i n ! i m i f 1 VOL. XT1I--K0. 245. NEW BERN, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, I90UV ; v , EIGHTEENTH v.l. REVIEWING THE SITUATION. , a 7. to E. B. Hachburns n Is tbe Tlace to Traded f:fj fizm Penitentiary Said to be Doine Well The $50,000 Loan. v All Goods FirsUclzssl and Guaranteed. A ft W hvery body ts using our, JUc Mocha. xf $ hwa Cnffrr find nil L 1 X. L. Ffntik yJ. ? w I E '!B; HAGKBURN. Thanking ; our manyV friends for their liberal patronaqe and good will, we wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and hope to merit a share ot your Irade for 1000; . r Respectfully, - GASK1LL & MITCHELL'S. ! - HARDWARE: ','.-M' ' - ' OROCERIES: . f3 MIDDLE STREET ' 'fhone 147. , CI BROAD STREET. E. H. Si J. A. -MANUFACTURERS r ' Meadows' art. Special Guanos. If yon fairm on the intensiTe iyitem and for profit, yon must' use HiaH GRADE QUANO. f ' ' ' 1 7 ' ' uur UooOi are apecially adaptea for tlua aecuon. , , . mm Potato Cabbage " Uaed by tWhrgeat tmi moat luobessfnt farmers i ia this gection. , flPI AJa 1 U AXOH FOB : ATJb CROV8. it M(iinwi' '3hi.rt i.B iff ivminm niuvrt TrfaV; and - V'UI' t. V 'U L U UilL) v True) for Color, Silkinew and Fine Texture. Manufactured ia jthe briglit lnuf uvtion nf th Shutp. bnil HTwiiiHv nrnarml fnr l.fiA uxxla nf n lr land. If interested aend for leaflet of analysii and testimonials, ( E. H. & J. A. Works Union Point EADOV8 CO., - . New Benij'N. 0..-. Santa Clatis Itlatcs Wo When l chiore faij li e JXma 'a iH-frutn m ntnek ol Fancy nd Bliiln O Ofricn. Oi.r Ityl Floor for yoar Xmn bukinp, our nperlnr. ind eiquinlti'ly (IxTorrd CofTre ri d Tiw Our I'lU'K PikI tllnir, 1MiIic4, Cryin!lw!d Fruit mi' lin r, K"n ln a ill DonKt-j lit' lb ne, Koi l(ir I'rint liutUr nil Aim Hi 'h Jlinie Mint wiil iniil Willi the riT r f liie cor. niiU.i nr. We I tvi1 In li.rpn i-liipn-eiit ! a -Mill KnlnninZ'X) Ci lery nnil Uiii Hn'. SIcbb oa KMewalka. ttraad lodge ef Haieaa, : I acreage of the Or. ? ' der. "The Marahall Trial. - . Sinltk'i Ielaad : Game . Ziz Prtaaro. "," , rv -v . IUleioh, Jin, 10. SqperlDlendent Day will mk his report for 1890 10 the penitentiary dlrectort at the : meeting tody. The repert fay that after pay ing the debts and refunding to the State the $55,000 it advanced last year to meet the eipemes, there will be 13,000 left, Treasurer Worth spoke ef this matter today. ; Be sald;lf he got that money he would bare enough to -pay the $100,000 to the pnblic schools, " Bat with a laugh he said be had no Idea ft would be paid back, and added: ."No I nerer expect to see a penny ef it." " "- '' . James T. LeGrand, one of the penlten' tlary directors," says a new execortTe board wfll be elected, the terms of Travis, Osborn and Newlhnd expiring. LeOrand speke of the money question, saying 200 or 300 bales of cotton have been sold and Day reports 2,000 en hand; that one of the twe things ought to be done; either to' pay back the $50,000 loan last year aud if necessary draw the $50,000 for this year; or else not to touch the $50,000 for this year. He says be is sure tbe $36,000 cannot be refunded and no money at all drawa on this year's account. Ue der cla-es the penitentiary is in all respeoti trt much better shape than it was a year - -Speaking or the farms LeGrand said all the crops(had been gathered on (he leased farms;' thai on the ; Korthsmton farm the lease of which expired Decern her 81 last, 40 bales ef cotton had : been gathered since that' date; that the owner of the land (the; FaisOn's) insisted ithat the Slate should either lease the cotton lands of the farm, (the upland part) for anpthor year or else turn . oyer to them the ' ,blet;: that he did not kaa Whether the lease would be cqotifaiAd'O' et,-Uiai tke-preriqas understanding was that the entire farnt would be turned over by the State December 81 last. The owners, It appears, have served notice upon Day and are making a great 'effort to get the State to take the place another year.J t'; .