VOL. Ull-NO. 240.V IIGHTIINTH TI4K. V MW-BtttN, N. C FttlUAY MORNING, JA8UARY 5, 19011.' to to to to A to to to to to A to If you have not tried Hackburn's Perfect Blend oi Mocha-and Java Coffee at 20c per lb., do so at once. You pleased will save to to to to Thanking pur many friends for their liberal patronage and good will, we wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, nd hope to merit a share ot your trade for 1900. Respectfully," GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, HARDWARE: OROCERIES: "S 13 l IDDLE ST BEET. 'Phone 147. 61 BROAD STREET. mm Allow as to (nggeafc a.few suitable prjsenU . for gentlemen g " What it more acceptable than one of- our new and nobby Cravats at 50c ? Our neckwear up-to-date. - p --u-r If a little more expensive present is wanted, buy a pair ' of our Kid 0 loves at $1.00 or do even better and buy a $1 60 pair 8p the handsomest which have ever been seen in the pityi : 3 r'v We have numerous articles which we could enumerato such 3 as Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Half. 3 Hose in all the new colors.- . :-y ;,-' 3 ' White Shirts, Collars and Cuffs in the latest shapes; '.'3 '.t.-s. Nothing takes the place of an Umbrella as a desirable gift and re have a large variety just in, at prices from 50o to $5 00. .3 fc: ' 1 an ana examine our (toon ana. you win una . everyimng f-.l,n ..n nr..tn.l.U . . Ynnn Truly ' "'.': ". in bran new and up-to-date. Yours Truly, ; 1 t ' m. " .)'-. POLLOCK STRBBT. V s Santa Clatis Klistalic ! I.u. J lalm Graix ., Oi lifuniia Orangos, Fjj.i Applt-s and tunona'. Nuts, Itniuli s and Figs, in f vot tvO thing .Vine and F eli for Xwar. r; .-GIVE LIE A CALLzj S3 V I w w money and be V T T V 3 hai just arrived and is strictly 3 3 . . CQ., 1 " NEW BERN, H, O. V ' ' 0 Mades No When tie he does fur. 11 e "Xrnji . 'e it from 01 r slock of Fancy and ' 8tHle Otocerios. Oir Roy 4 Floor for your Xmaa balgnf , oiu superior and exquisitely flaroted Coffee and Tens, Oi.r Pn.i ding, RoIUhes, Ctystallred Frulta mdOtii er, Fimln a mI D.imes tio Cheote, Fox River 't nt Ritler uiid tmore'i Mlmo Mrut will iiHwi'h the lnv r of tlio fh: in. eieur. . . , , We I ave In n large ililpnet Brautif ul Kalatn im O -lory uml . His fine. ' . mm. OMR. EIITIE. .! Reported Being- Foneht Between General Gatacre and the Boers. Situation Very Critical on the Tu ' it el a. ."Bailer Hast Advance. : Rhodes Cletb.es Been. . Can " . '-'""ada Enthusiastic Over , . TEelrXei. ' - Lohdok, Jan. 8 A. report wai current In London today thatthe Boen bad at tacked Molteno, Gap Colony, and that the battle waa raging. ' Inquiry at the War Office elicited the reply that nothing , had been received confirmatory of the report of a battle, though several telegram have been re ceived from General Gatacre'a camp, stating that, lie would make a new adr yance to Molteno. : It la believed that, simultaneously with General French's move on - Colesberg, General Gatacre poshed forward a force to Molteno to feel the way for an advance on Btormberg, and that the Boers met this move by a prompt attack. . ;i Molteno is sank In a hollow "among the hills, and Is not an easy place to bold. Gataore, supposing that he is there, will probably either have to abandon it or risk a battle under difficulties. ' Lohdoh, January 8. The critical sit- nation la Natal cannet remain se much longer. . . 1 Everything . points to the fact that General Joubert has sought to envelop the British wings by a presoent-shaped formation, the two horns being at Spring field, on the Little Tugela fiver, on tb west, and at Hlangwane monhtain, or perhaps even Weenen, on the east, A etrong position on the southwest of Colenso would .seem to be the best point to be attacked. If General Boiler once gains the crest of Mount Inhwane his big guns will command both Colenso and the, Boer Intrenchmenta along the river. The problem of the Tugela will prob ably be solved, by a series of engage ments, on the result ot which will de pend the British - hope of breaking down the opposition aed relieving Lady smith. r '.:; . . : - ttjleneral Buller lias sent a call -for stretcher-bearers. -. Movements, ot the foreign attaches also point to the immi nence of fighting. In the meantime the reasons for Boil er's advance are beooming more press. lug at Ladysmith. The bombardment has increased in s eyerlty and, the be sieged force must be suffering the effects of constant wear.: Kiuberlet, Cafb Oolomt, Dec 8 (delayed