iV.- 0 'V Wcrn-cu t 7c Ccr.rcrt in S OMB MONTHS AGO OTO BABY'S HEAD GOT SORE "W took hiia to the doctor, who pronounced ; to suffering mankind to write and tell yon of this almost wonderful eon, . ' 1 . . W. W. & J. B. MY EES, Box 90, Monroe City, Ind. ' Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor.'- tieura to blatantly allay llenlng. i heal; and Oimornu Ti p FT S.I Vh na humlllaUng skin, scalp, and blood humors, with lose of hair, whoa . ink, U4.I, 4IJ aii e)M fnfc poxua Dauaaiis Una. Cow., Sole Proi Boston, . "Ho to Cure Baby Hamora,' tree. ..... TO WASH" BRUSHES AND w COMBS w ". To wash halt -bnabe sad eefflba, dlaaolve a tableapoosful ol , ' 4 , ; , Gold Dust Wuhinjr Powder.-' ' le boiliaf water; whta- ll Is atarlr cold, dab tit bnatles up aod down without allowing the backs of the brush ea to become van when the braahea I an cleaa, dip them la plain oold water sad dry theat either by the fire ec ht the opes -air. -Soap I tarns the tray back combs or brushes yellow, but OoM Dust does sot lalurethea), tk boTtlltaKMilMmtvrfrMfeoafelafe V' :--. "GOl.UKlf UULKB pu MoruutwiiaK" '" ' Sjatfmony)iiMtto thi . a. rsinaiiR oompmt, - Mew Vera. Woman : Hstovsa- VJomsn, ir r a t, EAw.'i .aa. M. f Cardtrl for an - - aakneas In -ta lug one bottle I I am a midwife ' amend Wine of ' t friends durlnar i I weed Wins of 'Waaeneas and waakaeas . .womb. . After takiug : waa.well again. . I a and alwava reooramend - OardnKto my lady friends during ErrfrnancT ana alter Dirao aa avonio. ;very lady who takes lt An da that Mt doea aTeasmora than is olaimed for ft. . ' ' 'f , " UBS. V. BOtSVEBT. - , Nobody knows woman Diet woman.- Men go to medial colleges, study books and listen to lectures. They learn indirectly of the disease) .. of women, but they are men and can never fully understand the ailments, ' the sufferings, the-agonies of mothers, wives and sisters. A woman -t knowev Mrs. Boisvert knows. . She has passed through the trials ' and tribulations of her sex. She has been near by when her sisters suf- fereds-"; She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of Cardui' i b , ',: it any wonder she recommends it? Is jt any. wonder that thousands ' . V . - - " nf other -women recommend 1L' : , IMICt ABVtSNT ' Tor mlTtcc in man rrxjatrltiaf wdai direction, adilroat, giving syniptoina, U4lt' Adtari Upt. xi( HATTaNOOwii fekUKlNKUU ChUnooiPk, Tnuv "th weak of all ages, helps and cures ' " Druggists Sefl Large Wiai- Tolr NVood's flalne-Grown UJoU l UlUlUuD rt TJnqnfutlnnfthly th3 hcut Bil PotK tM for Houthern planUiij?. Our !'ot ara Rnfwn eHjwclaHy for pur-Tttmi-n in tit best potato dint riot In Jkitttnft, ntl nr noted for ttiRlr emrll iif'Hs, uniformity snd Urtrfl yilrtt pm o k ' ,. Til laiKP"t pottiio ftrowfnt In ln h'aih wVru pinnttiitf our N-M poi (''!, with tli bi'vt flndunwt (ruUUti ri'rtuUs, W altfooifer VA. SECOND CROP POTATOES pmwn from Jlalrij btp4. T1ii (r1v h i-itilid crop r'fuli and ar popular w iiti truckers verywiiera. Wood Descriptive Sd Cninlttne, pHWig full liiformnilon, uiailud iit-tj, j'rit t rj quoted upou request. . , T. V. WOOD & SONS, sr:r.!)5y.::N, Ricimftmiva. the lrgeet 5fed Houm la tha South. I ! in-: i ? ' t j !.:. 1 1 ...i. ! f i ., 1 1 V 1 1 1 ;i -1 1 .: i: : " I V ' I !..,! ; i .i'v in , I pi,,. I I i i im,,:. I :, -1 . i , s'' WOOD'S J . " SEED5. 