n loon,' ESTABLISHED I!!l,2 V XVII- YirVWYViVtV I n pmp 1 r. Association Chartered Witn Head- -I Quarters In New Bern. MEETING ' "We thank our many' patrons for their trade during the past year and hope lor a continuance otthe same. We wish tor everybody a happy and prosperous New Year. - "We guarantee to please, and if we don't your money is refunded.' -- " - I EtyHACKBURNy 7 cAtGasMl&MMl's General f iinta CI uifv la cominp. Qiv worm welcome- You -cmi ihrlstmas hiart in A chilly , body. No o i rack-: i new one for nnke tlie fire if the alovo cly w.ick. We'll sell yoa new one for bo it tlx- C'l of 'Wtavr n'fu.ra m jlio old. Come Mil help y'(r 'lf In hri-niii- wnnnth il "P;viic nn I Qi o l - tt 111" Prices, If you n ed a rove Its certainly an npprnpriiitH thing to put a -Christmas anl on; ll doesn't male any difference whether, u buy it for your wife or vice vem. It's oouimoti sense proposition from all points of viow, ,We have a full linn of rlins'piin tlrHS.la. v, Lvnps in . .1 .... II . tin. ur. IX. fid.-. Ritumiauce. ; inn. n... ..x..., Kulves. Forks an 1 8? wna, H Nick il Bise -At u,lt f,r a Christmas present at GASKILL & 73 MIDDLE STREET. 'Phoue IIRIW i' Allow na to amnest ittm iuibiWe presents for gentlemen. ;,' 7 What is more acceptublehan . Cravats at 50o? '.Our neckwear has just irriTed and .is Btnctly .up-to-date.;;;;-j'ly' tV.., 'kl' ;i'; '.; -7 V'T y-, 'p.. ;. ' 3 ' , If a Jittlo more expensive present is wanted,Triy pair of our lvTd U loves at $l.yu.or uo even oeicer ana ony u i w pair zs the handsomest whichliave ever been seen in the dty'Jy-Xj3 TVtt'liam nn nwmm arl.ic.lpyi which We could eillimeratd Btich as Liuen IlandkerchiefH, Silk Handkerchiefs, tuspendraUalf i liose in an nie new colors. 4. vvi;fn Shirt rvillui-K mid - . Nothing takes the place of an Umbrella us a desirable gift aud we havo a larce variety iust.in, at priges from 50o to $5 00. Tall and examine our stock and yrrrf will find everything r ; brau new and M to ilate. , Yours Truly, y ,' r; rs ; J. CK - ?2TT2X2X . CO., 3 67 POU)CK 8THEET. V7 m Hardware. f WV ;" ' : T , v .TH ,,! lb. 8 - ' . and No,-1 8 an-'erd Bilu I ! at'. . ' f,r " TLe MITCHELL'S, 147. ' 61 BROAD STUEET, l -PRESEHTS! I one of our new a:id nobby . - f'nlT in the latest shancs. . NEW BERN, N. 0 UIMJU'in zr. General Gatacre Is In . a FihU ; Reported Losses at Ladvsmltli Have Been Considerable. Churchill Says . Kruger Expects to Win. Offers of A.ld from India. . peclal to Journal. ".: London Dee. 29. A dispatch: from Lorenza Marques says that a curious story is current theie which emanated from Boer sources. It Is to the effect that Matt Stevn. brother of President Steyn of the Orange Free State and eight nun dred Free Staters have definitely refused to continue the war, MattBteyn acted as spokesman aid the report says that be told President Steyn that as President ha was only authorized to intervene in the interest of peace and that the Burgbers' did not feel bound by his unwarrantable conduct, especially as they ran a .risk of the : con fiscation of their property and that iltey simply desired to be permitted to faim In peace and that they proposed to 1m mediately return to their farm. ., : The news comes from Ladysmith from General While that sluce the beglnniug of iheseiee the losses have been 70 Killed and Z13 wounded. - ; t " There was firing at Ladysmith at dusk yesterday. It is believed that the garii' son was making a sortie toward Pietor's and had encountered the. Boers. .Some of-Vhe Doer shells from Mount Bulwue were thrown In that direction. C r , Word Is sent from Cape- Town today lat heavr tiring in the direction ol Stgrmberg is -reported supposed to lx i'jm an - engagement . between Uenernl Qittacre and the Boers. - The war otfiw has received dispatch, from Uujiera Gatacre thai he had reopened rotnmuni. cation with the ladine Uolieries and It I' believed that the heavy firing rep irted at Btormberg refers to this mnvemeut. The Boers whs are tbieuteulug Jtn eral Melhuen's pooitlon at