In transmission. Cecil Rhodes has supplied the Boer prisoners here with new clothing. Tbe besieging Boers last night showed considerable interest In the Premier mine, using -their- searchlights.; This morning they actively shelled the fort The Royal Artillery replied. The British shells were- well placed and dropped amid tbe smoke of the Boer guns. . London, - Jan. ' I It Is pesitlvely stated here on good authority that Great Britain will not take Delagoa bay. The Brltisn Government, it is declared does not longer contemplate any such step, in spite of the clamor of the British press and publlo opinion npon the ad vlsablllty of so doing, 1 Tobohto, OKT-i 8.' The Toronto mm engartd In the fight : under . Col jnel Pilcher were in all 1C0 and composed chiefly ot a company of the Canadian regiment which left here two months ajo under .Colonel Otter.: for- the ' front. Kelther officers nor men bad ever been in action before. V-v.-jv' ; Tue news of the flgbt caused a sensa tion, and tbe newspapers and telegraph offices were besieged by anxious rela ttvis until the receipt of a message an nounclng that in the fight, the Toronto mea had .escaped without loss. The news has, if possible, Increased the war fever, and tonight scores of men are clamoring for enrollment Tn Canada'! contingent.-?, -. " G. ' 11. Appleton, ' Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J , ssys, "DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the best-pills, mado lor constipation. We use no others." Quick ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. F 8 Duffy...' ' . - ; ; - DENOUNCES M0RM0NISM, Scathing Arraignment of Creed In Gov ernor hciaurln'i Message. . . Jackson, Mi, Jan. 8 The rea.lln of Governor McLaurtn's mcasge In the Legislature today created quite a sur- prise when tbe section referring to the growth of Hormonlsm in Mls-irlp i wss reached. The Governor d nounced 1 lie Mormon sect-in scathing term t, and recommended tho adoption of laws Unit will prevent the touching of thedoolrlue In ilia Htale, During the illsounluii of the snbjrt'.l lie slcl: - - "There Is no threatened danger to the Statu more baneful than the lerhnrnus ti adliij? of the Hormun apo.tb of poly- gam;.. It l n.oro dun;ieriis bccaimi It la taught under the guise of Hie mliihilry of the On-;. cl. The V 'nous illn.-lnlin the open l" li!n- of p-,!yitamy In fie pu'i'll, hut tly Irach It on the corner. ami I) t Diliiislei's ntui.k glTi'j pntrnuy to thHr ... h.' t: M ,1 ,, ml i i . THINK CbnON HIGH ENOUGH. Price, HcCormtck and Company's Opinion on Price of Cotton. ' - Special to Journal. v Nbw Yobk. Jan. 4Cottou closed weak. ' Oar opinion is confirmed that present prices for spot cotton shonld be accepted. ! ' - - - . '- -.?:; ,.. The' movement promises a relative increase during January and with Eng land involved in war, and tight money ija America conditions are notpropllloue for higher prices at present. , Our efforts have been for best interests ot the South which will not be best served If they over stay market - ,. Pbiob, MoCobmick & Co. A STORY FROM PARIS., An Artist Is Kept In Trouble By a Lady ' " Who Loves Him. Pabis, January 8 A well known ar tist, whose identity is considerably con cealed under the designation Laurent de G in the paperajs devoting all the energy left in htm to the task of recov erlng from the shock caused by a Mew Tear's gift that was both novel and un welcome. t.-v .f:;L'"- ' 1h ' ' He had been In Jove with- Mme. . Qer- mance, H., bat had ceased paying her at tention, - , ,. y Harmance sought vengeance. One, morning, when he opened his door, . the artist found himself face to face with friends clad in mournlngf who fled when they saw him. Then followed more friends of tbe painter, who had all received notification ot bis. death and invitations to attend his funeral. They were persusded to leave. Hermance bad played a trick. - Nw Year's Day, about 11 o'clock in the morning, two employes of an ex press company delivered a box ' at tbe artist's rooms. The box, from its size and the care with which it was handled, ppeared to contain something precious. When the artist feverishly pried oft the ltd he was panic-stricken to see the tire less Hermance rise out of the depths of the box and clasp him In her arms. The artist insisted upon the lady leav ing. Then sho suddenly pulled out a pis tol, fired at him and fled. He hsa refused to seek her arrest, but lives in fear and and trembling. , . CANAL COMMISSION. Sent