, 'V ' i - " - 7 r i , m 'II . , v - VOL. ITIl -NO. 241. fltWBKRN,' N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY G, 190(T EIGHTIIHTJ YKh ft Ol ' E. 23.' nciTBTj-nsr g If you have not tried HackburxL's VV Perfect Blend ot" Mocha and Java W Coffee at 20e per lb., do so at once. y Yoii will save pleased. k 1; Thanking our many friends for their liberal- patronage and good AviJI, we wish all a; Happy and Prosperous New Year, and hope to merit a share ot your trade for 1900. Respectfully, GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, HARDWARE: ' 1 U MIDDLE STREET. 'Phone MIL -MANUFACTTJRERS- MnorlniW HiSh iiicauuito Grade - If yon farm on the intensive system and for profit, yon must use HIQH QRADB OUANO. ' ,y -v Out Goodsare specially adapted I T m Used by the largest and moit incoeufnl farnfer in this section. Their Field Results gpeak loader than Word. :'- i! - SPCIAXg . OUATVOS r-v,Uge,Mdowir GOLD LEAP T()BAOCO' GUANO, (Tned ; and . True) for Color, SilkiaeM and Fine Texture. Manufactored in the bright . , leaf geotion of the6tate, and gpecially prepared for the ueedg of oir land. :v j' If interested send for leaflet of analysis and testimonials. ' . . ;Our 1900 Calendar also for the aiking.' 'htX'JJ E. H.- & J. A. MEADOWS, coi . ' Work a: - Union Point- I CHRISTMAS 'mm. 1 : v.- v;-vrj 12 - . . n , Allow ns to suggest a few suitable presents for gentlemen.' j What is more acceptable than one of Our new and nobby : Cravats at 50c f Our neckwear has just arrived and is 'strictly : up-to-date.'- ' . : " . '"V '' .'' ' : . . .. ., . - , , - . If a little more expensive present is wanted, buy a pair of : oar Kid Gloves at (1.00 or do even better and buy a $1 60 pair : the handsomest which have ever been seen in tbe city. - : We have numerous articles which we conld enumernU snclT: as Liuen Handkerchiefs, Silk Haudkercbiofs, Suspenders, Half -Ilwe in all the new colors. , ' : White Shirts, Collars and Cnffs In the latest slinpcs. " , ; Nothing takes the pluce of an Umbrella as a dceiruble pt Z aud we bare a largg variety jnst in, at prices from COo to $5 00. Call and examine our stock and you will find everything : bran new and up-to-date. Yours Truly, : 67 rvuxKX rr money and , be , QROCER1ES: 147. tfl 3TC0AD STREET. Special Guanos. ' for this section. Potato Cabbage FOR AIA 1 CHOPS. A.;;' i 'New Bern, N. 0.'.'; ;, CO., KKW I H, M. C. Mews (IQjl CM. . Seizure Of A Hall Steamer By Brit- ; Ish Cmiser At Aden. ; : ' , Eaperor". William Vemaads Bepara tlon. Mo Beply Tet Hade.ri7saaI ' - gklrmlghlDK Near Xady- -smith. Oen. l"reneh , s ' Belaforeed. - -. - - v Berlin: JannarY 4 The German Im perial mall steamer General baa ben seized by the British at Aden, Arabia. Thli baa earned a storm of indignation here, as It follows other similar Incl dents. 1 The JJerllner Tageblatt says: "The fiieaanre of patience of the German nation Is fnlL Does: England . want to drire Germany rlolently Into , the arms of the Rnsi o-French coalition?" :': i 4-The Lokal Anzeiger sayst 'England has aWaya carried out a ruthless marl- time poltoy, and whenever ber interests demanded it has always violated the rights of others. Before the ; German steamer Bundesratb. was captured re cently a number of other ships, Russian! American and Frenchj were taken. It is to be hoped that the powers will" unite for their common" protection. For this however, France and Germany must glre up dlsirustlng each other.'.! . . ; . . Emperor William is now thoronghly aroused by the repeated seizures Of ves sels, not one of which, he 'bas been assured, is guilty of carrying contraband. Be regards the seizures . ts high ' banded proceedings which -Bngland would riot have dared' to undertake It the German navy were more powerful than it Is. He hai, therefore,; Instructed Count .von Bulow, the Foreign Secretary, to demand exact and full reparation for the outrage done to the German flag.' ; t , " i No answer that Is considered satlsfac lory has yet beed received from London, and according to advices here, none Is tq !m expected for several days longer. - - London, Jan. 4 Tbe Daily Telegraph has received the following dispatch from South Africa: .:' :"' " . Frere Camp.Natal, Jafl. 4 General Culler1 big navjf gnns today shelled tbe Uolenso lines again. Que missile burst iu a trench, causing the Boers to scram ble quickly. -Another exploded among a drove of horses, killing several of them and stampeding the remainder. '. - ' Nineteen Kaffirs who bad escaped from the Boer lines have come here from Colenso. They say the Boers are short of suppllei, and that the co'mmandaats treated them so bad; that they could stand it no longer''.4.4.ft '''-y Parties of scouts now proceeded dally toward tbe Tugela, engaging ; the - Boer guards..Tke Boers continue to bombard Ladysmith. : ' -.