Y 'Si i ' The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which lias been'; V in. use fop over 80 years, has borne the slgnatnre of , V -- " - and bas been made under his per, 2 H - 'fiPL 4J&?Si'-fci T onal supervision since lixs Infancy." o s v r ytCm44. Allow no one to deceive you In this." '.s All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are bat I Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChJldren--Bxperlence against Experiment.-, f What ,io pACTOR'ife"; 'r Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare- ; goric, Drops aqd Soothing Syrups. ? It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Sarcotio :.".- substance.- Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms' v and allays Feverisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind, llc. It relieves Teething. Troubles, cures Constipation , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the? ,,? Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. - sW. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ; - CENUINE-CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Jn Use For. Over tJO Years. - tH ocwtaun wmptrf, tt ui HAT trnirrr, HEW TOI 6tTV. - -" Onr infcdlct1 or woMwrfnlir Httf factory and potent In Ucur o dlsUM f mon, auoh aa PiUs, Qomenhaa QUH, , apennatorrkw. Varieoel Impotmcv, mtWft, SUr MOSfMB, WCrTTfv WWIWHHs tctaadln dliBnin of woman, aocfa aa ' Pflf, OaitorrAflM, LtutorrhaHi Womb TroubU, JTcma!$ Weafmm BterUU, Mrln Dovm Pate, JTatuf mol Ovum, t Qur dlJn ursi atanai vly avr fail ear widely mm ut mo PROYE THIS BY ORDERING nwmuiu wa iiM toMnrt nd adrlM VBKB and prepay ilB Sallveay, ao ym Br. at niaw. BK CajBj?TJI.totl)ua an roa ecu about yoir mas, tha aura the batter, yonr mj ocorrnitlonand full il(lreMj JiBm.trit ana : nsbw. Iowa, oomtr tod state. OihHUpJrtI!!"rcK MTItlCTI-Y OJtX- O " If T.unoootthlo!rTOi w111beplyiwllmtOHOBntUl wiU k j Mwtgn. Write lo-dar toSAIiYDOR JUrd. CO lancMWi.OUJo. .. S TRY FIRST-BUY AFTERWARDS. - tfiiiiuiiaauiuuiaiiaiiiuiuaaiiiinuiu; Vi I ? I al n" 9 HEALTHY OLD Lasdb, Bbttoh Co. Aex., I .m 40 v.ara old and feave be'n ObanKftof Life. 1 had flooding sp.Ua ao bad that son thought I could 1It. fly huaband rot me Win ot Cardol and It .arid ntr life. I am like another peraoa aiooe Uklug It. . - MRS. B. D. TOWKSE1TD. . .''... ' It b the devout wish of nearly til None of us want to die young. This fl ft be taken of the health in early and middleiife, A httle precaution then -Si ':. will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept tway t long '.. tunc. Happy, healthy old age will be .O v: take the female child safely over the f woman noou. as a wuc sne neos n to neip ner uuougn tnc una at i . pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the v Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears In :f her pathway between AO and 50. Then will come many years of truly ,i blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. - .To the last - she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characterlsticr ; s . umr tnittti kmtmut. - foradTtoBteMtMarpqalilnaajwHal directions, iAdi, gjTtng .vmutoma. UUIUeo, Ckananooca, Tena. LAftCK B0TTLE8 Of WINK 6 F OAR0UI '''---' ' SOLD FOR $tX0 BY OBUCOISTS. , .'; V" i BLOOD; CURE An Offer Proving Faith r;-:BeaaePt . t.Wejrt,JCsoir, Kat'nj f os,' Pjfital : C piTiiat nt Erujitloua, iht reftis fi leal .: cured by B B B (Upliinlo Tl llalniVmw'e tpeo t'Ty to jfaw all ierrlblo, o'jmI V-;;, nste, deep seated Bloml and 8kii t ourfti. It jour tlood. tl lol--Aar t ' All roir down? Have p Ecniar PlnrpleiT lBlotcJe aod Eunpsr 8ku rcr - 8ca)p HumoreJ Bolla? EniplioneT 8kln ' JUieumatlBnir -t crofulnf ; Caiarrhf TLeu v fcecauM it drains from tlxiblif-d and entire system all the poleooe and bumora which cause all of tbcta troublta, and- the oauaa being removed, s perroaaeal cure , follows,; B B B acta as a fin n'i-. l olldinj up U: Inoken dowd eotnUtutios. " , .. Kveiy om says that B B B hi jW wii stnuderful Blood Pu?lBr If tho, age; aid no wonder, for it has wired the iiuau deep icatid, ohtinate c. esv (ivea the ; tnoat deadly Cancer) after dnrt'iiv dud patent rowlicinfs hid failed. Thoroughly seated for tlility yearaand m vn knt'wn to great in B B B thai we will rii anj- .; teat the medicine at our ,t i. o. Not . know whatB B B can rtfu nil w'tk Is .is u lit botanic Blou-Ul.J i wraiyon drag alorra for II, or alt lui- lx h (full irraimnai) For Ir.u tilnl bnttlo ad r' Urpaa BLOOD BALM ) . I :t Xl'chell alrout, AHaxia, Oaand boliln and miH rail nook will he aeqt, all clj'iro- tn mld Oetcrily your irouWo nnd we wul In clmle tree medical adtlrc, YftHtln-toy'.i 'V-7 5v'4f-; ' The nndcrslgned Jinvliig Ji t Certiorate ' No. 1278, Sfrles No. 2:),dalrd Ith 'Ang'ist ! 