II Vegetable Preparalionfor As similating toeJoodandBegula tingttieStouiacitsandBowelsof Promotes DiecslionJCheerfuI- -ness andRest.Contains neither Opfaim.MorpIune nor funeral. WOX XAB.C OTIC rMraaJea- . -,, A perfect Remedy- forConslipa don. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SlJSEP.; C Facsimile Signature of , -" NEW YORK. v ' EXACT COPT OC.WRAPPER. fnttorytui(1potoDtintb90ureofdlBuKHi . otna,wwu PMi, uonerraaa, wun, SjeniwtoriVw. Vnriennl. Jmiwfmcn iortMoirtxl,l)irruIfirlf (- .: entlun, taUr txema, worn), overwork, and In atmmi of womuti.icch w , . fflM, OwwrrfKM, JDi)rraM, iron j: I2mrM TlAum ialiu. lhuirusl TrouMA. Our HMdlctnM vsMt, aevor nut nr tneiij -omit nmM no Armful eOteota. . k KU - VKUVfe THIS BT tlKUtKiHti nnrMinilta wuil tmatautnt nd advice rail nitRW' ' sUvry, m rom areatav npaue. Illi CAttEFUl to tell n H job un about t-' your eaM,tbamon the batter, yewrago,, oooiiatloa and full JS) aSJTX' aiSff " IT JvkStiaxTh tot aoaept Oils oflsr yon will he plaawd but OH OK amd tbatt wU . " Writ to-day to KAI.V90B MU. t;o Uuoaatw.Obia. : v -E , THY FIRST BUY AFTERVARD3a ' UUlUUUUUUUUUUiUUUUUUUlUIUit? I har baeB auBarbigtroratamiJe y ; Beta tor tour nan, and luiv takeit wHcinaa, but Winaf Cardulaod - Draught bat doaenore tot ma tha 7 tt l miUk tft take ny and every kind medicine when yon re : i- Ti... to limovM. In iK Most of the io-cilled cures for "female " If - weakness" i6 nolli'uig more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when . the effeet wears away tlie patient to weaker and sicker than before. - It it ; ' never wt5etotikecnancesr: You have only one Hfe, and that b dear and ? 1 precious If you have an pain, ache, disorder or weaKtiess in the fetnt-' j: nine organs, notliinff will hetp yon Hke.Wuie otearduL helps do away with momlng sickness during the early ataees of pregnancy.and i: v modifies the pains of childbirth! recovery is rapid and future health ! . - assured. " The Wine is purely eg- ; etable, being made of herbs whose ' ? medicinal properties act directly .,. ' upon the organs of womanhood' -' ; It is a lone-tried remedy, and has ? Vminv vMra of KiirfKS Ivhinil It. It ' is sure. jVhyjt a cliance medicine when yoa cm get lure medtdne? Druggists ell tarfl6 1 Bottles for $100, - BLOOD CURE An Offer Proying Paiti , V Headers Write Today Vp ,TIlrr,'Canocr. latins' r otir Fuii - Fertat tit Kruptlona, tht n fne,t.i leat rarcd UBBl fBotante I o V lm). Bate, deep aeated Wood ainl Skin "'trrtil.te. ' All run downf UavB Jou Ecwma?; IlmHef piotoJ nd EnmpT Skin or Bcalp Humors? Bolltf Er.iptloir fikin Uctie and 8wollon? ,'i Achlnsf Boneaf Kbenroatiamr Ecrofulu! t Caiarrb?' Tl,n ' becaueo it dralni froni-Uiu bio-d and entire lystem all the i oisona Bndbumora arhk;h cause ell o( three troutUa,'and the o ns being removed, ft permanont cure followfc B fl B acti i fine t n e I Uil'ling tln l e loken down coi stitution. . -"" Kreryoneaaya thotBBBIi'ilitinnsi ' and no wonder, for It b cvred lt-nl moat deadly cancer) after diniuiro and t tceted for thltty yrara Biid i V r known great In B B B that we ill n rid W i ny teat the medicine at our exiti ae.-. No ronuitio : aitaolied to Una offer, aa ' know what B B B can tin, nil vm" ir k la fur you to t ) it. It yon are wttitflud ll n B HY Botanic Blood Italui) IH wl.al ! y tl wi:l tlnd larco Ix.ttlr t rtrnir acorm for tl. ot aix Iuiuh tmlilea dreaa HU)OI) ItAl.Tl CO . Il MiicIikII cal l.oi)k will he aenl, all rlnrj.1" repaid. elude Irt-e nintlioal odvin, WrileUiday. ' 'cBenboflv : A vicmztlc Gas Lamp T u ii lump acomplle r:i9 pliint. in If. 19 liouri for em !i riuhil ofyi. Al "hit' 1y linfc, cnilumd ly-all iJIno Ii.3 U Yc'j l.:v3 Bears the Signature - In Use For Over Thirty Years in aremE(ulTlr a Mill MjiIPHf - A IKIAL lKtAiniLlllr wek - ,'. - f:V numrQgt anjr 7 " t: Ufttr atvismr uraaniiiT. ' ' For ufriOB In ouet rfntrlnr ipcdal dtracunna, ailrtrM. Blvlnff irmptoma, lArflM 14iM-fl U9 Tli. tHArriNOOili 1 UHUUltlk, CbEttaaootfk, Tens. SENT FRHE.; to Sufferers Journa: fol" B e llngs, EtrctB it I loud Poboa, lit il r orditwry tn iitm'-nl, 'o quickly m! iix-da'ty to ro's all tenibK ' "K your Wiod tlfiT A yn. i't