X L d 111! niiimmsiimmimininiiuimit j .1 C 3 I criniY CLD- -..) Iiabob. Bsro Oo. Ane. , Auf. . .. t am 49 mri old and km b-n tattering with Change of Life I bad flooding epella ao bad that none thought I could live. - My husband got me . Wine of Cardtil and It eav-d my life. I tun like another penoasine taking it... - ,-: MRS. B B TOWNBK.NU. H is tht devout wish of nearly airpeople to Hv to ripe old age. None of us want to die young. .This universal desire an be realized if care be taken of theJhealth in early and middle life. A little precaution then : -will add many years to our existence.- Death can be kept away t long , - time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot oi the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Carduiwill ' take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and" womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as Bttle-discomfort as possible..-: At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in..,' her pathway between -40 and 50., Then will come many years of truly,-, blissful existence. 1 She will grow old slowly and gracefully. vTo the last,; ? she will preserve that charm and beauty which-tre always characteristic . UIIM' M1ISMI KFAITBUT. For ad Ice hi reqnlrln pedal directions, addreaa, giving Miiiplonia, U.IIm' IdfiMry U-p't, TIm CHATTAMMUA aaulclKICO., Chattanooga, Tenn. LARCK BOTTLES OF WINE O t CARDUI SOLD FOR $I.OO BY DRUGGISTS. . ' For the CHristrn , .' .,' . ':.- ' -- n.- t; 'Holiday s;.;' :;. t, ( SOUTHERN RAILW-AlY r - V,AndonceB 5;ale - GEEATLY; REBUGID RATES .iJRQMr'jQ": "5 " TlcieU nn sale l'cf mber JJ2,' 3),-3l, 3 o'JD ani January I, 1900 ; 4 For full Information call on any dress It. I, - VI RNON Trav. Pass v Traffic Jlanager-- " . wASHiafoN, Pic-llic ; For ; Bargain .Hunters ! v - IS 25 PER CENT IVelnnlnii Tomorrow and ending after our from 20 to 25 per cent, in price, but as I bave concluded to dUmintinue binrtling stiove line of goods, 1 will seH ihcm at the above quoted discount in order lo clone thorn out bolweeu uow and Christmas. .- Our stock consists ol a full line of . , - Domestics, , vA large Tariety of Dry Ooodv---.,Trlmmlnge, ...,lHes pnderef C'lrsett and" a oomp'ete line of Ladles, sad Misses , Shoes; also Capes, ,: '.' , . i - Jacketo, Drew and U.dUr. Don' fall to eall Oft.-r.-..-J'.1 J; ROSEnBAUf.liSf.liddlo Street, Just Received a new and pretty lino otl ' 3' SultS. aeeS 3 tO Ladie3 especially set these Bargains. Vi MIDDLE BfREEIi . " WcUlt l lid do you Vzntl v, nut ep'vb' ily lo Vnow e nie ..til l!i brat I hsinli-as Dloyole i a-nl lii-jt Admirals for V 0D. '. i rli'l to bive you con.e In - our atock - - im v lr-c'a for old oi-. : en I. n.il a laro qiiantliy of !!!,!, f-.mi 1 60 to 'l f.0. , ! i i -l lllll I I'i'H'g tO K ' l V.Z m:':!'.NV ) pl- - r. ana JreiT - 4 ap r e sUtfltt'H ubbII you CSU HLWmt n f i ; r a, m - t - . . .,,!,( . v t - r - - - CO.) LanaHi r, uuto. .... .KIT I 3h C '. U i fX:. oi perieciiy neanny ifranumomera. . ''it n for women alone to decide ; Whether they-will: be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick- ,7 -ness ts close at hand. ' 4 S 1! P and H ew -Yc ar ' :"'"VV rv IT-j of TickeU ,t "J x.h'j 23, 24 and 25. Deemuer Reinm Limit' Jannaiy 4,'190ll. agent Souinertf Hallway, orai Ant.,', Charlolte, H.Ci - 5;;CeDvPass-Jge -- " Prc:"--, OUR : ;,. ISCOUKT . entire Stock of Dry Gooda nd Ladles .UNDER HOTEL ALBERT.. 