18.14 for S elmres la Hi MrlroH.. nn Building and Loan Awnctntkm U ch raond, V a., will apily fr a duplUale thereof. WILLIAM DUN!?, ; ?'..:. 1 City, N. 0. T. L. 1UII, Tron, .Terml Batlnfnclory. r 'USE moNTa THE (KJKAK D m V) .0 Signature of 1 r:sDiGi:: advices MEN and Wpr.lEN.zS aarauai cqmu. A TRIAL TREATMENT. -' - 1M rJ p 1 u I L?3 AGE. Aug. i. aaflerlnff Vrlib people to live tot ripe old tga .- universal desire can be realized if i the lot 01 the woman who promptly dividing line between girlhood and ;:: . ot. pertectiy neanny grandntotners. i -It is for women alone to decide .' .whether they wiB be-heaKhy or stck. The remedy for their tick- ". . ness b dote at hand. ' : - SENTREE. to Sufferers. Journftn 8 e llngt. Effects of 6lod Poleon, ut 4 if brdia f ir jatmt uf '-Srs. quirklj- Hohea and fiwollear JlehlDg . Boneef y n need B B B l,Bo!ailc Blnod Bal), imi. JTr tuis reason our faitn is ao iBfleiw a Trial I bTtle Fren, ro they may ondillou aitaobt-d to ill's oTi',.st we fur you tr try )t Ifyouare aat tllud thn( ni yiu wm noo larpe dmiks at dm OR HOME t'fE CTcmn, purer whiih fome, ptta-intin-0 ti be tli' iiilriiilv niailciroin rt'Ml i I w uler . and fri Irom impiirUli . fpicially in tended and prrpnred for human (on sumptinn. . Icu (Irlivprfld daily (oxceplijSiiiidhyi'JO .a m to u p in. Hunclaya (roliill onl) 7 a m to 13 no n For pilot and otliur In'ommtlon, A'ldie tn, C IT 0 IT; Ico C). IGB . LOVE'S COMING. m had looked tor lit. ixinmiz warrior, oomc, With tlx clasri of ari :ut the hiule call, -. But h. cane inneuj with Atltlo' iread . 'z That ah. did not bear at ail. .a "4-L v She had thought ho Wa arnor would, blue la Aa h. rodcMlkr a prlnr. tn t-laim tilt bride, - f la the v-ei't dim bbl tJ lue lauiag uijtut. . Bh louod bin at bet aide, She had reamed bow the rim of tta Danga. bold vvowi. , - tr . . . -Would walte frr brortlo a aurldeu e'OF.'"-' - She found IB bii (an tin (.miliar (race , -,j OJ a (rleird ahe nan) to Vnpw.it i v; '1 the dre.ir.ed hm bli lomlng would ttir her aool. Aa the oraan a atlrrcd by tua.wild 4torui a - alrl'e. - - He-brought lier the belol ot a fiearenly ralm..; Awla peaw tbat-cruwueu her Ifle. ' c ' -Ullali.lerWtkcor OLD TIME SHOE BUCKLES, Aa Blshternlli t'emarr Craap TVhlch Wm PlotBre.yiie tud CoatlT. - ; Once--oa 5 niuM' your mie woh urn blue without ihe hiiHtlx.: Indw It cane f th -"tall wayttiuir thiJoKk" fot the uutMt- Jlii' uttrietmn- uuU the shoe but the aiwninluiuieulo Be it u- aervol tbut t Brsl. biiwiTtr. ll was tint tha Kile -imt itae ciislliuins or tbe lirutilf wliicli wdsc tiiiifpreatiiia. 1 bua. auiuuic rojuliitw, mpI" t li'-h rank uud thosq who-weri. the hIiikh of- fbahinu unit the. mold of form at nmrt wore dlauiondu. NpeilleSs to aayjhat then, aa uow, ibiwe Who deainil to iuillalo. I hem wore iasle butklin, bupiiv uei Iiiiiw in that self vum-lilaceui-v - Which lniiiliM' Holnalr elm- ahrt'Wd emll)?h til eKtllllMlj pinwltiilllrtw. ' . lu lrJU n leailepnf fiiKbinu would wear a full lrnwim: i-mb'it wis n-ui-lmi in ringlets luilf way ilnwn bai-k und arniu. a laved coal c-til xlruit,'ln, wllh liuttoua iut bn in evel'V' ponnilite pluiifr theroli,v; tiy the wuv. ilffiihlliig.-a rninukulile- simi larity to ttn "peai-lien" of . llu tmpiitnr and up to ilute i-oKterlimiiKpr-Miid wpiare IihhI. I. hick slioem -wild an eniirruotm flap on tile Uwlcp. hisll lii-eln mill nu Ibe Hup a small Inn i.ritii.;ui Imrkle. Nest to the buckle of linlliuiils emiie- that of Rolif. Uirh Innilon-iiertL-iinil iMpiallv Hi b mcr chanlH. uivn whose repntntinn for lieiuK "wnrnr'ir, lirtlii' then lei-enl Alsnlian fusliiiiuable. sl:i!!. "rlilliinertal." a qmle obKiilete 'HTiionriiK for moneyed r-Tyore gold liuekleK lari'i' than the diamond oaea, hut slill small in proportion lu the flaps. " , . Your thi'iviiiK shopkeepers wore hiieklea of sliver and your Mpiilent farmers iliose of ahlntnir kIihI. unit the ooiii-ir eliisKea bad hiieklea uf hi-ass or Iron. Uitt of aonit r material every one wore hiieklea on T lia fthuo. Ind I so wnle n'lieiiiiiK wda the depreelation in loiekle niakera' work when, at tin- epin-Ii of the French revo hltion. pisrple l:f Kclleral foilowetl "Ito land the .1 usi s' example anil- look In shoe rililiniis th.at the ImeMe ninkera ac tually, in Ihoir ilesperatiiin-. portioned Oeoi-?e III iiimI p:irliaiiiri:l thai tdiott rili bona alioiiltl Is fni-liiiltleu nniler penaltliMii. cfhmoiniii for a n-ni-wal of ibe sum pi u flrv laws of I'LiMinirenet anil'tudor, with an aopanit Linlsl.ty to reail the kIkiis of the tune. A pasmixlif a I tempt was made lv lite pnn.