il LFUAL KOTiCLS. LEOAL NOTICES. LEUAL NOTICES. ' Published eve: Monday, at !" CHARLES L. L . FMTOR AMI r- ( BUiJsciurn' : One year, In advance , ' ' - One yew, not In advance " Monthly, by crner iu tlie c. y.... , ... .Vdvertlalag Rates furatsked ou appli , etia ' ' y . Enured t the Post Oftiee, ITcw Bern, ' N. C, a second class matter. ; Offlclal Faptr of Nw Eer aad ' ' ' rCravon Centy. ' w Berm," N. C, Eeo. 20, It? J. THE SRAM. OF THE JACKALS. - The Jackal ia aa animal ot the genus dg. yt possessing none of the 'decent . train of the dog. ,- ' ; , The jackal Uvea In the ground, travt !s n In company of Ua own fellowa, feed-on s rsfus, carrion lire food, If It can find an animal wak or wounded, for the jackal goes by night and -makes up In atractlona1 bowla for th courage it !. - ' - - . -' -V There are human beluga having some ' V of the characteristics of the jackal. ; ' ' One of theaa characteristics Ir that of ' -attacking the helpless or wounded, simply becauae theaf may be ,, attacked i ' through treachery, when If they were In theta normal condition, they would r calve tha fawoinga of the Creatures, who ' attack them when out down!1 . The recent disasters to the Brttlah s'i amjee in South Africa, ha Drought to light the jackali, represented by foreign ' v- nattoas ana a claaa of sycophant news papera. - -J- " Great Britain aeemi In dire distress all 'f- present, 'eo these jackals begin their anarliaga, tha same taking form In ex ' - preaalons of hope that the Greatest Na- tlon on Earth may be broken up. r-r1 if England wu any other nation but " ; England, there might be the shadow" of a chance for Its overthrow". . , " Only a few months ago and theaa. for eign jackala were gloating ovet this" .' country's possible" averthrow by Spain, and rejoicing' la and magnifying every ' Spanish success. . - - - But since the war, theae ones anarlera 'V have become fawaars, fearful of tha" f United Sutea, and attempting by over done politeness to cover np the trea'ch- ' orous utterances of a few months ago. v. ..- Let those Americans who sentimental--f ly take aides with England's enemies, , net forget that it was only last year when this same English natlen stood beside the Onlted States, and by its presence ssnt the foreign Jackal nations " back to their holes ia the ground. Let It not be forgottea that England .aad tha United States are bound to- - gather not merely by tke tie of Anglo . Sazonism, bat by laws, .trade and lan-.--(uage,and that any calamity to John Bull is a calamity to his kinsman, Uncle Bam, , i' v While the sky way be cloudy today "'over the British people, It laonly acloud V which will be dissipated, and the great . Kingdom and Empire will come ferlh to confound Its enemies and receive the .v congratulations of Us friends, while the Jackals will sneak back to their boles, to await tha time of the next nation that ,, may be lb distress or trouble. y- . r 1 - - , Zaf Cmaaol fc L orad . bv lecal appllcatlona. as tiif-y cannet .': reach thaldlseased por' nu of tlie ear, . : There is only one way lorn ) . Vv and that la by -constitutional r ; 'r Deaf nesl la caused ky an I ' ! ? dltlon of the mucous ltmnr f n.e I teohlanTube.J.'WIjiii t 11 ; flamed you bare a ru 'i ' ' - perfect hearing, ami; i :l r closed deafness la IL r , the inflamniallou can l i i . this tube restored toil i tlon, hearing will Is nine cases out ef ten -arrh, which is coi:. condition of the i VTs will give (--for any case of I 1 tarrli) that i Catarrh Cure. F. J. C i r : ' - Bold by P: nall'aFBi; i ,' tl(.i..;; ' . Artlin', ,' you wool I ti- -t "Ti hj?" ''1'; m tln'tn." "(;!,' r 1 1 sutn (' -tin, ( s i i J to 1 i d fur I ii i i, ,1 Vi ia- 1 ) tir 1 ft elbow i r li "t 1 0 to 1 . , . . ' 1 tl t i-'.e i ,',cii v illi a dovll and iluwt .! Linn to anoint the iiloor with a me f ft soap an-1 15 chopped 1 f o u a horse's tail. . If tlie pa tient screamed, It was the devil screaming within her, oud she was to be left alone, securely bound to the bed. that she nil1it not remove the npplinuce. lie then took Ms fee and left. His orders were conscientiously car ried out, with the result that after a nllit of indescribable nprony the poor woman died of exhaustion. Cracow Letter lu Cliicapro Hecord. Svd Two eti. Mr. Tnccr l'ou expect to be In San IJranelsco next week? By the way, you know where my auut out there lives. 