ji need BflB iBolanto Blood BalmX monderful Blood Purifier of the age cTefp- reau d, -Obatinate caiea. (rven the potent medicines hud failed. Tborouijlily t'N'l.yFor thU reason our failh la ao i uive er a Tilal 1 oU'e Fretv to llipy may (full treatment For tno tiinl liotllo ad Hti'l, Allaiilo, , and twlllo and niul -Owicri be your troulilo, and wo w . " ' ''g0 -w-.,5 ti'un. titiri Iin. f o liO. ' lu cliriiiirnlly nintle i nui find frc! Ironi i lm in n t ii n. tiruli emp .1 K'A I" "-I 1 fur " r-- r i mm- m - it . - m m m at' -"i,. j . i ,KV y'; MS ' . ;. twi ocfmtun bwmiiit. mw o orrr a ' ' ' - . -M I tma? to paint my ffte ; f to :e ber, hfW 6iiut:;iJ I Ifeu-mf -, Hi, fl 1 portray her Binui: or p. it In a n-'tirA:tl to'jrh tiie unit fc-i-ace 1 r juried tearst Ott lie wnilrt a ipaca d aft or weeps, yet 1b each mood doth wia 4 h adUfd beauty that it wn a fin were not chronicled. How thill I place On record mil the graciousncsi of toul at thrill one thrnuffh thna honiM of lnaMcenoa, T Ittalrooi veileikcret. or bring the whole Of bottom 'i curve, checks carmioe to the kdm? And were this done. hiHeed, her queenly air ... could cot fix; the tart It my despair. T - -Antony Clark ta Hall Hall ftUgufMr v PREACHERS' 80RE THROAT. PnlpU Speakers Are. Not b Only Snllerera From It - v The late Colonel Ineenwll frwinently gained ' applauae during hut -4vetuu; by refeiTUig tu the fuct that there wa auch thinK recnsiiDsed in the Htaudnnl uiedt leal bouka aa 'pnucbvra' sire Ihmut,' but that no one hnd ever heard nf u auc tioneer nore llirout."- nhiiervid A popu lar.i Tiik builder, to j'Birtr. "uud whiJe-i Colonel . initeraoll pmbiibly . wna entitled to the point he wanted to illuv trate Jie.wua souiewhat on wneu Jie ia eUted on the polut. . - '. ' rrenihere are throat M Keueniaiil by all writem on throat rflfenvex,. but It not. iieceBBurily counueu to pivueuera. Lawyei'K-l Tnmu rfouitiJdvocittea-aild others who overtna thrlr yoke ut: tiinea suffer from it aa frequently a do preneh- ere. Ou of the nuawera tu CdtiiuK ,lie geranll -would bo. that the bwika did no include ainen' aore thiwnt vilher. Z, ?Thi fact of the matter la that, auc? tjoneera do not huw aoro throat, i A aa(v cesafnl auctioneer, as far as bis voice-is concerned, v la provided iintumlly with atmoroinlly atnrae vocal xuonla. "Theae he atrenirthPns by continual uh. xt that in a few renin the voice and throat-arc the atrongrxt parts of hlm ile la aa lia ble, however,, as others to, suffer from other .troubles and has bis share-of them too. : It is the Heme way with a aluger. Ilia voice In ttetiernlly the-atronxest part of him, and alnitwt. every vther organ auffcrs btfore uia throat does, . The public does uot kuuw how many there ere who try. auctioneering jtnd who find . that they eannot iold out. ihe voice ot every man in not suiteti rur continuous wora. Auctioneer work means several hours of -constant tocal. caei-ch -each day. ,"The reaaotrthe-oroacher's thrimt eoes 1ck on hiui now nod. then, and it does. via that his ns of the vocal chorda Is not constant, for nrdluarily the greater ef fort Is aeldom biore. than-once a week. Another thing that -nperntea against the preacher and In fnvor nf the auctioneer that Ihe preacher seldom speaka IB the open-air. while :tbe aactlonoer finds the mouKJwe for bis Toire in. the opes air.i Oiien air la. the- moat-wurderfui etrenatbener of the fnice. -A ivarked ex- ample-of rhbj i the- fact that eircua per forrm-ra and cit-euK. follower. Keiierallj, who wotkin teiita and npeu air. never have sore tbroam." Waahiugtoa Sisr. Bargain Tenter Repartee. It "Was at a tleiwrtuieut store bargain Counter for uddx and ends, -i The enwb was terrlBe. Vyiitiieii aqueeied and el bowed and Khured to get alongaida the counter. , ! rwiuently two of iheui hap pened to pick up- the aauie bargain at one ami the-tuiue time, and then they both retained l heir dutch on it and look ed duitkfra at each other uutii the stron ger ef the twn woo the Victory or the bar gaiu was rent iuto Hbboua. . - ' ' A bauebiy muiron picked up a box com tainlug three -eitkea of Imported soap for 8 cents at the kiiuip moment thai bum ble lookinif little woman lu a faded taa coat had faateiird her grnxp On the box, "1 believe I wna the tint to. take now of thla," sold the uiitti-on-lu tile electric aenl coat. freeKiiiuly. - i The bumble looking little-woman held ob for a minute,--etudyinjt her antago nist, then abe slowly relaxed her bvkl on tbe box. - . "Welt, you en ii nnve it." sne aaiu amiu bly.. . You-lmik nn If you ueed the soap.' Waahiiigtou I'oat.'