- -.i."',. In the Superior court- yesterday there was a verdict against a nrm Here wmcn has a big electric sign; ia front of the store, above and at right angles t the sidewalk but close to the store wall. The store owner contended that the city or dlnance against signs across the sidewalk did not apply to this one. : The mayor thought differently. So dees the- Su perior court. Now the case bas gone to the Supreme court onappeai' Auditor Ayer will today send out tbe warrants on the State Treasurer for the $100,000 of public school money. ' Tbe Grand Lodge of Hasans began Us annual, communication lat evening. There are 811 subordinate lodges and 11,40 members. The attendance la large. Never was the order so flourishing. The .Treasurer reported recepis of $0,850. The grand secretary reported an increase of 409 members. Tbe report of V. J. Hicks, superintendent of the Ox ford Orphange was highly satisfactory. A. special feature-was the Annual oration by Grand Orator Edward W. Fooof SmltMeM.".' '.;'- ." The trial of p, J. Marshall, attorney, da tbe charge of .counterfeiting, was sgsln extremely Interesting: governor Kusaell and Vice President Andrews, of the Southern Railway, were both oharao ter witnesses one for Marshall aud the other for tbe government. Polltt, the confessed counterfeiter from the pent tentlary here, was again on the witness stsnd and swore against Marshall and that a score of witnesses who had testl ded against him (I'ollufhad told false hoods, among such witnesses hslng Superintendent Day, of the penlteatlary. Marshall produced proofs of good char scter, Oovernor Russell saying his char acter had always been good. Several Federal convicts, two postofflce embes tiers snd one pension swindler testified igalnit Uarkhall by swearing that ' Con vlct Hawkins, from Tennessee, had promised them money If they, would swesrthey beard i'ollli say Martha was Innocent. Marshall s case was certslnly not hurt ITy the testimony. . . Dr. F. B. Vllery, of Chicago, la here on matters connected with the giving of title to the government for 10 seres of land onliaUl liaad or Smith's Island, at the mouth of the Capa Fear rlvui. He owbs the Inland snd will make a gnint prenorve and resort of It, stocking It with deer, etc There sre 14,000 acres. England Discusses the Losses while Awaiting- Hews. Quiet After ; Storm Attaeysmlth. London, January 8 A decided feeling of discontent with the British generals' strategy in South Africa has developed. There is ouupoxen condemnation when the public reads that men In close formation were led into a death trap, as happened to the Highland Brigade at Magersfonteln, or that Important Boer positions south or a rlyer bad not , been discovered, which- Incident, occurred in the action December IS, on the Tugela Then, It is learned, a night march was responsible for the catastrophe at Storm- berg, and again, 1n tbe ease of the. But folk Regiment, at Colesburg, , ' It is not sorprlslnjfHbat the public Is asking why a policy of suck well known daneer has been tried sw often ip this campaign, t "',"' - The London Dally News' uorrespoa- dent says ' of the Stormberg disaster: The men were marching t ease In fours, with rifles ander their arms, when without the slightest warning, a mur derous fire was poured into them from a long ridge. ; So sudden and unexpected was this dank attack that the liae; was broken up in confusion. The General at once gave orders to make for cover. Another storm is brewing .that will likely break over the heads of the trans port authorities. Reinforcements are urgently needed, in. every direoUoii In Sooth Africa,,. Yet three batteries and four battalions which should have em barked several days ago are Still waiting for ships, 5 The Morning Pest, comment ing on the situation sayS: -Q ''. -The force at present In the. field is Tbe Crew Arrive at Norfolk And . Tell of The Disaster. - - ' 5 i-t-a'ij-?'