.X 1 c ;: 1 il-: ... ' V:'.. . ... - - - - JfS-J- . ' ; ; - Acts gently on th e . Kidneys, liver ; f.liANSE5 THE YSTEM - EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES iri0CU-:?LT RITUAL " PERMANENTLY THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N.C., Feb. It, 1900., Index to New Advertisements. Barfoot Bargains. j ' W M Watson Notice. . J K Latham Cotton seed. E B Hachbum Butterino. O Marks Co Special Values. , Q N EnnettA gift of utility. J 0 Dunn A Co Within reach. '- Atlantio Mio Co Mehlin Wagner. Business Locals. BO Barrels Choice Maine Houltotv Kose Seed Potatoes. For Bale at Chat B Hill, Hughes Building, east side Market D.tck. CALL on E. D. Bangert, No. 103 Mid dle street for Watch and Jewelry repair ing. All work guaranteed. No jobs sent north. " . THE Barest Cure for Indigestion- is Burton's English Ale, st Jm. F.Taylor's THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street.-. ' . '' - ' - v ". The Mehlln. . " The Mehlln pianos hare always been ; regarded in (the trade and among musl : ' clans as being among the most sclentm. tally constructed pianos made. , In reliability, tone and construction-they are surpassed by none la price they are .from 10 to 85 per cent lower than other mikes of a similar quality. Sold In East Carolina only by The Atlantio Music Co., Pollock street. 'vi-'iv-V;''- - , ar'-- . i r. 1 . - . .- n rresn uaraen oeeus a irnvw rrei crlptfon Pharmacy. -AV'sl ; , ; Fresh Flower Seed atlDarls' Prescrtp- I: tlon Pharmacy."ii'v4;;i';ol . 14- ... - iiB" tIM. 1 1 . -'vm.mi e. iwi asm aw. v ' : BUT THS, 6eHVIHl,-MH'? 0 6y , f raiHumuimw" ' G , 1 , Extra fine dressed poultry, lurk eyt land , . I chickens at Oaks Market,,. - .;?ff - f ' Pickle Trioe. XJw Puddlnes. ' and Country Lardj can be had at the Oak's .h' .Market, v V ; . C 3. J. Baiter has a Anejfne Of exlracts ' ,v and toilet articles left over from Chrlst i . f .' mu that he is selling rery lom-W' " Our new sattBaee mill nr completed. - Perk , sausage tlOc -.Meat sausage;' t : pounds for SO cents.. Oaks Market. ' - Fresh Molasse Taffy at. McSorley's today. ' - fc&'&rCf Prompt and careful attention ts always given to prescriptions at DaTii" Pres cription Pharmacy. Bend "yoars there to be filled.'. a -v . Baxter the Jeweler has moved to 107 Middle street inNfhe store' formerly oc cupied by! Mrs. Lane, Milliner, and is constantly adding to his stock of spec tacles, clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Watch.'clock and jewelry repairing and engraving promptly and neatly .execu ted. BIgni i ''). " Gold E La. :; -..'. ' , For Sale.' Valuable Ilea) Estate. lhe bouse and land bounded bj New,' East Front and Short streets formerly the property of Mrs. M. Elanly will be sold February . ) at l o'clock at the door of, the Court Homje, Clokl end Capoa At Cot, We will soil fchat Uloakf and Capes are on hand at cost. Beipeclfully, J. J. Baited Celery Ilea ' che Powders will cure your headacb' J . CJv them a trial. They are mails anil id at Davis Preecrlplloa riiarraacy. ' Jordan's (' ' !''lam continues 16 beapoj i.' n i:' .!y for coughs, boarae sfflUpi,:., 1 1 and suld only ,by Davis' ' , Cold In Ilea;!, . i 1 r:o. ; . :!. Ciify A;. C1.1,, 1 Eatters of Local Interest is Uie Cliy and Country. Rain and warmer is the forecast for to day.. ' " . f,; The mailmum' temperature yesterday was 55 and the minimum l!7 degrees.' The Journal acknowledges the inv! tation oSthe Phi Society of Wake For est College to be present at" lhe 15tb Anniversary ot-tho Society, February 16th. Every member of the Atlantic Com pany is requested lp be pirsent at their regular - monthly meeting tomorrow night as business ofvilal importance to every member will be transacted.' The New Bern friends of Mr. M. H. Curran, of Wilmington, will learn with surprise of that gentleraaojscent mar riage in New York City. Mr. Curran will have the best wUhes of. his. friends, here. . Christian Bcience - Church services, Sunday's 10.45 a. m. and 7.80 p, m. Bible lesson sermon today. Subject, Mind," 1 Corinthians 13:11. Testimony service Wednesday's 7.80 p. m.. Reidlug; Boom open daily. AU are cordially invited to attend. - v - . 