THE JOURNAL. Published every day !n the year, except Monday, at 96 Middle street. Tuonb No. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS, KlUTUB 4NI PKOPltlKTOR. bt'iiscniPTioN Hates. '- -One vear, in advance, ..'..... v.. 4.00 One year, not in advance ......... 5.00 Monthly, by carrier la the city..., ,80 l"- Advertising Rales furnished on appli cation, ' i , ' - "v , -f&,.-;jr:-r-!:.-:.--,.:- ' --:' - ; : Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, i' v. a second claai matter.; ,V.:.:... ilittvial faper f Nw Ber nt Craven Cajtaty. New Bora, N. Cm Mar. 10, 1800. ITS 13th, ANNUAL EXHIMTI0I!.- ' Within elr weeks, or beginning with April 18th, the 13ifi, Annual Exhibition of the New -Bern Fair and Race Meet will take place. - 1 In place of the cuatomary Mid Winter Fair, in February,'' which has been the season for holding the annual New Bern' Fairs, the date this year is changed to tbe spring season. , " -'' - In this change, the visitor to tbe Fair, need not think that there Is to be any less attractive features, for everry de partment will be full, and the open air features will be largely increased. While February has very often proven most seasonable, In weather, for holding the Fair, It has at times .been quite the reverse, and these unseasonable years have made it impossible fef visitors to come here, who .had to come from a distance, although the weather In this section was pleasant. . , But tte Fair of 1900 will not have to meet such weather conditions, at are likely to prevail In February. In the Indoor exhibits, ihere will , be the usual fine displays f . oysters, game and fish, at well as fbe exhibits of One arts, agricultural and fine stock and poultry. ; , ' v " In tbe outdoor attractions, tbe Fair of 1900 will prove especially attractive. - The Race Meet will have trotting aad running races, the contestants being the leading horses to be found on the racing circuits in the Statu. . ' , v-: . . . y . ...... The Streets of Cairo, with elephabt, camels, denkeysand Egyptianswill be an open air attraction of pleating neve! ty, and a feature which will beof Inter est to every rlsltor. '"!' iVv Dally balloon ascensions, with other open air sights will be given this year. in addition to the Fair and the social ' pleasures of New Bern, the visitor will find the April season a most delightful xe In Mew Bern. . The truck farms will show this great industry, and the drive-ways will afford the visitor the delight of riding In any way he or the may select. :Ve';sf The visitor to the New Bern Fair ef 1900 will find it a mott attractive and enjoyable one In every particular. ,'.' . '' how this I , :-' I h We offer One Hnndred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hill's Catarrh Care, . F, J. CHENEY A Co. '--' , Toledo, 6. We, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney 'for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. r . West ATruax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. . ' Walding, Klnnan 4 Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, 0, ',v Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testl- monlals tent rree. Price 75o per bottle. v8oldby DrugglsttBc ; ' : 1 Hall's Family Pills are the best ; Bat Mart iMk Opea WmuU, ' : Clocks are not obliged to shake bands for the wind-up.. ." , ' t . Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hlnsdsle. III.-. wrltes: "It never fall to relieve my children from croup at one by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without It." Quickly cares coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and I ing diseases. F 8 Duffy. " MoblM MM CmahaiM. Berlin boasts of seven coachmen whe are retired army officers, three who are x-paslors and sixteen who are nobles. l, ::l3 v.!.ityc-j cit. I! m ... 2.-laI!y d :i.-a the foorl r,rl aMs r i n'il In t .n-i -r-mp'r u i , , .,. "i ' t r I 1 (,r. I 4. J ,m t i, - L r -.fin , .. , tr Kite i (?.!.!. i (- r i . ,n I it I 1 . i- ., ti I,,. . i.,v l.:U h r. .'