1 have Just written a letter to her. Would 'you mind dell vering It some day as you pass tlie house? 1 Mr. Pnecr'8 friend No; but l might forget it. I think I'll just put a stamp on it and drop. It Into the first letter box. ' s - - . Mr.'Pneer All right. l don't care how you get It to her.-Chlcago Trlb nne.: - -if ' ' " The 6ret Debate. ' . When the uncertainty had ' become well nigh Intolerable, Science ventured to go to fhe Serpent directly. "'." 'Is It or la It not-o facti O-Ser- pent, asked Science, "that you swal low your young when you are attack--! Well, 1 always try to hold my own," replied, the Serpent tnoaesuy, It la true; but evasively withal. - : And so the Ultter-eontroversy wagee ou. Detroit Journal. ' , K America's Poltlo Amonsc Katloaa. ' An English traveler who has recent ly been lnv this country remarks In Jnaklng a comparison .between "the principal great nations or tne woria, that "holy Russia Is a formidable idea. Great Britain . Is a picturesque and pregnant Idea, but the United States is a self conscious, clearly defined and heroically vindicated Idea, in whose further vindication the whole world is concerned." 8t Loul : .Olobe-rJemo- - -MO ILEX'S LEMON. KLUnk'-v, APlMuuittlMianTBle.T . ; Cures indlsestlon, headache, malaria, kldner disease, fever, chills, loss of ap petite, debility, nervous prostration and heart failure, by regulating the .Liver, Stomach, Bowels ana Kidneys. Cured mi ef Indigestion. I had suffered for ten years. 1 baa triea almost every medicine, but all failed..,, Sine taking Lemon Elixir I can eat anything I like. ., - r vr. A, uairmsi,t Rcevesvllle, S. Ci'i -ri. ' " 1 HarUr's Laaiaa El'itr -VC' Cured me of Indigestion and -heart dis ease, after years of suffering -when all other remedies and doctors had' failed. - . . COLIMAH. - Benlah, 8. C ' 1 - -' '. I hive been a great sufferer fram dys pepsia lor about nueen years, my rou b'e bel.ii mv liver, stomach and bowels. with te.rilil 'headaches. Lemon Llixir nnri mm Mv ftnnntltia la vorwl. aad T anrwell. i, had taken. a barrel or ether medicine, that done me no gooo - DHARLES UIRHARD, No. 1515 Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. , If altar's Uafi JClUIr ; Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous I digestion aud heart disease. I was unable to walk tin stairs or to oo anv sma ot work. I was treated by many physiclaaa, but (rot no better uniii I ued Lemon Elixir. I am sow henlthy and vigorous. C 11. BALDWrS, No. S3 Alexsnder Su, Atlanta, Ua. , , HO'XET'S IKMOlt HOT DKOW. Currrs all Con"hs, Colds, IIoarsenBSS Sore 'Iliroat. Liunehitis, Ceoiorrbi'e, and all tnroat and lung diseases. Lirgaut reliable. - , 2'ic at drur :!(. Tf-pared enly by Dr. U. iie.ley, Ananta, Ua. Qu'ta Bight. ' . 1 he clup who csn't keep his temper leecVt try to k--p a dtn'y. . ' f f itnra. j i r;i'. 'er l!'s i In ii! s 1 f "lit Orest ' f (;:.." It Is a '-.lltof i 1 fSi.if.l- .- ii a- !i r i 1. .. y' -i :.; In I' X ll! "if ! i I I i- ! - lUUil ol Ish( iUy So. " As a rule, the convict with a life sen tence isn't particularly anxious for hi to expire. --..-.'-..-.. ..':.. A Giant Nurve Rulliler, '- Tlie Ky slic Life Rcnewer Is the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. It abso lutely cures ail forms o'f Nervous lJis enes and Weaknesses no malteer how agravated or how long duration, such as Neuralgia, Nervous i'rostrationTNer-r vous Paroxysms, St. Vitus' Dance, Pal pitation of the Heart, Physical and Men tal Weaknesa, Debility of Old A?e, etc. bold by T A Henry, druggist; New Bern A Questioa Lf Digits, ' . She (approvingly) Yon won her baud then - - - ' J ''lie (rather glumly) Humph I sume sot I'm under her thumb. ' FREE OF CHARGE. ' r Aay adult suffering from a oold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of sny nature, who will call at F 8 Duffy & Co's , will .be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee'a German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none tochil dren wlthont order from parents. No throat or- lung remedy " ever had suchealoasBoschee'tGerman Syrup in all parts of theclvtllzed world. Twen ty year ago milllous of bottles were given away, and your druggists will tell you Its success Was marvelous It l real-. ly the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by. phyBicisna. -One 71 cent bottle will cure or prove-it value. Sold bjr dealers a all civilized countries. ' May. the Ptpe, "" t : The-plumber is the only man who gets any benefit frem hitting the pipe. T Hiss Annie E..GunnlDg, Tyre, Mich., saya, "I inffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." "It digests what you eat and -cures' all forma of stomach -trouble. ' It never falls to give immediate relief ) jhe worst case,' F,B .Duffy.