N A. 4k. All. . ' A VOL XYII--N0. 233. NEW BERN, N. t'., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 190(1. IIBHTIINTH TUB. v Meeting' Of The County Committees - Begins The Amendment Fight. t ( i a a a A A A A a a a A a is a A a A A It you have not tried Hackburn's V Perfect Blend ot mocha and Java W Coffee at 20c per lb. do so at once. . ' r " M ' " ' Y V ? 'J1"'' Y ' W - You will save money and be 8 pleased. W i; 4 1 " . ' - ' w ' -, V1 . ? - ;V " ; ; W i J ? 1 Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage and good will, we wish all a Happy and, Prosperous New Year, and hope to merit a share ot your trade for 1900. ' Respectfully, r G ASK ILL & MITCHELL'S; HARDWARE: , ' " OROCERIES: . 73 MIDDLE STREET. 'jphoiw447. 61 'BROAD STREET. " pfiifTOiifitfiiiiriitmwTOmwirammmmmffliir isn CM i m mm 3 3 3 f auow os to Bnegeet a lew suitable present lor gentlemen, -g 5j?,Wii ii J more acceptable than one of -our new and nobby rj Tihwute ait 50c tOor neckwear has jut arriired and. is strictly 2 . If little more expenalre present U 'wanted, bay a-pair of 3, our Kid Qlores at $1.1)0 or do even better and bny a $1 60, pair ' 13 handsomest which hare etej been seen in the city.i ; C; 3 Wo hare numerous articles which we oonld enumerate Such 3 lB as Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk llandlrerebiefs, tuspenders, Half 3', ; Hose in all the new colors. , ' -- '3 ' .f " - White Shirts.'Collars and Cuffs in the latest shapes' J ; i Z Nothing take the pfoce of an Umbrella1 as a d&irable gift ' l and we haijs a large Tarietjr just in, at prices from COo to $5 JJO. ; Tall and examine our stock and0o.4 will find everything r. Z bran new and up-to-date, , Yours Truly, t i! t. (fiyxj-: ;:co. 2 .' W POLWCK BTRKsTT, ' NEW BEBN, N. O. ' . ' TO - - THE"-1 TIS-IDE I r I still lcp a IJig Slock of- IT Funeral of a Teteraa, Thirteenth Victim' of the Normal. . Good Skating In, Raleigh. Sajs v ' Amendment Will Carry -, Farewell Sermon. Raleigh, January S In nearly all tbe counties, pbrsuant to a call by the coun ty chairman, the Democratic County i Committees met yesterday, as requested by the State Committee. In a sense this opens the campaign of this year, a cam-1 palgn about which a little later tbe whole country will be talking. ' It is going to take the most zealous work the Demo-. crats can do to carry the amendment, bnt that work will be done. The Repub licans are confining their efforts to the unedueated whites, trying to make them believe that they will be barred from voting,' Right there Is where the fight will be made-rwith the white voter who cannot read. - Pursuant to call by Chairman Armls- tead Jones, Wake' county's Democratic committee met . yesterday; The atten dance, was the largest ever known and the oldest members say they never saw each, Interest and enthusiasm, "! Every country precinct was represented. It was ordered that clnbs be formed in every precinct. Most of the talk was of the amendment. Committeemen said that while the reports showed there was some little disaffection, they also showed that (he amendment would be carried. . The funeral of George Goodwin, late of : tbe Forty-seventh North Carolina, who died at the Soldiers' Home Mon day, was held yesterday and the body was burh-d In tbe Confederate Cemetery, where there Is a section set apart for the InmaUs efthe home. During December there were only 169 arrests here.- The : police say this Is a vary find record for that month, which is, aiid, to say. quite commonly noted for intoxication. . However, It may be stated that no town of Its size makes a better showing than Raleigh as te the matter of public sobriety, ; n , Former" Special Master Eugene L. Martin will resume here the hearing of the feclilUer rate matter and the Caro lina Central Railroad. ,' . ..Miss . Davis, of Granville ceunty, i student at the State Normal and Indus trial College, at Greensboro, Is dead of typhoid fever, and Is the thirteenth vic tim of the epidemic.' A committte of the dlreoters of tbe college Is superln tending : tbe work of renotatlon. A meeting will soon be held to decide when the college shall be reopened, t JThe Supreme Court library now con tains 12.620 volumes. Marshal and Li' brarisn Bradly says It baa all the reports of the State courts of last resort save eight volumes. Of these be will purchase four this month.:.. .