' 1 .. V VOL, XY11--NO. 25G. i!W BEILN, N. C, WEDNESDAY MC11SIJ.3, JASUAltY" 24, J'JOD. EIGHTSS.NTH VKaU; 1 E I'hchbiim's ills the Tlace to Traded All Goods AS to to to to to to to to to to JS to to and Guaranteed Everybody is using our 20c -Mocha. arid Java. Coffee and ottrirX LFlour. V. . , . w IECB.:HACKBURN1 to cAt Gaskill Grocery Yon will find everything cleanod np from the Holiday's Trade and New Goods in" place. ' e T, ' - ' - ' v v V V New Buckwheat in 10c. 15c and 25o pac' ak', - ' ' . , Maple Syrup and Fancy Butter.- ' : ' ' f ' " Potted Meats of all linda, chicken and turkey for lniieh.--y-i-.v?fs. , 1 Beef Extract. Canned Fruite and Vegetables. ' , -, - 5 . UP IN QUALITY. DOWN IN PRI';K, . V rJ tne 0'le Ha'ea Corn, yon will use no othor. ' - , ' . For a good smoke try our Perique to mix with your Iuke Mixtnre or any tobacco you are now. using." -A good assortment of 'fine- Cigars and Tobacco always to be had at our store, CI liroad Street . " GASK1LL & MITCHELL'S, HARDWARE: 13 MIDDLE STREET. 'Phone -MANUFACTURERS- cadovys' ollae Special Guanos. If yu farm on the intensive system and for profit, you must use HIQH GRADE QUANO. ; .iS . ' ' ft - Our Goods are specially adapted for this section. i mm GREAT 1 Used by the largest, and most successful farmers in this section. Their Field Results speak louder than Words. - ' - NPIK IAI, GUANOS Use MeadowsV GOLD LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried and True) for Color, SilkiuesS and Fine Texture. Manufactured In the bright leuf section of tho State, und specially' prepared for the needs of oir land. -V If interested send for leaflet of analysis and testimonials. - 4 ; Our 1900 Calendar also for the asking. ... . , E. H. & J. A. Works: Union Point. Santa Clau r.lhtatc ! . n r m. . i r First-classl & Mitchell'. "N. QROCERIES: HI. i 01 BBOAD STEEET.- Potato . Cabbage roil AI.Ii CROPS. f.lEADOV.'S CO., New Bern, N: 0. r,Ia!:c5 No When lie cluov for IlielXmin fe .Bt from ot r lnck ill Fanny and ft'l'lo OioorroH. Oir Hj!,l Flour for your XniM liftkinc, our uparior nd f njuifcluly flnvoinl ( odre i d Ti:a . O r l'iii'n l inl- 'I , ilthh'H, ('i)'t-t ill.i 1 Fruiwi n li. er, Kim ixu Hint ,1 iuih b lie ( h e, F ox Itivcr I'r nt I'.uiu t i m i ', X 1 :i e M t wi 1 mn t w h ll.e 1 1. v r 1 1 tlic cm - l..-1 OHf. r i a .it'ii in 1 1 e ii. V .., (' lei Meadows . k id ii: A Book of 1823 Exhibits Some Inter- esting Facts. Expenses Were Knch Less Thai Mow. Winter Seems to be Past.' Ee erults Desire Philippine Ser- i vice. The Opera Company. , RaleiGh, Jan. 83 State Treasurer Worth has fouud In the archives In hli office a report of the State Comptroller for 1828, printed by Lawrence & Xenay, "printers to the Stale." It ii a pamphlet of 19 pages, . The public printers got $ JD0 a year B&larj. ' There are many euHout things In the report. In 1827 the general government paid the State $1,287 for Bogue banks, near Beaufort, as a site for Fort.-Macon The collector of the poit of Wilmington paid in $1,098, pursuant to a legislative act, for the relief of sick . and disabled teamen. There was found by a commit tee of investigation $529.48 of counter felt money in the treasury. The State Treasurer was short In Ms account 9116, 858. IJlt lands and negroes and stocks and bonds were sold by a legislative commission and left only $21,806 due. The next Treasurer reported that he found In the Treasury notes and silver supposed counterfeit, $9,740. ; The State had 2,763 shares of stock In the 8tate . bank and got a ' half yearly dividend of $8,286 on it. The dlaburse- fments at the Treasury for a year were $80,800 4li. The Legislature was. paid $36,658, the executive department $1, SG1.98, of which $1,000 was for Lalf the salary of Govern or James Iredell ' The' private secretary, John B. Muse, got $250 a year. The Governor's; counsel, fiv members and a secretary, got $128. Tot Slate Department cost $958, the Treas ury Department $1,875; the Treasurer getting $750 as half salary. ,y?p; ?:fr i. The Judiciary Department coat $20,- i9VJohn L