-iH";;; 7 - A Oeaaiae pUenima. -. J "I know what you want, Mr. Spoon a- mere," said Jehsny.7 "Tou want to kits Mabel."-',.-'. .--''.' f-: r"! ,.'":-; On which, account "the -sorely 'tried yeung woman dared not send tha Impu- dest youngster out of the room; r - V 8 Duffy A Co guarantee every. kot tile of Ckamberlatn's.Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. . This is the best remedy In the world for la grippe, coughs, colds croup and whooping cough and is pleas ant and .safe- to take; - It prevents any tendency of a -cold to. result In pneu- enis. .. ':-'.-'. -. .. i "-.' Otta Cola Head Kaaagh. - " .',.'-' :-"-, .Two heads . may be better than one, but tke maa with the cold doesn't think so.-; '. ;' ..'v."-.., - - ' IS J ton bad been In trouble for years with chronic dlarrho? a. Sometime ego I persuaded him to take some of Chamber lala's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem edy. After using two bottles of the 25 ceat alze he was cured, I giva this testi monial,'1 hoping some one similarly afflicted mav read It and be benefited. Taovi AsC. Bowkb, Glencoe,0. For sale yFiDufyCo. r -: i ' - A Strang Maa. ' 'r- - Mrs. Nawlywed I must say I'm sur prised. Hc:e, while we've been talking. your friend has walked off with a cake I Just bitted. . - - - . ,. Wea y Willie Oh, ha s'priaes every body, lady. He's stronjer'n he looks. ' J B. Clark, Peoria. 111., aaya, "3ur geona wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch i:- ;1 Fslve.". It Is Infallible for piles and skin d.'tnasea. Bowara of counter feits. 8. Dufy. " " V'har riif i, , "V," hen'a woman panses to relied'' aye the Van)unk l'bilf. mr, "It Is gniaVy l"'oie a lookinjj gi nute V llrh t'Ui i (or ( o; la tlie bo, aud toM !y I 1 f r 1 1 : t a C of t 1 t i I i n in .ev - .. told an HiH'iestin story ui.ioios of the tribulations of iu Vetitoin. "About t'noe years nso," he said, "1 got up a little device that greatly slmpUiied the working of a certain type of pump. , I took out patents that cost me lu the neighbor hood of $300, Including attorney's fees, and dually submitted tlie thing to a big manufacturing . concern lu the north. The proprietors at once con ceded the merit of- the Invention and offered me $300 down and a royalty of $125 on each one used. The cash pay ment amouuted to nothing, for it really fell short of covering my time nnd ex penses, but the royalty was generous, and I figured It opt that It would yield me aq income of $3,000 or $4,000 for several years perhaps longer. It de pended on how soon something better entered the field. - - --.-.. , "Accordingly, I accepted the proposi tion and transferred all my right. Now, how much do you think I actually re ceived? 'Not a penny! No. I haven't been cheated; at least, all 'he accounts have been perfectly straight. - The trouble Is they "never put the device on the market They simply stuck thf patents and drawings In a pigeonhole, and there they remain to this day. ' - "Why did they do It. did you ask? To isave money.,; The public Is -very well aultcd with their pump as It stands, and it Is doubtful If they could get nny more' for it with my Improvement add ed.' Such a step would merely cut down the net profit, bo tbey prefer to let well enough alone.-- It was necessary of course, ta get ! my . invention safely shelved, -or It might- have been .taken np kyaotne enterprising rival and the only earthly .reason for spending $500 on the thing- was" to put It out of the way. It was rather rough on mt,; to bo sure,' but the experience was .valu able, and I won't get caught that way again." New r Orleans.. Times-Demo crat -' , " . " GLASSES TOR THE EYES, The Reaion They ArWorm - - - Haay Persons Nowadays, .