7 SJi. The temperature yesterday, Maximum US, Minimum 48. Rain 1.4 Inches. Partly cloudy, continued cool, la the weather bureau forecast for today'. Shipments of green peas and lettuce tu made yesterday by the steamer Neuse. . ...,,....., .... The funeral of the late James Madel- son Smith, look place yesterday after noon, the service being held at the Tabernacle Baptist, Church. Eureka Lodge had the principal charge of the funeral, while members of tlje Royal Arcanum and Knights' of Harmony at ended at church snuVat the cemetery. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. " : x - ; , ' Rev! R. k. Willis, of Elizabeth City. is lnjthe city. . I Dr. (J. 8. Attmore of Stonewall, . Wa- here jrrsteidaj'. ' . Mies Bertha Tucker came, home (ram Cove yesterday afternoon. . -v V. r. A, M. Ed-wards of Washington, N. C wa In the city yesterday.' - Mr. i. M. Reel of Reelsboro, " was in the city yesteiday afternoon on business Mr. W. J. Croswell, Division 6upt., of the Southern Express Co., is !n the city, : n - , The Great Diamond Robbery." The above play. was given t theatre last night by tbe Merrymakers to good sized audience which judging by the laughter and 'applause, greatly en joyed the performance., , , . ' ;. ;: ' Tho favorite last night was Mr. Harry Alvan, who as Peter O rump, provoked laughter every time he appeared. - ; Miss Risher and Miss Henderson, again gave excellent portrayals in thet parts, while Mist Eusel in the play and in her ; specialties received liberal ap plause, , ,v . - - The following was i the cute last night, Julius Montrose. ...;. ....B.T. Swayne Jim Brandon ...... ..Greenvlll Talbott. Rufus Bland ...........r.Jno. Wallers Peter Rump . . . . Harry Alvan Booze V. i .... ,.v... .Tbosmtth. Mrs. Montrose,.. .Miss Jessie Henderson Polly Melon ..... ...Miss Alice Enscl Mary Marshall , .. ;. siiss Anna vioiamsner. There will be a matinee at 8 o'olock this afternoon, and tonight' performance begins at 9 o'clock ,- ' t. " , . Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, 1 think Tfodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendid medicine..-1 prescribe Jt, and my eonfldence in it growi with cpn tin ned use.".. It digests . what yon eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. F. a. Daffy. v -,. ' v SetUed at the CapltoL . Hon. Charles R. Thomas, Representa tive tn Congress front the Third North Carolina District, has reached -the city, and is domiciled for the winter 'at 1011 Thirteenth street northwest. He Is ao oompanlod by his mother and two sons, having lost his wife. He came early that his sons might obtain the advantages of.l the Franklin School,, into which they have been placed. He is. a successful lawyer, and at college won a reputation for impassioned and forceful oratory. Washington Post S4th. - '.r. "Deeds are Fruits, works Tare but leaves." Tbe many wonderful cures ef fected by Hood's Barsaparllla are tbe fruits by which It should be Judged. These prove it to be the great remedy for all blood diseases. -. Hood's PUls cure all liver ills, 'Nob Irritating. ' Japan as a Manufacturer of Matches. Japan is so far away from us that we do not appreciate the rapid and enorm ous strides that she Is making In manu factures. The match industry will serve as an example of what our friends the "Japs" are doing. There are over 200. match factories In Japan, and tbey pro duce over 900,000,000 gross of matches and employ 60,000 workmen.. Matches are exported from Japan to China, Ko rea, the English Indies and even to Aos trails. Japan Is rapidly Increasing her trade with as, and Is the most friendly disposed nation of the Orient toward the United States, If not In the world, and the friendship of this rising power will be most useful to us la our relations to our Asiatic possessions, going a long way to offset tht jealousy of the Euro pean nations in that quarter of the world. Ex. v ' Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y.,say "I heartily recommend One Mlnut Cough Cure. It gave my wife linme dlato relief In suffocatldg asthma Pleasant to take. Never falls to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. F. S. Duffy. For Sale! The choicest corner building lot In Hi heart of the city, opposite L, il. Cut! residence. 