iEUAL NOTICES. ;- LFBA1 NOTICES. 'Published everyday m tue j- Monday, t 88 Middle street. . 1'liONB No. 8. CHARLES L. STCVEN5. FKITOK AND PROJ-RIKTOR. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year, in advance... -.. -....$4.00 t)ue year, not In advance.......... 6.00 Monthly, by carrier 1ft the city. . .50 -' AdterlUiEj' Hate furnished on appli cation ' '""m Entered at the Pout Office, New Bern, N. 0,as second claai matter. . - - i Official' l'aper . of NewBent ; and y " - Craven County. J ' New Bern. N,C., Jan. 2 MOO, OHECEBTAMILBRATEDEMAHDEB. With the approach of the time lor ", Holding too new nsra air( wmuu-ma '" ' yeai h to be held la April, a matter of i Tltal Importance to be considered and ' aettled, la that of transportation over all ''Kthe railroad of the Statvand especially " loose entering thl cltyr k " ", ' The New Bern Fair 1 not fair of 'jx 'mere local purpose snd limited range, but one which represent the product and resources of Eastern Carolina.'' It Is not a fait To boom a few business nnn.n. rt , . ii. mi w ' nrir I mirii.ii . . ' ' stockholders. , , , ' . ', It scope, as first Intended by, It pro tnoters, and since each year fully hown 7. byltjeihtblts, has been to present to North Carolina and other. State the -posBlbilltles of Eastern Carolina, It n . in sources in fish. Oyster and game-, the . resources of It timber,' the productive ness of It soil; the advantages of it cll mate for t winter-resort, and the enjoy . 'ableness of Us sea shore during the sun- mer month. . , t S : rJJl these and other thlngs,-liave ever : been Jn the minds of the member of the Fair Association, and nthelr . energies have been tasked In getting - together' i-ineh eibiblts.and then ottering the free font of New Bern tothe people who. at- -'tended the Fair." 4 ' " v : But these endeavor oannot receive the tucoess that they merit,. unless the rall- . road company of North Carolina ex ' tend their, aid inj not merely running a few extra train, but la giving the pub- ; lie a railroad fare'rate of one cent a mile, 'K ' In asking such a rate there 1 nothing . 'flu nnm niri iiHmitniiiwi. .' ' ' ) . ,VL It means money for the railroad oom- v',, panys lor everything ' they do,, and . while these , company are - being " : enriched by the increase of bnsi- , ness, - the people are given an p- portanlty of an ezcnrslon rate which very . many - m tuem cma accept, ana on ' profited by the chance of tratellng'and ' . " given the opportunity of aeekig a Fair exhibit that wfl, teach them many thing. : ,-""-.. t L,"' .. tin juwvinuvu Mmm im .iu .v , -demand thl rate of one cent a mile, and - - there I no reason for a single Bute rail road to refuse to ghre the rate, betide " giving '-any additional railroad service that may be called for, which the travel : Inj public mty ask In order to get to end i .return from the New Bern Fair.".-. .' . There is more Catarrh In this section - of the country than all other, diseases pat together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a 1 great many year doctor pronounced It ' a local .disease, and presecribed local - remedies, and by constantly falling to ' cure with local trealmentpronounced it . Jncurable. Science ha proven catarrh to . be a constitutional disease, and therefore require constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by.F. J. r Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only . constitutional cure on the market It Is . taken Internally In doer from 10 drops to a teaepoonful, . It acta directly on the - blood and mucous surface of the system. . They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure, -Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O, Bold by Druggists, 75o. . Hall's Family Pills are the best -; Or Blhor Can ld. s , Usually the more friends man has . . the more money he londs. J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa,, writes, "I am willing to take my oath that I was Cured of pneumonlanlIrey by the use of One Minute Cough Dure after doctors failed. It also cured my children (if whooping cough." Quickly relieves and "cures coughs, colds, .grippe and throat and lung troubles. -Children all like It. Mothers endorse It. F 8 Duffy. ' A Last It nort. Borne men never want to go to work until tlicy have given everything clea a fair trial. r, -Kef In I x r-mr, DWiwilirr Kiib-y and l'h, ! '.