' t( v i NEW BERN, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2C, 1803. ESTABLISHED 1882 ' VOL. XVU-NO. 20G. lEBMCKBURN'Si w rrM?sr a r . or cxrn (is. ' I Mocha and 4ft 1: pasted Coffeet 4 ONLY :20: : ft You cannot find itetqual anywhere. ;Try a pound, if yo y do not like it will refund 'your money. - , 1 r ' , - V 4$ - Our VI X L" Flour has no snperion ' -' r. (SfS : Our Buckwheat (plain or prepared) makes delicious- Cakes; W and wheaerved liot with our Elgin Creamery Butter and New W w Orlean'a Molasses make a complete breakfast -; 1 ! Eft-HA Oaslill-fi' , -, , HARDWARE v" Wil t . ll coming ar-d ti e ccld weather 1 all right a long as'joit 1 are out of .dooret tn Jfur iou?y . " ... - j .' howevtrjou ant to w snuit anu ","varm. One of Carbon Airlift Hca'eis will make jour room . ' comfortable nfid cory. - Thf pl e - an-t ay . J It only tslica abf ui ot e S half tiecoB,loftheatrg stoTt.- W an-, autol for thin Lester f? ni "aloth WilMin k-1ltlit Wd IIea(rf.,K , , ;v . ' . A Thing of Beau'y U . Joy Fotevir. i f Oar Cook Store Prpartm- r.t ll v- coiti icte. The wife, ike drgbtcr " ' or even i-ny t ld eook should k?e , po d tttlvUanpe: "'oa cau i' MlTafforJ ii ou will have tUir., meal'i'Hnd the' cook win have a-' ' beUer lert.pt-r find aUjr by jou longer. I will pay tor Itwlf in a - altort tin: e by avlop, fulj. tlerj are InnuneialAi leasona wly you -; then d have and not a (ingle tai "on why J 00 should not., ,v, GASKILL & HARDWARE: 73 MIDDLE STREET. s, 'Phone fcHiiir nrrro : gSS2S5acrr5SSii5iibrihrardi3ebd ? In ourCarpet Department some sweep 3j ing reductions in prices, and it you comf rjjjg template buying anything- in this line m any time soon n wiu pay; your xo .ao bo now. r-:r'U ;,::''- -i :M 5 Rolls Tapeab-y Brnsaels Carpet, jregnlar. price 65o this JflGj week65o.' - -7 i?; 1 Roll Mottled Velfet Carpet,.reg. pries' 85c, this week 70o. juuj '.- 10 Rolli Ingrains, regular fjj - . o tloiii rancy aiuiiiug,-regular rn;(j ou, vuu weea, 5, riiijj Cm ' V' Large Stock of Ingrain and 8myrna Art Sqtrares at; 25 per jl'ij -Cinl oent discount this week. .'. -r. . '!'. r. fJ'Jl Cjji , These are fresh new goods! nov old n Cjti stuck, and it will be Worth your rwhile C3 M to see them? W-'. t''' ; ---V.' - ' C:;3 P PR AMf!:: H IHUPR A CX 11 n 87 IIIDDL.E BTIIEET. - i vvr r- V - Bunie mornh-g we would like you la try our Wheat Ho ft as T Hi eati fast Food .It is nourUliiiiff and spptllzli-t'. well as cl" h (iur -Uk ol er-l it- rniuitf f on i tie fullest snd linest wheat, con , 1 oats, rlre, etc. Don't wail ihe ( bent time to left U l rtK lit i..v , and you ran 1 1 j y many pj 1 1 - Iiiit liroii.f.iKta i n I1- iI'imi ; ti. VVinlrr. f Wealfolmve a fn s'l I"' l"1" Ruft CuitiT, hi, ii.il J'ig IIhii.t ItirnKfua! 8ir!j-, In f u t our line -f Knn'V C;( , rp.rie ar-c(,ii-i'!f t'i. ( ' i i i - i 1 - i j 1 1 lewi st. t.ie i a li:l Hi il c w-ll ,r.'t (--I I 1 V - v Ja'ba ; s: CENTS LB. V? CKBURN. MITCHELLv 14?. - OROCERIES: 61 BROAD STREETS .tuio inrri ih prices,' 80, 60, 65c, thisjreek 25,' -i irnr-nrr ir .-- r rr 1 r . 1 J jj' II...... II J!ff. y So Fourth Class Postmasters Make False Returns. ' , ,' State Snperintendent Public lastrae tlrm Asks Important Question. " Parnell Fortune Trouble ts Up. - Raleigh, . Noy. 25, Jarnea M Pitt man, colored, postmaster at Tlllery wa arrested by Deputy Marshal PerUnt last Saturday, at Rocky Mount, an com plaint of Mr. Connolly, of the Postofflce Depaitmeot, charged with maklog false returns of cancellation of postage. He was given a hearing at Elm City and not being able to give ball, is in jail at Wilson. Mr. Connolly says that quite a number of the fourth- class postmasters make false returns, under the lmpres slon tbat they cannot be detected, bu". that they are greatly oeceirea in this belief. 'I-,.