-i-s aint their iiiouruiiH to benefit Ihe b;o kle makera by wearing buckles as orl, litalioasly lis possible, but ribbons, (lcchieiili' far more , iinplctilr esiine, though Mirth mure practical, car ried the il:i,v.-ti liM-aiao's Milgaame. S!ie Knrvr Iter Ounlneaa. As the Koiiih Siiie "I tram reached , Twelfth stiect tie other eveimut it was bonnicil tiv a riiil'iiis ft uiliiluc hKiu-is clad In KhaMiv aitlre. As is the custom A it 1) so mnnv ivomeit. she liaekeil tip neainst the door, her tin jlit eyes In the parch mrntlike skin s'aiiniux the passenironi. At the next Ktoli.-.n a man left the train, and his neat was ; quietly taken by some one HtnmlinK near! 'I he old wimiau hesi tated a moment, tm-n hcut over the wom an nearest her and asked. ' If you please, mn'oci, will you tell me where yer iiolu to p1 off?" . . ".The-woman adih'csKt'd looked nurprised, but answered, "Why nt Forty-third -street." " . " . "And vn, ms'iinif" she naked the next woman, who had la-en an Intereated Ha teneiv f - . "I get off nt FIftvTirsi street; But why do you want to know?" -r "Hbiife. I only waul to stand in front of the wan who' plii to set off first, nor I won't lose Ihe ami I -si; c It Is needless lo ssv tliat she Immedi ately gut a place .Chicago News. A Pletafre oT To Velew. -' .-, To' take' a plmife of your voice It la only Beoessniy to lie a aheel lof., thin, strong psper ovef the wide)-nd of 'a tin trumpet. Hold ii "with the nheet of paper upward, take a -thin, pinch , of tine sand and place It in Ihe center of the paper, bold theJnimpct vertically above your face and sing a bote into the lower end. Do not blew, 4ul ems tha not. -, Lower the tremrt carefully "and wlook at. Qe 'aaad.-"-' :-;!.s:'-; ':, ;,;?'i i Ion will Bnd that the vibrations of your voice have scattered tha plncb of sand Into a beaoiifnl sound plctnre,- :. Bvary note In .the moslcal scale, will produce a different picture, so yon may produce a great variety of -them. - Some of tbesa plctores iook like nanaiea, rosea and other ffowera; some look like aoakes and others Ilka flying birds; In fact, there la no limit to tha variation. Kansas City Independent ,'? --?:": y . , ''t.'vi'! All KlaSa of Hsule.'"-','?! J. i Ida Do yoo remember that girl who went to are a gypsy and asked what kind of hair her future husband would hare? jMay Vv ' : ' aw-V ...ids And the gypsy said she was al most battled; that (bs cards Indicated be would have hair of every shsde buagina May-Tes. V -,' ,- ' K' N' "' Ida- Well, the f-rtnhe came Irtw. fehe has just married a dealer In wlg-a. Chi cago News-T . '' . A S., 1 4j''-'.- j Wfcr Shir tlrld to ' Mrs.' Wilful-.My bu.bsud.told me H t didn't like- tbe broiiPh you'd xebange H for nns.fl i","'-ivr,..':-j.J "-",-. -:' Jewelci-CertariiTy, , mailam. , 1" be only too glad, as four different ladles of your act wanted It. Jewnlere Weekly. ' ;TaTake Drvaltfaal Pleasant. New Omk Whatt iIih-s your husband lkv.for his breakfast, nio'omt " . .Mrs.'-tlrowella-Oli, he likes anything ire haTcn't got Chicago News. " ,In one respect the UnloimiMIe Is at a disadvantage rouipai-ed wllh the horse It can't lx- expected to be more Intelll gent thnu lis drlvyr.r-l)'irolt Tribune. Some people are ill:e phorrlgraphs and have a record for reHatlog everything you say to them. Kansas City Miar. ( I. i mmmm mm inn ' i. . - - Belief l Sis Hears, . j , Dlstietsleg Kidney and I Udder DIs ease relieved In six boors h: "New Great Bonth American JJdney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of lu exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in bind dor, kidneys and back, in mule or female Relievos retention of water almost Inr mediately. If yon want nuick relief sod uure this is tht remedy Hold hr ('. 