-., ?""The question Is oftenltsked, partlcu- larly by those who can recall the cus toms and experiences-of 2i years ngo, ''Why do so many persona nowadays wear glasses?" - The s answer laseasy, "The increase In the number of spec tacles worn Is not to b regarded As an evidence. of moddrn degeneration of the ryes, but tnther that a long felt necessity, has been met." -Kor it should be -remembered that rlth la the- post quarter of a" century, -much baa beeh learned about the value of glasses, and the range Of their application and use fulness has been enormously extended. Of course" the eyes need more betp Uow than formerly; as the amount of work they are required to do Is mnch greater than at any" prevloua- period- In the vrorld's history. ' The aewlngmachlue and many other inventions of its class save the . labor of the hands .only., id add to that required of the eyes. ; F" ' New employments, new amusements and new fashions are continually be ing Introduced to Increase, the exac tions, laid upon those , sensitive find delicate organs. The steady decrease of Illiteracy; together with the general Cheapness of literature and a spread of a taste for it. the enormous circula tion of novel: macnzlne and newspa per, the ever Increasing use Of artificial iHtrmmaUon,, ail combine to-ovenai the eyes and to weaken or possibly de stroy the sight unless the required aid and. protection be supplied, through every means at our disposal. Thus It happens that the some time luxury of properly adapted glasses has come to be reeofrnlzed and understood by very many of the present generation as one of the real necessities of their Uvea. Llppincott'a. - -i: i- . , ',t EnElUh OOeera Waar Arnior, Many olllcei-sof the British army aro wenrenr.ofarmor. . As a, general rule 'the mall Is inclosed ln A leather casing,' which Is sewed inside the tunic, so as to be Invisible unless the garment Is picked to pieces. Aod the same with helmets a similar device ia fixed Id tbe lining, so as to give addi tional protection In case of need. Some oUicers-jre not above wearing mall vests underneath their tunics and per fectly oblivious of their comrades, who, although tliey may scoff In times of peace, would only be too glad to don one themselves when In the middle of . hostilities, i The majority of themak er's customers sre olilccra. because the suits are very expensive, costing about 10 guineas each. Kegiment A Tarluaa BnOla, An Interesting spectacle was wit nessed the other day on the banks of the river Soar, near lint hern, by a Ron- tieninu resident 111 the dlatriet. lfln attracted by a peculiar cry, ha turned aside and on tne upon a young oiler and a biiKP eel t'niri;'d lu a deadly struggle-. Tlie otter hud evidently cnut;lit the eel, wlileh bad relnliuled by wlud- insr Iti.eif tiriiiiy Ii- l!. 'lie f . 'it no !-ie oi r ' n--1 p .: Inr; of w V. 1.;. il It I. . 1 I,!-; I - , 'I. omul the former's ii-.i- 1 several tnln ! -"y f-. - m I f !l a part ef V 9 f L n In two. Louden . , 4. ' 3 w a k u. l. Its- iallvdifffifa thftfnnrl and aMa l-iao.; in strcii tttuenirtK and recon strucLing tlie exhausted digestive or gans. It ia the latestdiscovereddiffesU ant nd tonic. lo other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures l.-ysnohsia, inaigestion, -ueartburn, latiiience. hour Stomach. Nannea. Sicklieaclache.Gastralgla.Cramps.aDd miui-uerresuiisoi imperiectaigestlon. ruimuuoyt.i, UWI ai.0., tlJICOge. - P.'S. DUFFY. .- Notice of Meeting of Creditors ' n the Eastern District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of N. O. - , In -the matter of IL E., Qulnn & Co, Bankrupt in Bankruptcy. - To the creditors ot R. E. -Qulun & Co in the County of Lenoir- and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: ' "V , . Notice ia hereby -given that on the day of March A, D, 1899, the said R-. E. Quinn & Co. were duly , adjudicated bankrupt! and that a meeting of , tehir creditors will be held at the effice of L, Woore, in New Bern, N."C.', at IS m, on the 22nd day of December 1899, at which- time (he said - creditors may at tend, and. Bhow cause, if any,' why they may not receive their final discharge. - ; - - L. J. MOORE, ' I' tleferee in - Bankruptcy, 8d Bankruptcy Division in said. District. ' ''"--. New Bern, N. XI, December 9tb899. At PnbUc Sale.: On Tuesday, January -2nd, 1900,. at 12 m we will offer at- puVlc sale,' at Court House door, the following property of Craven county Neladn Ferry bridge, i?