1 n 1 : J CUTICURA. it poison and gave as some medicine which did do good. His head got bo bad he would cry all night, and my wife could sleep none, .and began to look ghostly. - His head got so lore that we put a night cap on him, and folded a white cloth lour - thicknesses inside of it, and just through the night a kind of matter would ooze out from his head, soaked through the cloth and cap and on to the pillow.. The top, ; - and back of his hoad was almost solid , lore, and looked so badly that words would -.' not describe it. Almost in despair I told -: '. my wife I had seen Ccctcora. Bxitxnrjts .' advertised and recommended very highly , - - and I was going to try them. I bought r the CuTictmi Rbsolvmt, CtmotraA ' Boat, and Cdticura Ointment We gave , ' him hall of the Resolvent, used part of - the cake of Soap, and before we had used the second box of CuTictraA Ointment he commenced t get better, and is now as -well and hearty as anybody's boy. He Is as merry as a lark, sleeps soundly all night, and his hail looks glossy, thick, and soft. - while my wife looks likea different woman, ' I look at him and think I owe lt to you and WUSUHIUKUI inmUUKA Olr V iuv. M wuaiibv HI. him m BHUW aim aealee ami soften the thickened cuticle; Curiorriu Oimtmbnt (60c.), iDfluunaUon, and irritation, and aootbe snd Kssolvbnt (60er, U oool end cleaaee the blood. . If ' ' i J - ' . .. v fUiUil3t :- " , rvJ N vvuyv yi ' fi,! jil. .VlH MiY'rif? 47 TV ' ' f V r , - l I ( i .T.'KA I They -know. -They have r tual experience to prompt them. They 1 spread the tidings from mouth to mouth, teUing bow Wine of Cardul helps young girls, helps 'A all womanly Ub. ,- Bottles for $!.Cl : , a B n -I m g . A QUICK CURB FOR . . , COUGHS AND COLDS Z - "Very yalaable Remedy in all S fft J ailoction of tho ,.; :. . $ THROAT or LUNGS ?, S . Larca Bottlear-osoK i', , K. DAVIS a I.AWHEHCa CO., Llmltwl, , rro.'aotrenTtavleTaln-Kill.r. . JPJ : UcMlM'trf i r'l I f ! U Oritflrwl -lnt Only O"1"". A SEE' "ill. I V' now fur.iith to-l F'nvo Vsh :1 ri it'ly cut, nml ilclivci 1 to ynur d ir, j Alwnya ki-t I: r l.tivi .h-!., ncvi-r tj'Cis et lit tainy i;hi r i f ( r Crii k iitiJ Iii !. I-.h'i t.ilii. A li.l:-!' fl-.- U I f .I. ) H;UMl . Hi art S' i I Bf I '! r ni.. l.i,r. ' ' t f ; i a I i -""-' ta ryny-F corai ' " .". j OF C.AiN AC S' i i SLLEP. A tawyif ho Solved a. Knotty. Proiilfm f o Coald ?fat Master ,Whtle Aii-Aa Excitlnic and Al rnuit It, ic lallway Jeerner, An I!ilmiiirph lawyer, ft confirmed somaambullst. went thrcusb a pecul iar experience some little time ago. One evening, after dinner, he told bis wife that he had a moat difficult law case which would occupy him half the night to study out. For hours there after he gruppled with Its Intricacies, but finally desisted, saying it would be Impossible to make bis-brief uutll morning, since the case presented some difficulties that he bad been unable to master.: , ' ... '' Ue' fell asleep from exhaustion al most ag Boon as he went to bed, but in a few minutes rose, and, seating him self ut his desk, wrote furiously for an hour or more. - Then, carefully folding and indorsing the sheets he had writ ten upon, he put them away In a pi geonhole of his desk, after which, with out speaking, he returned to bis bed and slept soundly till late lu the' morn-lng.