i-M 1 VOL. XTII-NO. 218. NIW btliN, N. C, SUM DAT MORNING, JANUARY 14, 19011.- ' EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ii Hackbum's. jf nistbeWaceto'lracle.y 7 tUtl -Goods a A ;anc $ "and Java. Coffee and our I. X.L Flour. $ iE:HACKBURm 1 Thanking : our many : (friends for their liberal patronage and good will, we wish all af Happy and Prosperous New : Yeai and hope to merit a share . ot your trade for ISOO! " Respectfully, , GASKILL A HARDWARE: -'""s"''- - - 73 MIDDLE STREET mi i MANUPACTUBERS T.leadows High . urade , ' Jf you farm on the iuteutive system and for profit,' you mnat urn HIGH ORADB QUM!0triM ' , Our Qoodi ara'ipeciaHy adapted for this section. - V ' ".; . 1 Used by tbe largest audi most successful farmer! in this section, f Their Field Results speak louder fiPIiCIAT OUANOH Use Meadows' GOLD LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried and .True) for Color, Silkiness and Fine Texture.; Manufactured in the bright i leaf section of the Stato,' aiid specially prepared for the needs of or land. iff i lf interested send for leaflet of analysis aud testimonials.' v 7. ::' ViCnPar l.WO Calendar ftlso for tbe askinc. V T - " E. H. & J.vA;. Works: '' Union Point Santa: ClattSilaatcs No WM r.Iistafic ! J -'. i 'liruruU Omi Fin Apl'W bI Rni.tiiM. sii md Figs, in t.ct tut; till ig Nliw ml F'ohIi for Xtnna. GIVE HE A CALL- - ' 1 1 t. Ftrst-tiassi Guaranteed, -MITCHELL'S, - - GROCERIES: ,JFjione,W. ; 61 BHOAD STBEEap l ial Guanos: Potato: 1 Cabbage: IhanWordg, FOIt AIl, CHOPS. MEADOWS CO., , ' Newborn, N.C TWlien' lie ch. o- tm ll JSn as ' te I'll in i t ilook ol Funoy si d . Fl.iile Oiowrm. Ot,r .H yal ' Flour for jour Xmft baking, our superior and eiqulallply flaToied CTm snd Turn, Our Plain I'uiN olnf, Iii'liehed, CrjiUllcil Frn'U ul Uni er, Kon-Un til D tmoJ ilcChw.e, Fo llivr Vi nt Hiitur ml Atmori'i Vim H ul wi 1 nut'lwi'h tit IfY-i it tl' coi . iicli.eur. ,. : '. '. ' Wf 1 1 In n lnrgn Kliiiret Buuliful Kulnm 17.00 Celery nd It ii Dnr. H0 a:: jKj'j dkisi::i. Holds That Corporation Commissloa ' Can Assess Railroads ; k Bnllnr Based ea Abbott-Beddlnff-: field Deelsloa. Motes e Marshall Case. Rales - of Fertlllssr -1 " Tags." Fenltemtlary's .;( " Water Supply. ' ' ' RaLbiob, Jsnnsry 13. Much Interest Is fell here In Judge Slmonton't decis ion, filed yesterday, thai the corpoitlon commission has ample power to assets railroads for taxation having all tbe power the-rallroad commlislon had. The decision, . in favor of the Btata on all legal points, Is bated open ' that ef the North Carolina Supreme Court In lbs Abbotl-Beddlngfleld rase. 'That decis ion, was In effect that the powers of the railroad coumlsslon were devolved upon the corporation eommisslea. Jadge Simonton reserves his decision on some other questions involved In the: assess ment matter, notably that of the Claim by the railroads that taxation is unequal and that while tbe railroads are taxed at full value, other property is taxed on an average at approximately 60 per cent. This ijuestlon Is referred to ex-Chief J nsttce : Jaitaea ' K. Bhepherd, -; standing master,-of discriuilnatlan against the rallroads"n, taxation, - if they- desire to prevent it. ; Under the new assessment railroad property la ated much nearer tbe true value than other property, Iu fact, it may be said it is assessed at two thirds the commercial value, while other properly escapes with an assessment of perbnps half lu true value, t, It may lur liier be Htated that one-lblrd of tbe taxs ble jiroperty iu tin Slale wcape laxh lion. Those statemeuts are made ou lb authority of one of the highest aud Un informed Slate official, w bo nays tlioy are tbe result of a oaiefui aludy oMhe siluallon. "- , Property is uow assessed at (3B0,(K0, OM. iutliillug, fJO.UOO.OOU of railroad properly. If all taxable rutierty were returuetU for taxation at an; aruornl at near the true yalne as the railroads are antMaied, betweeu $100,000,000 an-1 11. 