1 t ' v RESOLUTIONS OP TRIBUTB x ' To Captain Edward B. Roberts Who filed v in Raleigh, 5th of February, look: Nsw Bebit, N. C, 8lh Feb. 1900. t ' The Confederate. Veterans of Craven county, In recognition of the ureaf loss that has come to us in the death of our friend and comrade Edward B. Roberta, formerly Captain of Company "l," 7tn Begiment North 'Carolina Troops, ' and of his greater low-1 those to whom he was unspeakably near and dear, do re- x 1st. That It is only just to the memory of our deceased brotuer-tn-armB, to re call that in all relations of life fie was honOrable.Vlgh-mlnded, competent and true; as a Citizen' nsefu, distinguished and public spirited;- In the "domestic circle devoted and. excelling in all the virtues; as a frieud, sincere, constant, unchanging and generous, and pre-emi nently so to those In adversity or afflic tion; as a soldier, prompt to respond to the call oLhis State to resist invasion, bravo, untiring, self-sacrificing, j and faithful to the sad end. k- : , , - 2nd. That we lympathlze most deeply, and share with bis family and relatives In the sore bereavement with which it has pleased Divine Providence to visit them, and beg them to accept out heart felt condolence in their great sorrow, commending them to the God whom our brother served humbly and welt, .J. , - - Gbamaii Daves, ,." . '-' ' v ' Edward K. Bbtah, ' '.J ,t .; Matt Mult,,? . " V ' -'c- Committee..' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Miss Agnes Foy left yesterday morn. ing to Visit friends at High Point. v Miss Isabel Busbee o Raleigh Is visit Ing Miss Bottle Windley on Broad street. ' Mr. L. H. Ervln and family who"Tiave been spending the week at Iiichlands re turned home last nlghc '. 'V j ' "' Evangelist W. P. Ffe of Thomasville, N. 0., came in on last night's train,, and is the guest of Dr. George Slover. - 1 ii - - y jCrayen Club Reception The monthly social . receptloa of the Craven Club will take place, at the - dub house, on next Wednesday night, Feb ruary 14th from 6:80 to, 11:80 o'clock. " Ths reception oommlttee for the . re ception will be, Messrs. Ralph Gray, Dr Bi D. V. Jones, C. L. Stevens. , assisted by Mrs. P, H. Pelletler, Mrs. J, U Coop er and Miss Lnlielvea. .', ; .Geieral Gordon Comes Here.: The Daughters of the Confederacy an nounce that General John B. Gordon will be their guest and will deliver a lec ture at the Court House Saturday night, February 14th. General Cullen A. Bat tie has been in correspondence with General Gordon and it was through his efforts that the distinguished Bootherner consentedrte deliver an address here. It will be aa enjoyable ecculoa and 'a cordial welcome is assured to the orator. Further details will be forthcoming. Entertainment at Swansboror- There will be a grand entertainment at Bwanshoro on Friday night, the 18th, Inst., for the benefit of the Methodist church. .The entertainment will consist of theatrical plays, tableaux, music, etc. Everybody is Invited to come and,have a good time. v ; y ' ' Admittance fifteen and twenty-five cents. "A Single Fact is worth a shipload of argument." Every cure by Hood't Sarsa parlllals a fact, proving Its merit, and the thousands and thousands of cores recorded certainly should convince you that Hood's will cure you. . . - - indigestion, nausea are cored by Hood's Pills. ' The Wapner. The Wagner riano is nut as excvlle nt as the llehlin. But it is as good as ar "!50 piano to be found anywhere. 1 tone Is round and iwwl; lis action !', and qnick; lis roi.--inictl.in is Jminv . concoiyed end f : 1 1 1 n 1 i -i ' y excciMf-J, wears as well as a fv . '.i,s... j i swm-tnr with ri. ' U r In :I0 to f09. tiol.1 In Vlyh, ?'