--;S.?:; At lireakfnst be expressed some un certainty as to bis "finding a solutlpn." Ills wife told blm to look, through bis desk, which be did, .discovering the proper he had written In the pigeon- bole where lie bad bidden It ' As be read it Joy mingled with Amazement showed plainly In bis face, for the p-: per wna a clearly - iaspned,: correQtly pliniHed brief on the Intricate-case, with nil the obscure points smoothed outr - fie had not tbe slightest recol lection .of having written tbe docu ment ' . . s " v Anotber extraordinary rase la that of a . young man who, an hour or so be fore starting oo a railway Journey, palil a visit to steamer In which bis par ents were finniiclally Interested.. In the course of the tnspectlou be entered the little chamber, iu the bow of the vessel where the anchor chain Is colled and was Impressed by the- vuamberV HiiHillness and the cramped quarters It would afford a man sent dowu there to superintend tbe paying out of tbe chain. In due course the traveler went to tbe railway station, and engaged a jsnug seal in tbe Turner of n first class corri tlor and sleeping "enrrhtgsv; He lutd the cbmpajtuient to hluiself..v,"Tbe train had not been long on Its Journey befoce tbe young irrno was souud ssleep. But l Imagined that he was awake ami. moreover,. J ha I be was Imprisoned In tbe little aucbor chain conipurturent of the steamer. The vessel was uudbr way. be thought and moving more rap idly tlian lie bad ever .known a steamer to move before. vir-slA-v-'yi. .His Drat- Idea was to go oa deck lit once, but be could pot get out of th cell-like cbambety He could' not stand erect even, the compartment was so little, as be found out at the cost of an .Imaginary bumped bead, when he at tempted to flse. Jben. to blrf surprise, be found that tbe room had window, evldeully a deod light but square' and' unusually large. - This he tried to -raise, but falling. deTermlued tO: break It tbluklng that be could seise tbe anchor chain and by .its aid reach tbe deck, t . There was only one way to smash tbe glbss,' and that was by striking It wltb bis -clinched fist, - He knew that this would result ln a cut hand probably, bat be risked tt all tbe same, for be feH certain now that the vessel was In a storm and likely -to go down any mo ment, In which case tie would . be drowned like a rat In trap? v ;,'':.! - naviutsiimslied tbe glass, he found that tbe window was double, and be distinctly remembers breaking tbe out side pane, after which, wltb profusely bleeding hands, be carefully picked out the bits, of glass remaining In the Bashes, so that he could climb out. ' After removing the last remaining fragment of glass .from tbe sash he carefully thrust bis bead aoiarms out and began to feel for tbe chain. .It was nowhere to be found. Then be pulled himself balf way out of . the window and renched upward. . " s-.' 5 . To bis great Joy, be found he could reach over the edge of tbe deck; but to bis dismay. It was curved and smooth, offering no projection . whatever by which he might pull himself up. That being tho- case, and not wishing to fall, Into the water and be drowned, be painfully drew" back Into the llttltj chamber. ' However, be must certainly escape or be drowned, and after get ting bis breath he would make another attempt to reach tbe duck. - As lii In y panting and frightened he accidentally, reached In the direction away from the deadlight. To Ills sur prise, be touched a swaying window blind, and the next moment be found himself lying on the floor of tbe corri dor of the onniKlilng train, with a win dow down, through which he had evi dently bwn trying to reach the dock of the- Imaginary steamer. The wonder Was he did not loxo his prlp and fall on the line. It was his fenr of being drowned that prevented him from be ing killed on the railway. The young fellow had a lone anil serious Illness after his experlciiee, and, strange to say. when he recovered Ills somnambu listic babll left him. Washington Slur, Aa Oilit (otne-f .ten tn one of the I,' , !,! l volumes of John I' M ; ' nmst rom''-' I , ! vi'i-y (1 y i' -.t ti ' j;.!i'ni'e w'l j MI.erty t 'l I te-.