000,000 would be added If tbla were done taxation at the present rate of ex penditures . ef the. Ulate " government, could be reduced one-third.' -' The Mowing Post, interviewed. Law. yer A. J. Marshall about his case. .. He asMVuBtllering as. jla,;. the feeling wuica y uiatrict atipruey oernaru anu Assistant District Attorney Spears entei laln towards met I do not expect, any f avor-at t'jelr hands ss long as they have a string to hold me r by.. .1 believe my innoeenos will be proven1 ' The rumor was pievslsnt on the straels that the district attorney would not pros the oate. This rumer was put before Mr; Bernard here. He said: -"There Is not the slightest scintilla of foundation for that rumor., The esse will go tb rough the usual channel and will.be. brought sp at the next term ot the Federal Court here.-; That Tumor was only started for elf ect,";;'''.?!-?: V Jt Is said that the Marshall trial will coat him $1,000, sod that he hsa mort gaged his property to pay tbe heavy bill. ' The judge reduce bis ball from 18,000 to 13,000. . This i construed as very favorable to Marshall. ' The government wanted, the case tried here and not aj Wilmington. It cannot, convict Mar shall here. Borne gentleman front anotb ek place In the State told a government official that now a nol pros should be entered In this case; . Tbe jury asked ti e judge to tell it whether Marshall was guilty or not guilty. Public opinion I that Marshall's innocence is beyond per sdventure. ; It was ssld that one jaror did not like Capt- W. H. Day and bene rejected that : gentleman's evidence, which absolutely negatived the entire mass of evidence the government pro duced fiom convicts. i' . . Up te this date IV sheriffs have "made fall settlement of State taxes. Cleveland and Hyde are ' the two last to settle. Mecklenburg has nol settled In full yet, but Itt sheriff ht sent in over $30,000 to the Treasury. , -.. , ; ' :; . r! : ' .The other day a press telegram, from Alabama said the tales ot fertiliser tax tags were Immense and showed that there would be a great Increase lu tbe ootton acreage, and further that adviuet from the other State showed a similar condition of affairs. At tbe AgrlcultU rat Department Secretary Bruner said tbe sales Of tags are entirely normal. All the manufacturers are b'tylng somr. It Will not be antll slsrch that any Moa can be found as to tbe cotton acres; from the tag salot. Bo fur thord Is notU'n i u Indicate an Increase of acreage. t balrman Travis, of the penlicutlary executive board, says he is gralifled at the showing Cspt. Day makes of the penitentiary earnings for Wi'i; that It Is much bettor than ho tlionlil ponlble mnnlhs ago or efen week ago. At one time Travis and Day were at odds, but now thry are cordial. TravU lays he duel not know whutlmr th prnlloiitlary will draw any of tho ( '0,C00 appropria tion for 100J from tlm Hiale TrcnKiiry; that thnia w!H 1)8 a halmice of " I.OOO or f 70,0-0 from lut yrar prmlunt, hut lint ' i In not niuiin-h to run the pi'mnoitl h ; :' r t i n t r h - y. h h U I t I e l'ie 1 1 5 per cent. He says the renting of lLe Northampton farm for another year is" an excellent thing; that last year $19,000 was made net on this faro; that it and tbe Caledonia farm are about equal ,as money-makers. . -' K : The penitentiary will, before a greet