SEW BERN, N. l, SUNDAtf MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1099, VOL. XYII--KO, 224.: . - ESTABLISH Ell 18U2 .3 ays- Listen. roar Attention Please Santa Glaus; hascome and ivill be his guest during the next sovcn days, so we i extend a most cordial invitation to all who wish to meet him: and share Jin; the 3nefits-whiclr his ; - presence br4ngsTo come Jdovn vto our ELEGANT BAZAAR, where al most every thing suitable; for: a useful fand handsome present is to be touhd. . First notice the Windows wbich are lull ot the beautiful. t m-. . ' ; ' - - Did you say a Fern and Dish P Here it is either ijji the Wave 3rest or Worcester i Ware, or a sword Fern in handsome J ardialeiv " - , The Cameo.Vases or dainty Iris designs inapt lovers of beauty. Just Beceived such a . beautiful stock ot Decorated Wax Candles Inavariety of styles, in the Iron Candelabra are such an ornament to yourdininf? table. Lamps ot every size, ' A glance in the other eyes to all kinds xf Toilet Sets, Manicure Nets and Wave Crest Ware Now enter, and judge for yourselves if kind Santa has not given you a,beautitul Jine lrom which to make youmelectionf -; Worcester Chocolate. "Pots ana Celery JDishes, Hand Painted most lastidious. ' - . Vases, Urns, Pitchers, Cake and Oyster Plates, 'Cheese Dishes '"' :' : : N ....... . . ' - - A . Are just foir tif tbo laan; thing! Diet you can find on oar r y coiintera Glovcf. IlanjlkerchlerSiilk JTIuinerM.: PaekH ISK)kn. Allllune In nn almost cud Jess Vh riefy. ; Then remember the ISriiHM Cabinets. , Onyx Htandst and Chafing DUhe. ' , , And now' Last but not leasts l&e must in sbt upon you not to forget the "Inner Man" c have everything in our ' " - Grocery department That heart can wish, Buy ydur Xmas Dam tbs from us and get them fresh and nice. D-fS mmi in anfl fnnt tri)( fp11 "nnftrfni' w,..y .wV.v, www , ww. . 'lit f . ''''.''.' I ,,Ul DUyPOyjeVer a pleasure to us to II chburns Perfect Coffee at 20c csc dally gaining fit wey are many, wno nas mec y are just spkndid. - 4. ,tle Bohemian with - .1 ""; v ' style and price. . window opens your in so. many new things Cabarettas to suit ' the ' ,v ' ' ' 1 I 'I . If yOU OO nOt,-U shoTP you our stock. Wend of cMbcha ana lb,, and his X L " new friend f 1 1 t Every ih em ,; I'!.':, .1,1. -I, n No !v I:.- Fd'.IMil!. L..11.J SiL.L Terrjlile Defeat of Gen. Euller at Ike Tnsrela River. ' -" Queet Victoria Calls General Wolse- ley to Windsor Castle. ' - Report of Desertion of Colonial xroopi. Jbierea uans XiOgi ia 1 ; " the Battle. Anglo Saxon , Blood Rlglnf. , More , r - ' v ' Troops Ordered. , SpecUHo Journal- London, Dec, U Queen Vlotprla tent for Lord Woltlejr today. Re bad spent the night at Windsor and Her Majesty ordered the General to return at once to London by special trail. The Queen ,1s greatly disturbed by' tbe deteat of Gen eral Kuller in bis attempt to relieve Ladsmttb, and tbe it kept advised of every scrap of lnfermatlon received at tbe War Office. General Wolseley advised Lansdewne months before hostilities began to send a gieat army to South Africa. ." His ad rice was unheeded although General Uoberts supplemented, the advice of his Londoh, Deo. 16 A nastily snmnsoned cabinet meeting fvas .called at the foreign offices this afternoon for tbe purpose, of dealinvrlth tbe .War crisis.' Secretary of the Colonies 'Chamberlain wat not present at the meeting. ' ' ... The following dispatch dated Pretoria the 13lb adds to thjb dismay caused by the defeat of General Boiler at the Tngels river. It reads, "nine bundred British colunlal troops hare joined the Boers at Bkloyv two thousand at Bsrtley west, and fifteen.; bundled ef Burgersdorf, While this message waa discredited at the War Office, the difficulties met by Generals flat acre and French In that tection of the north part of Cape Colony has Iff spired fears In tbe public mind that there may be some foundation in the re port.