-s hi lb' t ll'l'l'l I f ii In romunted a '-" ' Cn tlie ' ',M nf In ' .1. s ! ,1, ! , 1 '.'!IK-.I f. J-Jflll i a h: ! : 1 if t l ;i TWO FL VI.- IU Co '. i is Looked forward to , Iv'.i Jay and Tear and its 1 , Eafe Arritfiil is Hailed I r ' ' Priua and Belief - - " The arrival of the first baby In thn household istlio hajipieBt nnd UKist int portunt event of married iife. The young wife who is to become omotherdelighta to think of thelmppiness in store for her when the little one shall nestle upon her breast and latterly she shall bear it lisp But her happy anticipation quickly van ishes when she realizes the terrible pain and suffering through which she must pass while bringing the little one into the world. An indescribable fear of the. danger attendant upon tiio ordeal soon dissipates her joyfulnegs. Thousands of women have learned by experience that there is absolutely no necessity for tho sufferings which at tend child-birth) they know that b, the use of "Mother's Friend"--a scien-. tino liniment for a few weeks befoit the trying hour, expectant mothers can so prepare themselves for the final hour that the pain and suffering of- the fireaaed event are entirely oDvtatea ana t is safely passed through with com paratively little discomfort, t T All women are interested, and i&s j ecially expectant mothers who for the lirst time have to undergo this .trial, in siip.ri a remedy for thev know the nam and suffering, to say nothing of the dan ger, which is in store-lor tnem, -jaoi rt. fir's Friend-, is woman's greatest, blcs- ilng, lor tt takes her. safely tnrougn tne severest ordeal of her life. Every woman should be glad to read the little book "Before Baby is Koni," which contains Information of great value to U, It will be sent free to any one who sends their address to- The Bradfleld Eegu latorCo., Atlanta, Ga. ' ,. i Botanic ; Bhi! Bali; .,--.. i s-i." .- r , BLOOD, CURE A Cure Por Blood ani Sfcia DisesMa, Eecema, Clean, Pimples,, jlere . v -L full, Blaod roisoB, Cancer, -, ITidnerlttWsvBoUs g;. Habua ' Bhea--i ' 1 ffu matisnvVl v4 A TBIAX TRKATMERT SUNT PRlVATBLr BT v - KAIL KE TO AM, WTXO SCtFSB. f " Jf any man or woman suffering' from any Blood or sun Trouble will write -us we will send them free of chapee and prepaid to'desllnallon a trial bettlr of Botanic Blood BalmfB. B. B )'the fi nious 8outhernv-Bloo(l Remedy. It has permanently cared thousands of cases, some of SO years' standing, and after doctors, hospitals and patent medicines had failed. Remedy has been thoroughly tested for past 80 years and Is perfectly safe to take by old or yoang. Blooil Balm Is an honest,' jsexpenaive remedy that you majr test before you jpart with your money. v -CURES MAD BT BLOOD BILK.',; -v, " - Allan Grant, of Sparta, Ga,- cared, of painful sore on Hp called epithelial can cer; Julia Johnson, Stafford P.O.,8.0 cured of a terrible Itching eczema of 18 years standing; W A Bryant, Moody, Tex, cured of salt rheum on hand: His hand resembled a burned surface suffered four years, vet cored by Botahio B!-iod Balm. B W Beaxley, of ' Amerlcus, Ga, suffered with sores all over his body eating Into boles.