- ; AT J. L. McDANIEL'S Mistake la Lsnneblna; The Boats, The Dead Baried at Oera- ' , ; , eokel , Ural a Cargo , i Throwa Over- t ; , board. Norfolk, Va., Jan. The crew of the British-steamer ArioBto, wrecked at Ocracoke, December 24lh, arrived here this evening. Six of the nine men saved from the wreck came, Captain Bain, the chief engineer and third officer, re maining at the scene of.the wreck. The men, who came by . schooner to Roanoke Island, by steamer'Neuse to Elizabeth City, N. O., and thence by rail to Norfolk, were six days en the way. They report that six bodies have washed ashore since the wreck, and have been buried at Ocracoke. These are those of Charlie Taylor, of Baltimore; Glaus Ban- sea,' or uergen; jrrttx uastermann, oi Bamburg; Mate Kemp, of Southampton; Second Mate Linford, of Whitby, and Steward Newman, of Galveston.. , The sailors who are being cared for by the British consul, and who will be sent to their brmes, lost almost everything they bad, and were In much need, , Lib eral provision baa' been made for them here, and theay they were well cared tor oy tne uie savers at ucracoae. . The men say that itwaa ink dark when the vessel stranded, and nearly every one aboard was asleep. When, they X L MAIL, g 'Phone 91. 71 awoke and reached the deck mountain evidently unsufllcleet, for no progress tsJ oas waves were rolling over the ship made by Boiler, Melhnon or Oatacre, and General French has not enough men to1 finish 'the task;, undertaken at Coles' berg., Measures- now, under way-- may increase the forces, by another 85,000 men, but why is there no prompt decls Ion to1 make the iocrease? .. . There i ;n: pan ley iThete is going to be no name: but there Is a great emergenoy, and to 'oope wltn- it great eSortaand.exiradrdinny rheatdles Vitf Theie is an uncqnflrmed report that the Admiralty has" chartered the Ameri can liner St. Paul. . - '- Losdon, Jan. 9. The Dully Telegraph has received the following dispatch from South Africa; ' ' Frere CamprNatal, Jan. 7. All Is now quiet at Oheveley and Ladysmllh. Heavy rains fell last' night, swelling the Tngela river and making a crossing diaicult. , . - ' Two guns were fired at midnight at Ladysmith. . Dubdai, Natal, Jan, 8 The seized German steamer Heraog has been handed over to the prize court at Durban. . The Portuguese Governor- or SGamoesi was among her passengers ; The naval, au thorlties have offered a ship to convey him to Delagoa bay, Tim ; German steamer Buudewrath, which was also seized, is, discharging her cargo, "It mst have taken lot of nerve for him to laugh and Joke with tbe doctors while they were taking his leg off at the knee. . Didn't be seem excited T" Well. I thought be talked In rather a disjointed manner." Chicago Trib une. ' ' ' '.-- a Re CalloA Hll av Metr. - -Tbe. Rocky Gulch cowboy who broke up a show'ln that town by shooting at the actor called himself a meteor bo cause, be (aid, be was (booting stars. Buffalo New. -'A.,;-:!';f.;vs.:: which they afterward learned was ItOO feet off shore. ' They say that First Mate Kemp, who was drowned by bis rashness, caused twenty one of the crew to lose their lives, .' He ordered .the boats launched, and two of these,, with twenty six' men in them, put off. They say that the long boat was unseawortby and the life boat was a rotten wooden hulk, which ink hfcfbr if left the ahlD's side. Thi otter boats of the A'rlotto were smashed by the teas shortly after the ship struck. Qne of the twentj-eii men who start ed ssUore u (hi) bo.aH, U of whoni for jj life belts, were drowned la tbe heavy sea. v Three- swam back to tnejblp ana were taken off in the breeches buoy, ard two were washed ashore. Boatswain Andersen.. while struggling in tbe water accidentally caught the first life line rbot toward the ship. It - fell short, and lay across Andersen's arm. He knew it was a rope, bung on to it, and was hauled ashore, to bis and the life-savers' iur prise. The men said that tbe sixth shot put the life-line aboard the Arlesto, and on this line men came asbore in tne breeches buoy, Captain Bain .was the last to leave the ship. The Aileslos cargo of grain which Is practically spoiled, is being thrown overboard to lighten her, Bhe will prob ably be saved, . The Albany is Past. NawcASTLB, England," January 0. The United Stales cruiser .Albany, for merly the 'Brazilian cruiser Admiral AbreualV which, was parchased by the United 8talet Government shortly be fore the beginning of the war ' with Spain while under construction here, was given a successful official trial off this port today, She developed a speed of 90.87 knots. showed thorough seaworthiness and ex, Ojeded her contract conditions. L. T. Travis; Agent Southern R. B. 8ellna,Ga, writes, ''l ean not say too much In praise of One Minute Cough Cure, In my case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives immediate results.. Cure coughs, colds. croup, bronchitis, 'and all throat and lung trouble. F S Duffy. COTTON MARKET. The fallowing quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. ' ... :".'