Taylor was chief justice, There were 15 pensioners, 'who were paid In all $977, The Adjutant General's Department coat $219.84; the expenses of State board $86.40; repairs of "gov ernment house1 (the Governor's man slon), $076; the public library, , $58, the salary of the librarian being. $75 a year, the Buncombe turnpike, ,$1,250; Btate arssdsl (built that year), $2,300; turre- Ing and telling Cherokee' lands,. $3,057 Among the odd Items art "Ellia Geddy, for cleaning up capital square. $10"': William Gaston, fee aa State counsel; $100 (what would Logs Harris think of such a little fee a this?); William Strict land, of Philadelphia, for copies of the design for a Stale prison, $5. r There Were 64 counties. Sheriff Sam uel Banter, of Buncombe, paid' $787.98 taxes; John Sloan, of ' HecklenburgH $1,740.70; Gabriel Holmes, Jr., of 'New Hanover, $$,128; William R. Hlnton, of Wake, $2,829; John Blaqk of Cumber land, $3,841. fs Attorney Thomas H. Arga has left for Goldsboro, t appeary In ' the case in which Tom Smith, colored, Is t be tried for his' life on the charge of murdering a yonng white man In Johnston county during the Christmas holidays, In 1898. Smith was for a long time la jail here, for safe-keeping. The trial was removed from Johnston to Wayne county. -The caae is one of much Interest; v Weather-Prophet Ton Hermann made the prediction that .this would be an open winter and that the cold snap of January 1 would be the backbone of the winter. So far he hu hit It off very well Indeed, This month has been a beautiful one. Colonel Robert Bingham lectured be fore the T. M. C. A. of tho Agricultural and Mechanical College. He now comes here very seldom. ' For many yean hit cadet battalion was a feature of the Stale fairs. " . The reports which comet In aa to small grain from the piedmont counties are as a rule favorable. Capt. Z. B. Vance, U. S. A In charge of recruiting In this State, sayt recruits tor the Philippines are now taken only upon special order of the War Depart ment. The great majority of men who enlist want to go to the Philippines. Deputy Revenue Collector Sutton re ports quite an exciting time In Columbu, county Saturday night. A moonshiner's on 111 t was captured, after the moonshiner and hla friends, who wereln ambunh, had Arrd six shots at the oliicers. Then the moonshiners ll :d. " AdmlnlHtrator Macom loft hero for Clinton to sell the real estalo there of till! lhtl) JlJ ' O I'iljkttl. None of tho spuria of tho H tat o i. ni cer have as yet apfnrr(l, but ail of Hum hli h were to ha in u!o for lrt;-9 aio la ll.o pi Inter' U. T!,!i I-, rr.'ii OpiMii Coir.pRny, ' i '-'y i I-i,-i lit rf, h iWllr" a i.'b ' :;t a' tho A f'ili.u: y of Vi-lr. 1 ' i' : H'M'H'iiiii f.( HI I !j U ? : ; Report That 1600 British Troopers Have Entered Ladysmith. - Fighting Along a Series of IMdgetv BoberU Will Vse Colonial Cavalry. London An f xlous "Over the ' Outcome. London, January S3, General Buller has reported nothing of his- 'operations on Monday and official and press intelli gence leaves the British bivouacked Sun day night on the ground they had won after two days fighting. r. Military men assume that . fighting must have taken place and that It was probably more severs than on the - two preceding days. General ..Buller would not be likely to give the Boers leisure to add to the elaborate intrenchments, to arrange their artillery and to concentrate their forces. - ' The special correspondents .Sunday night were allowed to tend the an-r nouncement that the battle would be almost eertainlysresumedthe following day, and hence official and popular an xiety is at high tension. , l Reinforcements, aggregating 4,000 or more, have reached Cape Town during the last three days. It is uncertain' how these have been disposed, bat probably most of them have been sent to . Natal, where It is believed General Buller mods them. . " The discontent of the colonial officers and their disagreements with the regu lars are being inquired into by Lord Roberta, who asserts that be will give the Cape