-'. Blood Balm -cured him; sound and well.' It H . Bewail. - of Atlanta, Ga, Cured by font bottles of a lerriDie eating ulcer on leg. o v -rope, of Jaokson, Ga. bad vloleut skin disease, entire bodv almost a scabvet nermanent- ly cured by B. B. B. i S Head' of Athens (is, had eczema on hands, arms and legs, SDnered nve years, tried doctors snd pat ent medicines. Blood Balm cured him. only a few' scars remaining where the sores had healed. .Mrs. W. J Steed, of Augusta, Oa, had. recurring boils,- was curedbyonly five bottles three years sgo, t'erfectly well, since., Mrs al L Adams, of Freilonls, Ala. had deadly cancer, was given up to- die by nine doctors, yet was cured by Botanic Blood Balm. , W P McDaniel, of Atlanta, cured of rheumatism, but what more need we say We could fill this paper with wonderful cures, and remember, all theso troubles are caused by Bad Blood in the system, aod Blood Balm cures because It forces all. the poison-outward, hence ineie cannot be a. return ol tha symp toms. --- Lon't trifle with blood troubles, aad remember, even if Baraaparllla, tonics. doctors and salves have failed in your case, that B. B. B. Botanic Blood llalin la different from anything else, and cures, to stay cured, by eipelllng the poisonous matter from the blood. This Is the only remedy that cures in this way. v.-." . '' , ';,!'1' HOW TO OBTAIST BLOOD DALM. ' WRITS POIl fates TRIAL BOTTLE. ' If you are satisfied that Ilotanlo lilood Bnliu Is what you imm-iI jnu will lind Urge bottlos for sale ly all druelsts for !., or six bottles fnll treatmenl) 10K For free trinl bottle aiklress lilood Fulm f o 110 JIUehellHt, At IriiIh, (Ja., and boltlo andlne'ilrHl book will he fient, all chart'es prepaid. Describe your tnnililo anil we will lncludo frco jiiTHonul niedk al ailviee. y" f!-!,Q Lcde DirGCtory, KUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I 0 0. P. (uii. ers: W. T Hill, N. G ; J lt. 1'srker, V.'lj Uen O f-en, Hei M'tt Secty; Jsnies B llitl. Financial decretitn; A i5. I'ill inan, Tre8. Regular meetings every Montlay night' at 7;0 o'clock.- " ViCMiilY coL'XC'Ui 0. 11, JfMlOR 0 U A .41: Meet every first snd third Wednesday night In Rountrce Hall. Jas C, I'alemsr. C ; (1 I frtlnr, V C; A Hilumtd. Tieaa.; (' IMiartling, H S : CAi.UMKT. KNCAJiPMENT, NO. i 1. 1 1. A F: . Officers: I, h Moody, 43 Pj i O bclamar, II P; t J Baxter, 8 W: C H Hall,' J W; Oeo. (ireeo. Scribe; JS Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp meat, 1st, Srd, and 5th (if any) Thursday nights in caclinuiiith at 7:80 o'c'ock.ii-f. NEW BERN 1-iODGE No.1. P li & U- J C Scales, Prest; J 11 Mmilh, Recording Seq'yi K E Quldley, Financial 8ec'yr Meets in the Knighis of iiarmonv Hull every 1st and,3rd Monday nights In each mOnth, r.' ji.i-i.E"-', '.-.''- 11 CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNlflllTS OP HARMONY: Meets 2nd and 4lh Wednesday nights in each month- In Kounlree's Hall. Pollock street, at 180 o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President, R. J. Dts-r osway, Bec'y, K. H Hill, P. Betfy. KN1CHT8 OP HONOR Offlceri: K Jt Jones, DiclalorQ L Vinson, Reporter; W P Rountree, - financial Iteportor New lierne Lodge No. 448 meets the 2nd and 4th Friday nights at 7:80 olclock in Rounlrea'sjlall, Pollock street. ' U4NT0S CLtl.9tOKT HO.'S, f. St., I.O. O.t Oiticern. Go. 81over, Catitaln; '1. O. l;j m an, Lleut.4 P. U. felletier, FusIkd 1 Wm. J Pitiji, (jlrk ; Rd- ue-ook, accountant. Beg ijior cantonnwnta, M and 4th Tliursrtay a'ttliU in each mtith atB-OU o'olooS . PKOPESS10NAL. P. A, Mlmmonsi " J. H. l'oa, ' A. 1. Ward ;siMrioNS, pou & wardi: ATTORNEYS att COUNSELORS ai MEW BKBSlEt Jl. C, . Oltica ?8 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo- i, .i.i ni i . (Offloe also at Raleigh and SmlthQeld.) Practise In tha counties of Craven. DiiDlln. nee, Onslow, carterot Pamlico, Wake, ihnaton. uarnetD ana wimon: in toe oa prerne and Federal OoorW, and wherever serrkaa are desire , .