-f'.''-,.,7 ' -' Pans, Jan. 4. A report was current on the Bourse today that General Bolter had met another cheek in his efforts to relieve the British garrison at Lady- smith. ; :u Cn;;; - " L London, i an. 4. There Is great satis faction here at the news that De Aar bas been able to send to General French rein foroemen ts of guns and Infantry, . of which be appears to be.much In need. The fighting In the hills Is incessant Tbe latest telegrams say General French has almost ' surrounded Oolesbqrg, but that the Boers are stiffly defending - all their, positions close to the town, pre venting tbe British from capturing if. "' , A dispatch from Rembnrg, says the, heavy artillery duel has recemmenced. y Last Honors .t o LawtonV WAsnmeTOH, January 4.Pnbllo ser vices will attend the burial of the re mains of General Lawton- at 'Arlington. It has been suggested to tbe President that be Close tUe'.Government depart menu on the day and make the Obaequlei an official event. v It is expected that tbe body will' reach Washington early In February. , - . , i - 4,, 1 t i ii isaassaggs in . Ji "' ? , f . The Lawton Fund. ' WasmaoTOH, Jauy. 8. Subscriptions to tbe Lawton fund closed tonight, - .The total amount received will be In the neighborhood of $00,000, which makes it certain that lbs widow and . children ot the gallant officer will be well provided for. ' ; . -. - - ' ' G. D. Appletort, Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, K.J., says, "Dc Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills' made for constipation. We use no others." Quick ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. F 6 Duffy.;. -;: Try our own make of Breakfast Bacon It is extra Hue. Oaks Meat Market. J.J.Baxter baa tbe prettiest line of lallk Mufllors and nice Ties, etc for Xmas gltis ever seen in the city. ; Jordan's Cough BaUsm continues to be a popular rrmedy for cooglit, hosrae ncss, Ac, ma le and sold only l y Davis' Frcscrlbllon Pharmacy. ' Don't forget to see J. J, Baxter fine suit of Clolhes, Bhocs, Hals, Undnrwcar before buying, he can you money. for a nice save " Laaics JscleH cancel WO llllVO Rhnllt 15 lmliis IK'iV I j'M'li elf, Homo Vef y liIHil i'ltl;, li 1 , I ; 11,. ,1! V I. V '! V ' I I niit nl it1 "Ml I rr ;;i';,r j, ' - i. :. A. ; 111 SiilE. Democrats Prepared .To Meet Any Moves The Fuslonlsts May Make. Masoaie Temple at Wilson. ' Bar Association Heetfus; Jnae 27th. ' Boeky. JKoant Postofflee, , Tbe Marshall Counter . A felting Case. Ralvioh, Jany. 6. Some of tbe eas tern Republicans appear to think their piedmont and western bretheren "kndw it all" and are managing it as to the action regarding the election law. One ot them said 4h at he would like to know on what ground the Republicans - would apply for an Injunction to prevent tbe new election law from being carried into effect. Tbe Democrats are masters of the situation and when the Legislature meets In June it w'U checkmate any Republi can work. . ' The Ashevllle 'Gazette now bas a: cor respondent here who came here from Washington City. No Republican is now considered orthodox unless he takes the Gazette.' In fact, it Is considered good form for a Republican to have a copy alwaysln bis breast-pocket and to, wrap tbe baby in it when the youngster Is first weignea, The executive committee ot the State Democratic Press Association .met -Sere. yesterday with State Chairman Simmons and made excellent arrangements for the publication of campalngn matter and for reaching tbe voters. ;' At Wilson Grand Master Richard J. Nable laid the co.'nei'stone and dedicated the Masonic Temple. Th building is completed and a space was left for the corner-stone. . .' , The investigation o(, the freight rate mailer, before Bpeclal Master Martin continues. - Several fertilizer men were on the Witness stand. The new trains .which - the Seaboard Aif Line will use on - Its New Tork- Tsojpa service have arrived at