v . , : i . ' L, i J i h, i IMl. "-'5. I VOL. XflN-KO. 239. MW BEEN, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY- 4", loUII. : IIGBTEINTU Ynif. TRAIN GETS IOST. ) A ' 33. IB. ; n " , v -' ' , - - ' . ' . S( ' i " " J ft : , ' ' vv s If you have not tried Hackburn's VV O - . . . . 7 Perfect Blend ot Mocha and Java L V a " ' ' " - ' VV j Coffee at 20c per lb., do so at once -, y . ; You will save moneys and be jj.J ft pleased. 7 ' V 'V? , ' - ft - 1a aa! 33. s:.cn:BTjisr. ft . ,s t s , ; - .., VW Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage and good will, we wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year,; and hope to merit a; share ot r your trade for 1900. f : v "Pf : ; Respectfully, -; ; ; " , GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, , HARDWARE: ,c - t ' GROCERIES: ! MIDbLK 8TBEET.'. ' 'Phm 147.V 61 BUOAD STREET, ICHRISTMAS" PRKEHIS! : ! ' :- - , S. t, : -V'-4. ; r "3 Sj t j. j, jr. ' r y "-ry ' f , '''"' Slt j ' '.. Allow m to iDggests few suitable prenU fdr gentlemen.', . ''. What it more acceptable than one et our new and nobby 3 Craratg at 50o? Pur neckwear has just arrired and is -strictly 3 .pjate.-V , . . , . , ; ' ; y- ; - ! 1 1! a little more expensire present is wanted; buy a pair of E3 'our Kid Qlorei at $1.00 or do erea better and buy a $1 60 pair Eqf the handsomest which tiare eter been seen in the city. , - . .' , : We hare numeroaa articles which we conld enumeratd inch .3 as Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Suspenders,,. Half 3 Hose in all the new colors. " ' 5! g . White Shirts, Collars and Cnffs in the latest shapes, j . t . . Nothing takes the place of an Umbrella as a' desirable gift 3 tZ nd woJiaTe a large tariety jast fall and examine our stock "and you will, find everything 2 t bran new and apito-date. . '( ; Yours Truly, ; '.-;,, .-; . 3 f T; ,Ov lDT73fcT Go - CO., 17 POLLOCK 8TKKBT. Santa Clatis 'Idai&;N&yi:: X'- ' ) y..i.u' ; Nil In, l-:i. : , Ul-l.iun;, s and Fi'irs, In f u t v rj thing N'li:i and F eh for Xn ;m, -GIVE LIZ'A CALL-. ; 7 V7 " " - ; 1 - - - Mil V ' ; vi in, at prioes from 50c tdS 00. ' HEW BERJT, N. 0. '3 ."'When lii-chfo.ve fr the Xmss . "efisi from ot r slock of Fancy nnd , .', Et iilo O o series, Ot r . Royi-l Flour for your Xnma bakinp, our superior ami eiqitisllcly Huvotcd Cuffre at,d Teas, Oi.r l'!um Pui' dl iif. R liBlies, Crj ftllKl Fruits I J andiitii er, Hri lii i d D -iiin tic f hecte, Fox Kivcr I'r nt Hi tu-r i.n-1 ' 'm iiinio M :t w I lu ft wi'h tlm icv r rf iln I lli-lf I Mr. . . V ' a - l i h li-rit" Mi n e :t IV autiful K:.l tmi7.w C. lory an 1 j il in fiiic. , F n A pil l anil r,.u.uun-. Gallant Fighting of Canadian and . Australian Troops. Another Flfht Won br British. : Skirmishing en the Tngela. L V Ladyiatith Walts- For Bai ler to 'Advanee. BIk ' ' . - ' Belnforeeineats. London, Jan. 2 The London piper are tibanimons in praising the gallantry of the Canadian and colonial troops at gunnyslde. The Times says: ' ; !. i . "The mother country will share with the Canadians, and Australians -in the pride and gratification they tnuat feel at l bo flne qualities . displayed by their troops la this dashing little engagement." The Standard says: "The Canadians and Australians had been spoiling for a fight. Now they have had their oppor tunity and they hare greatly distinguish ed themselves by ihelr coolness and dis Clpllne. -, From the view point of im perial nnity, the llttle-flght may fairly be described as one of the most gratifying events recorded in the recent history of (lie British race," ' London, Jan. 8 The Dally Telegraph has received the following dispatch from South Africa; ' ", 1 - -1 . Uoddbb Rivaa. Cape Colony. Jan. 1 A column from Belmont, under Colonel Pilcher, after defeating Boers and cap- taring their laager at Bunnyslde, occu pied Douglas and hoisted the. . Union The British loss was Lieutenant Adle, severely wounded, and two men killed, all otlhe Queensland contingent.. Tue column captured 40 prisoners at Bunny- side. 1 , v. : Lonifon, January 2The' Patly Hall hasTBcelved the following dispatch from douth Africa: . ' Frcre Camp. Natal, January 2. An advanced picket fromthe Bouth African L'gbt Horse, stationed under cover near Uussar- tllll, observed to Boers eome Into the open yesterday. '- At a' distance of about 400 yards .the British opened 1 w 'Wfwmmim ' Three Boer horses were seen to gallop away riderless, while two men were est rled away Apparently wounded,, . The re- nainder of the Boers took cover. 