-r 1" Cue rc'ievi rl in inm i y v f P.iUtll Aim-!' : ' I: i i.,.;,t PI-V j- ' " ' I , V r, l ;; 1 - , I i ! ii. ), I 1 ; l.Uli I to; 1 I, Ml Hilt! l-'uiiol). 'i he li.Ul.-r tili.k tht yut;::' tHeii;iii'r oil cui)iii:iMi he work. This Tetlu did. l-'or three days nud niylits lio never closed his I'ves.. At tlie end of the Urst foi-t-tiiylit he had not lind 48 hours' sleep nil together, nud Iultou, the foreman, mnde hlm tnke a rest lie ulso said to the young ninu that on account of the strnlu they had both been under they had better have a good meal. Accordingly the foreman and the student went to a well known cafe on ono of the boulevai and got one of the biggest and thickest steaks pos sible, tt was a -whopper and seemed to be overwhelming for two. Besides, the garnlshlrjgs were liberal, and there was enough good,wine.. Between them, however, they managed to make ev erything disappear, and then Pulton, turning to Tesla, asked him If there was anything else ho would, like "You're out with me," you knotf, and whatever you want Just order It" ?. Tesla looked vaguely around for a minute, as If making op his mind, and then hesitatingly said. "Mr. Pulton, If you don't mind I would like another Bteak." San Francisco Argonaut. t Rli Hlitake as to America Olrla. - A Louisville girl who was recently Jn Germany met ft young English officer who ivas In the same city, and, In fact to the same house -with ber for two months, studying, German for his- pro motion. Like most Europeans; he had the usual absurd Ideas about the girls of this country, who. In the minds of the" untravelud foreigner, are -rather hoyden creatures, who smoke and have Other masculine traits. "'') After dinner one day In the early ac- qnnlntanceshlp of the couple the offl cer offered the Louisville girl a clgs. rette, and upon her refusing It be said; "Why. 1 thought all the girls In the United States smoked." r "So we do." replied the' girl.1, "but never cigarettes, only pipes'. If you will get that pipe oft tfe mantelpiece In the next room I shall be charmed to smoke with you." ' Not suspecting the Joke she was play ing on him, the officer brought the pipe and HUed It and It was not until he saw the wry faces his friend made In attempting to carry out the Joke that be appreciated the situation, , He was continually telling the American In a tone of surprise that Rhe was Just like the girl at home In England, and ber rejoinder was! ' s! s -. "Lieutenant don't you think a lady Is a lady the world bverr Louisville Courier-Journal: . " ' -"T ,-- HOSOLKTB pEMOM l4XTB" c.'" APlMuanUmanTanlo. J " prepared from the fresh Juice of Lemons, combined with other? vegetable liver tontosr cathartic, '-aromatic stimulants. Bold by druggist, 60o and $1.00 bottle. For biliousness-and constipation, j r For Indigestion and foul stomach, Foi sick and nervous headache. ''i . : For palpitation and heart failure take jjemon Jbilixir. - - ' - For (leeplessnes and nervous pros tration. . ,.. -t. For loa of annetite and debility. - .For fevers, malaria .and chills take Lemon Elixir, - .Ladles, for natural and thorough -or eanlc reealallon, take Lemon Elixirs - Lemon Elixir will not all you In any oi toe bdovs nameaaiseases, allot wmcn arise from a - torpid or diseased liver, stomach or kidney. - . : ' 50c and $1 bottle at all druggist,. - Prepared only by Dr. H. Hozley, At lanta, Ga; - , 4 ' . : ; -.u " . 'Xv':'-- y -'-i AtTh CapttuJ. ffv ' I have just taken the last ef two bot tle of Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir for ne-vous neaoacne. inaurestion, witn ats- eased liver and kidney. , The Elixir enred me. 4 found It the greatest mede- --J H Mknhioh, Attorney !: 1235 F. Street, Washington, O. C. ;. W.; A. James, Bell "station, "Ala., write: I have suffered greatly from In - digestion or dyspepsia, ' one bottle of Lemon Elixir done me more good than all the medicine 1 h&ve ever taken. v- XCOZUSri IKMON HOT DROPS, Jj,' Curres all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness More .'inroat, bronchitis, ilemorrbaze. and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant reliable.. -,r.: ...... '" . SSo at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. a. nouey, AUanta, ua. , t . v i - ' BVekholdm Wltl'Agra. ' From a financial pelnt of view a Trust U a capital thing. , - ' ""A young man came Into our store yesterday suffering from a aevere attack of cramp colic," write B F Hess, miller and general merchant. Dickey' Moun tain, Pa, "Me had tried various home remedies without relief. .As I had used Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and DIar rhoea-Remtyly I gave him a doso and It soon Drought htm out alright. 