THE JCJ cc,i i:- New Bern. N. C, Jan. 2 7, K J. Index to New Advertisements. A J Smith Caps. . 0ks Market Liver pudding. , Business Locals. . DR1S3SEP Turkeys and Chicken at K. ' &. Jones. " THE Snreat Com for Indigestion Is Burtou's English Ale, at Jaa. P. Taylor's GO to 8 W Willis, for Pens, Beans and Ouion Sets. He has big lot of all and they are the beat that can be bough ty , THE Atlantic Music Company, compoa ed of Wnv T. HU1, Prest. and Treat,-, and Chaa. L. Gasklll, Beo'y., are sole. agents In East Carolina for the High Grade"Mehlln" Pianot and offer them on easy terms, or for cash. - v THE flncat Beer always on draught, at J jOOB'8, Middle Street. THE MARKETS. ed by J. B. Latham, New Bern, N. O. - ' Nnw Tobk, January 26. - Open. High. Low. Close Ian. cotton 7.80 7.86 " 7.69 7.66 Mav cotton 7.60 .7355 7.80 W SeDt. ootton ... . , r "688- Nov, cotton...., , . 878 . . -5 ' . CHICAGO MARKETS. . 1 " Wbbat: ' Open. High. Low. Close Hay ' 67 8t 671 88i ' Conn: ' I v V.t ," May 831 ' 3i 881 88 Bo, R'yPfd,...-. 83J 6l a, h. it n iit o.&o.,. ...... m r Reading 60, - s 80, A 8. W, 48, , '481 Receipts at cotton ports were 88,000 bale. ' - , "If the Cap Fits, wear It."- If yon have boils, pimples, scrofula, salt rheum dys pepsia, ThenmatlBm or catarrh, yon are Just the one that, should take Hood's Sarsaparilla, for this medicines cures all these troubles. , Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Hon irritating. i : x ' . ' Pickle Tripe, Liver Puddings, and Country Lard, can be had at the Oak's Market. ' - - Underwear at Nearly Halt 1 A-recent purcfiase enables nt to name the lowest prices on this class ef goods. Ladies heavy weight vests at 12c, others at 23, 88 and 68c for all wool, worth f 1. a ' G. A. Barfoot. Chanre of Criminal Court for Craren ' County. ; f By- Act of. the- last Legislature the February term of (be Circuit Criminal ' Court, was changed from the third Mon day to tbe fourth Monday in, February, being Feb. 26th. 1000. w " - " W, M. Watsok, Clerk." Silk Umbrella Special. ;v ' . - epui vu 0Bi iuw wcm Ma u um brellas, assorted natural wood handles, with alk tassels, regular price $1.50, TIT . ,1.1. L. ORHllb4MM. special at 1U10 each.. G. A Barfoot; DI1WI UHIU1HUWV1 and toilet articles left over fronrChrist- . mas that he is selling very low. ' ,' s Prompt and careful attention is always given to prescriptions at . Davjs' Pres- ," orlptlbn Pharmacy. Send Tyoars there to be filled. . , Fresh Garden Beeds at Davis Pres cription Pharmacy. j Cryslaliced Ginger at McSorley'a. : -' Fresh Flower Seed at Davis' Prescript Y tlon Fhatmacy. . : ? : Coffee, Chocolate and - Sandwiches at McSorley'a.' . i , Oar new sausage mill Inst completed. Pork - sausage 10a, ' Meat aaussge 8 pounds for 25 cents. -"Oaks Market. . - . Clask an4 Ospw At Om, : ; We will sell what Cloaks and Capes are -on band at cost.. Bespectfully, . J. J. Baxtib. .: Celery Headache Powden will cure - your beadadhe. Give them a trial. They . art made and sold at Davis' Prescrlptioa Pharmacy. , , Extra fine dressed poultry, turkeys and chickens at Oaks Market. , Fresh Taffies at McSorley'a, ' - - A valuable and cheap Christmas pres ent, "8poff,ord s New Encyclopedia," at Ennett s Book Store. Jordan's Cough iBalsam Continues to be a popular remedy for Couglia, hoarse ness, &c, made and sold only by Davla' Frcscribtlon Pharmacy. BOOI'nlr.Hlm.. At Cot. We have BOO pairs of Ladles, Men Boys and Children's Rimes to be sn'd a1 Cost and lnia. ., J. J. pA xtiui. tt"-s of Lo al 1 utlnLeC ja J , . Country. " . Fair and cold is tlie forecast for today. The maxumin temperature yealerday was 65, the minimum was 31 degree?. Are you vaccinated? Two cases of small-pox reported In Wilmington on Thursday, The Italian band that has been In the city for several days, went to Klnston yesterday. The weather made one of its sudden changes, yesterday, the temperature fall ing thirty degrees, .i. ..:':.? 