c ) - VOL. X71I-N0. 37. NEW BERN, K. C.,: TUESDAY M0RN1X8, JANUARY; 2, 1900. Mil r IS 111 UUf. AA O a to to. to. to- to to to to to to to If you have not tried Hackburn's W ' - . - - . W .Perfect Blend ot Mocha and Java ,W Coffee at 20c per lb.; do so at lonce.v4ftj 1 '"You wilt save money and be' M pleased. . to to to to .to to to - cAt'GkskOl & Mitchell General Fanta CI tut Is coming. Givijiim warm'" w lcome. Yon cm't I are a l hrisimaa hi art io a chilly JBody, Ho 4 use to poke the fire if Ibe stove In a rack- ty wrw k ' We'll eell you iptw one for - about Hit- est of Win'-rJ'fpaitH n the old. "ome and help yvir wlf to t hrtit-' m warmiTi al "Pence nn 1 G"0 1 HI" ' , rricpv If ynq mcd a ore ita certainly . an appropriate thing to put a Chrlitraaa raid on; it dnctyi't mnVe any difference ueltysr you toy it for your wife or vice versa, ItY nommou sence proposition from lUl poiuts of vier..; We have a full line - of Chris' mas O -o U. Laitf s in -abndnnf. . Won, H. Rogers Goids v Kulvjes. Fork ami Spoons, 18 Nitkol Bmj - vury thing for a Ohristmai present at GASKILL & HARDWARE: rrMlDDLS-STJtEET. 'Phone f I CHRISIMAS C Allow in to ugges few ai&ble pr jsonte for" gentlemen." What is nfore acceptable than one of our new -and nobby -aTat ewT.:dw.iwekwear hai just arriTed ani ii'Btrictly upito-date. - ' , - 'tt, "' . ' 3 3 If a little more expensive presentis wanted, bny a pair of "3 3 '.'par Kid Cllorw ai $1.00 or".ao eren better and bny a $1 0 pair 3 13 foe bandnomest which hare eter been teen in the city. V : ' i '. We haro numsrons articles which we could ennmerato inch 4 2 as Linen HanJkeroliiefg, Silk Handkerchiefs, fuspeudera, . Half 3 Uose in all the new colors. , S , , . 3 5 'Vi Shirts, Collars and Cuffs in the latest shapes. - : ' Nothlug tiikes the place of an Umbrella us a desirable gift ; 1 aud wo hare a largVrariety jnst in, at prices from 50c to $3 00. Call and examiWonr stock aud'yon will ' find ';Terything 3 'Zl bran new and a-to-date. V ' Yours Truly, j ; ' -..' : 3 J. - IDXTsTDr 'dC : CO.V 3 .... - . i' - . r 87 POLLOCK BTKKBT. VlliUUUUUIUUJUUJiUUlUiUIUUiUiUliUUiUUR TO : ', t THE I alill kvp ft Big Slock of f i f "r : . - - . ' ( s . , t Wheel, Itoltrs, "fl"Iii'', K '-, hirh will Im: kM ul a In mar 'in f I'sHh or F ein- j: i. i"t for;- t (! 1 :l ( ) I;, iv !' ' 1 " ' - ' vv Hardware, p ' ' and No. 1 Bia.i' ard.SH-.d J'!at Al - ,v, . . , . MITCHELL'S, : OROCERIES: 147. 61. BROAD STUEET. PRESEHra .3: NEW BSRN, N. O. , 1 - ' T--XDE ! 7 ' t i .fc- W-J K-r i J V' Ml . J- q:;i hs:b. Corporation Commission on Bank Ing, Railroads and Loan Business. Old State Boads, Conrlets Seenrefl For Work. Railroad Matters. '; Plumbers' Jlarrest . Time. 4 Improvements la Ru- ,' preme Court Library. ' . Ralbiqh, January 1. The leport of the corporation commission for 18991a made public. It contains 800 pages, and covers , railroad, banking aSd building and loan business. The valuations of railroads for taxation aref Atlantic Coast Line. 955 miles. tl8.B09.000: South ern, 1,193 miles, $15,870,000, Seaboard Air Line, 604 miles, 18,841,000; miscalls neuua 8J0 miles,- $4,298,000; total 8,874 allies, $4'3,220,53; Pullman cars $150,832; Wettern Union Telegraph Company $1,- 000,000; Postal $50,000; miscellaneous tel egraphs $3,905; BeM Telephone f 33,296; teamboals $818,815' ' - " r. j , ' Increase in railroad- mileage over last year 1081; increase la valuation $10,769, 0(19. Railroad earnings in 1899 $13,258- 627; increase $1,500,000. Capita stock (59,006,000; fuuded debt $44,641,000; cost if roads $82,128,000; Interest "paid on funded debt 12,131,000; dividends $953,. KX). Emploes on railroads 9,120; pas sengers klljed 2, injured 63; employes killed 24ipjured 029; trespusers killed 60, injured 90; not tresspassing, killed 3, and Injured 1U - ' As to banks the resources are $13,228, 501. Among the liabilities are: Capital stock $2,449,000, surplus $4Vi,000; undl- rided profits $386,000; deposits subject o check $8,178,000. t ' . As to the cost of railroads, etc., figures are: Atlantic Voast Line, cost $7,B4, 000,' capital slock $5,418,000; funded debt $12,919,000;Souihern Railway, -cosl 27,49J,O0, capital stock . $38,013,090, funded debt $10,174,000; Beaboard-Aii Line, cost $11,587,000, capital stock $1, 271,000, funded debt $8,836,000.; Miscei iitneous roads cost $13,406,000, -capital j'ock $12,902,000; funded debt $4,898,000 Earnings: Atlantic Coast Line: : 8ros $3,223,000, operating expenses $1,738, 'JO; Southern; gross $6,880,000;. oparat ing expenses $3,984,000; Seaboard. Air Line, gross $2,448,000; operating ex ;enaes $i,6S2,OQ0; miscellaneous roads, iross $1,243,000; ; operating . expenses $851,0t0. , . - ' About $26,000 of old Stale bonds were received at tna treasury lor redemption at 15, 23 and 40 cents on the dollar. They were sent in by J. 8. Ferguson, of New Yort Arrivals 'of old bonds are 'very Inf lequent now. " .' , ' Mr. Brldgers, of Tarboro, was Jiere and closed a contract , with', chairman Travis, of tue penltenllaiy to furpiak 100 convicts next month tr build" the Xarboro and Eastern Railroad. The Seaboard Air Line bu by no means abandoned the Idea of getting , into Greeusboro via the Carthage Railroad. Chat mailer is, simply held in abeyance nntil the Beaboard ; consolidation . is perfected, t The Southern Railway will next month begin a through service to Pinehurst vis the Aberdeen 4f AshebJro Railroad. - By means of the electric rallioad' between Pinehurst and Southern Pines this .will give the Southern an entry Into the latter well known winter resort. ;i V -:'-t.:;t -A circulation stairway is being put In Ibe r upreino Court library. It takes op but Utile space More shelving, for which there is uced, is being put In. The library is said to be now the best In the South, ." Thd albletlc field at the Agricultural and Mechanical College is an excellent one. The grading waa done by convicts. In the spiiog a great deal of work will be. done on the college grounds and l'nl lea Park adjourning. All -will be In. charge of the college. . This Is the time and season when the plumber gels lu bis work. Burst pipes were plentiful,, "Summer plumbing" is the kind nearly always found in this pari of the world- The plumbers say It Is be cause people build "sumtier bouses." tjo they do, and S really comfortable one in cold weather is a rarity. ' ' . There lire uow outstanding only 21 Norlli Carolina Railway construction bonds,' Kive of these were today heard from in New York'. They are worth $3,800 each. 1 The Western Union Telraph Com pany excepted to the answer by the cor poration comiutsslen In tlio matter before Judge blmontou, regarding the tax as sessment. The judge overrules all the company exceptions. AMERICA'S (Jmifmt McdSclno Is ll(i(iirMii'HaiU'ill.'i.l)-ciiiis; il ofl-sn-srH ipii'imllcil curative powers fend lis reconl it ctnos is CT.EATEST. Il J folly to C'l'ij;'' ami tin k your life away, ('aroiliia (.'hij;1i Uainin will run ymi. or your moni y l ;i. k. 2"i al Hi ad hnmn. RU'.Ih Wo linvn a )w; I Htoi k I !int wi ", n'l I 'il.'i cf I il Talk. iiin k (if n v. ; u to -on li! BATTLE K'.Ftr.OC'.S: Relief of Ladysmltli Predicted, JJreat Battle to. be Fought PirstV General White Reported Destroying War Stores Preparatory '1 Breaking Oat. Boors Retire1 , From Colesburg. Kim- berly Has Food. London, January l.