A VOL. XVH--N0. 231. ' so h:::n, n. c, tiiiilsday liokxixg, febeuauv 22, muii. tIGHTIINTH YEAR, rf" V ( A ?: , A a a ; ft to to to to IN to to to to S3 E n HACKBURrt Says yon have tried pur I. X. L. Flour at 3o per lb. and our Perfect Blend of Mocha and Java Coffee at 20o lb. and found them as Beprescntcd. That is The Best in the City for the money. NoV we say try our BUTTERINE at 25c per lb It is as fine as any Batter, and ABSOLUTELY PURE: Try a pound We will refund your money in every case, if, after trying, you are not satisfied - jE2. ZB. K 47 & 49 Pollock Street. - t LiiffiEwmyi. ; Having bought the well known Grocery of Qaskill & Mitchell,' wjll make it to your inter est to calfand examine their stock. Get their prices. Leave your orders or phone your wants. . . V ..r tr , ..: t . . ' ; n 7 : - Fresh lot whole Codfish, Potatoes and But ter. - Hominy and Oats, Buckwheat, Cheese. Good assortment oi all kinds choice and fancy Groceries. ' , Very best Family Flour. , Coffee Boasted or ground as you like. - , , ' Yours to Please, - ; . L. CI. SATTERTHWAITE & BRO., 61 Broad Street,, '' Phone 169. Houses ana EStjIcs I A: r The largest. A 'TO u Finer .;v J( Finest W - We have just received, purchMd direct from the Citiuer by our Jlr M. Ilahn, THliKK Curloads of IStoek, and have now on hand GO Head ol Mules, and 40 Hend of Horses to suit yon, for any and all purpoHcft, l-'arm. l).-.iftan l Rivl Wor . ' . A full lino of Jiugics. Road Carts, Wagons, Cart WIkoIh, Harni'SH. Rolx-s and whips on hand Trices and Terms ptmranteod. Wc inVite your early insjMTlion. Re ci't fully, i i ' I 1 . I USu i: A i::v hv.2 c. i to r T'.:r : . 1". V7 7 V V V V7 V V7 V7 8 (5 . OEM; Euller Will Enter Ladysmith In a Few Days. GENERAL CRONJE AT BAY. Throws Off Fierce BrttUn Assaults. Inlrenrbrd In 111 Ouiup; Joa. bert Orders Concentration . Ajalast Eob.rU. Mill- ' 'v . ' tary Crltlo's Opinion. Special to Journal. Loxdon, Feb. 81 The Berlin Tsge blat publlKbes a speclml dUpatch (rnm Bruisela nrhlch saya lhat be Transvaal legation in idat city baa announteil that the Boer are evacnatlnu; Natal. ; . Their poaltlon la the -Colony was aiKj nltted to be untenable Qeueral Joubert has ordered a concentration of all availa ble forces to oppose the advance of Gen eral Roberts. , It la further annonnoed that the siege of Ladysmith be raised and It is expected that General Buller will enter the town iy the end of the week, v - - Loudon, February 11 Special Offic ial Boer dispatches from Pretoria, dated the iOtu report.the flghtlna; on the 18th and 10th near Koodoos Rand. They, itate that the British attempted to sur round the laager of General Cronje and were repulsed.. General Dewet reports that the Uoers captured several kopjes between I'aaradebery and Koodoos Hand and took' forty British prinoners ' A dispatch from Cape Town says that leneral Crpnjus force,, estimated at even thousand, has been checked la its etreat at Paarsdeabory wheM Cronje i Wrongly iatrenched. ' He has saved lil un and is believed to have ample am mu til inn. Every attack en hie poaltion made by the British so far b been repuUed. XiONnuS, Feb. 81 The relief of Lady 4mllii has becit announced ,Tlie B er are relaxing their hold on all sides li. ordir to assemble and oppose Lord Koh xrla wbo.ls pressing on steadily toward iJoemfonleln.. ' , - v , Spenser Wilkinson, reviewing the mili ary eituntlon in tho Morning Fust to lay, aayf: , ' . . . "The moaning of the position In Natal U lhat the Boers have tent the bulk ol their forces to resl.t Lord Roberts. Gen eral Bullet's aim li to join Blr George White and then either to push on to Lalug's nek or to send back two division to reinforce Lord Roberts, retaining two In Natal to complete the recovery of the northern triangle.' "It