.is: , ... la fevciy city of the li.ij-i ti.e taper man is an outcast, le k:iu more people to be a strauinr to ti.a.i any other beliis In the worlil. lie bus oo holidays. Ills Christinas Is the rec ord of other men's Joys. Ills Thanks giving is a restaurant. Even the Fourth of Jul; and Sunday, servants of the commonest man, refuse hlin their cheer. The Fourth of July Is the dny he must be In every place at once, be cause everything is happening, and Sunday Is the day he must niake things up, because nothing is happening. His labors are our pleasures. He gets hU vacation by doiug another man's work and earns his living by watching other people live. The very days and the nights turn their natural backs upon him. Tbe lamp Is bis sun by night, and the curtain 1b his night by day, and he eats his supper In the morning. His business is tbe reflec tion of life. He Is the spirit behind the mirror. . What Is left to ns is right to him, and right Is left. - Sometimes right aide up Is upside down. - - The world Is all awry to tbe newspa per man. It whirls across the hours In columns, now in one edition and now In another, but it heeds him never In return. He Is a spectator. Tbe Bhow passes before his face a shut out, misbarlng face. He Uvea: as the yenrs go on, a notebook under the stars, and when the notebook Is scrib bled out he dies. Gerald Stanley Lee In Atlantic. " - .... . The Enerseaer Clerk. ' "I ran across a clerk here who Is worth his weight In gold, or, at least, In gold bricks," said a guest at one of the hotels.- "If I was In business in New Orleans, I would get that man If I had to chloroform and abduct him. The, way I discovered his merits was fills: I tras standing In a store down the street, waiting for my wife to de cide what she didn't want, when a tailor made girl walked up and asked . to see some golf clubs." The- young man behind tbe counter showed her several,' and In a few moments she found one that suited her and went away with It under her arm. . . . - " 'Are there many players In New Orleans 7" I asked after she had gone. "Ob, yes: quite a number!', replied the clerk affably. ' ; ' " Hv you golf links here 7 I con tinued, getting Interested. " . "A look of real pain crossed the young man's face, u'l am sorry,' he said, very sorry, but the fact la we sold our last golf links this morning. However, ; we have ordered a new stock-, he added, brightening up' 'and they 'will be here In a few days.- Which did you wish, tbe plain or the er fan cy linker , - , , . . "A clerk like that la beyond price, sir, perfectly invaluable. Ten years -hence 1 expect to find him a merchant prince." New Orleans . Times-Democrat i - 1 M02XKVS LBMOH IXIX1B. ;A PlMuantJUmoaToiile. ' w prepared from the fresh Juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable - liver tonics, cathartics, aromatio stlmnlanta. Bold bv druggist, 80o and $1.00 bottles. -For biliousness and constlDstlon. - - For Indigestion and foul stomach, ' Far tick and nervous headaches. ' For DtlDltatlon aad heart failure take Lemon Elixir. .... ', , .r. For sleeplessness and nervous orot- tration. ,;.-'.-x..v':-! Fr loss of appetite and debility. - " For fevers, malaria and chills take Lemon Elixir. - w v Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. - iicmon xsuxtr will not fall von In anv of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torrid or diseased liver. etomaoh or kldneyt. : 60c and tl bottles at all druggists. ' ' Prepared only by Dr. H. Moaley, At- I haveHnst taken the last of two! hot- ties of Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir for nervous headache, Indigestion, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cored me. I found it the ereatest .mede- clne I ever used. ' ... i ;S'.v J H MaiTHiCH. Attornev t 1225 F. Street, Washington; L O. i? writes: I have suffered greatly from In digestion or dyspepsia, .'one bottle of Lemon Biixir aone me more ' good than all the medioine I have ever taken.-, " ' v KOZLfcrS LBMOlf HOT DROPT. f!nrma 11 Ponvfia flntHa ' Hn,Hiu, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Eleganf rename. - i - 86o at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta, Ga. Boa7aMB Dlsaovarlas. T)aughler, Is your husband amia ble r . '. "Well, ma, he's Just exactly like pa; WJn he gett hit own way -about every thing he Just lovely." . . ' If troubled with rheumatism, rive Chamberlaln't Pain-Balm t trial. It will not cost von a cent If It does no rood. One application will relieve the pain.- It alto curat sprains and bruises In one- third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quln- tey, paint In the tldt tnd chest, glandu lar and other swellings are quickly cored by applying it. Every bottle warranted, Price, W and SO ctt. F 8 Duffy A Co. 'A ,. . ' V'T far qoa. Blokbs-J-I hear Guzzler got so fall at the banquet last night that he couldn't make the speech be was down fer" Blebbt "Tea, he couldn't even remen.- bsr hit address." 100. Dr. B. Batchtoa'i Antl Slnrstie. May bs worth to you more tbsa fiOt Ifyoabavea rblldwho soils bedding irom incontence or watrr during sleep Cures old and young alike. It arrri the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. D Bradham, diup gist, New Born, N. 0. A It. De Flupiit.eilltnr of the Journal, Doyli'stnwn, Ohio, (nfleml fura nun ' r of yrars from riipumii! !r-m In bin r' !.! thotilrier and tblo. I! aya: '.y r ',t ami at thi.. 4 w iv u . . 