to Investigate the Best Route Be tween the Two Oceans. . New York, January 8 The commis sion appointed by President McKlnley under an act ot Congress to determine tbe most feasible and practical route for a canal across tbe Isthmus of Panama ill sail on Saturday for the scene of Its labor by a ateamer ot the Atlas Line. A member of the commission said to dy tbe duty of the commission1! not to decide between tbe clslms of the Pana ma canal and the Nicaragua canal though it may come to that but to de? termlne "the most feasible and practical route, wherever that may oe. ? Whether there Is any route preferable to either of those which have become so well known we shall do our utmost to disoover. , To Crush Monopolies. Wasbiboton,' January )VRepresen- tstive Galnea of Tennessee, introduced bill today by which he expects to reach all trust. The measure provides that no mall matter to or from persons, corpora tions, companies or other organizations shall be handled by the United Slates mall when such parties, corporations er eompaoiea are engaged in attempting to build up . or create a- monopoly to re strain -trade, to increase the price of pro ducts or lower the price of labor. V J; - .- m " .r.j; ... M'Laurln for Long Term. Jaoxson, Miss. Jan. 8. The Demo- crttaoftha Stste Legislature held oaucus ln,the Senate Chamber tonight sod unanimously nominated Anselinan J. McLaurin whose term ot Governor will soon e'xplro, for tbe long term tbe United State Senate, -: 1 - la Lewis : Dennis, Balem, Ind., say, "Kodoi Dyspepsia, Cure did me more good tnan anything I ever took.' It dl gests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles F8 Duffy.. ' ' ;. -.. COTTON MARKET. The following quotations were reoelv- od by J. K. Latliain, Ne I'ern, N. O. '. Nk otiK, January 4 ' Oien. High. Low. Close fan.eotton .... 7.7 7.1,7 T.ll 7.87 M.y. wittoii I.;, iilj. 7.401 ' 7 81 -7. 1.i s.V. u.iton ... oei. o.vi est o.di ' " CIllCAOll UatlKKTS. Wlii'.AT: My Ui.RN:- ' . . vlny. . CufSkK: " Marrb .. Open. Ill(;b. Low. . lo .. Ij lOj OH 01)1 .. 831 an on.-, 6 i 0.31 SHI C'l 72 :0J f H '('..3 So, R'y I'fd. B. It. T. ... C, 40 I! a-ling .... r.:'t " C:iJ !U .. .. fil 1'nf. Out. To': Iti-r. ipls at cotton potls 'I'i t ( ;i liv Populists and Republican Set Dates For Meeting In Raleigh.' " Temperature For Becember ,,V)'as Lew.lThe School - Fnnd Next '', Fall.: The - Jlarsball Case. Tbe SoatlierB-Fxpresi .. ' Tax. District Conrt Rauion, Jan..4 Dr. Cyrus Thomp son had a conference with the Populist Bentral committee and caUed tl e Sluts committee to meet here at 7 p m. Jan uary 18th, at which tlme-the call for a convention will be issued. The Repnbllcaii convention Is to be held here May 3d It Is thouglit probable that the Populist convention will beheld about April 20tn, It is not the purpose hold It until after the Democratic convention Is held. Populists and Re publicans will fuse. The mean temperature here during December was 43 degrees, which Is two below the average for the past 18 years. The highest was-60 degrees, the lowest The-ralnfall was only 3 inches, which is almost an Inch less than the average. von-Herman, the weather bureau official here,' says he does not expects severe winter. He thinks the cold wave now passing away, is the top notch of winter. Father Worth says: "I have no idea when I will be able to honor the Audi, tor's warrants far tbe $100,000 appro prlated by' the Legislature to tho public schools. I certainly cannot pay it by January 8th. I hope to pay it all by next June. I have not much money now. Secretary T.- K. Biuner and Herbert Brimley, curator of the State Museum whe are to go to Paris with the fine ex hlblt this State will make, were gratified today at the receipt of some fine Bilver ore from the recently reopened mine at Bilver Hill, Davidson county,. They are promised specimens of copper ore from Mr. Newman's Unioa mine, near Salis bury., i Agnes utley, the negro girl who put matches In a coffee pot lu order to poi son her employer and his family, Is In jail. She is halt wilted. The Slate Treasurer will today send out a circular letter to the county super intendents, telling them he hopes to pay the 100,fi00 appropriation to the public schools in time for the next fall term, He says if the sheriffs settle promptly he will be sble to pay.; There are fifty witnesses for Lawyer Marshall, charged with counterfeiting and only six for the govemmeut. Mars den Bellamy and George Rountree, ot