1 i 5 . .J S ,1 THE JOURNAL. Mew Bern, f. C, Jan. 11!, 100. , Index to Hew Advertisements. L H Culler Hardwire. '. ; Oak Markt-Cornd beef. '" L I Moore Bankruptcy notiu. Business -Locals. OLIPP1NQ Flrt 1 cla Clipping at onable prices at Street' Stables. . YOUNG- PRINTERS WANTED Wan ted, two young printers who with to AnUh their trade by working twe yean (wo-tblrdersW morning, daily. Must be quick and acdurat and Com potent to handle manuaorlpt copy,' Good references required. Address The STAR, Wilmington, N. C. '. v ' y6uh STRAYED, or -Stolen Large Brown Pointer Pup, answers name of Barney. Limps, in left hind leg. Reward or his return to B. F. Burbank, Union Point, , A FEW more gallons of thU Celebrated California, Port Wine, $1 gallon at J.-F. Taylor's. .v.. ... r, . . TRE finest Beer always on draught, at JACOB'S, Middle Street. NIARBT affairs. ' Matters f Local Interest la tkc City and . CMUtty " -' Clearing weather, southerly winds, la the forecast for today. ' k , - , The maximum temperature yesterday ' was 64 degrees, the minimum 46 degrees The rainfall for the 24 hours was 90 hun . dredths of an Inch. ' Coroner Rhem was called to Duffy' Field, on complaint that a negro named Ezeklal Pasteur had died under sus picions circumstances; Upon inveatlga tlon the Coroner found that Pasteur died from natural oaueea. and a verdict was given accordingly. The fire alarm system will he tested this morning between 10 and 18 o'clock The end of the test will be Indicated by three strokes of the bell.' The ringing of the bell last night abont 6 O'clock was . caused- by the Crossing of a telephone wire with the fire alarm system G. H. Appleton, Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWttt' Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others.' Quick ly cure all llrer and bowel troublesr F 8 Duffy. ' -' - Croat Club Election. ; The annual election of the officers of the Craven Club will take place on Fri day night, January 18th, at 8.80 o'clock, at the club house. A full attendance of members Is de sired. ; " 0. I. Stbvkmb, . Secretary. ' Our new sausage mill Just completed. Pork "sausage 10c. Heat sausage -1 pounds for 83 cents. Oaks Market. ClMkt aa Cape At Omit, ' We will sell what Cloaks and Capo are on hand at cost. Respectfully, ' .' - J. J. Baitbb. : " Celery Headache Powder will cur your headache.. Give them a trial. They Te made aid sold at Davis' Pretcrlptloa Pharmacy. ' ' .;V Corned Beef and Corned Pork at the Oak Meat Market ' f' rj ... -ffi A valuabl and cheap Christmas pres ent, "Spofferd's Mew Encyclopedia," at Ennett' Book Store. ' .' & , t Allegretti's Famous Chocolate at Mo , Sorley'. ,'-. V3- w Prompt and cartful attention I always - given to prescriptions at Davis', Pres cription Pharmacy.,' Send your -there ' to be filled." "'v'.V ' --i-.c ! . Try our own make of Breakfast Bacon It hi extra fine. Oak Meat Market, f- r ' We have just received a largo and va-' ; tied assortment of seeds for the garden. Pea and Bean of the best varieties for truckers at lowest market prices. . Duf - if Drug Store. : v ;- ('"' - 'a. " 1 . 1 , Jordan's Cough Balsam contlaues to be a popular remedy for oough, hoarse- ness, Ao , made end sold only by Davis' . Pr'escrikllon Pharmacy. r ' " "' ' - - ' "i .Ladies Jackets Reduced.:-' " ' , W I'have about 15 ladle new tyl ? Jacket, some very handsome, blacks and ; eastora among them that w will close - out at about half regular price. . ysiwifs 'iu' j;v-H.. Q. A. BAnrooV.7" , Columbia's Just Recelred. " 1 have received a new sipply of Cel nmbla and Hartford blcyoles, Calumbi chslnles 30 to $78, also k few more of the Models 4S and 49 t 140, while they last. .. & big lot of Tires and Sundries at .price that will suit you. Repairing of very description (elicited. . : ,V-" - .? -Wt.T.HaL, , ' , x - Houtk Front Street. . Chance of (Ylmiiial Coflri foremen " County. . py Act4 of the' last Legl.laturo the February term of the Circuit Criminal .; Court was ehanged from the third Mon day to th fourth Monday In February beli'.g FU 28th, 1000. ' . W. M. Tf atjiih, Clark. . ill S 4 , Cures i: " ; ' -, c j ; i , Ncrv...;, I" : - I :,: !: . 