. .. i'-K';', Thoaab Nail Drawlaaa. ."- In collet-tlons wifturles old.- la be seen in tiotn yhlua nart .lapnu, are epecmicna of the moat reuinikulile lrawiii lu tbe worltL4iietiin.it of nil kinds drawu With the thumb nail. - The uaila of the thumb oar the hft hand Of the artists of these are tflluwcd tn. . gniw f o ait enormous length, sometime to a foit ortS luibes, and are then puittl duwu to a pen shaped Dipping ibis tiddly euUKtraetcd pen In a beautiful Terniilion tir kyblue ink, tbe only kiuds uf Ink nwd in these .sacred thumb nail drawlum. the artist graceful ly outline hhr trork.i- Occasionally the bold touches from the studio ef a master In this department of "high Brt" lire life alio and are akelirfu'd by n few sweeps of the artist s arm.' 4.1 ke other pictures and sketches of the orient, these, sacred tbnmb nail pictures are mounted and roll ed up like senilis, ,'f " ;5 The Amencr You do things qneerly In Bcotland. J.iw; in .Edinburgh yon number- the 'bouses on a street up one aide and down tbe other. . . . , BrltonrrHow do yon do It In America T The . American Why, we give, the honaes alternate numbers, the odd Bum- bera on one side of the wsy and the even numbers on tbe other. - -, . Tbe Briton infter a panae) Haw, haw, haw! Ha-hal Haw hawl . ; ' ; The Amerk-an-Wbat Is the matter? X The Briton Why that'a the moat ha ha absurd system I ever heard of in my life! j ? - 'The Amerlcan-a-Uow ao? ' .-' - The Briton Think how ridiculous wonld be to hare tn go across the street to speak to your next door neighbor! New York I'ress. Y' Wee Ihe.'- "Do yon know," be said, "thst every time I look at yon I have thoughts ot re- vencer' -. ,v "Why?" sho mane-. ' "Beeauae," he answered, "revenge sweet." Then she told him she thought tomorrow would be a good time to papa. Chtcniro Times-Herald. ' Deyond Hint, The Armleaa Wonder Why couldn't go Into politira? Tbe Bnnke Chnruier You couldn't ever hsre a pull; that's why. Knnsns City In dependent. . - One loses Ins Inenth ly rnnnlne sn ORtrhia it ii'ii' kent iiy alinnlUig stiil. 1,1 llott s MnKuziiio. The snouls of llniiinaeus were famtnis t'0 yours before tlie Clu era. IVtii er ff . I C:.H OF GOUGH'S CLIMAXES. Peroratloa by Which Be Thrilled Ilia Ilearara. ' ' Many and runny a day ago, on the then frontier line of the valley of the Minne- aota, in the at that time beautiful village of Mankato, word went out that uougn had been engaged by the local lyceuoi bu-. reau to lecture ou temperance. Gough came. He was received by a committee of men who had fought Indians, swam ivera, spoiled the -virgin forests, opened new soli, endured poverty, suffered hun ger and never surrendered their belief in the right.. . They escorted blin to tne op-. era house and stage, ;. )'-'A'if-''yv''y Hia. speech was slow at Brstrgesturea few, illustrations not many, The village topers were out tn force and some more decent men for whom women were pray ing to give over the habit of drink ; He told something of his own life, of the misery bruu-jht by drink, of the laws of self denial and self sacrlBoclHe was intense at all times, aud this intensity bore down upon the listeners until he had made tbctu oiie With himself. tSven the small villnKe. boy,- inclined to cat calls and gurgling whistles, .was silent, and there came through the-sepulchral hall bo sound but the raw ery-of the winter wind from outside. - - . - Oe made some -Slight comment on tbe condition of a drunkard family the want which came upon them, the loss of self respect, vile described the degrada tion ot -.spirit ; which- -rested -with . .the habitual drinker and how If that spirit was not ,lctr' cd mere signing or tne bledso would ilit redeem. He pleaded for exercise- Of willliower; more potent in