. , I - I . r V01-. IVU--K0. 259. C, Il'.-AY LICSXIXG.'JASOARI 27, .190(1. LiGIiTfitNUI MK, .k .", E, Hackburns s the 'Place to Trade A All Goods and Guaranteed JEberj) 0$ & using our 20c Mocha and Java Coffee ,ancl our L X, L Flour EKHACKBURM . . r-. - miss s g & g 3 1 1 m v ( wrTY rW 5? K .l SKJ Mil: . . " -.Si V" I lu I U. I M J W I " I irl Mil k-V I a-V-ll II Largestand Finest r Stock of. . . . UnWAtf "'Mill AO I 'ft. Buggies Wagons I have moved to the purchased of J. W. STEWART, where, I shall be glad to meet all friends andustomers. . Ncv7 Bern, RfM filr.i:M KIM l".rly Trnrlc IV..K t(!l iik Id m- mU'i K t I. lilt, ln:k S tin; m-nr Mmki'i Mink, I'joJs Weed Ycrd, For all Ivitulfi if " Word, Sz i i S-'d, (!m ( i i ' r ( f a roiil n.ti i ' i 'i !i 1 ', ,i nl (!i liv. n n In v nil. !. S. J). ::'H)0V, .. . K t t if Ftfst-class V Si I . 53 u H fa 5 Ever Found in - W New. Bern. Harnesses Robes Broad Street Stables, - F!. C. -- L. II. CUTLCES Csneral. Warren Has Ataaioned ,Spion Kcp to the Boers. " LADTSSOTH EUST SURELY FALL Snch Is the Fear Eipresgfjl In Loa don. More Troopi to Embark . Talnable ttronnd Bai Beea . f - lost. Special to Jonmal. London, Jan. 29 The War Office posted the following despatch from Gen eral Bailer tbla morning,, dated at Spearman's Camp, Thursday, January 25th, noonr "General Warren's garrison, I ant torry to say, I find this morning had last night abandoned Splon Kop." ' It ie imppsilble'to say at present the British hart anffereo arevereeor wheth er the movement fromBplon Kop was dictated by stragetlcal reasons. " Ob- vlonaly th position was useless unless t'teguns could be planted on It. - . Discorerlng this to be Impossible Gen eral. Warren may, have decided it was ansafe toattemptj to held the position any longer, ofelse found a more favora ble ascent at another point, - ' . Whatever maybe the explanation of ihe abandonment of Bplon Kop, it doubt less will have the same moral effect as a reverse. It seems to have been so entire ly : unexpected at the War Office, thai General Buller't dispatclf caused some thing near to consternation.- , The only official comment was, "Ap parently General Warren found the posl . ion too hot to hold," , ' , ' Military critics matje no effort Id con teal their chagrin, expressing the gravest foars as to the' ultimate fate at Lady--uiiih. ' " -' - Such authorities as Major-General Bll Frederick Carrlngtoo, under orders , in outb Africa, -and Lord Gafford, who vou the Victoria Cross scouting under Lord Woiseley in the Sulu war,- would i ot be surprised to hear of the capture f General White's foroa within the eck. - ' . General Butler reports the ' following ssualtles on January 14th;. Killed, offl ers 6, lion-commlsstoned officers and nen 18; wounded, ofBcers 13,.' non-com-tiiisaioned officers and men-143, x Miss ing 81. y --;-. -- y ; n - LoNDon, Jan. 86, Spefclal. A. cabinet neettng was held this afternoon at which the matter of -abandoning Bpion Kop was closely studied.. ' ,',- As result of the news from General Bui lor, orders were sent today to Alder shot to have the Fourth Cavalry division held In ' readiness to embark for-Booth Africa early in February. - -' ' ' "X', ' Barijr Baporl. Londok, January BO. ideneral Bull er's dispatch annonnclng the ocoopation of Bpion kop is the only news on . the subject that has been- permitted by- the War Office to become public, and that is sO brief that London has little or no de tail as to what happened. . ' . v t If Bploa kop is situated, as indicated in the maps, , at the point where 'two ridges nnite, running toward Dewdrop o the northeast - and toward Acton Hemes to the northwest, Its ocoopation by British troops must have out the ad vanced Boer position in. two. Accord ing to General Buller's dispatch the Boer position on theJugela is rendered un tenable by the capture of Bpion kop, as sumtng---tf course that the British are ble to hold it. ' . The Boers were holding a long line of some 80 miles, their extreme right at plon kop and Tabamyant mountain, ihclr center opposite Potgleter's drift .tnd the left at Colenso. It was Impos sible lor them to be equally