. Nw ToBX, Jaauary 10, .' . ; Open. High. Low, Close fao.cottoa 7.15 780 7 Id " 7.20 May. cotton.. 7.S8 7.31 7 89.7.N Nov. cotton ... 4.71 , 0.73 0 7i ' 6.7J CIIICAOO MA RESTS. Whkat; Open. ninb. Low. loss May 7l USJ 07 1 C7i Corn: 821 ; SOr 82t Cok.k: - JTsrch a.00 Bo. H'y Pfd..... 53 - ... m ' Best 8 trains Extra Early Truek Puts at Clark's. Remember JAMC8 F, CLAHK, Bncx Dior, near siaraes mx-a.. 1 . . - , Ilaxine Engineer .? - ' t Wanted With 100 Ton License. Apply naming recent employ eis reference to TAB RIVEll OIL CO.,Tarboro, N.O. t 1- 83 Lev'rz C: p Fcr T : vcy. . WAnninnroK, Januarv f -Tho loving Maluua ' Kills V i ami r; I.I f It ST- GIVE Fin A'lnl I jtl.l-ig NI.;o ami F i LL, h f-r X'nar. cup for of s!Iyt nut !i; ii: i i c.,ntrll,'i- 1 1 y can cU'i(!n, the ruhjo cWMfn, TI J-i'- '-i I ' n n :' ! . : ' ' H ' I from the niclled nver 7:;,0"0 A merl rity tif vi hum wi'ie ii-l to Ail-., ti -1 n-ii .'1 I- t ..' il ill - . ' ' , f B. R. T C.iO 2!)j . Reading 50J ' . Cont. Toh. Pn f. Receipts st cottoa ports bales. .70 7IJ - ' : ' 293 40J 85 wers il.CCI Do Yea Lite ;3 in I iiinrH froio (hi f-T 71 BROAD STREET You. can get anything you want in the "ill. ' Staple and Fancy Grocery Line as low as anywhere in the city. A large and well assorted stock to select from. Everything guaranteed as represented. If found otherwise I will cheerfully refund yonr npney. " I have a few nice Mixed Nuts, all new crop, fresh, left from the Christmas trade, which you for 10c per lb. It wilrpayyou to examine , your Groceries. ' . nice aud 5 can have 5c buying 5 Krojvs Hi. g stock before Wholesale fc Retail rosier, A MFRRY HHRIQTMAQ I a i a ni p a wiaiiiw lllfaV And a Happy and Prosperous New Year SMM to our many friends and cus tomers for their very liberal pat ronage for 1899, and trusting to re ceive a share of your business for 1900. I am yery 5 t3SL. grateiully y ours, J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, i 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. 0laliAsavia1 6 EGY'S SUITS ! Just Received a new Boys' Suits, ages 3 to 7. Ladies especially invited spect these Bargains, and pretty line ot toJcall and in- '.SMITH M MIDDLE STREET, NBW BERN, N 0 During the coming year, we have resolved to do business at we have always done." ; -".5 Wo guarantee satisfaction on every article sold, and al ways refund the i 1 ' ' ' 1 ''' . TSl I . '. money when unyhing proves un satisfactory, v . ' :. ' .-; . ,' : ., . We are strictly a One Tooe Store and are Satisflod with Small Profit. Call and 8ee For Yourself. . , ' , :: J. G, DIM I CO., 67 rolloclt Street - A good Laundry (hat won't wear out your lint n. Do you like a I unn dry that clea"S your linen? Do you like a laundry that tlnn wear holes in your collars by the ruh of iron and wimh board? Do you like a I nuiiliy I lint, will plvo a clenr nni foim col-it to jour gomH? We fin lnitiou lio!i, put on ncrk ' 'ni. Tiy ti, we are vaitingto pl-R3n .-t, CiHinini-e to not lin-ak or slrelr.h your printed:, llSTAnONERY - U an Index to jour Business. Then why not use tlie beat. . i .1. I. IV l I Neatest Wsdotbs r-'ii M-t (Jlenoett, Juh V;'ii k of all aimln. V ( ve the n-nt Work, ths Boat Ta r r f' ' U, tlie l'"t Ink, and charge you no nun" f ', it than you fT ii,T kilrl. for the We Want! What do you Want? W want everybody to know we are going to still tbe nest Chaiclens Bleycb for tiO 00 and Best Admirals for $25 00. Would lie glad to have yon con s la and examine our stork. Wl trad new wheels for old one We have oa band a large eoantlty of Tire, all kind from II BO to $8 50. And other article that belong to a blcyole. .v. ' , (SISKINS' CTCLI 0MP1NT Planters Building. " . 'Receiving:! : We will be at our store, . corner Craven and South Front Streets, from Jany.- 1st,', 1900, nnul : further , notice, and will gladly , Receive the Utile Balance Tkat May Be Due Ua, anal to Take . Orders For Hardware. ' ' S3- Flease Ce 8ure to Call. , jejti , - Wiiihiug yon a prosper ous and huppy New Year w are, ' Yours Truly,