1) Brrtilhiim, ilrui'i;!st, Kew Hern, N. C, Win n In ITayW o nin st thn I.nr.f . HIS VISIT TO VESUVIUS. And Whai tie Tbonaht ah Ue Cuae.1 "Au AweticaD whu duU-st glgUtsee lug upon prlni-lplu loafed for alz weukj at Sorreato 'without stirring In lie Ul-rectlon-of ptfjrea most irawlfrn tvould Uive tiautieU iti'tiatel 44-utiiit: : Uia only tlread was tlie- cross qncsllouliig of kind frleudg svUeu he got homo. To eosfras tbcf-fce fc:U!:!:!!?i-ftti;!T Jtp.ld away from all ihos cv!obi-.Hi3 iti of iutcreat would bring down uo ond of econt and denunciation, uyon Itr.K But auOflclent (into the day i ttie evil there of, and the American rvsufwd' to trast to Inspiration- to got turn out ef iracb possible scrapes, -The- tirst 4erson 'be met fter -leaving Sorrento -was.; Jrn Anmrlenn woman on tby train, and the first thing sue tfvuted to kuow -was If be had cUnibed Veauvlus, , ---f ,"l dhVaald the Amertcao- wlthoat quiver.- - " "Oh. tell me nil about It!" cried the woman. 'How Inttn-eetlng It must have been! ;t My husband never would" let me go op, but I'd Just lore t6 bear youriperlenee."iv-',, .i-; f 5 . - The American, having - beard the whole story many; many tlmea, plung ed Into it with much 'detail, " fie de scribed the (bug drive- from Naples to the root of the mountain and the steep ness of 4be : Inclined railway .abd the way the women Of the party squealed and all the rest of It. From time to time the woman Interrupted with some earcbing question, bat so well did be know IiIb lines that never once did she catcb-bim napping. - At Inst, after a realistic neeouut of bow; after leaving ihe train be bad plunged bis-way oil foot through the bot.. powdery iav& to the' crater's ycry edge,- Hie American paused for breath, r ' "And - what." asked the " woman, 'were your; seusatlons as you gazed down Into that Uery pit' . "Madam," said tbe American, "I thongbt of tbe fate that awaited all llara New York Sun. - DANGEROUS MAN EATERS. The' African Crocodile la Swift, v Silent anil Fatal Foe. "Tbe moat dangerous foes we have to meet on the Kongo," says Stanley, "are tbe crocodile, tbe hippopotamus and tbe buffalo. On my last visit to the Kongo three of my men were killed by crocodiles, one by a hippopotamus and one by a buffalo. There are herds of hippopotamuses along tbe Kongo nnd Its tributaries nud thousands of croco diles, Tbe latter are tbe worst foes, be cause they are so silent and so swift You Bee a manMiathlng In tbe river. He Is Btandlng near the shore, laugh ing at you perhaps, laughing In tbe keen enjoyment of bis bath. Suddenly be falls over, and yon see Ultn uo more. A crocodile baa Approached unseen, has struck him a blow with Irs tajl and seized him Instantly. ' "Or It may lie that the man Is swim ming, fie Is totally unconscious of clangor. There U nothing to stir a tremor of apprehension, but there iq deep water, under the abndow of that rock or bidden lion bath the shelter of tbe trees yonder, la a huee crocodile. It has spotted tbe swimmer and Is watching Its opportunity Tbe swim. mer approaches. He Ik within striking distance, Stealthily, slieutlyr-uniier-eelved. the creature makes for Its prey. The man knows nothing until be Is BClzed byjhe tg and (lniRRcd under. and he knows no more. A bublile or two Indicate the place where he baa gone down, and that Is all. - of Uarrlsoa'a Jokes. ."Benjamin Harrison once plajwl a mean trlpk on me ut Mlniiil universi ty," said Wllllamv-I,. Flsbback, ' "We boarded wltb a widow In. Oxford, and there came to be a discontent among tbe boys about the food not being siitU elently generous In supply. A meeting was held In Harrison's room to arrange formal protest Lots were t-sst ns to wbo sboald present. Uic case "tit' the breakfast table.' The ballot box 'was stuffed, and I was elected. I spoke nt tbe breakfast table nnd stated that the boy objected to iy log no much- for so scant"S menu, ' t expected to. be sup- . 1... ..t.nu. -y ? V r-'..- -.- "Benjamin. Uarrlaon (poke .nnd, to my dlsmay.'taldi 'We'dop't know -how Uri Flshback baa beenr living at borne --beinay have been & pampered sod of luxury but, as for tbe rent of us, we have no complaint to tnqfce.' ": -'"And that disposition of futi and bii'. mor never left. Hcnlnmln Harrison." ry'jf ' 11 i. '' ..,' "js; r V. tVarmtk 'of Bl rSa' BlooS - r'Ti' The blood of birds offers some data for;lhOnght not found Is the blood f any other class of aulmnls. The blood corpuscles are Sbfpeil differently,' be big oval Instead of round. Hut this Is not the -r1lffoinre , ' Mfh I -rofdr Birds' blood fat several degrees warmer than that of. other animals. To man aucb A temperature of -tbe lilood as birds possess would be a" fever- 'This bigb ' temperature ' vmhi molecolar changes in the tissues and brain to take place more rapidly, which would cadse tbe consumption of 'more rood, and brain activity, would lie more Hi louse, so that fornhe same amount of work a smaller brain would trfert all the re quirements, which at s lower teniient tare would reiiulre one of greater size. Phiwnolnfflml Joilrnnl. " i W. -1 '' - i .