1 1. n. i r. s. ,. j f, (.. . WILL RLTLTvN TO CIIAUCTTE. Franc H. Jones Sells His Stock of Goods - . and Goes Out of Business. Mr. Frano H. Jone ha told hi entire stock of furniture lo the Messr. Oettln ger Brother of Klnaton, who will re move the good to Klnston. - Mr. Jone who had been with Mr. B 11. Andrews, the furniture man of Char lotte, moved to this city and opened a furniture store here is the fall of. 1898. e bat also bad a candy and trait store In this city. J Mr. Job and family since living In Naw Bern have formed many a octal tie here and It I with regret that they leave thl city, and their friend will alio re gret seeing them depart. The sole reason tor leaving . this city, Mr. Jone atates, I a matter of better bualneas arrangement for hlmie)f,whlcb he felt ho could not afford to. ignore, therefore he accepted a position ; with the Merchants and Farmers Bank of Charlotte, that was tendered him, which h0 expects to occupy about February 1st. The Journal is sorry to have Mr Jones leave New Bern, but as he .must leave, wlihes him abundant success io In Charlotte. ' : PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . ' Mrs. Fdmond Btrudwlck and - two children, left yesterday morning for their homes In Richmond, Va, , N - Mr. A. T. Mayo,repreaenting -"Side riacked.'r; which will be given at the theatre next week, Is in the city.- Mr. T. A. Green returned last night from attending the annual session of the Grand Lodge of Masons at lialefgh. , Mr. William M. Rountree, represent ing Teffl, Welle & Co. one of the largest dry good-i bouses In Sew York City, la here on a few days visit. . - ' -. Wed. Frederic. Mahler, at his plantation, near Jasper In Craven county, Jan. 11th, 1W0. The remains win be Interred this afternoon at the National Cemetery, at three o'clock. -. Mr. Mahler wa well known to the citizen of thl place, having been -engaged In business for a number of years. Some years ago he retired from business and purchased-a plantation, where he spent the rest of his life. He Ieavea a widow, but not any children. "' For Benefit Hew Bern Co. A drawing (or a suit of clothe, vsl uedat $M.0O, took place Wednesday night, Mr. Luther: Tiylor being the fortunate one. , 4 The drawing wa for the benefit of the New Bora 8. F. E. Company, one hun dred chance being taken, by friend of the company. . -. .'i,?; Chad wick," the, Middle street Ullor, Mlll ..L. .1.. V nut HHf MIV uiuiuoa. North Carolina Oyster Beds.- The TJ; 8 8. Flshhawk arrived. in pori yesterday, and I aachored off Fayette (treat. The Flahhawk has been doing oyster duty In North Carolina for some time. Oyster bed In' tba Old North Stat ar'full of tend, caused by tb big storm of last August, and the Flahhawk basteen surveying,' or auperlntendlng th work of reatoring the bed to their proper condition -vr" -Ci-.'!!i 'Li' Mi. Charles Wsakland, chief yeoman of lb FUhhawk, vu in the city yeater day afternoon. Ha I pretty well known here, having been here on teveral other occasion. Mr. Weakland'a time expires In three, week, and he will not re-enllat. It la hi Intention to go into the jewelry easiness In. Philadelphia. Be ha pur chased an latereat with hi father-in-law who I very wealthy, and they will man ufacture expert jewelry.;; .X r : . The Flahhawk wllljaifSaturdiy for Pamlico". Bound, where she will, look after the flab and oyater business until the early part of Apr)lTVlrglalsn-111ot, Uth.: i ' Resolutlons-J, M. Smith. J' ' Whsreui .lix baa com to the knowl edge of Craven Lodge, No. 1, that the Supreme Father, In th dispensation . of His graolou love has called upon th soul, of James' Madlsbu ; Smith, our brother,' 1 lay dowu th axerclses of Charity and Brotherly love, the cardi nal principle of th Kalght of Har mony, tad to enter Into their fruition, therefore be It,-"', i; ; Resolved, That ttbmlsslvely towing to His Will, who erretb not yet we de plore the loss o( him whose head was not