7. ' . . . invited to 'call and in . - " , soi r KEW BERN. K C We Are Now Showing an Unisuiilly ' 1 - " ' Full Line of '- Cr s- " f f" '' ifr-f ui .jib, iiuvs, r " ; nil linn? Oil (,'ar I.,. ;ci:ii.ii- 18 , X 1 I, , h 1 K-e ) - J ! i: y a lit;:; v. .- : r to be ; f :.t l.:::id. Tl.:; ! :.s ), d to nnny Itnuirun imxtukvti 0.1 tii t-ii-t f tour hits, ami even oa the part of those hav ing a knowledge of the peculiarity of the loiiiilry Tlia Mexican Central railroad bus a taugi'ut (suction of truck In which there la no curve) that is said to be the longest In the world. It la over oO miles In length, and a locomotive head light can be Beeu, of course, for a very lous distance. . - One evening a train rounded the curve npiiioaching this tangent, and as It entered on the straight track Its brakes suddenly began to grind. It soon came to a standstill, and the con. ductor, fearing that an accident had befallen the engine, hurried forward, and was shown by the engineer a light that was twinkling and dancing on the Hack directly nbead. A headlight, sure," the .engineer said. . "Must be an extra ana the ais- patchers have overlooked-lt, for orders do not mention It" ,"Uuess you are right," the conductor replied, "but I never knew the dl patchers to be so careless before. Any where but on this tangent there would have been collision and somebody killed, " We'd better move ahead slowly to the next Side track. JVe can't tell Just how near that train may be, and we will wait for It to pass ns there." They reached the aide track lu safety. anaY drawing In eu 4t. awaited the coming of . the other train..; unit no hour passed, and- the --engineer Tas faming., wondering hew. much longer he was to be delayed when the . con ductor called him to step out to the maid line, ' J v - "What do yon ithlnk of that head light now? be asked, -when Jtbe euglr necr had Joined blin. - -"Seems to have got clear, op and off the road.V .$ A. The engineer gated at the twinkling light, then, "Venus, by 'Jupiter?'-be claimed. '"Billy.; we've side tracked to let'n atar-jto-j", W my name's not Smith !"-youth,s Companion.-: r CLQTHES AND THEMAN: . - 1 - . 1 v The DlnTerenoe Bains Well DreeaeJ Ilad le Cabinet OOlelal. , - ''Yea, the clothes a man wears make a great deal of difference tn this world, especially . In- official . life." remarked the private secretary .of a cabinet offi cial., who hi compelled to see many pPiewana Sanr at bay. - ' v ? more people "I , was especially - struck with the Importance of clothing some time ago," continued tbe official, "when the as sistant .secretary - was - absent and. ! It was my duty to stave all toe callers 6ff the secretary. 