60 feet front on Pollock si rer 100 feet on Hancock. 0 months from now, you would like to lmvo It at i siderable adva.i. e ou piciiit pi be. S, ply to T. W. I.'eu kt. Kovcic' cr V. Ii. t 1 V. tUil .eof Sa There aro times perhapn in so.iie lines f business when advertibing does not pay, but tbeae are few end fur between. From now on until January 1st, the volume of store advertising will be large. The holiday announcements 11 the columns of the newspapers and the news featmee gut less attention from the pub Ushers. This Is to be expected, as it is the bus iest time of the year for both inerchauts and newspaper owners. People are pending mijhiey freely and the shop keepers want to get all they can of It. The "lores would get considerable boil day trade if tbey did not advertise tn a newspaper, but competition U keen and the merchant who can offer the best bar' gains er the most attractive stock is cer ain to distance his rivals in capturing bUBiutss. Tbe thing that puzzles many an ob server is this: Why do s.0 many adver tisers ktop advertising entirely when tho holidays are over? They need business at that, tlnfe more than in December, they are anxious to get rid of winter goods in order ta. have room for the spring stock, and yet when you try to get an advertisement out of them they resolutely turn you down saying: "Wt. can't affurd to advertise now." ' ? If you will run over the list- Of the most successful business houses within our knowledge you will find that near ¬ ly all of them advertise every . weekday intbe year. It is Important to keep the name of a firm or its product continual ly before the public or. It will soon "be forgotten. , 1 , '. Time and time again, men who' have built up large enterprises have though' thai their business would, car ryitseli without adveitutng They . have tried the experiment and have found out, site a few months of publicity silence lhat they were mistaken, and then tbey had to spend a i"t. of money lo get' back where they were before. : , ... One of the great successes in the pat ent medicine line 15 years ago, was a preparation known as nYegeline.. It was sold everywhere, and the firmwhlch manufactured it made a fortune , Bu ne day the proprietors decided that the $75,000 or $0.00,000 which they weu spending for advertising might be saved The preparation,, they argued, .was ao well and so favorably known that theie was no longer need of putting out so much good money. . - , " - . , Be tbey stopped their newspaper an- nouncements. .The way business dropp ed eft the first year-fflgutoned them td lorceu tneu to resume ineir aaverusing Tbe demand was again built up to good proportions, butTthe success was only temporary, for another economical fit seized the company and the advertising was again cut off, . This was the final blow to the business, and now no one ever hears of "Vegetlne." . 1 While continuous dally advertising may not be so vitally important in a re tail business, yet no merchant who wants to de all the business he possibly can can get along without ,it.; The duller trade is, thigreater the importance to keep hammering away at the public. ; : AH IMPORTANT DIFFEREBCE. To make, it apparent' to thousands, who think themselves ill, that" ttjey.are not afflicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, Is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition is easily cured by using Syrup ot Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup-Co; only, and sold by all druggists, v, Slaughter In Hosiery. 