stayed In practicing 1h charity which brotherly lor called forth and which made blm a true knight In deed and name. . " ... - Resolved, That In realizing our low we alio feel that one ha been called from our community who by his unaided efforts and-falthfullness to dnly bad won for blmaelf a place high In Ite es teem, who was a useful cltlwn, a faltb'ul friend, a pure honest man. Reaolved, That while xtendlng to the widow tnd children of .our deceased brother eur tenderett aympatliy In tliolr Irreparable lot of a loving, faithful hus band and tender fattier, we commend them to the unfailing care of lilm whs has promised to be tb atay of tbe widow and fatherleia, , Iteolved, Tint Dirso resoUitlonl be spread upon Die mlnnlna and a copy tw aent to the bereaved family, R. J. DuoawAT, J. B. TATI.OH, Ci-.e. D. ('(iiidnf.h, C"nimi Ur. SOO I'alr. A ( ..I We have IK 1 t!r of Li, "-, jv Boys ami CliU.lrrn's l"u-n tr .i C.tt ' 1 1... J. J ;4S.n K. I TRLXTO-V Much Moving Also Reported.- Death Of E. H. Pollock and - of Mrs. Griffin. Cotton About OuU. " -- - Trenton, Jan. 11th. We have never during pur whole life seen as much moving as there is taking place this year,, all. looking forward to better their condition. - May their nutlet patlons all be realized , v - .' . Mr. Henry Pollock and family-have moved lo Trenton and will open a tale and exchange (table.. -. ' - . - v ' ' Mr, Bart Oliver one of our clover barbers, and family left u thl morning moving to Klnaton. Mr. Oliver while residing her proved blmaelf a good dKt r-Ut. Ju Taylor and family of near Pollockavllle b&a moved to Trenton, v . Mr Tradur, merchant here, has disposed of his entire stock of merchandlee to E. A. Rhodes, Mr, Trader having accepted a very lucrative position In th lumber business In South Carolina. . v. Tiade Is little dull here nowalnce the belldayaJiave passed. - - , - , ! tiled near Trenton on Saturday lat, Mr. Edward H.: Pollock of pneumonia, aged about 50 years, leaving a widow and three- small children, aeveral brother aod a host of -.relatives and friends to mourn-their Irreparable loss. We leara that Mr. Elizabeth Griffin of Beaver Creek township died at tb horn of her ion, Mr, Tho. Griffin en Tueeday morning last. : ' This estimable lady was ioteued t the Hugglns family burying ground yesterday. " Mr. Griffin had been In poor health for some time. She was 84 years old, leaving one daughter, One sn and many relatlvea to mourn her departure. - -..-- ' r Not muub seed cotton sold hire now a the cotton fields have all been cleaned Very Utile bale cotton brought here now. i-J'; Mrs. S. P. Brogden and aon Henry went td Klnaton yesterday. 11 ' Mr. Lon. Taylor returned from Golds- bora yesterday and report that hones and . mules are rspidly advancing in price. .; - : "Bweet potatoes arc getting a little scarce In Tieoton. .They would sell readily aa the cold weather has pretest ed the farmer from bringing them in Corn is In demand around her now as the farmers have been, too busy with their - cotton selling to. bring corn to market.' . . The wood piles around her have de pleted, notwithstanding the woodmen have been hauling it in. v ' ' - Jlr. Fnrney Brock ha been bnsy pre paring material to erect a dwelling - on one of the Bryan lot at tho Junction of Jone and Upper streets. - We learn two moredwelllnga will be erected In the near future on the Bryan square,': pur chased recently by tho Brock. ; Chicken are remarkably scarce. Ejgi not very plentiful, cold weather prevent the hens frontlaying them. The health of Trenton 1 good. ' 1 . Caavaakeak Owens. : '. . The present writer ha pald-tS for oanvaBbaok duck- in tbe Maryland olnb In the olty of Baltimore, tho city which is the home of tho canvasbaok oonnoi enr. and situated in the district which 1 the haunt of the canvasbaok. ' Id Son Franoleoo, on tbe other band, it ia possible to partake of an exoellent dinner at one of tho many French reo taurant wherein canvasbaok shall fig ure and a dinner can be eonred with ordinary wine at from f 1.18 to fl 60 leas than one-third of the single item pf duck at tbe Baltimore dinner. 