'f'---: The yacht Roamer ''from Beaufort, owned by Mr: Perrein, Is lrr port, and will probably stay here until spring, ' - The dispatches this morning, found on the first page, are full of interest. The situation In the Transvaal Is still one more of surmises than facts. - Truck growers' do not like the sudden drop In temperature. The lettuce crop is the only one which seems t be. In danger from a farther, fall of tempera ture, ' " , The largest ttfrkey of the season was brought In yesterday by Mr. Oscar Bryan of Cqve. The turkey weighed 20' pounds dressed, and on exhibition at Mr. E. 8. Street's stables. " - A telegram received by Mr, James F, Clark announces the death of his cousin Mr. Lawrence Clark at Leachvllle, Beau fort county, N. Cs, January 26th Inst, He Was a brother of Mrs. -Hugh J. Lovlc of this city, v . v A fire shortly before 8, o'clock yester day morning was located near the A: A N. U, track outside of the city limits. The firemen responded, and by combin ing their hose succeeded in gelling wa ter, on the fire, which was In a frame bujlding, and putting out the Barnes. The roof was partially burned, . fV . Execution Was Satisfied. The execution sale of certain machin ery property, wherein K. E. Terry and O.K. Lincoln -were defendants, ; which sale was to take place today, has been withdrawn, as the execution has been satisfied. ,. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. XI, D, Potter of Beaufort, was beie jesterday. .. t - , Sheriff Hooker and H, Li GIbbs, Esq., of Pamlico, were in the. city, yester day. , . . Messrs. John 8. 'Morton and Joshua Adsms of Harlowe were in the city yesterday.- . .. , . Miss Sue Collier came from Goldstoro last night, and to visiting Miss Mary Ti Oliver. ' ; . - Mrs. 8. Lyon Jillette, oLEssl Orange, U, J is in the city, the guest of Mrs, Irene Hammond. Mr. E. D. Arthur, proprietor 1 lothe New Bern Hodse, Morehesd City, was in jibe city yesterday..- . , , - Rev. H' M, North of Merahead..' Rev. O. P. Snow of Straits Circuit, Rev. JO. C. Brothers) of Newport, and Rev. R. B. John, pastor of Centenary Church, went to Klnston yesterday to attend the Min isterial Conference of the New Bern dis trict. ' ' i r- G. H. Appleton, Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We nsa no others. Quick ly cure all liver and bowel troubles F S Duffy. - , , - . . A Card of Thanks. . The members of St. Paul's Church ten der stnoersTthanks to all who have aided In making the entertainment of tbe 25th Inst success, also to those who patron Iced the same. - ' - Size doesnt Indicate quality... .Beware of counterfeit and worthless salve offer ed for DeWltt's Witch .Hazel Sal DeWltt's Is tbe only original, An Infalli ble cure for piles and all skin diseases. F 8 Duffy. ' . ' Tie Fault of the Afe. : ,-. The fault of the age is a mad endeavor To leap to heights that were made to climb: By a burst of strength, or a" thought most clever, . . , We plan to forestall and outwit Time. We" scorn to "wait for the thins: worth having; - j We want high noon at the day's dim dswn; We find no pleasure in lolling and sav As our forefathers did In the old limes ; gone. We force our roses, before their sea- son, ' To bloom and blossom tor us to wear; And then we wonder and ask the rea son - Why perfect buds are so few and rare. We crave the fain, but despite the gel ting; We want wealth, not as reward, lu dower; And the strength that Is wauled In tie less freliUig "Would fell a forest or build a tower Lewis Dennis, Hiilem, Tnd . snys, "Kodid Dyspcp-ila I,d mo morn good than anylblng I cvir took.'- It ill fms what you rut and nn m-( - , cure dy'f j.iiia mij etoiiiu. h tron: ' . V 8 Duff. i r. r. i Of tlie Trusses of t:.e Kew Eirn Acad emy L.J Ycitriay, . The Academy Trustees held their regular monthly meeting yesterday at 3:30 o'clock and proceeded to the annual election of officers Dr. J. S. Long was re-elected Presi dent and Mr. W. M. Watson was re elected Secretary and Treasurer. Both these officials have served many years and their continued re-election Is a com pliment to their efficiency. y '" . Several financial reports 'were pre sented by Mr. T. A. Green and Mr. W. M. Watson, which met with approval and were passed. Prof. T," R. Foust presented