Mod.ier rivei opened a hot fire on his Bienlhe ulgbt o December 20, but, It is said, did uo dam age. - . . Dispatches from all parts of Bomb Africa emphasize -the great enthusiasm among the troops and the public over tht appointment of Roberts of Kandahar and Kltchenor of Khartoum. The announce menl . that the former ' Is to - have supreme command and tbe latter' to br chiefof staff has largely, dispelled tbe depression In Cape Colony caused by the recent reverses. The soldiers seem to anticipate everything - from ,"Bobt,' from success in battle to cheaper beer lu camp. An Investigation .shows that the re ported disaffection among the Dutch in the west districts has been overdrawn Tbe farmers aie mostly land owners and will not risk the loss of farms by a rising against the government. 4 j ;; Durbah, Natal, Dec. 28. Mr. Wins ton Churchill, on arriving here, after hie escape from the Boers, received a tre mendous ovation. - - . -1 Ee says that from conversations with members of the Transvaal Executive Council at Pretoria he learned that the BoerB began the war with -trepidation, but that President Kruger It bow conn dent Great Britain will soon sue (oi peace. .,- V- In the highest Transvaal cirjles, Mry Churchill says, there is serious talk of a compromise, by which Great Britain would cede the territory now occupied by the armlet of the two republics, pay an indemnity of 0,000,Ot.O (alwui 10i),000,00tl) and acknowledge tho coin plete independence of tbe Transvaal. London. December 28. In view ol the apparent snpineuens of the BrUlih commanders In preventing Ibo dally strengthening snd extending of tbe Boer positions along the Ttignla and Modilui rivers, which are now considered to b practically lmpre;nahle, m my ex') If are comlne to the concluiiou thai the British have given up the id ;a (if carry ing t';fr.f) pO.llitjnS by ftHMlt. The I'1, iu -h eomuiii will await thn civa'r; their fulr-s Il' - ' lln-y limn! to I o in ri ttl(! I'.i.rl I Ijlltl (i: , it h ! I to H I. ries out tiiii oi that of alvii H!.,e,nfi l. I.. nsnrance Companies Coining Back. New Mawnle Lodge. Tartridge Killing. School Meetlntrs of Imporlauco. A. & M. Opens Jan.- 8d. Raleigh Dec. 21) The State charters the "National ox Hlave Mutual Reserve, Bounty and Pension Association of the United StateB In .North Carolina." Its headquarters is at Newberu, and Elijah Dudley and others are the incorporators Its objects are stated to be to care for ex- slaves and to unite in efforts to secure pensions for them. The commissioner of insurance re marked to cay that the Indications are that nearly all the insurance companies which left the State when the Craig domestication" law was enacted will return. He Bays letters from these com- DanleB show they are "softening" in their views. ' ' A new lodge of Masons was organized here last night under dispensation rom Grand Master Noble. It is named Raleih Lodge, and has 24 charter mom-1 hers, all formerly of W. G. Hill Lodge, Mr. Faison, of the State labor-bureau, it master: :W. T. Hardine. senior- warden,! andH. C. Butler, junior warden. I ' . - . . w ... ... . Lawyers are here to : tee Treasurer I Worth on behalf of ei-Sheriff .. 8turgill,1 of Aahr, who has never paid the taxes dun In 1RUS. The Treasurer has sued him and his bondsmen. He got judgment I iriilnBt Stnrirlll The lawvers lav the -o - - - I latter wfll pay. There it also judgment aoalnat tlm aherllT of MarnetO The slauehter of partridges coolinues. At Wrrr.tnn one man who kills for marknt hmnirht in 240. Birds are shlDDed out of the Siato in all sorts of ways. A krt man an In Ralllnwira TheM are lr.r I. f.I. .1 1..,. .m.ll frnarl I station -2 """'.? -I Raleigh it quite full of teachert, mem-1 bers of ..the - Association of Academies, the Association of Graded School bu perintendenls and of (he executive com mittee of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly The hftecnlh annual session of the City School Superintendents' Associa tion is thj best yet held. The Addresses and