y VOL. XVI1--NO. 280. A'E'.V KZHN, K. C, WEDNESDAY MOUNlKS, FEBRUARY 21, 1UUII. EIGHTEENTH KAK. ,. ,"y .. . .v " f 4ft ' 'm ' '"" 'aW S 'm -'- -. H EmHAGKBURm Suva yon have tried our I. X. L. Flour at 3o per lb. and our Perfect blend of Mocha aud Java Coffee at 20c lb. and found them as ltepresented. That is The Teat iu the Uity for the money. ' - ; a A A A AN A 'A A A A A A A A A 4 a A A v iVbTi) w say try our BUTTERINE at 25c per lb. It is as fine as any Batter, and ABSOLUTELY PURE. Try pound. We will refand your ; money VV in every case, if, after trying, you , are i V 47 & 49 Pollock Street. v not satisfied L E SATTERTHWAITE S BRO. ' 1 Having bought the well known Grocery of Gaskill & Mitchell, will make it to your inter est to call and examine their stock. Get their Tcrnnts. , ". - y i Fresh lot whole Codfish, Potatoes and But ter. Hominy and Oats, Buckwheat, Chees. ''. Good assortment ot all kinds choice and iancy Groceries. - , Very best Family Flour. "-,.,' "- Coffee Roasted or ground as you like. , - Yours to Please, L. r,1. SATTERTHWAITE & BRO., 61 Broad Street, Phone 169. Houses and Wltstes I ihe ur c: C i r lwest ?. V Ik f ( Finest V We have jnst received, purchiwd direct f rom tho Ruiser by onr ilr f. llabn, Till! EH Carloada of SUwk, and have now on hand (ii) llend of Mules, and 40 load of Ilorsea to suit you, for any and till purposea, Farm, .D.-aftand 1U4 Wor . A full line of Iiiiggics, Ilond Carls, Wagons, Cart Wheels, Ilarncs. Kobca and whips ou hand Triers and TVniiH guaranteed. We invite your early inspection. IN "pic1 fully, it :i Boers in Full Retreat and Buller in Pursuit. RELIEF OF THE BESEIGED TOWN Boer AriDjr Uuder Cronje ' Sur rounded. - Roberta too ulck . t'oi I lie liuerv, Kelly Eeaa; Close to Bloenifonteln, , . r SpecUl to Journal ' LosdoM, February-Si. The Boer ar my beietging LaJjrimtia U In full re treat. They are protecting tuetr move ment frou Ladyimith by weak rear guard. " - General Buller' advance troops hay crossed the Tugela river at Oolenso, and tbe relief of Ladysmilh f believed here t ) have been practically accomplished. The news of General Bullor's advancf Is couUined In the : following dis path: "Blomafaun, Katal,Tueadt.y afternoon, 4:10 o'clock. Tbe FuIIeer Brigade yesterday, took illaugwane hill, the right of the enemy's position and com manding Colenso, the rest et Ihe forces advancing towards the Tugela river.". . "This morning the enemy had with drawn all their troops north ot the Tu gela and had practically evacuated Co lenso. - ' . ' ' "Today General Hart occupied Colenso after - a very- slight resistance from the weak tear guard. ' We hold the line on the sou. h side of tbe Tugela river from Colenso to Eaglet Nest. "The enemy aeems to be la full re treat and apparently are oaly holding the position they uow occupy across the railroad from Colenso to Ladysmlth at a point where the railroad- Inclose to the angle of the Tugela. ThN position la held with a weak rear guard. : "General ; II art's advanced guard Is crossing the Tugela at Colenso The easualttei yesterday and today have beea few, I hope." . - London, Feb: Sit Special A bulletin was posted at the War Office today that General Roberts Is between Gent ral Cronje and Bloemfontein. . - ' : General Kelly Kenny Is behind Cronje who is reported within ten miles of the capital of the Orange Free State. - ' The Boer commander Is believed to be practically surrounded, , London. Feb 19. It Is officially and emphattoallv' ' stated . here that Great Britain, has never at any time made any diplomatic or ether advances for an al liance with the United States or Ger many. :.,.vfVs&-.C)v-'5?'!'