ts to be hoped that Lord Roberts will overcome General Crenje before the latter ' is reinforced. Otherwise the British commander Stay find blmsell facing a Boei army' equal In strength tr bis own, as all the Boers appear to be hurrying toward Cronje. ' V ""The British commanders ought soon to be able to free both Natal and Capi Colony from the enemy. The actions now in progress are the decisive battles of the war and every effort must be made to reinforce Lord Roberts." "1 had dyspepsia for years. - No medl cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Care. It gave immediate relief. -Two iwttes produced marvelous Jesuits.1 writes h. II. Warren, Albany, Wis. It llgesls what )ou eat and eannol fail to cure- F. 8. Duffy. , , ' - New Philippine Commission.- fpe lal to Journal. , WjkSRtKOTos, Feb. 21. Judge Ide, of Vtrjiont, formerly Chief Justice of Samoa an' Mr. Wright of Tennessee will be lbs new members of the Philip pine Cpmrulssiou. One more memlier ol the cnmml.slon I still to be appointed. Mrs J. K. Miller. Newlnn Ilamllun Pa, writes, 'I think DeWltt's Wltcb ilazel Salve the grandest salve made." It Mires piles snd heala everything. All frandulent imitations are woitbless. F S Duffy. TUB MARIETS. The following quotations were receiv ud by J. K. Latham, New Bern, N. O. Nxw Yob, February tl. Open. High. Lew. Clofs Ke.li cotloa .... 1 03 S'u'i 6.53 159 )laycottou .. 8 5J 8 M 8. HO 8 .r.i Ang cotton 8 li'J 8 39 8 ii 8 .,",!) iept. cotton" ... 7 01 7.74 7.i 7.74 Del. I'olloll . . . . 7;MI 1v coltnn.... 731 7 10 7 S.1 TSH CllleidO hlAKKI.14 IThkaT: lij.cn. !h. Low. t In. a Wi.y m 0 '' n:i i y f I -a r. f.; l: y I'M f.7 a ; ; R. It. T T:i v.i, o 2-: :i r i ! :. 'i ! i '. ; t. V ' .'J r. c. i "'Ti tii..a. Interest Taken In Tha Butler Pro gram For Populists. rhi Fusion Flan For Tl State. Trial At Wllsou. Cotton -- " Jllll. UVriis:e PWI Schools Vance .. Statue. .., ' RtLKion, Feb. 21. The Populists here read with Interest the nes .of tho bolt against Butler at Lincoln, Neb. They i called to mind how be had bossed the convention here when there was at the outset a majority against bim, by delay ing, dilly-dallying, taking recesses and having his workers out. Uutler wanted to trade with the Democrats In 1898 and It staggered bim when hj propositions were so quickly and decidedly rejected. Cy. Thompson was as much surprised as Butler was,-' Populists know lots of things about the Senator. Tbey know that back in 1894 the agreement wasmade between Butler and Pritcbard as to the senatorial matter and bat there were witnesses, etc. Tbevalso know that But ler let t'rltcharii understand that la tak ing the short term In 1808 there was a pledge for his re-electiou to 1897 and that this would give bim eight years to Butler's six. - , - - The talk of the fusloniafTabout put tlug up Marlon Butler for Governor-and Spencer B. Adams for lieutenant Gov ernor, on their fusion ticket,- increases dally.' Attorney General Waleersaid ol It: You see Butler would then be made Senator and Adams Governo:." The Rt'pitbllcaus sny Uutler can control more .Populists; than, any other man. ' They really appe tr to believe tbnt Butler Is the entire t'opnllst party. - Of course be wants them to have precisely that belief, fliey ili 'nut. ijo ' iul any deal with iln .unless tliey hive btm in such a h:ipe he cs-.'t go bcU on them, ( They tppnar to tbiii'a I'rlu-hartl will be judge. : The JH.W trial of J aim J. Jelerson, the nut Jerer of Cpt. C'nlvfu Barnee at Wil- S in, Is now in p oree. T J. Pence, of The liialolgti l'o.ti U ono of the chief witnesses; perbsps "the moat Important om, as to him Jilfcrsou -cmifeFsod, after having keen brought here, l 2. o'clock ono night, ' . s " " s - The Stale charters the fttniihueld Cot ton