Colonials equal opportunities; The War Office has decided not to send the Seventeenth Lancers, Eighth Hussars and Seventh Dragoon Guards to South Africa, although mobilized. , It is understood that Lord RoUrs does not see a way to get fodder for the English charges. S i More than that, the English cavalry are too heavy for work on the veldt, and Lord Roberts expects to use Colonial cavalry Instead, - Durbak, Natal, Jan. 22, The state ment comes from an excellent source in Pietermarltzbatg that Lord Dundonald has entered Ladysmith with -1,600 men This is not confirmed fronT any other quarter, but it Is known that Lord Du,n donald's flying column has been acting well to (he left of the line of advance. ' Spearman's Camp, .Natal,; Jan. 33. General Warren's guns cannonaded,. the Boer works occasionally last night. The defences of the Boers consist of numerous trenches, walls and redoubts, for some of ! which the British troops successively dislodged them ou Sunday In daahlng style. ;. ' . The Boers try to keep the majority, of their men out ot range until they are ac tually wanted, so do the British. Most of the British wounded are doing welL-iVr--': A taming movement was tried by the Boers on the lower ground on the Brit Ith left, but two batteries of artillery and the Devonshlret stopped and repulsed them.;." . " . .; . The - Boers have two 6 Incfi Creusotl' guns, about four 16 pounders and two machine cannon. Their shell fire did little execution. ; The .British cannon Maxln. and rifle fire was excellent Despite the strength of tbelr works and their numbers, the Boers, it is be lieved in the British fcamp, are losing heavily. The British losses to far have been moderate, . , The British are now adept at advanc ing and taking all available cover when skirmishing. The modern and most effective enrt for constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as DeWltt't Little Early Risers. F 8 Duffy. Dricli For Salo. The best quality on cars at New Bern for . - " ' ' ' . - .c-i .. In lots of Ten Thousand or More. r T r v "". ff I I i '. . - l? tf, . - si . i: ! i i -Uail Fiji wn) ; -is f .'r iwiii) g K ul rtn tiOT'8 for liui; !'r;; nj;ti in Culb ml that unj' hoily i un htiil'l, t C nt C'Uiipli;trt $-"iO. . Tilli nv. il, tIM'lH I UUtl t'llrt ! T. fur f.H! tit f I i(" ! 1 1 :i l H. IV-': i i vi :.: i r-; co.. r: v';- r -t, : v V-i!; ' Wetstcr and Supreme Court Wabhirotoh, Jan. 23 Talk and in vestigation consequent upon tbe un veiling of a handsome bronze statue of Daniel Webster, in; Washington1' has brought out the very Interesting fact that Br. Webster, who was for a long time one of the leading practitioners be fore the United States Supreme Court, never was formally admitted to practlc before that Court.. In view of the atrlcr- ness of that Court, it is difficult to under stand the omission of. this form in Mr, Webster's case, . The only-theory ad vanced to. account -for it Is that .Mr Webster was so well kcowS that it never occurred either to him or members -oj the Court, that he required to be formal ly admitted to practice. , , OTTON MARKET.; ThA fnllnwtnff nnntfttlnna wflr-A rftCfllv- ....0 n r . ed by J E, Latham, New Bern, N. O. - L-' , New Tork, January 23. ' S - Open. High. Low. Close Tan.cottoa.;..'. 7.69 7.59 7.67 7.17 slay cotton . ,. 7.48 - 7.48 7.45 , 7.47 Sept. cotton 6.88 6.9u Nov. cotton. ;v. 6.69 r 0.69 ' J." :- CHIOAOO HARKETS. ' WnBAT: Open. High. Low, Close May 66 6X 66J 87 1 May...'.' 88 - 88 - 88 88 So. It'y Pfd..k.w4t 68 B. R. T., ....... 7H . - 704 CfcO.,.-. 