-v.. . . .. , ; ' . A. good deal of skating -was done to day.' . Ioe is five Inches thick and very clear and smooth.. The large ponds, w blob used to be near here, are now drained;' and ., skaters have to go some distance. , 'v' Dr. John J. Molt, widely known as the first chairman of the National Free 611 ver partydeolarea Mmielf au ardent- enpansiontst. He also says the followers' ot Mr. Cleveland are "the Only steadily lucid people on financial 'questions." . Rer. Dr. . W. Carter preached, his farewell sermon as pastor of the First Baptist , church. It Is the Impression that Rev. Dr. McConnell, of Lynchburg, will succeed him. " ; i - : - , Joseph J. Martin, "a well known. Re publican, of Tarboro, Is bere He be lievea the amendment will be carried la that district He says l.e does not went the negroes to register,' but to stay, at home and work. ' - ; '- -:' , Wilmington will this month: begin ex tensive street improvements. A stone orusher, steam road roller and other ma chlnery will be purchased. Considerable paving will be done with vitrified brick. On some streets maoadam will be put down. Twenty five ' thousand dollars will he expended. ' . The new purchasers of the Carolina and Northwestern Railway have notified the engineers of a 100 par cent. Increase In salary. It Is learned that eu order has been placed for a large number of stand ard gauge ties, so that the work of changing tbe road from a narrow-gauite csn proceed aj rapidly as possible. Tills is Ilia old Chanter and Lenoir Road. Great Interest Is manifested In the change In nwnernlilp and In tue improvements to .lie maila 'Deacon'' 8. V. While, noted la New York's buiini-Bi and religious circlm, Is here. He h been V In t lug relatives at Ih'lmno. The people of all lite mountain region are niaulfni-llng the liveliest lnterft( In tTie plan to liave a national Appalndiinn paik. Anotliiir di-atli of a partridge Imnlor t)y tils own nn 0''i:urrcl in li'twan connty. Wllllum Story, a fimiirr, vins fir victim, thn o call lii i; On it !i b v r;-'' i ' n lit II. V :'(! (ir tn General Greeley on the Philippine Situa tion. Declares War Not Hear an End. Special 16 Journal. . Washington, Jan. 2 General Greely, Chief of the United States Signal Corp, severely criticizes General Otis today and the claims that the rebeHlon'ln the Philippines is crushed, s He declared that the army there under the direction of General Otis was unable to give pro tection to the members of the Signal Corps employed in stringing telegraph wires in the country and says that there is no Immediate prospect of the rebellion being crushed. - Lieutenant Duffy and 10 men of the Signal Corps, who were building a tele graph line south from yigan to. meet a party in charge ot Lieutenant Lenoir, building northward,- failed to connect with the Lenoir party, ' . The nonappearance of Duffy and his men caused a search to be made. It was found . that telegraph poles put up by them had been destroyed and the wires cut. ' ' , (, It is supposed "that the Signal Corps men were either, captured or killed by the Filipinos. M. t . , , OTIS CRITICIZED., EME OF: COLISE Details Of Tht British Success -Won ' By General French. " 'LET HE ALONE. Senator Hanna- Thinks He is Given Too 1 4 Much Attention. - Special to Journal. WasaiHOTOir.. Jan. 2 Senator Mark Hanna tn an interview today expressed his opinion of the newspapers that are quoting him." : He says that they ought to leave him alone. . Hanna says: "It la Hanna this and Hanna that, in tbe Ohio papers and the New York papers. Gentlemen of the Press, X am a member of tbe United States Senate and that position certainly should carry dignity wlih it. . - STATUE OF WASHINGTON. Equestrian Statue, to be Erected in Paris ? a Central Position. Special to