Mill, capital $50,000. E. W. Pou and others sre stockholders. ;' .s. ' ' ; The cotton mill at Wake Forest will be about a mile north of the village, and alongside the Seaboard Air Line Rail road. ',. ... ' ; " - - Tha' town of LaGrango notifies the State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion that It, too, desires to have a public school, maintained by special tax. The date for the meeting at Rocky Mount In the Interest of a public school Is post poned until next Monday, In order that the Stale Superintendent can attend and make a speech.' He will be there. The Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege here needs a building for the textile department ; President Winston is now at work on a plan to secure this. He thinks be will succeed. He' says another dormitory is greatly needed.- y.. , : The committee on the Yance statue is notified that the lffc-size model .would not be ready for Inspection nntll March 1st and goes to Washington that day.' As Joseph Crowder, a tinner, was coming down a Bight of steps, with a tinner's fire pot 'In his hand, he struck, overturned and broke a bottle of gaso line In sn lnstsnt be was on Are.. This occurred In rear of a store. lie rsn Into the store and ran around la it. Only two ladies were there. One pulled off his coat and opened the door. He dashed Into the street end a lawyer threw him down and smothered lljo Ore with his own overcoat. The burns are not serl . De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is un equallcd for pile?, Injuries snd skin dis eases. It Is the original Wluh Ilasel Salve, Boware of all coiiuterfelU. F B Duffy, : ' A valuable and cheap Chrlslmas pres ent, "Spoffurd'a Nev? Encyclopedia," at Eunotl's Book Store. ' - . Baiter tho Jeweler Laa moved to 107 Middle stieet In the store formerly oc cupied by Mis. Lnnc, Milliner, and Is constantly adding to Ills sunk of aprc tacle, clocks and jewelry of all kinds. Watch, clock and jewelry rcpuliing mid enirruYing promptly nod ncuily exe-u-ted. t;ii'ii, (lol.D KAfii.R. J. J. I'axter will h-II nil t his winter M'ii k id'h it a I'-i'.ili is to nmUe room for f-jaim; j onil.c i'l'iT II- '1 I'-'Vidi''!. td cure yo il !': i ' :'. '! ! Ii.-m u 1 1 i ll. 'I'iiey II -i li : H r! i -i ( I ii i I 'm- . i Iphrn ( r, '..!! i ;.i ' !..i! Taylor and Beckham Confer. Fiunkkiikt, Ky. Feb. 20 The attor neys for Taylor and Beckham will hold a joint conference at 10 o'clock torni r row for the purpose of discussing props sir.luns to settle which of tho two in junction suits relating to the contest over the Governorship Bball have pre cedence on the consolidation of the cases In order to avoid a clash between courts iver the question of jurisdiction. .... . The Beckham stilt is set for hearing before Judge Cantrlll at Georgetown Friday, and the attorneys will allempl to aree upon a plan of action and facts forming the basis of the suit, and as to what judge the agreed case shall be tried before. - - .: - . ; . i The Democratic members of the two bouses of the Legislature met in joint session at 3 o'clock this afternoon and by a vote of 74 to 2 ratified the former proceedings by which William Goebel was declared Governor and J. G. W Beckham - Lieutenant-Governor, : and through which Beckham, since the death of Goebel, claims title to the - office of Governor The Republican members of the Legislature remained away from the joint session, having decided In -caucus not to attend. GOOD NEWS comes from tliose who take Hood's Sarsapurilla for scrofula, dyspepsia anil rheumatism. IieportsagroethatHOOD'S CURES : Bicycles Foj.Evei.ybody. ; I have a very large stock of Bicycle', from which ANYONE can be Suited. COMJMB1A8 STOHMEI18 , HARTFOJtbg . ritNNANTS - , UAMBLKItS -' ,--IDEAL R inging n price from $.'0(0 to $:5 0f. : Sold for Cash or on Etsy I'atmni'a. . . I have a limited stock of 'hi Model '0 Clianlessat t50 and Models. 