VOL. XTH--NO. 254. EIGHTEENTH TEAK, NLW BERN, N. C, SUNDAY MO&NI&U, JANUARY ; 2f, U A Ei Hackburn s Hsihelace toTradel (is At a iAllGoods'Efst-classl .ft wry body is using our 20c MochaM 'ft ft and Java Coffee and EMHAGKBURN.i ft clt:GasMl& Grocery :n is:, i ...v.:...-.... Go.)dt ill place - New I'lickwluat in 10c, 15c and '.Manic Srnp and Fancy Hulter. ? . ; r'J'otH Jleals of all t.iudB, chicken find tur.y for ft lunch. :Ku t?f Wvlvnr-r. fliuitioil liYm'l and Vi-m-taliles. . v.- i tti rv niTArlTY lifws '' V" 'Jry tlie J'eJlo Haven Com,, you will Use no other, i ' " For a srood smoke try our IVrique to mix with your lu c Mixture or any tobacco you uro now using ; ad Tokirco always to be lind at our GASKILL;&, '" UAROWARE: , ' , ' v. n MIDDLE STKEET.-" f,hoilo447i vi i'-' . ' i m ' ' "i 'ii ii ". ". "I1 "'. Ui" r. 'I" - "I'J. 'J Hr . '." 11 . - . li" "... 'y-f ?1 ff A li; - . : ' fir -M ANUFACTUHEES- i.leadows' & -s, If you farm on the intensive syeftom and vfor profit yo must nse MIQq GRADE OUANO. -"t v , Our Gooda are loecially adapted .yj i-iVaei by the largest and most Bucceesful,farmer8 ip this section. ...Their Field ItesulU sneak louder than Words. r.''. : . ; ; NPKCrAlj GllAWOS U Meadows' 0010 LEAF 'J'nie ) for ("olor, Silkiness and Fiue Texture. Manufactured in the bright leaf section of the Slate, and specially prepared for the needs of oif laud. '-r If inU-retitud send for leaflet of ' Our 1000 Calendar also for the E. M- & J. Works! v Union Point I Santa Claws iMistafee! 1 V : f J Mai ii a O a 'i , Cul toriii i Orai g t Fin Nuln,J .'nisii I oiul Figs, In f At cvi'rjthi GIVE LIE V w v - V V V our I. X L Flour, j t rr..i:.l..n'i on.l - -"" 25c pac ages. . Tff I'lif'ifi -' A good ussortruent of line I igsirs Btore, 01 Urosu Bdeel IIT - OIELL'S. OROCERJfiS 61 BUOAD 8T ftfcBL.",. Special Guanos. . - .v" i ' ' ' for this section. , ' . ' - v ' . : Potato J: Cabbage : fob all' CIIOPS. TOBACCO GUANO. ' (Tried - and analysis and testimonials. asking. Guaranteed Mitchell A,-X1EAD OVS CO., New Bern, N. C. EIate No ,'Wlei ho icl. '' 'H. I r I cJXma '. few J fun J r lock ! Fanoy ai d ; fitile UiOM-rioi. 1 Of t - B ijhl Flour (or your XmftR bakmp, onr tuperinr and exqulelU'ly (laroird Cuffee widTi O t Plan I ( ; (iini, 'Idish , "ytiJ1;T Frutt in:' U ii tt, I'on-lni. id DimitJ lie (hi, I 0: Hivi'r l'l nt HitUt kml m i.'rt MI M ut wl 1 mi vi w h Hie- tbv i f iImi roi . II'. co V VT fl In ft liiifi li''r. out ' B mii t tul Ki lamir..o O lory nnd UU Onr, Applf S snj Bananas. i( S f-: unit F'e.h f-ir Xmns. A CALL- Buller Close Up To Ladysmith. : Boers Reported Beaten . , Shells From Lad ysmltfc Cross Those From Bailer's Gnas. Boers Loss IaCampalira Is Orer 6.O00. BeBertlnc Colesborg.Ber - - lla Bepert. British . ' PoBltIoBOtEay. " Special to Journal. , ' , London, Jan. 10. Carefully compiled figure eollected at GapeTowa show (hat the Boer loai U date It approximately 4,423. These figures are from Boer Bour- eea and tome of them hare been lnToatl- gated and found correct. S '' These figure! Include 2,000 cat nail ties at Ladjsmlth In the assault of January 0ih when the Boers were repulsed by General White. v - - "- - Beports that the advaneed British force it . in the., vicinity , of Ladyamlth are confirmed today. Hard fighting is re ported along the lines. One message sayt that . the Boers have fallen hack de feated, .j. . Warren, baring made an 1 advance of fire miles and having sent Dundonald to his left flank, is now in possession of some kopjes which command a ravine behind Bprtea Eop, Lyttleton's brigade has advanced two miles toward the iio'er position at Brakfontein. : "i ' "'y Warren aad jLytlleton. are advancing" teadlly," The Boers arrived in largv numbers from Coleuso and Ladysmiifa They have rait branches of the ...railway from Hoddor Sprnttt around Mount Bui- wan, .'f.