1 do -that often, but when the assistant secretaries are hers they help a great deal. ' "Well. I noticed on the occasion 1 referred to that I nadUao trouble in keeping people away when I wore my ITluce Allien ana looaea nae ine real thing. When I told them that the sec retary waa too busy to see callers, they thought I owned the whole place and walked away without remonstrance or W1U1UU1 aayiug iu.i lueir uuaiucea was very Important and they Were sure they would be seen if I would just take their names' to the secretary. When I wore an average looking business suit, which might look Just little bit shabby,' tbe callers didn't pay much attention tq what I said. It was more difficult than you can imagine to get them to go away. They would find all kinds of excuses io remain and to get me to present their name to the secretary. -The difference was so ap preciable as to be noticed by others In tbe room. I found that it paid me to go well dressed on all occasions and that I wasTnuch more useful to my ex ecu- tlve head."-Washington Btar. . - Calneel War a. .-. ' " Coined words! -1 have made a littl study of them myself.., always with disappointing results. . I always-TUn across them, after discovering them, somewhere about 100 years before the birth of tbe Inventor. I once coined a name, away back- In 1870. for one of my so called humorous characters Bllderback. . 1 put the BUdcrback fain Uy In Jocus print for several years. One night, about 1887. 1 lectured In Sa lem, N. J- and told one of my BIKlor- back stories. Tbe audience was cou vulsed with more mirth than the story called for. After the lecture I was In troduced to about a doses Bllderbacks, tauquan Blnlna anal Tkaraaa. The sennte has always been con trolled by lawyers, who are the arluto- cratlc class In the United Btatos, and Dlalne was at a disadvantage because he did not belong to the profcsHlon. The law Innls were disposed to dis nnraee nnj flout lilm. but be wns dl- resncclful to Hie verse of Irreverence-. "Does the senator from Maine thin I aiu sn Idiot?" roared Tbiirtnan, I reply, to nn luterrosnlory I',;iliio pi to him one dny lu tbe Pacific rallioa debute. "Well." bellowed lilalne. "t lint il penils entirely on tbe nuswer you n-i - to my questioor-Knturdiiy Kvenli Post. Apcnrfli-r, Tbo ld'-a Unit a ml trntb (l"-iniind ri'-'-ur.-o v In f. I l.mi ; - 1.1 ill it- of t: t".i If you t.. 4 I .1 u,i.J sc6 at 1 1' uii a, 1 e 1 1 lsi fie,!-' 'Oi l"V V'lii tiilillvS I. -j -hi lo,.e Ira's 1 Lv. I;riend fs the greatest and grandest remedy In the wor'i for expect- j a n t mutlicrs."-t-Wrlttcn by a Ken-, tucky Attorncy-at Law, Fi . r prevents nine-tenths of the I '1 i i 1 suffering: incident to chtld 4"J birth, ihecomlnj mother's disposition and temper remain unruifled throug-hout the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating JliJlment relieves Uj nsimi distress. A eood-natured mother is pretty sure to have a good-natured child, The catlent is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also Inherits.. Mother's Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II assists in her raoid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. - , . ' L '' Sold by druggists lor ft a bottle, THE BRADF1ELD REQULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. ' v Send tor oof free" ill mtrated book rttte xpreealv forexpeetant moinerBvrv -v F, M. Simmons, -3. II. Pou, - A. B. Ward ) IS. W. P. - SlMnONS, POU WARD, ATTOBNETS aad COUNSELORS . . .