TL JOURNAL. l every dsy in the year, except .$ Middle street - ; . Poonb Ho. 8. -".V Honda CIS LES L. STEVENS, - ediioE AHD PttOPBIBTOR. BUICIUPTION BATES. , One year, la dnce......v -.-M-0 : One year, not in advance.,.,. ..v.. 8-00 t Monthly, by carrier in the clty.y-u .60 Advertising Kates furnished on applt cation J 1 :: Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, N. C., as second class matter." ;4nielal Jar of New Bera CT- " Craven County. anil Hew BernJ N. C, Feb. 11, 1900.; ' ' THE GOSPEL OF SELF HELP, ""la recent editorial in this paper, in '. which was shown the folly of any town :,t waiting for "outside capital" to come 'along and develop its resources, while .-. itg own'heme'people sat idly down with out making effort, the basis of this edi torial was prompted by the splendid ex- i ample of the peeple of Charlotte, in this State, who have turned to luemwjireo, v promoted, schemed, developed and built "opacity. 4g" . -" That outside men and capital came in and further assisted in Charlotte's .up " building, was simply an irresistible con '1 "sequence, foi busy men Inspire -workers to -work, while idle men breed more ' ""Idlers.',. ' As another example of the strict ap- plication of the Gospel of Self Help, the Joubnal would cite the people of Kins ton as a note worthy one, for certainly as aailck-and-work-together crowd, the . people Of Klnaton can shew-an example ... worthy of Imitation by the people ot . any town or city in North Carolina. As a result, Klnston's growth in all - v line is rapid, and by Its local confidence w in Us Own development, money seeks investment there, and Its business men ' can easily borrow money for new enter v j prises, because of this local self helpful feeling. i ' -i Iv: - . A committee fully inspired by this v ' Gospel of Self help, does not -depend upon natural physical, oi geographical advantages of location to go ahead. The fact is that such a community is v Tisqallylndifferent, or dead, so far as ""T seeing anylocal disadvantages, v its people re teo busy, planning, pre i. '-motlng and developing, to sit down and ; Jl A ont dlsceuragtng features. " They simply go ahead with work, al v Waysr-work, -end there is no obstacle -. Whlcli can withstand a -working-together iiommunUyi-y . -'" With natural geographical ad- ' Vantages, with nature friendly as regards -climate and toll productions, have as a - vtila mncK to enntend with. VThs people live easy. Light work . ' :; . ' - 'C provides animal sustenance. If the nat adTantajei for commerce and de-:- '.Bkvt''i brought up, it is dls VlH-'S-'-Wii4 and only discussed with nothing ;;;V?Jfttrther,bjrj the sltters-on-thc-barrel-; "'v.5'' leads-brlgad. ? ' i .Hvi The "outside capital" delusion finds ' ' .aasy and permanent lodgment in such - C .' S' communities and generations come and - ' " ? go; with no development, and the nai ral advantages always the theme of the ' ''l"dierW;;'u'i . , . ' ; . ' The Gospel of Self help is one which needs local application, where the peo pie have not learned of its benefits, and the sooner itl application is made, the , better for 14 community which lacks this essential for development and . growth.!';''';! '''' ' '...... '.'LJl-i . . 100 KXWABD aioo. The 'readers of ; this paper will be plcancd to learn that there is at least ae dreaded SiseaM that science has been . able to cure in all Its stages add . that is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is the only posltiva cure now known to the medical fratornity. .Catarrh being a con stHutlonal dlseace, requires a eonitltu-1 tlonal treatment, Ball's Catarrh Core is taken Intcraally, acting directly upon ' U bloiand mucous surfaces of the system, theieby destroying the foonda lion of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building ap the con stitution and assisting nature In doing . Its work.- The proprietors have e much faith la Its riiratlre powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fall to core. Send for list of Testimonial . ';' -. v. '' i; AdJrens, r.J.CnENETJkCo. ' s 4v.kv. ..; Toledo, O,, , Bold 1 ! Pnirs i ragglsts,75e, - - ' , illy P11U are the bestr ' - ., Wrong, ' ' i too often consists of a will id money. , . iftcliltls every winter. for ni Hi lne ave me pcrma 1 1 l ran to take One Alia- I know it Is the best ii in," says J. Koonlr,, ulikly euros congha, ', grippe and throat It Is the rhlidreQ'i ' unu quickly. F. 8 . A Cork Safe. ' - ' -1-"The most curious sufe 1 ever saw," aid a traveling man, "was a cork one, and It was made by an ingenious Dutch mechanic for ( one time famous con fidence man named Dr. Baggs, who op erated in Denver, Bait Lake City and Frisco. ': The safe was a folding affair, made ot paper on a backing of sheet cork, and, when it was opened up, was sir feet high and -looked exactly like the real thing. A it wire-always placed In a- corner, it Jiad only two aides, but every visible detail was complete combination knob, - hinges, ; lettering, bolt head and alL : When folded. It could be carried In an ordinary dress suit case.' Baggs Used the thing In a fake lottery office which was of Itself a marvel of trick furnishing. - ': "When the victim entered the-plaee, It looked like an ordinary, business es tablishment, wlttrdeeka, railings, maps on the walls, safe in the comer and several clerks at work Ob books; The Instant be left 8, roll top-.desk was opened, up Into a bed, the railing was folded together and slipped Into a closet,- table' t was transformed Into a washstandr a cabinet turned Into a bu reau, the safe Was put ayny lu Its case, the curtains were pulled j,nvn, and the room was to all appeorauces a simple sleeping: apartment By 'thaT means the poor dupe Was never able to-find the place where he had been bunkoed." New Orleans Times-Democrat. , . Re4 Tap Hlaatrated. v.