1 neven saw a fellow to rejoiced.",. Bold by F 8 Duffy & Co. -: - s ' - Behind Her Own Uack. The Living Skeleton That two-head ed woman Is awful deceitful. The Fat Lady Ye; she actually talks about herself behind her own back. . 100. Dr. F. Batchton'i Anti Diuretic. MS? be worth to you more than $1(10 lfvouhavea dil l who soils bedding from ineontcnre f ivnier. duiitig siit-p Cm. h old and yoni: ; alike. It arri-nt the trouble at oiiro. ( 1. Hold by C. 1) I'ii'i lhnm, i ru j;ew I'ern, N. C. t omnn. ITr. 1' ;':) Hur do j ou mans.-e yo'tr li-il so v ' ? SI.. I' " -It 1-1 hi in think lifl Ifl hhi :. ! s 0 :i v -i. "I S -1 I: ' f l', - : ft 1m .i r Ku:. .. g z 1 ' ' .-i jwb commence to t. ' z 1" . J's , . for any iroul 't of your 11 1, kJneys or liver. F'enizUni'. tn, ti.'s great medicine iff bring you the good trig of perfect hi-.i'ih, strength nd 'v'or. i- - . Qulek Bemedy. A bargain advertisement In a newspa per will do more toward making a -sick woman well than all the physio in the world, ; '.73 :,:"f:":,,;,l "r ' Tnilaiumatoi j Rheamatlsm Oared 1b 8 , - Days. Morton. L. Hill of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in every muscle and joint; her suffering was terrible aod her body and face were swollen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for six weeks and had eight physicians, buf received no benefit until she-trle'd the Mystic Cure for Rheums! llsm. It gave Immediate relief and she was able, to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life." - Bold by T A Henry, druggist, Mew Bern, - , .7 Uti Ojily Freedom. . , Even a convict may write a free, run ning hand. ,."' 1 1 '' , FS Duffy '& Co guarantee every hot tit) of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy and will tefund the money to any one who is not satisfied after-using two-third of the contents. . This is the best remedy, in the world forla grippe, cough, colds croup and whooplng.cough and U pleas ant and safe to take. It prevent any tendency of a cold to r'esult.ln pneu monia - " - ' . ,v . ' Ueavv Time KUUng, -T v - This'' twentieth century discussion bring tojtght the fact that there are some people so fond of killing time that they are willing to lop off a whole" year, v FB Thirkleld, Health "Inspector of Chicago, ays: "Eodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It digest what yon eat and cure indigestion heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. FBDuffy - ' C . -1 .:.' j,- '7 " And Doe The Beat, - When a fellow falls dead In lave Cupid performa an autopsy. i'- '--' if"? .; '! I want to let the people who suffer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Chamberlain' Pain Balm .relieved me after a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed, It Is the best liniment I have ever knowd of. J A Dodoes, Alphajetfg, Gs, Thousand have been cured of rheumatism by this remedy One application Itelieve the pain. For sale by F 6 Duffy VOo. Convereatloa gtlmnlator, e -- i-. . .-., " . . --if r.i&'-. : Xlobbs Your wife eenu to hare;, de veloped remarkable conversational pow er: .When you. were first married the was quite diffident-- ' - Slobbs But since then ahe ha Joined a woman' whist club. v It ha been demonstrated repeatodly in every state In the Union and In many foreign countries that- Chamberlain' Cough Remedy is a certain preventive and cure for'croup. It ha become the universal remedy for that disease. V. Y, Fisher of Liberty, 'WV'Va., only re peat what.' ha been ald around the globe:'" when he writes:-' 'I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In my family for several year shall ways-wlth perfect success. We believe that, it 1 not only the best cough remedy, but that it I a inre cure for croup. It ha saved the Jive of our. children a number of times." Thl remedy I for sale by F.'S. Duffy & Co. 7 - 7 "." - . 7 ' ; ' ' " ' "77'V X;-7 7- .WeverWavastom-;-. '7- ' She always meet me at the door, 7 ' My little wife to tweet; .; - 7 7 I don't neglect to kls her, or ,. - . 