1 Simultaneously body of Boers, esti mated at BOO, rushed out of the bnsbes and returned the British lire. The Brft- ishthen retired without loss. ; :' Jjondon, January - D.-Uenerals Buller and Jouberl are engaged in a great game of war before Ladysmith, like two ex petienced chess-players, neither making any decisive moves, but each trying to find out the other's intention. iS U ,'Buller is anxious to ascertain the force left by the Boers at Clang wane Moun tain and the exact location of the guns Id the Coleneo position. -Jouberi, think ing this exclusive attention to the left and center of his position suspicious, ias strengthened his right ; - i. ' rWlth a force' which lacks mobility, de pendent upon one line of railway, with a cumbersome transport, Buller baa to oross the Tugela and march to Lady- smith in the face of an' enemy much su perior In mobility, little inferior in num bers and spirited by 'success. ' He has either to turn the hostile lntrenchments or take the bull by the horns aa ddellvcr a fresh frontal assault.' vri- If It Is possible to watt another month, it Ladysmith caq hold out for that time, the Sixth Division, with mere colonial moan ted troops an arm in which Gen eral Buller is particularly weak will be available, .With full preparation and far more more powerful artillery than is now at his disposal General Buller may then succeed In a fresh frontal attack.' - Lob don, January 2 The .admiralty today chartered eight more large trant- ports. When all the troops destined for iouth Africa Join those 'already there Lord Roberts will be in command of , about 200,0u0 men. - - - , Thirty thousand are now afloat or ready to embark. Military observers, in view of what these figures mean, cantot see how the British can fall to crush the Boers by mere fotce of numbers. TJ.' H. Appleton, Justice of Pence Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitl's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quick ly cute ail liver and bowul troubles. F & butSj. r ;' ' V COnON ilARKET. The following quotations were rtcelv ml by J. K. Latham, New Hern, N. O. . Nbv Yokk, January 1) Open. Lligb. Low. Cliwe Ian. cotton.,... 7.44 7.44 1U , 1 i2 May. cotton.... 7.41 7 40 . 7 40 T 40 Nov. collou. ... 0 93 6 85 0 i 8 03 Cllll AIIO UAHKKTH. Ojicn. Iligli. Low WliFAf: 5'n.y . . . .' Ciiiin; Mny Cl-l-- I-:: MurcU .. . P.'y I'M ii. t.... t lou (- 701 8-'U 3:it,y:: 6 1!5 an rt :;) ft 64 1 ! f. Grand Lodge Meets in Raleigh osH the 9th of this Month. - . Increase1 In Membership. Oxford Orphanage Prosperous. Tobacco '' fcl rowers Conveatlon. Nor- " ' mal Dlrectos to Meet. t " . Lawyer's Fees. v. v 'EiLEiGH, Jan, 3. Grand Secretary John C. Drewry Is preparing bis annual repot t to the Grand Lodge of Masons, Which meets here on the night of the Bth lnat. There are four new lodges, one each at Red Springs, Cookerville, Carth ' age and Raleigh. ' The total number of lodges is 811. The membership is 11,400, an increase of 600, which is more than usual. While there are but few new lodges, the old ones have been more prosperous, have done more work and are In a healthier condition Wan ever before. . -, v ' 'Two temples are building; one in Wil mington and on in Rocky Mount. - The latter will be dedicated, by the Grand Lodge today.-' The Oxford Orphanage is in very fine condition.':' The Dukes gave (7,500 for il last year, on condition that the Masons raised a like sum. They raised only $8,800. They gave the full amount, nevertheless." There are now complete and occupied fire colleges for boys, five for girls, each accommodating 24 with teachers In eharge ot each col lege..-. The total number of pupils is 284 The only Mason of prominence who died last year was Past Grand Master Hpbert B. Vance. - The revenue of the Gipnd'Lodge dnring theyearwas 16,500, dr 400 more than ever before. The .tobacco-growers in this county have elected delegates to tbe State con vention here on the 17th. The latter is expectd to be large and representative. How It is going to fight the. trust is the great question, - Independent4jaclories are suggested, and it Is said capital - can be secured. - ' . V Railroad travel Is sgaln heavy, alter a little pause. Students are getting back to work, i ' ' t . 