- HEW BfcltSB, M. C Oifloo 68 80. Front Street, nearly oppo- 11 . i.i r- l- . , . u v ,... ; i (Offlooa also at Baleieh and Smithfleld.) Fraotlce in tlie oonntiea 01 uraven, uupiin, Jonea, Onalow, Oartcret - Pamlico, Wake, Johnaton. Harnett and Wilson i in uie su preme and Federal OourU, and wheravet servii-ee areuaiivu. r vp.HePelletler,:- ' ATT0BNET AT LAW. Middle Street Lawyer i Brick '. - Building. -.V - Will practice In the Counties ol Craven" Carteret, Jonea, Onalow ana i'amllco. u, a) uourtatew nerne anu wiumuia vaiui-a v- bastata ROMUtlJS A, NUNN, " VZtf BEBJTB, -I.-0. - p ' Officer Opp. Hotel Cbattawka. 11 Uoulh Front Street. - ' . Practice In North Carolina FINANCIAL. T. A. Inn, Pres. K. B. nTeadowa, T. rna, - B. M. flravaa, Caaaler. , jr UAfii It , Dolng Qeneral Banking: Business, . I 1 1 October 1st, 1809, Burplus and Undivi ded Profits, tl9,fJ0O,0O.y Promnt and careful attention e-tveu to all business entrusted to us. Account received on favorable tei mat- Hoard Director. rerdlnasd Clrtoh K. U. Meadow, . Meadowa. . Cha. Dnflv. Jr. Samuel W, I pock. - Jamea Redmonil, - Mayer Harm, Tnomaaa.. tren (jaaa. u . I owier, , J. W, Uralniter, E. w. small wuoa. O.x.rov. lao. H.ives, w. r. uroeaatr. Mtk Disosnsy. f. & u mm, MAT 1st, 1898. - Capital Stock.. ... ... . ; ... $ 76,000.00 Surpl a.-n. . ... ... 4,000,00 iJndlTided Profits,...;... .2,000.00 - . , .OFFICERS. " U H. CtrTLrt President. . v - W. B. Chadwici, Vice Pres. '. T, W. LkweV, CsBluer, " V J. W. liiDoi.s, 1 eller. - C. T. Chidwicx. LoUeotor, '. . DIltECT0R8: ' - -- Wm, B. Blades, . M. M. Marks, C. D. Bradham, - ' P. H. Pelletier, L. U. Cutler, ' Jno. Kntcr, . W, 8. Cbadwick, J. W. btewart, T. W.IDewey. - We want your buaineis and feel that we can olTer you as much in return as anv other bunk in the citv. It is our endeavor to make buaincB relatione mut- uailv ploHH&nt and proutabie to our patron. - Hello Central, - Give nU9r eaoorti at v :n'.i . i. n S'I. rr tl.ey kc-p I'ry Viwl, lawed any b-neili )im v-mit, eml will deliver it l your door. Full n-'n-m Kimrauleed. . r .1. V. M-'oie v. I I " ni h u tf.ll f .4 lO H ' ,. ' ' 1 I I i 1 , , , - : , i ? (.,1 r I inn I lor"- r t!-o ! ' (-, on .mill Front sliest l-v I lie tn-i-vfi and I I. (,;,.- III. J. T. h. -I A; .1 t.ism !;, And Allmitlc CoaH l.li-e liailrnfii Co. of outh 1. uio TKALN3 GOUNU SoL'Tll. DATED .35, Sov-i'J !IS ' - I c 1 A M Wt-hloi,!!! Bo t M 'P.M. rt flui..,.,. 'A.M P.M. Ar. It. Mt..iU fA U 0 Lr. Ti bor lia 31 6 (Xi Lv. B. Ml 1 (M 0 hi 0 8' 5 4U! IS .12 40 Lv. Wilson t 68 3 55 10 ai 7 -iJ- SH Lv. Selma. M -10 Lv Fny'villi 4 ao 7 i Ar. Florence B S4 P. M i in Ar." Golds. Lv. Ooldo. 7 8"i J 01 S SI 8 09 4 V g ) 0 no A M. P. . Lv. Mag'ltal ArWilm'ton P.M TliAJNB GOING NOUTH, A O al A!b. if5 1 AM Lt. Florence Lv.Fay'ville 40 7 u 481 4H o Lv. Selma.. Ar, Wilson. 1 Wi 10 Ml 11 81 A.M P.M A.M. LvWIlm'ton SO! 8" SO 8 40 Lv.- Uag'lhtl 11 18 L. Uolds 5 001 8 SI 18 80 P.M A.M P.M P.M Lv.' Wilson 8 85! 5 4ST11 83! 10 801 1 16 Ar. R. Mt 8 18 Ov 11 11 1 Ar. Tarboro Lv. Tarboro 104 13 SI Lv. R. Mt 8 801 4 82 IS 0! 