'V ' It may be said by caption critic that tho canvas backs in San Francisco are not o good aa the oanvaabaok in Baltimore, Error t They are not only Just aa good, they are the same. All of the oanvasback in tbe United State come from tbe same district, tho vast breeding ground in Alaska. The docks, flying to the southward, take up tbelr varlou line of flight over tbe lake of the northwestern states, like Minnesota, thenoe down to tbe Chesapeake marab.es. or dividing and going to the west of the Rocky mountain, they com to th feeding ground which line the great marhe at the confluence of tbe Sacra mento and " San Joaquin river. The bird come from the ' same breeding ground, tbey get the, same food in onr Suienuj marabos a ' they do ad th Chesapeake to wit,' tho wild oelery, A pi urn graveoletis. Iln ihoat, tbe bird are exactly tljo same. They differ only in price. Sun Francisco Argonaut ' Tbo Kcpnebco Journal tell thintory abont a Maine man named Godsend Lnfkln." "HI- grandfather died before he wa born, leaving in" trust a largt property to tbe drat grandson, then un born. None of bis four sons were at the tlmo marriod, but they hustled around and soon removeif that Impediment. This queer nnbud iudlvlduul wa th firt prandson of tbo old gontlenian to make his appeurauue on oarh, and hit motbor romnrked to the clergyman at the baptlam that ho was a godsuud. 'Th clergyman uudcratotKl that was to be tbe numo and so obrUtenud him." It Worka Wall. "Do you bollove that honesty ia the bent policy, KihMdu?" "Mot asKurvdly. , I moke all my money out of my bonot ouBtomcra," I trolt Frwe 1'rowa " The Jajiancwi govormnont Ihhhos evory dny tlinw wt-ntliiT clmrta, which Inclii'le o)wirviitloiia In ;iilna and tUe 1,1 n 1 ;a inluii'l:!, crmlillng cnptalns to a-rirlnin tho inuvi'moiita of aUjrm anvuriil dnj-f 111 u.l?Hiioe. "i!!:lf rrecrvU(in l the first )w of Nature,'' a-id to tulte I!mrr..- " :'!! on l!.efli.-t ;;".iine,f I j e I ' 1 fs ant;; ''hh W - p t.,: 1 fs f ! r v ii. Il ri. n, t 1 I ' ' I a 1 l.i- I."-':!.. 1 : r;s a (him I ,-, WEEK OF PRAYER. Christian Brethern: Again we hav tbe privilege of cnitlng with ltelleve r In all landa, in special untdo of prayer and confeaslon, with thanksgiving. Beyond question, the need 1 great. On the one band, a civilization which gather to Itself increasing luxuries, and prides Itself on It ever enlarging do minion, i averse to repeatsuce and prayer, ind on the ether hand, many who suffer and an wronged, are ready to conclude that -God neither see nor hear nor care. - vV-jfKswvi. Even the church Is tempted from" th tru simplicity . and atrength of faith. The very advance of the kingdom may appear to lome I call for Christian activity, rather than for lowly supplica tion. rJ- -.: f .W' ii-.i ft'.'r!t-!C. : J Meanwhile," God' promise - aa th hearer and aaawerer of prayer, and Hit requirement of contrite confession, re unchanged. Ood I constantly proving that prayer brings blessing not other wise to bo obtained, v Let na, then, join with our brethren in humble confession end-earnest, grateful petition. . -' la behalf of the Evangelical Alliance for th United Stales.' - WitttiAX E. Dodob, President, z, 1. T. Chamberlain, D. JD. Oen. Bee. In accordance with the above "Invite tlon" union service will be held in dif ferent churches of th town at 7.80 O'clock every evening next week, except Saturday, as Indicated below All are cordially lnylted. ' . Topics for Week of Prayer. N Foralga Jtlaaloa. - Friday, January 13th "Go ye there fore, and mak disciple of all tho na tions, baptizing them Into the" name of the Father and of the SOn and of tbe Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you; ind lo, I sm with you alway, even unt th end of th world." Matt. 38:19-30; P. 8:8; I. 43:4; Act 4 13; Rom.' 10:18 16; Rev. 8:8; Ex 8:18; Matt. 85:48; John 4:85; PhlL 3:8-11; Mai, 8:10; Num. 11:3. At th Disciple Church.