700 pairs Ladies and chlldrens fast black seamless hose, double knees, toes snd heels every pair perfect and worth tJo pair, while they last we offer them at just halffrice all sizes lOo pair. ' -' ..:( ' i. 0. A. Babfoot, Go to Oaks Meat Market for corned pig pork, and corned beef. 4 4711," best 5c cigars on market at Bradham'S; r . m Our cold storage Is always filled with the finest of Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork. Oaks Meat Market. . ' We have secured the agency tn New Bern for the famous Tate Epsom Spring Water, and are prepared to furnish it in any quantity, Davis' Prescription I'bar macy. Whooping Cough relieved by Anway' Croup 5yrup. Ouaran teed, 25c at Bradhams. Nlckle Watches, Uold Watches, Smiill Watches, ' Uunllnir Watches, Kl'lit Watches, Silver Watches, Large Watches Medium Waiche. Open f aco W atel, Wall hem AYalchui Uold Filled VV atcbef, 1 Workniiins Watche OentS Watches, 1. a. Ilea iVuicbc Boys Watches, all at I'.ixti-r the Jewelr Fur Coljarcltcs anil Scan's. We o live vul some v r;."')i.. A I l.:f .! Trr Ibis wci U h h lo Fur ;,. ty I 1.,' ...in.: try nui ic .1 S, ii. . A . Whoa the pics are in the tantry. . And tbe chicueire in tbe pot,' . nd the house is neat and tidy, . Tbeu tbe company comes not. But when the pantry shelves are empty, And a pick-up dinner waits, While the baby has the colic, Then they enter at your gates. ' When the tablecloth Is dirty v Btatned with gravy and with squash, - The lace curtains at thejaundry v . And the bedspreads in the wash. . When you're doing the fall cleaning, Rugs and carpets on thejlne, Then your husband's dear relations Come to visit or to diue. . . " So tbey eat the picked-up dinner, And decide they cannot atay. 5 , They "must do a little shopping,n- And they quickly haste away, ' ' Then they tell all the relations - . How their visit was a call; ; , . - That "Jane Is no wife for Reuben; She's no I o tsekeeper at alL" . A -.h . When they're gone yon tell the baby,. While you wipe your misty eyes, Baby,: when we make a visit - ' . We'll not take them by surprise "..,'' y , " ' , ' i -vBoston Globe. A member of the mining exchange tells; this story of a. man doing pen. ancei "I bad a wagon and was driving out ot Denver, ' on my way to the mines. The roads were fetlock deep In dust, and tbe weather- was hotter than hades. A young fellow halted me a few miles out and asked If be might walk behiud .mywagon.- It was tbe stiaugest request 1 had ever beard, Land I said: . " . .'. 0 'Walk behind? Not Get ap here on the seat and ride.' He wore a sort of snd look and replied: " '! dou t (ivont to ride, pardner. I ain't fit ten to ride and I ain't fitten to get atten. Just let me walk behind youp wagon.' , s. , "I thought,' then be musc.be crazy and concluded to let him have his way. The dust rolled up In dense, suffocat ing clouds,. I glanced frequently over mjt shoulder, but . couldn't ' get . a Lgllmpse of bim. As the team rattled on, however, I beard bis voice .repeat log over and over again: : . : 'Serve 'you ; right, confound "you! Sell your claim for $10,000, win $1,500 at poker, go down to Denver, blow off the town, and go dead broke! '-Ion blank blank blank! Ought to suffer! Got to : go back and start all over again!.; Dust too goodLfor youl Ain't half punishment enough r i. At tbe end of tbe Jotsrjiey be was nearly dead, but still bravely anxious to do penance. 1 hired him, and he's here In New York now,' doing weU."-- New York Press. - -. ' -Admlttc IS Bltaadf. ' A story Is told of two prominent Chi cago lawyers who several years ago were, regarded as being among the brightest -lawyers the state bad pre duced for a long time.--. There was great rivalry between these men, and one day tbey were having a heated argument on the steps of the state- house at Bprlugueld. ' "I'll agree to leave It to tbe first man we meet" said one of tbe wrangling lawyers fiercely. - I ."AH right, and that will aettle.it once for alL Abt Here la Charlie -We'll leave It to him." " . "Charlie." as-4be man spoken ot ap proached ..within (bearing, distance, "we- want yon to decide who Is- the (beet lawyer In Illinois. .We agree to abide by your decision." ' "Well.", replied Charlie, himself an old practitioner and well .known in tbe capital city, "1 plead guilty to being- the best lawyer In the state my self.- "Why, Charlie, bow can It be prov ed T' Inquired tbe first ot the jtwo Chi- cagoans. ..