1 The corporation commission will take Jp the complaint made by Edwards 4 roughton, printers, of Raleigh, against the new freight 'rates on printing' and newspaper. It Is really a complaint by all the newspapers and publishers in the 8tate. The railroads raised paper freights from the sixth to the second class, which mean a doubling ot the rate. It is an Inter-State rate.' Of course a State rate could not be made save on approval by the corporation commission. - ; i C, 11. Mobane, ex-offiolo president of the board of directors of the State' Nor mal and Industrial College at Greens boro, calls the board to meet there on the evening of January llsh. The meet ing is to be continued -on the 12th. Be aid regarding' iiv We have not yet made our .official " ropor. .Dr R. H. Lewif, secretary" of the State board of health,, made a report, but It was merely report of progress, and not ours... We 'will make eurs on Ibe 11th and we will also decide 'upon the date for the opening of the co.lege." ", , ' The cold weather is trying on small grain," particularly, oats, as there Is no snow protection.; Down towards,' the coast, where it was not needed, as much as b of 6 ihebee ef snow feUTV ' : Eighty-three shares of stock in the Raleigh -Savings Bank,' par value 2b, sold for $02.80.. The bank's dividend last year was 12 per cent.. " . .- Raleigh made a very . fine record last year as to Immunity from fire losses- It Is said the total loss did not- exceed 12,500. . . ;;;;'7:"v';7' , Tile roof Is being put on the Raney Memorial Library. Htrange to say, It is tbe nrst tile root nere; ... . . ; One of the local scnsatlens yesterday was the trial of a half-witted negro girl for putting match heada in coffee for the purpose of poisoning her employer and his family, with whom she was angry. ' In the matter of legal fees during the past year Loga Harris did very wall In deed, as he got from the Stale $ ),n07, while W. C. Douglass got nearly or quite $5,000. V , ; During December there were only two deaths of while persons In Raleigh and 18 of ncirroes. There are 11,000 whites and 9,001) negroes in the city proper, The Superintendent of Public Instruc tion's warrants for the $100,00) of school fund appropriated by the Legislature hare reacbed the Auditor's ofllce and the Auditor Ixgun to make out his warrants on Hie Treasurer for the same. - " Blackburn for Senator. FitANKiroiiT, Ky., January 2. After r Jos- four yrsrs of relltemdiit. ex-8an 0, h Cluy 8ly!i-s Him khuru ! tonii;iil by the joint caucus of the Dein eciulic iiiiuiilnTH of tlia I.. t'-il-.hite aa Ibo succ -.or if iiliaiu Liud a In the I'tlllril Mnli'9 I'r'i.'il-ntn. i I . r I : c t'lTV If ,Vl on on : . 2 A Vitin ll.ll , P- ,1 ,y r,.f ii i Arrives at a Station Rot on its Route. . A i- ' ; 'singular Adventure. Paris, Januaty 2 A. train which left Argenlan for Paris, was recently lost for a time owing to a misplaced switch. - i The journey is one of about sjx hours The train made its regular stoppage at Suidoo Station,' and then disappeared mysteriously, ( ' ' The next halt ought to have- been at NonanllePln. T.he railway empIo)es there were surprised when the train was an' hour overdue. They telegraphed to Surdon and found that the train had left pn time. Meanwhile the mlaslng train was jog ging comfortably on toward Caen.. . Fi nally ablation came in sight and a stop was made," ; A guard got out of a van,yelllne,"Nc- nanll Nonantl" The stall n imployes, dumfouuded by the sudden appearance of an unknown train before them, began to run to and fro, crying: fNo.no, it is not Nonantl This Is Seesl' Then the passengers, began to wake up!