e N. 0., SUNDAI MOUSING,. JANUARY 21 1900. VOL, XVH--N0. 201. fi Z. '.V x EIGHTSKVTJ YEIR. 7 A A w t E. Hackhurns i Is the Wace to Trade.?) Eritish Defense Committee Cabinet Maintain Silence. A to A V7 7 i4 Goods First-class and Guaranteed; (fA ft ' 4 , ' Every body is usingour 20c Mocha $ J?J and Java Coffee and our L XL. FW. -W . . " f In ,v !T. . ,3. . in ...... J. " ft - . . . . ft I HACKBURNi " 1 ' 4- StSto 1 ft " - Ay fir r; iS it - Largest and Finest . Stock' of : Ever - ", Found in , New Bern. HATOftO AT 1 11 m uuiovo.AXauuiv)) . - fSiK? SlV Buggies 1 Wagons Harnesses Robes I havo moved to the Broad Street Stables purchased of J." W.' STEWART, where-1 shall 15a glad to meet all friends and customers." 1 .i Truck Sink. r-..i txtm. I'm!? Tmi k Tewi IK' I. fl llli-l!l. r J.VKM r. I I.VXK, I n 1 1 lie It t. (-', i.tMf Jlnri-t Ifcrll '35 5 C7o to - . . Wood Yard, t""' L II; CUTLER (1 ApnrfAprrpc Dispakheg Unfarorable to British. Arms Plentiful From Antl-Brii-Ish Sources. Humor of Bui- ' ler'n Armf BetreatloK. . Carontta Loral To ' British Throuo. Special to Journal. Losdoh, Jan.. 27 Dlspatchet nar rating operations prerlonb to tbe capture and abandonment of Sploa Kop, aeem to sbow increased activity on the part pf the Boers. There was a Boer- reconnolsance near Cheveley on Tuesday. : v -Sy-; . K dispatch from Lady smith, dated Jano ary 2Ut, saya the Boer laagers (camps) 1 1 the neighborhood hate not been removoj since General Bullcrt movement began uot even those behind the Idge over looking the Tugela river. Tho Boers are said to be concentrating near Acton Homes, a few miles, north west of Splon Kop. 5 ' , ,v" The Times correspondent in a dispatch from Frere, dated 84th aays, the Boers are always digging trenches when out of range of the British guns-and work within range whenevei the shells allow them to do so. They are also bringing up fresh guns, and every prisoner caught says the Boers will never let-the British reach Ladysmitb. ' , Kkw - York,. January J T. Special.-' The Evening World in a special from London, says, it Is reported at 'the 1U1V tury clubs, and cabled to the World with all reserve.- that the .Cabinet Ouftsnsi Committee this afternoon decided upon the grave step of authorizing General White to capitulate Ladysmitb, both upon the ground of humanity and policy. In order to save, further drains upon General Buller's army. : . General White is said to hare - heliographed that he could nq longer hold the town, and that his plight was terrible. ' 'ew TobK, January 27. Special fhe Evening World, has the following ipcclal from Berlin, "which It publishes tor what it Is worth "It-is said in this city, (Berlin) today, Abat officials of the German Foreign office bad received in- formation, confirming the, report that i bo army dlvlsion.under General Warren tiad boeen crushed by the Boers. .. : -.-r- LondoN, January ' 87. -Special An important meeting of (he Defense com mittee Cabinet waa held In the War office this afternoon." . Bir . hioUael tliclu-Beach, came to town to purposely attend, and Mr. Chamberlain cave up Important engagements for the . samo reason, . Lord Wolseley, commandVr-in chief was also, present. ' : . . ., . No mention is made hers of the report circulated In the United States that Gen eral Clery had been defeated by the Boers. When last heard from Geitoral Clery waa participating In General War ren's movement. ' ,- . . s . , -: Camutta, January "87. Special A monster moeitug of Hindoo and .11 1- bamuiedans was hold iu the city ball to day. , ' - resolution was passed profesi-lng answervluK loyally and attachment- to the British throne, and decided to offor prayers for tha victory of the BrltWb la all tbtlr places of worship. London, Jon 27 Special In connec tion with the meetlug of the Defense Committee Cabinet, today, a rumor has been reiterated that the