THE JOURNAL. Kew Bern, N. C-Jaa. SO, 18u0. I Indei to New Advertisements. ... S R 8treet Auction. I?r W&f vusIa town. r : i U lYiker, J r Luxuries. jJKiusey, ij'iB-iff Nu'.tce. I U Sosiib Loaning money. ; tiyai&o Supply Co Fillings,- &c. Business ' Locals.' AT AUCTTQN-I will sell at corner of South Front and Middle Street Today, ft lot ef Household Furniture, consisting of Bed Room Sets, Dining Tables, Chain and many useful articles. 8. R. 8TREBT Auctioneer. - DR K WATROUS, tbt Healer, from Wilmington, N. Oils now In town and may be seen at No. 104 Sooth Front St. Those desiring to tee him should call at 00 lo S W. Willis. Tor Teas, Beans and Onion Sets. Ho has big lot of all and they are the best that can be bought. THE Atlantic Music Company, compos ed of Wtu.' T. Hill, Prest. and Trea and Cbaa. L. CsbUUl, Sec'y., Iole agents in Kaat Carolina Tor the High Grade "MehlIn"Tlanos and offer them on easy terms, or for cash. : A FEW more gallons of that Celebrated California Port Wine, gallon at J. F. Taylor's. ' : TSE finest Beer always on draught, l Jacob's, Middle Street. ,i v COTTON MARKET.' ' The following qootatlons were receiv ed by J-.'K. Latham, New Bern, N. Qi New-York, January 19, Open. High. Low. Close Ian. cotton... May cotton . : Sept. cotton . . Not. cottou.. 7.65 - 7 65 748 7.60 7.45 7.4J 7.44 690 619 667 G.72 . 73 87U 7.44 6.87 8.78 CHICAGO MAHKSTS. Wukat: Open. High. Low, Close . Ky ... CH 05J 85, Cos: 051 nr i Much 7.95 So. li'y I'M 54, B. lt. T. ....... tiSi C. &O 8 Silt m 38 7 25 7 15 7.15 65 7Ci 304 Reatl:c 50 60 Cont: 'lo.b.P:ef., a s. w m Receipts at cotien ports bales. . 86i 48J were &0.OM "Deeds are Fruits, works are but leave's " The runny wrtnrietlul cures ef fected ly Li id's &:ti'Mpri)la are the fin its by wlilt.h it ftl:oud be judged These prove H t he the great remedy for all blood diseatea. Ilnoil's Pills cure all liver Ills, IniiHling. Non- Change of Criminal Court for Craven . County. ; By Act of the last Legislature the Fubroary term of the Circuit Criminal Court was changed from the third Mon . day lo tbe foetth Monday In February, being Feb. SOlh, 1000. -- v - . . - . W. M. WTSo, Clerk. Prompt and careful attention Is ftlways given to prescriptions ftt Pftvts Pres orlntlon Pharmacv.' Send yours there to be filled. :, - v Coffee, Checolale and McSorley'a. ' Sandwiches at ' Try our own make ef Breakfast Bacon It Is extra fine. Oaks Meat Market - Our new taosage mill just completed. Perk sausage 19c : Meat sausage 8 pounds for 25 cents. Oaks Market ' ' ' Ctoake and Capes At Coat, . We will sell what Cloaks and.Capes are on band at cost Eespectfully, ' - i 3. J. Baitir, J. J. Baxter will sell all ef hU winter stock now at a sacrifice te make room for spring goods, '- . - ' ' Celery Headache Powders will care - your headache, : Give them a trial. They ' are made and sold at t avis' Prescription Pharmacy. ... ..- . v- ?;-. Extra fine dressed poultry, turkey and chickens at Oaks Market. Fresh Taffies at MciorleyV A valuable and ebeap Chrlstmu pres ent, "Spoffiird's New Encyclopedia," at Knncits Book Store. .- ' ; . Special Handkerchief Sale. ' Another big lot of thnne" fast scllors, all linen, laco elj, mbroiilired, liem- silti.lied nd colored hnl ird Y' cbles. worth IiomlOto l.ic. , u at clioice 5':. each. . (I. A. ! Ai" ""t. - Jordan -ouiTh I -in rin.'nnra to be a po;,uUi fumdy for i:oi,glu, hoarnf . p-s Ac ,"u ude anil ll uiily by Davis' Prescrilnion Phannw y. " "SOO falnhliooi At C.. WshavsS: ) pa'it of Ltdlet, Mens 'Boys and Children's Shoes to 1 sold st oostsndleis. J. J. Baxtek. CAPU; r - f t i i Cures lltad.ii.hc, t C Nervous Ilea-.' s ! I,r!l 1 1).;1:. Davi.... r. s. i u" 0. D. J.