-1 ' - A correspondent passing hurriedly Into the room-Of the committee on riv ers and harbors pulled the knob off the door.?; i ;,i,y 'v1 V " ; "How can I get that fixed, do you think r asked the congressman. "Shall T trtkt thA'fMinipntpr ni tlia Itwlcamlth?" lockBmlth. 1 suppose."- "No, sir. - Were I to send for the lock Smith he- Would tell me to consult the architect - of the capltoL He baa no authority to fix doorknobs. Doorknobs are permanent fixtures and are solely within the jurisdiction of the architect of the capltoL" ! '-':,v .' - -"Do you see' that bookcase there?" wttyihe committee secretary. . "I caus ed the-enrpenter to paste tome cloth on the Inside of the gstss. doors In order that tbe books might not show. He did the work, but when he bad finished I noted that he had not cleaned the glass before he put the cloth on. The thing looked so disreputable, that .1 asked him why he had. not cleaned the glass. He told me that the glass was a permanent fixture and, that he bad no authority to touch It, but that the plac ing of the cloth upon It was a tempo rary matter and was entirely within the province of bis labors. The whole thing's got to be done all over again.". Washington Cor. Cleveland . Plain Dealer. . ;y- --?T.-:, ' : . '-- ", '', fib Didn't Bar . -i ; ' The following story will sbor the high price that Illustrators -of reputa Hon command for their work: A young woman who-bad -received treatment from Dr. S. Weir Mitchell of Philadel phia and was very fond of him decided, at a recent celebration of bis birthday, that a fitting and appropriate ' gift would be the presentation of one Of the original drawings of Mr, Howard 1'yle for "Hugh Wynne.", Forthwith she ln vadod The Century company's ' Sanc tum and, with her fingers tenderly grasping a new f 10 note, asked to buy tbe drawing, fihe was informed that these pictures' were never sold unless exceptions were made in cases where the artist himself or the author wished to make the purchase.- ... - " " i- . "Just so," said the" young woman.' "1 wish toTresen It to Dr. Mitchell." "Ah, in that case," said the gentle man at the desk, "we shall take pleas ure In giving It to yon at the exact price we paid-for It which Is $100." . The Httle lady In her excitement drop ped the $10 bill. The gentleman at the desk picked It up for her and smiled while she "hurriedly . took .her departure.- The good doctor was presented with a less appropriate gift that year. New York Times. ' ."-",.'.'t.r v : -'- - Clear aai t taa Iolai. - ' . The following. Is taken from a hotel advertisement In the Calcutta Times: "Gentlemen who come Id hotel not say anything about their meals ttwy'wlll be charged for; and If they shojld say beforehand that they are going out to breakfast or dinner., eic.v and If they say that tbey not have anything to eat they will be charged, and if not so they will not be charged, or unless they bring It to the notice of the manager of the place, and should tbey -want to say anything tbey must order tbe manager for one, not any one else, and .unless tbey bring not It to the notice of the. manager tbey will be charged for the least things according to the hotel rate, and no fuse will be allowed afterward about It" -. -frfSV? hn'i " ' 11 A Paallry Prabtaaa. , v' " A Sonrervllle man borrowed a neigh bor's ben on tbe pretense that be want ed bet to sit.. As soon as be got tbe ben be broke up tbe sitting balrfl nod got her to laying eggs, - In the next sis weeks she laid two dosen eggs. Those be sold for 40 cents a dosen. and with tbe 80 cents that be gut, for them b bought tbe hen, : Now the question arises whether th original owner of the hen was fooled or not. Somervlll K v .-'"'.'" ' - t" -'" ; :A MlalMetaa- !.. '- Johnny-Old Mr. Skinflint, must' be eQ awfnl genereus'inan,'-. '-fl ,rHhi Father Why t J... w.-r,i : ' Johnny The paper says he "constant lykeepe a good, watch on everybody In his employWewelers' Weekly. "I think I would go crazy with pain were It not fof Cbaroterlaln's Pain Balm," writes Mr. W. H. Stapleton, Hermlnle, I'a. "I have been sllllcted with rheumatism for several year and have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medicine I have got bold of." One application relieves the pain. For sale by F. B. Duffy A Co. . : MorcTbaa Paaalar, ; ' '. , "V-.