. So far as this denial refers to the United States It Is confirmed at tbe Uni ted States Embassy here. ; - " In consequence of Lord Hojeberry's recent speech cabled references to such attempts at alliance continue to appear in the Brltlih newspapers, though the view Is taken here that Lord Roseberry referred to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's al liance Speech rather than to any secret negotiations, as his wordl were "public overtures last December," 7 1 Do action hat yet been taken by the British Government In regard to the al legations made by Charles E : Vaornm, former United 8lates Consul at Pretoria. British officials declare It is extremely Improbable that consular- letters -were opened at Durban, - at alleged by Mr. Macrum. Gf.IDED jcl::ij. There Is Good Prospect of -Many ' ' . Towns Havlnf Them. . THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. K. Latham, New Bern, X O. Kaw Tobse, February 10. ' Open. High. Low. Close Mcheotloa .... .M 8.00 8.M . I.S9 Hay cotton ... 8.03 8 67 8.83 8 M Aug cotton .... . 8 19 8.43 8.37 140 ept.eotton ... 7.78 7.78 7.74 7.74 Kev. sottsa ... 7.40 7.40 7.17 7.88 ; eaicieo XAmiBT. TfnniT: . Open. lilgh. Low. (lose May m 83t 7i 08 Conn: ' . - ' ' ". May .......... I5 8J '. Ki e. R'y Pfd..... 67 B. R. T ....... 72J - : C. AO I9 Beading ....... S3 A. 8. W ....... m o. vr.. m Q. Teb. Pref. 88 T.O.I 100 rtoonlpii at eotlea perls were 80,0(1 bales. Figure on Crime Bolus; Prepared Appeal Withdrawn. UaBtonla Mill Charter. SaiallpoxSub- , " Jects. Cottun Acreage . Will Increase. " ' , , RtLKiOB. Feb. 20 Not long ago ti e State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion tent letters to the mayors of, the various towns, asking if there were graded schools at such points. Tbe let (era are resultful, for a letter has come from Mayor Baker, of Rocky Mount in which he invited the Superintendent to came there and tpeak next Friday on the subject of a school, saying the peo ple are full of enthusiasm about the mat ter, but that there are some obstacles In the way. A telegram also came lrm W A. Ingram, of Ksndlemsn, 'asking . the Superintendent to go there next . Friday and address the people on tbe same sub ject Now It happens that next. Friday there is to be at Greensboro a meeting of the executive - committee of the Stale Teachers' Assembly, at which the pro gramme to to be fully prepared and the question of a meeting place definitely settled, and the ' State Superintendent mutt be present, as he it secretary. ; So ha hat telegraphed Cv O. Mclver a. re quest to go to Rocky Mount and speak and to P. P, Clayton a request to speak at Randleman. - 'The Attorney : General, hat' received from all the clerks of court, save four, the. returns of criminal - statistics. As soon as they are received the summary will be given to the press. It is the be lief that these returns, which are for last year, will thow a .decrease In crime.- .-''..- The Roanoke A Tar River Railroad withdraws; Its appeal to. the United States Circuit Court ot Appeals, to the teat ease of the power of the corpora tion commission to assess railroads for taxation. It abandons the appeal be cause of Judge Simon ton's decision in the other ease. It to 'agreed that this ease shall proceed as If there was no appeal, under Judge rMinonton'a order for the taking of testimony. ." , -Insurance Commissioner . Young says bis lint annual report will not appear until April 8th. ' The four Southern Rullway employes who came here from Selma and placed themselves in the smallpox pest honse have all been discharged. ... In none did the disease develop.; It to one ef these men, R. 0. Bell, who a stated last week. has sued the town