strong in force throughout this distance. While they held Lyttleton's brigade in check at Potgielor's tbey tried an attack, which proved Ineffectual, against Barton's brig ade at Oolenso. It was natural for the Boers to sup pose that the attack, which had gone on almost uninterruptedly for four days oa the western tiope of Tabamyana would be continued on thif)- fifth day. Tbey therefore, perhaps . strengthened their extreme right, leaving Bpion Kop, which possibly they deemed Inaccesalblo, with only a small garrlsou, Such a situation would hare afforded General Warren a good opening. Owing to the night march and siidihm surprise, Warren did not suffor many losses before dawn broke, but Duller states that the Boor shall fire was den truclivo during Weilnci!ny sud ho Inn the Ions wits conultleiahlq. lioor positions are supposed to bo on two rii! -"8 runiiii'g to the mi ('-, i, 1 nnrllira-t, at a levnl of H Of I I ', coimnandcd by the sunimlt of Hplnn K p. 'I ho 1 ' i r 1 it l nil a n ' n In din 1 1 1 ie ft li ji, -shits n.niy linpiii tftut riirL c!ii!r?.n. If I'm ! ji 1 1 ap fm ! from tl !r pttf t ' inn, t0 rim 4 f i n 1 , in i I i II . i's di.il, I u r 1 1 one n:oro battle will doubtless have to le fought before Duller can stretch out his himds to General White . On the Stock Exchange the riews wos received with great onthmlaam, but there was no considerable jump in prices, at the disposition is to profit by past ex perience and exercise caution until con firmatory lnJormatlon has been received that the boer position is really untenable and that the BritUh victory is substan tial. - BOER LOSS. They Suffered - Heavily in Sunday's Tight. Ammunition Glvta; Out. ; dpeclal to Journal. -1 t Durban, Jan. 20. Stories of General Warren's fight Sunday brought here are to the effect that the BrltlA found .180 dead In the first Boer lines, and took 1(0 prisoners. The latjer were brought hen- yesterday. , They state that 'the Boot mauserammunltion was hearly exhausted and that the burghers were using car tridges which had, been condemned by Ueneral Joubert. t ' m AFTER PEACE. Wo Representations From,; the Filipinos - Receive Attention. What Mc . , . "Eitery Says. ' J, . . Washihotoh, January 28. Not a rip pie was caused In Washington by the publication " of. the request of fiener Mablnl, who was credited with being tl e ablest member- of Aguinaldo'acabinet and who is now a prisoner, in Manila, that either new Civil Commission be sent to the Philippines or. a Commission of Filipinos be -allowed- to come, to the United ; States; in order that Congress may legislate intelligently for the la-. lands. The fact that Senor Mabini Is prisoner, and Agulnaldo a fugitive in blding.-detracts from the importance of anytbjng he might say. - But the princi pal reason the request excited no inter . est was that it is very well known -that Congress has no idea of legislating for the Philippines until peace has been fully established. - Senator McEnery , of La., differs from his party colleagues in bis opinion ot the war in the Philippines. He . said,' in a speech, this week.: ,I do not stop to In quire nowwhether my. country In the Philippines is right or not. . I do not In quire who flrod'lhe first shot' which pre cipitated hostilities. It is enough for me' to know that my government ha been assailed, and i will uphold Its hands un til Its enem-le have been, brought into subjection, ' t - " OUT IN THE COLD. ; " . Ry Big Majority Roberts lsjLeot From ';; His Seat In the House. . ; , WajsniNOToif, Jan. 26 Mr. Brlgbam (I. Roberts, who no longer has the right to use the prefix "lion.", now has some. Idea of what always happen! to the man who flies in the facoefpubllo opinion. The people of this country have quietly permitted men with many and serious faults to sit In both branches of Con gress, but they d.raw the line of poly gamy..; While there has at no time been a doubt that Roberts would bo turned out In the? cold,' there was a relieved feeling when -the vote of the House which settled the matter once for all and which will be an effective warning .for the future was announced, and the ap