- ". . - - A dee3 of assignment was recorded lo the register's offlre here by' which John R. Cochrane, of New York, and James A. Phelps, of Detroit Mich , transfer to the North Carolina Lumber Company, at Durham," their holding In the north western part ( this country, for the sum of $100,900.- Both Cochrane and Phelps are members of the company.. ' . The State Superintendent of Public Instruction asks the Attorney General the fnllowlnr anestlons "Does the re cent decision Jf the Bopreme Court re garding coOnty boards of education af fect the contracts ,and general business transacted according lo the law of 1890 by eounty boards of directors, and their appointees I,- What effect' has the de clslon apon-present' county euperinten dentsT ' What effect upon township trustees and district committees? How much or what part at the general school law a enacted by the last legislature is lawvand what part Is -not lawf - If the old boards are the legal boards, will they perform the duties as laid down In the laws of 1899 for county -boardrof directors ? Have old boards aathority under the recent decision to meet and take charge of pablie schools before the next regular .'meeting day ol I be county boards f Plee give ma your opinion clearly ' and r explicitly ; on J all these points, a I a n . anxious to act lo ac cordance with what is law -and Tight in these matters of tj much public Impor tance." J -,; liSjf'i ' Senator Robert B. Glenn, speaking of the sweeping decisions- of the Supreme Court this week saldi wThey may put the very -devil In the Legislature." As one ot the vei)-ablest men at that body,, wh .t he says is always orth bearing..;- Special Agent Wheeler, of the revenue service has been here all this month making a detailed examination of Col lector Duncan's office'. ..'' .- , The lawas to trapping and netting partridges Is being violated.- A Chatham man netted three covey and got them all, There' were no less than 69 birds He shipped them here alive by express and got 121 cents apiece for them. It Is said thatlthe buyer reseld them for S3 cents In such case they were probably shipped out of the State secretly, as they cannot go by express. - ;' The Parnell and Fertune matter la yet on the ragged edge. It Is said a specie agent, of the Department of Justice Is coming to Investigate Fertune, Tbe lat ter wants him to hurry, and says his ac counts are perfectly straight and that be followed the Judge' directions as lo dis charge In bankruptcy.' The Judge or der a hearing January 8d la eight cases to whlclT Fortune- granted such dis charges There are Intimations, more or leu plain, lhat some other ' Republicans may be mixed up in this squabble. , ' Secretary ' of State Thompson' finds that chapter 277, private laws ot 1803, (a fusion law) charteied the "Barrett uol leglate and lndusliial Institute fer Colored People," wlih power-Jo epnfer degrees "aAotber colleges or onlversl-ties.",- .. -''' ' W0NDERFUL SPEED IN WATER. Torpedo Boat Ylper Is Expected To Expel N Her First Record. , . , Nkw York, Nov. 24 A cablegram from London to tbe New Tork buo soys: ' "An ofllcer of the Parsons 8lcam Tur bine Company slates tbut at her recent trials the torncdo boat Viper nm.Ie 32 knots an haur at Ihree-qiiarler p wer. f lor rronellcrs will be alien d anil Ihere wlllLe another trial shorl'y,' when It is expected sbe will be able to m-ike 85 knots an hour. "The following are the orrec.t dimen sions of the vciini-1: I.engili, 215 feel; n am, 21 feel; depth,' ID feet; displace nient, B.'t) tit; ln.r-.e power, M,0 ' i; K-iHrnii! (1 i i 'I '' ' t.i,.3. "The i, "i- I. r r ' . , ' !. t srr.-( 1 1 .1 e h I '' ll- I i.i i :h I .-la. r i -1 t" r r?"rt Anal I The Insurgent's Mother And Oldest Child Captured. - Agalualdo Being Besetted and Fol lowers Captured. Americans -Keep Up PnrsulL Oils Claim Filipino Oov- ernntent Does ' ,. NotIlst.