7-7 Forget to wipe my feell ;!')''.;' AUGUST H0WER. . . 1 . t "It is a surprising fact," says Prof, Houton, "that in. my travels in all part of the world, for the . last ten years, I have met mote people having used Green's Auguat Flower than any other remedy,. for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. find for tourists and su'- nen, or tor person filling office positions, where headaches and general bad fn lings from Irregular habits exlnt, that Green's All uat Flower Is a grand remedy. It does not Injure the system by frequent use and Is excellent for Sour Hunnu li ami Indigestion." Simple bottles f ico at F. 8. Dully A Go's. Pold by dealers In all clvil'ftd coun tries. An lls!e luil hat. Wlgway "Why d'.l y0rv.:f ' -. doii ors f" lienpi 1 :.e-"'i 1 1 . -!! ; t..: 1 her phe pimuid l---'p 1 -r r---ii h ( - ill t!- e-ii n'r. a I countered I r f i-a la Cttintf I;il of rl hem, it the b g up town stores are i-ii.y I --:i-i.. 1 Ly rutii. '1 Lia is not pe- umr to stores where food supplies are irei, but api'!i(-s even to places where faijriea and clothes are carried. Some of the older buildings along Washington street are Infested to such no extent that much dumnge results. The rodents ap pear to find access to basements through drains. At least it Is supposed they do. though It seems scarcely possible where plumbing ia pretty carefnll.v looked after. Places where furs are' carried have to be very carefully watched, for it has hap pened that a few energetic rats with good teeth have gnawed Iheir way through a great ninny dollars'. worth of ruerchnndiso in a single night. . - " 7 j ' ;f ,'- :-.; !" In some places they are so numerous that a cat is overawed and simply will not attempt to attack therq, In one store basement n few nights ago a wire com partment trap, familiarly called a French trap, corralled 10 big rots, which made lots of fan next morning for a terrier that Uvea in Avery street ..: This trap is sup posed to be invincible, and, in act. It la seldom a rat beats It, but recently a young dog that found several rata In one of them, when there happened to be no one about to look after him, turned the trap over In bis anxiety to get at the prey. This dropped the shutter, which is the secret of the trap, and allowed ail-the rata to pass ont since that nota rat has been caught in that trap, although It ha been repeatedly relieved of its bait' -The dog had given the rats the tip, and they nave ever, since succeeded 10 noldlng the abutter down' while they hauled the baif over It, thereby escaping Imprisonment themselves. Sc-me legs of roasted chick' en were strapped with wire to the Inside of the lnne cage, and yet the rats got all but the bare bone and didn't get caught at all. To any one who knows the enV cioncy of the French trap this story may seem almost incredible, but It ia neverths less traej '--,iv7-H-!t:iS-Hf Jit has been found In several store that the trap is most attractive to the rats when It Is batted With lobster-, For a night or two It is well baited and left open at both ends, so that the rats may pass through it freely. Then one end Is closed And locked. That night the number of rats captured will bo limited only by the capacity of the. wire cell. Boston Herald, .' . THg CHINESE NEW: YEAR, feme ' Ipeala't ObaervaneM That Amerioaaa Miaht Do Well to Adopt, "The New Tear's festival of the Chi nese, eald to be the most complete holi day season kept b,- any nation of the earth. 1 ia celebrated wherever a single Chinaman Is found,-whether In Peking or New York," writes Belle M. Brain in Woman's Home Companion. "It is a movable festival, falling on. 'any - date between Jan. 21 and Feb. 11), Prepara tions for the wrcat holiday begin, week beforehand;:; The accumulated .dirt of many months disappears as If by magic. Even -the Chinaman himself pasnes through the . cleaning, process, washing his clothe and bathing his 'person, -the latter being a great event in the lives of a few, since It occurs bat enee a yeort ' :- "Buildings of . every description nre elaborately- decorated. Flowers are It grent demand, the favorite being the Chinese narcissus. The prospect of hap piness for the year. Is believed to be In- proportion to the number, of Bower stalks produced from i single bulb,- r. 1 - "During the, closing day of the old year Chinese streets present a busy and animated . scene.' : " Shop vre';- thronged with customers' eagerly laying In large quantities of - food, - clothing and New Year's gifts. .