-'.i, ' Many Boers have gone to altompt to check . Warren's ad vance. - The . Brit Ish garrison lit adyamlth flred some (hell which nearly met those " of ileaerHl Buller at tha extreme range. T -. , : Cieneral Lytlleton 1 advanced against Brakfontein, covered by a heavy artlll ery fire. He went forward two m.lit and gained Bwveral positions. The Boors drrd m cannon aud discharged only few. Mansers. '. Lyttleton .. blvojacttd upon the ground which he bad taken. ? General Dundonald, with a force of cavalry, made a detour yesterday to the west of General Warren s force. - - . He engaged and surrounded a body of Boers near A.cton Homes, the result of the engagement was that he killed r wounded 20 barghers and made 15 pris oners, i : The Brllisli loss was two killed and two wounded. This interrupts the Bder communication with the ' Free 8tata British saralry hold tha position .The Urine of field gees was heard ear. ly this morning on the BrMib left Gen- era! Warren had evidently, commenced the bombardment of the . Boer trenches on Tabanmynla mountain. There was alto a brief musketry are from same di rection. A man who escaped from Colesbnrg which General French is attacking re ports that the Dutch Inhabitants, who are sympathizers with the Boers are pro ceeding to the Orange Free State because they anticipate the evacuation of tha towa. Vender Walt, a member of the Assembly, had already gene. .The Boer foroe In Colesbnrg was estimated at 7,010. j. General French baa ... advanced eight miles east of Bllggersfonteln and It now within 18 miles of Nerval's Point The American Ambassador Choate re ceived a cablegram today stating that the steamer Maria wis releated'and that part of the cargo of American flour was landed at Lorenao Marquee. Brussels, January 20. The Transvaal legation here it following with the clos est attention the new plan of attack being made by General Buller for relief of Ladyamlth. Leyds It quoted at laying that the battle now waging . In Natal marks the crisis of the war.- He believes that Buller is dividing his forces and say t that If he. is defeated vhe will be practically annihilated. ' Berlin, January 20 The Deutsche Zeltung prlnlt a telegram from Durban taylng that a rising of the Tugela river endangers the further crossing of British troeps. The dispatch alleges that the Brltlsn artillery and ammunition It ill 11 on the south bank of the river. Mean time the Boers, the dispatch continues are advancing and encompassing scml clrcnlarly tha river crossing of Buller rand Wanen. ,' London, January 20. The war critic ef the Morning Post says: "Far from their base aLJCheveley, with the rive behind them,' with the Boers in Urge number between them ami Lailysmlth, the position of the British forces It not eaty." ' ''' . -v.''' : . Rewarded His Nurse. Special to-Journal. - t Burlington, N. J. January 20. Ills neighbors thought William' t Myers, an old exprosmait of this placo, was Very poor. However ho ht scouniuiated fifteen tlionsand dollar. Ills danghlei-In-law, Is his solo heir. 8!iu hud cunie up from Virginia wlu n she lieaid thai the old man was sick and mined him for months, la fcrnl Undo fur br devotion Myers left hpr his tn 'i " furtii mi. i f a Cave. " h FEARING THE PLAGUE. Precautions Taken to rrevent its Ap proach, Death Rate Increasing-. Special to Journal. - .. - Washington, January 80. The Ma rine Hospital Service la taking extraor dinary ttept to prevent the spread oflbt bubonic plague from Honolulu to the western coast of the United States. Ex traordinary precauliant aie in, force at every point.-, A medical officer 1 estab lished at Honelulu to examine all out going ships and another officer has been sent to assist htm with fifteen hundred bottles of prophalactlc. " ' The steamer Doric from Honolulu brings news of a fresh outbreak of the plague, six deaths having occui red be tween.depar)ure of the steamer China and the departure of the Doric, which left Honolulu January 13. v - John RusUn is Dead. Special to Journal.