-,v'. ' Special to Journal. Wabhinoton, November 25 In addi tion to the capture of Bnencamtnn, Gen eral Otis cablet that Aguinaldo's mother and oldest "-child have been taken by General Wbeaton's troops, the- mother being -separated 'from .the rest of the paity. 'I-'-,-' Two thousand dollars In. gold - were fonnd In possession of the woman When r - ... Wabhikqton, November 24 -General Otis sent a dispatch te the War Depart ment today in which he aaya that the Filipino Government can' no longer claim to exist; that Its troop and ofiloiaU are scattered, and that Agninaldo I In hiding. The dispatch follows:' t "Claim fo government-', by Insurgents can be made no longer under any notion Treasurer, Secretary of the Interior and President of- Congress In our , bands; President and remaining Cabinet officers In hiding, evidently in different Central tuxon provinces; generals and troops In smalt band scattered through these province acting as banditti or dispersed playing the role of . omigos.. With arms concealed . Indications are tbat Again aldo did not escape through the line of Lawton or Wheaton, but fledwestward from Bavambanir railway stalloa. Tele graphic oom mun I cation to' D agu pan ' es tabllBhed, probably to San Fabian today; by relaying nine miles of treek with m terlal at hand railway communication to that point reestablished.'' . v ;,. Manila, Nov. ' 24.r8enor " BaulisU president ef the - Filipino congrets pre sented himself to General UacArtbur to day and formally renounced all further Connection with tbe revolution; :. - He was one of the Influential Filipino who hesitated at the beginning o( the war as-to- whloh side to cast his lot. Bauilsta was offered a Judgeship, of - the Manila Supreme Court, but declined He now announces that be desires to ac cept the position. r f; ' . i? , ; Seeor Bautlst says the Filipino een gress and cabinet are scattered, never to reassemble., Some of the memberr have returned to their homes, while Other are flying fur safety. Many of the congress men have resigned, and BAutista say he believes the Filipino Soldiers "will lay down their arms everywhere as soon as they learn tho trotb.'SA'r-ip it . Admiral Schlejr Sails, ; Specie! lo Journal ; ''JU ' NjtWT 7 Yoak, November 25 The Cruiser Chicago, Admiral. Schley' flag hip passed out this afternoon, outward bound. .-7.-';'i.::i'st The first stop of the Cruiser will be at St. Lucia, v---i r:-v, v. Likes of KUlarney Sold. ; opeciai w ournau . , Ddbli. November 29. The Lakes of tuuarney ywere sou or private saie. t'jday ."purchaser and price-not given. "I wouldn't be without CeW Ill's Witch Haul calve for sny consideratlBn," writes Tbo. U. Rhodes, Couterfield, O, Infallible for piles, cuts, burn tod ki diseases - Beware of counterfeits, F. 8 Duuty. NEW SHIPS. ALL FAST. Alabama and Kearsarge , Nearly . - Kentucky In Speed. ' Equal Washinotos, Nov, 25 Of the three battleship which have ret e ally been subjected to speed tests the Kentucky Is the fastest, Us average (peed tbe om ctal trial trip having been 10.877 knots an hour and Us maximum performance 17 25. Tbe Kuarsarge, Its sister ship, comes next, with an average Speed on its trial of 10,8 and a maximum of 17.61- knots an hour. The Alabama shewed an aver age speed of but 10 13 and a niaxlmu of 17. 'iS knots an hour. The Oregon Is the only other ship the navy which can compare wilh the: ne vea-els la this re-pect. This eli on It's triul trip nim'.u 10 7) knots honr, plJtelnsr it sli'-na ot the Alanum ami tlie renmi k ,ib'e perfoi ni-iui 0 of the Oie ; -n on lis long run. during IhcKpau Mi wxr rhows that It is nearly as awi In pntclleal noik, I The new Iial ill i-liips hi Ii Pave ready l.i e.n lmiix-1-ltl Mere iU ' 1 f. a; i- 'I "I lint li h Hun 11 knots an h. 