-Debtor and creditors are seen hurrying t and fro endeavoring to settle their accounts, for, according to ! most commendable custom, all debts must be paid or settled In" some, satisfactory manner before the New Year dawns. - To meet these liabilities ..shopkeepers offer their goods at-nnheard of prices and families "frequently , part with odd bits of bric-a-brac .carious relic and valuable ornament for a sum pitifully smaH. No disgrace la equal to being found on New Year's morning with an nnpaid debt. On the other hand, the creditor who fails to collect bis "debts at this time - may not pre them again for many months.- .He therefore pursues his debtor far Into the night continuing bis search Into the New Year's day If necessary. ; Tula he may do if he carries a lighted lantern to Indicate that he Is still' engaged In. last night's business and has not discovered that the day has towi4r------"-V-;:: '-"-. A' ' i Bow ItnuMM PlaretTtho Cheat. ' The teuehef- who' Influenced Strauss most was ene Joseph Drcsbler, the choir master of St. Stephen's church, in Vien na, who tried to get the waltaes oat of the boy's head and put In their place on theme and chorals. In this undertaking he met with indifferent success, for the worshipers In one of the .Vienna churches were startled on a Sunday morning when there poured forth from the Organ, filling the gloomy building by Its enchanting Botes, a waits instead of the solemn Gregorian chant to which they were ac customed. It was Johann Btranss, Jr., who bad taken the organist's place and substituted his own favorite selection for the usual sacrvd music, much to the dis may of the pious folk and the amuse ment of- the younger- people Jn the con gregation. Edward A. Btelner in Wo man' Home Companion. ' -. ProToatlve Meesevee. . A French prefect wrote to a mayor r- qnetrtlng him to take precautions against the cholera, Which had broken out In hia department. The mayor was' rather pns sled at these instructions, which appear ed vague to him, but after deep thought he answered that he and bis elector were prepared for th plninie. ' " On inquiring- Into the measures taken by the worthy mayor hi order to ascer tain their ellieieney. It npjicurvd that he had en ucd as ninny graves to be dug as there werv luhulotnuts. ' . A Good rinn. Brown Do you mill employ Dr. Pclle- t'-er? - J-uert Why phouliin't wet l.'p to the pi- i-nt tlm tie liitn't killed nny of Urt, l i own And w lien .run m-e nil silled off yHi'li vt n new pii,v,irinn? Will. I U'.ii t 1 "" l;-t thiii is, 111 k.i(1 a pluu as ShV. ' -.11 i -Mi-t. i f t!,. li.l r of Bolivia mule lit llie tiillk ef I III i.l.-r to ,! 1 il tn li !i!.e it i J7 Curo Ll i ili v. hat you eat. Itariiflciallv digests the food and alrla Mature in streiiL'theulne and recun- structfng the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddlffeat antrnd tonic, Ko other preparation can tipproach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves ana permanently cares Dyspepsia, , Indigestion, Heartburn. 1Ttnt.lllonA fir,,, Glnmarth K SlckHeiidache,GMtralgla,Cramp9,and Buudnerresuitsoi imperrectaigestlon. rreparea oy a- v ueMIco,60ICO80v - F. 8. DUFJX" --i KEEP WABa! By having weather strips put. on yoar doors and window s For tale by . .---jj. :r. -1.-- .; . ; ,i. 11..-. . -.... . . AIfo have a good Mule For Sale, vcash time , -i - Hello - Central, Give he 149, Moore'H Wood , Yard, : -' .'-. s 4:"r' . . "-- ' '''f-' '.1...'' .f'-v;!. rWhere they keep Dry - Woodi tawed any leusth yon want and will deliver it t yourdoof. - Full measure guaranteed. Mr. J. Wi Moore will be at he offloe and glad to accommodate hi old koua omers. Don't .forget the place, on Bouth Frost street by the-railroad and mono i4u. j. t. Jb, buub. I c WEUT" BXelllf GRIST-MILLS. - ' s "Ww Wills,-. iioiiia.g"tiit-hi,: ' - "r Elevators and '"iV-j'..yi :(" i.--f-yjr --.' -' ; Cru 'jU'HU vth ! Of the Latest Improved and Up- . o-Da'te nil! Machinery. YOU. TIIADR IS SOLlCrTKD. ' SPECIAL PAINS taken In clean Ins; and polmhlug grajn before going through the' milhv which insures pure meal, - , , Cofn, Hominy, Oats and HJxed Food, GEORGE BISHOP. : New Bern. N. O. "-. Henry's Pharmacy, : 127 1 Middle Street :;,.,.:-:'--r- -'-"77 7g7i4;-i, 7.1. 