;l. xvu--:::). ISTABLISKED 1882 i c::.i C, TUESDAY LICIINISa, EECEilBIIL 23, 1809. r i I 1 l. A 2-BSETINa ! "We thank our many patrons, for . their trade during the pat year and hope for a continuance of the same. We wish lor everybody ' a happy and prosperous New Year. : T "We guarantee to please, and if we don't your money is reiunded. s 1 is- E.KHACKBURN. V v; v ) K1 V V V7 V7 V? VV vv VV VV $ V VV VV VV vv VV VV VV VV i)1 fj lull J. hi -ail I GJ L. i U ii nil ilirj tVn!nrniBij ppfnnnnifuin till Ltl iLiiuaU ItuuiiUlUUU Sentiment Favorable To Eoldinr Convention In Western City. cAt-GasMl&mchell's General Hardwares Fanta CI ius i (omlng, Giv.Jiim a warm welcome. ' Yon oiii't .. l-avo a 4 lirislmM hi art in a eliilly body. No - nee to'poko the 6r if the slovo la a rack ely wreck. We'll wll you a new one for about .ih cut of Win'er repairs on the out. tiomeanu m-ipy-cn-wii .. "- iim warmth at i'Ppac anii Goo.l ill'" GT I'rlcfa.' lf ydu r.ccda i nveitaietalMly an approprh-ta thins; to put a CUriatmnaV aid on; It doesn't maker any diffotnnre; whether you buy it for your wife or Hr"': T '-.' r vrrsn. It's common at"ie..WbaitIin' V: SUftBUUST i ' 1 " ' .' :"' ''' ' a.f.'' I Irtmictn rm from all point ot tww&.wa navea nnif (riiNsviMYJ 'v- : llim nf riirim inns Goods.' Lami a in ; : ;TTT' 3 ,s3""f t nl.nn.Unna. CWm. II. lloiera Got a-'B?-"Af'f'" S'' u-.-i..... v...ir.. .n Kv.ni-t Nl.kl fU aml No. 1 8 a icard 8il'-r ! at '. ll.e verv llilnir for a Clirintinaa prownt at:; skf"'," GAS KILL & MITCHELLS, ........... -r-V'.-C;. r.'!". 1 D V C tI EC J. i 1 HARDWARE: 73 MIDDLE STREET TUoue 147 GROCERIES; 6L BltOAD STRliET, u! hill yiffliiiPRESiisiii Allow tis to tiiggeat it few auiUblo presents for. gentlemen, 3 What is more "acceptable thaij one of uT 'iiew sud nobby Ciaval at COo? Oar neckwear Las just arrived and i strictly up-toHlatc. .If a : little nioro expe'usive present is wauted, buy" a pair ,o( 3 our Kul Clloes at $1.00 or eveti batter and buy a' f 1 50 pair Si the handsomest which birre over been seen in the fyf?:''::.?-,'- Wo hart nuraerous articles which o could enumerate "such 3! as Linen Ilandkerchiefn, Silk llandercliiefsj Jimpeudurs, ' Half 2 IIosc in all the new color. . ".; ?, r'.J y- l , ' y'Z V White Shirts, Collars aud ( off in the latest shapes. ;,;; f:, . 3 Nothiug takes the place of an' Umbrella a a desirable: gift 51 and we have a large variety just in," at prices from COc W 00. Tall and examine onr stock aud Von will Cud everything bran new and np-to date. Yours Truly, - ' ;. , ': 3 T. ' Or. . IDTrifcTIfcT ' Z CO. , U 87 POLLOCK 8TKEKT. MEW HERN, N. Cf. .'r.iiiliiliiLilllUJililUlUlUlliiUilllllilliUiW'lUHil'IiUliii'.K Queen Issues Warning to British Subjects. . - , r ' . .mta- British Gralsers to Patrol the At lantic. TEnropea Ofliees at Pro ' Wla.. Uea. Hethaea Qolds Firm. Boers Now at J Coleaso, Special to Joarnal.. ' , " Bekuet, Dec 87 H is stated that a secret Anglo-German Portuguese treaty divides the -Portuguese colonies ., This cession was expected after the judgment of the Swiss arbitrators. - Ot rainy is to piy twenty five million mark for the island of Timor In the Malay Archipelago, Qoa on the Malabar caaat once the capital of the Portuguese possessions In India, Pamaa a Porta jruese seaport town In Hindustan, and Macao a