-vWhero Grata. Come. In. Qrlmea-I)o yon tblak.lt tudicntea high degree of Intellect utility to be able to write poetry? : ". - .ttawsonKot at all. Almost anybody can' write poetry. If reqiilrea brains to got It published. Host on Tiansoript. ,"-' Tke nir-nolnted Oaer" A severe ami elderly woman passed by with one of her kiwi.'-. Wv raiiRhf only this frsKtuent:- "It seems to me some persons are born Jimt lo geitlie first rending of new Iioolis at the Athe. tueuiu." lioston Journal. - Platreaalnf Stomach Cisaasa Permanently cured by the masterly pow ef of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need enjrer no longer, because this remedy can cure thrai all. It Is a cure for the whole world of stomach Weakness end Indirection. Tho cure begins with the fi rut iluse. The re llef It brlni-i Is niarvrlous Slid lurprla. III" no enrer (liri ' " ynu hn-. e Sacrificed to j rBlobdlEoisdmi 'Those who have never bad Blood Poi aorvcan not Kiowhat. desperate eoa- 4ition lt"can prod acth ; This terrible Aiseaser which the, doctors, are totally unable to cure, fscomti)iinieate from one gcBcration Uj ano'iuriilli sting its taint upon eonntiees innocent nvs..1. some years wo i was liiocowiea with poison by a nurse wiMi tnleoud y babe with blood taint The Utile, one was .': nneoual to the struinrle. and Its lite- was yiel.led . op iq ui Keviui ponwa. -For six loflK years 1 suf fared uutola luleery. -1 was oovered irith sores -and aleers from head to toot, and ue lanmiaan ean exoreaa nv feellnirs Ot woe durlnir iboeelonir cur., -a bjhi iuw ocat Tvisaj . r l , . . . . I . jGK mecucal treatment, gov fc"i.sr? iii-fa eral physleluis wees,Jvii1fv ivf iy ireaieo Hie, out ail i .i,yaiBVlfc, toneparaoss the tetv-. cury and potash seeineit to add fuel to tha awful flame wbloh was dxTourlna me. .1 vu advised bT. frlenda who hnd Keen wonderful eures made by it, to try Swift's SpeclHe. We got two Dotuea. aoo t ten nope attain revivein my breast tupe tor health and happlneu scaln.v 1 Improved from the start, and a com plete and perfect cure was the result. B. s. 8. is the only bluod remedy which reache des perate easear.. - . Uas. T- W. Lsa. . 1 , -r. v, Montgomery, Ala. . Of the many blood remedies, H. 8. 8. Is the only one which can reach deen- seated, violent cases; It never fails to cure pertectiy ana permanently the most aeeperate cases wtileli arc beyond the reach of other remedies. CCClr The Is mun,Y' tbohtabiiB, and la the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash, or other mineral. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ' ltrldget'a Dilemma. - And remember, Bridget, there are two things I must Insist upon truthfulness and obedience. Tea, mum; and when yon tell me to tell the ladles you're out when you're in, which shall It be, mum? AUGUST FLOWER. "It is a surprising fact," says Prof. Uouton, "that ie my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met moie people having used Green's Angust-Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged liver sud Stomach, and for constipation. I Bnd for tourists and salesmen, or tor persons filling oflice positions, where headaches and general bad feelings from Irregular babils exist, that Green's Aug ust Flower is a grand remedy. It does not Injure the system ,by frequeU use, and is excellent for sour stomach and Indigestion," Sample bottles free a.t F. S. Duffy & Co's. Sold by dealers In all civilized inw. tries. Alio the rollclan'.. A married man's idea of i lploraacy is lo go around kissing all the babies. Women suffer ing from female .troubles and cakness, and from irregulr or painful men-. sea, ouglitnot to lose hope if doctors cannot help them. Phy sicians are so busy with other diseases that they do not un derstand fully tbe peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman. What tha sufferer oughr-to do is to give s (air trial to ; - ; ,r BRADFIELD'S . : :tp F Btnalo Regulator which . is1 the truej .