-'i'i'"1'"' 1 1 , I : l leasers of Local Interest in tLi Cl:y and Country. Cotton su'ea In ilie local uaret yes teruay were from 7 to 7.40. Il h e i ;e; led tbn a n-al: S'ent wIH lie put oi the 8c .ulty tra.n wahla asaoit time. ' Rain, .followed y clearing weatner Hits a'lernoon, is me weather bureau forecast. . . - ". .: , . v The Saturday "Afternoon Club will meet at &30 o'clock today at the resi dence of Judge H. K. Bryan. The Wilmington mall train was de layed yesterday by a washout at Pollocks"- vllle going south and did net leave there until two. o'clock. The return here was made at 9.30 p m The range f temperature yesterday was unusually small, only 10 degrees The maximum was GO, the minimum 06 The rainfall (or 24 hours a te 6 o'clock last night was 1.08 inches.-, Appropriate exercise were held at the Graded School yesterday in hener 1o the memory of Hubert K. Lee. The different grades met In tbe Chapel at one o'clock and there wa sjuging, jecitallens and reading by the scholars. Tbe (iaskins Cycle Company la having a gallery built aloug one side of their store for the exhibition aad storage of bicycles. ' It adds considerably to the floor space which has been scarcely suf ficient to hold the stack. " - - Amos Ha'xb, at old colored man was found dead a few days age near Vance- boro. Be was trlsaed during Ihe cold Spell fid It Is evident that he lost his way the day of the snow and that he froze to death that plght. The, Bades hunting party "letnrned remu day. The vcy unseasonable west tier toterferied with their sport, and tbe game record-was pot a .saliafsetoiy ae u the members of the pa: ty, al though a good lime was bed ou the ttlp. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF SUN. - The Wonderful Phemomenon Ijay 28th, Visible In a Narrow Path Across , - Southern States. Prof. F. B, Blgelow of Washington has written ao interesting statement o(. the total eclipse of Ihe sun May 98, 1900, Thfpaiher of the shadow, he says wll. begin at sunrise over tbe Pacific ocean lust to the west of Mexico, nnd extend I hence northwestward over the South, em Stales from New Orleans lo Norfolk crossing tbe middle portions of the North Atlantic ;o Portugal sad temil- oatlng near the northern end of the Red ia al sunset. The location of the track In ibe United Slaws 1s reitixiasble for Its convenient accessibility to a multitude of people; lie Dsiimnus that more than half a mil lion er:eus will see ilio total- eclipse at more wr less dilation from 'their homes, and many mote nit take advantage ef tbe opportunity to seethe event of a l.fet'me. ' Ldocaters should encourago their stv- denls to see it, and he suggests It would be a popular thing for the railroads to arrange for excursions to tbe cities and localities affording the moat favorable opportunities Tor aslglit, as there are good hotel accemmodatlons through all the section effected. ' ' The United 8letes Weather Bureau, which has been couuucllng a cloud sur- vey of the region, predicts tbe chances for fair weather as almost certain In Georgia and Alubama. The track will pass over Mobile, Montgomery, Macon Mil ledgevllle, Augusta sad Columbus, a little south of Atlanta. . Jv PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Hon. F. M. 8immoni left yesterday re- i turning to Raleigh. -.v ; ; Dr. D. H. Abbott of Vandemere ar rived her last night from Raleigh., Mrs. E. W. Itoaenthal and sob return d home last nlgbl tram the north, whore they have been visiting far several i weeks. . ,." ' - British Rule, , Theodore 5. Woolsey, professor Of in ternatlnnal law In Tale University says: "The results of British rule In India have been splendid. : Il has kept the peace, preserved order, built reads, railroads and Irrigation works, bi ought justice to tbahumbleat lessened famine and pesti lence, Introduced state education, sanita tlon and dlsix'.af'aius, freed trade from