-. Nobody believes " tbe .desertions have reached anywhere -near these tig ureses s(i p:x ' General Buller'a defeat has centered tire storm of indignation that has been crowing for weeks npon the ministry aud the clamor against ' Secretary Chamberlaia and the Jlarqul ot Laos don we the war minister, today was fierce and determined. , ' They are the scape goats upon whom the wrath of tbo nation falls.: Chamber lain especially, ii the object of viodiei live Invective since his policy caused tbe war..; Lansdowne; is tecood only .w Chamberlain in this denunciation because he was ao late in putting into tbe field troops sufficient to nip the war In the bud. London, pecember 19. The revised list of tbe casualties at Magersfonteln at the Modder river among tbe BrltUh troops shews a total of 983.' Of this number 70' were officers.' Tbe ' Black Watch was - the heaviest sufferet and tho rank and file bad 43 killed, 183 wounded od 141 . missing. General Cropje, the Boercommander, clalcat tbe victory, but ' eaye . there was terrible sUugbtet." '' ,';(?; '. London, December 10-4 a, m Edj land went to Sleep Friday nlgbt wllhui t knowing the worst news' that has come (rout tbe seat of war since What time the War Office tecelved the news of General Baller'a defeat it not known; but It was af'er midnight wben it was made public , . -JJ ' ; Bailer's report, while fairly clear, needs elucidation lit certain parts, but there eta be no tilstaklng tbe result of the battle It British guns loft, attempts by two columns to cross a river repulsed with heavy loss, a retreat to ctmp that I the outcome of Buller'a first step to relieve Ladysmlth.v Wben Bullet moved out in full force from Cheveley early Friday morning It was bis Intention to force a passage at one of the two fordable places on tbe Tugola river, but he dltcovered'ltter that this was not feasible, owing to the fact that the numbers of Boers bud been underesllmaled and their plans had been miscalculated tiy Mm. '. The river bed at the polnt.selecled by XlIMr.rii'. nolnmil to crns turned out to be full of Boors, who overwhelmed tu, BfUui, Millleiw. Ten guneT had to ... 1 1... I... I.. ira,odlwowere ,ave(1 b, the heroic edorle of Captain Sbofleld and some drivers. ' ' - . seems almost incredible tint srtll- hould lisve tpprouclied o u r tlie rlvor wlllioul cavtlry or evpn liitmitry ekinuliilicrs hsving ill-vi:Iupr,l t!ie Doer pml'lon. 'olouul Long, who was la command nf Ilia bRtterlus, K'eiiit to htvf only discovered that thu river was full of liiers when ho got r-l'i.e. to it , l ll hi 1 "OH. (J4u'uig Hi ! HH'll SMil iiH' li 111 -f'l f. '1 l!U t-' !!'ii r i ur 1 1 t U I ' , - H. I It I . I I . Hi) wn-l M ii c r-n''i, I f , ! .! liC C. 1 111 1.:. -I body of troops is due to arrive - at Cape Town. A seventh division Is to be mob ilized, and an eighth may also soon- re ceive orders: " ' .. Fifteenjransports are due to arrive at Cape Town between December 17 and January 8. with about 15,000 troops of : all arms, but unless General Buller Is aWo ' to renew the attack, which Is exceeding ' lydbubtful, the British generals will l e compelled for weeks to remain practical-. ly on the defensive. '- " The lateerdlsp&tchea Indicate the con tinued bombardment of Ladysmllh.- . TOfiDCHfiY. Committee Thinks Fees Paid At Auditors Office Excessive. Some Large Amounts To Lawyers. Lecture Of Sr. Tompkins. Brick. - For Durban. Balldlng nnd Loaa Decision. --fli':, , - , man's KlghU. " ) '-J ItALBiobr. Dec f The leslslative iolnt committee has completed the annual ex- aml nations ef the Stale Treasurer and that of the Auditor.' Xatt night it' gave out reports as to beta. It finds that the resources of the Treastiry were 11,780,-m-. dltburaements tl,90,633; balance of general jind . official ij funds 130,794; balance of educational fund 113,163. v The report as to the Auditor's office say a that the books are well kept, but the committee mkes a new departure by making an additional