Portt mouth. It U said by officials that thev will undoubtedly be running by Feb ruary 1st. The Besboard Air fctpe Is making the greatest possible effort to get laborers to work on its new links. ' The commissioner of insurance reports as new licenses 29 life, 82 Are, 13' acci dental and urety companies and 10 fra ternal orders. ' The executive committee of tbe North Carolina" Bar Association met here yes terday and decided to hold its next annual meeting In Asheville on June 27. The Seaboard Air Line values the uaronna ventral Kauroaa at ss.oou.ouo, wbile the corporation commission values It at $1,800,000. . The negro assistant to ex-Postmaster Israel Hargett, colored, at Rocky Mount, la Implicated in the em'seazlement of funds. As stajed, Hargett acknowledges tbe shortage.- de Is out on bond. . - In the Federal Court yesterday Was! devoted to the trial of A. J. Marshall of Wilmington, on the charge of counter- felling silver dollars, half dollars and quarters There are nine witnesses for the government and some 6Q for Mar shall.- The chief, witness, against Mar shall was Nicholas PolUz, a Greek, who was- brought "from -the penitentiary to testify., lie was 1n citizen's clothing, Marshall sat among bis attorneys, his Wife- being beside bim. Pollts swore Marshall bought counterfeiting materials and together with a- Greek named Cat- sobelos made counterfeit -money night after night In a room over Poltts'a store. Polils said be saw them making It, but swore he never circulated any of It. The defence was "leaded" for Pollts and he was given' a severe cross examination, Counsel for the defence say openly thaV. there is politics In this case and that It an attempt to down Marshal! for 'this reason. 1 Marshall Is a Democrat and I great supporter of Congressman ' Bel lamy. . ; ' . ; -L.T.Travis, Agent Soutnern R. B Se'llna, 0t-4 writes, "I can not ssy too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In my cue it worked like a charm. The only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cures couglu, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. P 8 Duffy.- ' - COTTON MARKETS, . The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. '" " v. . Naw Youk, January 8, j. V i.i ' Open; High. Low, Close fan. eottoh.;V.. r77.7 7 81 -7.88 May. cotton'..;. 7.44 , 7.47 . 7.40 7.41 Nov, cotton ... 8 8) .a 8.78 j8.78 ' C1IIOAOO MA.RKXT8.. - WhbT:-t Slay Cokh: May...,, 'Open. High. Loir. Joe 9 6D .,63. 68 m 83t 82J 8?i Corn a: March 881 , 4 72 81 , Dill 015 M 6 45 ' 'S fr.'l 8o. n'y Tfd.. B. R. T.,.,.. C. AO , Reading ..... 711, 81, Cont. Tob. Trcf . 87 Riii:i:!()ts at cotton ports 801 20.0U0 i bales. Bize dfvri'ii't ludi( Tito j ii (ilit y. !.wnre of oounlc! r, !l, tnul ivnt :i-'-H snlvo frT r- -1 f ,r V,. ' !!', h !".,, 1 V I-,. i r... i, :i,.,i. i . i 1 ,TM! f:,r I q P:. I h ! p' 'ii V ' s. MORGAN WILL DEFEND US. The Senator From Alabama Will Answer -i k. Pritchard in the Senate ' Washington, Jan. 4 Senator Morg a will , speak next Monday on Senator Pritchard's resolution that tbe proposed amendment to the Constitution of North. Carolina restricting suffrage is against tbe spirit of the Constitution of tbe (lulled Stales, Senator Morgan's sprerh will be a defense of tbe methods of tbe South in preserving -tbe pnriiy of tbe ballot box, and will be intended not only for the benetlt of the Democrats of North Carolina, but of Alabama as well. BE tlint your blood la rich --and nun.. Tlio W-tt blood Duriiicr. etiriclier and vltulizer is Howl's Sui-t-n-parilla.v Be euro to GET HOOD'S. Columbia's Jnst Received. 1 have received a new supply of Col umbia and Hartford bicycles, Columbia chainless 50 to 175, also a few more of the Models 45 and 49 at 940, while they last. A big lot of Tires and Sundries at prices that will suit you. Repairing of every description solicited. i Wh. T.Hill, South Front Street. Dobbin & Ferrall, At TuckerH store. RALEIGH. H. C. Rounding Up The Season's Coat and Mult ltpartmenf. Selling at Half Prices. Many of the Styles re very limi ted in quantity, only one or two of a kind, but every garment Jacket, Cout or Suit represents some of the Season's Best .Sellers. $lO Jackets for $5. $15 Null for $7 50. Just Half Prices Dobbin 5: Ferrall? To Masters of Vessels And Parties, wishing Charts, Coast Pilots, etc' Having received tbe sppjintment from Wuhinnton Cllv tor tbe sale of Charts. Coast Pilots, eic, I am ready to receive all trders for the same at my place of business, 105 Mtrtril i Street, New Bern, N V.. Caali has to accompany all onlers sent, , bam. u. yvAUUita. IE! SATURDAY, JANUARY 6TH. Original - Naskville Stndenfis; t '. Combined with -TJWeon's Big ninstrel ; Carnival, Direction ot Rusco ft Holland. Two complete faultless Institutions in a mighty union. ' ..