43 and 49 Chain Oolii.iiliias at $40, and get no mote of them wlicu present stork H eihiuisl ed. Sccond-Qand Bicycles at almost iny om prtco. .; -,. ' All tinds of Itepalrliig et na ptompt'y and your work is so.iciteii. ; - A large and well selected , slock of K cords tor urnpiirpbone or t'nono- trrnph, oonsisting of litest Marches, l tk Walks, Oon Songs, etc, . at factory priceB. H JI, T. UIJL L, -s South Front St., Next P: M. praury Wood Wood Wood Out any length you want, and . ' any kind you want. Where? ; , T At MOORH'8 WOOD YARD, .: South Front Street ' Call Phone 149 and Order What You Need."' T. T. II. MOOItE. 1 1 will sell 10 or 12 good Horses and Mulca with Wagons itnd Har ness Complete, Cheap for Cash or Good Paper. J. T. H. HOORE, t New Bern, N. 0. . CORSETS Wa Invite especial attention to our COR8ET DEPARTMENT which Is supplied with the newest styles and forms in the beat Standard Brands. Warners' Guaranteed Rust Proofs The YvelL known . . . R. & G. Ask to see our new J. B Bali-tc Coise' JutlTTic. wclj.'lit and fijle for Hpilng wear. ' D. F J AMIS. fit POI.LOCIC S'.'Kl'.ItT. ' r - -1 1 LAN yESM.LOT-.; Ontario Prepared Buckwheat ia 2, 3 and 6 pound ' packages, jnst received. ' . v" v - Also Fresh Eleiu and Pox Eiver, Bntter. . v " raucy oyrup, rorio nice ana JNew uricans aioiasses and Maple Syrup. -, , , Freah Grits, Rice and Oatflakes, Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds. , Nice lot of Yam Potatoes, sound and all right. 5 5 - A complete stock of everything nice in the Grocery 3 ' Line. -S Goods delivered free and promptly. -1 Tolioit a share of your patronage. . Kespectfully,' 2 2 5 J; L Ut 3 'Phone 91. Q&StoJtoSl&&jniJ tawVlsViyistJlstO J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. t i l j. i. -MANUFAOTURERS- Meadows' & Special Guanos. If you farm on the intensive system and for pollt, yon must use HIOH GRADE OUANO. ': Oar Goods are specially adapted for this section. nit m MM '. Used by the largest and most successful farmers in this section, their Fcld ResulU speak louder than Words. - NFIXIU, GUANOS FOB AT.Is CROPS. Use Meadows' GOLD LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried and True) for Color, Silkiness and Fine Texture. Manufactured in the bright leaf section of the State, and specially prepared for the needs of oir land. If interested send for leaflet of analysis and testimonials. . v v Our 1900 Calendar also for the asking. ' E. H. & J. A. Works: Union Point. Sainta Clans Lihtaitc ! . -t V '..l.foiiiia tiiT"Si Fine Apples and Banana. I I :; i, in fart everj tiling Nice and Feh for Xmaa. DAUIEL I i ; sr 71 BrtfM , Hi. Will be found id our fine blend of Mocha and Java, that makes a cup of coffee fit for the gods. Our reputatir.n is jour sale guatfl in tiie matter ol Teas and (.Vitus, and yon can get letter quality at lower priora lure than at any oilier store In town, l'urt. fit. is puaraulteil with ireiy pound of Tea, Coffee or Fplct a trnld at Parkoi'a. N. C Hams, Fox Itiver Butter, Sail and Grabam Wafers, Uoeeda (tu gcr Wafers. Unndn Biscuits Just R reived fiel). 77 Broad Street. Co.. Potato Cabbage. MEADOWS CO.. New Bern, N. C. Wakes No ' V vWlejt bo chtows for lbs- Xmes feaat. from our slock of Fanoy at d 1 1 iplo Oi o 'i r'ea. Our It yal ' Flour for jenr Xmaa t akin, our suj erior and eiquisltely flavored -Coffee ar.d Tcaa, Our r'uoi Pur!.. dins, Relieliea, Ctystallzcd Fru ts and Oinper, FOrrlKti and Domes tlo Chece, Fos Hlver Print Butler and Almor.'. Mince Meat will. rneotwi'h the fsvor cf the cot. noiicctir. We have In a largo shipn eit r.eaotiful Kalamazoo Celery and It is fine. 4 CALL-. Meadows CUR w (i