man? hut den J, simplified taxation and has begun to introduce local self-govern ment." " - Admiral Dewey says In a letter ad dressed to Ihe editor of tbe British Realm: 'After many years ef wonder- lag I have come lo the conclusion thst the mightiest factor In Ibe civilization of ibe world Is the Imperial policy of England." , ' True To Life. Old SiiUcillier-Wa'd, I gllf'HH Inks yer pnpor similiter yum llllt v.ty I don't lik'i tli' atnnd yor tukiu' da Ih' J-'illypeen k r-.i-.!ii--i. . Cuunlry K'lltor- 1 ,n ui1 lM.cauno I like to ptciwe my old snlisnr-- f s. and 1 see you a one of the o'ikhi. Old Kuti.icrlhfr-Yei.slr. Ilia lukln' tit paper ever alu e It stalled. Country Kdllor Little behind III pay Di.nls. tho'. Old Kol-v-tl jcu 01. i Pi,.,.-! psy a rt n , 1 i r evt:n ninii'i-'a I!.-1 i f y' 1 - i l.M,-' I r Th't ao how fur? 'Ml pr'J f d 'I : ul till! fllllt 1 1 IT l i - -1 j r V, r-'l r f i 1 1 ri ,1 III r I I'll 1 t I. I, Postmaster Kaitcoik Shows Title To CreJit of Securing it Tor Hew Bern. Id. Joi 'I'kal: Au order has bn Is sued bj- the Tost Olllce Department es labhshlng Free Delivery service far the c.iv of liew Bern, N. U Ibis order lias been published and I believe the people of lie uv have Utile Interest in any queatlun-of credit to any individual for procuring me Service, therefore I shall bat brlelly reply to the article by C. R, Thomas, M. C, appearing in -your issue f the 19ih. Inst. This article asserts only by Inferrence. First he tnfereniially submits that I never applied for FreeDellvery; secondly, he inferentially takes the credit for It to himself, and thirdly he Inferentially re marks, by the way, that I might suppress information one the public To the first I will answer that I made personal appli cation to the Department, accompanied by men of Influence with this adnilntr tralion, to accomplish that which does not as he says "go into effect by opera. lion of law ' bat is entirety wilhla the discretion of the , Postmaster General Srec. OJ of I he Toslal Regulations. . Tq the second 1 will reply that Mr Thomas had aa little to do with orocur lug litis servico as the humblest cilixen of our city, and that the credit belongs lo ihe business men who used the stamps aud thus placed us in a position to ask f.r tbe service, and any attempt en the part of Mr. Thomas to assume the credit Is small and unworthy of an accredited Representative ef ai honest people. The inference that I might refuse In, formtdlenis uncalled tor and malicious ly false, as 1 have published every order received and have given freely all the in formation i couU procure. : I would sute farther that if Mr. Thomas pro pose 3 Lo furnish' any Information from his own knowledge, the public may as well save their sit xps and consult the stars, Sktuouh W. Hancock, , . ' Postmaster. .ONE OP THE VERY FINEST. The Atlan 'c Coast Line's Florida Spectal -Its Schedule Will be Faster Than v . ' Ever this Season. " It Is now several years since the At1 lantlo Coast Line, working In connection with the Plant system began operating a special tourist train between New Terk, Charleston aud Florida, and as tbe railroad kepi pace with Improved meth da and the fastidious traveller the trains oat h, yi'ar became' more complete and handsome, and: the schedules quicker. Title .... tt mmAmm tliAtlirh r.k hlfrh P.o 7... .. . . of a- water mai k must, have been very neaiir leacbyl, for II la hard to Imagine ...i Fa II lu UmrA A Imao-ln a mora speedy trip than that which will be offered aoulblmund passengers on and after Tuesday, January 10, and alsv a more ceiororiabla and luxurious, train is well nigh liupoa&ib.a t p;an. The train is composed entirely of Pull man cars, made for ibis particular serS vice sud vevtlbuhid,. so that passengers pans freely from one car