- -. - 48 Minstrel Stars. y Big' . Bands and Pickaninny Drum Corps. - , w Simeon' Bonomor's $6,000 Challenge Troupe of Arabs. - Travellrg In Its own train" of PdUman Cars. " , v - 1 18 Comedians, 10 Solo Singers, 16 Dan cers, 8 Big Olio Acts. -i Most Stupendous Street Parade ever given by any minstrel show takes' plaoj at noon time. : ' .:, The "3 Days" Cure (For Men.) ' ; Lvads all remedies in this Stale. Drag gists refund the money If it fails to cure, Guarantee on thu packsge. Price $1 00, Also by mall on receipt of price. Tbe "8 Days"Care Co,Wssbingtnn,D.U, r Crrrfln;? 4 S . II J, t wb biikI to our patrons with good silvlfie fn'O. Vour wfit ome will Ihi mnny dfl- vr '- warmer, In Ihp ImtucH of t cultl- viiir-l. iim yitr me In etiove re- iiri-ii h. ;ti, " In t' in how Yc'irwish til In ymir :!iiUli'-' mnilo I ! v ft you a i ftin;Mic Selling I ' m AT J. L mcDANIEL S -71 BROAD STREET You can feet anything you want in the Staple and Fancy Grocery Line as low as anywhere in the city. A large and well . assorted stock to select from. .Everything guaranteed as represented. If found otherwise I will cheerfully refund jour money. I have a few nice Mixed Nuts, all new crop, nice and freBh, left from the Christmas trade, which you can have for 10c per lb. It will pay yOu to examine your Groceries. J. L McDANIEL, 'Phone 01. A MERRY And a Happy and Prosperous New Year J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. BOY'S Just Received a neV Boys' Suits, ages 3 to Ladies especially spect these Bargains.'' A.J.SMITH bo MIDDLE STREET, Henrys Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. A Full Lire of French's Exquisite Ex tracts, forfitmpry and Toilet Waters. . Roger ft Gnllet Violet Extract and VI olet ami Heliotrope Soaps. 4711 Cologne Octagon, Wicker and Long Bottles, and White Rose Ulycerinn and Violet Soaps.. Vinolla Soap Permir, Bslsimio and Medloal. V Cs'hmere Boquet, Pears, Pride of the Dairy, Cluticura, Buttermilk and Blue Sosps, it This week only, Sachet Packets, 15o, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, &0. . Physician's Proscriptions a Specialty. We Want! ; What do you Wantj We want everybody to kaow we are going to sell tbe best Chainless Bloyele for 5000 and Best Admirals for n 00. Would be glad to have you cone In and examine our stock, v' . .;' ; ' .'3V kWi trade nee wheels for dd onea We Have on band a large quantity of Tlrre, all kinds from f 1 60 to $3 AO, , ADd other artloles that belong to a bicycle.. , ; ' , , ' '. ' QASKINS' CYCLE 0MPANY Planters Bulldlng . ', NOTICE ! AvaluaWe FARM FOR RENT, one mile from the city. This farm contains 109 screi; shout 80 cleir, in very gooO condlilok and known as thsllubbsfarm. For further particulars apply to T- I ... 4 mL f stock before buying Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 71 Bread CHRISTMAS ! to our many friends and cus tomers for their very liberal pat ronage for 1899, and trusting to re ceive a share of your business for 1900. I am very gratefully yours, SUITS! and pretty line ot 7. invited tojfcall and in- i- NSW BERN, N 0 NEW IlEItN GRIST-JIILLS. I'4'w Mills, Itolilng Chest, Elevators and ; Corn Clean Or the Latest Improved and Up-to-Date mil Machinery. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED. OT SPECIAL PAINS taken In clean-. Ing and poiinhing gram before going through the mills, which insures pure meal, ,., ' . Corn, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Feed. GEORGE BISHOP. New Bern, V. O. " 1 ecewing . We will be at onr store,, corner Craven and South Front 8treet?, from Jany. 1st, 1900, ; until further notice, and will gladly . .. Receive the Uttle Balance Hut MayBe Due Ua, and to Take -Orders for Hardware). ' lr Tlease Be Sure to Gall. uM "rTishing you a prosper ous and happy New Year we are, Tours Truly, my Hi. 1 JE i. n. i AiVJ ' t ft t ' ( I i I 1 I 1 ' I !M ' Ko. 23 Joni-s street, New I'm, V... C. '

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