- ' He Is a Italy popu'ar man who can meet another man with a bod ot the back of his neck and refrain from offei lBradvico. "I had dyspepsia for years. No medl cine was so effective as Kodol PynpH. !n Curo, It gave Immrdiaie relief. Two hot tee produced mrv Ions ri"!'i." Writes L. II. Warren, Alliiny, W!. It (llj'i-sls what you em ap I ' in l f 1 l i cmiy F. 8, DnTy, 0 r Will be rouKed to its natural duties , -- and your bijhmani'ss, headaihe and 7 v-oou8ti(&Ljuii bo.. cured if yoa take iwwJiJ ' Irs 4 :fv1; - - Sold by all druggists. . SS cents, --. - Mr. Tucker- I tbintr I thalfglve up Hy business, my dear. 1 might as well have some good out of my money.. ; . . Mrs. Trucktt Oh,' not yet Samaall Bat when one of as dies, I shall give' bp housekeeping aail 'see-a little -tf the world. . -. y, -J-,. j Bemmlj For Menrooa KihuuaUon.' . Are you weakened and- exhausted by overwork, worry or disease? Tbe Mystic Life llenewer will quickly ' renewvyour. strength and vitality. ; It is Ate greatest Nerve Builder known- It . is a marvellous vitalizer and slrenglhene.' It quickly and certainly cures Loss of Appetite, Indigestion. Nervous Weakness, Palpi tation of the Heart and falling health.-It Is indeed a wonderful Life ltenewer and Life Strengthened Sold by T A Henry; druggist, New Bern. ' , Trunk Strap No Ttee. " - -" ' -;Xtttie Madge Have j our. folks a fami ly tretr - -t -" t" , i . Little Balph No, my pa uses a trunk alrap. . - . . -F 8 Duffy & Co gnaran tee every bot tls of Chambertaiu'u Cough Remedy and will refund the ir.oney to any one Who is n6t satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. ' ThisTs The best remedy in the world for 1a grippe, coughs, colds cronp.and wbooping,cough and Is pleas ant, and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold lo resultjln pneu monia ''. '". v.-' i . .. ." r. liuve Light. Omed, whispered the dark romantic maiden, what is the light of love? There is no belter medicine 'for the babies than Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy. Its pleasant taste and prompt andi effectual cures make It a favorite with mothers and small children. It quickly cures their ooughs and colds,' preventing pneumonia or other serious consequences It also cures croup and has been used In tens of thousands of cases "without a single failure so far as we have been able to learnt It not only 'cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. In cases of whooping cuugh it ' liquefies the lough mucus, making it easier to ex pectorate, and lessens the severity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing thus depriving that disease of all danger ous consequences.- For sale by F. 8 Duffy Co. -Sjobor Baoagbr' " "I have here a story " began the author. : " - ; "l'm full," interrupted tbe editor. "I know you're fall,'' replied the an ther, "but don't you think you're sober enough to look over this V MOZLKVB LEMON KJL1XIU. . A tlaaaaut.Lvmonrronle. , . ' ' prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, - aromatic stimulants. Sold by druggist, 60c and $1.00 bottle. For biliousness and constipation.- ?' For indigestion and foul stomach, - Ft sick and nervous beadacbes. - For palpitation and heart (allure take Lemon Elixir. - Ui ,- - : - For sleepleasnea and nervous pros trstion. . "v . For loss of appotite and debility. ' For -fevers, malaria " and chills Lemon Elixir. -???-('-Ui;;.- take Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Ellrlr. ; . ljemon jtuxir win not tau you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arias from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach or kidneys.1- - . ooc ana ci notties at ail arnggists, a Prepared only by Dr. H, Moiliy, At-jnta,Oa.- -, x : ' '-'fliThaCaiiltaU ;T' I have just taken the last of two bot tle of DrMotley's - Lemon ' Elixir - for cervons headache, Indigestion, with rils- easea liver ana itwney.. Tee Kilxir cared ne. 1 found it the greatest made cine I ever eied. ; .-v-.-. ; cjj - '-f 'S; J H Mbssicb, Attorney 1228 T. Street, Washington, D. O. " '; W. A." Junes, Bell statlon,wli"Ala., write: I have suffered greatly from in ¬ digestion or dyspepsia, ; one bottle ' of bernon Kiixir aone me more gooa than all the medicine I have ever taken.. . v. ; .' MOZLfra UCM09 ho dbop. '-2T turns' all Coughs, Colds, "Hoarseness Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases, Elegant reliable, f.-.uv - j . S6c at druggists. Prepared only by Drr) H. Mozley, Atlanta,- Qa. ::: . . riy- J It's often the man with large Ideas who I forced to crawl out of tight place. -' ' C If the reader of this shook) chance to know of any one who I subject to at tacks of bilious Colic h can-do blm no greater favor than to tell him of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It always give prompt tellef. For sals by F. S. Duffy & Co. - : ' Nell My corn hurt dreadfully. j Belle' You ughL-to be glad you're hot a centipede, - I... -1 1 j -M Is I Ho v( tllO Svnip, Onoof V fit t'f- in; i-iiii"li. il II 'Hi 'on; M'il nl run- tO ft 'l. i UiitlO: 1r"--! il v titic-hi'i rl: 'l l;r..l.i!,n W. 1 Tt- 1 ,.i t...til .ii ui I (., ,o 1 ' -i I . CONSTITUTIONAL AKENDXENT. Full Text of the Proposed Change In the s Horth Carolina Constitution j.