Wilmington, are here as attorneys for the defendsnt. Herbert Smith charges gross discrlm (nation against Wilmington tn favor of Norfolk. Bill Day, fur the railroad, said the farmers did not ask for lower freight rales on fertilizers, but that the nianu tactnrers wanted It. .The Lafayette fire Insurance Com pany has obtained license to do business in North Carolina. . ' Auditor U. L. Loop and Cislrlet 8u pertntendeul W. Jw Croswell, of the Southern Express Company, were before tbe corporation Commission. There was a'sort of conference as to assessments for taxation, Tbe company also pays tax on capital stock, of wlilch the pro portion for North Carolina It $100,000. There is entire agreement between tbe I corporation commission and the com pany as to tbe taxes paid. L The present term os the United States District Court is expected to continue two full weeks. The star case on trial yesterday ' was "'that of ex-Postmaster Israel liargett, of Rooky Mount, who short $813 in his account. He was in Jail a long time, but finally bis ball was re duced to $1,000 and this be gave. ; At a certain stage in the Hsrgett trial he pleaded guilty and ' Intiodueed the plea of mitigating . circumstances Judgement waa not pronounced. ; REAL ESTATE AGENCY Honsee and Lola For 8ale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements that will prove a fine Invest mens. j Collection ef Rents a Specialty. OHIre at residence, IT Johnson strti JL H' IIARPEB. we sen -I to our pull-ons wilh food ailvli fp'O. ifour wr.ni'j iil I)" many prc. a warni'T, lu t .n Ii'iitm s of the culll :u d, w It-ri y.'nr n-fiie la fthnvo ro- pri. i I - In t;-n .11 .i have y -.r i;.-t v.i! i n i i; ;::! i. .s Year with til . r rlulhln.f liiftflfl vii yim a (! .. incite l nl,V!i.ys ittw a. ,'i'V . HfW lAr;".v 1r Creeling :u I thank you for your Meral patronage during the past year and respectfully ask for a continuance I wish all a Happy New Year. Respecfully J. L MAIL, 'Phone 91. 0,!lnwVLViy!v(wViy(X isrVtarVisrVlAO A MERRY And a Happy and Prosperous Hew Year J.-.R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. tl Broad Street. BOY'S Just Received a new and pretty line ol Boys' Suits, ages 3 to 7. Ladies especially invited tojfcall and in spect these Bargains. 99 MIDDLE STREET, Henryfs Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. A Full Line of.French's Exquisite Ex tracts, Perfumery and Toilet Waters. ' Roger eVGallet Violet Extract and Vi olet and Heliotrope Soaps. 4711 Cologne Octagon, Wicker and Long Bottles, and White Rose Glycerin and Violet Soaps. -.. . Vli-olla 8osp Permlr, Bslsimio and I Medical. ; . , . ' Ca-hmere Boquet, Pi ars, Pride of the Dairy,' OullcuraV Buttermilk and Blue 3oap.v:;:; vj-'A " ; jThi weok only, S ichet PackeU, J6e. ' Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, &S. Phjeieiaii's Prescrlpil ms a B.ictialty. WeWant! Wfatdoyou Want? We want everybody lo know we .are going to Mil the best Ckalnleas Bloyeh for $"000 and Best Admiral, for $ 00 - - Would be glad to kave you coo.e li examin nirstoi. ... , , W r traile i ew wlt ls foi old ones. -" W have e bard a large i,ta I y f r -, ab kl i.t. fhHii $1 $fto $. - - A id other ai tides" that be'ongU a bicycle. ;';;' :' -': QASKINS' YCLI OMPANT Planters Building. N klOTICE ! A valuable FARM FOR REKT, one mile from the city. This farm contains 103acre'ilK Ut80c'eir, In very good condition and known as th II abbs farm. For further particulars apply to No, 22 Jones street, Mow Torn, N. C. of the same. and Prosperous Yours, Wholesale lie tail rosier, 71 CHRISTMAS ! ! To our many friends and cus tomers for their very liberal pat ronage for 1899, and trusting to re ceive a share of your business for 1900. I am very gratefully yours, SUITS ! - w:- NIW BERN, N 0 NEW BEIUtJ GRIST -JMILLS. New Mill, Ilolilng Client, Elevators Jdj Corn Clean Ofthe Latest Improved and Up-to-l)ate mil Machinery. YOUR TKADE IS SOLICITED. . BT BPECtAli PAINS Isken In dean hie; and polishing grain before going through the mills, wbioh insures pure meal, .. ' Corn, Hominy t Oats and Mixed Feed. fQEOBQE BISHOP. New Bern, N. O. cRecewmgfi r - We will be at onr store, . " .(orn.f ' iaen end South . ' h'rmit Strnet, from. Jauy.. Ut, 1000, until fnrther ? s notice and will gladly 1 Receive the Little Balance That . May Be Due Us, and to Take . . Order' Por Hardware.. B9' Please Be Sure to Call. 'JM Wishing you a prosper-. ous and happy New Year wears, - , ' Tours Truly, J. G. l-islty CO.