-. -v 5. .: w . ; V. II. Pelletler, ATTOliNET AT LAW, Middle Street; Lawjerjj Brick 's i Building. . jir - Will practice In he Counties ol Craven ai wnilnuiini,vuwun bum wuuw. Court at sew Berne and Buprmn Court beHtata , r , - '' ROMULUS a: nunn, jk.TToxasnrt ..o; . . .i1 i-vw ' , v"' - KBW BERSE, K. a Offloe:, Opp. TJolel Cbattawks, South Front Street. ' -', Practice In North Carolina , FINANCIAL. T. A. Green, Free. K. H. MaeuinWs, V. rrM, , H. MC Orovea, Cashier, r" , , CITiaSBlVK:. BANK, .'"'' pr jsrarw Baraxr, r.o. Doing QeneraJ Banking Buslnesxv October i st, 1809, Surplus and Undivl- ,l t dti Pro8t4 113,000 00. -r- Prompt and careful attention clven to all business entrusted to us. Accounts received on favorable terms... ... v t .j...,.:-1 Board ot Directors, . fn11nanfl DfruUl :. ' K. If. Ilesilows J. A.Moadows, . '. . Cbas. Dnay , Jr. i Hamuol w . iporc, . jamee Keamona, Chaa. H. Fowior, - p V Bayer Halin,' - a w . uraiiiKVi, 4 v. iuwuHa.enH, B. W. Bmallwood, s.r.mO. B. For. - -, duo. V. Ives. "" V. r. Orockatt.. :t ., ,f ... Mark Disosw ay.- -r.- F. & 17). BANK, VAT 1st, 1898. Capital Stock,.,: $75,000.00 Surplus, .......... 9,000,00 UaditldedPreBt,.. 2,000.00 ' OFFI0EK8. - L. H. GtrTj.BR President. "t s . ' W. B. Oradwick, Vice Prei; -; ' T. W. Dswsy, Cashier. . . J, W. Biddi. TeUcr. ...! . ; O. T. CiunwKiic, Colleotor, ' - ' DIItECTORS; J" Wini B. Blades, M. M. Marks,' : O. I). Bradham, P. U. Pellettor, .' L. H. Cutler, - Jpo. Suter, ' Yf. 8.Chadwick, - J. W. Stewart, : . ' . T. Wt Dewey. We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other. bank in the city. It Is our endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons, . : - . - 7'llOEr;-"- 1 1 Hi i in n .I i I ni i I i Farms, lurf e or small. . Parirn sulialile for Vegetable growinf. Small Fruits, Hurries. . . . Farms suitable for Fruit growing. . I-'urr" suiliilile for OraeB.and Grain, Farma puita'ild for Tobacco growing. Fnrms Hiiiln'iie fur een"m' erfti. Cot ton, l'cinu'K, Vegetables, Frul, fco. I ii lie ly of land well suited for Htorlc I! liiiii i.'. Nii'nral 1'nM'uriijr", line for both winl'T iiiul S'liiirncr. Ciii l Inn In fur I'.iiry Farm, Poultry 1. Il Ml. Can ni e yon e'l'ii r nil railrnml or wator 111 It r.- i H I. i!ll. WILMINGTON .& VVELDON R. R. X -; ';" .; A iid Branches, And Atiantie Coast Line" l;ilrod Co., ;'r ' y. of rkiuth I uiniiuu. . - U TKAINS OOINO HWITrtife .J.;s--''. -.V JS . -'-v- -4 ;..-y;: iS"! i'. ! DATED j--- 8 j5nj' wfji JaH lflOO . 'jSt ' ?4 S jtftj; vi'init. - 'Sr Lv. WeldoL 11 60 8 5b At. R. Mt,. li 65 0.52 , ;$.. Lv.'firborti m ai t oo 4r;v Lt. R. Mt. .1:' K .6 W 6 i it 'tt Lt. Wilson 1 6M 10 8ft 16 6 90 t 0 Lt. Belma., 3 55 U ,-,-,v Lv Fay'vlllt 4 80 ia 20 M'Xi. Ar.Plorenc 7 5 84 . .,. ji:i P.H. A.U 0:;! " A.'..Oolds.,: .--iV ..JJBk ?. iWtti Lv;.Goldfc..ki iiv 0I ft! Lv. Mag'lia .,i'. 8 09 4 85 ArWilm'ton ... .i . .1 9 40 f 00 " : . - IP. m 1am p.m. TKA1N8 QOINti NOKTH. -' - i - fS - ' ?A M KB Z A M P.1A Lv.Florenoe 9 46 ..v, . 7 4i . - l.v.FayvilU 18 iu .-.. 9 45 ....j Lv. Belma. . I 50 ... 10 66 .'. ,. Ar. Wilson 9 85... , U 8d ' - "T" A.M. PrM A.M, LvWilm'ton ..... ..... t 50 V 45 Lv. Mag'lia .... 