while, have to consider the water prob lemthat K whether It will use artesian wells or the city mains Tbe reservoir now Is what was formerly the. quarry. The supply is from springs. . These must b alowly failing, si the. water Is lower by about six feet than It was a year ago. , ' - J. O. Biggs, of Durham, is the new grand marshal otha Grand Lodge of Masons; A K Smith, of Smlthfleld, grand swordbesrer, and T. X: Fairjw, of Wins ton, grand pursuivant. Robert H. Brad. ley Is re-elected grand tiler. : . t i . -. The penitentiary has sold 800 bales Of cotton. It has remaining 1,700 bales all St Norfolk. " 1 - , " ' ' Tb revenue act requires that telegraph telephone, sleeping car, refrigerator car, express and dining car companies, etc., shall make reports to tbe State" Auditor during the first mjnlbs of each year Notices to them are now being sent otit calling for the reports.. The reports when received will be turned over to tbe coi poratlon commission as s basis for; the assessment of these companies tor tax ation. ',. - . -: Already the Confederate monument In the capital square Is beginning to look shabby-for lack of attention The lamp, posts need painting. The lamp globes are dirty and some bent" over There are bad stalnjon ths base- of the monument. r-- . , FRENCH STEAMER BURNED. Many lives Reported lost. Report jKmbt- r c4 by (he Company. Special to Journal. -. , - St. Jon vs. January' 13. The French cable steamer - Fraudls Arago Is k llvvedto.be shipwraukeil In St. Mary's bay. The ship was ordered from Urund Banks, Snd W:ia due at St. Mry'ay te repair broken cable, ' Tbu orew num bered 120, of whom none were aved. It iilicllevad lh t lh3 ship caught fire and was run aiboie. "... - The gottrninnt aleain yacht and a bay steamer' were snut today to tbe scene of the wrecked steamer to see If any of tbe crew survived. -'. ,. ; :v ", ; ' New Tork, January 18. The general manager of the company raid today that he did't think that tbe vessel 1mI in St. Mary's Bay was the Francis Arago. This Teasel left Havre week ago . for St, Pierre &.F. and was not yet doe. ' Ac cording te iheeailmetes tbe Is yet six hundred miles south of New Found land. ' - NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS SHOT An Attorney Seriously Wound the Twt Men. The Reason Is Ifot Known. . Special to Journal, "?' .'"' Dbkvkr, January 13 D, D. Tammon, one of the proprietors of the Denver Post Was shot In the oOks of that news paper at noon today by W. . W. , Ander son, sa attorney. The cause of the shoot ing Is unknown.- ' - . " ( ',. ' Anderson alo shot Tammon's partner Frederick G. Bonflele. Both publishers were severely wounded.. Tammon, be tides the proprleshlp of thaPot, was the founder pt the ' "Great ' Divide,!. -a monthly magazine, and also the proprie tor of on of the leading curio stores In the westr xHri 'Vvi'A ' fewest Indies Qalms Settled. Special to Jou rnal.':-,;rS. nA -i'. :'rv ' 8as Dohihoo, Jan.' It The French debt of two hundred and tight thousand francs, lu liquidation of the Bobraoro Carcavelll elalm, la paid, Everything is settled to the satisfaction of the Freneh and Domiwtoan governments. " : The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver trouble tbe famous little pills known as DeWltt't Little Early lasers. F 8 Duffy. - COnON MARKET. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. B. Latham; New Bern, N. O. Naw Tori, January II. . Open. High. Lew. Close . 7.40 7.38 Tan, cotton .. May cotton . . Sept. cotton i . 7.M vw ' .'. . 7.41 . 6.93 - I ts - CIIICAOO MAKKSTS. WuBATi ' ' Open. nigh. Low. lose May .'. 67 0' Cons: ' : Hay..... 8! '." j Ckb;: March 6 69 710 6 83 So. Il'y I'M U. it T cot ' U.SiO 20 leading . . .