to another, re- garuleaitof toe speed at which, they are travailing aud unaffected by Wind Or weather. Each carls a model of its klnd( one a dining car, where the traveller par takes of his meals at hours which suit his convenience and where deft wallers serve the most tempting of. dishes, pre pared while flying along the ateel road way by a competent chef. The end of the train Is ftlways occupied by the "ob servation car,'' so uniquely arranged as toglrea view almost unobstructed of the scenery "aloug the line of the road. A drawing room ear and a library and smoking room are among the advanta ges of ibis movable hotel, for Ills more like a first class iioteC"wltu every con venience and - comfort,1 than anything else. Bui tbe number at guests Is lim ited strictly to the number of berth ac- commedaiinns In the magnificently ap pointed "sleepers," and there Is no fear of finding a favorite window seat oc cupied by a "match and toothpick' cus tomer and always a seat In the dining room.. '.-:.,). Then tbe speed of lit. Leaving New Terk at 12:35 p m the "special" pauses but a 'moment at Philadelphia at 9:68 p m. Baltlmo-e la reached at 6:06 tho same afternoon and Washington reached at-C.tO. Feur hours lster tbe 'special" makes Richmond and at 7:46 the next morning arrives la Charleston, eighteen hours snd a few minutes after the start From Charleston the same excellent speed Is maintained to the several points on tbe Plant system In Georgia and Florida. For the north bound trip the schedule is also very convenient and speedy. Travellers leaving Charleston at 0.10 p, m. arrive In Richmond at 7.15 In Hi e mu-nliifj. Washington Is mails al 11 03 a. m. Baltimore 1.16 p. m., Phil adelphia 9.f p.m.; tid New Tork at 6.03 p. m. An important feature of the laurlBt special Is that ro extra charge Is made fur liareilng on thla Ira n. The regular fare, with on'y culinary Pullman fare aildtilj Is clunrcd and the piiflnciij'f r lint If limited utrlciiv to I ho cnpacily of the ma,' l m nil n vy 1-1. and Cornier,. SJill-: i.', l: On In- iuihl . 1)11.1 1--1 i U. H. .1 U. S . rKKsiirTKKiAK cut. lien. liev Q L Leyuurn, nabior. Services every 8u!lmih at 11 a m and 8 pm. Com munion 1st Sundays In January, April, July and October. Sunday tcheol at 4 p m, Thc tnas R. Fousl, Supt. Prayer mee. ing every Thursdav at 8 p m.. CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH, : ,. ' Rev. R B John, pastor. Services every 8ndny at 11 a m and 70 p m; Sunday school at 8:30 p m, T A Green, Superin tendent Prayer meeting Thursday 7:0 pm. ., i. Pollock Street Chapel-Sunday school .a A. OA m. Hk T)..,.. taAAtlna Annlsiv Anil I Wednesday at 7 80 pm. ' CHRIST CHURQT, earner rouocx ana miuaie dw. . Rev. T. H. K. George, ltector. Ban day service Ham. Evening service 7:&0 p m. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday in month 11 ft m. other Sundays 7:43 m Sunday school 4 pm; Mission Sunday School at Chapel 9.C0 am. ... . . r W. A 1.... A . . V .1 days 9 a m and 6 p m; Holy days 10 a to, MIDDI.B BTREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Hight C Moere, pastor. Preach Ing every Sunday 11 a m Tind 7 "0 p m. i Sunday school at 8 p m every Sundayt Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 30 pm. , v , - at. CACfaxxTseuc ohcrchv . ' Rev. F. George, 0. 8. B., Rector; Rev. F. Paul, O. S. B., assistant. Man and I sermon, Sundays 11 80 a iu; Vespers ser-1 mon and Benediction at 7:S0 p m. . Mast every day at 7:80 ft m. Thursday at 7:30 p I m Rosary and Beuedictioo. : 8w JoseDh's Catholic church for the colored people. Mass and sermon Sun days at 9 a m. Sunday school at 8 p tn. All are invited. ' TABRRHACLH BAPTIST CHUBCn. . Services every Sunday 11 a m and 70 p m, conducted by Rev. A. H. Harnley. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even- I Ing Sunday school :C0 am, HB Duffy, Superintendent. Size doesn't Indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit and worthless salve offer ed for DWtll's Witch Hazel Salve. De Will's ia tbe-snly original. Aninfalll- I ble care for piles and all skin diseases. F.8 Duffy, .. ui .. - ,r ; ' , ' . ' LOANING MONEY! - Loans made. Loans placed. Apply to ISAAC H. SMITH, 130 Middle street, New Bern, N. C. - ' V' I a MaIm TntiAi I - .. XSxecniions. NORTrKCAROLINA, I Craven County. By virtu of the certain executions di rected to the undersigned from tbe court of S, It. Street, Justice1 of Peace, Craven county, aud frotn Ihe Superior Court of" Craven county, I will on' Tuesday, the 80th day of January, 1900, at 1 o'clock M, at iho store on Middle street New Bern, N. C, In the Planter Warehouse, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said executions, all the right, title and interest which the said Ballle A Duguld and James Duguld, defendants have In the following described personal property, towlt: v': : ; s, v All lUe SiOCB Ul gUVUB 1U . ariiu t.u.Qf consisting of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., being the surplus over and above, the personal property exemptions bf said defendants. :- ;.. :fu .- . J08EPH KINSEY, Sheriff. This 10th day of January-, 1900. ,v Turnip Seed. Rxtra ! oarlv Milan Tuinlo E led Clark's, planted for early shipp'ng. Re- member if v P, Ciarc,, Jiiick. Btore, near Market Dock, Notice of Sale. Collector Office, 4tb, District , v f - Ralelgb,N.O. Notice" is hereby given of the sale of the- following; property forfeited to the United States for violation of the In- tercal Revenue laws. Seized at New Bern, N. O. Nov. 14, '99 I from J. P. Rodman, R. L.i). by CM. Babbitt, Deputy Collector, One Pkge. containing 90 gallons, corn whiskey. The above property will be sold to tbe highest bidder for cash, at the Govern ment Building in the City of New Bern, N. C. on tho 10th day of January 1900 at 19 o'clock m. ,E. O: Duhcas, Collector 4th, District, N. C. ByO. M. Bunnirr, ; Deputy Cof 6lb. Dlv. 4tb, Dist., N. C. January 18, IU00. ; V. . A Good 1 kl.'llOliv vK : h TY, A I" A ' 'vr 1 CO r-.,,., - ra a 1 .. rUltnUS C? jtlVVuaJVXS . . ., i - tot tl BathfOOm Lavatory, Closet as well as for the Kitchen, you will And in all the new lm provements and conveaientei In our stock of Supplies.. We will fit np your bathroom wild anything required, as well as doing all kinds of Repairs Gas and 8team Fitting In an expert: manner, and at reasonable prices. - '. , nyffldfl UUPPIV CO, - " 'Phone 62. - 4 ' ' 49 CRATES 6TRERT Tie Public's Is centered on.our most reliable and np. to-date BUGGIES. We earnestly solicit your palronege for-Buggies, Wagonp, Carts, or Dray ncds for 1900. You are invited to visit our. factory any time when in Mew Eein' JUs.MLi.ully, ' G. ir Water A Kvta 78 Broad Street. - Go to - Moody's Wood Yard, For all Kinds of . Wood, Sawed to Suit Oncquarter of a cord guaranteed to each load, aud delivered where wanted. S. D. MOODY, Foot of Mctcalf Street 9G&&0MK00MrM&UrtMH0 SVis4K4 I . , . ft 1 At Ilw raOflK ?TOre I Ik? . ' T b. .; We solicit your sitlisci rp- tions for all Mugaziaes I i- . School ltom and 15o)k- S keeper Supplies n Specialty. . J s H. Ennett. 