report, ex pre sing opinion as to some claims for which warren ts .have been Jstued that same have been drawn, upon misconstruction of tbe law and lhat the latter does not authorize the Issue ot warrants for pty of the Assistant Adjutant General or for extra fees of tiO each to Criminal Court solicitors for each court held. Tbs com mlttee also claims that the amount paid by the State as lawyers' fees is too large. ' "z ' ' It is found thatLoge Harris-begsn April 1st to -draw pay . a "Assistant Adjutant General on duty in the office of the Adjutant General under detail by the Governor" at a rate ot f 4 a day, not Including Sunday's, or $104 permonth. He was also paid $354 for three trips to Washington. In all he got $1,083. Law. yers' fees and retainers foot np $9,807, Of this W. 0? Douglas got $9,500 as re tainer in six cases before tbe corporation commission, and $1,330 In the other and $300 part fee in the penitentiary debt case of Worth vs Travis. One of his fees was $850... "In the' Wilson trial before the Legislature John W. Hinsdale- was paid $1,850.' J. O. L. Harris got $400 in tbe railroad cases and J, H. Pou in the same $1,887 for expenses and services Simmons Pou A Ward got a retainer. OTI $500 and H. G, Connor $500 as a retainer Marshall Molt got 300 tor services be fore the Legislature in the Otho Wilson case. This was all for the year ending November &0. Yesterday U msdale was paid $1,047 for Teea In various cases. Laat night Mr. D. A. Tompkins lec tured before tber-etndents of the Agrt cukurar.and Ucchanlcal College, tie waa Introduced By' President' Winstoo, in a forceful way,' as one of the best- informed men iu I to country.- Mr.-Tomp klob' lecture was practical tbrongbout, artd mi ojiflof the very best ever beard . .. : - . .. -- -Maj. II. L Grant, clerk of the District Court here, has c luted a contract to fur-. the American Tobacco Companr 3,000,0O0,br(ck;for use at Durham.. It is learned that they art to be used in building an anuei to .the Puke factory and rome more tobacco stois houses. In a day or so a lawyer representing the corporation commission gees to Charleston to tske evidence regarding rates of freight on fertilizer, to be used against tbe Seaboard Air Line. Lawyeit are now at Portsmouth, New lork and Baltimore, obtaining evidence along the llae. . -, - In a building and lotn case 'judge Si monton has decided that A borrowing member Is entitled to credit' for all he ' hit ptld on bit ttock, at well at Interest end-premium!) that Iblt It a present credit and llml hit liability at a stock- holder cannot be luforced until the winding up of the concern. Attorney John W. lllnsdsle will nppesl to the TTnttixl KtnlA. (!lrr.nlt Ponri from tills decMon, contending thai the two rela tiom of a stockholder and borrower are .1 -.1 -.1 .1... 1.. . I.. .... AM without reference to hi. subscription to tlmsioclt.- ' Referring to the Supremo Conn's de- clson tlili a cck Hint a wife cannot Wn r.berk without liur Ir.iKl.uml' wrlitin consent, Atiornry (JitiiMiiI , Wler Says ilni women mi not emani Ij aied in orth Cnrollna and that at l the matter of le-.l ri,'ln- lli'-y hive hut little more linn tln-y li id i.i Km;!.i!id 2 0 or ilG'l yra'i bko I he d"i.i dun of I he Supreme ill in l e I. . (HI til h nli i 11 riii n. : li-p.iit-) ! t.l ft ,1 M..1 It l!.i' ,!; 1I1.I ' Makes the food more delicious and wfiolesome . . THE LION SICK., ; And It Is Now Time For Every. Jackass to Give Him a Kick. Special to Journal. -- 1 . fi-WasnisoToit, Dec. 10 Represenla'Ive Suhor of New York has introdt oei a joint resolution declaring that a state of war exists In South Afrloa aud according belligerent rights loathe Transvaal government. 'The . tesolurion remon strates and protests against the barbar ous msoner in Which the Wjsf Is conduc- teJ by Great Britain. 