.. and Fcmlh ('aioliiiii i Vy Tim A s lie V:: 'i: (;,!" t. A I, Between Teas, -Riceptioiis anJ Social Gathering'?, It Was not An Unprofitable Time. One of the most delightful leas of the season was given Friday afternoon by the Hisses Xnnnie and Einm. Stevenson It was from four, to six o'clock. The rooms were beautifully decorated with flowers, especially admirable being a great lank of calla lilies in bloom, with magnolia leaves to set them off. - Hya cinths and other flowers were In pro fusion. . : '1 The guests were received by Mrs M D W Stevenson; Misses Annie and Emma Stevenson and' Miss Clementine: Whit- ford. At the door were Mrs. J. T. Hol- lister, and Miss Sadie Hollisier. And the following young ladies waited won' the guests and supplied them with refresh mente, Misses Jeouette Ilullister, Mabel Hughes, Addle Claypoole, Mary Galon, Bradford Hymaiif Isabel Bryan and Agnes Foy- ; - r 4 t The whist club,vaa delightfully enter tained by Mr, and Mrs. II. C. Lumsden at their: home' last ' Tuesday evening. Upon this occasion a number of youlTji ladles and gentlemen not members of the Club were Invlied and the game -of pro gressive hearts was substituted for that of whist; Prizes "were awarded to those fortunate persons getting the' fewest beartp, there being much interest mani fested lu tho tweivegames played duriug the evening. . . ' : Al the close of the series refreshments were served the guests . Among those In vited warei Mr and Mrs J T Hollister. Lt and Mrs 8111. Mr and Mrs Ralph Gray Mr and Mrs Frank Duffy;' MiasesSadie Hollister, Annie and Emma Stevenson, Augusta La Motte, Jennie Burrus, Brad ford Hyman, Bettle Windley, ;Mabel Hughes and Agnes Foy, and Messrs N. C. Hughes, J. Leo Burrus, R. ,A. Nunn, P S Cox, 1" W Waters, Ellis Williams, Mark Btevenson, D It Davis' and Alex NeaL - ... ' 1 . t Miss Hary Moore gave a veryjplcasanl party Tuesday alght to her immediate friends. During the course of the even ing there was music and an impromptu cake Walk to the exceeding mertlmeut.of the company. '" " u'.; '" The Coming marriage .of Mr. John S. Turner of Weldon, S, C. and Miss Jane Bryan Ithem, formerly- of this city, is anaounced to take place at noon, Wed nesday, February the 14th.j- ts " j.rr..'---. The brilliant iedding of Ward-SchoU lenbergeY at C brlet Episcopal church, Wednesday afternoon and the reception Immediately following hai been dwelt, upon in these columns.. Also the wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Holland, an exceedingly pleas ant affair, of Tuesday night, which has also been touched upon, -vi -" A coming event is the entcrta,lnment to be given at Ike theatre Monday,. Feb. 26th. : It will be for the benetit of St. Paul's church ami will be given in three parts, Tableaux of ahich there will be sixteen, a short play, and Mrs, Jarlsy's wax YVorxa. 'lhe arrangements' are under - guidance of Mrs. Uileut.' 8111 who has enllste'l the servloes of quits' a number., of the young- people of : tl.e town, noted for their pretty wit and Statuesque forms, s. , . - YE FISHES. Blgh Tide leaves Vast QuantlUes of Pish In the Public Road and Swampv j . J A Regular FeasU,", , .' . ? MksiC; N. February 18, At the head of Jones bay - the county read crosses a small - stream ln the swamp near the "bay the land is low. and swampy, and ts often covered With' tide water." . '-. y-.-- On last Bunday night the' tide oame up over the road and lower parts of the swamp, and oa Monday morning the like of - fish has never been known by oar oldest citizens. ; The fish came np with the tide and were left la the causeways, on the road and In the swamp. The peo ple have been hauling them away-. both lor food and as compost for their farms, numbers it is Imposlble to give, JO I will say that tons ot the fish have been taken and yet tons are still lying there, . They were croakers, spots snd fat ' backs and Other' kinds. ' The .eagles, fish-hawks, minks, ottersrwlld cats, and coons and perhaps bruin are having a feast from all appearances.,' " W. T. Mto. -- THB MODERN WAT. '' Commends itself to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys tem and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant; after effects, Use the delightful liquid laxative remedy Syrup of Figs. Made By California Fig Syrup Co. I flargalri. Fur February. These are clearing sale prices: towels 4c; Ladles vents l-c; black Ijirp scam- lew hose 9c pair; silk baby ops S"o; 7" table linen at 4:ic yard; ladies $10.0 jnchets now fi.Oil; Co