-rMw6 ferry Hats, some, old chain. -, Terms cash. Ky order Board County Commis sioners. ' WlIXlAls'ANnLATUAM,. Committee r.-.:A QUICK CUBE FOR.U COUGHS AND COLDS 'rVerjr Valuable Remedy in all V ff. affections of th?? ! THROAT or iLUKGS $ ; pf'M Large' tUe isctlit :. JUV13 A UwncBVcevt Uaitat7 ,- rrop's of retry oimf Paln-Kllfcr, -':-ciSht:iawk r.Bn.h DtBKond ttiaaa. '" rtsrtasM trtJO friw ajsrwunaioi Ar, ajtvaj. laiiat-k. vtrt mt , TriaL-t'l tor (lr.hmMtra. Mtik VI-, A;:r.T '',7; rnr.u11.ss44sa " W In atuinsi tr nurtlewlAa, v al.atMlaU Mel aiiiat TMtlsnsUIItJi. Jtmmt tvm Z 8 XSroati Street; outhern.' - ' Th;standi f I Railway ths SOUTH ' The Direct Line to all Points, " .- ..... ' -1. : ' '-i r . VEX. AS, " "CALirOilNIA, cui:.v Ann nico. Strictly First-CIasS Equipment -on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman. Pal ace Sleeping Cars oo all Wght Trains Fast aud Safe Schedules. Travel by the Houlhern and you areas- iure-l a Safn. Comfortable and Expedt tious Journey, Apply to Tic'iet Agents fur Time 1 blea, Hates und General Information, or ailress F. Tt. DAKUY, . 11. L, VE"NOIT, . c. r, T. , T. P. a., Anheville, N. C Charlolte, N. C. I n: c S. Oannon, J M. Cl'Lf, Hi V 1' .V (i.-n M in. Truf. Vu Vr. . Ti i s, Q P 1, '-Y '. .!.;. - - i. C UULICAIION OF SUMMONS North Caiuiiua J Superior Court Craven Couuty - 1 Janv Term 11)00 Cora W Peck - V8.-F. X pecr."; , Let S. J. Peck take notice that an ac tion entitled aa above has hi en begun ai aijt i iia by Cors W.- Peck in the su perior Court of Craven county fur divorce and IhuV ho ia required to appear aud anawer or demur to the complairt tit the next leriu ot i-aid court - to be helot at New Bern, on the 6th Monday before the 1st Monday in March 19UO, - - . ' .- , VV. M. WATdON.-CS C. Adminieiratrlx ftoilc,.."r. Having this dav duly oualltiad as Ad- iaistrairlx of the late Sarah Cohn. notice is hereby given ta all parties holding claims aKaiasi mv Intestate 10 present same for payment to me on -or before the 16th day of December, 1900, nr.tbis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. - T , .t, . f ... . .- . . . . . - ah persona inaeoiea to my intestate are hereby Hiotined to -make immediate pajmant of same or they will be pro ceeded against according to law. This loin uay or uecemner, is. 1 ' FANNIE G. BROOKS. Administratrix of Sarah E, Uob'a, da- Ernul, N.5. ' 7 - . ,l;lxecutorU Notice, 4 . Having this dav Qualified as Executor oUhelast will and testament of AdolDb Cohn, notice is, hereby given to all per sons naving claims against said Adoiph Cohn, must present the same on er be fore the 16th dav of December. 1900. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. - 1 ' ; - All persons Indebted to the said Adoiph Cohn are-hereby notified that they must mate immediate-settlement with the nn denignedor collection of same will be enforced according to law.?. -. s - -.. V i ms tne 10m aay ot lieoemner, iyu, Executor of Adoiph Cohn, deceased."'. Notice of Sale ot Land - -Ju Partition. NoiiTnCAKOUKA, 1 In", tbe Superior Ciavm county. - -V court before the R E Whitehead v Georee- BlSimons, ' Hadbah Slmmonst and Stephen 8im " mons. - t , - ' Pursuant to a drecree of the Superior court of t; raven county lu the kbove eiv titled proceedings for sale, of land for pa titioa rendered by the Clerk of said court ou me lBin nav UetemDer. astfU, 'i ne undersienra as commtssioDer will Offer fur sale and sell at public auction tor oaso to the uignest mailer at tne court House floor or vraven county, Monday tbeand day ot January. iVUO at tbe hour of 13 o'clock,7 noon, all the following desenbed real estate to wit: iFytnc ana oeine tu-ine cnjiniy oi gra ven and State aforesaid adMainc the lands ot James J ana sou nd otnera, on the south side of .Nense - river and. west side of Adair s Creek, boriierlnz Godfrey's creek and containing 61 acres more or ieaa,r:i-'-'"r-; This December 18th. 181111. S'i ROMULUS A. NDNN, Ccmmis'r, PUBLICATION OF- SUMMONS North Carbllha, Superior