8 30 II 1 Lv. Golds.. 5 00..,.. 3'i 14 24 PJo" IjrLPJHP.lt Lv. Wilson 9 85 8 48 11 88 10 b0 116 Ar, B. Mt.. 8 80 C 85 13 08 11-11 1 58 Ar. Tarboro ..... ? 04 ..... ..... ..... Lv.TarborolS 21 .... - Lf. R Mt., 8 80 19 09 Ar. Weldon 4 8 ..... 104...., ..... P.M A.M Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic aod Yadkin Division Main Line T-Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Fayt tleville 12 05 n m, leaves Pay- ettevilie 12 25 p m. arrives tlantord 148 p m. lUjturning leave oanlora U w p m, arrive Fayetteville 8 4tp m, -leave Fay- ettevuie n to p m, arrives; Wilmington 8 40 pm. 1 - ' 1 Wilmington and, Weldon Railroad: Deonettsville Branch Trains : leaves BenneltBville 8 15 a m, Maxtvn 9 20 a m, Bed pring8 9 68 a m, Hope Mills IU in a ot, arrive Fayetteville 10 53. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 65 pm, lied Springs 6 85 pm, Maxton 8 15 p m, arrives- Bennettsville ?15 p m. -' . '- , .. Connections at Fayetteville with train NO. 78, at Maxton, with the Carolina Central Railroad, at lied bprloga with the Red Springs and Howmore railroad, at Sanford with tbe buabovrd Air Line and rJontuern Railway, atOulf with tUt Durham and Charlotte Railroad. . " Train jn the Scotland Heck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p m. Halifax 4 10 p tn. arrives Bootland iieck at 6 08 p ni, Ureenville 67 p m, Kioston 1 65 p m. - Returning leaves Kins ton 7 60 a nv Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a n Weldon 11 88 a m, ' daily et oept BunrtkuV. . , -;-.- - Trains on Washington Braech leaye Washington 8 10 am and S 80 o m. ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 86 a m and 8 80 p 01 arrive Washington 11 00 atn aad 1 80 p m, daily except auhday; - - . r - Train leaves Tarboro, & O, dally except Sunday 6 80 pm, Sunday, 415 p m, ar rives Plysaooth 7 40 p m, 8 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth- daily except aunoay, 1 ova m, ana ounaay h uu a m, arrives Tarboro 10 08 a m, H 00 tu : 't rain on MUlandt N O Branch leaves Qoldsboro daily, except Bunday, 7 06 a, m, arriving BmitbDeld 8 10 a m. Return ing leaves Hmitbfield 9 00 arms arrives at Uoldsboro 10 28 a m. - y Trains on Nashville - Branch leaves Rocky Monnt at 10 00 a m,8:40 p m,arrive Nashville 1110 m, 408 pm, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 85 p m.ReturniDg leave 8pring Hope 11 80 a m, 4 66 p m, Nash ville 12 15 a tn. 5 28 d m; arrive at Rocky Mount U 45 a m, 8 pQ.p nvdailr except Sunday,; r.r .-. ..1 i- Train on Clinton Branch- leaves' War. saw-for Oliutoa daily, except Sunday, 11 40 m and 4 02 p in, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 9 60 o m. Train No 78 makes close-connection kt Weldon for all' point North daily . all rail Klnhrrmnd. - - T l- H M EMERSON, Gonl Pass AgonL t K ritiiLit, uen-i Manager. - . .. -T M EMEIlaON, Tramo Manaer. s outhern mjm "' ' ; fjJ'J jLuailway:; . The eiamlard Rnllwa) of the SOUTH Tha Dlruct Line to all Points, CAMro::uiA, '-:.' CCKA. AIJI '';-: p Htriotly Firsf-Ola! Equipment on all Through or Lnoul Trains; Pullman Pal ace Bli p:n Oars on all Night Trains; Fant ami H.ife Pclieilulrs. . j "' ' Travrl by the Southern and you are as sure,! a ife. Oomforluble and Expedl tiiiun Join nri . Ari-'ly to Tiekct Agent fur Time Ta I,' 1, !'!. Mid Geiir. il IiifiirniBtliin, of ' F. H. I 'A ! r.Y, I'.. I.. : o. p. at. a, T. '. A., Ai-!.i'vi-:, N. 0 , Vi-i, -,;-!. C- "., r , J n. Ct'i.1- : ; v r . ,. Ti i f. ' 11 , u r a. n. c r:PJ f V t TA BIB' Taio iff tct t-;undayr Ot t. VULf iyp ,3&f;0s '; ':;''" at 1:t5 A. H:i3MiSei 10 Goir.j? Eat f BtHEBCUt: j 3olrg West - no. -v.wfnsr Tralna'No-A av i-r-V Lv, ti 40..,,i,. Uoldsboro..'