plause with which It was received, on the floor oftho Heuse as well as In the galleries, was as natural as the result it self. The man who gained the most, In dividually, frjrn the Roberta case was Representative Llttlefleld, of Maine, who succeeded the late Mr. Dingley. .The vote In tho House was 203 to 60 against Roberts. Kllchln and Small of North Carolina voted In-favor of Roberts, - The Philippine War. , f Manila, January 23. A part of Gen eral Sch wen's column, consisting of six companies, with some artillery, drove a force of 000 Filipinos from their in trenchmonts St Ban Piego, near Pablo, on Sunday. , ... The natives officially reported that they lost 07 killed and many wounded. American losses were one killed and 14 wounded, the Injuries In most instances being slight. , Another battalion, while executing a flank movement, came upon 100 Fillpl plnos In an Intrenched position and routed them, killing 15. The Americans hae two wounded. ' General Kchwan moved agalnnt Majay- Jug, Lb?uu Province, on Tuesday, lie found its posiilnii iilmiHt Impregnable, but iy Iumximii; nit-n down the steep river hanks by ropes Hanked the enemy nd (hove Itinn our. A part of his coin- miiiiil priH.-cedi'd loBatita Cruz. (Ji ai.ihl Urn lr anil hU Uu ,'Iiter left VV tihufmUv uti the transport 'Vairun for Pau rimici t u, vi:i t ! o it i.' k hi; niidnm m. 1 ' . IV ;!; i. ii i o-i v, 15 (' , ! i i 'I , i. mi. i i, v 1 I i i I ,, , , I 1 ., .1ML1. Interestlnj: Fiffures Of Last Year's temperature and Conditions. Progress on the Orphanage, few Rifles Received. A Fast Bail-, road Run Tua , Proposed : Masouic Temple Study . Of Farm SoilK , Rr.Kton, Jan. 26 A very interesting publication Is made by C.'F. Von Herr mann, Id charge of the weather buieat uere. It is a summary of last year weather. The year XSV9 was phenomenal from a metsrologlcal point' ot view.' Tht barometer was the highest In, 2d years. 1 his as at Raleigh in February, when . U registered 80 05 incliet. The Februarj snow-tHorm and., cold 'wave, lllh15th, surpassed in severity any similar occur rence ot which there Is any record." A snowfall of 18 to 24 inches was then ' re porter at seven stations.,- The lowest temperature, 19 below zero,' was at Dig). lands,- Macon county, February - 18th. the highest, 100 degrees, at Tarboro. September 6th. The annual- mean tem perature of the State -was 68.9-degrtes, which was below the normal for 28 yean The highest yearly mean was at South- port; the lowest at Liuvllle f The snow fall averaged 19 inches,' which was tht highest In a great many years.: The high est wind velocity was 10S miles an hour, at II at t eras, August 17. ' The "averai number of clear dayr was 109, It Is said that for many years there ha occasionally been Bpasuiodio counterfeit ing, mainly ofvuickels,' In the peniten tiary hero. 'Two j ears ago an official sold this was the case, ii Moulds have been : found. VThe convicts who madt the stuff .passed it upon, their fellow, prisoners, -i - The contract Is awarded for the build ing of the first cottage at the Methodist Orphanage herev : The orphanage, . betny an .educational Institution, is allowed to participate in the- "-twentieth cen tury movement" of the Methodist Church and contributions -e'an be made toit..-, - - ' ' . ) Two-hurMked new rifles for tho First Regiment -were received at the arsenal It is expected that the regiment will be equipped next week. A special train on lu8 Seabpard Air Line Tuesday made the 150 mile run from Monroe here in 120 minutes. " " , - ' J, U. L. Harris, who.. Is State claim agent, la making fresh efforts to get an early settlement, of alt the claims grow Ing out of the mobilization of volunteers for the war with Spdn, About f 100,000 of these claims remain nnsoilled, : A lot of 125,000 of Raleigh 4 per cent. bonds was offered by a Minneapolis Sim at 10) and interest. North Carolina 4 are nowworth lOf. - - John S. Cuningharn Is Hicre. He is s member ot the committee appointed by the grand lodge pt Masons to co-oparait with the local lodges In regard to build ing a. temple here 'today. " lie states that he Subscribes s)f00 to