-' v Londoh, Jan. 80 John Buskin, the famous writer,. Is dead, at the age of 81 years. s ; . John Buskin, the most eloquent and original of ail writers upon art, was born In London in 1819. He studied at Christ Church, Oxford, and took hi degroe In 1843.' The following year appeared hi "Modern Painters" which did so much forlhe reputation t Turner. ' Another well known work of Buskin it 'stones of Venice," and probably tha most fam out It "detain aud Lilies." In 1821 he gave 6,000 pounds to the Taylor Art Gal- lery at Oxford and preaenled to the gal lery an Immense collection of the druw- Inits and water colors of his favorite painter Turner which collection forms one of the rapst attractive feaiurea of the gallery. ''i . Gagged, Hung and Robbed, ' Special to Journal. Gbmkva, N. Y-rJan. 20-The body ol Ueynoldt SeybolW- Waterloo was found hanging to the ratling of tho Central Anderson freight house this mBrmng. Bis hands were tied and he bad a gag In his monttRsIwlce before within a month ha hat been sagged and robbed. ; TheJ work . It supposed -lo be the work of trampt who Infest the neighborhood. Iq the expectation that the two former at tack mlgh t be repeated the loca police were on the lookout for suspicious char acters but no one was seen, to leave the freight house. . ,, Fell-at Bunker Hill. Bkstok, Jan. 80.-i-Tho Boston. vTc- lorlan Society has given up the. project of erecting a monument In the old ceme tery en the Common to British soldiers who fell at the battle of Bunker Hill.. It has , been discovered Hbat . no British soldiers were burled there. Withdrawing Our Troops. " .. ..: . . . - . . J i. ..... ; .- Special to Journal. " Washinqtok,' January 20 Captain Stanton of the Eighth Cavalry cables that a squadron of the. Eighth Cavalry, consisting of five officers and eighty-two enlisted men left Nevala, Culm.:' They Will go to Newport News; and thence to Fort Itlley, Kansas, " - s, l She Comes to Agitate.' 1 Special to Journal, - . r - . . Paris, January 20 Maude Gnnae, the Irish vjromatf agitator, tailed on the pas eearer steamer Normaodle for New York today. She will lecltrie In Amorlca in favor of the Doers. - , . COTTON MARKET.' The following quotations were recelv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O Nnw York, January 30 ' ' ; .. Open. High. Low, Close Tan. Cotton .... 7.51' , , " ? May cotton .... 7.49 , v7A0 Sept. cCtlon 886 8 88 Nor. cotton ... 6 00 - ' 0C6 t ClltCAOO MASI?ItT8. , Wubati , . Open., High. Low. Close May ...65! ' 66 Conn:--- ': . May : 83i 1 83, Cofvsk: , March 7.10 " . . 7.10 So. H'y Pfd - 641 B. It. T 71 ' - ' ' . 70 C. &O 80J ' j " 801 Reading 60 50i font lob. Prcf . .' 85 A. 8. W 41 4y, ' Beet'lpls at culton ports were 2",000 bales. The modern and most elTecllTe curt for i-iiiislipatlon and all liver troubles the fmnuns Utile pills known as DeWiU'i Little Early Itinera. F 8 Duffy. , , Notice of First Llcctinj; of Creditors. In tho Pl.itrlct Court of the United Ktali s, for iheV.nsleru Dlsliict of N.C. In Hie matter of W, I!. Fi.kmmino, Hank .' rUpt. In l'.aukriiplcy. To the Ciedltors of I'ctllionrr, who biis in rti n 1 T;.!0 n.. i mi'il a 1 tl.nt a n In U III f Of Ills I! Of I,, , ('-, '. r. i J. lit I'J fifiFUMR. Republicans and populists Flock Together Opposing Amendment Seaboard Frelitlit Chartces T.xwr Intent Farms Stations Teachers t ' Assembly Committee Where r ' Moonshiners Go. His , -torle Flags of Ihe - --f , First Regimeat. ' ; - ' Raleigh, January 21, The PopuIUt State committee muttorod eleven at their meeting. Senator Butler, as predlctid, ruled the roost." He was invited to speak and made what a member cailcd "the talk of the meeting." The Senator attacked the amendment and the electron taw ana nts speeca was a son oi runasn of the attacks he has. teen making in hd- newspaper. '-- The Bepublican maohlne and the Pop ulist machine are all tangled together like acoaple of bicycles after a collis ion. Republicans speak of the two par ties as -"we." One of them said: "Re publican! will address the Populist con ference on the night of April 17th. We hope there will be tome anil-amendment Democrats to speak there, too." Maybe tome of these speakers posing as anti- amendment Democrats may be captured in the ninth district. The Uepublicans olaim they, have a few of them In cold storage and are very proud of them. The Populist committee's address to the people, contain thetollowing state ment as to the opinions of lawyers. It is its "gom of thought:" No law) er whose pride of reputation as a jurist has not been humbled by his ambition fur political preferment has ever said, or can ever say, that this hfih or grandfather cluise Will stand tho lest Iq the courts. The committee on selection of n ex periment farm location