novelty drr.i dross goodj SSc yard. (1. A, I'aiu'oot. A Vfiluii' lo Slid er.t,"f:.;T.M.r . ijimitt'a r.nok !'i. ( 'h I i i! Jliiis pf i licv.'lnpr Hi," fW I in . A.. .a All the Crude Materials Have Ma terially Advanced. :' - L President Morgan, of Tho Ylrgiujji- Carolina Chemical Company Says The Selllag Price is Lower . Than Cost of MatVrlals Warrant. - . " RicnMOND, V., Feb. 1, 1900. To the Editor My attention has been called to a communication in the Nuws and Observer,, published under date of Wednesday, January 81st, 1900, In refer ence to the advance In the price of fer tilizer, Wherelu ir i; Stated ; that the farmers of Pitt county, North Carolina; propose to organize and fight the advance In -the prices of fertilizers. And by In sinuation, our Company Is censured as the cause of this advance. I destie to mako a plain statement of "facts and conditions as now obtained in toe fertilizer trade, and to show to the dealer! and consumers of fertilizers that the advance in the price of manufactured fertilizers is not only just and. warrant' ed but Is absolutely necessary, and that the manufacturers of fertilizers could noj afford to sell them al the price ruling last year "unless they did so at a very heavy loss, 1 -1 " . , x Now to get. down to facts and figures; we will see., what has really caused the price of ferlilizur to be-advanced, this year over last: - '' - ' ' ,1 Acid Phosphate wing one of the prin cipal ingredients lu all complete .fertili zers, I desire to show here how much this article costs to make in eneis of the cost price for the same thing last year. ' The -.advance In pyrites, - from which sulphuric acid Is made, is more thaa (3.00 per ton over last year;.. The advance in Nitrate, of Soda, which lsa necessary Ingredient In tho manufacture of sulphuric acid, is fully $S,00 per ton more -than last -year.. Phosphate. Rock has advanced a minimum of ft. 73 per ton at the mines and in soma grades of rock-tfae advance is more than $8.00 per ton. These three articles- constitute what is necessary to make Acid Phos phate, Put them together in the proper proportion and a ton of Acid Phosphate will cost 62 OS per ton more than it did list tear. - ; Bags are costing as 30& per ton taoje than they did last year, so that the crude miterlal going into a ton of Aotd Phos. phate Is costing ... approximately i (2.27 more than it did a year ago.". --. Every piece of factory supplies and machinery, coal, and everything neces sary to operate a factory, Is from- 35 to U0 pet cent, higher than 1 was a year ago. 'This W'll add certainly, an addi tional 10c. to the cost ofvton of fertlll ser, making in the. most conservative and reasonable estimate possible a ton of 13 per cent Acid Phosphate, bagged and ready for shipment, cost the manufac turerrta 87 .moro than It did twelve months ago.' - -v ' Now let us look at eomplete ammont- ated fertilizers: W oS will tako what Is commonly known aj standard grade ol complete fertilizer, running, lay. Si per cent of ammonia, 8 per cent of available phosphoric acid, and 1 per cent of pot ash. As I have above demdnstrated, acid phosphate cost $107 more Itau lart year. This is equivalent to a little more thai 10c. per 100 pounds. In making the H, 8 and 1 fertilizers,' 1,100 pounds of acid phosphate would be necessary, so at 10c. additional cost per 100 pounds, the addttiodal cost for acid phosphate would be $1.S0. It cotton teed meal was used for ; the ammonia, It would ..take approximately 700 pounds, and cotton seed meal is new worth 10.00 person more than last year, Which is equivalent to 80e per 100 pound and 700 pounds would cost f a. 10 more than it did last year.;; Now add SOo for extra coat for the bags' and you have (3.80 per ton more for the materials than we paid for these materials last year. : . If tankage or blood was used for - the source of ammonia instead of cotton seed meal, the advanced cost - over last year would be $3.20 per Wu, as ammonia from tankage or blood Is noW-OOo per ttnlt higher than last year, so for ?l per Cental ammonia the exlre.cost over last year would be fl.80.;- . f-. . SulphatcTpt