the, building fond. , " ' Ashley Home is president ot the Knit ting Mill Company, organized at: Clay- tenr He -subscribes one-third of the 1 .The furms the Agrfbulturat Depart. ment, will operate near Tarboro and Red Springs are; not experiment farms) but for the study ofsnilr. ' Spier Whliaker, who, In the civil war was lleutinant and adjutant of Mus Thlr- ty-third North Carolina Regiment It preparing some facts about the regiment (or publication In the records.'' He says that Htouewoll Jackson was shot and mortally wounded by the Eighteenth North Carolina Reclmont; that the . en tire Thirty-third 'was on the skrfuiisb line; that Jackson and A. P. Hill rode through this skirmish line and the latter was ordered not fire until these officers retqrnedj dbat thoy did, return; that In rear of the Thirty-third from the Federal some firing was beard from the latter. The bullets flew among the Thirty-third and the latter was erdpied to lie down Bullets wore also coming among the Thirty-third from the Fedoral troops ,ln front, so the regiment was being fired on both In front and rear, but escaped by lying down. ' 4 When In Bayboro stop at the Lupton 8oiim for enoil acoommndatlnna 11 , f. '"I f 1 lot - , t i I J fu ii 11! inn to our u; - ' - btt it i- hp- iloniit row will M II 1 1. 1 I. it 1 , Si vlivU n it. if. Our Mairli la f -1- '- i : V. ii 0 IH1 F . jj . - - T iJoLoKDAMEL J. ' : Has just received a fresn lot of. Oyster Crackers, ' ; .' Uneeda liiucuir, Siandard Soda Craclterg, Fancy (Jakes, etc. " " - Fresh Buckwheat, Oatflakes, Grits, Big Hominy, Rice. ' Small 'Hams, Breakfast Strips, and English Cured Shoulders. . Driedtnd Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Fan cy Prunes. ' .-' , Fresh Canned Goods of ill kinds. Another lot that nice gOc Table Butter, -r Anything yon want in Groceries, at Rock Bottom Prices. : as ras PIione 01. 1 1 J, I j. l. mm -MANUFACTURERS- Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If yon farm on the intensive system and for profit, you must, use HIGH GRADE GUANO. - On r Goods are specially adapted for this section. ' : WIS "-Used by the htrgest and most successful farmers in this section. . Their Field Results speak louder than Words. 8PECIAI. CJUANOH Use Meadows' QOLD LEAP TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried and True) for Color, Silkiness and Fine Texture. Manufactured in the bright leaf section of the State, and specially prepared for the needs of on- land. If interested send for leaflet of analysis and testimonials. Our 1900 Calendar also for the asking. ' E. H. & J. A. Works: Union Point. V L UXURIES' for .5 ' iMfltarVia4U 1 VV ' t S: 'W'-X- hi A -h;M.AII'eMWadtwjithatllolb. , - V . - Yours for Business' , T. S J. r. parker! jr., grocer, "'Phono 69. ; . 77. Broad Street. Santa Clans FJhtatc ! . .,(.; .'..ii ii Oni g.s, ;,n! I . ..i iitid 1 In fict everything rioe ana jt 'esn lor auiw, i- , . - T ".'-?" " T w -w- w w ,n Whol3Hle A Kelail Grocer, 71 Brcl St. mmmmM L Meadows Co., fP Potato 1 Cabbage FOB AMb CHOPS. MEADOWS "CO., New Bern, N. 0. the FASTIDIOUS, As well as necessaries for (be every day table, can be secured from, our choice stock of Canned Goods -In ' glass knd tin. Our exquisite Pro serves, Jelly, etc., as w ell as our flue Vegetables In tin. are the best. Our Peas should be tested they have a natural nweetnets and flavor thnt you seldom And in - canned pea-. Don't forg -t our 20c Mocha and Java Coffee. Give us a call when in need tt any thing In our line t and we will save you money as well as giving yen the best and i freshest roods lobe bad. We elao have a' tew country Sausage made Makes No When he chooses for; IheJXtnss feast from our' stock of Fancy acd Ftapln Giooerles. Our Royal Flour for ynur Xmaa bakinf, onr superior and exquisitely fliv6id riffi and Teas, Our 'Plan Pur", rlii.. , til shes, CrystulUed Fru'ts an ' . Hit er, Fori lirii sT d D -mra ... tic i In -tie, Pox RIvt Pi nt Ritu-r iiil m ti'i Mime M at wl.l nvt wi h the IbV-r if the oi nolii ur. .... . .' We have In a Urge slilpntj- Tlmi tifiil Ktilnmaftoo Celery and ills One. ' Fine Apples snd Bananas. GIVE Ir" A CALL