Portuguese seaport in China 40 miles dlstaut from Bong Kong. In ad ition ' to. this Germany- is to get all Portuguese possessions in Afriea north of the Zambesi liver except a three mile strip of land to be reserved-, for Cecil Rhodes' railway. ' ' Borland is to crot Delagoa Bay and other Portuguese African possessions, Lottto.t, December 27iThere is strouir Impression growing here luai Ennland should bring pressure te bear uoen Pertueal to secure from , bat tbo possession of Delagoa Bay, on tho easl coast of Africa, ' , Of course, the official heltalloQ in re gard to such a movement Is the thought that it would give the .Continental row ers the excuse or ODDortunlty some of them are believed to have : been seeking to interfere in behalf of the Boers. The public does not agree - with lliis view. The people believe that if anj one of the powers really intended to Inter fere it would have done so already1.-; , Vienna dispatches hint that arrange ments are proceeding for such a pur chase, lmt it is doubtful If Lord Salisbury would venture such a s'ep LohdoK, December 27.-;A meeting of tke Pilvy Council was held, today at Windsor Castle at which the Q teen pro claimed a warning to all British suhjocts not to assist the inhabitants Of the Booth A ft lean Jtepubllo or the Orange Free State or '- to transport merchandise thereto) under penalty of the law, This order of the Council came at rather a shock to the British public, si though stories Of rebellion In Cape Col ony have' been widely printed.-, This order is the first real official recognition by the crown that sedition exits and Is supposed to' emphasize the spread treason in South African colonies. : Ualivax. N. S. December 87, Speo- ial orders have been sent to, the Admiral of the British North American and West Indian stations for the dispatch of two fleet cruisers for service on the North and Sooth Atlantic. coasts. It Is thought that the cruisers will look after craft Bailing from American ports suspect of carrying arms and men for asslatuuce of I lie Boers. ; - . Londok, Dec i(l.The Daily 'ews liss received the : following - dl-patch from South Africa: ' " 7 . :' . ' v-. Car a Town, Deo. 80, It is learned from Afrikander Bund sources IiHkeito singularly well informed 1 that ' 8,000 European odlceri . and men ' skilled In modern military tactics, particularly la artillery, are la Pietorta ai a reterve. , General : Ftireslier-Walker ' ; reports from Cape Town, uudor date of Decem ber 23, that General Mulbuen waa.tben well Intrenched at Modder rlvor, aud that the Boers had not attacked hi in again, slethuen's naval guns are asld to command the Boer position; ' One hundred and fifty British police havo occupied Dordrecht, a Cape Colony tiwn, abeut 83 miles east of Slerks troom, General Gstacre's bealquarteis The Uoera at Colenso, not content with walling to meet another advance br Con. BIr Kedvors llullcr's army, aie moving southward toward his camp CheVcley, six miles from Colcns.). Tlicy have coimtrui.teil a leinporary brldu'a over tlie Tn -'-Is l Colnim to re place tlio one which Ilrlil.