his report of the educational work of the Graded School, which led to dtscusslon of the plans and needs of the school. Dr. Geo. Slover and Dr. Long spoke In high terms of the work and progress of the school, Dr. 81oyer touch ing on the Department of Latin and Dr. Long on English Literature. Remarks were made by Mr. M. D. W. Stevenson, Mr. Thos. Daniels, Mr. L.H. Cutler and others. ' The President appointed a committee of three, on motion, consisting of Dr. Chas. Duffy, Mr.'Green and Mr. Steven son, to visit the Graded School during the month and enquire into its efficiency and progress and report pn the same a) the meeting" of the Trustees at the close of February. , t . DEPENDS OH WEATHER. The Oyster Market Demands Rules With '" .- .. the Temperature.. , t ,' The demand for the oyster is governed more by the flucuatloni of the tempera tore than the uninformed or nnlnlnklng consumer wou'd imagine,' v, Early this week, with the temperature ranging in the sixties, the oyster market dragged. " ., w'; , - Outside buyers "telegraphed -they had no orders, and to cease shipping.- Local oyster men boughtoystera of the oyster gatherers with reluctance, and there, was no business in sight. But all changed yesterday. The ther mometer fell Jo freezing 'point. Local buyers wanted oysters. Outside dealers telegraphed their stocks were exhausted, and to hurry up shipments, and there was a hustle on the docks. - a And It is worthy of note that tome very.flne oysters were on the local mar ket, yesterday, although the supply of all kinds was not large. ': - ; - T0 MOVE TO NEW BERN. The Parmele Excelsior Lumber Plant At Jacksonville feought By CaplUTlUt& ' The report comes from pretty direct and reliable source te the Joduax, that the immense plant of the Parmele Ecclesior Lumber Company at Jackson vine, H, Vn has been purchased by a Northern syndicate, who will redove the entire plant to this city. -- - The location has not been determined uponjn this olty for there-establishment of this plant. It is said thVt $330,000 1 Involved in tbe purchase and removal -and that Uls proposed . to make the plant .here one of the largest la the South. -v. Fofum For Fehruary. -'-l The Forum -for- February contains many articles of great merit, nearly all wrlten by well-known authorities. Lieut Gen. Den Beer Poortugael, of the Hol land ' Privy - Council, contributes -the leading arrlole on 4.'The Relation of England to the Trinavaal"; an able paper is furnjabed - on "The People's rsrty" oy senator jiarion Bstier.utiair man of the People's Party National Executive Committee. President Charles Dabney, of the University of Tennessee, writes a timely article on "Washington's University." Two papers on the. Old' Age Pension Problem In England are contributed by two eminent men, the first by Mlohsel Davltt, M, P , on "A Plea for Old-Age Pensions.' and the second by Rt. Hon. W. H. Lecky,' the brilliant English historian, on "Why I Oppose Old-Age Pensions." David Wil cox throws new light on "Tho Futility of the Anti-Trust Issue," and William R Thayer writes writes an unusually con vincing paper on "Longevity and De generation."- , . , . Hunting For New Writers." Eight thousand manuscripts were re ceived by .The Ladies Home Journal dur ing the year Just closed. Each was given a careful reading, but out of the entire number enty eighty were found worthy of publication. Tbe Manascrlpt,Bureau of Tbe Ladles' Home Journal iseperatcd at a large expense, but tbe hone of dls covering new writers or some asplranfk with undeveloped talent warrants tbe outlay. It can be seen that the articles secured by such a careful winnowing process brings tlie cost of each up to and above the remuneration paid our bnHt wrltura. . ' " 1 licso farts bring reputation to the oft rrpi-sidl bul none tlie erroneous aiM-rHun that only wi ll known writers of e1iil)l!.-ln d lllcry reputation aie able to find a place fur tln ir work In the rr.a:'7.Inea. Exactly the contrary Is true. The Ladles' Home J.-urnal, t uisiiiiiiuij U ooiii-.I-ord, bits Hi i k. or four in-w vni '' H o riH-i it Hi;d y " I p i - ' and h t!. oy.