War Office- in concealing the eravojt kind of news from Upper Tugela river. ': ; . The report ven goes so far as to say that tl.e forcis of General Bullcr are in full retreat. - It Is impossible to deny or conllrm such reports, as tha War offl te uisiu tains a strict slleace. Berlin, Jan. 27 Special An alleged llspatcn, said to come from Pretoria, say tte.BrllUh losses at Splon Kop were 8 J0 killed, 1500 wounded , This dispatch comes through Brusxela, and does not receive much credit la llii city. . , LiDTsMiTH, Jan. 31 By runner via Frere Camp, Wednesday, Jan. 24 The garrison Is watching General liullur's guns shelling the Boers . Tbelr fire can be very effective. The movements of the Boers show ibat tbey are evldonlly de tvruilned to stubbornly oppose Die ad vance of the relief column. 'I bey tliow no elgns of removing their guua ami have inounUd m-w oni s and aie comln ually strenr;hi'uliig tbelr fortlllcntlons Our fi)ttitic-at lnna bavu bf'U (jt,rl!lv St ri-ngl hi-nt-il ttlnce JumiHry CLlj, and Ladjuiniib la now practically inipri'ni. b'.e. Owlni? to tbe diy callicr thu fcvi r bHU (Hiijiii.i cl and tha nuni'icr of cii- tmltu- Such authorities as Major-Uenu- ral bir Frederick Carringtou, who is un der orders for South Africa, and Lord Clifford, who won tbe Victoria Cross while scouting for Lord Wolaley (luring the Sulu war, would not be surprised to hear of the capture of General White's force within a week. Lord Gillord, who knows the country like a book, could not understand how iu the world (.lensial Warren even got to the top of Splct; Kop without ascertaining what position com manded it.- - .- .. --; State Tax Valuations - War. Democrat Wanted to II i Fusion Ticket. Ki publicans IH.xlike 'Aiupndinint lasn.: Prrva THE KENTUCKY CONTEST. On Contest In House of Representatives ' Goebellte Win. - , -Speclalta JournaL r Fbahkfobt, Ky., January 27 -The first test vote in the Goebel-Taylor gub ernatorial contest, between the riva factions in the House of Bepreseutailve? took place today, over the . contest be tween Van Meter, democrat, . and Berrs republican, the Goebelitea won In two reports before the contest, commltief, four republicans uniting in dac!a-lnt Berry was entitled to seat. Lonj, demo Armt tm9rnA Van IfntAr ' J Both side recognized that wlill thtj vote would not be decisive in the guber natorial contest,' yet it would indicate within a few votes. The vote was 51 to 4o7four member not voting. - . The republicans tried to prevent a vote Mho last moment but - failed. Tua an nouncement of the vote was greeted, b) loud cheers. - "- - A ' The Honse immediately adjourned until Monday morning. " . : ..v .; .? ; It is believed the Legislature- will ue- claieGoebel governor next week. MINISTER FROZEN TO DEATH. -Escaped From Hospital. xWas- Prominent - Lutheran Pastor in Brooklyn. Special to Journal. r - . HEADino, ra., Jan, Kev. u. u Strodach, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, Brooklyn, N-.X'; for thirteen years, and lately of. Pinegrove, Pa y wis found frozen trj death here this moinlng He hsd been a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, but left the hospital last bight unknown to his nurses " He was found in the city park this morning, in an un conscious: comlillou and taken to the city hall where restoratives wereapplied in vain. Mr.,- Strodach waa Que of the greatest pulpit orators among the l'enn syiranla Lntlieran ministers. . - . " -DiS.U.Kli.i IN WILL STAND ALOOF. - AtUlude (United States On Contraband ' " Of War Question. ' , Nkw ToitK. Jan. 28. The Herald will publish the following dispatoh " from Washington tomorrow: "It h aulbort tatlvely atat4. that If. approached by Germany or any other power to enter in to a general arrangement defining tbe rights of neutrals and announcing what shall be considered contraband -of war this Government wlty decline to lake part tn the negotiations i '" v : .