-' ; - Section t. ' That article YI of the con-, stllutlon of North Carolina be,' and the same is Jiereby abrogated,' and la liuu thereof shsll be. substituted the follow ing article of said constitution. -"., -. - -v ' ABTICLB v. ':f.i SaOVafaand KllglhUlty ta-omea. Qaalill- r. cathmOf AaEIeor - Section 1. r. livery male person born In the Uallod States, and every 'male per. ton who has been naturalised,, twenty one years of ago, and possessing the qualifications set out in this article, shall be entitled to voto at any election by the people iw the Slated except as herein ItherwUe provided. ' , - f ' ; Seotion a.r He sbalThave resided In Ihe Slate of Noi th Carolina for two years in the county six months, and in the pre cinct, ward or other election district in which:-he- offers to vote, lour mon the next proceeding the election: provided. that renWal from one precinct, ward or other election district to another in the. same : county, shall not operate to de prive any person of the right to vote In tbe precinct, "ward or other-election die trlct from which be has removed, until four moths after such removal.- No per son who has been convicted, or Who has confessed his guilt In open court upon Indictment, of any crime, the punish ment, of which Is, or may-iereafter be, Imprisonment in the State prison, shall be permitted to vole,- unless the said person shall be first restored to citizen ship in the manner proscribed by law. Section 3.'- Every erson offering to vote shall be at the time a legally regis tered voter as herein prescribed and in the manner hereiu'aflevr provided by law and the General Assembly of North Carolina shall rnuot general registration laws to carry into effect the provisions of this' article. ' - .'Seotion 4. , Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the con stitution in the English language; and be fore he shall be entitled to vote, have paid, on or before the first day of March of tbe year in which he proposes to vote, hi poll tax as prescribed by law,' for. the previous year; Poll taxes shall be a lien only on assessed property, and no pro- 1-cess shall issue lo enforce the collection ot me same except against asses sea prop erty. tk-ctloo 5. Ko male person who was on January 1, 18117. or, at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote under tbo laws ot any Stale in the United States wher in he then resided, and no lineal desen dant of any such person, shall be dented the right to register and - vote at any election In tbia Stats by reason of his fallurelo possess the educational quali fications prescribed In section 4 of this article; provided he shall have registered In accordance wltfr the terms of this sec tion prior to I)cuonber 1, 1008. The Gen eral Assembly shall provide for "imper manent record of all persona who regis ter under this section on or before -November 1,1908, and all such persons shsll be entitled to vote at all election by the people in this State, unless disqualified under section 8 of this artiele; provided such persons shall havo paid their poll tax as required by lav , , Section 0. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all election by the General Assembly shsll be viva voce. Jiedion Tv-Every voter in North Car. q'.ina, except as In this article dlsqnall tied, shall be eligible to office, but before I entering upon tbe duties or the otuce ne (hall take and- cubserlbe tbe. following oath: . ' t! ''" f-ifj:?'''-!'--'jZ ii. - . . ,do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the constitution and laws of the. United States, and the constitution and law ef North Carolina not Inconsistent then with, and that.1 will faithfully discharge the' duties of my -office .; " . So help me Qod.Av" tii Section s.'. The following classer . of person shall be ' disqualified for ofHoe: First, ' all person who shall deny the being of Almighty Qod.- Second, all per sona whs shall have been convicted or confessed their guilt on lodlctment pend ing; and whether sentenced or not, nnder Judgment suspended, ef .any treason r felony, or any-other crime for which the punishment may be Imprisonment In the penilomlary, since becoming citizens of the United States, of corruption and mal practice In office unless such person shall be restored to the right of ottizen ship la a tnannsr prescribed by law. J Seclion o. This act shall be in force from and after Its ratification. vi -j 'After doctors" failed to cure ' me" of pneumonia I ased One Minute 'Cough Cure and and thretrbotlles of It oared me. ' It is also-tbe beat remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured my grand children of the worst case," writes Jno. Berry, Logsntcn, Pa. ' It Is the ' only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. , Cures coughs, colds, croup snd throat and lung troubles. Il prevents consumption.- Chlldron always like It. Mothers endorse lu F, S. Duffy. ' . ' '.rVrS".; Jli Changa Vor Bettar, Dr Gay fee-Well, how are you today! Byler My rheumatism lias "gone to the other arm, doctor, - ... 