7 '.:. Prepare For War in r : TIme tif IVhcp, -3t -vregttir-". -x-t s, '. - Jual received a Supply of LOADED Q0N8i' Sure death to THoaohea, Bed Bug. Moth,- Water- Bugs- and - all Jn aeot. - W til not stain or grease the tine 4 fabrlv One trial la all that' needed to oonvince the moat skeptical, k : :.J -u " A full line of Toilet Articles, Eorfum ry.etp. .'-- ' 4 , - Physician's Prescription raiefully oompounded. is. x-p.-r.vvi-;?. ' Return of T?urchase3a Office Iteylster of Deed" . -. of Craven Uountr "-;' New Bern, N.ju. Jany. 1.1900 900) Bin - - , , . ; .f9"lt owner of a public ferry, toll gate, yon are. required by law to " tlellver or to return 1o me, within ten days. alter the lltst day of Jany 1900 a sworn state ment of your gross receipt for the tlx month preceedlng th tint day of Jany. 1900. ". ;:-7-,.:-.;r7!:-7-:;:.;'r tSTlf a liveryman, yon are required by law to deliver or return to me Within ten day fler the first day of Jany. 100 a (worn statement of the number of horses and mules kept for hire . at any time during the six month' proceeding the first day of Jany. 1900, tlTIf a dealer, of spirituous, vinous or malt liquor, or manager of a dispensary yoa are required by law to deliver or re turn to me, within' ten tlr r after the first day of Jany 1000 ihe- iolal amount Of purchase naadu by jou, l i or out of the State, for the sit mont'.s prereeding the first day of Jany 11)00. .'.-j 7 Prompt coinpllsuce with the Ja' earncBtly requested, and fur-failure todo so you will be required In Cotno before the Uonid of county Coiamlfslnncrl, EliKKsr M. Ohrkn, 7 '. ; Ilrgtster of Deeds, 11 I :: I f - : Ixecutorl Notice. ,. Having this day Qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Adolpb Cohn, notice is hereby given 10 all per sons having claims against said Adolph Cohnt most present the same on or be fore the 18th day of December, 1000, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery..-"--- . -- All persons Indebted to the said Adolph Cohn are hereby notified that they must make immediate settlement with the un dersigned or collection of same will 'be enforced according to ttms:-; .Tins the iota day or uecemner, " r. u, ri!,LiL,btii!.K,' Executor of Adolph Cohn, deceased."' PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS North CarolIna .f 1 1 Superior Court Craven County , Jany Term 1900 ,Cora W, Peck . vs. 7K. J. Peck, i "Let E. J. Peck take notice that an ao- tion entitled as above has been begun against him by Cora W. Peck in the Hu- perlor uourt 01 uraven county tor divorce and that he is required to appear and answer or demur to the complainant the next term of said court to be held at New Bern, on the 6th Monday before the 1st Monday in March 1900. ' . . W. At, WAJ-SON. U B. O. : PUBLICATION vOF SUMMONS: North Carolina, ' ) Superior Court, Uraven uounty, .,j J any. Term, tuut). MalVina Moore vs. Alexander F. Moore. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven county for divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, and said defendant is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court for Craven county to ne neld on lue nttn Monday oernre the first Monday In March, 1900, it being the 99th day of January, 1900. at the court house of said county, in the city of New Bern, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded in said complaint. . ; o "W. M. WATflON, " ' Clerk of the 8uperior Court. Thl 18th day of. December, 1899. . ; Notice of Administration. ' Having" administered upon the estate or Juslher Morton deceased, all persons are hereby notified to pay to the under signed all debts, due laid estate at once; and all person holding any claim against the lame are notified to present the same to me auiv verinea a reauirea dv law rou or before the 15th day of January, 1901, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. -This January 15th. 1800. 