- "Tbs attention of the authorities to aq agreement-of this character -was directed by the speech made by Baron von Bulow in response to an interrogatory - in the Reichstag It was stated today by an of. flclal Ifl a posltlou to discuss tha. matter that during The Hague conference the American representatives submitted pro. posals that ail private- property at sea Should iu time of war be respected. The conference refused to accept such a pnn clplo. 1 his Government will cerUlnh not restrict Itself, it Is dald, to principle tiioh are less comprehensive tbad those ft has hitherto suggested."- '- miisB. Before The Dr . FB TbtrKicld, Health Inspector c Chicago, says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Curt cannot be lei ommeiided too bihK'. cured ine of sever dyspepsia." It digest what- you eat and cures Indigestion, heartburn and 'ell forms of dyspepsia V 8 Duffy - POSSESSION OF HEMP POSTS. ' : i tiou Of lh Buffalo. . ' "Ballle'a Hlstnr'i- ' " i eal Work. ' , RT,Btan, January STr'The Si ate Au ditor asked to give some figures regard ing the tax valuation of property iu tlib State at the beginning of the civil war at its close and at present In reply say. the valuation of real estate In 1811 war was 1125,000.000, and In 1S83 Was: 181 000,000, While in tha latter year - Blave were valued at 18,000,000. In 1842 th- debt Is given as $14,812,000. InHijor real estate was valued at $97,00i,OQ0.,iu I8t6 the debt was $B,28,033. The present bonded debt is $3,570,000, while the val uation of property Is 1289,897,000 . ., Joe" Ramsey, a .well known, lecturer from Tennessee, , has been engaged to make a month's tour of the State W lec ture to the Epworth Leagues. The Stale Snpertatendent of Public In struction asked Dr. Kemp P. Battle,- ex- president of the Stale University, to pre pare k ketches of tho ex-presldenis,.-of that institution for publication In the Snparlntendeut s ,. reportv Dr. Battle's sketches of .early schools In forth .Caro lina are not only very valuable coutrlbo- j-loos, but .extremely, interesting.: He writes the Superintendent that, he had decided not to do anything more - along this historical line until he hadBn:shed history -of North Carolina, but that he willprepare jho desired sketches and will begin with . David Ker, president- professor, who opened the University In 173!), and who was the entire faculty force for two or three months.:: ,. , - The exterior work and slating of the annex to the Stato Museum is comple ted and the-windows are In place..' The annex, extends lo wllhin m few feet of the Stats Library building, a driveway alone separating them. -..The, buildings may he connected by a covered way above, , ; ' - " The Populists are "evidently trying to bait some Democrat to go on tbe fusion Slate, ticket. .They . haven't found. one, but are trying to brllie. ' : Governor ltuscll is rarely heard-of ibeso days. Hu has dropped out of sight. Nolblrig could be more tor his liking than ilia present condition of "innoc ucus desuetude." Cue of the questions proper at tbit time, is where are those Populists In high places who said In 48 hours after the election of 1898 Uut the white peo ple of North Carolina wouldhe griev otisly disappointed it the franchise were not takeq from the negro? -They are On record as bavlngl made the positive dec Jjarultott. ' The National Guard Association urges Congress to give it (j,f0(000 (his year, In order that the force may hi brought to uniformity of equipment, eVo.'