-addresa by Rev. R. B. John. Sunday, January Uth Chrlat and the Individual member of the church: "And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified In them." John 17:10. , Slang In Colleges. v Annapolis and . West Point teemed famed in tbla line and should their list Increase to a ihuch greater degree It will ho necessary lo publish dictionaries to' enlighten visitor. Any of yon who hav been to Annapoll have heard .the' re mark that certain cadst 'bilged because he gauged:', and who would guess the sentence translated run "the cadet wa expelled because he cheated.' Tou would be puzzled it told that Cadet Brown wa 'rataj,' and to could go out in town after th 'ftmme,' he wa to 'drag' to the hops but it mean only that bo has privilege which enable him to go out of the yard for the girl he I to' escort to the ball. The tblp carpenter goo by tb name of 'hip,' and the dignified chaplain la dub bed -the aky pilot' U ' , J'At West Point modeet little maiden wa greatly attrtled by a cadet' aaklng her to 'apoon.' with blm the next day at four-thirty. She drew herself up haul! ly and was about to administer a rebuke when the youth haatened to explain that tt Weal Point He ipoon' meant to take a girl walking. At Wealeyan the boy call th oo-d 'quail,' and their dormi tory the 'quail rood.' To 'sport the oak' at Oxford mean that the outer door I closed and tbe public eicludod. Balti more Sun. ; " Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of tbe- United . State, for tbe Eaatern District of N.C, In the matter of W, B. Flrmmiiio, Bank rupt. - In Bankraptcy.- 1 To the Creditor of Petitioner, who. ha . - been adjudicated t Bankrupt: Tak notice that a meeting of hla creditor will be held at the offloe of L, J. Moore, Referee, in New Bern, N. . C, at 13 M. on tbe 83d day of January, 1900, at which time the creditors may attend. prove thelr.clalm, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt) and transact tuck other business a may properly com be fore th meeting. . : .,r - ' L. J. Mooita ' Referee In Bankruptcy.' New Bern, N. C, Jan. 13th, J900.' J. J. Baiter will tell all of hi winter slock now at a aacriflce to T max room for tprlng good. . ' , . . . Th firm of K 8. Duffy 4 Co , It the eldest ettabllahed drug firm lo North Carolina, and any prescription or other, work Intrusted to their care, baa the most careful and pfbmpt attention, only 'he purest and freshest drug and chem icals used In compounding. L. II. CUTLER i ' L 1 r 1 J S II I Vv V. 1 ' , flit Regular Army Kan." The following vers,, which hav a de cidedly Klpllngesque flavor, are from t private soldier in the 13th United State Infantry, en duty ia the Philippine, the regiment- in which several New Bern boy are eallited. iv. ' : He ain't no gold-lace "Belveder," - Ter aparkle lu the aua; .... He don't parade with gay ctockade, " ', ' - And poiae In hi gun; He ain't no "pretty toldier boy," .-: -. So lovely, splpk and (pan, He wear a crust of tan end dust, -r ' The reg'Iar army man; r The marohln't parchln', . ' Pipe-clay atarchln' Reg'Iar army man. - , , ' He ain't at home in Sunday tehool, ' . Nor yet at oclal tea, - And on th day he get hi pay- : - He apt ter spend tt free; - -'He ain't no temp'rance advocate, He likes ter fill the can; He' kinder rough an', maybe tough,' The reg'Iar army man; The rarin, teerln', Sometime wearln', Reg'Iar army man. - ' . No State'U call Mm "noble aon," He ain't no ladle' pet, - But let a row atart anyhow, - ' They'll send for him you bet I He don't cut any Ice at all f In fash'n's social plan, He get the job ter face mob, The regular army man; The mtllin' drlHIn', Made fer kUlla' Reg'Iar army man. . He make no fuss about the Job, He don't talk btg'or brave He know be' In to fight and win, ... Or'help fill up a grave; He alu't do "mame'e darlin'," but ' H does the best he can, And he' the chap that win the scrap, The regular army man: Tbe dandy,' handy, , Cool and handy, '. Reg'Iar army mat. The modern and moat effective cure for constipation and all liver trouble the famon llttl pill known a DWltl' l ittle Early Rlaer. F 8 Daffy. Milan Turnip Heed. Extra- early Milan Turnip 8ecd at Clark's. Planted for early shipping. Re- memoer Jam as r. claiik, Uric a) tore, near Market Deck.