Court, Craven County t ;'v j Jany. Term, 1900. Malvina Moore ts; Alexander F. Moore. The defendant above named will take notice that an action euttiled as above has been commenced ia the Superior Court of raven Tounty lor uivoree. vinculo matrimonii., and aid difendant required to-appear at the next term of Ihe Superior d-uit for Craven county to be held on Hie fif h . Mindsr hefnrtKtbe first klooday lu kiarbh, 1900. It being the ititk day of Janoi ry, 1900. at the court bouse ot said coutrcTv la tlm eliy of New Ii -rn, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will a ply to the court for relief demanded lo said complaint, - .. - W. M.'WATSON. r"- Clerk Of the Superior Court. This 18ih dsy of Du mber, 09. .ENTIRE SHOE STOCK AT Jt COST I , 3,000' PalrsTio - make stjlections from. Coma early sad maker ronr choice., - . . " J.' K.TAYL0IL ;-rc.' -.j-'.;:--; : -: ;'- l.'-r'.--:.'''-' Genuine Bass' English' Ale, -Pals) and Burton's on draught at " " . Fiueut Wines and Whiskies at tha Palace Suloon, Market Dock. - JAS.F.TAYLOn - -i Xlxeculor'a Kale.-; . By virtus of lie pow i conferred upon me br j h last will ami u i ameut of W m Lleve, Hr, and by the eoBnt o tha bu. perior Court of Craven couuly, I will oo Monday, January 8th, lVUO, at the hour of IS o'clock m, expese is sale at public auction to tne highest bidder for cash, at the court bouse door in Mew Bern, all of the following doner I bed rest and per sonal pioperty, aud choaes iu action' to- It: - - - 1.: AH that tract of land In Craven county, on the north side oX Mouse rivet, and south side ef Swift Creek, iu-, and about Oak laiaad swamp, beginning at- a state -ua .tne - eage or saia rwamp, north 53 degrees east 120 - poles ; to - the line of a patent granted to Abner Camp Deli, tnence witn said tamptwu a uae, north 136 poles to the given line of a patent (ranted to Walter- Allen, thence with said line north 80 degrees west 87 poles to his corners thence his other line cortn 17 west, jt poles to Ulnkeus Oe. ginning, thence with Dinkens line north 70 West, $8 poles to- his corner,' then with bis line south 78 west,- 70 poles to his corner,; thence with aama south, 7 west 140 poles to his corner at the lower eau oi uak island, tnence with said Din. Kens line, and the edge of the Focosln to Dinkens corner at the upper end of Oak lsland,'4bence south 43 degrees west 03 poles to Lewis Gaakins line, thence with the same south 48 degrees east 180 poles, tnence souui us degrees east with tbe edge of the Pacoslu and Dudleys' line io poies to a pine, tnence ooutn bu de grees east 60 poles to the- main road, thence with said read to the beginning, containing 893 acres more or less. See deed dated April 88, 174, f rom Alex Mitchell to Wm Cleve, Br, Book 75, page 177, etc. : " - -.'' . :-- .: - ' ' - All that tract ot land in Craveu county North Carolina, beginning at a dead Dine in a branch between Masons Branch and tba truck road and bounded on the north by the lands of Edward Whitford. On the .south and east by the lands of Jarvis Campbell and in tbo west by the lands of John H. Smith, and being tbe same lapd which wu conveyed to Oliver Dawson by Jarvis Campbell by deed dated the lUlb dsy of May 1871, and con taining xu acres more or less ' Also all that tract Of land in the Coun ty of Craven,- Slate of North Carolina, known as the mil Lancaster land, begin ning at a pine tree, near the mouth of .1err'a branch, ronvllle corner, then running with Fonrllle line, South 40 ast,88 poles to a pine Ponville corner, men norm BS, east ou poles toa stake, then couth 15, east 84 to a pine, then north 78, west 50 poles to a pine, then north 85, west 290 poles to a pine, then south It, west 40 poles tit Greens line, men with sainureens line nortn vu, west 120 noles to a stake, thence to the beirln- nirie, containing 2?3 seres more or lesa. except 100 acres which-baa been sold off by .former owners. For full description see Book 71, pages 103, records of Craven county.