- Cont Toll. I'ref. A. 8. W "48 181 7.10 84! 611 8SJ 4H Hucclpts at cottou ports wcrt 2'.,( ; bale4. L. T. Travl, Acnt Boutliern U. I? Fi !lim, (ia , rlica, if not y loo imoill 111 pnii I: l.'f Oil" ."'"liMio ( io: ll ( -1 I ! ! V ' 1 it O ' i ' 1." "1 ' y ! h r. i - ' t i" - -I " '. -lo::ds:i tuks. . Criticism Of Ministry Hay Lead To . " Their Reslpilnff.' ' -1; tieneral Bnller Seems To - Have Flanked Tbe Beer Army. , Quite Close To Ladysntitli. Boers ,, May - Be " JFerced Te -' Ulve ! Battle. : Special to Journal: London, Jan. 13. There Is much talk of the resignation ot the Ministry, or s weeding out of old ministers to make way for new snd younger -men. ; These. would be -aaoh as George - Windham, Lord delborne, Williams St. John Broder j Ick, now all three nnder secretaries; But It Is neither Lord Salisbury's nor Bal four's way to throw over their colleagues to appease public opinion. The Cabinet Will probably keep to gether nnUl Parliament meetifon Janu ary 80th, in order to show - what they have done and are doing to retrieve their mistakes here and In South Africa. They will trust to the American maxim against changing horses while crossiug - the stream to carry them through. One ef Secretary Balfour's speeches this week has- been seized upon by a section of the press as forshadowlng military conscriptions here. The minis try Is certainly convinced ot the folly of trying to police the world wide empire with a corporal's guard, but they know public opinion too well to attempt con scription. f That is not to ssy, how ever, that they will not utw conscription ss a bogey IcJrighten tbe lax-payers Into largely increased military expenditure, and an improveuieut lu t iepay and jmwI lion of tbe ciiiumon soldier, . Also ll would be usedHo seuure a proUio I, i yearly Umueuvro un a .lac acait, th' teuunog of fresh traiulug ground aui. rid range throughout the cuuutry , th' tlreugtbeutng uf the yoomaury (ju.aU, the militia and valunlrer lon, and generally speaking tun It-veiling Up ol tho KnglikU dgbtlug machine. The War UiHWIia buued a kUtewcul rocoived from toe Dour cunnuaudaiiia at Pretoria and lllueuifouieiii, rervrriog t the casualties among tbe British troop. at tbVtlgbt near Gulesbqrg on tne sixth the list Shows that tbe bullolk regiment lost six dead and twenty-eight - wouud-ed,-"- - -'' r- -. .- Wsshlnglon, January 13, The Stale Department has bjeu informed that the American goods ou. the Dutch steamship Maria, detained by the British govern ment on the suspicion- that they were destined for the Boer army, .have been released ana are bow at Delagoa Bay. London, Janiary 11-The. Jf ar Office makes public ih following . dispatch, from General Buller, dated Springfield, Natal, at X3e p, m. Thursday: - , "I occupied the south bauk of lb Tu- gela river at Potgleter's Drift tblt morn ing snd seized pont. : Tbe river is In oed. Tbe enemy Is strongly Intrenched about - four. sndT a half mile to the north" v , ' . k Potgleter1 Drift 1 about lAmlles west of Colenso and sir . miles northwest oTI Springfield, from which General Boiler's message was sent' ""' '" v- If, as was reported, the Boers hd strongly Intrenched Springfield, where they mounted one or two long guns, It euld seem that their post!on there wss ahaadoeod. '.'-r ) ; . '.."- ", J.- At Polgletbr's Drift General Boiler has To Masters of Vessels . .fir' ((,i".-"'.-;-7,.