- -i - - . "You don't havetp prove If,'' replied the Springfield man, "1 admit It, don't IT' Detroit Free Press. ' . "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Core. Now I am well and feel like a new man," writes 8. J Fleming, Murry, Neb. Jt is ths best dl gestant known. Cures all forms of Indl gestlon. Physicians everywhere pf scribe It F B-Duffy. Aeme of Oalturs. - ' .. "Me son," said Pat, "Is an eddycated man. He graddyaled from civil servto examination last year... .. - - Prompt and careful attention Is always given to prescriptions at Davis' Pres crlptlon Pharmacy. Send yours there lo be filled. v. If you want a lialr brush, tooth brush, or any other kind of brush go to Davis Prescription Pharmacy for it. Give Dayberry's Laundry a trial, he guarantees all work to be satisfactory or no pay. ill.iU . Gi 3 r' s - I : ( f r : I t r a::c:i l:. tctcry. Regular Services. CENTBNAKT UBTltODIBT CHURCH, Rev. R B John, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a in and 7:30 p m; Sundsy school at 3:30 p m, T A Green, Superin tendent. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 pm. , Fllock 6trest Chapel Sunday school at 9:30 a ut. Prayer meeting Sunday and Wednesday at 7S0 m. ;, : ' 1 j, .V. COBIST CHCBCH, ' . v ' Corner Pollock and Middle Bts. Rev. T. M. N. George, Rector, sun- day service Ham. Evening service 7:?0 p m. Holy (Communion, 1st Sunday in month 11 a in, other Sundays 7:45 a m. Sunday school 4 p m; Mission Sunday school at Chapel 9:30 a m. . Week Days-Wednesdays 9 a A: Fri days Din and 5 p m; Holy days 10 a m. Thursday at All Saints' chapel 7:80 p m. XtDDLB STBBBT BAPTIST CflDBOH. i Rev. Hlght 0 Moere, pastor. Preach ing every Sunday 11 a m and 7 80 p ne Sunday school at 8, p m every Sunday,. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 80 pm. ' PAOL'S CATHOLIC CBTJ11CH. Rev. F. Geore, O. 8. B.. Rector: Rev, F. Paul, O. 8. B., assiotant. Mass aud sermon, Buodays 10 80 a m; Vespers ser mon and Benediction at 7:30 p m. -Mass every day at 7:80 a in. Thursday at 7:8') p m ltoasry and Beuediction, - : 8t. Joseph's Catholic church Jot the colored people.- Mass and sermon Bun days at 9 a m. Sunday school at 8 jp- m. All are Invited. I.;1' ' PBE8BYTBHIAS CHUBCU. ' -v ltev G IL. Leyburn, -pastor. Services every Babbat h at 1 1 a m and 8 p m. Com munion 1st Sundays In January, April, July and Octebrr. Sunday school at 4 p (n, ff P M Bryan, Sapu Prayer meeting every Thursduv at 8 pin, : ' ,-TABEBITACLB BAPTIST CUCBCB. . . Services every Sunday Ham and 7: p to, oonducted by Rev. A. H. Uarnley. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even Ing, Sunday school 9:80 a m, H B Duffy; Superintendent. - . C. 1.:; - .an The Bast PfMoiiptian tar Chills . and Fever is a bottle of -Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic, It is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. : No cure- no pay. Price 00c. - . SCHOOL BOOKS I - " AJaTa kinds, V At Baxter's Jewelry fctoro. next to the Journal, New Bern, N. C. Bibool Books at tow Prices by mall, post pnld." Write for price lists and terms; . . ' . J. M. A J. B. REEL, . v . , . , , Reelsboro, N. Cv JNOTICETO CONTRACTORS General Offices, A & N. C. R R Co , 1 - ? New Bern, N. 0. Nov. 24; 99. . f Contractors are hereby requested to submit sealed proposals lor me erection of two Freight warehouses for the At lantic and North Caioliha Railroad Oomrtanr In accordance with -.Dions and specifications on file in the office of tbe Superintendent of said Cumiany at New Bern,NU.-': -' ' One of sa d warehouses to be located at Now Born, N O. the other tit Golds boro. N C- The warehouse at New Bern to be ot Wood, the one of Goldsboro, of Brick and Wocd. ' . ;.' - Bids will be received until Monday the lllh dav of Deoember next. - , The A &N O R R Ci reserve v Itself the right toteject any and all bids. - ' All communications should be ad' dressed to S. L. Dill, 8npprintenden( lallUKK Un, ew Bern, W. v. ' By order of the President a L. DILL, Supt. - - ' i your printed: stationery - Is an Index to your Basinees. Then why not use tho best. . . .