'Splondldl 1 told yon I'd soon rout It out. Aa Editor'! Mel 11 Chamberlain' ' --CouaH 7lamdy, ' During the early part of Octobor, 18fft, I contracted a bad cald which settled on my limKS and was neglected until 1 I fi ared that conKiimpllon had sppnitrod in an Indplent stuio. I was coiiHtuntly eon;lilii, and tryh g to exjpl smncUiln Vilill U I Colli, 1 riot. I h'. t FUllO alHniH t 1 ar!i-r v 'la! Hi, ; tl.n lo f-r ci i -I i! i a tr i'a C lit f. I ll t ill ,1 ir 1 THE CHARIOT OF OLD A GRIM REMINDER OF THE COMBATS - -oi" the HEncic enioo:: -..' TblA Vehlrte Vn twrf lit ike pin f Antlqnitr ' Wor h DaHle. v'eba , Ctiaae:: la v froceaataaa v ad la Came How it Wai (;oaatraete4.-v TbO'Chnrlot was-'Uscd - In utitlqurty for tho battle, the tUaw.', n public-processions, and lu games, -Jt bad two wheels-and was-drawn by two borsea, and when one or two bomea'Werv add-, ed they wew attacbyd to i-nob. side 1 tbe main pair by a side trace. fasuul to the front of the chariot. .-- -, These chariots. have only corn devrn to ns In fraeuients. with tbo eiccDllou of tbe one in tbe oreba's'loi.'lfnl muse um or iriorenee,; wnicn is a unique ex ample of a wr "chariot," the so called "Blga dl Frasnlno," found by Itosaell beq In a Thohes tomb. It Is certainly as old as the fourteenth century B. C, It Is probably it . trophy obtained In the north by some, Egyptian warrior. r- There Is an entire absence of metal In the construction. Immediately on the axle, without springs of any kind, rests the basket, or body, of tbe chari ot, which consisted of a floor to stand on and a" semicircular guard around tbe front and about half the height of the. driver. ; It is entirely open at tbe back,, so that the combatants might leap to tbe ground and up again, as be came, nccesanry by the exigencies of action. There was no seat, and gener ally In. war chariots there was only room for tbe combatant and bis chari oteer to stand lu. Tbe pole, as In the present Instance, was usually attached to tbe middle of tbe axle, although to outward appear ances It looked a though It sprang from the front of-tbe basket At the end of the pole was tho yoke, which looked like a ram's horns. Depending from .this by leather thongs was a V shaped piece, which probably took tbo place of the modern horse collar. Probably broad bands were also fitted around tbe chest of the animals. , Besides tbebarness of each horse there were a bridle and a pair of reins somewhat In tbe same style as are In useatthe present day. These were made of leather and were ornamented with studs of Ivory' and mctaL The reins were passed through rings attached to tbo collar and were long enough to be tied around the waist of the chariot eer In case of nTs-baring to defend him self. Tbe wheels and body were usually of wood, strengthened . In places with bronze or Iron. The wheels had from four to eight spokes, and the tires were of brouze or Iron tin the present Instance ash was used), und the pins which secured the fellies were' of fossil bone.. This description applied to the chari ots of almost nny of the nations of an tiquity, the difference1 couxlstliit; chief ly In the mounting. Thus the chariots of the EgyntlntKi nnl Ansyrlnna. with whom tbe bow v:ta tbe principal arm of attack, wciv iluhly mounted with quivers full of nr. own. while tbOKo of tbe Ureeks. who used the spear, were plain except an regnriU mens decora tions. Tbe IVmluns nud tbo aucient Britons used a class of ehurlots having tbo wheels mounted with nhnrp. sickle shaped blmli's. which rut to pieces whatever camu lu tln-lr way. This was probably the Invention or i!te IVrsluns. Tbe use of the but lie chariot really belongs to tho heroic porlmL .The war rior, standing by the kIiU- of Ills elini'lot- eer, was driven liiitroiil of tue line to invite hostile warriors lo alunle com bat. After the Ntrateglc bklll of n com mander' superseded tile (leumuds on his personal - valor the chariot won transferred from the battk'hVkl to the hippodrome, whore alone Its original form was preserved. The description of the .Homeric battle, churlot, there fore, to a great extout jtiso.applles to the historic chariot of the race course. Tbe small dlumotcr of tho chariot wheel may bo Mptelned fron'i the de sire of preventing the clmrlot froinjio Ing opposed by I lie Impedlmeuts lu the battlefield, such its debris or-dend bodice,.-; Tbe -rim woh usually formed of four fellies. Into which the four spokes were let. The upper rail which was of either wood or metal, varied greatly In form and wan luiendwd to be grasped by -the warrior, on Jumping on to the chariot while the front part served for fastening the reins aod the-trace of jibe "wheel. borHPa." . lo the Roman tri umphal chariot a eoveflug of leather served toward off missiles,' an 1 later on tbe sides wi-re romposed of stro'ng boarda. '-- ' ' ; Unfortunaiely w know very llttlo of. tho vehicle of everyday use In' those day. ' They nearly nil soeni to bo a va riety of what wp uow term Uie g.hrr' bclentluc Americou. - - . .-i Ne Exeoao For Chlmaer, - Notwitbstanillug that wo bare long since ceased to hoist cos 1 to lofty apart ments, b'dvlng abqndoned forever tbe old fashioned flreplnce with Its soot aod cinders, tbe said fireplsea Is still with us In every new hous that' la built. Its open throat leads tbo same old draft up the chimney, ani.tho same old result followa-TColds and cold feet There. Is no excuse for a rltlmuey or a II replace" In a -modern bouw, heated from the vHnr. The gas log Is h oul anre and a iliam.