discussions are of a high order, The association took supper Wednes day night in the Agricultural and Me chanical College, where addresses were delivered by Dr. Winston, Prof., Noble, Superintendent Uraham and . ttuperln derit Manzum. Tbe association was tbe g. est of President Winston. The full executive committee of the North Caiolina Teachers' Assembly met and reports of the year's work were sub mitted and Were very satisfactory. . Tbe selection of the place of meeting of the next assembly will be mado at the ad jonrne i session Twenty seven academies and high schools were represented at the meeting of the Stale Association. . President Horner's address was an excellent one, A speech was mado by Prof, Sheppe, of Elizabeth City. , There are now 40 iusti thtions In the-associatiun, and 100 mem bers. The Agricultural and Mechanical Cot lege here will reopen January 8rd. Al ready 25 students have passed the en trance examinations at tbe various County seats and about 25more have applied for cxamlnallo:i at thetoilege, of whom, only 15 cau be admitted, as there nro In all only 40 vacancies lu the col lego. The college was full by iba 1st of la it Noveni'jcr, since when new stu dents have not been received. Hut tiii- mlsbals, resignations, wltiidrawals and other causes have created since then 40 vacancies. . Lewis Dennis, Sulem, Intl.. says "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure -did me more gooi than anything I ever look.1' It di rests what you eat auil cau not help but cute dyrnepsla aud stomach troubles F S Dully. " - . rauaccfote Kot -Worried. WaB!iin(I'h;, Dec. " I Lord l'atitu' forte. Ui3 liriii.ih Aml).na-lor, says that he duel not nviud Hie semouinrml pule ;d tons cune - of i. a lim; the ah I'nii d rce .-i or 'Inl t i ly rult- .1 I to the r w..a trWu V.z.'.xs L8 food more delicious and wholesome RAVH tAKiNd TCWRPPt The Stranded Arlosto. Nokfolk, Ya., Dec. 23. Three bodUn of those Who were drowned when the British steamer Arlosto went ashore at Ocracoke have washed ashar. They are those of Neumann, ' Ninon and as un- known. The bodies have been burled on the tbore.- The ;tng , Rescue loft the Arlosto today.- She will go to New York and then to Santiaeo. Whore tbe Ward liner Saratoga, la asbore and in peril. - To Bring: Lawton's Body. J Manila, Doc. SW The funeral of Geo, Henry Wi Lawlon Will take place here Saturday. - - - Tbe escort will consist of part of the ourteenth Infantry, two troops of the Fourth Cavalry, and Taylor's Battery. Generals MaoArthnr, Bates, Bchwan and Kebbe and Bear Admiral Watson will be the honorary pallbearers; Ther custom it for aergeantv tobe tho active pan bearere. but at thlt funeral General V ... . . Lawton'a staff will act at such. ; Chaplain Pierce will conduct services at the wharf. - H wlH-also accompany the body on the transport Thomas to 'he TTniled States. The Thomas .will leave Saturday, ... . -rtrr-r , KAJl IU WAKftXi. .-I'M following quotations wr .renew; ed by J. fcainam, new nern, a, u JtBW louK, JJec. Kw ' Open. High. Low,- Close Ian,COtton ...7ll f B ' f M , IV Slav. COllOU. , . i .01 I1 .-" ,?'' ' CBicAob kakkbts vTiikaVi " : v Ouen, High. Low. i lose May t. ,0'J bl) 00 (191 m CoilKl ly...:T,...u'82J S2J m. Coi'ViK:"- , March ..",. A0 ' ' , io. Uy Pfl..v.. 8 , ? 4i 72 BJl. T. 0.4O.. t 29 fteadlutf t .. , Ml ConLlob. Pnf,- , : 86 v Reclpls at cotloo ports were 84,000 bales. FOR SALE! Farms, large or email. ; r ; . ' Farms suitable for Vegetable growing, Small FruiUs HorrioSi &o. : . Farms sr.iwlile for Fruit growing. ' Farms suitable for Grass and Grain. Farms suitable for Tobacco growing. Farms aullalile for irenr' crops, Cot ton. Peiniks, Vegetables, Fruits, &c, , ' rtne ooay or innu wen suncu mi itiiisiiiz, fluiurnl Pasturage, Hue for both . .1. , II I... U,A winter end summer. Good lands fur Dairy Farm, Poultry Harm. . Can glvo you ithcr on railroad r water In many cuses b ith. X. J... Wolfenden'H Tiiw Horn, If.. . ' ' - DEALER IN Hardware and Fire Amis te.h, Doort and