'r Truck lteaiis At c Clark's.. , -VaUntines. Mohawkf, btrinclew. Green Pods. Jamm F. Clark, Brick Store, near Market Dock, ; NOTICE. . .... All persons are hereby notified that I have no lute teat In the llqnor business new run bv O. C. Roach, nor am I in any way connected wit h lb Arm former ly known at C. 0. Roach Ss Co t at New Item, N. O. 1 era prompted to publish ibis bv the numerouK Inquiries made to me concerning tbla matter. ' ; - J. 8. GARRETT. Jan. lUh, 1900. - Shirt Sate - 1 have almut 8 down Stiff Bosom Mon arch SblrU Itft in the latest stripes that I will sell for 86c, worth (1. , 1 will sell my Winter Goods at a Big Reduction in ordar to make room for Spring Good.' '- Csll early. .', " . . ....... -., R. II. BAXTER Onion tW A-t Clark'a l'lii'ailclphla grown Unlea Setn, wliit, red and yellow. - Plant now I for best ruaiillK. jamks t: ulsuk, unca b'-orc, near Market Dock. !.. !l. 0IITI.F.R a snd I" Mu . C'cni nt " I l.!.,i, 1 1,,-ivi' nil i Cook him! Il e i.f I' 1 Clearance Sale Every season we clear out all of the Jti! season s goods that remain unsold Even though it woutd be 6ur dear gain not 0 , t to do so this season on account of the; & immense rise m value of all t&ool and J . cotton goods, we shall make no excep- ' 4J.! ft ' A nun anu ucyuuiuiy Monday 4 enntinuina all the week we 'shall hold a jjtjtta t wmrrrp n fa p. f J ANCE SALE, which for money saved f . for our customers will eclipse all former records "4 It is hardly necessary how much higher Dress than last ' You can lay in a years supply for probably not in a very long while will you luy as cheaply as at this sale Wa cannot enumerate every item that is marked down, bat this partial list will help. and you can come and will find everything as , advertised As in many instances the quantities are small; don't be disappointed if sold before you get here Domestics. 1(30 yards of the .best Clecching, the e air.e firm. em-U'tn thread as "Fruit of tiiu U'oui", finished at the euine bler.chery and al' that Is needed is the Fruit" ticket, in about 90 yata pieces. 7Jc. ' . 500 yaids Cannon Cloth, 8c. 1000 yards Extra UnavyApron Ging- haia, Co. 1000 ytinls DaA Calicos, 4c. R'0-l yards Light Calicos, 4c. Yard Wide Porcalew, new, 9c. -Dress Goods. ' In this department will be found quite a few remnants, tome enough for waists, others for skirt and all have been marked at a saying of ono third. In addition we will sell All Wool Nov elty Drees Goods at 15c, 20c, 85c and 40c reduced from 25c, 40c and 60c, . All wool Homcspnn, 89c. 49 Inch Herring Bono Cheviot 40. Cotton Plaids for Waist. Do. ' . -. Granite CJotbt 40v. , Millinery Department. Chftdrens colored Bilk Gaps I5c. Bahy's"WhlleRllk Caps 95c, rciucul from 40c, 50e md 00o.: , ' Boys Tarn O Shanters 3 lets, 91.00 ones reduced to 06c; 05c and 756 reduced to 45r.- i Wool Toboggans 90c.: v : Bed Comforts. ; L Heavy Bed Comforta, lha kind thai koepjrou warm, 89c WRAPS. A grand chance is offered to. get a Fur Collarette at a big bargain! AU we have has been made in two lots, $1 76 and $2 75, v : - . " Ladies Jacketsblack and tan, all in two lots, $3 10 and 3 65. ,L. Misses Jackets, red and blue, ' $4 00. A Children's Jackets, brown and blue, $ $200. , . - r ,.'v Children's Reefers, $2 00. S Cloth Capes at $1 25, 1 60, 2 00 and o o o t A 2 60, worth $1 50, 2 .Ladies' Tailor very iov7 'lsit, but this sale r.t r 1 o O'i. 4 k y o V ' N Morning to again tell you of Goods are this season TTn H ovttto a v Here are some chances lli-il d.m'l of ten occur-and you will proliablv want some of these before winter Is oven Mens Heavy Co' ton Undcisliiri.i 2 Jc. Mens Fleece liued slnru or draw ers 80c. Mens All wool Sciiiot thins or ilruw ... i7r, Mens Heavy Natural Wo-1 ' r ( aincls Hair rhlrts or Dniwora I'M. T-.ll 1 .IKIia.1 tm J wool lUblied Vests or I'aiita Ml.!. Ladies "Ouelta" Union Miiis i!l)c & 7!c. Ladies ltlack nose 4c ami fc Cbildrens black Hose 1c. Notion Special. While To.lon ToWcli 4c. hlack or White Tape lc. uookb ami i-.yus sc. Black Jot I'riiss Button 'c doen. null- I'm. -zr iinnpr , - a Ilul plus 4c inrd. ' "- Safety Pins all alzcs 'c. Envelopes 8c package Writing Paper per package 10c. r 3 Red Embroidery Cotton Vc. Rhoa Pnllah 7o. Machine Oil 4c . - , 00, 2 50 and 3 60. raatlo r v?o havo i,o o o