-! cure ' provided, by Nature for all female troubles. It is tha formula of a -physician of the highest standing, - who devoted his. whole life to the study of. the .dis tinct1 ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wive and daughters;' It is made of soothing, healing; strengthening herbs nnd -vegetable,, -which have been provided by a kindly Nature to ours Irregularity in tho menses. Leu corrhesa, Falling of the Womb, Itvrtus fiusness. Headache nnd ' pAkache, In i airacRs to herself and to Bradc field's Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it s triaL-AUrgs$i. bottle 'will do S wonderful amount of good, f 6old bjf druggists. -JsT '".-t -v 'au4i.llretmnMl.boiaj.RUt. - r The Brad field Pegnlstorfo.. Atlanta, Gs I A QUICK.CURE OR;. I COUGHS AKD COLDS Vory valualiie Romedjf in all -' - afloctious of the .-'" I THROATS or LUGS " Largs Bottlasvsjc. -.,'.?:.'. jpAVI3 A UWKEXCB CO., tlmlted, 4 - rrop'afrry?Vnia'Paln-Knitr. - At ' Clink's, Valintliies, ' Mohawks, hlrlnirleas. Oreen . l'ods. ..)Ara F", Cl.itrt, Illicit Bi.iircjjirar MHrht tj Deck, Truck IN jim. Heat Klmins Extra I'nrly TroVk Tens nt Cliirk's. lf ini tolwr Jami-S F. t'l.tltK, Hi i' k Store, nour Market Dock. r " i.-:-. r-Hh ihuhsti'I i' -fi . WIW IT Lodfr- Directors vitnny rcsnL MJ.it,AtVit O t A M1--.M1M 4-ver Br4 v"''il'tro edi.e-di "Wul in ItiiWuircf Haii rtf i eh rnjtrp V i ii H r.h)it Vs W P J!trTiss 11 -.W ..Simpron; K j W 1 .kichan).An, K . , . . - . : '. 1 v EUKEiiA-toutiE no: t; i. VirTr. trflleers: W; T; Hill, JfM , J H. Barker. V, G ().' Oreen, Kee'd'e SeUy: James ft. JliHr-KmsilcliI yircrrtsn : A K. -Pllt-ihae,- Tre ii Itegular oiteiiua every Monday night at ?;SS0 o'clock. - -- CALUMET iENCAM lJM EiT, NO. 4 1. iTt. F. 1 Offlceia: I, I, Moisiy, 0 P; i Ai fielsihar, II P; J 4 Baxter, 8 W; C U Hall, J V t ti. Ureen, Scribe, Gerock, Treasurer. ; Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and 5th (if any) Thursday nights in each month at 7:80 o'clock. SEW BERN LODGE No. 1. V HC .1 C Scales, Presl; J H Smith, Reoording Sec'y; E E 9nldley, Financial Sec'y. Meets In the Knights of Harmony Hall every 1st and lrd Monday nights in each month. - , CRAVEN LODGE No. I KNIGHTS OF HARMONY: Meeta 2nd and 4th Wednesday uigUU In each month in Rountree's nail. Pollock street, at -7:30 o'olock. S. K. Hall, President, li, J. DIs osway, Sec'y, R. R. Hill, F. Sec'y. KNlCilTS OF HONOR-Officers: K R Jones, Dictator; 1 L Vinson, Reporter; W F Rountree, Financial Iteportor New Berne I,odir(i iNo. 443 meets the 2nd -and 4th Friday nights at 7:30 o'clock In Kountree'sOlall, follock street, .JANTON CLShrfOKT NO. 1. P. at- I. O. l).l ilfflcers t)eo. Slover, Captain; t. 8. By man, Lieut, i 1". IL felletler, KdsIkd ; Wm. 3 rttts, liers; Bd. uerook, accountant. Beg ular Cantonments, id and tb Tliuraday abrhta la each month at 8 "30 o'clock' FINANCIAL. T. A. Green, Pres. K. B. Meadows, V. Prea. H. M. Orovea, Cashier. CITIZILW BANK, OS 144 JU W SJaLEtZir, ST. C Doing General Banking Business, October 1st, 18S8, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, $18,000.00. Prompt and careful attention Riven to all business entrusted to us. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board ot Director. Ferdinand Ulrica t. k. Meadows, Samuel W. (pock Clms. B. Fowier, J . w. Grainger, K. W.Sni&llwuod. K. II. Meadows. Chan. Duny, Jr. fames Redmond, Mayer Habn, Tbomas A. Green 0 K.Kov. uoo. N. lves. w. r.crocaett Mark Disosvav. F. & M. BANK, FEBRUARY 1st. 1800. Capital Stock, $75,000 Surplus, 10,000 Undivided Prollts 2,600 Deposits ... 1412,000 OFFICERS. b. H. OnTi.uK President. W. H. CnApwictc, Vico Pres. T, W. Dwy, Cashier. J. W, Bidulb, Teller. C. T Chadwigk. Collector DIK&n'ORS: Wm. B. Blades, M. M Msrke, 0, 0. Bradham, P. II. Pelietkr, L. U. Cutler. Jno. Suter, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Stewart, T. W. Dewey. It collects for merchants, manufactur ers and other Hunks promptly nt special rates lo each, nnd makes quickest re turns posxible. By its liberality and ob--terpriaioi! business methods, it is forging to the front of hast Carolina's Banking lnsttintiona. In its own city, it is the only one which does not pay interest on Deposits, PBOfESSlONAL. P. M. Simmons. A. D. Wars' J. H. Von, E. W. Pea. .SIMflONS, POU & -WARD,' ATTORNEYS 1 COUNSELORS st LAW. HEW SHEatlB, ST. C. ' Office 88 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo- stse-notei unatwwca. (Offloos also at Raleih and Bmlthfield.) Praetlos In the oonntiea ol Craven. Dnpltn, rfonea, vjn.iow, varurN ramueo, waae, Johnston, Harnett and WUaoni In tha So preroe and Federal Uourta, and wherever servlcaa are desired. . - P. H. Pelletter, V ATT0ENEI AT UW, : -stlddls Street, .Lawyers Brltk : - ' BntldlBsV , - p Will pracUoe n the Counties ot Craves) uarteret, jonea, unatow ana ramuoo. u, b Ooart at Saw Berne and Supreme Oonr o beSttoK-.;f; . ..... . ,R0niULU5 A. NUNN, LTTOioa-arv . .x , ,i-Jjf. nv BBiraV .. ,r Office Opp. Hotel Ohattawks, 7; JBoulh Front Street.: v- Praotloa in North Csmlins " ' . H. CUTLER HARDWARECO. '"ii'f --DEALERS' INv S Of afl Inds; ,' Bash, Doors and Blinds, Lime, Ceruenr and Plaster. f-.v---' i-v-',.' ,r'-.'