80i u ' - v 29J Reading ;t;i 51 , H Cont. Tob. Prof . - ' - 86J A. S. W - 46J Receipts at cotton ports were 83,000 bales. ' INDIGESTION. Jesuitic from I wcnliiieBSuf the stomaclij is relieved by Hood's Safsaimnlla, the srrent stom ach tonic and cure for DYSPEPSIA. J ' - Truck IScnnt At Clark's. Valefltiops, . Mohawks btrlneless. Green . Pods." Jamjs ,F. Ciabk, Brick Store, near Market Deck L, H. CUTLER HARDWARE CO. DEALERS IS -3 Handvare ; Of all Kinds, . Sash, Doors and Blinds, Lime, Cement and Plaster. f. , 1 - n - Agents for Excelsior and Elmo Cook Stoves an I Raagea. We have on band a large -and complete line : of Heating Stoves, both large and small which for the next ou days win sen ai -extremes Liow rnces. t. an ana examine. - , ' Yours For Business, ; - L H. CUTUR H'DV'E CO. Truck Peas, r Best Strains Extra Early Truck Pets at Clark's. Kememner James it. ui.sbk, Brick Store, near Market Dock,': Shirt Sale ! ; I have about 8 dnaen Stiff Bosom Mon arch Shirts left in tho latest stripes that I will tell for 84o, worth $1. ; .' t v '-1 will sell my Winter Goods at a Pig Reduction In ordar to make room, foi Spring Goods, v Call early, Ii. II. BAXTER, ., NOTICE. - All persons are hereby notified that I have no interest In -the llqnot business new ruTHjy C. C. Roach, nor. am I in any way ronnected with the firm former ly known as C. C. Roach & Co , at New Bern, N. C. I am prompted to publish this by the numerous Inquiries made to me concerning this matter. ' J. S, GARRETT. ;, Jan. llth, 1000. , : , ' ry V' If V. r -A" l,i i ,r ii -' - I ' li i.e:; l .i V u il t. i , M. . i v 1 ! r , !, la I v i 1 ' ti. IjoLoWDAKiQBLI Has just received a fresh lot of Oyster Crackers. TJneeda Biscuit, Staudard Soda Crac'eTS, fancy Cakes, etc , I". "' , " t , , 'FresE Buckwhoat, Oatflakes, Grits, Big Hominy, Bice, ", ,.' K v-; v 5 1 Small Hams, Breakfast Strips, and English Cured Shoulders. ' Pried and Evaporated Apples and Peache3, Pau ' cy Prunes. - ' Fresh Canned Goods of M kinds. ' -Another lot thai nice 30c Table Butter. Anything yon want in Groceries at Rock Bottom Trices - ' j, jm - Jm i M 'Phone 01. To Close 11 A lU Nik ' 5 U. U. LMUkUUUU. - - ' - - Rtig Depaf tmento 18x36 Moquet Rugs $1 00 Value, 7bc 27x63 " 2 60 " $1 75 27x64 " u 3 00 2 25 36x73 " 3 75 4 3 00 25x53 Velvet ' " 2 00 - . 1 50 : ' Nearly all the above are this season's goods, and the sizo and price is marked on each. There will be no more of them at these prices. Silk Department. - Taffeta Silks, this season's goods in plain and two. tone, formerly sold at 85c, now 68c. . In all shades. v 1 Fancy Patterns in Silks for Shirt Waists, reduced from $1 00 and 1 25 to 75c, 80 and 85C. This a specially 6ne offering and will likely be appreciated. Capes. i , AH of our stoekf Ladies Cape3, including cloth and plush, have been marked down. This means a good deal to the purchaser. Captt, will be Bold from 29o to $5 15, worth from 50c to $8 50. Reaiy-to-ear Skif ts .-,". J i---' .-.'. : .-..-Si. ,, Onr Skirts have received the same treatment and will be sold at a big reduction. .1 '. . ' Shoes ' 77 pairs LadiPB SftmpLj Shoes of the celebrated K P. Reed & Co., Bolton, Faunce & Spinney and other manufacturers, in sizes 2 J, 3 and 3.j, that will bo sold at ?1 25, Ladies who have need of abave sizes can be supplied with good shoes at the price of cheap ones. , v ; 72 pairs Ladies Goodyear Welt, button and lace, 8 to 7, at $1 50. ; ' - , Changes to be made In our business make it necessary to reduce stock. T ' i No goods can be laid asidevwithout a deposit ,:,y ;f ; v ' '- Please bring the cash, hereby saving us tho disagreeable duty of de ciining to charge goods at prices named. ' , - ',.,;"' Ordem from the country a3ConipanIed with the cash, will be filled wlthas much care and attention aw if you were here In person. -, , H. B.7 DUFFY. LUXURIES for WIioIs3sale RetAil Grocer, 71 Jtmwl Ht. Foi Cash. the FASTIDIOUS, As well as necessariet for the every day laUe, can lie secured from onr i li eo.' stoi k of Canned Goods In t'n i im. nr e-tajulHlte Pre- : mi v s, Jell . . rlo r well M onr floe Vi irotahlut la tin, are the hint. Our Peas aliouhl lie tested tlie Imve a natural tweetnert and, fl-iviir tln.t-you teldom find In fanned pea. . D ni'l fnrg.it our 20c Jloclia and f ii v i O ITee, Olva ua a call when , in tiel if miy thing in onr lino urn! wo will suve ynu n.oney as ' ell nH Riving y n tlin l"t and fro 'test i'iio'Ip to l,e Imd, Wo alo I no a few country Hniisiif'o maile ii nt ii.;e 1':

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