'I Li-i i ' v i i .i-v ni: lHPnniH i f tl I f Makes the food more delicious and wnolesome pjiapjriiisMBasMH KASSAU BEATS ELL" ' After Sensational Finish. Scorces of Other r Games.' ' , iv.jilopee-of tbe.Franklln. Syndlcato were Special to Journal. - ': New Havbh, Qons., Nov. JJ-Ther tha'mnat rframatln 'flitUh 4ihtlM sramSi here today, between Y&le and Princeton, that was ever seen on the Yale grounds. Princeton scored 0 In 'the first thirteen minutes, , Yale scored 10, first half. - In the second half neither tide- scored until very last when the ball fell on tbe lis yards line . Poe dropped back for a field kick and made It amid fierce yells from Nassau's follower, making score Princeton II, YalellO. - - Other games resulted a followr; In dian 81, Oberlin 0. Lehigh 0, Lafayette 81. Western 11, -William 6. .Penn Fresbmeu. 19 Cornell Freshmen 13 Brown 1, Dartmouth S. . ' wmni ,i SEEKS RE-INSTATEMENT. General Eagan Wants his old Position in .Subsistence Department. "S. Special lo Journal. " - - - ; Wasuinqton, . November' .. 2S. The Army and Navy Register says: General Eagan, late Commissary General Subs!- tance Department of the Army, will make an effort to be re-instated at the head of his olcj department. - - x" . ue win aiieiniJk cuni, uiib uiuugu Congress" which' propose' to hear hla appeal earlyjn the coming session.'- . ' There have been various statements that General JJagan would ask for relb sutement, and then retire, but It is sow understood he hopes to regain his. old place and discharge the duties of the of- flee. THE BST should be your aim whon bnvine :.. mcdicinfj. ;, Get Hood' ; S.triopiii-illa nnd have the best medicine MONEY CAN BUY. Taxes for 1899 are now due and oaj't- ble, s,nd should be paid at ooce-,-" The law will be enforced, and all per sons charged with oosts, due to failure to pay their taxes, a warned,wjll have to bear the extra expense. .- , Taxpayer should e me at onoe anj avoid this additional expeni a. , : . . JOSEPH L. HAHNVf Ex-Sb'ertff and Tax Collector.. Exquisite 5tyle In Dress Belongs to the man who has hi clotbinir made to measure by an artist tailor who knowsthe value of perfect fit, beautiful llnlnh and fine workmanship, and who telcots his fabrics with an eye to please the taste of the well bred gen tinman. "Ihe tailor makes the mau is an old saying a-'d we can supply all de fects ot form, aud give yau both styl a.,d sans faction, . .- , - , ,I II. CJiadwIck, Middle streot. . NEW BERN, N. W." V r Miller Net Arrested. - Special to Journal.' '' r " ' , Bhooklyn, Nov S5-Thrte thouaantf ""n" ,ne omce ? ln" nrm 111 '" """"s ."- - ir" ""J' The report that Wm. F. Miller, lh -ad of the Syndicate wastrrestvd, it found lo be Ir.corroct. - ' SCHQOL BOOKS! AL.li KINDS, At Baxter' Jewelry Store, .next to the Journal, New Bern, N. C. 8-bool Books at Low Prices - mall, post ptid. - Write us for price list and terms; . - J. M. A J. a REEL, Reels boro, N. 0. sips We advertlM only to keep the name G. H. WATERS & SON. Buggy Build era, 78 Broad Street, New Bern. N. O. before yon that you may be lead to boy one of our up-io date Boggle. Respectfully submitted to serve you, G. H. Waters & Son. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Geue-al Offloes, A N. C R. R. Co., ) tfew Bern, N. U, rtov. S4, w. j Contractors are herebv reauested to snnmtt sealed proposals lor tne ereotion of -two Freight warehouses for the At lantic and North Carolina Itailroad Company In accordance with plan and specifications on nia in tne ouice or ine SuperinUindont of said.C'ompany at New Bern, N U. ' . one of sain warebonse to be located at New Bern. N O. the other at Golds- boro. N O. The warehouse at New Bern to be of Wood, the one of Goldaboro, of Krica- and wood. - -. Bid will be received witll Monday the 11th day of uecemoer next, r- ' - Tbe acrtUK K uo reserves useii the right to reject any and all bid. All communication should be ad dressed to S. L. Dill, -Superintendent aftlt van uo, new Bern, , jay order ol tne rresinent ; We Are Now Showing an Unisually ' -y;L . Full Line of ' s, S, and Oil Om line of Ladies, I Misses and Children's ' '' v Flannel Underwear Is worth your attention. A new supply of the Famous Queen Qualify Shoes .'' '":" Just arrived. ': '.