Journal. , ' ' ? Paris, January I. The City Council of Paris has chosed a site for the eques trian statue of Gesrge Washington at the Intersection of Avenue-d'Jena and avenue au l rocauero. The site selected, Is a fine one,' in the midst of the Americun quarter and close by the Place do ,Trocadero, Palais du Trocadero, the ArodeTrlompheand the Champs Elyeees, The pedestal was also approved Of by the City Council. - United States Am bassador Porter finds that the French people are greatly pleased with the ides. It Is desired to unveil the statue on tbe Fourth of July nex.t -JIM. V"f 'fmJmm i UNIVERSITY GETS $3,370,000. Big flew. Tear Endowment For Chicago ."" ';') Institution. , .. Chicago, HL, January t The Univer sity ot Chicago has received a New Tear's gift of 13,370,000. v-i. 'A ' The president hoped to announce that the university would be 1 4,000,000 .rich er, but be haa noi been able to raise the 1819,000, which duplicated by- John D. Rockefeller, would make up that amouot However, Mr. Rockefeller, hu wired that he will extend the limit three months, endjn that time UrHarperihlnks he is reasonably sure of getting the rest of the money, as he hu several Urge donations In prospect. " i Four years ago Mr. Rockefelfer gave tbe University 11,000,000 and promised to duplicate every amount donated be fore January 1, 101 0, up. to i ), 000,000. One year ago Or ; Harper had secured $1,133,000 from various sources to apply on the t'3,0;0,iWO. Since than this amount has been raised 1 550,6 M. : The Pelotas Afloat. ;; 1 Lomdoii, Jan,. 1. The Hamburg and couth American Line steamer Pelotas, from Santos to Rotterdam, which went ashore hear Dungenesa Friday night during a heavy storm, and about the identity ef which there was then doubt was drawn off about lOo'olock yesterday morning by tugs. Apparently the ves sel has not yet received serious Injuries. She proceeded for Rotterdam In, tow Of two lugs. . - G. II. Applcton, Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J , say, "DeWitl'a Little Early HI bits are the best pills made for conmlpallon. We ute no others." Quick ly cure all liver and bowel troublesF S Uully. ' COTTON MARKET. The following ((Untfiilons were.nxuiv ed ly J. K. Latham, fscw Hum, N. t I Ns YotiH, J.'tnnnry 2. I tpn. llli-li. Low. Close 7 4 ) 7 45 7 41 7 4 7.t;i 7111 7 51 0 1- 0 U5 01),) Ian. cotton . Way. cotton Nov, ruiton - Beers Driven From Entrenchments. They Retreat to lite Orange Rirer, BuTler Resuming Op f erations. Seoretary Uay " Dimandi ludemnlly. Special te Journal ' " Lohdor, January 2 -Additional details of General French's-: victory over the Boers at Coleabnrg show that the Boers used British fifteen ponnder cannon and that the -, shells used were made at the Royal laboratory at Woolwich-, Tbe, aim of the Boers was poor and after three hours their guns were all put out of action. - - At daybreak Monday General French's artillery opened the battle. -;The Boers replied vigorously with their guns. '. ' At the town the Boers were in strength confident in the natural aid afforded them by their position, which extended sic miles around the place. . .. - First the Boers' Hotchklss gun col lapsed, then their big gun. was silent. Both these inoidents occurred earls In the actlonj but other pieces of artfllery held out until the Boears gradually fell back. General French had flanked them forcing a retreat. : ' . -; Tbe Holchkiss' was abandoned and General French captured it, but the other Boer guns were removed to the uortb, The British losses In the fighting are described as slight. The Boers, it Is said, must have suffered heavily. Tbe Boers may Stop at Achtertang, or may cross the Orange river into the Free State at Norvat's Pent,, where tbe rail way bridge Is yet intact. . Washington, Jan.. 2. Secretary of State Hay today sent a cablegram' to Ambassador Cboate at London instruct ing him to Inform the British Govern meat that the United States would Insist upon its contention In the matter of the seizure of a ship load ot flour destined- for Delagoa Bay.snd requesting him to