-.'-;:'," ':';.. " Agents for Excelsior and Elmo Cook Stoves an 1 Itnsifi s. We hav on hand a ilarge and ' complete line of Heating Stoves, both largo and small -which for Ihe fiexi 611 diiys wl'l sell at ealremoly Low I'rlees. fall and examine.; i, Yours Ft Business, - , ifn.cuTun ii'DTfxo llxuWtfll IIOv.v, a W ,li, iVi I A l.- a-nt I. . i! y or in p, uufort t' sure and stop st 1 Jioo.i". 1 Ir 1 t'laas H' ...1. ( r ttv.-l!fS i-t-m-ln. 1 ' i"f 1. 'lmms t.J r v 1 A. 'T.r, Tr WILIKtMnoN A Al .DON ,V " .'' " ' .tt' rv(iib. ' i"! a - 1 t,J l.t. fcJI'roMi . . 1 -M-i.it- ,n.-ifia. - Tit INf! tinO-G N-l Til DATKD Jan. 14 lSOOl e c 6m ZC A M IP M I'M A.M Lv. Weldon Ar. K. Hi, .! 11 so S 5k 8 ftvl li 60 Lv. Tat hur- 12 it if is Lv. U. lit. 1 ' B Si o 3; 0 40 r2 52 i 40 Lv. Wilsor t 5ttl 2 av 7 lb 6 Lv. Rflnia . II M Lv Fay'vlll. 4 UO !! M Ar.Florenorl 7 2! 2 24 P. M. A M Ar. Golds.. Lv, Golds.. 7 01 3 25 4 35 5 00 Lv. Mag-'lia ArWjlm'ton r 8 09 0 40 P.W AM P.M. TKA1NS GOING NORTH. &i I Sti 6 '5 d j d'3 d'S o"3 y-p. A 2 z,a 2Q 'AG . I A M. P. at. Lv.Florenoe 8 45 T46 Lv.Fay'ville 12 20 . . . . 9 45 Lv.Belma.. 1 60 10 06 Ar. Wilson. 2 85 11 83 A.M. P. M.A.M. LvWilm'ton 50 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 2011 lb Lv. Golds 5 00 0 2712 26 P.M. A.M. P. M. P. at Lv. Wilson 2 86 S 48 H 83 10 80 I 16 Ar. H. Ml.. 8 80 8 25 12 00 11 11 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 Lv.Tarborol2 2i Ly. It. Mt.. 8 80 Jl2 09 Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 04 P. M. A. M. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Fayetlevillo 12 05 p m, leaves Fay etleviile 12 28 p m, arrives Banford 1 43 p m. Returning loave Stanford 2 80 p m, arrive Fayetteville 8 41pm, leave Fay elteville 3 46 p m, arrives Wilmington 8 40 p m. Wilmingtou and Weldon Railroad, Bennettrville Branch Trains loaves Bennettsville 8 15 am, Maxton 9 20 a m, Red Mprings 9 63 a m, Hope Mills 10 42 a m, arrive Fayetteville 10 S3, Return ing leaves Faetleville 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 65 p m, Red Springs 6 85 p m, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with tbe Carolina Central Kullroad. at Red Bprings with the Red Springs and Bow more railroad, at Saufori with tbe Beabotrd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p m, Halifax 4 15 pm. arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 8 67 p m, Klnston 7 65 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m. Weldon 11 33 a m, daily ex cept Sunoi.; . Trains on Washington Breech leayo Washington 8 10 a-01 and 2 80 p mr ar rive Par'mele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 30 pm, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 5 80 p m, Sunday, 415 p in, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 8 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth dally except 'Sunday, 7 60s m, and Sunday 0 00 a m, arrives Tarboro 10 06 a m, 11 00 a n. Train on all Jland; JM U branch leaves Goldsboro dally, except Sunday, 7 05 a. in, arriving Bmlthfield 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Bmlthfield 9 00 s m: arrives at Goldsboro 10 SB s m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,SM p m .arrive Nashville 11 10 a m,' 4 03 p tn, Spring Hope 10 40 a tn, 4 25 p m.Returnlng leave Spring Hope 11 30 a m, 4 55 p ro, Nash ville 12 15 a tn, 6 25 p m, arrive at R oky Moont II 45 a m, 6 00 p m, daily except Bundav, t "Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 02 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 s m sod 2 60 p m. ' Train Nd 78 makes oloae eoonoction at Weldon for all points North daily all rail vis Richmond. H M EMERSON. Gen'l Pass AaenL T M EMERSON. Traffio Manager. outhern ail way. 4 The 8tendord Railway ot the SOUTH , the Direct Line to all Points, ' ' CAULFOBWIA, r;"-ciiiiA.jLprojl: , :., , - 'r?.-jA' ft- - '". 