in the east de cides to have two farms; one of 10 acre near Red Springsmaluly for tests of corn and colton In respect to fertilizers: the other near Tarboro, to make the same line of experiments, mainly as re gards truck had small fruits. -The corporation commission is to meet February 7th and take np the matter of requiring the Seaboard Air Line to charge what Is known as continuous mileage oil freight. Thecompwry claims that U lias no line, but that each division Is separate. The commission . says that on I be contrary the system is a unit. Dr. AbbuU say the commission doesu't -set- how tho Seaboard Air Line can deny tbo unity now,. nnder the pi etent arrange ment. : . ' -i It will be recalled that a man named Marshall shot at Claude Bornard, TJuttcd Stales district ntlorney. at Greenville last autumn and that there -was a great sensation.1 Dr. Abbott, corporation com missioner, bad letter today saying that Marshall bad taken a non-suit. It la said that Brat Marshall Is with her parents In Green county.- . . -, . The executive commltte of the North Carolina Teachers, Assembly Is called to meet here January 26th, and will then elect the place and time of the next an nual meeting'. It 1 ald -that there will be Invitations from both the mountains and the coast. -" '".'.w-., " A revenue officer today, speaking "u the rapid movement of mooushlnlog to :he eastern counties,' said: 1 "it follows tobacco.- Yon see a the tobacco culture GOOD NEWS comes from those who ttiUc- Hood's Sarsnparilla for scrofula, dyspopsla and rlietmintism. Ueportsagruotliut HOOD'S CURES Shirt Sale ! I havo abont 8 dozen Stiff Bosom Mon arch Shirts lift in the latest stripes that I will toll for 85o,4Vorth ft. . , . I will sell my Winter Quods at a Big Reduction In ordnr to- make room . for Spring Cloods. , ' , " - 'Callrly, ' 1 - . ' R. l BAXTER, s Onion ficl.s At Clark's I'liilad-lphia grown Onion Sets, wluU', ri-il and i-llw. . Plant nnw for In s' results, Jumks F. Clmik, Brick blon'. liear slartct Dock.' L H. CUTLER ilAPsDVJARECO, -DEALERS IN- r s r n inn! progresses eastward men have to go there from the older tobacco section to sh how-to cultivate end cure Jt. Well tin moonshiners fellow Uict. men Whisky and tobacco go logeiber. Look out foi moonshine distilleries in a section df re .tly after tobacoo growing begins." Mr. J. F. Jordan of Greensboro whose plan for relieving the condition of ihr tobacco growers adopted by the North Carolina Growers1 Association, orgai - 7cd at Raleigh,- says tha only thing remaining to make the venture a sncci-ss Is the hearty co-operation of the farm ers. He thinks there will be no trouble along this line. Many farmers have al ready pledged . their support and are ready to sign the agreement and take stack in the enterprise; QuartermasterOeneral Macon" gives out a good piece of news to the effect that Id a fortnight tho First Regiment, Colonel Armfield's, would be fully equipped. He said the rifles and oiht-i equipments were on the way. The First is unquestionably a pet. It is a fine regi ment. It is hoped that it will be seen here, 600 strong at least, May 20th next, when the Vance monument Is to unveiled The flags which the First carried through Havana and which were sent here by the government, are In the adjutant general's oftlce,-without covering. They ought to be In the Stale Museun, under glass, in special oase. They were the first American flags" carried by a regiment through Havana aud are hence historic Dr. W. R. Capehart, owner of the great shad and herring fishery at Ayoca. one of the largest of the world, came hero as a member of the special commit tee of the board of agriculture to select a location for a Slate experiment farm In In tie eastern section. Dr. Capehart, speaking of the fishery, said the shad ure ahead of lime this year, probably owl.ij; to the very warm weather; that some ari being caught; that up to two weeks only three North Carolina shad hm reached New York, while ixiw shipments are being made dally. These nsli are now caught with gtll nets, as tho great soines, two miles in length, ure not yet in operatlou. G. H. Appleton, Justice of Peace Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWltt's Liltle Earlr Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others '' Quirk ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. F S Duffy. All persons are hereby notified that I have no Interest in the liquor business new run by C. C. Roach, nor am I in any way connected with the firm former ly known as C. C. Roach' & Co , at New Bern, N. U. I am prompted to publish this by the numerous inquiries made to me concerning this matter. " J. 8. GARRETT, Jan. lltb, 1900. s Truck Peai. Best Strains Extra Early Truck Peu at Clark's. Remember JaHBB F. ClAKK, Brick Store, near Market Dork. Don't Read This But your attention ' to our hr-'.'-fel-Laundry that we are doing now will JU-1I yon that our work is . rlcM.-; Wo wash the dirt oiifnot In. Our 'starch Is free from injurious chemicals-i Wa-oso no clu-mictil to h-uin the gooda. Lace cur tains, blankets, counterpane, spreads of all kind are done up to look lika new, Our collars are ironed on a low pressure machine and will ant wear the linen. ' . Work taken and delivered In 4 hours. Glveusa trial.- r'iK, DAYBERRY'S STEAM LAUpRY Opposite icillaons Bank. ,1; ' ' ' '- " ' . ' ' ' '' We have Just ' Receive d a Beautiful ; As- ; . sortmcut ot ? Cambric and Nainsook ms, II T70 1 ) invito the C U raid W 3 W, BI1MEIK .-,' 'r ;.- :''-.V -Vr-v...'; y ' J.L.Mf Has just received a fresh lot of Oyster Crackers', Uneeda Biscuit, Standard Soda Crackers, Fancy q 5 w m t. unes, etc. Fresli Puckffiioat.Oatflakes, Grits, Big Hominy,'- itico. ' Small Hants, Hitakfast Cured Shoulders. Dried and Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Fan cy Prunes. ! Fresh Canned Goods of 11 kinds. . Another lot that nice i Anything you want iu Trie H-S 'Phono 91. To Close li L. MAIL, Rtig Department 18x36 Moquet Ruga $1 00 Value, 27x63 27x64 36x73 25x53 Velvet Nearly all the above are this season's goods, and the size and price marked on each. There will be no more of them atjthcse prices. Silk Department, i Taffeta Silks, this season's goods in plain and two lone, formerly sold at 85c, now 68c. In all shades. Fancy Patterns in Silks for Shirt Waists, reduced from $1 00 and 1 25 to 75c, 80 and 85c. be appreciated. This a Capes All of our stock of Ladies Cape3, been marked down. This means a will he sold from 29c to 85 15, worth Ready-to-Wear Our Skirts have received the same treatment and wil reduction. Shoes 11 pairs Ladies Sample Shoes of Bolton, I'aunce & Spinney and other that will be sold at $1 25. Ladies snpplieuTirlth good shoes at the price 78 pairs Ladies Goodyear. Welt, Changes to be made in onr .business make it necessary to reduce stock. i'lfo'goMi-ean W Wi sld witiumt deposit ; l ? , ! Please bring tke cash, thereby saving Us the disagreeable duty of do , dining to charge goods at price named. . i r ' , Order from coHntry accompanied with the cn.Mli, will be filled attention vt if you were OtyvwViywVtxy ? X UXURIES for by Mr, AU.oit Wadswoith nt 12o Yours for Iluslne;, B JnU s DANIEL I Strips, and English 3fle Table Butter. Groceries at Rock Bottom - Wliolcisnle & Retail Grocer 71 Brol HU Fo 2 50 3 00 3 75 3 0 $1 75 2 25 3 00 I SO specially fine offering and vill likely including cloth and plash, have cood deal to the purchaser. Capes from 50c to 18 50. Skbts be Soli I at a big the celebrated E. P. Reed & Co., manufacturors, in sizes 2A,t3 aud 3i, who havo neod of abave sixes can be ;; of cheap ones. button and lace, 3 to 7, at $1 00. J -'V with as mneii care and here in person.' 4 '.V tsjfas the FASTIDIO I At well at necessayles for tin day table, can be secujed fro choice' ttoqk of Cannod O glass nnd tin.. Our exqiiisi ' servrt, Jolly, ete as well ; fine Vegetable In tin, m best, . Our Peas should be t .i x they have a natural awcctneis nu-. flavor that you seldom find in canned peas. V ' . ) ' ' Don't forjot our 20c Mocha and Java Coffee. Give ut tj. call when, in need cf any thing in our line anil we will save you money as -well as giving yr.u the bent nnd froshost foods to be bad. Wa alap have a few country Buusngo rnade r lb. Cash. t ot; TaVTTH Li I Li IT7 si sj?n n y- 1'- J. R. PARK I:!?, JR., G'XCBR, r:-.cr.o co. t7 ::r- : '.. r:-

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