1 ' It authorizes the" President : to take such action as be considers expedient to secure the observance of tbe laws of war aud bringing about an honorable peace. I was nearly dead wlth dyspepsia, Mr led doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Eodol Dyspep sia Cure. That cured me." It digeats what you eat. - Curea indigestion, soar stomach, heartburn and all forms of dys pepsia. F. S. Duffy. Pnlladelpnla Gets Conrention. ' Wasuinotoii, Dectmber 15 The Re publican National Convention will be held at Philadelphia June 10th nextJ The place and date were decided upon by the National Republican Committee after a friendly contest for the honor of entertaining tbe Convention between the city- selected. . Qhicago,: St. Louis and Jiew fork ' ' II r. '. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo.,- saved -his child's lifu by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had. given her tip to die with croup., lis sn imam we cure lor cougbs colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relievos at once. F8 Duffy. - 7 ' . ' , : Administratrix Notice. v Having this dny duly qualified at Ad mlntstrairix-of the late Sarah Cuba notice Is hereby , given to all pai ties holding claims agalust my Intestate to present same for paymeol to me oa or before tneiotnoay or iieoemuer, ivuu, or this notice will he pleaded In bar of their recoverv. ' All persons Indebted to my Intestate are hereby . notified to make Immediate payment of sme or they will be pro ceeded against aixordioglo law. This 18th day of December, 18il(. s - F.VNNlBC.BKOOK'l Adoilntslratrls pf fc'arah E. Conn, de reasel t , 1 - r -Krnul.N O.'.. txecutor' HoticV , nvloe ih I. dav qualifiei! at Ex cntor of tbs last will and testHUieot ot Auolpb Colm, notice l hereby given to nil per sons having cla m glust tald Atiolph Conn. mut nirwnt I be tame on or bo fnre the 10th day of December, 1U0, or this notice pleaded in btr.of their recovery. ".. . '' : All persons Indebted to ihsshld Adolph Coha are hereby notified that ilicy must makt lmmetllate tettienient Wlin tne on dertlgncd or collection of same will b enforced aorordinr to law , . This tbe loth nay or ircimtr. law - . - V. II. FKLLETlEft, Executor of Adolph Cohn, deceased, A Greater Variety of '" " - Flue - Confectioneries And rrnll r Agents for Lowney's Celebrated Chno olalet in sealed packagns, an acceptable Chrisimts preseut fir young aud old. Nice Mlxe I Ciinlios foi I0c and tOo tb. Call and sen our Magnificent display of Fire Works. . Roberts & "Bryan, Opposite Poslollice. is Secretary Wilson Reslpis. Soeclakto Journal. '' - .. l- WasHtsOTOTON, December 19. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture has tea- dared his resignation to President Mo- Kluley. The Presideat Is now looking for a man to fill the place. Some Wes tern man will probably get the position Secretary Wilson was forced to take the ttep because of a mortal illness. " It takes but a mlnnta io overcome tickling In; the -throat and ; toNtop ; a cough by the use of Qae tllaute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and long trouble. Harm' less and pleasant to take. It prevents consumption.-1- A famous specllc for grippe sad Its effects, i F S Duffy.' "; X I ( ftt inc dook store .1 J ' The New, The Novel and the Beautiful In Charming Gifts. It will give you -' . r NeltoJdeas :. to see oar HOLIDAt GOODS; ''. To look through our floe assort ment is a Dtttime. To Dries tbe I goods is a pleaaara, , To possess them Is a privilege. . .. , ' a. H. Ennett. NOTICE ! A valuable FARM FOR RENT, one mile from the city. This' ftrm contains 100 acres; about 60 clear - In very good condition and known as the Ilubbs farm, For further particulars apply to It. G MOSL.EY, r No, 93 Jones street,. . New Bern, N. C. . To Masters' of Vessels And Parties wishing Charts, Coast . Pilots, etc ' " f . Having received the appointment from Wasbintton City tor tbe tale of Charts, Coast Pilots, eie.. 1 am ready to receive a'l enters for tbe same at my place or business. 