ammoflia Is the only other source of ammonia commonly - used in the manufacture" pf fertilizer.. Twelve months' ago' 'this1 article was selling at about (13.00'per tori. . We paid for lt this week (04.00 pef ton. . Now I assert that tho price of fertili zers Lai not advanced nearly so much as the price of raw materials going into thcru Let Us see who Is to blame If any one, for the advance of these crude ma terials. Take Pyrites: 'We buy fiom Spain more than three-fourths of all we use, Nitrate of Soda: We buy entirely from Routh America. I'otaau Balls: We buy entirely from Germany. Bo lt can not bo said thai our ompany controls or Is in any v.Io responsible for the ad vance of thane materials as wo have no Interest whatever In any of these prop erties, eliln-r directly or Indirectly. Take phoi-phal-j rock: Wo do mine a small pirtpoitlon of our wants of phos phslo lock, but wo mlno mine f r m't and wo buy from o!;r mini- more than two-tld la of what vu ( c Ji no i !oi,s r--i.k. ua no it ly In ! in t I OrO t li lt Wl p.i. o or ! II i.i d In r d:i'- L'y o I O I 1" 1, Ah f roduce ab.olulely nothing, except a small quantity of phosphate rock? lt is our aim and purpose to manufac ture fertilizers as cheaply ta possible and ' to sell them at as low a price as we can afford, thereby stimulating a large con sumption of fertilizers snd their general use for all crops.'- i , ; - - -:- Let us see how the farmer is situated: lie Is getting this year from 2i to Scents a pound for his cotton -more, than last year,yand we understand that for a great deal of the cotton seed tho cotton seed oil mills are now paying 25c per bushel. Are these advances wrong, and. are the manufacturers who are having to use this product condemning: the parties who produce them, simply because the dh mand is "such that the price has Increased so enormously ever last year? At present prices the farmer can sell the cottonseed from one acre of land and buy as many fertilizers as he usually puts over two to three acres, even though there Is a small advance In the price of fertilizers, caused by the manufacturers having to- pay high prices for the materials entering in to them. " - v We propose to he perfectly : fair and candid in our statements and believe that when an no prejudiced farmer-looks Into the situation he will realize that he Is not charged as much for fertilizers as the cost of materials under present con dition, warrant'.' . f ' Tours very respectfully, ' . -; - , -r" s. T. Mono as, - . r Pres. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. ' Raleigh Mews Observer. j 1 , '"Puslr It Alongt - :l It Is useles for edliorjat associations to pass resolutions demanding the ; repeal of the duty on wood pulpt if they col- ttuue to support congressmen who vote against . it. - Newspapers accomplish great things for political parties and all manner ofertforms and It should not be Impossible for theui to do something In their behalf; but thlacannot be done by adopting, high sounding resolutions. Durham Herald. ' . -': Right along the same line theews- papersldo not help themselves much by supporting those Legislators for re-election who so Ignore tbeul by killing in committee room their bill for a just law. There are several things that the news pipers ought to thiuk about in the cam paign. Greenville Reflector. - " (Jorrtct you are brethren. ; And now lets not only think, but - maka up our minds to art. The manner in which the 'libel law," asked forby the editors tf the State, was "pigeon holed" by the Committee In IhS last Legislature, wis a slight which every Democratic editor jn the Stale 'should', resent Franklin Times r If this "between the acts'; indignation could be kept up during the "entire per formance, the I'rV s might accomplish something.'. Bui j ulging from the past the Press will couiluue to accept humble pie as lis onty ration. v , - John Dlrr, Posey ville, Ind, says, "1 never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cuie. We are never with out It. '"Quickly bleaks up coughs and colds.