-r.-d :. hi Tnd" ';( fie . Regular Services. . ... PKE6BYTEBIAS CUUaCU. i Itev G L Ley burn, pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a m and 8 pm. Com munion 1st Sundays in January, April, July and October.. Sunday school at.4 p m, Thomas R. Foust, Bupt. Prayer meet ing every Thursday at 8 p m. . CKNTKNABT METHODIST CHCXCH, Rev. R B John, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 1-20 p m; Sunday school at 8:80 p m', T A Green, Superin tendent. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:80 p m. " Pellock Street Chapel Sunday school at 0:80 a m. Prayer meeting 8undav and Wednesday at 7 80 p m. - - ' CHRIST CHUBCH, - , ' - : Corner Pollock and Middle Sta. -Rev. T. M. N. George, Rector. Sun day service 11 a m. .Evening service 7:30 p m, - Holy Communion, 1st 8unday in month 11 a m, other Sundays 7:45 a m Sunday school 4 p m; Mission Sunday school at Chapel 2 30 a m. ' Week Days Wednesdays Sam; Fri days 0am and 8 pm; Holy days 10 a m. Thursday at All Saints' chapel 7:80 p m. XIDDLB BTBBBT BAPTIST CHUBCH. ' Rev. Hlgbt Q Moore, pastor. Preach Ing-evWy Sunday fl a'm and 7 B) p nC Sunday school at 8 p m every Sunday frayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 80 pm. . K ' - , r ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC OHTJBOH. 1 - Rev. F. George, O. S. B., Rector; Rev. FPaul, O. B. B., assistant. : Mass and sermon, Sundays 10 80 a in; Vespers ser mon and Benediction at 7:80 p m. - Mass every day at 7:80 a m. Thursday at 7:80 p m Rosary and Benediction. - . St. Joseph's Csthollc church- for the colored people. 'Mass - and sermon, Sun days at 2 a m, Sunday school at 8 p m. All are invited.' . ' . I TABEEKACLS BAPTIST CHTJBCH. . 1 Servloes every Sunday 1 a m and 7:80 p m, conducted by Rev. A. H. Harnley rrayer meeting every weaneeaay even ing Sunday school 8:80 am, II B Duffy, Superintendent. ; ' ' . FOR SALE ! Ram Bargain. Canning Outfit, eipac Ity 8,000 8 lb. cans per day in At ondt tlon. ' Address R. 5'iersch, Raleigh, N. 0. Hilan Turnip Seed. Extra early Milan Turnln Seed at Clark's, Planted for early shipping. Re member J Alias F. CLAKE, UricK btore, nt ar Market (Dock. , - ., Brick For Sale. 1 The best quality on cars at Now Berr, for ' t -;-;-1 - " 9.35 Per,3f. In lots of Ten Thousand or More. . S. Iiucam, Wilson, W. C - ' Truck Jieans " At Clark's. ' Valentines, Mohawks, btrindeas. Green Pods. Jambs F, Clsbk, Brick Store near Market Dock. "We have Just '-I? Beautitul Asj- Cambric and Nkinsook i Embroideries, T7hich we Invite the -Ladies to Call and . - ' ' - , Examine. D. F: JARVIS. 83 POLLOCK STREET. A Occing Yacht re:; Full working drawings and instructions for building a Racing Catboat that any body can Imlld, to ct complete, $ "0. Bund, montlnulng this paper, for full particulars. Address TISH KUDDCRTUrj. CO., Murrny Street, Kew York f . i I I,.--..- - -1 I Ml: Who ever sawthe like before, said the lit tle biy. I am too scared to run and sea a good Buggy at $5 00, but I am not afraid of any vehicle which bear tbe ' name-of the most reliable and up to-date Buggy builders at View Bern, N. C k G. II. Waters & Son, , 78 Broad Street. -'"" , MuBook Store i J Orders taken for anything in J 1 our lino, not la stock and filled on 5 S short notice. hj Special attention given all jiall orders.' ' y 6.H. Ennett. I , t - . LOANING MONEY ! , Loans made. Loans placed. Apply to ISAAC H. SMITfl, 180 Middle utreet, New Bern, N. C. Fittings Appliances . For the Bathroom Lavatory, Closet al well as for tbe Kitchen, you will find In all the new Im provements and conveniences In our stock of Supplies. ' 'We will fit up your bathroom with anything required, as well as doing alj kinds of Repairs Gas and StesnfPtttlng in an expert manner, and at reasonable prices. . . Hyman Supply Co U 'Phone 63. - 49 OUAVBS 8TBERT Notice 1 8ale Under ,'V: , ExsutfoiisI':!:;; 'J NORTH CAROLINA, ! .:'-r.,-r,:', ; Craven County. . ' By virtue of the certain executions di rected to the undersigned from the court of S. It. Street, Justice of Peace, Craven county, and from the