. If such an appropriation is madothia Stale. instead-of receiving romo (10,000, would get (i0,0. Tho old arsenal yc'disBgnres' capltol snuaro, as It has done since 1837, Tbe new arsenal and tha Hall of record?; two much-needed public bull lings, are hold: lng buck tiulil tho Legislature meets and makes an appropriation.' - -. t Tbo KepuUlicans are "hacked" ss it gards the constitutional ' amendment. They will deny . this, but it Is truo. ' A cbango has come o'er ihe spirits of the! dream-, duriag the past week. They am tiegtnnln.r in see whu the (tinociollo d-jt'urmlnallon rvally is Eugene L, l'arltor, of Ualcigh, ulass'of 1890, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, has beuu appolutot assistant chemist of Ibo Yirglnla-Carollaa Chemi cal (Company. The demand for Agri cultural and Mechanical College grad uates Is to great that Mr. Parker Is called away before be can Complete hts post graduate work and obtain his second degree. " ' ' ., -ThcStnlo board of .education ha re. ctlve-1 tho following letter from tbe Buffalo Preservation Society, of Kansas Clly, Mo.: "A movement has been inaugurated lay this important matter before your teachers and scholars and urge' then) t ' each write a letter to some renator oi Corgressman at Vt ashingtnn, j leading for llie',pssaage of tbe Baker buHali bill and the. profervallon of the nob!t buffalo . . The rute of valuation certainly varies widely in North Carolina, as the rep in of the corporation . comipission shows III' Alamaxcj) It Is only' OS ccits on the ,100 valuation, w uiie iu Transj 1 vania n . . . . A.- , . n.. t - f. i t arierei n is si m. in ouauonio it is 00 cents, Guilford '& cent. Mi ckltn xirg l 10 2-8 cents As to cities ami owns the rate is $U73 at .. Wilmington ;harlotl 1, Balulgh $1 23 1-3, Ashe- vilie 00b , Greensboro $1.30, New Peru lii cents" - . k , i ,. ' -: Bishop Galloway,, of the Metbodb.1 Church, will yl-dt this State In March and wilfpreaoh and speak at a number 4f places, lie will devote week to 1h' tflue Hidge section. ' - ' ' - . . Sxpttnstve Advlo. : De Tan que "The doctor told Guzzler that if he would stop drinking he'd be a new man."-. ' - . ; O'Soaque "What did Guzzler do t" De Tan que "Got a new doctor." '----- "(' 'i " 1 1 i 'iMSMi i i I " "- i'":--3.- Tbe modern and most effective cars for eonstlpatloa and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as DeWltt's Uttle Early Itlsers. V S Duffy. , V , 5 5 la . 3 Coffee, Chocolate and McSorley's. " - ' ' Sandwiches at FOR: SALE ! ; Hare Bargain. : Canning Outfit, capac ity 8,000 3 ib. cans per day in Al omrii- tion. Address B Gierscti, Raleigh, N. O I have abimt 8 down Stilt Boaont Mon arch Shlrte left In the latest stripes that I will sell for 85c, worth l. -- -' . I will sell my Winter Goods at a Big Reductloo-ln ordar-to make room for fHnrinir Gondii. 'Vt ' a ww . v . " ' . .. n Cull early. , . - , R. H : BAXTER, Stubborn FIjht ahd Many Filipinos Killed ' .. at LegaspL. . Manila, January 20 A dispatch from Sorsogon, dated Thursday, January 20, .nv 11, (..,t(l(pr-nnn(.r,il Ivi)hht.a Axiif'rfi- tlon has occupied Sorsogon, Dunsol, Bu- ni bl" tntr.,iced by Senator Baker, Ian, AU.y anil Logaspl, Luzun, and Virtc, Catanduancs I.iUud. c ' . The only riiHl:in(.-e was at Loaspi, b(Me 8)0 Flliplnm were Inlrenrlicd. Alter Ilia tilit It wn fiiiiii-l IU A 'Jiiptaln iisur.ick w i, I d r-.i ,i.i- 1 1, tM bi ill!-, j) PI' . ..ic Tl h..lS' il Kiliils of- iy ail Hi fo-.. . :.t ',, I ic f"rn 1 liu Inlon ( (,f .;.! t liU h.-iru: II' ti h p : 1 1 m i :l t'O'iJis l.uvill ' txliU . and hi Am- ric hh i illy d.-K I mid li wo ivi-ii- f-'tiinl iniutcl I Jim t!icr it f c 1 ...; in lh. s,- pru im m i il l III! I' M . of . Hi I L'.-u N i-h in l,i I .. r i , wore im it d ; .',1 0'iO 1 U'l 7't- -' I hll'I ill!) ml of Ksnfli utiliiiL' aside, the unurveyed wild lantl in southeastern New Mexico for the purpose of perpetuating tbe b iffa'o, which, as a i-peclcs, la fto Dear ly (x".ni-t. I hu bind ii of nn valiio to the i: vcTiiuif'il I, or f.ir 11 mH".l('..l;T an l ilrj I-u ! il, i and the ripia-o of l!i JElltia Turnip fifeed. Extra" early Milan Turnip Seed al Clark's. -Planted for. early shipninir. - He memW James jT. 