-li IjihlileslM'IU wnx Mn, and now fa e for any move ment, liners lmve Ikm ii linn.; uimn ien ontl llullcr's paliols belli and west of ( beveley. Democratic Chairman Danforth of New York Says So After South ern Trip. The Silver Issue. Morgan On Expansion. - Bryan's Yiews. Special to Journal. NW Touk, December 27 Elliott Dan forth, chairman of the New York State Democratic Committee has Just returned from a trip through the south. During his journey be talked with Chairman J. K. Jones of the National Democratic Committee- and with - most southern Democratic Stale Committeemen. - r He stated the result of ; bis observa tions is that the sentiment ts generally for 'holding the Democratic National Convention in some western city ether then Chlcsgo. and that it now looks as Milwaukee or Kansas City would secure the honor of the selection, Mil waukee being the favorite; and that Obis was also the sentiment at headquarters la Washington. ' . ," ' , . Some of the leaders, whom he met in sisted upon making free silver the main Issue of the campaign. lie did not say that he himself had abandoned the six teen to one free silver issue but acknowl edged that the situation had Changed. ' Chairman Danforth snms up his obser vallons as follows, the Democrats want Brvan for their candidate, with-free silver not tlie cry hut with a - different Issue.'' - 5 . i - .t Wasbibotok, Dec. 87 The resolution of Senator Morgan of Alabama is favor able to holding the Philippine Islands permanently, but seeks to commit Con gress i nepuoiicon- iorm qi govern ment for. the Filipino. Mr. Morgan's resolution Is tu line with tlie views of the Administration, and were it desirable to have any declaration made by Con gress at this time there Is Utile doubt his resolution or one similar to it would, be adopted.. ; When , Senator: Morgan .ad dresses tho Seuate immediately after the holiday be will show that he has hearty svmpa'Jiy with the Administration's ex pension policy and that the only abject of the resolution is to assure a Kepuuil can form of government to immediately follow the presebt military admlnistra tion.S, -.- v i . - '. Austin, TBXAS,ec 28 William Jen nlngs Bryan's attention was called to dispatch from Washington stating that he had ' written Congressman Daly, of New Jersey, that he would make several speeches In the East, discussing trusts and Imperialism, and he was asked as to whether the report . indicated any inten tioa ot abandoning the sliver question, He said; - . , , 1 ' Congressman Daly has probably been misquoted. . I expect to msko several speeches In the East, but I expect to dis cuss the money question along with other questions. There are three ques tions now prominently before the peo ple, to wi: The ' money question; the trust question, and the Philippine ques tion. Whenever -I make a political Upeech 1 discuss all three questions. To Private Life. Special to Journal. t The Pinnacle Rock Falls. CcuajtRUSND Gap, Tean , December Washikotsk, December; 27. Sec- SC. The celebrated Pinnacle rock whioh retary . Lyman J. uago aeciarea to- overnung , uumoeriana. gap: and waa s day that ho has no intention of j, lining ' noted matoral spectacle, : fell from its any Naw York Banking trust and says lofty -height today. The town wai tlist he Will retire to private life when- a vakened as If by an earthquake, as tbr he leaves the cabinet. -. vi: 4 nmense mass,, weighing hundreds ol tons, came tumbling down. - The oourse I of the ' rock was ' from the. town, anil 1 no lives have been . reported, although I considerable property was destroyed.