effecting reform tnnn an ,ine uruga and medicines In theworld. ' This was but developing the tuiods of hisshearera for a clltuux. , - " Suddenly be swung epe arm high in the air and shouted -. - 1 t ', "A dronkan and bis fall to the depths of everlasting hell is like the nun who climbs to the top of St. 1'eter's lu Itome. He la on the vei? summit. ot the great domes the blue sky above and the world far, tar lieneath. . He kwks down troro his perch aud. having nothing t grasp, to hold to. grows 4issy.w,,,.f:-,i . wi-i- everything Is -' whirling now , Ocrore him. flis senses leave him. He Is swoon ing. . His feet slip. - He is off the -dome. He is in the nir. He la fallmg . "Down! vDuwnl Down I ; - .-,-'- To the earth, beneath and tbe. rain ot Aimseir. ' -Thus descends the drunkard t"DownI-: Down! - Down! -.-', ' To the fires of hell and the ruin of his The whole exclamation was accompar nled with such use of bis right arm and body aa to bring the tearful descent lm mnllatel tar th." eve of the mind. "- A shadder ran over tne auiiience ine obs of women were heard. Men felt comfortable. ' Men and women are llv- ina today who still feel the dower of that Ulustratiou.. uttered by lips long since cold. Oiicago.Tlmea-Herald.iui r - -.' Reporter' Blna4ra r ? With the charitable purpose of pre senting a psychological explanation for the Inaccuracy which aH too often marks the work of perfectly Honest reporters tteOhrletlan -Regiatcr sayat-'When one la liateniug to a discourse, two things oc cupy bis mind at the same time the one; the dlacourse to which he la listening; the ether, the train of thpught suggested, to hiiu by the dlttcoarse. The second nuts alone In tits mind Darallel Wltn tne Drat and frequently la. remembered, and. re ported in place otthe discourse,,Wblch b) forgot ten.? . Y;-; :'-"-;-??- "f--. There la something, perhaps a good deal, in thia theory, but however well Diat serve as sn explanation its utility as an excuse Is of the -smallest. VJ. be sinv oleat way out of the difficulty is to lay tbe blame on Dame Nature, whose hos tility to exact duplications of any kind is Illustrated In every inch of her broad do main, No two men ever beard or saw a thing ullke, and. probably no two ever ill. ' Reporters are no more fallible than other propter indeed, their accuracy far above tbe average,. They, however, hsrea thousand critics where" other folks have one,-And not one of the thousand ever passe over their error, of appre hension or expression m kindly silence.- pew sora uuraa, .Ti. -.-.., rr Before mu4 AHesv; r Some years Ago a young curate, seek Ing -ro be Ilcenaed,' We bidden "by Dr. Temple, archbishop 'Of Canterbury to read A few verses of the Bible in order that bit Btiiess- Tor conducting public worship might be Judged." -'-iv-- w -v -''Not loud enough' waa the criticism of the blahop when the youog man bad fin? t0h, l o sorry to hear tnatvmy, lord," twnllfiH the enrate. 'A ladr In tha ebnreh yesterday told me T could be heard most plslnly all over." - (-."Ah! Yon are engagedx" suddenly ask ed Dr. Temple. s : Yi: '--s; f". Yea, my t.J-'WSiW!, iM, i Tbe, bishop amlled grimly , and said: "Now, listen to me, -yonng rose. ..While yod are engsged don't believe everything the lady tells you: but," be added, with a deep chuckle, "after you nre married believe every word abe snye. : C i f Baallah . aoidlrr's Emersraey Ra- , What are known as ."emergency ra-tlont"-ere contained In little lti rases somewhere -about -Ib'e aire of a snliill brandy flask, , One-half the ease cnnlulns four oiinere of pmnileau and the other balf four unva nf cocoa paste. - Every man In the Held ear rim one uf these iq but haversack, and whatever bnpneus to tbe regular rumuiimai-iul he him girt upon hi hack enouah to live iiimiu for- HI I hours. The peiiinilemi hi lean uicnt--drlc and grniind to powder and. ciMiipmuHil into a block and. tike the cocoa poate, may be en ten as It is or iliKMilvcd in hot water. It comes Into the (Ii-ihiI in llerce of I.VUU pounds each, and every tierce Is divided Into 4.111X1 ration. II will keep fllmoat indefinitely, ao tun! wherrve the Britliib snlilier gH-a ou neilve si n'lce he Is well provided. Imdoii Chronicle, Social rrrpleallles. "It Is rude for s gueat lu look st bis watch." ' - - . ' . 