--New York Press. ' to narrowlnn rtrtalla. . Tlere y' ore! Ail alMtut It! Big bat tle lo South AMkyl Horrible slaugh ter!" , - .. :.:C--.. ; n...; . "Say. hold on!: Which , side "got laughteredT" I."......'.'''-- ','' K "Aw, wlm fi the "d Iff ervnec r'-Cbl-e go Record. ' " -'" Prad tian,- - She Would you ho willing to die for me? . - ." ' .' He Why. I'm dying" for yoj oowl- Brooklyn Life. - . ' - : 100. - , -; Er. F, rjetchtou'i Anti Einretic. May lie worth to you more than flfiO If you have a rtillil who foils lieilding from Ineonli'iirs (if waii-r dining sleep ('iiica old and v"" alil.o. It arrests the t-.ii!,!e at .... fl. H-M by (5. I r.i. ,.i n, dm- ' N iii-i n, N. V. sill Diaests what von At Itarttficlally digests tbe food and Aids fJatura in atmncrt.hAninfr mi -aaa. , - eaviue aauve AVJW OtMllrrlnn ttis HlanniaJI 1 1 XI gans. It is the latest disoovered dleeet- onf rA rnr.1 . V can approach it in efficiency It im Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ' Heartburn, Flatnienesr Sour Stomach, Nausea, Dies; jaeaaacne,uatratgia,uramp8, and all other result of imperfectdlgestion. nvunvkii naiutM, VQIoago, F. S, DUFFX. Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. J?jrt?iare For War in Time i" Iae. Just received a Supply of LOADED GUNS: Sure death to Koa'ilies, Bed Bugs MothfC"W ater Bugs and all In sect?, Will not slain r gtc.ire the finest fabric. One triitl i-'l that's nerded to convince the most skeptical. "A. full line of Toilit Arlirles, Perfum ery, etc. Physician's Fretciiplious ea cfully compounded. Thefe are many Things About tbe "QURKN QUALITY" 8HOES that are not matter of prine. There la good taste, superior knowjedfre, ripe experience, enterprise, art. They are indeed "Qneena of Quality." All styles from the daintiest, lightest for dress, to tl.o substantial ahoe for street, outing, or storm wear ami all at one price, $ii 00. D. F. JARVIS. 63 POLLOCK STREET. laW.Smallwood. DEALER IN Hardware and Fire kmd '. Sash, Doors and Blinds,. Paints, - Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc agent for Garland Stoves Si Kangeg and Devoe'sTand BenJ Mooreg' READY MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel Chattawka,- NEW BE11X, W, O. SEEHEREI WefnoyV". furjisb' you Stove Wor4 ready eat and. delivered to yonr door. Always kept under large-sheds, never gel wet In rainy weather ' .',.'" -'- -' '. j Nice Brick and Lathes, V - '. FlaU to Let - . . '.-4 . A large stock of No, . Hand Mde Heart Shingles Just arrived ' I,Tar.and LiroTj'' -3 JZ BIGHIHISilteMsi: : t." '!. V is , ,'--'.J-'- f:.": "-..;'.''- . -: t - - v ' r .' ..'';'."' "-.... A. rVK Yr W rating we send to our patrons Willi Rood sdvlee fii o. Your aulconie will be many de- ureea warmer, In the homes of the cultl vainl, wlicn on r altlre Is above rn- prom li. bobcK In Uie New 1 ear wllu til resolution to liftv your rloihtto ninde liy a Iniior Hint will plvo you a ilmtlngue M j In bin 11 at (. limhv 11k al wnya (li a. '. N. C 17.. lPale oJ,and; fa MKTH'R0lA,.lJSniPBllIOB COOB Cj-.avsk OouitTt.-J : Before the Clerk. --' . ; ' - J L Hartstieid" - jj- - -w - - . - ."J?.Z: VS .-' --'. - '. James A-Btyan and" Julia II Bryan Ms - v ue, ana tne neirs .unsnown 01 ' John Haywood, deceased Pursuant te tbe order of Court In the above entitled proceedings in which 1 W4s sppqinted commissioner and duly directed to sell the hereinafter described tracts or parcels of land after having ad vertised the ' same at the court houte door and in the Mew Bern Dally Jour nal for 30 days, 1 will on Wednesday tho 14th day of iiarcb, 1900, at the hour of 12 o'clock m , offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for Ca-h at the court house door of Craven county all the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of land, lo-wlt: Lying and being situate in the county of Craven and Slate of North Carolina as conveyed to Richard Dobbs Speight and John Haywood by tbe State of North Carolina by grant hearing the No 724 and recorded In Records of Craven county In book of patents No 8 page 00, containing 8840 acres bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning on the south west corner of William Deyspat , being south 43 west 300 pules from Deys beginning on Ellies or White Lake, from thence along the line of Bald pat., south 84 east 397 poles to bis south-east corner thence with bis other line north 65 east 122 pelcs, thence south 345 poles, thence west 722 poles 10 Hunters Creek, thence up the same tho various courses thereof to tbe upper corner of David Allison's Grant, for 8320 acres, on tbe said creek, then wiih a line of his eurvey north 64 west 120 poles, then north to the south west corner of John W Stanleys 840 acres grsnt, In Ellis's Lake and on the grant on N. W. Lake. The same being the western corner of R D Speights 640 acre pat., joining David Brown and said Stanleys land, then with the line of said Spcighls pat , south 