'Clabk, Brick' Btoro, nt M Marlti s Ubckr . w , r LOANING MOSEY ! r Loans made. Loans placed. . Apply "to ISAAC H. SMITH,' ISO. Middle street. New Bern, H. C. y- , t . - Shift Sale! - WIIINl FREE. ' x Truck ISeai At Clark's. ValentlDPS, Mqhak, btrlncless. Green Pubj. Jamks . Clark, Brick Store, near Market Deck VV-V- . VIP""111"-1 - t:h " - -' :;x,We have Just; .Heceived a .EeautLtul -As--sortmeiit ol . . v .1 r-. . .- -i .- Cambric and Nainsook , . Embroideries. ' Which we invite the - Ladies to Call and ' Examine. D. F. JARl'IS. 83 POLLOCK STREET. 2 BO &fQ llilsiHst received a fresh lot of Ovster Oranltflrs. 7 , . - Unmla Hisuui Sundard Soda Crackers, Fancy - -5 C- -i "'J?re8b. Ettckwhea Oatflakee, Grits, Bie Hominy, -J v Rico. . 1 . 1 f ' w ' , - Small Hams, f Breakfast Strips, and English, 5-- . Cured Shouldeis. . " -'' ,l 5 Dried and Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Fan- - ' . ct Prunes. -' A . -" 1 'Fresh, Canned 1 -v. 1 ' Goods of U kinds, t- . , ' Another lot that nice 80c Table Butter. Anything you want in Groceries at Bock Bottom- i Prices. :. " ' ir cut' i.I b,!. pr, inii-niMii. I In tliu ? tif ,m- l'l vin tl!1 t i i i: i.Ih I 1! ., ,t 1' -,,v, 1 11, If. I vi.'.t, I by 111. :il phil UlUiio. lo Who I ur- . Hi r t'lt-i Li 011, fl-C In 11 li 11.- u 1 ' A'.. tt-l --I ! I , r t!: 'od, Sawed to Si; .1 1 I...I.I. ,! ;i r.ir.I 1 1. :;n,iniiiti i d ' .n il nlnTtt H)DY, :.!f SI IV I.. J. L. McDANIEL, Phone 91. , i., . : .. 1 .1 n ' 1 - - . ' . Wholesale fc IKetail Gfoeer,) 71 Brcn4 U. E. f. ft. J; i MeadowACo. -MANUFAOTUEEES- Grade Special Guanos.. - 5 If you farm on the intensive system and for profit, yot mnst use HIGH GRADE UUANO. Our Goods are specially adapted for this section. ' ' ; . mm 1 Potato . Cabbage Used by the largest and most successful farmers in this section. Their Field Uesults speak louder than Words. SPnCIU, GUANOS FOB ATjIs CHOPS. Use Meadows' GOLD LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried and rrue) for Color, Silkiness and Fine Teiture. Manufactured in ihe bright leaf section of the State, and specially prepared for the needs of bir land. If interested send for leaflet of analysis and testimonials. Our 1900 Calendar also for the asking. - ; E! H. & f. A. MEADOWS :.C0.; Works:,. Union Point New Bern, N. C. LUXURIES for the FASTIDIOUS, b. M-. ATtWadi Vours As well as Deceasarlee for the every day table, can be secured from onr choice stock pf Canned Good in glass and tin, Our exquisite Pre serves, Jelly, etc., as well as' onr fine Vegetables in tin, are the beat. Our Peas should be tested tbey have natural twee triers and flavor that yon seldom find , in nanned peas. ;-.;t.V. -..f.;. 7. Don't forgot our 80a M ocha. and fava Coffee. Give 01 a call when in nred cf any thing in our line 'and we will sava yoa money well as giving yea the heat and C freihesl roods to be had. Wa also - hAVA ft turn r.Ailntrv Hinuff. m&H ' adiwj. that Ifyc lb. r s - : 1 ' '.-x- AV-.J-iV rs for Business, 1 ,v . S. J. R. PARKER, JR , GROCER,1;? 'Phone 69. : 77 Brbad Street. , S . - ;:-v'i-?v-.'i':-:V.:.- - C Snata Clatis Makes No 1 f I,ibta!:c I 4 . Wliea ho chrowa foij liu JXmaj feiei from oir stofa oi F.n - tv , Stilde GiOt3rrics. Our I, ivol s, " Flour for your Xmiu lmkin;-, enr V, supeior and exqubll 'y I - in I , V ColfK and Teaa, Our I'nn I'ui'- r' dlur, Rtliahia, Cryitnll'ttl l'ra It x ! ami Oiuf er, Foren aid Dimes:. j ilo hTfe, Foi Biver i'r nt Hi tter "ol Imirb's Minis Mm. wllf welwi h tbe lnvr cf tb.jcO!'. noleiir. ?"s havo In a lnrfn ti.i; n e t f' iiutiful Kiil.imiiz.io (..'. iy and It Is fine. i i U-tv g i, Finl A;iilt-9 and Tn i i -, in f ,t l FVi-rjiliirij f.'h-p nil r-- j- . -.- 4. a. v.v ---- - ..- .r ' -' .- ' J. i.j. ' - '4 X ' - 1 It t en j? 3 aa -V" " - it

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