'Y v "Yenr' - ; ' - "And rmli-r for a boat to look at II' tlik." . - " if com sp." Y ' "Well, how do polite people ever get Iwny from each other f Chicngo K Std, - -' An Dilra llrnnil. "Now, 'llliuin. Isn't iM cilT-e Ri K'-hI fin !!ct ynir inuiin-r ihi-iI lo rinl-r'.'" "It i belter ll'iill ll"lt Hi"' llnnie fit I c, i 'ii--nilii il I" t. I'..:! ll I- ii t Si tr il m t!'-t f- . ! I '' f r ., it- ., ."-I - - ;...! , .l.Hiiliiil. RHZZUP Johnston's QUART JUST SJSKN nigtit Skin Krnptlon are a tVarning n s "r ana vuiy imu way is to aaeeu tne warning, jounkuat ssfssssnus - U Um Moat PowerXul Bloo4 VuriAer ttiiown, , - . Nature, in ber efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes have eome tram careless livinc. or it msv be from ancestors.: ghoots out tnmnles. blotches and other imperfections on the skin, as a warnmp that ruora serious troubles (per haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary diseases are certain to loLlow II you neglect to Jieed the warning and correct the mistakes. " - -.j ; . Many a lingering, peioiul disease and many an early death bas been Avoided imply because these notea-wf warning have been, heeded and the blood kept pure by a right use of JOHNSTONS bAUhAPARII.LA., x-i misa A.uvie . Jiaiiue, m iiiarauu,u, xuioii., writes.: - n-'..ji-:. .-w - ,j'rr - f " I waa cured of bad humor after suffennif with it for five years. The doctors and-my friends said it was salt and ears, and then, on my whole body. Buffered during those nve years, 18 no use telling, xnoooay wouia neiseve me n I did. ' I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it. I spent money enongh to buy a house. - I board JOHNSTON'S i -SAUSAPAE1 LLA .highly S raised. I tried a bottle Of it. -1 begAn to improve right away, and when .1 bad niahed the third bottle I waa completely cured.-?-1 have never had a touch of it since. I nover got any thing to do me the least pood till I tried JOHNSTON'S SARBAPAEILLA. I would heartily advise all who- are enferlncr from humors or akin disease of any kind to try it at onto 1 bad also a (rood dial of stomach trouble, and was run down and miseiable, but JOHSISTON & bAR&APARIliLA made me all right." , - : ? --. -i - The blood isyour life and if yoneep ltpnreanct strong von can posttiveiyre slflt disease. or tacecontagionfearlesaly. , JOHSSTON'S SARsAPARILLA never falls. It is for. sale by all druggists, iq full quart bottles at only one dollar each. omaiur' drvo- ooaqpAivir, djoti-ioit, -Ji:. - 1), BKAtllAM, TSe w Ben , N, V. ' lie Won' the Bt,' 'I'wact a mir of Mum' Jod Eioveis,'' said th5 sad lookiugyouug niaub- . Yes.'rsdd the cjimfjated b(ibtrdaEli- ery olerk, inb u show of wit. "-Not tor yotjy-erster, rfoomse?" t ' The -cad lookmu young mnn uiushca painfully.- Y . W-no," be said slowly, "it s for for-r-fcr a party. - I-I want to win o bet". -,. f'Yon want to -win a bat?" said the olork inquiringly. '-.' Yon don't look like A person that wonld gamble.", : : - "Thanks,;' said tne sad-yonng man. I Idon'tg-eambieasarule. Iggnesa I won't g-gamble- any more. - Yon see, this 'here', p-party she she sort of tempted me to hot, -1 d -don't see bow I can afford to Jose, M-I Hose, J I'll be out more than if I won. " "Of conrse yon will, M said the clerk sympathetically. 1 - ' "B-but if 1 win I'U be out anyway,'-. -said tbe sad oue. ' "Now yon'w talking in bunches, ".i said the clerk, by this time well inter ested. VHow's tbatr . "W-woll,"atnttcred the sod yonng man, "-' -tua only w;wny l o-can figure If $ SKo--hMn-nnda; the bet Bbes-said she wouldn't o-care if she lost, but i-aho'd m-make a fun bet a fun bet she called it th-thatl wouldn't buy a pair of gloves f-for her. So so I win tbe boar. Seel" 'And she sets tbe Rloves." slid . tlie clerk, ) "Na OB? Yes. Tan or purple?' Kew York JonrnoL - - v in"iansas fllvet s hanbv wife; She wrltest l have ased Motbrs) Friend before two confinements.' Tbe last time I bad twins, and waa in labor only few min ute. Sueferedvery little.',' , The reason WhV 'W-f ,rr- - -,-!t.ir'Y:",tf V',: MothcKst