47 east 820 poles to a south-east corner, thence with bis other line noilli 43 east to the beginning. Said Grant bcai ing I lie date November 27hl75. Ami also the foiloning tract of land f iug in the county anil State aforesaid, grnmi-il to liii hard Dobbs Speight and John Huywood by the Si talc of North arollna. by (riant recorded In the rec ords of Craven county lu book of Pat No 3 page ft9 bearing the number 725 and dated May 27lh 17M5 for M)60 acres: On 1 he 8 side of Neuse river on both aides of i lie road from Neuso 10 Newport bridge; beginning at a pine on the wcb! Bldo of -aid road near where it enters the pecosin Jacob Hike corner tree, then N 32 E 210 polos, then N SOB poles, then E3-18 poles, thence S SOU poles, thence M 784 E 645 poles, Ihenco E 000 poles, then M 500 poles, then W 1410 poles to a pine stand ing ou the West side of Newport road 58 poles from where the said road goes Ihroiijrli lie fM pecosin on the New port side, then South 44 West 705 poles, then West 770 poles to ibe ,.oiilli corner of the road, I). Speights western patent, for 1,000 acies dated Dt ceml'er I4tli, 17:i. ilience with the line of the same north 2-riO poles to the said Speights 850 acre patent, thence with the line of the same north 81, east 372 poles to his eastern 1,000 acre patent, thence with the line of the same patent, south 104 poles, thence with another line of the same east 400 poles, thence with another linn of the same north 400 poles to the said Speights 640 acre pilciit da led December 14th, 17H2, thence wllh a line-of the same east 40 poles, thence wllh another line of the same north 250 poleB thence with nnother lino west 18 poles to said Speights 60 acre patent, dated January 1705. thence with the line of the tame north 35, west 145 poles to Thomas Bradskers patent of the cast aide of the east branch of Sloetimbs Creek, then with the line north 55, east 155 polea lo bis east corner, thence a di rect Hue to the lieirinnlng February Otli, 1O0. OWEN II. GVION, Commissioner. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as the Administrator of Virgil Sparrow, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased, must present them on or before the 1st day of February, 1001, or this notice w ill be pleaded In bar -of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate ate requested to make Immediate payment. 1RAltV MMHONB, ' Arlmr of Virgil Sparrow, deceased. O. K. Paimru,' Attorney Notice at Numinous. North Carolina, I Oraven County. ( Buperii r Court, The City of New Bern, vs. A E Woodruff, trustee of the Estate of Eliz abeth UoodinK. deed. S11 id moos for lte't f. .Action for Account and Other Purpofa, A, E Woodruff, trustee ot Elizabeth Gooding, deceased, the above named de fendant will take notice that a summons In the above entitled action was Issued from tbs Superior Court, of Craven county, North Carolina on February 1st, 1900, returnable at the next term of tbe SupeHor Court of said county, to be held at the court bouse in New Bern. N. C, on the 12,th Monday after the-lat Monday in March, it being the 28th day of May, 1H00, when and" where you are required to answer the complaint herein or judgment will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff for the reller'di mandwl. W. M. WATBQN, O. FCv H. O.' Whitehurel, Ally, for Plantiff. February 1st, 1000.. Z v Notice of Kale. ! t:l. ' ,...1--.... - r., ,, . North Carolina ' - rT. In Superior Court Craven County ,J J',".,w .'. . .. .WindeH Joins. Caroline i ' : A -f Williams, v Isaac . II. Sale Partition. '..Hruiili, cx parte. ' ) - . ; . ' By virtue ot an order of .' lie Superior Court of Craven: oonniy, M. O. in cinL. proceeding as above- entitled, in which tbe undersigned .was duly ' ap. pointed oommiaslourr for the sale of the oronertv hereinafter described, i : Now therefore it! iacenrdano with t1 e terms of said order, 1 will offer for sale. atr iibllo vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door ' In the city of New Hern, vrsven county; on Monday, th Bill (lav of March. 1000. at the hour of U o'clock mt .the. follow lor described real estate, towll: -. - - v ' Lying and being situate la ibe'city o' New Bern, Craven oonty and State of North Carolina, adjoining tho h.nds o" Matthew Simmons, Joseph L Uhem and others, bounded as follows vlr: On tbe east by Eubank street, on the north by E M Pavie's land, pn the south by Mat thew Simmon's land, on the wet t by Jr srph L Hhom's land, mid lots are fifty two (52) feet on Knbatifca street, nmi running west three hundred ( WO) and nix feel; being tlm land conveyed by K M I'avio sndE M l'avle, trustee,' etc, W Winilell Jonoi, deotamd, by deed bearing date of February 18,-1887, and recorded in tho puhllo records in the olllce of the Register of Deeds for Craven county, N C, In book lo, M, folio 423, to wlileli reference is made for more complete dcseiiption. -This iind Uhv of Felinmry 1H0O., K A 111 A i lj O'HAUA, t'omnoBHioLsr. 