1 00 Ar. Wlilnnl P.M A.M wmlnelon ,nd WeJdon K.ilro.di ill(lolio aud y,,!,, Division Main Lb Tiam leave VVilmmgton li 00 a m, ar rives Favt-tleville 12 25 D m. leaves . Fay- ettoviile 13 MS p m, arrives Baoford 4 p m. iieturowg leave Sauford 8 80 p m, arrive FayettevUir 8 41 p m,y leave Fay etteville 2 50 pm, arrives Wilaingt-.u 4 40 pV '; .ir ' - " W ilmingtoo ana w eiuon murosu, Bennettsvllle Branch - Trains leave Bennettsvllle 816 am, Maiton 9 20 a m, Ked Springs 2 63 a m, Hope Mills 1042 a m, arrive Faytttevllle 10 50. Keturn. ne leaves ayetuviue to p m, uope Hllla 4fUt nm. Red Surlnors 8 US s m. Hazton 9 15 p m, arrives Bennrttsvllla t!5 -ji'j"t;jiip.-"'-v-en ', , i Connections at Fayetteville wnnarain No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Uprings with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, atSanford with the tieaboud Air Line and Houthern Uailway, atuult wiin tne Durham and Charlotte oallroad. - Train on the Scotland Keckr Urancn Boad leaves Weldon 8 IS p m, Halifax t J5 p ra. arrives Scotland Neck at 8 08 p m, Qreenville 4 67 p m, Kloston 1 84 p nu Returning lea Tea Kinston 7 50 a m Greenville 8 S3 a ro, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon, 11 88 a m; dally e- oept Sunday, 1! rains on' WahinKton Brarch leave WaeWainoa 8 10 a m and 2 80 n to, ar- rive Parmele 410 a m, and 4 oo p m, n- BUi UtaJg aJ vaj a miuwv w w ea m v w m m arrive Washington 11 00 a m aad .7 20 p m, dally except Sunday. , . - - r Train leave Tarboro, M O, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m.rjunday, 416 p m, ar- rives PIv mouth 1 40 D tn. 8 10 r m. Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily exoept Sunday, 7 ou a m, ana Munaay v w a m, arrives Tarboro 10 06 a m, 11 00 a n. -- Train on Midland; N 0 Branca leave Ooldsboro dally, exoept Sunday, 7 09 a, m, arriving Hmiinncid xu a ra, iteturn mg leaves Hmlthaeld 9 00 am; arrive t Ooldsboro lOaOamr' i . - , - ' Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 -a m, 4 08 p m, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 88 pm. Returning leave aw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 16 p ni, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 8 50 p m. Train No 78 make clone connection at Weldon for all points North dally all rail via lUrlimoml. ' H M RMlilCiON, Genl Pass Agent J R EKNLY, (ten'l Manafrer. " T M MltHON, Traffic Manager..'.- P. TRENWITH. :';.''l7I;tclrIit.-:;S5hs Manufacturer of Bugs.!, JWagoai, Cr(, Drey, Jkc. Repairing dou on Quick Nodoe- t "Ship work a Specialty. South Front Btrref,' near the railroad. Alway oa Hand Huggiea, Wagon, Cine, Drays, etc., for ale. - At IU Jollrn Hi I I.- ' ,I .-Iry -i n, ; a to tlif ....I l.s t. r 1 spring nope uwi m, oo p m, nu-1 -Llaliy Exoept Biaday. Ule 11 82 a m,; arrive at Rocky Mount . -'.WV -3 Tm'n nn Plinfnfi HMnnh Ih,M War. I V - --' trT-- - . I lH 1AM I N' . Jtl in Ink. FP.. I riMli.n t'f ISiJ 1 ll - iun.gKul SCHKI.l'LK: I liolbi nv No. 8 .v. p o U 40.... 4 08... 4 3?..., 5 4".... S 00... 7 IV., Pnif r Trslw Ha. 4 , ItTATluNS: SoMiixiro'; LaGraug. ' ' KlSKtOB . .. Ar. k. ... UCI I ... 10 4 . Ar. Sw Hntue, Lv,.. , . I 1 .,!.. '" Ar 8i7 Ar. Homhed cily lit;-:.; . .7 Ux'd h TaTiONS; . 1 Ii'l t'taml .PassTu Lv, a. a. At. r. a. 710..;.. 