Frieiicl 'l- 't does exDectant mothert so "mncli good is because it is an external liniment, to be applied upon the outajdo, where much of the strain come. .. it helps be cause the pore ofihe skin readily absorb It, ana it comes into airect contacv wun and is absorbed by tbe parts involved. Morning sickness is quickly banished, and nervousness! kept completely away. Tbe sense of dread and foreboding Is not experienced,, even during labor itself. Confinement Is short and almost without psin. - Recovery it quick and sure. Best of all, Mother's Friend benefits the unborn u3t aa much aarthe -expectant mother, and when tbe little one comes il wurbe strong, lusty ana neaiwy. , - - ' Draggtst sad Mather's rrte4 for ll seotU. m Bsad for oar fr'e1mo1i on th sabjsct, f - t . ,-,,.Anly illuntratsd s TUB' BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. - , x '" ' ; ATLANTA, OA. c i.'r f.. i..i.." i', i-r trt ,.,iL ie.,io r,-e"-ini. awvraULMi wm,-; l'ji:(.Ai.,i'- Tbe nndcmlgned having lost Ctrtlrtcatc Na 1273, series No. 33, dated 4lh Aug'isi 1891 fori shares in the Mctronillisa Building and Loan Association of Rich mond, Va., will apply for a dnplira'e ibere-f. : . .WILLIAM DUNN. Henrys Pharmacy, ; -127 nidi'?-Street in jiii. v of 1.0 A I'KI , I i in.'l ,1 In ,1 I I UUt; PeHHYROYAL PILtS I 4t,--w Orlall ! Cl A frilJL ' A,r..4 In Ut "1 '" UII ., " w ri rpw v rt 7i in.tl-H. X Tl ! lll..l.. If - IJ i- uEtaaiat.. t.-eiwMll t v ir hi rnn.. CURED BY - Sarsaparilla BOTTLES. IS TIIHB.V or aometlilng Mre Serions to romas rheuin. It eamo out. on my head, neck i was perfectly raw with it. What I FINANCIAL. T. A. (ireen, I'ren; K. II. SIen,lir, . Prea. )1. IV1. l.rovi-a, 1;ubler. OB" N"lff-W BHBIf, N. C. Doing General Banking Business. October 1st, 1399, Suiplus nnd Cndivi . x dnt IVofitd, $ I ,Oi)O.0Q. Prompt and cart ful at;ution given to all business eolrustrd to us. Accounts received on favovable terms. . ltourit ol Blrootoi-a. Ferdinand Ulncn J. A. Beadowa, Samuel W. Ipoi'k, " Gaas.B.Fowiev, J. W. Grainger, K. W.Smallwood. S. H. Meadows. 0ha4. Dutty , Jr. Jsines Redmond, Mayer Halin. Thomas A. tresnL CIS. rov. ueo. n.ives. w. r. wooaett Mark Disosway. F. & .lil. BANK, - FEBRUARY 1st, 1800. , CApital Stock. 973,000 Surplus, 10,000 Undivided I'rolits, 2,500 Depoalts..,. 102,000 .. OFKIOKRS. Ii. H. OotliB President. W. B. Chadwic-is, Vice Pros. T. W. Daway, Caxhier. J. W. UtDW.s, Teller. O. T. C'hadwick. Collector. . . DIKKCTOR8: Wm. B. Blades, V. M. Markr, 0, D. Bradham, F. H. Pelletler, L, H. Cutler, Jno. Buter, W. B. Cbadwick, J. W. Stewart, T. W; Dewey. It eolleetj fo- nierchatila, manufsctur rs and other Banks promptly, at speoial rates to each, "and raakea qiiickest re turns possible. By its liberality and en terprising business methods, it is forging tin he front nf K.ast Carolina's Banking tnatitations In its own city. It Hi the only one which docs not pay Interest on uepoMta. ftfUr bSSlOAAL. t. M. Simmons. ' A. I). Ward tTH. I'on, . E. W. Pen 5IMJ10NS, fOU & WARD, ATTORNEYS t1 COUNSELORS si V".-,.VrIB-"Bl4Bajr R. C. Oftlce 68 So. Front Street, nearly oppo- site tiotet tnattawaa. - (Offices also at Bolcigh and Smithfield.) Pmstlee 1a thaeonntiea of Craven. Dnnlln. ones, Onslow, tJarteret ' Pamlico, Wake, ounscon, narnen ano wiison, m tne su preine and Kedorul Courts, and wharevei services -are uoama. - - P.H. Pelletler, ;Y-ATT0KNEY -AT 1AW. allddle Street, Lawjerg Brick - ' Bnlldlng. ' " . WUI nractlce in tfifTCoontlea ot Craven tlartaret, Jones, Onslow ana l'amlloo. U. 8 Court at now Berne ana Bupnnu Conrt a teA.W ttv. A.trxoxrv jlh . x-aw BW BFIVSi:, i N 0 OfBiair.i'Opp. J-f 'Ttol f.il.aitnwt. - Y- ' 6o!th Front Slieetr : ' Practice in N.irth Carolina. . 