1 A dmiBistri tor's "ftlRpfJj Pursuant to a Judgment ot the 8n perlor court of Pamlico countv. N. 0- hi-'-'S a certain special - proceeding wherein 'x'Har . M. U. Sultan, admfuistrator of timbo FMicr deceased is plaintiff and Klele -Jfef'. Fisher and others are ilefrurianis U.e - -"' said administrator will sell lor cash at tbe courl house in Bayboro on Monday, February 10,1900, between the hour of e j 12 m and 1 o'clock i m all the land de- scribed in tbe petition: -.- It lieing a ccrlnln tract f land on tbe v eaBt side of Baird'a Creek lu said County, r anu on tue Lortn stce ot fteutie river lie- ginning at a pine j 1st above the head of tne nrst small gut above tbe mau'hof v . said (, reek and runs north 75, eai-t 252 - J?, poles to a small pine; iheuce north 54 west 77 poles to a branch that empty!) 'I1 Into Caoawsy'e gut, thence down the .- . various courses of said branch to Cara way's gut, thence with saldguttofiairds y Creek, thence with said Creek to tho J mouth of aaiil small gut, thence up said -M gut to tbe begiuuing containing 212 acres , more cr less. Hee book 71, page 107 of- lies of Hegi ter of Deeds of Pamlico , county North (.Carolina. M H. SCLTAS, J Administrator of Rlmho FUher, di-c'd U. C. WHITEHUItST, - Attorney. 1 Jaluary, 1st, 1900. sale; i Pursuant to a certain deed of trust ex ecuted on the 20th day ot December, 1897 by Joseph T Barnes lo Milton L Ho.louell. trustee, recorded in the ohico of Ibe register of deeds of Craven coun ty In book 124, folio 153, to secure a cer tain note of even ilulo herewith, due and payable ou December 20tb, 1898 and default having been made In the pay ment ot said note. Now therefore uj-oii the reque.-t of the holder of said note I Miltou L Hollowell. IruaKe, will offer for Bale and sell at the court house door iu l raven count ut public auction for cash to the highcM ln.ld.-r 011 Wednes day tho 21m day i t iebrnmy 1000 at tho hour of 12 o'clock in. to i.-.ty tho pre visions of said dted of trunt, all the following real estate: l ying and being situate in the ciiy of Ni w hern, county of Craven and Stale or Noith Caioliua adjoining the lands of Kot-coe Junes Isaac Nixon, and oilit rs, on the ciiHt side of Oak e'reet and bounded as f.illowa: On the north by the lot of K W Carpen ter occupied by Ituscne Jones, on the south by die lot ol laac. Nixon, said lot being lot, No. 108 in ti e Joslfne iScolt division, fronting 55 feel and inch 011 Oak street, and lu in 102 net deep running back to (o-i i iie 'A l.oll i h lot on tlin ea.t lieing tlie t-aine lol conveiitl to Joseph Bhmm'S liy deed of Damon Hat nos, hearing dale of March OUi, 1893 ci riled in book 100 folio 402, In the of fllce of the llei Icr of Deeds for Craven County, to which deed, referenco is hero for a full and more complete description. This January lliih. IBim. MILTON I. llol.LOWF.Ll., TriiHlec for Kmma L. HoMowell. Adiniiiislrdlor's Sol Ice ! Having qualified as Hie Ailniinislrator of F. W. Miller, deceased; lie of ibe county of Craven, this is to notify all persons having clr.ima ai-ainst Hie eslato of the deceased to exhibit tin 01 lo tho ui (lersigued 011 or licfore l!ie l(i:b day of January, 1001, or lliis notice wl.l be plead in bar of ibtir recovery, h II per sons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. E. GEROCK, Admr. of F. W. Malur, deceased. This Jan. 10. 1000. 'All pcrsous arc liereliy notified that I have no interest In the liquor business now run by t). (1. Roach, nor am I III any way connected with the firm former ly known as C. C. Roach A Co , at New Hern, N. 0. 1 am prompted to publish this by t lie numcious In.i irles made to me concerning this mailer. J. S. UAIUIETT. Jan. lllh. 100O. Notice of Administration. Having adminlatered upon the estate of Esther Morton deceased, all persons are hereby notified to pay to the under signed all debts, due said eslale at once; and all persons holding any claim against the same are notified to present the same to me duly verified as required by law 011 or before tbe 15th day of January, 1901, or this notice uill be pleaded In liar of their recovery. This January 15th, 1900. THOU AH F. Mc"AI.TIIT, Administrator of Esther Morton dee'd. Notice The undersigned having this dsy duly qualified as Administrator of the Estate of W. W. White, dee'd. . ,. All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt payment to the undersigned. And all persons holding claims against said Estate are notified to present the , ante for payment duly verified on or before February 3rd, 1001 or this notice, will be plead in bar of I Bolr recovery, . This February Urd, 1900. . J. il. WHITK, T - .. Administrator.' ' 11. w. smp; G8 Broad Street A FREE lUraRN;;!; ;, (year awa Mlactton) to tnry Mb- S r acrtiiar. Oaljr at auu a yau. --r '"y rJfiOAlBlEW. A UOIES' MAGAZINE. ' , t jitoM aftasmesiriB ewvwwi ; 1 , work ; kouachokl iiuita ; ftcltusa, eX. aU4- tribe) favrfar, or, tmn c. for lMe4 eMsMp. 2 Lsadr MM W(Ule4. , aWnd f WVsM, , 5 j BtyllRat, RfilUhte, SImpte, Up-ta. ; ; date, and Abttoluleir PortaCt-VUUaff Pspw P&lUntt. (Nw-Bnam. AHwct Prtter.) ; ' t Only tr ne ) m, tcfc-HMn hlfTM. - Ask tmr tkm. In maiif cm I t aosl lowa, ot by wmi! fro THO McCAIJL, CO.. ;'i tlS-14 Waal Ulk SI, a Yartu : :Ji, I. If ev.i i - T...'-' TV

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