- Lew la Dechls, Salem,' Ind,.--sys, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did ine more g, -o,l t nan anytblug t ever look.' It di ge-l what you eat and ran not help hut cn e dv.TicnsIa and stomach troubles- K rt Duffy. ' ' COTTON MARKET. The fallowing quotations were.reoelv- ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. 0. New Touk, Dec. 27. . 1 . Open, High, Lew. Close fan. Button -.. . . 7 i 7.2!i 7.81 7 28 May. cotton.... 7.47 747 7.4J 7.46 - CHICAGO MAItKBTS. ' Whb ATi May ..... Conn: ' May. Corns: March . . o. U'y Prt B. IL T. .. C. &O rteailing . . . Cont. Toll, l'ref. Receipts at cotton parts b:ilu4. Open. High. Low. t'lose . cd, cut out sj .83 38 ' 82t 82 0.00 , Ml 4?t y sssa, r- llzl&s the food more !o..cious and wholesome ListofLetteiws; Remaining In the Fob! Office .at New Bern, Craven county, N. C; Deo. Jiilh 189St V ' t , , ' Z , - . 'HIN'8 U8T8.-,, ) . ' B-O F Bender, W T II Bottom, John Brawn; George Blount, . Coruelius Bryant ' i . . - - ; T 'V CW Clark.- ' ,.-"-' D Lawrence Davis, ; W A Dameron, W T Dougherty. ' - " IP-James Hardlsnn, H H HllL J Geo W Johnson, George -John son. ' f ' ' " iV L-D L Lancsster, W W Lewis. ' P James Patton. v "" ' B Peter Richardson, ' ' 8 F B Saul, Isaac M Shlpp, B P Sim mons, Lonnle Skinner, Harmon Smith. T William Taylor, Claudius Thomas. W Jane Washington, Alfred Ward, Waving Machine House. ' ' " -, ' women's list. B Mamie Biggs, Sarah Blount, Ino A Bogart, Mary J Bryant. ', C Sussn Chstmsn. ; ,r, D-Uarrlett Davis. J' , ' Q-Mary Garrett, Callone Grady. : IJ Sudie Harris, Sophia Hlllr Marlah Hioes - , J Julia Jackson,: Caroline Jones, Msrtha Jones.- , ' J K-Marla'tKeuieily. M- Jennie Mackoy, nan oah. il ayo, Joshey Moore ' ' -" P Annia B Perry, E B Powels, 8 Rebecca-x Saunders, ' Annie Salter, Rittia Sheppard Iola Shlpp (1) Margaret Sutton, Roale Smith. ' ' ' V MaryVass. ' ' -W Aunle Wallace, Han nab Washing, ton, Tena WesW- Bertle , W Uilains, Mag Williams, Csssie vrnilams. ' ( ; Persons calling for the shove letters will please say advertised and give date of Hat. , The regulations now' require that one (1) cent shall bo collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. ' . , . ; a W, Hancock, IV M, 'Grasp all and lose all." ; Many are so I intent on "grasping all": that they loose I their health. Hood's Sarsapsrllla has! helped many a business man on the road I to success by making and . keeping him I healthy. - ; I Hood's Pills are gentle, 'yet effective i 25 cts. . - - ' Trices Cut In Half': .We are. overstocked on Bed Room b ; Am Suits and Friday and Saturday we' are m xt,; Cfrftft. ' 99 to offer them at prices unheard of r ; ,K Wjj-teAl' - ' 1 b in the furniture husin. ' ' "'En - We haveihad ah i w r j. i -:-fe 1 .-'9a it you contemplate Luvma one.anvfd unusually -- successful x ' u ff . .11. n ' ": M ..f l uifu awc oiwi u 'uut uoy yuu iu wj su nuw m - Uoak beason,and wtli m tf,fx-t ihr ch : T" . 5 . w w mi w . vs s w s sf f w A front this time offer all remamind Cloaks and Capes at COST A Racing Yacht . FOB $50.00. t Fall working drawluts and Instructions for building a Racing Catboat that any body ran boild, to cost Complete, $30. -Send postal,' mentioning this pspir for full particulars". ,..'