4 iVer Yar.Ortcilng we send to our patron with good sdvlce free. Your welcome Will be msny de crees warmer. In the homes of the cultt- vsied. when your attire is above re- nroar.h. So beg In the Now Year with Hi, resolution lo have your elolbtng made by a tailor that will give yon a distingue style such aa Cbadwick always dot. ' J?. II. Oinawtek, MMilleatrw. - ' , NF.W HTHN, N. " .iPEALER IN . - y Ihiuwaie and Fire Arms F n.li, Douis and Illinila, Puinln, ()i!i, tiinent, Lime, Tie- Azrjil fur Uuhni f'tuvcsSt Uan?;e . ; ixus taint;;, WILMINQION AVULDON RR, . Ani lrancb t And Atlsntir- fnt.' Lli-e. BsRrrwd Op, (it bog lb aru.lnn. -. TRAINS Q0IN0 SOUTH - . T-.v-.i-'-,--.,? :--?l-v(ir 3 j DATED wj 5 - - a. Jan. W 1900 55 - ". --. ,jt ; e j- c t a . - " AM PS P JI A.5J p M Lv. Weldob 11 60 ..... ..... Ar. R. Ht.. Ii 6fi 8 Sv tit. Tarboro tii 21 8 0" Ut; R. lit. 1 9 6i 6 87 811208 Lv. Wilson 1 OH ,v in 7 lti 0 SO a 0 Lv. Selma.. 2 5!S H OS bvy'vill li,' Vli.. Ar.Floreno 7 2r, 8 lil V P. .M J! Ar. Golds... . ?M Lv, Golda.. 7 01 8 25 Lv. Mag'lia 8 00 4 So ArWilm'ton ") 40 UO j P.M, A M. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. OS ' of , IN 3 -f . o . 00 . 1 c" c j d 'S 6 '3 d 'S C 7, S 0 aft AM P. M. Lv .Florence 9 43 7 45 i.v.Fay'vilh 12 2 ... . 9 45 Lv.Selma. . 1 60 .... 10 60 Ar. Wilson 8 85 ..... 11 83 A.M. P.M A.M. LvWilm'tou ... 80 46 Lv, Mag'lia 8 30 11 IB Lv. Golds 6 00 9 27 13 26 PJl A.M, P. M. P. M Lv. Wilson 2 85 5 43 11 U 10 W) 1 18 Ar. R. Mr. . 8 SO 0 25 t3 Ot) 11 11 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 Lv. Tarboro 18 31 ... . Ly. R. Mt. . 8 SoTTT! 18 09 Ar. Weldon 4 S3 .... 104 P.M A.M. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic-and Yadkin Division Main Lin Train leaves Wiimingtnn 9 to a m, ar rives Fayt-tteville 12 05 p m, leaves Fay- etteville 12 25 p ni, arrives Sun ford 1 43 p m. Returning leave Sanford 2 80 p m, arrive Favelteville 8 41 p m, leave Fav- ettevllle 8 40 p m, arrives Wilmington 6 40 p m. Wilmiutun ami weldon rtaiiroaa. Beunetteville Branch Trains leaves Bennettsville 8 15 am, Maxton 9 20 a m, lied Springs U 68 a tu, Hope Mills 1U 42 a ui, arrive r ay tteville 1U 6o. It turn ing leaves Faeiteville 4 40 p tn. Dope Mills 4 65 p m, Bed Springs 5 35 p in, Maxton 0 15 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p m. Connections at rayrtlevillo wilb train No. 78, ut Muiioii with the Cuxoliua I Central Railinait, at Red Springs with tbe Red Mprings and Bowmore railrnsdr at Sanford with the Bcabotrd Air Line aud Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte .Railroad. Train an the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p in. Halifax 4 18 p tn. arrives Scotland Neck At 5 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kinston 7 55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a tr- Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex cept Hunouj . Trains on Washington branch leave Washington 8 10 a m and 8 80 pm, ar rive Parmele 910 am, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Washington nuuam ana p m, dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, ji 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 415 p ra, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 60 a m, and Sunday 9 00 a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a n. Train on MiJIand; N (j branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 05 a. m, arrlviag BmJthneld 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Hmlthflcld 9 00 a tn; arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 a m. Trains on Naahvillo Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,3:4u p m,arrive Nashville 1110 a m, 4 08 pm, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 25 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, 4 55 p m, Nn-h-ville 12 15 a m, 5 25 p-bi, arrive at R cky Mount 11 45 a m, 6 90 p m, dailv except Sunday. , Train on Clinton Branch leaves War- law for Clinton daily, except Sunday, II 40 a tn and 4 03 p ra, Returning leaves Ulintnn at 7 00 a m and 2 50 p ra. Train Nil 78 makes close connection at h Weldun for all points North dally all rail vi Klchroot d. . H II EMERSON, Gen1! Pass Agent I R KENLY, Qen'l Manager, r M Mli80K. Traffic Manager. outhern OEiailway. . The Standard Railway M tleSOtTU TliO Direct Line to all Points . CAIsirORNI A i Y;.CUBA;ANji PORTO RICfclS Strictly First-Cias Fxjnlptirerjt on all Through or Local Traioaj Pullman Pal; ace Sleepiug Car On all; Night, Trains; fast aud Safe Schedulcs.'