8 08 9 14 Si..... rmoldabor. . .', .llvst'i falling (Jreak.i . VI. Ilnatoa. ...... . ,-OmwsB.. , . til u- I- 10 15 10 40 v.. ....... Dov,.....V-11 40 . Core Creek... i....lv 11 U.ii,.,..,r.Tucarom.,.fU. U8l..,.,.,..:..CUuk....i,. , 1803 ,...;";...K Baraa..i lo 18 1 ; r. m. . - - ' a.a. I Moaday. Wednd.y. Frly, 7,Z Tuesday, Thnrsdaj aaturday, Ko. I. t tfx'd Ft. and Pasa.T.- U't Ft. asj rau. Tav a ss : - t- i j i r. p at i io..-.; -":,43oidsUk..';,' i i 148..;.; Best's t,r, 7 80flr: ,.v..LaGrange.,,..,, 708 8 24.-.W,v.Fallli creaa.;. 4 B 9 14. ....."....liastoa. , 418 8 98.. oawell..J,.X,.l 414 4 40.:.. ....Ar. Dover, Lt.,v.... 404 10 w..-. ,.lt..m- at.v..::l so 10 40... . 4. .,..Oo re oree v T. ..r 4 04 11 18. . . . ... Tasearora. . 4 88 11 8U. . .'..oiark'a 4 40 12 08 .i..Ar. NewBerat, Lv..,.. 4 J80.v,...Lr." --Af.-" M4J - I lff.7t.......Rlverdale.c...:....10 lb 4 20.,,, t .ikAcroataa ...;.. . M. 14 00 9 48 Uavelock ,;.TT.r- 4 44 3 12.. i NsVport. Lt. ....(, 4 04 S8.:,'...-M.WUdwoed... 4 47 iBl ...AtlaaUe... ...481 44. Ar.afor.haad olty,l,v,.T 480 "A 01.... A, M. oiijr Oep)t,IiV.v.:, 7 44 at, t ; , . ' av. Mondajr, WsdneMlay aad Krldayv tTueeday, Tkarsday and Batarday. 8upristaadmt Atlantle Coiwt I.lme. WlLMIKOTOK k NBW BlBHl R. R. 'i 3 TIH4 TABLaCO, 6, inEtfect Wednesday, Aug. 7,.188Dally .- ,"-4-..- -Ixcept tJunday; Going South ecnancuii IGolag North - Nn'M 1 PuuinrTniu Mil tS ' Lr. m m; , VtTXTIOSs; ;a. p Jt, 4 00 :,".: Kew Berne .iS..,. . 4 40 9 84., ,,PolIookvlU4Vi; 404 9 41 .....Mum.li i 10 02. . . JackonUl)v 1$ $2'm IS IS r..Ar. .WllaJsgton; Lt. ..r 444 No, 4, PAssaNsna 4: :Fatiicr ? No. 4 Leave Wilmlagtoa Maniay. Wedae. day and Friday. Leave New Ben Tm- 4ay, Thursday aad SflmmJXM. i an - T -w,iiAa : t'xa s 4o!!'!.'.(..:.Beott's Hiu!;.i.:.,i.i4o8 9 80...i . .... Woodslde....y; -,..1918 to 05... M.t,.Houyidf)..y?.M 4 lioo. i......Jackonvllla... .... 9tS 12 80,;.U,...NortlM(n,i;u88 it oo-i..,...,. wnueca ... w 2 89-.. DebruM'. w Ui.... 4 88 8 40. . ; ... . Ar. Nw Ivnia, Lt, . .-. 4 44 KENLT,-;1-' feaeral Maaarv. Rrinfifc'v .- - . .i.- . CJl''rfMi)rtf'fT:.r : Lodge, Pirector. ; VICTORT COCNC1L KO. It, iUNIOIt O U A M: Meet vrr Brat, asd third Wednesday algkt In Roqatree Ball J a G Deleiar O ; O O Gerdaer, T 0 A B lilbbard, Tress i U T Dart ling, n . CALUMET FNCAMPMINT, NO. 4; L O. U. F. . 0rr: 1, U Meefly, u r: 3 G Delamar. II P; J J Batter, 4 WJ O H Hall. J W: Geo. Graa. bribes 1 Gerock, Treaanrar. Befalar Fseairp- msat, 1st, Rrd, aad S (If any) '1 unreday Ight In eacb sioatk at l-.t o'clock. NBW BERN' LODfil? tfe: 1, F U It C ' J O Scale. Preat; t 11 fj""ltk, Krd! Bec'v: xl K Onldlsy, Mnaacial l! y. Meet la the In'r-Sl of liarwnsy Hall every let aad Si Moaday atckt (a each month. . EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. F. OHIcerrT.H. Inltoa, N.fl; W. T. EM. V. U : C"). r'wi, I."'il'f f 'VT .It. Parker: J r, 1 1 -t ,eittg very Loaday a'fht at i, i o clock. A II. 1 1. I 1 1 1 r 1 ...J. 1 .- z i; . Several C&f Loads :Hofses. and Mutes just arrived :yS;fr r4 s : 1 1, - . m HH. 4 WUHVIbl aa ''... j w 1 .31 Fine Draught Horses.Fine Large MuleX ;nFhe Medium l-ff-?f1-,-J-..J'.'-..';, J.. Larae assortment namess7 Kbhes.