105 Middle Street. New Bern. !. U. tJash bat to accompany an orders sent. SAM. B. WATEIM. Take Your Choice ' From our Stock io Sledt. Tool Cheats, Skateh, Guns and Rlflea for tbe boys to enjoy tne letuve season wiin. . We have alto handsome sou of Car?' era. Pocket Cutlery. Bhavlnt SaM etc, that make appropriate and useful pres ents that will be appreciated by the recipient. ...... Also just arrived another Beautifnl Line of Cut Glass aid Fancy China. Call la and examine our Stick before It is picked over. - L. If. CUTLEn Il'DVi'E CO We Are Now Showing aa UmineJIj ' , l ' Full Line of Carpots, Run .UlUs o. and Oil Cloths. S51 Our line of Ladiej, Mi8es aad Cliildren's " Flannel Underwear lit worth jour atletilion. A new si!!y (if the Famous i CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, Only 5c per qt. at.; ; L McDanieL's 71 Broad Si t ' A..d a lull strok i f Good Things to oat during Christ mas and the holidays tuoh as Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, Prnnes. Evaportted Peaches and Apples, Mince Meat. Neotarines, Fresh Fancj (Jakes and Crackers, Dried Pigs, Ostes, Cannd Fmits and Vegetables, Oatsnp, gaaoes, Mustard, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Saner aut. Small hg Hams, liolb. Breakfast Strips lOo lbf " ' Fox River Priut and Fancy Elgin Batter. Good Cook ing Butter, vrtu lb , and a real nice sweet Table Batter af 80c lb. Try It. ; .' It will pay jou to giv me pnrohaaet, J. L. MAIL, 'Pboue'Ol. cAt Gaskill S mtchelTs General Santa Clans ts coming. Give htm a warm welcome. You ean't have a hrlttmas heart In a chilly body. No use to poke the Are if the stove It a rack ety wreck.. We'll sell yon a new one for about the cost of Winter repairs on the old. Come and help your self to Christ - mas warmth at "Peace and Good Will" Prices. If yon need a stove Its certainly an appropriate thing to put a Christmas eaid on; It doesn't make any difference whether yon buy it for your wife or vice versa. It's a common sense proposition from all points of view. We have a full line of Christmas Goods. Lsmps in abundance. Win. B.- Rogere Goods Knives. Forks and Spoons, 18 Nickel Bass Very thing for a Christmas present at nAGIll I 2 HARDWARE: n tt at a v s tht ninvtwn ri 15 1 PRESEHIS! S ' r , Allow ns to tnggest few suitable presents (for gentlemen, 1 What is more aeccptalle than one of our new and nobby rj Cravats at 60c f Our neckwear has just arrived and is striotlj rj np-to-data. x v . - - If a Uttle more sipentive present is wanted, buy a pair of our Kid Glove at $100 or do even better and buy a $1 60 pair E3 the handsomest which hare ever been seen in the city. ." 3 " fH- :- We have numerous articles whiuh we could enumeraU such 3 s Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Hand erchiefs, Suspenders, Half '3 : Hose ia all the new colors. . ? 3 ; - White Slhirta, Collars and Cn3 in the latest shapes. ' ' ," Nothrng-take tho place of an Umbrella aa a desirable gift i and w have a lage variety just in, at prioea-from 6O0 to $5 00. n-xt : I i l. J ' J .AMt.:. tS e ... van auu eisuuae vur tiw suu ivu iui uuu vTwjuuiug zr bran new and up-to-date. s Yonn Truly, . - : ; : ' ' rj I T. ' DpriraT ; c35 "CO.; I J : ft POLLOCK BTBKT. :. ' . HBTVT BERN, N. 0. '." 3 wkiu.UsU.uiuw U1ta rur CHOOSING HOLIDAY GIFTS C3 r q From outfSuporb Block of p H is busy at these days preparing j J fellowship and iaterahang of r 1 r. a Comfort, am ... I J C,3 in Uwvl tlllllV r . r-m rs .it JVI Ij iii (iiliiiccfs ill Chairs, Veinis Martin Tables and 1 '-mi CuM.f, lit in Munis ( hnirs in' b'liiis in ' 'ji!" -1 in c v 1 r t '-' wt a call before making y$ur .' v WhJleaIe fs lletail Grocer, .. 71 Bran Ht. - - - : '. ' V X "'. 1 Hardware;, and No. 1 Standard Silver Plate, The . " '-.fA5i.v,'. laJITOULTI V 'G OROCERIES: . u A rawa a v nnm tnwftnv n Furniture, is what SanU Clans for tne Tuletide season of good f, gifts. IV t i aSx-sHl J 1 g 1 andCouchcs. - j Maple and Golden Oak. . ' :'.