.. i, , A Idrww ,y , . TMG RUDDER PU8 CO., : U Mmwy Street, New York Henry s Pharmacy, ' 127 Middle Street. 810 100 8.10 s;'i : - . chi 20, 49 I S5,P0 "I nm 1inli:!)teil to Cure for my lielili me (if lung tn.u'iie Hi muds owe llieir ---i -u i.f I'.'a ri'- -r ,.1 li ule (', It c Hi.e doesn't In licale (piality. Hewftre of counterfeit nuit worlhU hs Sdive oflur- 1 for lWiu' Witch PcWitl's it I "';- ' ! .'.. i n:i' f-,r ;' . a.i.I a I 1' I''" f. Bidve. .1. An Infill!! ft U (it il'--., i. A Pull Lii of French's Exquisite Ei t.acis, I'eifi.nierT aud Toilet Waters, Roger A Gallet Violet Extract and V: olet and 11. lirlro Soaps. 471V Colngne Octagon, Wick' r and Ling liottlep, knd White Rose Glycerine an I Violet Sj.qis. A'luolla fo ip Permir, Balatmio an Medioal. ; ' - , Cashmere Bonnet, Pears, Pride of the Dairy, Cunciira, Soips, 1 hit wee'e only, Sachet- Packet, 15c, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brunhoa, Sm, Physician's Preserlptiius a Specialty Kuttermllk and Blue YOUR PRINTED STATIONERY Is mi Index in your Diminc. Tben wlT li--t ti e the In :.!, it, reulo -t r. " Foi, Btictvheat Cakes 1 1 V. -J - - ; In fad; there is nothing : better : for i breakfast these cold mornings, especial- ly when made witti Ontario Prepared Buckwheat and buttered- IPoiih Taney lElgin.or Fox Rfoer Butter. K' ' ' . g A fresh supply of all the above 5ji i '.; " - named just receded. J.L mmm. Wholesale A Uetail : Orosjssr,, " 'Phone 01. 71 Bro4 St. large and attractive line to seled from.M DON'T FAIL to TAKE 41'' TAGE of. this OPPORTUNITY as , , D. F. JARVIS. it means DOLLARS in your pockd. y FRAN&: H. JONES & &0., W . sr i 5 i pooK More I 87 MIDDLE STREET. C3 -.V AVhite Ink.; "v LATEST 10." ' nun : . Hiiti Fashionable Stationery to. Match. I ' t . t)i, ,4 fr....i. ' y i T.smI PssrtnlAI TtlvsLm it ftlMssfilMllV.- Ml READ EST AT E AGENCY Houses and Lots For Sale at Lowext 1 Possible Figures. ' Desirable Homes and Tenements that will prove a line Invest. mcnt..;-.V:- ;vt'V;' ':''-'. , Collectlea of Rents a Specialty. - orfi at residence, 17 Johnson atnet, I HE. E. lIARPKlt. Santa Claws Makes No Mistake ! . " When lie chooses for the- Xmas feast from our stock of Fancy and -Staple v Groceries. Our Royal Flour for your XmaS bakinp, pur superior and exquisitely flavored Cuffta and Teas, Our Pn-n Pud ding, Relishes, Cry t mixed Fruits Slid (Jinger, Foreign and Domes tic Cheese, Fox River Prnt Butler nd l mire's Mince Meat will - imvtwi'h the, favor if tlie coo s noisseur. . , -.- - We have In a large shipment Beautiful Kakm isoo. Cilery and fine. . ' , ' TsTE IV: IS 12 UNT GRIST - HILLS. New 71111m, Holilng CIicKf. ' Elevalorsi and . : Corn tiean Of the Latest Improved and Up- to-Date Hill Machinery.' YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED. , Malaga Grapes, Ci lifornia Orar.ges, Fine Apples aad Bananas. ' Nuts, Kaisli s and Figs, in fict iTerj thing Nice and Fresh for Xmas. Ct-GIVE ME A CALLKl M Si ..f tw4fi -it j ts." 9.1't t PSfoS$iM)itti . Vv , 'Vl J-X.'V'V eVi,V vfl&"JJ?J ") A L.:r,r,Y CHRISTi.lAS ! FPl'.ClAli T Air u i.nlii ttti'U pr h Mm) liuiiM, v h l!ikn In ol' i iiuuii'S j)i.iu: a- 1 xe-I r.cd. i ib I a Ilr; iy and lVo?jeroii Ticw V to our na: lriend3 and ci tomcra for Uu very liberal ronao for 1 rnci truclir': i : 'Avo a vc-r l:r " i?