- Henry's Pharmacy, . . " ''-tat- 127 Middle Street Prepare For War In Time of Peace?. ! Just received a Supply of LOADBD GUNS: 8ure death to Roacli Bed Bug. Moth. Water Bug and all In, aecta. Will not tln .r grease the finest fabri One trial I all that' netdad t convince the moot skeptical. A full line i.f Toll. t Arlicltt, rrfm- ery, tc Phj'clan' - Preeonptioni carefully oompoui dsd. - 4 A. Xew Year Greeting w tend U our patron with good advice free. Yeur welcome will be msnv de grees warmer, In tbe homee of the culti vated, when, your attire Is above re- pro acli. ho beg lo the new rear wttn in resolution to have your clothing made by a tailor that will give you a distingue style such a Chad wick alway dot. F. 'M, Chailwlck, atidi!ltrot, ' j NEW BERN. N.C '-4 1 is a Flczsvre ToAVcsh ' When your waxhlaj la mailerasy by I'ir (f fi! s ; ; !'i nn, A k ' ' t i-r ! '-y f. ' 1 i ' k porre- I 'F ' r' I 'I t ' , " '! '' 1 ' t : . ; ( ' . r - 1 i : i 1 . ' . - ' i f i n ; ' ; j ' " ) ? U : 3 1 f. '.f !.?.''. .! ''I ft. - . i Jannfe -I The " W. B. Corset . h fast becoming the most : popular X . corset that is now made. Made on ne?ti lines that conform to the figure and t built of such good material that each pr we sell goes out with ' a full guarantee ; to be worth $t. 00, that, means if not worth $ I you only need pay for the use you have had of them. . Every lady Voho has worn them is an advertisement for them, they give such service We have them in 4 hook, 4 J hook long waist, 5 hook and 6 hook, ou kpiuic p pair Trya"W.B. need a corset. Have yon tried a pair of Flexiblo, Heavy Sole5 Cor Interlined DREW, 5ELBY flAKB SHOES tor Lndiei. They are the acme of good shoe and for winter wear are unequalled. - They, are very .soft, flue kid) tip of same, bnt- . ton or lace, with a heavy sole. Price $J 00 Pair. And they coutnin ell the good ness that goes in a Shoe ut $4 Other good values are ob tainable in this make of Shoes at 3 and t 50, the leather is good wear as you can get in a shoe at anywhere near the price. Wo til recommend the "Joubert" Shoe at $1 50. Nothing T to be compared with it at th price. Boys and Girls Shoes For Winter Wear at tl 00 and $1 25. New plmpes lli.-it conform to the foot and mod of extra good leather. o o o O. MARKS Shirt Sate! I have slx ut 3 domn 8ilff Bosom Mon arch Btilrte lrft In tb latest stripes that I will sell tor 8, worth 11. 1 will eeH my Winter Qnode at a Wiy Reduction In order to mnke room fur dj r.ng QooJa, Oi.ll early. R. H. BAXTER, a.IIIXF.4 F 11 Eli. At Clark' Philadelphia fjrown Oni.k net, wnite, ra and j eimw. riant nn for belt rwiult. ' Jauks V f liik, l:nul tore, near Market log. AtBodk Store 1 Get The Best ! Turner's N C :0?Atm&iac, Fori 900; Pemonsl Attention Given Mail Ordr.' '::':r 'i ' ?i 'Ul- 6. N. Ennett. J We have Just ' ; Received a ; , Beautilul . As v sortment ol Cambric and Nainsook Errlroldcrlcs, :VAz . "5 i :7ito tho Wmm next time you not so soft but they will giveas COMPANY. A IiOXO HOUND ! IsonI fr-a lnr dUtance aid n . u r t,i-i.l . by u with Tl on ami Mile Axlv niii M a long diatm co io . Tfialiin a I it II p-iv mill I'n siirous New Yi-ar. Re4octfully, . G. II. Wuii-rx & San, 73 T"if 8t e.-t. lo masters of Vessels' And Parties wishing CliarU", Coast a I'llOIB. CIC. . - . tfAvln. nwwlr tha annAinlmmt tmm Waaliinitton City lor the lu of Chait. '.' Coast PiloW, etc., I am roady to receive all r kIa.i ffn thn -anA n f m t . w. w vM(i uiiai w WJxniiimny ait finifrs K:; For Sale ! ;s : . 1HaA stvwul AyB A? MMmi ASitw trm ala . good si so aud tW-k-aiit worker In coixl ' wiitala, 1 inches on trvad. Kor tale fer. want of uae only; B. It UAM JTuk- souville, N. C. ;,"' .','-'" . NEW GRIST-MILLS. I'Av valor iuh (oi t ; I1. CM lie Latest Improved an-f ( . ts-Date nil! Matiiintrj YOL'il TKADKIS S0I.IC in i I i ' I, l'A! the f t( l I V s

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