- Also two old gold watches, one iron safe, one share of slock In tbe C F O G & I Assoclstion, one note of R C Cleve balance due 4109.00. One note of 11 W Smith, 200 80. Balance due on note of M Bryan f3.85. Two notes of U W Ven ters 140.00. Note of Barron' Forest, bal ance due $93.40. Three ' notes of D C 'Joward, secured by real estate mortgage Total t450 00 Balance due on open ac count oXW D Rountree A Co., on prin cipal faiow. ii, Ji.t. u iJjJiit, executor " Of Wm. Cleve, deceased. Tbls tbe 5th day of December 1899. ; ADMINISTRATOtt'S... NOTIlE. The nnriralgned,-havlng duly quali fied as Administrator of William Flynn deceased on the 15th dav of Februaiv A. D, 1BU7 bereny notines an persons Bay ing claims against said William Flynn to present the same to him duly verified on or before the 21nd day cf November A. D. 1900 or this notice will be pleaded la bar of Ibelr recovery. All persons io -debtedno said estate sre required to make prompt payment. Dated this rood day of November A. D. .1BW, v- .-'-. - :thos f. McCarthy, Administrator of Wm. Flynn, dee'd. Kxecotor'fS Notice. .. .v., . ... ' : -I , Haying qualified as executor of Geo. A, Richardson deceased, late of Craven I -unty, North Carolina, this Is to notify all uersons halnr claims against tbe es tate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before Deo. 1st, 1900 or this notice will bo plead in bar of thi-ir recovery. - All pi-none indebted to said taut will pitas make tmmedl at payment.-, --. 'i t-Mi.-v.--. . This Nov. 80, 1899. V--''-- v;' a A,BICHARD?05I Excutr-f - Administratrix ; foticf" naving quallfledulh Administratrix of J M bmith. deceased: lata of the coun ty of Craven, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estat cf the dreeased to exhibit them to the under' signed on or b. lor the flth day of De cember. 1900. or tbls notic will be plead Id- bar of their reoovery. - All -persons Indebted to said estat will pleas anak immrdiate payment. . -1 -' . :;: .,-1 , ' . BAR All A.-HMITB;; AdmxVv f of J M KmltU, deceaseJ., .": This December 6, 1899.. i vj: j ; v ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICl j Having qualified aa admlnUtrator d b ft c ta of the estate of Jebn Oolllns, de ceased, all persons having claim against said estate are notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before tbe 1st day of November 1900, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery.- All persona Indebted to- said et-tnlo are requested to make Immediate payment. ilEttillTT WHITLKY, M Admn d b n o t a of John Collins, dec, November 1, 18'J9. -- -'; .. . - ' ADMIXISTR&TOR'S LASUSiLI Slnte of N nil Carolina, .' . ) ("raven County C '' Buperlnr Court, before the Clerk. ) B F Dinkins, aduiu of John D DlnVlus, (ierrn. ed. V. Jnlm 1) liii.kins, B V Dinkins and others M'her. let on Hie 2;ih dy of 'Ov. 1K(I9 in the aliove ra-e was remleied ! iiieni w-..8 duly approved by Kill 'lei in 1 'U f Craven -. I, net! mid f Ilip'IW- ... t -ii-.-l i,r iiilniiei ,11-iier I nfler lle..-lil.e.t . I ! - !-e IU I i:e i W 1 I. 1 .' LAND MKMDMEH Large, Trads of Laid TO BE SOLD IN DOVER.;-' " OW THE 2?TH OF DEC; 1899. - e t By Virtue of decree of court,' we, the undersigned Commissioners, wilh On Wednecday, S7ih Of December; 189), in the town Dover, at publlo auction, sell -to- the : highest -bidder the lands -now owned in Craven county by Walker and Farrar, to-wtl: " 1 - , . ,. " J ' r Two tracts of land" containing 90S . acres moie or less lying kbduta mile and -a half north of Dor. r aadwlthlu t of a mile Of the Kailroad. - . These tract contain about 800 aores "4 of the best aud richest swamp lands 3f which obly about 100 acres- beea lately cleared and cultivated; tbe rest .pf (ha land is upland and pocosln." J" S4 t One lot in tbe ton of Dover about'' v -one acre in size with good house and out '-r ' ; 'houses.,..-' - . "fZfJ'Z Anyone wishing any information ' -about these tracta can obtain such. "by , applying cither to Messis T. L. or Seth - ," West of Dover, N. C, or to either of the . nnmmlnliM t K j. w. walkir, " -r2 'i -J' W. STAMPS HOWARD,' s' 1 Oommlssloners. 