ot Selma and the county of Johnston for f 10,000 damsget because when a ease ot smallpox ap peared It kept him In the bouse with it and nader guard. In his complaint he saya that In these times when smallpox is so widely prevalent It to the duty of the authorities ot a town to have pre pared roran outbreak, by arranging a pest house and a detention house for suspects. The suit will, therefore, be a warning to other towns. The above point to relied on at a strong one In the suit. . ,s ,,;,.: -:, v.; . - - y-. A charter to granted tbe Loray Cotton Mills, near Gastonla, capital 1 1,000,000. The mill will spin and weave and can also make woolen goods. It to given au thority to make and repair and sell such machinery and supplies as may be needed. Secretary Bruner, of the Agricultural Department, says he to sure there will be an Increase in tbe cotton acreage this season. The cotton dealers here share this opinion. They say the high prices at present will surely bring about this result, though they say ihe latter to to be deplored. . . DeWltt't Witch Hazel Salve it un. equalled for piles, Injuries and skin dls ease. It to the original Witch Hazel Salve, Beware of all counterfeits. F S Duffy. 17 m 60 26 100 Snow I:i C; ' a. 8 VNTUOO DH t vok. Voh, 19, To-dny litu Iweu the roMm rerorde l here, the K-mpt'i Hiure Luing Khlir. in ihj city this ii. in nhi. In tho Tinuntiihm, V) n M- s frt, the I:'!.'!-' riMI:e wart 1 ). V)ii!il il V',, !;:i, .Oiijl! to t hf: nor; L . a. !; U r;i r: ; U ti ((!' I f'- t, ci-v I Uh !.. j (M i : : .1 i y h i : i v t. ; , ,,,. j ii,r: i' :-.r i.-f i'. it ' , i.v ! :l i.i Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal. Ralbioh, N. C. February 20, -The Supreme Court filed the following opinions. Stite vs Gallop, from Currituck, no error. Btate vt llatulck, from Pasquotank, judgment arretted. Illnlon vs Insurance Co. from Pas quotank, new trial. Clark vs Mooro, from Beaufoit, af firmed. de lle vs Ayera, from Hytle, affirmed. Hhiton va 1'rltclinnl, from Catudon, a'llt tiifitl. j I,ewl vs Buieniiin, from Washington, j per citriain R'V nnt'tl. Tenure n r.inro Co., from Pas- FLORDIA FRUIT, Producers Apprehensive ot Injury From the Cold. ' : ; Jacksonville, Fla., February : 19. Fruit men are apprehensive that Satur day and Sunday's cold weather has hurt orange and fruit trees. At Milton, Fhk, Saturday, there-was a fall of snow, with the thermometer at 2 degrees. Sunday mornlDg, in Jacksonville, the thermome ter was 16 above. Thousands of fires were ko:t turning Saturday night, all day. Sunday and last night in groves all over Florida In efforts to save the trees.- The trees were, as a rule, in good condition to stand a frjrxe, and this fact will prevent serious dsmage, but the t fleet of the. cold can not bo ascertained till warm weather comes. ' . , . t Truck : growers will lose heavily all through the Slate "-The expense to or ange growers in keeping the fires will amount to many thousand dollars.- vw Freezing temperature was reported to day as far south as Tampa f. Z , ttissoitoi.v. . Atlanta, Ga February 17. A special from Orlando, Fla , says: The thermometer, registered 25 degrees here Saturday night, practically all ten der vegetable being destroyed. - Ihe strawberry crop has suffered somewhat. The orange, peach and pineapple output will be shortened, but the extent of tbe damage will not be known until, warmer weather. i i . - .V- WHEN YOU are feeling tired fine out ot sorts you vl.l find Hood Sareapanlla will do you wonderful good. Be aure to GET HOQQ'S. Called Meeting Commissioners. . Mr. E. W. Smallwood, chairman board commissioners, please call meeting of board at earliest convenience, for