-rThere are signs that the greatest battle of the South Af rican War will occur In Natal soon,-perhaps thla week, - Bennett Burllgh, the well-known war correspondent of the London Daily Tel egraph, putt the case in a much more definite light than before.;' In a dispatch sent from General Buller's headquarters, at Frere, Natal, and presumably endorsed by General BuUerorlhe press censor acting for him, Mr. Burleigh, confidently predicts the relief of the British at Lady smith before "many days" ' , 1 ' Mr. Burleigh says General Buller now has force equal to the Boers, and says I confidently anticipate that the com. Ing baltlo will be by far the biggest and fiercest Of the war.1' He forecasts com plete victory for the British, and the end of the war within a few months, .vvf .?;.. wit was understood recently that Gen eral Buller, would perhaps delay until the arrival Of the new . commander-in- chief, General Roberts, But Mr. Bur leigh Indicates a : decided change of A dispatch from Kimberley stales that the town has food enough- for three months: - This Is different from previous advices, Which reported the town oa short rations , weeks ago.- The Boers apposing General French In Northern Cape Colony have retired - to Colesburg Where, It Is believed, they 'are prepared to (tive battle, 1 A British reoouneiterlng expedition seven miles north i.f Dordrecht, Cape Colony, and attached to General Gat: acre's command, engaged snperlpr forces of Boers and waa forced to retire' vUands' of Cape "Colony, Dutch are guerrilla fighting along the line of Gen' eral Melhueu's communlcailous.' The British auihorilles, In order to cope with the revolt, are drilling the loyal residents snd organizing (hem into home guards Lohdok, Dec. SI. A dispatch to the Dally Mall from Lorenzs Marques, dated December 90, says; "- - "It Is reported from Lady smith, by way of Pretoria, that the British are des trovlne their heavy cannon prior te a final sortie. , "The Transvaal agents "here have bought tip all the available milk, and coffee. V They have managed to gel large orders tent. (or shipment here by4 French and. . German . steamers. ; Prices have advanced- 60 per cent, in conse queuce, and the stocks are short. Some thing like a famine It threatened, as the British Government Is f stopping all goods' consigned from toast ports.' LomdOH, December 81 The War Office makes public the following dispatch, dated today, from General Forestler Wslker, commanding at Cape Town: ' "Methuen's Dotitiou Is unchanited. ', . "French reports that the Boers, bear ing their commanicatlons wonld be- oat by our cavalry, have retired to Ooles- bar -' ' I ,: ; ' "I hear unofBclally front Sterkstroom that a British recourtttlsaance seven miles north of Dordrecht engaged superior forces and was obliged to retire-on Dord recht ' . a y 1 , Lewis Denuls, Balem, Ind . ssys, "ICodol Dysptpsta Cure did me more good tuan anythlog I ever took.'' It di gests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia land stomach troubles F 6 Duffy. .' v : - . ' i '. : ' . - Colurnbla's just Received. . , 1 have received a new supply of Col umbia and Hartford bicycles, Columbia chainlets $50 to $75, also a few more of tbt Models 45 and 40 st $40, while they last. A big lot of Tiret and Sundrlel at prices that will tuit you. Repairing ,of ejery description lallclled. ',',.. - Wk. T. Hill, South Front StreoU ' Ut or cold toJa al. tbe daya, except Sundays, al Bradliams. Try our own make of Breakfast Bacon It is extra lino. Oaks Meat Market.- J. J. H.ixtcr has I lie prettiest line of s:1k Mujlii-m and nice Ties, eta for Xinas glfls fver seen In tbe city. PoU'l flir'l t to S:0 J. .1, finofliiilof ( lnih'-i, Flioiis Raxtnr fur a , llfttK, II Ic I'luli-rwci you mom r ln'.fore Imying, ha can save i CI,. ' 14 lit Mc- I tu r c:,,l .l i Gold and SUver For lJ99. , A8nmoTQ5. December 81 Llrecter . SLili Tll l... J 1 - Uminary estate of tbe rodactlon of gold e 11 "v si n nnt ana suver in me untiea outes ior iq. He gives the total gold production as $71,6U4,170, an increase of $7,238 670 ' over 1898., The production ot tilver f r the year jutt doting is placed at $71, 424,190, an Jncreaso over 1898 of $4, 040.JU. . . Colorado led In gi.ld production ullh $26,000,000.: Calif orhia comes next. with $14,952,392: Alaska gave $4 609,810. South Dakota produced $0,120,000 The British Elendyke produced $16,114,150. Colorado also leads at a silver pro ducing State, with $31,808,637.' Montana follows, with $20,04,103. Utah h third with $9,696,909 v, ' G. H. Appleton, Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J., sayt, VDeWltl't Little Early Risers are the best pillt made for constipation.' We Use no others.'' Quick ly cure alUIver and bowel troubles. F 8 Duffy. . ' Dobbin & Ferrall, ' At Tucker's store. -RALEIGH. R.C. Rounding Up the Season's Selling. ' Coat and Halt Department, Selling at Half Prices. - Many of the Styles re very limi ted in quantity, only one or two of a kind, .btr everjf garment Jacket, Coat or Suit represents some of the Season's Best Sellers. VSIO JiickeU tor 5. ISMuitii fur $7 SO. Just Hall! Prices. , .. ' : Dobbrn & Ferrall. To Masters of Vessels And Parlies wishing Charts, Coast Piloiteto .' - Having received the appointment from Washinaton City tor the tale of Chart, Coast Pilots, eti., 1 am ready to receive all crdert ror the. tame at my place or business. 108 Middle Street, New Bern. N. C. Cash has to acoomoanv all orders "garwsent,, : ... . ;'.- bAJft. a. w ATJtltf, The "3 Days" Cure , ; (For Men.) , ; , L ads sll remedies in this State, Drug flats refund th mnev If il fails to cure, Guarantee on the package. Price $1 00. Also.by mail on receipt of price. . The "8 Dsys'Xnre f o,Washington,p.U. YOUR PRINTED STATIONERY Is an Index to your Bnsines?, : Then why not use the best L Wo do the .Nloeatj Cleanest, Neatest Job Work of all sinda. s We give th. Beat Work, the Best Pa per Stock, the Best Ink, and ebarge yon uo nire fur it lhau you pay for th. other Mud. , - "" - . .. ;. ' ',, (JUR pRINTINQ pLEA5E5, W. T. Hill & Co., 61 8outh Front Street, New Bern, N. 0. J.I2IV REItN GRIST - PILLS. New sillls, ' XSoliIng Client, Klevators aud Corn Clean Of the Latest Improved and Up- tc-Date Hill Machinery. YOUIl TIIaDK IS SOLICITED, t 3 BPKCi A L TAINS taken In clean inn and polifhing frrain bi-fnr. goins; )thronj;h Hie mills, winch inuna pure 'ul. (Virn, II, ,iuiiy. OhIs anil A'lxeil Feed, g; lienor. ,w I', mVfVmVV &WWiMfVftWWM& . y n . 1 5 s . thank you for your liberal patronage during the past year and respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year Respec fully Uvg3r"ir"ir,rltir"nr'Sr'n(5 j 'Phone 91. "Prices. Cut In Half We are overstocked on Bed Room 'Suits and Friday and Saturday we are 9 going to offer, them 1 In, $ in the furniture business. If you contemplate Laying one any time soon it will pay you to do so nolpo as this is the chance of a life time. A large and attractive line to select from. DON'T FAIL to TAKE ADVAN TAGE of this OPPORTUNITY as it means DOLLARS in your pocket. FRANC, fl: JONES & t0., MIDDLE STBEET. Santa Claus Mistake ! MshmaOrapes, California Omng -.. Nuls, Kaisici and Figs, In f ict v tXGIVEME ., I - l , ' ovtyviviyvissisVtaiv tyvtyiiyviawvo I A PERRY And a Ifiiy and J Yours, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, - 71 Bro.l St. at prices unheard of j Makes No When liechoosrs far tbe Xmni featt from nur slock nt F .ncy and f-laple Gro-'erim. (ti r Royal Floor for your Xmaa baking, our t iporlor and exquisitely flavored I'iifTre and IVaa,. jir plum " l'ud dlng, K IUd.t. ('rystallxed Fruits and Oliirer, Kon ln and Dmea , llo Chf Kox Kiver Pnnt Butli-r and Atmoi.'K Ml nee Meat will ; mprt wi'h (lie tavnr. ! the ron uoitseur. '" W l,"'- .1 Iw aMpn ett. Beantlful Kal miaoo Celery and It is fine, i.-., Fi Apples and Bananas. - fj thing Nloe and fresh for Xmaa. A CALL&& : ' - a. . i -. CIIRISTulAS Ij- lroeron Mew Year io our many friends and .cus tomers for their very liberal pat ronage for 1800f and trustinsr to re ccivo a sharo of your icr 1CC3. I r.ni very r;rat:!ullj ycurr, j . , , , . .

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