.'. Ati.; n tM .r." "": 4( 4! WT'M)atum'7iiLia it--" 6 40;.. T. Ax. New Berne. !..,:. am 1 1S.,: Ar. Morehead city hr.7:.. 7 05 No, n Lv 7 10. 8 68 7'48;..'.'.U... Best's:.. r.. 818 ... 4I 1 18 .."I9f8 ,...1168' ... 1140 .....10 40 ,...10 18 ....1000 980 8 08 ,t .. .... Uaranrei.Z:: ; 8 JMr-. ...'. .Fallrng qreek. ; . 'Sii-t. ..U.!swell, 10l5.;,;;,,;,.',Dovet;.;;.... 10 40.;. : iiCorti Creek.. . . . U i5. ... . .Tuscarora ., 11 81... .. , . . . .Clarka.'. 18 05...... ....New Berne...... r. m. A. at. I Mondav. Wednesday. Fri,lv .Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. ' No.-l. t 1 . . . I HI- Itx'd Ft, and btatiokb: Mx't Ft .mi Paas-Tn. Pass. Tn. Lv. am Ar. p m ... 8 18 7 10 7 48. 808....... 8 98.. 914....... .. Qoldsboro,. ......Best's.... . . . LaUrange. . . .Falling creek. . ....Kins ton... 7 88 7 0S. 8 8$ 618 518 500 9 Caswell.... 9 40 Ar. Dover, Lv 1015 Lv. " Ar 4! 0 40 core creek 4 00 II 15........... Tuscarora....... U 81 olark's 838 8 20 2 50 10 47 10 10 10 00 9 40 908 8 47 888 . 820 , 750 18 05 .....Ar. New Berne. T.v. 180. Lt. Ar, 8 19 Riverdale 880 croatan...... 8 43 Havdock 8 12. Newport, Lv.. S26 Wlldwood 8 81 Atlantic 8 48 Ar. JUorehead city, Lv 4 01.... Ar. M. City Depot, Lv v. Mouday. Wcdnesduv and Frirlv - j . t'l uesday, Thuiaday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Bupunnlc ident Atlantic Couht JLine. 'VVILMIMOTON & NKW JJekNK R. 1. . TIME TABLE NO. 5, nKHocl Wodnosday, Aug. 7, 18D8,.Daily Eicept Sunday. Uoing South ) sciibdulk: Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains No. 60, Lv-. am, , stations: Ar. p m 9 00.'. . New Bern-. s in 988... 8 61 .. 10 03... ..PoIlocksVllle .. 5 04 ....Mayaville 40 r .Jacksonville . . . 4 18 1208. f Wilmington, j f Union LVrjot i 2 82 13 15 . . . Arr Wllmlngtonf Ir. ... 2 iC P-li ra Na 8,. Passknqeb & Fheiodt No. 4. Leave WUmington Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Borne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, kv A M Ar. p H 7 80.....Lv. Wilmington, Ar 145 30.... 8oott's Hill 12 56 80......... Woodside 18 15 !22?'- ..Hollyrldge 1140 W6V... ...Dixon.7. 1051 lj 90 ...Verona 10 20 06 Jacksonville. 9 46 19 30.....;.... Northeast. 8 65 il 6fL.r.......Whlterak 8 80 180 ....Maysvllle - 8 05 18 Pollooksville 7 20 66 Debruhl's ... 6 85 8 40 Ar. Now Beirne, Lv 6 00 ... Daily Except Sunday. ::C J. R, KENLY, ' . fjeneral Manarer. ORDF.N, . ." . "upt, Tians' ortaUpnr CAROLINA DISPATCH tlNE, xt rt all sTATioSsi Mx'd ft and Pass Tn.1 . I 1 pasa Tn- MmMMfi:-VAr.P. at. ... . . uuiusooro .'v. fEUGHT &1 PASSENGIR, ' " u -i For All Poiafa ITortb. Tlie Steamer - NE USB will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays,', and Fridays at 6,p, in. sharp, male-' ids landingiat Oiental, ' Ooraook aud noauokelsland. ' . .'.., 137" Freight received not later"-" than one hoar previoni to Miling. ' : For farther informaMon Apply to : GEO. HENDERSON, Agt . M. K. Kino, Gen, Mgr.. v ' ; ; JLO. BuDQiKB,Gen. Frt & Past. Aft, ' .' Norfolk, V. ' New Berne. N. 0 May 80th, 1808';-' 1 i A rVVP. PATTFDN S . -V- I . ... 3. - rw awn 1 -el I ,ml in ...r. , Only su ceau a yaar. . I,.- I rr,nr.J pl.l-. ; If- - ... t r. 'Win., ; ; . i - ; Him. ' ; . j y I,,, !,, rw : J i. ,ni I", itui. : j I; v, mm vntn. ; - , i , ; i . j

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