pur pose of granting license to L. T. Hunter, to sell liquor. f Respectfully; &c, K, P. W U.1.IAMS, C. 0. Upon the above request of Commis sioner R. P. Williams, notice is hereby given then will be a meeting otthe board of commissioners . at Ihe court house on Wednesday, February 21, 1900, at eleven o'clock, j . , B W. Smallwood, Chm'n. : February 13, 1900. FRESH LOT.. ' ' Ontario Prepared Buckwheat in 2, 3 and 6 pound pac' agea, just received. -, Also Fresh Elgin and Fox liiver Mutter. Fancy Syrup, Porto Bico and New Orleana Molnaaca and Maple Syrup. . - j - Tresh Grita, Rice and Oatflakes. .;- ,v ? Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds. p "' ' Nice lot of Yam Potatoes, sound and all right. X A. complete etoek of everything nice in the Grocery Line. Goods delivered free and promptly. I solicit a share of your patronage. Respectfully, 5 t iff niufnr 3 II AN K & 'Phone 01. Wholmule lletail Grocer, 71 Bril St. WoodWood Wood Out any length you wai.t, and : y any kind you wsnt. Where ? At MOORE'S WOOD TARD, South Front Street. . V Call Phone 149 and Order What .v You Need. ' J. T.- Iff. JIPOIIE. V Will be found in our flue blend nf Mocha and Java, that makes a Cup of coffpe fit for the gods. Our reputaiicn in your safr guaid in the matter of Teas nl (" IT- r, and you can get better quality lit lower prices here than ul nnyr oilier store In town. l'un. tj ' tine flavor is euarantecd with I'vdy pound of Toa, Coffee or Splct a sold at Parkoi'a. N. 0 Hams, Fox River Butter, l-'nlt and Graham Wafers, Uneeda Uiuger Wafers, Uneeda Biscuits Just Riccived fietli. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. I. H. J, L Mm Attention loggers. -MANTJFACTUBERS- t High I will sell 10 or 12 good Horses and Mules with Wagons and 'Har ness Completeheap for Cash or Good Paper. - 1 . J. T. H. TlOpRE, New Bern, N. 0. CORSE1S We Invite especial attention to our CORSET DEPARTMENT which is supplied with . the newest stylra and forms In the best Standard Brands. Warners' Guaranteed Rust Proof. The ell known ... R. 8 G. Ask to see our new J.B Batiste Corse' Juft tbe weight and style for Pprlng Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If you farm on the intensive syslcm and for profit, you must abo HIQH GRADE QUANO. Our Goods aro specially adaptel for this section. 1 7 HDP UIIM T Potato Cabbage Used by the largest and most successful farmers in this section. Their Field Results speak louder than Words. NFKCIAT. GUANOS FOR AEX. CKOPH. Vt'ae Meadows' GOLD LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried aud True) for Color, Silkiness and Fine Texture. Manufactured in the bright leaf section of tho State,' and specially prepared for tho needs of oir land. - If interested send for leaflet of analysis and testimonial. . J ; Our) 1900 Calendar also for the asking : E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO.. Worts: ' Union Point. ' , -, ' V ' : New Bern, N. 0.' , Santa Clatis Makes No wear. rjistatxe ! D. F. JARUIS. 1 POLLOCK SfUEliT. quouiiii, per nu!n;n, n ii nn-A, " I I- - 't f-r -. ir ) ' fV !t i. r ;". 'Un 7 ( ' Wl en he clirosra for tbe Xmat fcaal from our stock of Fanoy atd . f tuple Uioorrle. Our Royal . Flour for your Xuna baking, our au eflor and exquisitely flavored CvfTe and Teas, Our Plum Pn. ding, Relishes, Crystallised Frn'ts aud Uinfer, Foreign and Dome lie fh-e, Fox River Print Butter end Imorfc's Mln Meat will nieotwl'h the Istor of th cot nolseur. ' We tisv In a Isrge shlpmexl Ikiauliful Kulumaroo Celery and it is Hn. '. . (ii fi;.e, (;i.if..riiltt Oiargo, Fine Applet and Banana. ... ii a ni"l I i i, in faot everything Nice and F'eh for Xmas. ,give l:e A CALL-'! 2