- Cures all. throat ami lung trou bles. Its use will prevemonuuipiiuna. Pleasant to take. V S Dutfy. HER BONNET. When meeting bells began to toll, " And pious folk began to pass, - -Bhe deftly lied her bonnet oo - ' . t ; The Utile, sober, meeting lass .' Z All In her neat-, white curtained oom, Before, her tiny looking glass.. ; . . i; So, nicely round her lady cheeks 'tfv - She smoothed her bands of glossy hair, Andlnnocently wondered If Her bonnet did not make her fair; .' Then sternly th'd her foolish heart - . ' For hwbortng such fancies' there, 8o, square she lied the satin springs, ' And set the bows beneath her chin; Then smiled to see how sweet she looked Then thought her vanity a sin - And she must put such thoughts away Bofore thesermon should begin. But, sitting 'neath the preached word, - Demurely, in her father's pew, - J She thought about her bonnet still - Yei, all the parson's sermon thiongh About Its pretty bows and buds ; Much belter than the text she kneWT Tet, sitting there with peaceful face, . The reflet of her simple soul, ti She looted to be a very saint ' . And maybe was ono on the wholes Only that her pretty bonnet ' . Kept away the aureole. rv " v.- -"-Mary B. Wllklns. a DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is un- equalled for piles, Injuries andrkln oia eases. It is the original.- Witch Hazel SAlve. Beware of all counterfeits. F Duffy. ... - - . . - .j J. J. Baiter will sell all of bis winter stock now at a sacrifice to make room for spring goods. . - . . . - Crystallzed Ginger at McSoi ley's. Notice of Meeting of Creditors . to - Consider DIscIiarfe. In the lilitrlcl Court of tb ITnlled f!nii, for the Kastem District of N.C. In ll) M ilter of U. T.iYI.OU, Bankrupt. In Il.mUrnptcw To the Ci-.ll'ors of I'eUlloncr, y,ho lins lici n n-1 j u : ! i all A a I'.nnkriipt and st i I .1 by piimp..ltlm Tjjkn lo ' : e L 1 1 - I a Hi' '! Iior of ereilltiil s m i-c i ) i.t r : r L. J. '' c, I ' ., -., I'i ; i v in, N. C., at 13 '' 'hi ! ..?.',.. ,.f i . -i', V, l'l 'O, h, v ' U h STONEWALL. - Steamer Guide to Have Hew Hull. Measles Are About. Irish Potatoes Shipped. - , "Stonewall, Feb, 10th. Ed. Journal: Nearly everybody has had, or Is having measle. -Many Nbave had it In a very mid form and , many have been very sick and had . to have a doctor.. - The weather hai felt for a day or two like planting time, the . wind has- gone back northwardly ; and", makes quite a change in the temperature again.;-". ,vy Mi. Hooper, of Baltimore, Md ; - who drums for Flndlay, Roberts A Co,,' an old well-known hardware house of Balvf timore is in our town. '-Mr. Hooper is a very clever gontleman and knows his business, he- has been with the same house for twenty years ' . ;.!' '.:...' Many are shipping Irish potatoes from our town to different places up the A, & K. C. Railroad, they are to get good prloes I understand and' we hope they will. r - Well, I understand the steamer Guide is going to have a new hull or bottom so shaped that she 111 draw less water and her carrying capacity made very much greater..- It Is very much to be regretted that such a mistake was made In purchas Ing a Bteamer for this line like the Guide My friends you arj right in going to work and make her a good boat, there is much In store for this tide yet. Success to the enterprise. ',;, J. O. B vithin easy reach of everybody. - coy h sutis now senior for 0o on the dollar. We havo a few sizei left and are closing them out at a great sacrifice. . (4 00 BovV Suits now $3 20 . 8 00 ' " ' 2 80 -8 00 ' 2 40 Our Men's Suits are still going at 80 cents on the dollar nnd you ran lave money by buying now. Winter Under vrrar-at a ms heap prices. Call and examine ot r stock. You cannot fail to get suited. J. G. DUNN tea - 57 Pollonk Street. Cotton Seol&SeecL Irish Polatoes . tttirlv UfXlm 'Nfaajar OiiAAti lrSr1. nf BahI). Red and While Jlilss -ImhIi N e and northern grown, 1000 lnmhols Early eiug uoiiou weu. iiki iiusiieia BOU'bern Hope Cotton Heed, Lone Stsplc Cotton. - van or write lor ctrciimrs. .J. fi. LATHAM. Notice of Summons aol Attach ment. NpRTn Carolina, Cbavbh Coohtt. Superiob CoynT, ' 11 B Duffy vs J J Trader. To