8trlctly First-Class Equipment on ;sh Through or Local Trains; Pnllman PaC aas Sleeping Oars on all Night Trslni; Fast sud Safe Schedules.'' " , . ; ', Travel by tbe Southern and yon ares Auced s Safe, Comfortable and Expedl tlouajonrneyi , ' y Apply to'Tloket Agenu for Tims T bles, Rates and Genera) Information, or address n'C'-''- t. R. DARBT, - ' R. L. VERNON,' jrar.k t. ' - . t.f,.a., ' ; AsUovills, N. 0 , . Charlotte, N. 0. ' - Fbass 8. OAaxos, ' J M. Coi d V t A.Oeu Man..". vTraf. Man " W. A. Tnas, 0 PA, ;"-- ' i . : . WASHINGTON, - t D. 0 JA) ATllTiO norjKY! Lonna nisle. Iosns placed. Apply to I" A AC II. RMITII, 130' Middle Street, Vvf 1' '0. N. R ' lltliTABtlljWO. 10 ..r'- 1 - V. I ffeet Sunday, Oct. 22tL )8t9 .. St 7:0.'j5AM. Ooir.t, Ei.Ht ( BCHSPCI I Going West V SO. ?: Paasenger, Ttsins No. 4 Lv. p m - 8TATIOS8! 9 40 .Goldaboro 4 09... LaGrsnjje s 88.. . .Klnatont. 6 o Ar. New Berne, Lv 5 50 Lv. U Ar. Ar. is ...11 tiff ...10 fig ...10 12 . . 900 8 87 7 15. . . Ar. Morehead 6ilv Lv 1 nit Ml J' No. 6, t Mx'd r"l sTATiossf MxM ft and Pass Tn. I l-aag tD- Lv. a. u. -v Ar. p, at, 7 1' Goldsboro 2 53 7 43 Best's., aid 8 08 LaGrsnge 1 43 &2o falling Creek 1 ia 9 H Kinston 12 58 9 8.' Oaaweil, n 68 0 15 Dover. h 40 10 40 Core Creek 1040 115. Tuscarors 1181 Claras.. 12 00 New Berne P. it. I Monday. Wednesday, Friday. Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. 1018 1000 9 80 A. at. No. 1. t No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar, p m 8 18 Mx'd Ft. and Pasa.Tn. Lv. am 7 10 7 48 8 06....... stations: . . Goldsboro. . Best'S, 7 33 ... LaGrange ,. 7 0 Falling Creek 6 3a . . ..Kinston 6 18 826.. 014.. 928 oaawell. 5 18 40 Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 1016 Lv. " Ar 420 10 40 Core Greek 400 If 15 Tuscarors. 3 38 U 81 olark'a 8 20 18 06 Ar. NswBern,Lv. 1 80 Lv. " Ar. 9 12.. Riverdale S 80 oroatsn 2 50 10 47 10 10 10 00 940 9 00 8 47 8 38 8 20 7 50 A. il. 9 43.. 3 12.. 125.. s81.. 8 46.. 4 01.. Hsvelock .. .. Newport, Lv .... .Wildwood ....'...Atlantic .Ar. Morehead Olf, Lv .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. . . . M. a Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTnesday, Thursday and Saiurday. 8. L. DILL, Buperiutc idenl Atlantic oatt Iine. w LMINOTOK & NlW Hi UN K K. I. TIMS TABLK SO. , tnKtfoct Wednesday, Aug. 7. lH98,;Daily Except Sunday. Going South SOUBOULI: Coing North No. M, Passenger Trains No. SO, Lv. a in, stations: Ar, pa, 8 00 NewBerne 6 40 9 88 ;..Pollocksville ..6 04 0 61 Maysville 4 49 10 02 Jacksonville 4 18 12 08. 1215 p If No. 3, i Wilmington, 1 ) Union Depot f " 82 Ar. Wilming'tonj Lv. ... 2 J6 r at PABHENQgH ft FltKIQHT, No. A Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. a H 780.... 8 40.... 9 80.... 1005... 1061.... 11 20.... 12 05. .. 12 30.... 21 65.... 1 30.... 215... 2 65 ... 8 40.... ..Lv. Wilmington, Ar Scott's Hill..!., Woodside..... Hollvxidgs . . . uixon....... Verona , Jacksonville . . . Northeast Whitenak Maysvills ... ....Poliocksvirie.... .... Debrubl'a . Ar. New Burns. Lv. -A'any r.xcepr. Huoaay. J. B. KENLY, General Manarer. BO ItLiEN, M ri. Transportation. ,r.i, - . r. . ' EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH AND Old Dominion FREIGHT & PAS8KNGIR, -, -,1. v For All Polnta ITortli. The Steamer NEITSB will leave on Mondsys, Wednesdsjs snd Fridaps st 6 p. m.lharp, mak ine landing! at Orients, Octsooks sndfRosnoks Island. ; . v13f" Frslghl rsoeirsd not lstet; thsn on honf previous to sailioir. - . For farther informstlon apply to l" - GEO. HBNDEBSON. Ast. ar V ir. vi ar .-.". a. JA. jaxaiv. uou. Blir.. 3i; H.0. HcDOiKB,Cren,Frt. Pu.Agt. ' ,.;;. ; Norfolk, Vs, New Bsrns, N. 0 UtxyfOth . KEEP WAtlUr By asving'wee'tber strip rlut on jrotrV v doora and wladotta. Tor Hala : '' T;EaI.ATliAJI. Also liava a vaod Mula FAr ' tlme.':..'";: Hello rCetjtrair Moore'si '-- TTood ilTftrd, Where they keep Dry 'Wood," lawed aay length yen want, and will deliver It st your doni. Fall memoirs gnsrsnterd, Mr J. W. s'oote will ho st b oflles and glad to aroomqiniinte bis old cub-tomers.- iJoi.'l fnreet tha) plsoe, on Bouth Fnulsfeei;iy tha sallroad and 1'bo.ie 140. J. T. alOOHE. . nilnn Kulra earlv Clsik's. I'lnn' irif-n.lK'r J ami. a-'sr Mrtili, i t lip Seed at fcipplatf. He Brick Store, !-..'- & 1 1, - - - 1 r:' -sr. - , ' -Ml. Ar. Pat 1 ... 145 , .M 66 eg1 ' ' Vs. ...1215 - ...1061 . ,1 ...18 20 . ' ... ' '.vi V ,.. 8 65 -'Aivl ...8 05 y'r'l ... T20 'V ... 8 85 ... 600 -e'.Sif I m - , : I --.1 O J - i rt-V'Vi' i.aKWiM.aai..MMMiiaiia.iaaifMiHt

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