-sjY'-; Travel by theiouthern and you are as sured s Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tlous Journer, " , . '.' . ; " - Apply to Ticket AgenU for Time blue, Rates fcnd General Inforinatlon, or address i ' ' T. R. DARBY', .' . t B. L. VERNON, . ;. "a P. A T. A, T. P. A., " . Ashevllle, N. 0 Charlotte, N. C. FranH 8. Gannow, . -J.M. CULP. 8d V P ; leu M m. 7 Ttnf. Man W. A.Tuhk.GPA. ' ' WASHINGTON. - - P. O ' . ling TABLB HO. 10 J tn T- le ffeCt Funday, Oct JSSd, JW " Y- at7C5A. M. Qoitg aet SCUEDULE: Going West ; . Passenger Trains No". 4 miiOKS: Ar. a m . , , . Goldsboro :n (& i. LaGratige 0 8fi .. ' . .Kinston .1018- . Ar. New Berne, Lv S 00 " ..Lv. 1v Ar 8 87 Ar, Morehead city Lv 7 OS Lvi p m 8 40... f 09..'. 40. 6 60... 7 15. . . No. , I Mx'd K't Jt Pass Tn. Lv. A. M. No. fl, 1 Mx d Pt and ' Pass Tn. i Ar. p. . Hi 2 1.1 STatioBb: 7 10...... 7 4.1 (OH 8 2 mi 9 2f lu lo 10 40 11 15 U 81 12 05 . .Goldsboro.. ....Beat's.... . . LaGrange.. Falling Oreek ...Kioston. . . . . . Caswell . . . ... ..."Dover... ..Core Creek. . .TuscATora . . ....Clark.... ..New But ae. ... 14 .. 1 13 ..12W ..11 58 ..11 40 ...10 40 ...10 18 ...1000 ... 9 80 A. M. P. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. X Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. So. 1, f Mx'd Ft. and No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar, p m 8 18 STATIONS : Pass.Ta Lv. a m 710... 7 48.,. 806... 836... 914... 938... 9 40. . . 1015... 10 40... 11 15... . . Goldsboro. . . Best's.... ... LaGrange... .Folliag creek.. ....Kins ton Caswell .Ar. Dover, Lv. .Lv. " Ar. .. 738 .. 70& .. 63tt . 818 . 618 .. 68 .. 420 ...core creek 4 00 Tuscarora ... 8 as ... 8 20 ... 3 50 ...10 47 ...1910 ...1000 ... 9 40 tl 81 Clark's 13 08 Ar. New Berne, Lv. 130. Lv. Ar. 2 13 Riverdale 2 20.. croatan 8 48 Havelock 3 12. , Newport, Lv 9 eg iHii Wildwood 8 47 d31 Atlantic 8 38 8 40" Ar. Morehead City, Lv 8 20 4 01 Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 P. M. a. M. Monday. Wednesdi and Friday. tTuesday, Thursday anil Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superintaident Atlantic Coast lane. ViLMiisoToir & Kew Hkunb K. K. TIME TAJILE ko. 5, n Kircl Wednesday, Auf. 7, 1898,J)aily Except BiiniLi) . 1 Soing South jjciiBDULE: (loingbrth No. 51, Passenger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m STATIONS: . . New Berne . . Pollocks ville . . Maysvillc , .Jacksonville Wilmington, ( Union Depot ( Ar. p to, ... 540 .... 504 .... 44 .... 4 18 S0O... 9 30... 951 .. 10 02... 12 08. 8 83 3 SC 1215 r m No; 3, . .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. P M PakseIjoke & Freiuiit, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New liern Tuea iay, Thursday and Saturday. Lv, a M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington. Ar. Ar. PM ... 145 ...13 55 ...13 16 .1140 ..rlO-fil. ...10 80" ... 45 ...065 ...r8 ... 815 ... T30 ... 85 8 40 Scott's Hill 9 30 Woodeide...;.. 10 05 Hollyrldge .... 1061 Dixon 11 20 Verona 12 05 Jacksonville ... . 12 tO Northeast. il 55 Whiteoak 1 80 Maysville 215 .Pollocksville 2 65 DebruM's 3 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv. . . 6 00 "Daily fcxeep Sunday. J. a KENLY, General Maaager. Ror.iirN, M - f'anarorta'Irti. ASTIIX CAROLINA DISPATCH . AND LINE, PASSIlNGKE. For All lolots Xortli. rilEIGHT St The SteaxnerfNETJSB 0jjf$; will leave on Mondavaj WedneBdAys, '; atid Fiidatu t 6 p. m. sharp, mak , ing lautiiiigs at Oriental, Ooracoke j-jttif . ir.dlioBnokaJataod.'t' ?';!YVJ - : Fr'eigEt' .reoelTed not later i" , khD one hour proyiool to tailing 'tk ?j .MiFor fnrtbet information pplj to fi'i '.'' ... GEO. BENDlfiSOir; Agt. ' J' fX! M.K7KiHerQenrJiVy:ft -H.C UcDoiN8,Con,Fr.& rsa. Agt. Norfolk.' 'ew BornoNi OMilT 80th, 1898 I H P.IITI FR HARDWARE CO. 1- DEALERS IN , ' ' H . GiallKinas Bni-h. Doors and Blinds, Lime,Oement and riastcr. :'',, Y"':-f-'' Agi ula for F.noilsior and Elmo Pook iivi a an lti ngoa. Wa have On hand A large nnd c m ileie I inft of v Heating Mlovea. bolh Inn n niul -U Which for ilieiienri.iili.il. wi'i i I at Ailrvmely Lw Prices. Cull n 1 mine,y.' 1 if i tjf....: il v Y( him r ', .1, 11. Ii A I: Y, : .,1 A .-nl. in, M III I

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