1 "Tarboro, N. C . Nov. 14, 1809. - Notice of Saler - . Nortu Carolina, ) w.i. ' Craven County. Superior Court. Samuel lilackledgc, admlstrator of estate oi Samuel liluckleflge, dec d , . , vs Lula Boom, W H Ulackledge, et als. - - . By virtue of an order of the Clerk Of '-''.V" ihe (iiperior court of Craven county, N M O, in the Special Proceeding entitled aa above, now pending iu Bald. Superior . f court, the undersigned - administrator '.'"", will sell for cash, to make assets, at tne .. court house door, in tbe city of New' Bern, N. at u o clock M. on Tuesday , iho 2nd day of January, W0, to Uhe v highest bidder, the following described - . real estate lying and being situated in Ibe said city of New Bern bounded, aa.. follonlT - - - Being lots Nn. 1 and 2 fronting 69 feet ' . each on West siren, and lOi feet on ' Main street, both lots running wesl T f wardly 102 feel, being the rsme land C-v - C conveyed by"E. M. I'avie and H. Pa vie, Trustee &c. to said Samuel Black' '" ledge, dee'd. by detd bearing dale of : (-'-'. r."t September 22nd, 1882, and recorded 1b the otllce of the Register of Deeds for ri " Craven county, N. C. in Book, No. 85 " Folio 585 to wnicli reference Is maae.. , The said lots are situated upon the cor "- :' ner of said Main and West streets and t contain small dwellings each. - J his zotn, day or November, low, fc " tt. Administrator J. E. & R. O'HARA, Attorneys. Notice ot Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, Craven Connty. f , Pursuant to the license of tbe Superior . Oouit of Craven county to uie directed - . in the certain special proccedins-s eatl- tied: Thomas F McCarthy, administrator") - ot Littleton j rotter, deccaseo, r", 1 r'" ' 1 Vs. f'.-Cf Mack Lewis, and Laura Lewis his ( - ' -j , ,' wife, and otherr. -. . 1--? , Said proceedings lieing instituted to-'. ., fell the land of my intrsiate to make as- - '- ; :.- sets tn ray debts: I will as In said or- -3 v dcr directed offer for sale and sell to the ; -highest bidder for Cash at the Court .v'. . - ' BoUhedrorof Craven count at th-" -h5hr of 12 o'clock ni, on Monday tb 8tU " ji ; day of January 1900, the following dv scribed tracts or parcel of land lying-fi.- '. and btlog situate iu Pamlico- county ;: r bounded aLd drtciibed as lollo-vs towlt;rj" o-.:. 1. One tract beglui iog on tba main ' road at the corner of tue land ot iho l -,L heirs of David Watson deceased, aod " running westvardly wi'h the main road 70 yarda to Wil.lum Iiplon's firtt tilteh ' v" ibence nor'hwiudiy far enough to con. lain 2 acres more "or leas, llience east- v J maruiy to the Una of the heirs Of David . -. -.iT " Wairon, thonce south lo the beginning, containing 2 acres more or less with the .-, - f buildings and improvtB'er.ts thereon,-.- . , being the same laud conveyed by D it- Robinson and wlleto Littleton I Potter. -,: 9. One oilier tract containing 1500 - . acres more or less, taking and txeepilng ':. , such tmber and limber lights and ease- "-.J :.: meat, as have heiotofore beebcooveyed . -to l be Blades Lumber Company, lying aod being lo No. 4 township af the bead , of Jones Bay and at the h ad of Goose -- - -Creek, and conveyed to Littleton 1 Pol- .: terby W T Cabo commissioner, and by ; , Abel 3 Voliva and wife, aod by William . B Voliva and wife, and by E B Hopkins guai dlao,- and by Sam'l E Potter and wife and by Guilford Gaaklil and wife to Littleton J Potter by sundry deeds ot -conveyance, executed by said parties to . Littleton J Potter, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamli co county to which refeience is made. This December 6th, 18tn. -. "TH08. F. MCCARTHY, Admr., k' V :-ol Littleton J Potter, deceased. Sale " totjl Partition v-Publka i ion . ; Summons.' -; i - . 'v. North Carolina ,1 Superior Court -." . Cratsn Ceunty f Beforctbe Clerk. V,Jy;,.ooh Wadsworttr - Edward iDtnklns and Helen IlarrlBS and , . .--k -.. Infant. . -; To Edward DInklnst you will lake t- " lice that the alovs named plain; Knocb Watlawortb, has begun a proeF-. i -lug in till Court for the sale for pa t on of a certain tract of land In Cm Ceunty, fully deat:iileil In a deed from F, Mnkliis lo tarolii e Dlnklns, rrrn In rbe i-lllee of the replnter of Die- -Oiaven connly, bonk 117, pntres li :i-i. The raid plalntllf In snid pr Ings avcring that ho Is tlie owner ' inlrreat in land and thnl yon siil. I Kdward IHuUInt, a tlio owner . undivided 1 A Inlerenl therein; and : Ii g for a sale ul said laud for a i; the-eof Von me therefore iiolifiid In m-i 11, n I ) 111 i-c of tlie I'leiU ol il. : I'miil of Crnvf-n eonn'v i-n K ' ill d.-iv of .llilillHfv. 1' i, i-' !' U o'i I--- k M. at l ii' ' ii lh- i i.tii-ti i r-l hi I i V