- whins xo select rrom. rarm Yf r.Y' - t 'IV IT. If .v W MgOIiaDlZ J. Vf. STEWART. A r A THANICSGIVING INVITATION -' We extend to everyone In -New Bern that wonld choose f toaiethiag above th average In tootksome delicacies for their lhaakigiving - table, aad that . -would like to be as bountiful ae pOMlbl at'a low eot. Our choice ' stock Fancy Grorerlss in Canned Ox Tongue and AtuioreV Hlch " Plum Paddibgs, Imported Ct-eese, tkolce Beliahct, Heii)' Pickle, ' aad CbiU . iauc will give yon ' asinetklog royal for the family feast, -"r- - W bsT today a large ihlpmer-t of Fruiti Oiaigor, Apples, Bananas--; and Malaga Grape. -., V F-a-r Dellctons Celery and Cranbsrrirs. '" 'In fact we bate every thing ef the CAROLWAI DISPATCH fiM, AND- Fr All polate Sorth. I 'jad..' 1 iXHe steamer iNHiuois and FtldaDi at 0 t). m. sharp, max iDa landing at Oriental,- Ooraeokp tnd genok. island. t than en hour Drevion to aflinir, For fnrtber information apply to GEO.' HENDERSON Agt. U. K Kixo, Oen.: llgt. 5 n.0.HcDiM,Gen.rrt.4 PnH.Ai' .-.-..i .Norfolk, Va,---.,-, New Brn. N. P., May 80tb,18M YOUR PRINTED STAIIONERYm ff. Il an In3ex to your Basin'e. T5. Tben why not ose the Mit. We do the loe,; Cleaa!, Neatest Job Work of all slnds.' .. . .- ' ' , We give the Beat Work, the Beat Pa per block, the Beat Iak, and charge yon ao more for It lhaa you pay for tbe other kind. ' , . , -J ' QUR pRINTINO pLEA3E5. 17 T. in & Co., (1 South Front Street, New Bern. N. 0 f - 1 1 Arrive! S If; i il'.i cUiia t'. -, I - Pi'-'- luw " j m: ii, twine, etc I tmy ti e contract qmni ; '. r-lf '.t 1 r a- !i,MUier. , a - -r -I Ti: i'fiHii'if'iSi. 1Mb til II t AJI ktfM '- Size! - .. '.2 ,1 W , .- actons, eta for oaie 71.' -;:; rapet. A --:- very be', Give us a call. aa I r 7 V 4) rf- " P.W n a il!. VMini - e and-Fir& Irms v Bash, Door and Blind, Paiata, , - , Oils, Cement,' Lime, Etc 1 Agent for Garland Storeik Eangei r"J and Deroe'ij toi BenJ Mooreif -' t EIADT M1IID PAINTS. W vn-"- Under Hotel ChatUrVka 'w WJGTV BEIWr, IT. C. f Ii 7 W offer to Wholesale Boyers S ., t00 ken Steel Cnl Nail. 10,004 Load. ed Shell,-10.000 Club Shells, Wads, - Primers, Caps Powder. Shot. Single and Double Breech Loading Grins. - - ' Tinware,' Olassware.'Ciockery. Wood. -, nware, etc., at price to suit, - We else eall tbe attention of the hunt r to onr line HrinUr's Coats, - Teu,-- Capa. Belts, Uun Cases. Ouooltne lor keeping your gnu nice and cleaa. . . . , ; Bmokeles Shells, Loading Tools, etc, Our Prices are interesting. . AND TO HOUSEKEEPERS, who wlah to beautify and adorn the home for Holidays. Gold Enamel, Silver Knamel, Aluminum Enamel, and Paints In small cans, all. colore, Electro billcon for oleanlng Silverware, Puta Pomade, Bur niablne, eto. We also carry a nice line of unfnl Bonsehold Bpeolalrlse snch a Ideal Cake Tamers, Carpet Btretohers. Coat and Bat Hooks, Measuring Tapes, Carpet and Mattlnr Tack, Manftlo Tack Hammers, Wire Koaater and Broilers, Meat Baws, Meat lvnif ana Saw com. blned, Meal CutU-rs ud Hniff-r. rtd Japanete Ctuu,l liaja a.u Brusbee. ,. . " Toer Patron! 4olllted, 1. C. l!.iit IJ"' ! S a-a to m, . We now furalnh you f Uiro V, ready out and delivered to yor-r i! Always under large s!t (.!, r 5 a wnt In raTny weather, f'i-e I' k and Lalliaa, Ufa to Let "A lu- ! a k Of No. 1 I" I ' t ! ' a J.it Snivel ,r a . I Lime. - t" fr ' " a -

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