7 THOMAS F, MCi ABTI1T, Administrator of Esther Morton dee'd, Administratrix Notice. Having this day qualified as Adminis tratrix of the late Henry C. Davis notice ia hereby given to all partiea holdlug claims against my Intestate to present same for payment to me on or before the 18th day of January,-1901, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to my Intestate are hereby notified to make immediate navment of same or they will be proceed ed against according to law. This 15th day of January, 1900. - ; , -" - LiiAa B. "Davis. Administratrix of Henry 0. Davla, de ceased, Ft. Barnwell. ; SAX!. ! Pursuant to a certain deed of trust ex ecuted on tho 20th day ot December, 197 by Joseph T Barnes to Milton L Ho.lowell. trustee, recorded in the office of the register of dteds of Craven coun ty In book 134, folio 158, to secure a cer tain note 01 even date nerewitn, due ana payable on December 20th, 1898 and default having been made in the pay. ment ot said note. Now therefore unon th request of the holder of said note I Milton L Hollowell, Trustee, will offer for sale and sell at the court bouse door in Craven county at public auction fur cash to the blithest bidder Ob 'Wednes day the 81st day of f ebruary ltfUU at the hour ol 19 o'clock m, to satisfy the pro visions of said deed of trust, all the follow log real estate: Lying aod being situate in the city of New Bern, -county of Craven and State of North 'Carolina adjoining- the 'land of Boscoe Jones, Isaac Nixon, and others, on the east tide or Oak creel and bounded aa follow: On the. north bv the lot of W Carpen ter occupied by Roscoe J ones, v on the south by the lot of Iaaao Nixon, aaid lot being lot No. 108 In the Joahue Scott division, fronting M feet and inch on -Oak street, and being 102r feet Jeep, running back to George W bed bey lot on the east being the tame lot conveyed, to JoseDh Barne bv deed- of Damon Barnes, bearing date ot March 9tb, 1898 corded In book 109 folio 499, in the of Oice of the Regl ter of Deed for Craven county, to which deed, reference is here for a full and more complete description. - Thi Janfiary 10th, 1900. ... : :- M1LTOS Ii, HOIXOWEUv- . Trustee for Emma L. Hol)owel. - TO; idmlnlstfator'llfotlee ' Having qualified as the Administrator of F. YY. Haler. deceased; late of tbe county of Craven, this Is to notify all persons having claims against th eatste of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of January, 1901, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pavment. ' "'"'. . , v E.GEIUHIK, Admr.,' ' of F. W.Maler, deceased. :: This Jan. 18, 1000. . - . . Tin: CAitoiaiNA, Mtn hud City. N.jr). T. L. Hall, Prop, ' Terms Satisfactory. .'" , .' " HOUH TUE OCEAN - Notice of Sale of -Valuable Lands.' TJoiih Carolina, tl i 1 : ... ,, -: Mrayrn County , ( 4 7"' - ' ,1'he National Bank otNaw Bern -y H H Perry audjt) II Terry. . ' : The underslxned- coniinlisloner p pointed in this actiou at Fail Term, ltftO, ' wU ftt-ll In Ilia httrh,t liiiltfr fiir finah -. subject to the approval of tl court,' at llis Court House dixir In JNew H-rn, snld ........ .... ,. U.( .J 1 I ...... , I JV, . atoneocioca n m. tne-iniioariuK laous -- situate in saia tiaiu ana oouuiy on ne soutu side, t Lretit river - about u ve . nnl4 tn.Mi lit Nu Ftj'i'ii ' liumutrfu ed and dt seabed as follow", to witi IteitinHiuga the mouth of tiypreaa- Island t a marl." depress and running' the various oDUratu of said brunch ltt poles to a place opposite an Iron post on south east side of buid brnncli, then in a line with said post trum the 1111 of said ' 1 u.ilu m , "vit ,,u ..j,, nuu unwuuu : nrancn soutn 4 degrees wei-t Vi polis to -au iron post Ou the north, side, of OaK Urove, then north 80 deiees wet-t 42 - poles to aoother iron poet, then south 4 : degrees west 83 2-8 poles to 'an iron poet, then north bo degrees west 85 l a poles to an iron axle post in the lane near a marked sycamore ', tree, then south 4 d. grees wst to back line of UalcL a land, then witn said lino east wardly to Brice's Creek, then down said creek to the beginning, containing oni thousand acres, ...ore or less. Being I ho lands described in-a deed from II 11 Per- to O 11 Pi rry. trustee, dated th.i 18th day of December, 1801, aod duly regis- teiea in uraven county, Known as tue Hi.rrw.IIA nlnntnfinn Thu SUtn day of uecemner, ltm. A. D. WARD, Commissioner. Adniinislrator's r-alif. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Sn perior cnuit of Pamlico county, N. C , in" a certain special proceeding wherein M. H. tullan, administrator of r-liubo Fisher deceased ia plaintiff and Kisie Kisber and others are defendants the said administrator will sell for cash at the court house in Bayboro on Monday, February 10, 1000, between tbe hour of II m and 1 o'clock p m all the land de scribed In the petition: It being a certain tract of land on the east side of Baird's Creek in said County, and on the noilh side of Neuse river be ginning at a pine hint above the bead of -the first small gut above the mouth of said Creek and runs north 7", east 253 poles to a small pin; thence north 54, west 77 poles 10 a branch that emptys Into Canaway's- gut, thencv down ibe various coffrscs of said branch to Cara way's gut, thence with said gut to llairds Creek, thence with said Creek to the mouth of said small gut, I hence up raid gut to tbe beginning containing 21'2acrs more or less. Bee book 71, psex- 107 of fice of Rcgl-ter of Deeds of Pamlico county North Carolina. M II. SUI.TAN. Administrator of Slmho Fisher, dee'd H. C. WHITEHUltST, Attorney. January, 1st, 1000. Administratrix Notice. Having this day duly qualified as Ad ministratrix if the late Sarah Cohn, notice is hereby given (o all parties holding claims against my intestate to present same for payment to me on or before the lth day of lercmlier, 1000, or this notice will be pbadedin bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to my Intestate are hereby notified to muko Immediate payment of same or they will be pro ceeded against' according to law. This 10th day of December. lH'.lO FANNIK C. BROOKS, Administratrix- of Harah K. Cohn, de ceased. Ernnl, N. C. Administratrix Notice ! Ilnvinir qualified as Ibe Administratrix of J M biniili, deceased; late of the coun ty of Craven, this la to notify nil persons having claims against tho estate of the dcteawed to exhibit them to the under signed on or b, line the 5th day of De cember, 1100, or this notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to sai l estate will please make ImnHdiate payment. SARAH A. SMITH, Admx., of J M Smith, deceased. This December 5, 1609. JCxejcutlon (Sale. - By virtue of a writ of execution to me Issued from the Superior court of Car teret county In action wherein the By. man Supply -Co. Js plaintiff and K. E. Terry and O. K- Llnoeln are defendants. I will on Saturday the 27th, day of Jan uary . at 12 o'clock m. In James City at tbe taw mill 'of Munger and Bennett offer for tale at public auction 4o tbe highest bidder for cash all tbe right, title aod Interest of the above named defend ants to the following property to wit: 4 One boiler, one planer, one blower, one bellows, one lot of belts, pulleys, bangers snd miscellaneous attachments, on box of fixture and two cans of oil, and on the same day st tbe hour of two o'clock p m at the New Bern Mld-Wlnter ' Fair Associations' grounds la the city of -New Bern under said. execution all tbe " right title and Interests of said defen dants in and to th following, property One band and bracket saw machine, one Colloday mould machine, two Leh man servlclne machines, one wood rln machine, one Buffalo Jlesaw macElne, Iron rip saw tables, one. sandpapering machine, en ober Lathe, one II 11 Smhls " machine, one lot shafting, pulleys, ; bell- : log, bangers, one lot of wood, aws,-elo. .. JOSEPH KINNEY, Sheilff. ' .January 15, 1900. , : .' :. v.- Sale .; Tor.'. Partition -.publicttliii, SDrntnoBi;';.- , " 7 North Carolina -) Superior Court ' K ' Ccaven County I Before the Clerk. - ' Knnrh WtH.wnplh . , - . ti t ... . " Edward Dlnkln nd Helen Ilarrl. slid Infant. - ' v. ". To Edward Dlnklnt; you will Itk no tic that the above named plalnnlT, Enoch VYailswnrtb, baa begun a proceed. Ing In this Court for the sale for parti tion of a certain tract of land In Craven county, fully described In a deed from II. F. Dlnklnt to Caroline Dinkfns, recorded In theofllce of tbs register of Deeds of Craven oou'nty, book 117, pages V.'l, 84. 85. Tbe said plaintiff In said proceed ings tverlng that lis Is the owner of I t Interest in raid land and that you the said Edward Dluklns, as tho owner of a undivided Iff Inicreft therein; and pray ing for a sale of said land for a division Ihe'Cdf. Yon are therefore nollfled lo appear at !!( (Illicit of IlieCleik of Din hnpeilnr Court of Cravn roumy on Kildny llm ' -ii ilny of .Iftinutry, 11)00, at tlie lioi)r ,.f lio'rloik M. and answer or ib nmr In II n p, lilion liied In s dd prorei ( ; 1 ri fr oi . 1 (Mi (li fend tlio samo nn you miy 1 ,v. :. . : . i 1, , .,.!.. ,- l-O, 1- '1

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