Blinds, Paints, Oils, C'emont, Lime, Etc. Ajrrnt for Curiam! Stoves & Ranges a lid llt'voc's, and IlenJ Moores1 i; l y .v.ixld paints. I'l- ' f I' I C " ii'iwka, CO.. MW VOWC. v Death In the Cold, Special to Journal, ' Moiieubad CiTT.'Dec KB. A: negro was found frozen to death in the bottom of a skiff at four o'clock this afternoon. fie left here yesterday afternoon to catch orae oystenron the banks reef, opposiu here. There swas a strong nortlrea! gale blowing and It is tuppoxed that b Wat unable to reach ehore. t r Bubonic Plague. t 8am Fkancisco, Deo i8 The army transports Centennial an Nowpon which arrived here last-night from Ma nlla via Houolulu, bring the startllrg newt that tbe Bubonic plague is raging In the capital city of- the Hawaii an j.- lands. It it understood the scourge wa brought Into Honolulu by vessels from one of the infected parts of China. . 11 HEN YOU are fcrlinir lirejam W out of sorts you wi.l find liooil'i Sarsapnnlla will loMtt wonderful good.- Bo sure to GET, HOOD'S. A Racing Yacht ron t$so.oo. ' Full working drawings and instructions for building a Racing Catboat that, any body can build, to cost complete, 50. . . ' Send postal, mentioning tlds paper, for full particular.' - Address , Si THE RUDDER PUB CO., i: ' ' 9 Munay Street, ljew Tuik IGB JfOR UOSE USE dean, pure whoUewsie,.' enaranteed V b chemically made from uianllen watei nd free from impurities, ppeoiftiiy in tended and prepared for human con- sumntion. Icti delivered dally (except Bunuays; tmtoBpm. i v f.undaya (retail only) la m to is noon . For prices and other iuioraialion, New Berne Ice Co. m w.rMrntfirjeJrjm art m f iiLpooK store IWhiterlnk;-.. i . TfiCT nr Fashlonable Stationery to Match, Prayer Books and Hymnals - Latest Popular Books Specialty. V 6. N. Ennett. S REAL IrSTATE AGENCY House ana Lots For Sale at Lowest Posxible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements that will prove a fine Invest,. mens. ' . ' J ' ; Colleetloa of Rents a Specialty. Ofllce at rrsidence. 17 Johnson strxt t. 13. E. IMKPGU. --;;V;WEtV'.BEI.N GRISTMILLS. ; ACW JIM, Colling CTicsf, " .EleviitorM itntl f'Jfan -.' , , .. Of. the Latest Improved and Up-to-Date mil Alnctiincry. YOUU THADK IS SOLICIT!-!). H'i ci a i, i'Ai::.i i ml pi, 1, 1 1. nit; cam n In eh- lei h Mm nn V lueli i))un m June , r l'.-i d. Fot Bticfewteat Cakes. :ln fact Jthereis: breakfast these cold mornings, especial ly when made with ' Ontario Prepared Buckwheat and-' buttered faith'-Fancy iiyw vr i ux iper jDuner " -. w;; . n A fresh , supply "of all the above named just secetbed. 2 " J;:L:HMIEL, 3 'IMione 91. J.T1fMr'ir1LirJr',r'Vir,kjlbc - We are overstocked on Bed Room ftp, p Suits and Friday and Saturday weTare m going to offer, them at prices unheard of M;m Q;in the furniture business, n - Tp ; - If you contemplate time soon it will pay jjjjj as this is the chance large and attractive DON'T FAIL to TAGE of this-OPPORTUNITY as it. means DOLLARS in your pocket;' '. . - FRANt. n. J0NE5 & GO.; Santa Claws Mistatel " f 'ilaluca Grapes, California Orargee, Fins Apples and Bananas. , Nuls, Raisii S and Figs, (a f set iverything Nice and F'esh for Xmas. .iui I a j-y tnul nothing better for Wliolesale & Retail Grocer, - 71 BrcM Wi laying one '&njfJ;;V; you to do so hoVD II of a life time. j A Sg;-' . Une to select from, TAKE APVAN- Makes No i "V f V,l-' -When he 'chooses for the Xmss : 'foaat from our stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Oof. Royal 'Flour for your Xmaa bakirrjr, our 'sjperior and exquisitely, flavored Coffee And Teas, JDor Plans Pud diOK, Relishes, Cryttallscd Fruits and (linger, Foreign' and Domes ytlc Cheei e, Fox River Prut Butler . ' unit' jnm irtV. Mlor Meet will rurrt wi'h the U f the cot-- tiolsteur, ' We have In' a large- ahipn ext ; Beautiful Kalamasoo-Ce!ery and it It fine.- 1 CIimSTi.lAS! I'rosjicronH rciv Yr.-.r To . our many irlenda and cuz- i& tcmcra for tKr.ir r"Vvcry liberal -!. J; i ronno for 1.' : ; I f j-.iul tmtir t to 2 ' iv ) a r 1 ' - 4 ft) I