Superior Court ot Craven county, I will on Tuesday, the 80th (Jay of January, 1000, at 11 o'clock M., at the store on Middle street, Kew Bern, K. C, In the Planters Warehouse, sell to tbe highest , bidder for cash, to satisfy saliltxecutlons, all the right, title and intereai, wuica ins sata oanio A Duguld and James Duguld, defendants have In tbe following described personal properly, towit: ' : ;' T, ' ;. " ' , All the stock of goods in said ' store, consisting of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes' Hats' eta,' being the surplus over and above, tbe personal properly exemptions of said defendants. 1 , '' JOSEPH KIN SET, Sheriff ' ' This 19th day of January, 1900. ; . t Notice of Salei ; ; Collectors' Office, 4th, District, , - Raleigh, N. O. Notine U hereby given of the ssle of the following properly forfeited to tbe United Stales for violation of the In terest Revenue laws. Belred st New Born, N 0. Nov 14, '09 from J. r. Rodman, R L. D by U. M. Babbitt, Deputy Collector, One I'kge containing gallons, corn whiskey . The sbove properly wjll be sold lo the highest bidder for cash, st the Govern ment Building In tin U.ty i-f New Bern, N. C. on tbe Will day of Jsnuary 1900 at 13 o'cloqk m. . E. C. DukC, ColVclor 4th, District, N. C. Py 0. M, llAiiniTT, Deputy Col. 5th, Dir. 4th, Olst., N. C. Jnnuaiy IS, 0. A I.IT1N A 1 ' '.' S We-: - We 4nv(te - tnspedionof oar first shoeing of White Goods for this com- ing Spring, : Oar first invoices have ar- rived and we; will with deasure show X you some of, the popular goods that x X ViNl be VDom this Spring and bummer f The-prtces are tnvariabh the same as o last year; ho advance $ will hot promise any 5 prices In our first showina of White Goods a J will be found heavy Nainsook, Sheer J. ' t English Nainsook, French Lalton, French Y r-J! - - r j.. ' .. .:-:.y P; v . jryoimcs wryanuy 20cto 75c per yard mull, very sheer and fine SdkMull, with satin stripe in pink, blue and white ; 30c yard , Persian LaTms, India Linons, Checked i r ' ' Nainsook, Pique Dimity, Striped Nam- sook x ' Welts in plain and fancy figure ; Mercerized Pique, something new -V' and elegant for waists $ K IVp nfvn vfivrii a 1zrne lint? nf Vstf V W hWSW Vllt Amf SVSV Laces and Embroideries in entirely nety patterns and all over Lace and Embrdi- dery, aw aj Jf - hiTe it is ne - 0 MARKS New Line of Caps We have just received a new line of Hen and' Boy's Caps of the latest styleS'and at low prices. 99 MIDDLE STREET, During th coming year we bavej resolved to do bnsineu as we hATe, - . -1.3 .' " ':A:-Ck':'-:-We grJarantee satisfaction on ererr article fwld, and alwajs refund the money when anything proTei 'nn- satisfactory.'. j -C'v"; ; "We are strictly a One Prico Store and are Satisfled wir.h Small Proilta. Call and See For Yourself. J.- G. DUNN & CO., 67 Pollock Street. - YOUR PRINTED: STATIONERY la an Index to your Business. Then why not nsc the best. Wo do lb V'bf-t,' Olrnnest, Neatest J'di Vi'.iik of all shell. V.'o i.We the lln.t Work, Hie Beat Pa p. r ' , the I t Ink, and charis j.iu leiei --' f-- it lliun you pay fur lb GccgIg II Whatever, but we . duplicates at these , j prices mnge from , J sVMf WW . W S I V U(f www .( S.W f s W v J V - - - . - - COMPANY - 1 .J - t -NEW BERN, N .0:-.fe, We Wm!m WhdoyouWatih( ; We want everybody to kn-iw we aro, going to sell the bcrt Clrainleas Bicycle ; for fiOOO and Best Admiral- for t00 ' , Would be glad to. have you come and examine our stork.': -, , :- A i.W trade eew.wheels for old onrs. ''f ' :. : Ws nave on bard a laire qnanllty of : TlMf, all kinds from ft 50 lo $3 50, r ' - -i- And other i article that lelofig to a blcyola. ; ; ... :-J' .' ' ". ' ' (I ASKING CTCLI t:0MPANT. Planters Building, ' ' '-x' peeking l . ht 1 ; ; ; We will be at our store, '- ' CirnisB liaven and Soul la Front Rlrwta, from Juny. . , 1st, 1900,; until 'further " . , notice, Bnd will glujlly' Receive) the Little Balance II f " May Be Due Us, and to T! : Orders For HatJw fj rieaso 1'0 t'firc to C.'i. ., Wishing you ft i one. and Imppy K-.v wo lire, ' I"- I -v i . r. . i