-."V-,A 'And Partlos wishing Charte, Ooat' Pilots, eta , 1. . r-.. t Itsvtnt, received the a,. point ment from Watliinbton City for the sale of Chart. Onast Pilot, eta. I am ready to receive all crders for the same at my place of b nines, 106 Middle Street, New Bern, ii. t'ath has to acoomnany all orders uent. - - BAM. 15, WA lJiltS. -For Salel V r . Two' good yoke of young oxen for sale, good site and elegant worker lu good oondltiour- Also one pair good timber wheels, 4 inches on Iw l, For1 sale for want of use only. B. 1C HAND, Jack sonvtlle, N. C. . . " . -" 1: We have Just H e c e i v e d a Beautllul As- Bortmcnt ot Cambric and Nainsook 4 , MV.zlx t,-3 invito tho "'" y." the main . Boer Intrencbraeots en tbe" right. If he can - maintain himself he seriously threatens the safety of Genersi Joubert's right flank. ''V"" " - - The river before- him be reports In flood, but as he probably has the Royal I Eugtneera, with their pontoon train, this i may not serlouxly retard him,' His Im mediate opponent are tout and a bait mile north, guarding, - no doubt,: the road which leads to Dewdrop audthenct to Uadyamilli. From tbe drift to Dew drop It about 10 milrt. fl? Once at Dewdrop tbelhellevlng fore, would be In communication with the be sieged garrison, for Oeneral White's ad vanced potts are two or three miles from his camp on each tide of the road, VTne movement npon the Been' right i threatens their line of comjiunlcatlen i with the Free State and thould bring on a battle almost immediately. Buller, it teem certain, meant fight. Tbe chief obstacle In bis path for the niome&t It theTugela, but floods go down In Natal at rapidly as they rite. It It probable that General Clery had orders to begin his attack as soon ss tbe Springfield position bsd been turned and General Buller had secured the drift. Everything looks ss if a decisive move ment to clear ihe way to Ladysmlth had begun an effort on which the whole Issue of the Natal campaign depends. London, Jan. 13 Tbe Dally Telegraph has received the following telegraph from South Africa: ' Frere Camp, Natal Jan. 0. A storm accompanied by heavy rain, began latt night. It is still pouring. 'I here has been as firing at Ladysmlth or Colenso, and the trenches are filled with water. - It Is said that the Boers who are hold ing Mouut Hlangwano are Isolated be cause the temporary bridge oyer tbe T -Kla Iks Ihq cai jjt away. Siar rineaut Indicate quality. Dr.war- iif Counterfeit and wirihli:rK ln- ulTi-i nl for DeWitl' VVIli b ll.... I alv DeWitl's ia Ihe only original An infaMi hie cure for piles aud aU-akin diw-anr. V S Dully. Don't Read This But your a: lent on to our up-lo-Jute Laundry that we are doiiiK now will tell you lhl our work is right. We wash the dirt out, n it iu. O ir starch Is free from injurious cheinb-als. We me no chemicals 1 0 h irm the gtxls Lace i ur- taint, blanked, counteip met, sprea It ot all kind are done un to Irak liki new, Our collars are ironed on a low pn-ssur machine and will not wt-ar tbe Uue.i. Work taken and delivered in 4 l.ourt. Give ui a trial . ' ; DAYBERRY'S STEAM LAUNDRY Op A: Nw.JYe?ar G reeling we tend te our patrons wijh good advice free, -Tour 'welcome will be many de grees warmer, In the home ot tbe culti vated, when your attire la almve re- Droech. Bo bee la tbe New Year with th resolution to bav vour clotblnit made by a tailor that will give yon a distingue style suca as unaawioa eiway uwa. .-.'v -wis Vvi. 'JU X . Asia yJStSSSWlSTS, Middle street. . NEW BERN. C Henry'f Pharmacy, if, , ; 127 Middle Street. - Prepare For War ; in - Time f-Feaee, s: V". Just received Supply of LOADED Q0NS: Sure death, to Roaches, Bed Baits. Motba, Watnr Bug and all Iu- t -cf. Will not aiaiu i r greaie the finest falirli. Our irlil la U that' noidxl to convlnco tlie moet skeptical. '"iV- A full Hue i f Toiltt Aril !, le fun - e j.elo. - ; . .. "', ".