-:'r-v'' ''f- ---'-'' w"i.'": Also Ladies, Misses and Children' Shoes cannot be Surpassed. D. F. JARVIS. &:::d!iiFMrat VVlnit f llint lirand-iiew Bioycls Lamps at 4ni-, l, 1 fit), end i Ki each. Lamp I uly Ov.-r . a lioUle, 1 pr of Tires of various makes i n. s rni ,: es firm 1 1 ,',() to fi i ai h. Air u! ''y of I ' - i-crt I'lnnp - I in-:,.. ; In. V ii t nu.ive nu s IIU , III 11 y-jnr In pill o i I... i !,. n ,i t-i piii , win i. l:- 4 Rug 3P 1 L. McDanieI? my 9 ;V ;! ; T1 BKOAD i3 Has a full supply of good things toeatl. SUCH AS: Mince Meat, Jill r, Fruit Jams, Currants, Citron, Raisins, Evaporated Apples nnd Peaches, Dried Apples, Sweet and Sour Tickles." Macaroni heese, Canned Fruits and Vegetables. - . , Flavoring Ext racts and Spices. The Very Best. Butter. Prepared and Old Fashion Buckwheat. The very best Flour 2Jo, all yoajwaut Small llams and L'.realtfast Strips, big Hams to Cnt. Fulton Market Corned Beef aud hundreds of other good things. It will pay yon togive me a call before placing your orders. Respectfully, J.L c 'Phone 91. HAIL Til iliillfi:" We have just received a new supply 3 of Scriven's Patent Elastic Seam Draw-. 3 era which we are selline- at 7f' fnrmtvp g price was $ 1 00. Have sizes to fit every, 3 E one. ' ! '- Our line oi 50c Winter Underwear is 3 the best ever seen in the city, and we in- viteyour attention. In tact you, will 3 find that Rood qualities and low prices can ,be found here as no where else in f p the city. Give us a c rr O-. XjTJxTT dz CO., 57 POLLOCK STItEET. Pic-Nic For Bargain Hunters ! ; IS OUR 'fJ 25 PEIt CENT BISCOUKT SAjlYE"' Beginning Tomorrow and ending after our entire stock of Dry Good and Xadle ; Furnishing Goods l.-i sold. It Is a proven fact, that all these good have advanced , from 20 to 25 per cent, in price, but a I have concluded to discontinue handling - -above line of goods, I will sell thorn at tbe above quoted discount in order to close.-- them out between now and Christmas. Our stock consist of a full line of . - Domesltca, A large variety of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Ladies Underwear , ' Trets and a comp'ete line of Ladies, aad Missea Shoes, also Cape ' ' - ' .'' - ' Jackets, Ores and Underskirts. Don't fail to call on ;" ' ,, :. - V -.- J;. ROSENBAUffl, Middle Street, . ... . ... BOIS ; JustTReceived a new and pretty-line :ol Boys Suits, ages 3 to 7. S T Ladies especially spect these Bargains.: 99 MIDDLE STREE'i, ENTIRE. SHOE STOCK ! : AT;"C)hT !.;:v.- 3,000 Pairs lo make selections from. Come early ttnd make your choice. ' ' , - ,.- - " : J. F. TAYLOR. Gi'iiuino Pa-ss' Kuclioh Ale, Pale n null I'm-1 mi s tn tl rung lit at t nt the STKEET? , , 7 Wholesale, A Retail ' Grocer. 71 BrciMl St. 3 3. 3 a Z3 call. ; " 2 NW MB A 1UUUU Yours Truly, T g NEW BERN, N. 0. ' UNDER HOTEL ALBERT," , SUITS I invited to call, and in , - - . toi ' BW BERN, N 0 hellp Central, Give Tie 14, : : Moore's v Wood Yard, 1 Where they keep' Dry Wood, tawed any length yon want, and will deliver It at your door. Full measure guaranteed. - Mr. J. W, Moore will be at he ollien and glad to accommodate hit old cus tomers. Don't fergel tbe place, on South Front street by the ralfrond and Phone 14. J. T. It. MOUIlli. sho: I have Jutt gotten in a l ino Ttn and Patent Leather rJ In e. Out lin 1 Op to-daie. 0 Ire us a Call. 1 s Vr