urge upon tbe British. Government .the Importance of admitting the rights of the American ship with a view to a promp compliance to the demand for indemnity. . .. J Londob, Jan. 1 That General ' Buller will ence more attempt at an early date te force the passage of tbe Tugela seems to be the fixed opinion at Frere. He has been -considerably,, strengthened by troops of the Fifth Division and fresh artillery, Including several five Inch and six inch howitzers from the siege train, and must now have 60 guns without the naval complement. V; He Is not strong in cavalry, though with the irregulars he should have about 4,000. Abe-problem before htm la one of tbe most difficult that war can offer. ' He has to cross -a river all the , fords of which . are commanded by earthworks, mounting powerful guns, served by expert marksmen. Tbe Boer are so perlor to him In mobility and can follow his movements with such . rapidity 'that they should be able to frQstate attempts to turn their position's. . They are not greatly Inferior in; somber and have 20,000. r 25,000 men oa the Tugela. . A large Free State commando is on the Tugela west ot Colenso and guns are mounted at Potgieter's Drift, -evidently to defeat any turning movement from the west. -v- .- -:.V . : . Lojidom, January l.-The Dally Tele graph ha ' leeelved the following dis patch from South Africa: ' Frere, Natal, January I. The Boers are shelling Lalysmitlt this evening, Theli big gun on Bulxana U 111 Is firing frequently..,.- ' .s- Vif-. ; Abont 10 o'clock tljls morning a party of General Buller's scouts proceeded to ward the Tugela near Colenso, shooting at the Boer horses on the outposts. The Boers opened a heavy, fire with Mausers and a maxim gun. The firing continued .over an hour.- ; -, " - la tbe afternoon and evening the big naval gens threw a number of shells over tbe lines and hit the Uoer forts and trenches. ,' ':i ' I Lewis Dennis, Balem, lna., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia C,ure did me' more good than anything I ever took.' It dt geHs what you eat and can not help but oare dyspepsia and stomach troubles F 8 Duffy. 751 0 V) . thank ym for your iiberal patronage during thq past year and respectfully asK for a continuance of the same I wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Respecfully Yours, I J. L. H AIL 'Phone 91. 71 Brtsad St. Wholesale & BetaU Groeerf in Jill h I u P UliU il n JIU tin Jill Prices Cut In Half. We are overstocked on Bed Room Suits and Friday and Saturday we are going to offer them at prices unheard of j in the furniture business , If you contemplate Laying one any time soon it wilt pay you to do so noV) as this is the chance of a life time. A large and attractive line to select from. DON'T FAIL to TAKE ADVAN TAGE of this OPPORTUNITY as it means, DOLLARS in your pocket. mpm. R. jones & go.. 7 MIDDLE STREET. JPg .I Santa Clans Makes No Mistake! When le:hrowe for tl e Xmas feist from ru r al ck of Fancy and BUple Giooerie-. Oi.r Royal Flour for yonr Xmas baking, our superior and exquisitely flavored ' Coffee and Teas, Our Ki i l'i d--ding, Relishes, CrysUUsed Frn'U and Giujrer, Kiin lun a id Dmea . . ' lie Cheese, Fox River 'i nt Butter . end Xmore's MIe Meat will - :meet.wi'h tbe far of the eo i nolsreur.- ". v ' r . V'e'ia-'" a brgr shipment ; Beautiful Kslamaxoo Celery and a Itlslloe. ;;- Malaga Grapes, California OraBges, Fine Apples and Bananas. V Nuts, Raieins and Figs, in fact everjtb.ing.Nloe and Fresh for ZmaC . ;XGIVE ME A CALL'SKi . MM lwiiMHWWllltltt4Ws U fiotn both I ?i r tt 1. CIIK'VO Vtn:T; !1 I M A H K I ! H. n. I". Ii. I - t I-. J I ('. tt V.'lifi it, KoIkh, T.'l.ij.i, &.C., w l.ich will Le sold at a clime nmr-in f..r t'iih or f.-cured Kol- i. - Puu't fori'i-t llio ? H f 0 ni'W I' -v. QtViyViViVtViVt.sfViV tttfVlVktsvV o 5 A f.lERRY CIIRISTf.lAS I iml a ITnppy unci ProsperousJ TJew Year To our many iriends and "cus tomers for their very liberal . pat ronage for 18?9, and trusting to re ceives a ell are of c your' b'a:inrt3 for 1CC0. I rri very .V I , -. 4 - 4-.11tt v V