- f . . We do the Nicest," Cleanest, Neatest Job Work of all alnds. ; ' Wn o-lva IVin ttcHt Work, the Biwt Pa per Stock, trie Best Ink, and charge you ro more for it than you pay for the other kind. - QUR pRINTINJJ pLEASES. w. t. mi & a., Cl South Front Etreit, New Bern, N. C - Christmas Store Now open with new line of FANCY CHINA! .Salads, , ' Cake Plates. ALL KINDS OF -ODD PIECE8. -' t , - CVP3 AND SAUCERS t 1 ' The largest line ever displayed -4 in the city. ." ' Toys of all Kinds I BITGUIDa&SOX, PUntera Tobacco WarebetrM, New Bern, N. C. , " - ' V J Your Thanksgiving Guest,. ' Will admire the beauty aud conven ience of your up-to-date bath room when we have fitted it up with exposed Plumb Ing. There Is absolutely no oh. rice for lurllig diea' germs where exposed plumbing, put in FO:cntlflca!ly as we do in an expert manner, ii in your borne, We are mas'.ers of tho Plumbing Trade and Jo all H ids of Plumb n , Heating and Qu Fitting at Reasou il 1 1 Prijes. . Hyman Supply Co. V " 'Piiine62. 49 crTAVEs 8riE7.r -( I have just gotten In a Fine Line of Tan and Patent Leather Sheet. - Out line Is u) - .o-da'.e. (I-wusaCall. ft. x:baxter; ENTIRE SHOE STOCK: ! V'H-JI..;j''V;.k5: - At ''osti , .- 8,000 Pairs to make selection! from. Come early and make yonr choic !. - v r - v . J. F. TAYLOB. ' Genuine Bass', English Ale, Pale and Burton's on draught at : v P All A. 13 KALOOtf. :-r- . .....'-' Fineit Wines antlWhiaXies at the Pulace 8uloon, Market Dock. ' ' - J AS. F. TAYLOR. v. il -0 J J 1 c . 1' c c SHOES r i 1. of ll.c . v 1.: i . .. i, - t .'. !' 1 Dress Goods Stock ! We try to keen Stock always fresh trung new to otter . r , .. r r ..,... r Y ihe vast week A s;.. ..-,,' .... ... .. ',.:'-'.. ....... ,.',1. . - 1 4 some new pieces that deserve special 5 mention. All wool Homespun, that verv sH- txh and much snunht t in two shades of arat and hrcftnn. 38 X t inches wide, 50c vard. -This is ven Y desirable for, skirts t English Crepons, the silky looking sort in large blisters, 42 in. wide, $1 yd. Others ask ft 25 for this grade. Extra Good We now have a very heavy Misses Ribbed Hose, seamless, perfect dye and we warrant them to give absolute satis- faction. All sizes 25c pair.- Ladies Black Hose t i As a leader 73?e are sellina a verfed $ black ladies hose that retails everywhere 35c pair for 25c' We are felling lots of them for one customer tells another X and that means a sale for us. See j them andjou will surely like them. i Klji 11 A(I We Lave a few pair Kid Gloves U AjlOVeS in odd eizes of both bluck anil tan. -0 They take up too much room so we put a price of fiCc on thVm. 'On sale Monday moraine. X You never saw such good giving, ( ut iu two the prices t touu get yuur paper nere, you win say we will eavs you one half. 5, O. MARKS AT - DUFFY'S - STORE. Commencing Today and lasting throughout tho week.' The sale includes some new arri vals in very handsome velvet rugs, all new fresh patterns-: v ' VA fhef $1 00 kind, size 18x36, at 76c 300 3 50 The remainder of size 27x63 going the U We have a ' few very hand some Smyrna Rugs size 27x6,3 our price has been $2 00. They also go Into this sale at $1 60. Y-i$iiy Remember that this sale oily lasts 3 days, so be quick it you would be benefitted as they are regular pieces after this sale. IX! I l J m t J EE-aV XX PHONE 40. . ... SLAUGHTER IN s - COO pairs Ladies. roy3"nnd Children's l:cav.7 rcinlit tzzt b!acl Hose, -seamless, i!cn!.! J.r."?, toca and heels, every pair war r ! I: ;ct end vcrth regularly 20c pair, : t" :; Ir-ct v;o cilcr ihcm at just half pric: our Dress Goods i ' and always 'some from it - X , i. ' . we have received afte -fWcc matti1 or hole suits Hosiery News! & value in box ppcr as we arc now you have been paying elscnhcre Y uot w uisijipoiuieti wnen wc I 10, 12, 10 and 25c box. COMPANY. 27x63, $1 80 27xU3, 2 38 36x72, 3 18 38x72, 3 38 .... .v;- r our $2 -Velvet Rugs,' low; price ot $ 1 25. ..... .-,..'- HOSIERY; - tl-.lf ES i T . t .t'v e . .. . v ' '-i -If. y ich Bottle f von I !.(.. . I !.jii('.ic!ie, -. T,n ( ' 1 ' ii nu h rcl ! 1 to.' 1 1 1 r 1 I'