-4rit was 4 a m and added to the con fusion fey the terror of finding them selves In a, strange altuation. "-' The stsllon master, -engineer and guards held a consultation and: came to the conclusion that "the switches must have been misplaced, so that the engine left the main line unnoticed. Only the fact that trains are. rare in thu locality prevented accident; . , oik : - ..1 ,A i - Slavery Abolished In Gnanv Mabila, Jan. 1 A naval officer who has arrived here from Guam brings s proclamation issued by Oapt. Rlcbard-P. Lcary, naval Governor of that Island, decreeing the absolute prohibition aud total abolition of slavery or peonage. ;.Tbe order takes effect February 22. :L, T.Travis, Agent Southern R. R. Sellna, Ga., writes, "I can not say too much in praise -of One Minute. Cough Cure. In my oase itsworked like a charm." The -only araileas remedy that gives Idtmedlate results, t Cures coughs, colds, otoup, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. FS Duffy. , . Dobbin A Ferrall, t At Tocher's store. RALEIGH. M.C Rounding Up The Season's Selling. liat and Suit Department, Selling at.Half Prices. - . - "Many of -the Styles jtre very limi ted in quantity, only one or two of a kind, but every garment Jacket, Coat or Suit represents somo of the Season's Best Sellers. . - $10 Jacket, for 5. $15 Nuit for 7 50. Just Half Prioes. -z - v. Dobbin & Ferrall. To Masters oft Vessels And Parties wishing Charts, Coast Pilots, eta. Havini, received the appointment from Washinitlon Ulty for the sale of Charts. Coast Pilots, etc, 1 am ready to receive all r.rders for the same at my place of business, 105 Middle Street, fJew llern, N. C Cash has to accompany all orders sent. . BAM. il. WATKIH. REAL ESTATE AGENC ! Houses and Lota For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tonouients that will prove a fine Invest ment. - ' ' '' . , - '", '. Collection ef Rests a Specialty, ! tTBce at rs'd"iice, 17 .'o'ltison itwt is. e. iiAniEn. u r ; - ii !; i thank you for your liberal patronage, ! during the past year ask for a continuance 4 I wish all a Happy New Year ' Respecfully QSHnSnStoStoStoSi I J. L McDAHIEL, IS?'" 1 'Phone 91. 71 Br6l Hi. A MERRY CHRIST MAS 1 And a Happy and Prosperous Df cw. Tear ,J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. "SI Broad Street. BOY'S Just . Received a new and 'pretty line ot Boys' Suits, ages 3 to Ladies especially spect these Bargains. M MIDDLE STREET, Henry's Pharmacy, J27 Middle Street. . A Full Lire of French's Exquisite Ex tracts, Perfumery sad Toilet Waters.. j Roger A 6llet Violet Extract and Vi olet and -Heliotrope Soaps. - I . . . 1 4711 Cologne Octagon, WickT and Long Bottles, and White Rose Glycerine and Violet Boape - VlnoIIa SolpPermir, Balsimio acd Medlual. ' Ca-ibmere Boquet, Peara, Pride of the Dairy. Uulicura, Buttermilk and Bine Soaps,, - : This weok ouly, Bacbet Packets,. 18 , Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Ao. : Ph; eicisn's Prescrlptl ins a Specialty, We What do you Want) : We want everybody to know we are going to Mil the best Ckaluless Bicycle for $WO0 a id Best Adoiiral for 23 00. Would be glad to have you cuu e in And rxuminu our slot k. , We lr d i e whin-Is for old one. ' We h .vi- I'll hui d a lar(ie; quai 1 y f Tir s, all kinil from $1 SO to 1 Ml. . And other sitlolei that belong U a lliCjClt". QASKIKS' CTCLI ' t Pkntcrs Building. - ' .'' Want i I'M I l'Oit I'.rTT, one i-i'y. Tb's fmio coo'slns -ut t ' rV ir In vnry (",:" S ! ' !) H i' ' i;'. ,11, ,1 ' '!.- '.Mi and respectfully of the same. and Prosperous ' Yours f tawVis isftsUtsiststO to our many Mends and cus tomers for their very liberal pat ronage for 1899, and trusting to re ceive a share of your business for 1900. I am very gratefully yours, I 7. invitedgtojfcall and in NEW BERN, N O NEWBEItN GRISTMILLS. New MUIei, ICol ling Client, levators andj Corn t'lean Of .the Latest Improved and Up- to-l)ate fllll Machinery. YODR TRADE IS SOLICITED. .1' i-. ' .. , ' ' ' ...'' V ' W SPECIAL PAINS Uken In clean- Ins; and polishing gram before going through the mills, which insure pure meal, ,1- .".v....--.,-...:-,';.. ,..-.,";.. . Corn, Homlity, Oat and stlset Feed. V QEOEOE BISHOP. I New Bern, K. O. .' ',."-,'':. ecewing ' " We will be at onr store, - 1 corner Craven and 8outh v Front Slrwts, from Jany. V v " 1st, 1900, until fin ther nol ice, and will gladly . - v Revive the Little Palance That May Be Due Us, and to Take Orders For Hardware. t r ricitse Be Sure to Call, jzt Tif.liinpt yon a proipor oun iitul I i py Kcw Year SUITS 1 ! '

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