-';.' Pliysician'S I'nacnptiou ctiefully OO Iip lUlidmt. ' - - Id nl Rtriiina K.xtra Fjirly Thk k TehS at Chirk'. jfrmrnilH-r Jamkk K. Cl.AKK, iirii k btor, near tlarkut la k. I!r..rino Iinccr V. : 'i 1 1 Ton !.; ,-i.. A; ; 'y i. z r. . - i i. - n m f ' ' .. e to T A !i , I t !." i..i l-.C. a 4- - t J' - -V'f i'ptJf-- ' - ';' ': irf A Splendid Lot of Small Sugar ftreHk Eis! .. Pickled Rump Pork, California Hasas, Breakfast J Strips and English Cured Shoulders. l-'reah Outano Prepared Buckwheat and Fancy EIgin Butter Maple Syrup, New Orleans Molasses, and Ruclcvi Candy Drip ?yrup. Fresh Grits, lSig Hominy, Oatflakes and Rice. f Nice lot Norton Yam Potatoes and Codfish. i Dried Fruits and Canned Gaods of all kinds. v llest Flour, 2jc. All you want. "5 Complete stock of everything nice in the Grocery Line. Prices as low as anybody. I respectfully solicit your trade. .;: 7 j. l mm. 5 'Phone Ol. BREAKFAST CEREALS ' That make an appetizing-und ' ffMl.l-illllri II'H-mI Vf-t.A.-l41 .l.l-!:l,l4tt preiMM 'oiiH from Hals. Wheat. Oorn etc. Good California Prunes S: lb. a-i.-T " IT).- ill, 3 lls for 2!c. Fancy ''aiifmn'Li Lviiporaud Peaches 12.; ih 'H Ih chii 1 1 r . i . i ( m.f,,'d IVanlK'S, SOo-TMi A i-n'l R lb can ia:hfB ITki Corn ni.d T' -matoeti, miii-d 10c, 8 foi 3-'ic. 3 b can standard roitmioi s iih. : i i flK. Oil.. . 1- . .1 . . .. . n tn.. a iu ran nuuiuuru 1. oril, luc, W 3 for i.V; 'I ry our Mocha aril Jut a Itoast cd Coffei 20o lb and you will us- no i-tner, iu fact ..nr line i.f Ohoii e uie ua your nuainewi ann we will t .,,.v..u.vu j..u. luoiieyr J. R. PARKER 'Phone 60. BOY'S t Received a new and pretty line ot Boys' Buirsrages 3 to 7. Ladies especially invited tollcall and in spect these Bargains; . 99 MIDDLE 8TREKT, C During the coming year we "have resolved to do bnsiness as w .have nlwon;;f J- . ' ..-We guarantee satisfaction on every article sold, and always' refund the morXey when anything; proves un satisfactory. '. "'. " - .r----. - ;;",""."' .. ' :.-.? aAi;y':;:i:-: 'l We are strictly a One Frioe Store and are Satisfied with Small Profits. ' Call and 8ee For Yourself, i V -V J. G. DUNN : & CO., 67 Pollock 8treeivH:.i YOUR PRINTED ' STATIONERY- Is an Index to your Business. Then why not use the best. W do the Nioet,! Cleanest, Neatest Job Work of all aiuds. t .' - V'e Rle ths tli at Work, the Beat Pa per I W, the Hi't luk, and charge jou uo mo (i f i J it than yu pay for th iiher kii.d. , . . . .. V . ..!..' Wholesale Retail Grocer, 71 Bnift-lNt. wliww" 1 ''"''IfiW i"l ? fT" llinHS'l ai d raucy urocerTes a. ompM : ne yon mon v All gixidi guara i- reiuiiuta. lours to please, JR GROCER, $ 77 Broad Street. i SUITS I -1 . NEW". BERN, C We Winti What do you WanttJ, We want everybody -to know we are going to sell tbe best ChsinlesV Bloyole , wmi iuv iivat vuoiuiess cioyoie . ' 10 and Beit Admirals for $38 00. y . t K, . j I be glad to have you come In ' ' ' nine ourttockv for $S0 00 and Beat Admirals for $38 00. Would be ( and examine iWs trade new wheels for old ones. We have on band a large quantity of r ; i Tires, all kinds from $1 60 to $880, f JQfiy"'-; And other' articles -thmt "belong to a '!?.iCv ' sV6fc.:?v,.;.; ; fi ASKINS' . CYCLE .:0MPAHI . 1 ' : Planters BuUdlng, T " - i .' ' We will be at our , store, ;V ii corner Craven and South v - Front Streets, from Vary, 't ",'4 1900, until f jsilicr.'-y;." , 1j notice, and will gladly ? Receive the Little Balance That - May Be Due Us, and to take ' ,T'; Orders For Hardware. ; sXir Please Be Sure to Call. -.' Wishing you h j msper ous and hnj'py Now , Year ' we are, Yours Tri.fy, ';" 3 :'-' (;