J. J. ThADKk: ' , Whereas, the summons Was duly issued irom toe Huperiar court or uraven eouu ty, returnable to said couri on Hie -Slh Hoodayjiofore the 1st Monday In March IV0V. aud returnable tiv tuo riiterin not o be found In uiy county, said summons being issued in lhe above entitled action, and where as an order of publication has been duly made for service of summons upon you In the action aforesaid Now therefore you are hereby notified to appear at thr Superior -Court of Craven County on the 12th Monday after the 1st Monday in Marcn luiw, n .being the.28th day of May J000- and answer, demur or othorwiso ' plead to the com plaint which will be hlml In said action on or before the first three d iys of s..id term or otherwise defend Said action as jou - may be -advised. ' And you , will further lake notice that at the time-of Issuing of the summons above mentioned a writ of attachments was imoed from aid Court In said anion directed to Sheriff of Jones county directing him lew Said writ upon your property aid county, and take said property into his possession for the purpose of said action. .To all of which you will take due notice and defend the same- as von may be advised. This February Oth 1000, Clerk Superior Court, Craven County tl l. LI tvJ I'J I Ak to Gc ii t And in your klcli"n is alisoltitciy iinp-nitirc. When yur kite! en Is life I uii with all the conveniences furnlnlied by mo lorn H n l iny I'lomlil ig yo I have jii.in liioi lihctl lul.s and sink, with ei' p. I pliiii l.i'ii-, un I nil tlie Improve t.-.'i t!. ! I to li' iilil,fu!nns a' d '. A i, ) :,iii.. In tl-la line w ill - ..-. il in IN') I... t want cr ami lit i i '-A "Uec J Special lEtierxS neek. en$er the -time we sell The exceptional facitities we have. x-: for buying goods often enables us to re- . " l-'f -A - 1... tf 11 x a ai & less price man oiners. T - It is a very, ven rare occurrence that pur price is eer Higher than those thai ''', prevail elsewhere, and if this occasion 1 m' J ever occurs we immediately mark our : prices down as soon aware of these facts. f you will neter pay i nis iveeR we cial Values to tell you Black Kid About 50 pair left some lace, some button, ul! at one price for this week, 25c. " Men's sTaitonct If aiulkcrchia'i'M T .nr-ctn TT.it,.llrni.,tiiapa ;..;f;.,1 ;.. ..Ill, W ltwly 15c, this week Sc. v Mmi's Iiiicn Collars Tin.' famous Peyser Prunil, No where else in town can they be Writing Two ftialitioii, one Hie best at O otlier 10c for thetanio (uanlity. V Light or Uarit ( nlicos, your choice this week, for 4c. Pretty Outings or Flannelette in light colors and niMlly atriped, clear them out this week for 7c. About 15 pieces cf I) ret a floods have been reduced about one-fourth this week. I!e sure to see them. A t O. MARKS orses an 1 vve hove jnst received, purchased St. Ilahn. THREE Carlooda ol Stock, MS D9 Urger J Mules, fetid "40 Head of Horses to snit yoa; for any and all purposes, Jarm,'' " ''L JDraftantl Koad Wor ' r. , - - ' .V- ...A foil lino of Buggies, Road Carts, Wagons, fart Wheels, Harness, . .- Robes Ami whips on hand- : 1 rices and Terms guaranteed. - K ; V ; , We invite your early inspection. Eospectfully, - . ' r 1 n ";'-., ;': I tir;--i(ii:: 'i-S -'-'f'-- - - T ,4 ' ''';: '. to 8 ytiars. i These Just latest styles and ver handsome 89 MIDDLE BTRKKT, ; ; - Cric!i For Salo.! - . isl qiih I ymrjat N w Brn,j Tuo Ik for rev 7.1. In lots of T' n Tlniiiennil or Mori', . - t h in.!, alttes ! daw arid in fxt41L s. merchandise at a JSIP as we are made ':' X Vv,f us more than others nave a jew jspe- of, Gloves 2100 linen and only 10c each. foil ml. t Pr 20c for a whole package, the A They can't be equalled. s 4 COMPANY. ? f direct from the Raudr by our Mri" -?- f r. anil han nnw on html AO Wul ntf-.'m-'t- - V",. .;,.-.: .';..- .. ' ! Suits' arej NIW EEItN, H- O 7,. v -4 Moody s Wood Yard, 4-For all Kiuds of ' Wood, Sawed to Sv'L XliWUtJi V fcJU One quarter of a cord giuiranl I to each load, nnd di-liv.-n- l ! ri; wanted. B. D. JtOf Foot of Jr. 1 1 T wx i i i.'i. -.. .' rt-.v''i''? '-'':'i .

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