1 ti. !( ,!,,!...,t. , I . ; . ; I tit ? , ' 1 . No woman can be too careful ol her condition luring the period be fore her little ones are bom. Neglect or improper treatment then endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She bad better do nothing than da something wrong. ' . . , ' r q ira HPf q & LwiJ U L mb at Is the one and the only preparation that Is safe to use. . It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are radi. cally wrong. They are. more than humbugs they endanger life. . c' Mother's Friend helps the muscles to relax and expand naturally re-' Heves : morning sickness removes the cause of nervousness and head ache prevents hard and rising breasts shortens labor and lessens the pains and helps the patient to rapid recovery. -. . . , Prom a letter by a Shreveport, La. , woman: ;" I have been using your wonderful remedy, Mother's Friend, for the last two months, and find it just as recommended." . !.- f Drug1stasaUHat$lprbettt, ' 1 THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. T ..'," ATLANTA, OA, ' 8ad tor oaf free illaitratcd booav -. ? - . ; " Before Baby ta Born." , -' VaBattarPUa. " ; Hell "Ton are always, doing fancy Work I don't believe in working things for my friends." Belle "No; you. would rather work your friends for things." ; Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured la S Uorton L. Hill of Lebanon, Ind., ttysi "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in every muscle and Joint; her suffering was terrible and ber body and face were iwollea almost beyond recognition; had been in bed forix weekt and had eight physicians,' but received no benefit until tbe tried the Mystic Cure for RbeumaJ Main. It gave immediate relief and the was able to-walk about In three days. I am tare It laved her life." Sold by T A Henry, druggist, New Bern. . Waathar BJgaa. : . Wlgg "Do yea believe in weather signs?'! Wagg "Well, if It rains, and a fellow goes ont without an umbrella, I believe it't a tign he't going to get wet" - DOES IT PAT TO BUT CHEAP? . , A cheap remedy for conghi and colds It all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the mere severe and dangerous results '. of throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do f Go to a warmer and mora regular climate? Yes, if possible; If not possible for you, then In either case fake the only remedy that hat been Introduced In all civilized countries with success In severe throat and- lung, troubles, "Botchee't German Syrup.", it not only heals and ttlmulatel the tissues to destroy the germ disease, bat allays Inflammation, caatet easy" ex pectoration,: gives a good ttlght't rest, and caret tho patient. Try om bottle. Recommended many yeart by U drug gists in the. world. For tale by F. 8, Duffy.? ;.':?-V'''';i ;S:V-f-.i Wa 8ha Ooi, '. , . ' "- i Hoal Wigwag's typewriter ttrutk him for a teala'kin, and bit wife heard about It. f.',yrV5Ss i-A't '?"''''' Joax And the next day 1 suppose the got the tack. -J;-v.-,.J-,i'.: pr-; a.'' '"'X, Xrs, Calvin Zimmerman, Jdlletburg, Pa., says, "At a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and tore throat One Minute Cough Core It unequalled. It It pleasant for children to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers."; It Is tbe only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. ' It caret bronchitis, pneu monia, grippe and throat and lung dis eases. It will prevent consumption. F. 8. Duffy. - . .. , ; '. -. . Animal Edaeatlva. ' Muggins Animal training hat gotten dewatoa pretty fine polat when we hear of educated fleas, . ' - - Bugglnt Why, yeart ago, when I Wat a bey, we used to have spelling bees.. . BeUaflw Six Bsara, ' Distressing Kidney and Bladder DIs ease relieved In six hours by "New Oreat South American Kidney Cure." It It a great surprise on account of lu exceed' ing promptness in relieving pain In blad der, kidneys and back, in mala or female Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and sure this Is the remedy. Bold by C. D Bradham. druggist. New Bern, N. C. OABTOIlIAi Btara Uk A 1 KiM V'O H ' Kl'pt I.oil llrftrt. When he last heart:, "Now, Major, did you never wbh yourself well out of in engagement?" . "Only enca, ma'am, and that was In little :",!r wlih a widow.'' 1'uo lva ot the &nm 3;ua. ' liv il.J you Hike mat luuu't caaeV" the fresh guuluate of the law school asked aftt-r his tuther. thy old attor ney, hnd bowed a client out of the of fice. "1'hero Is no possibility that you can win it for him. One glance at his face shows that he Is the briber and all around rascal he Is accused of be ing." - "li that so?", tbe old man replied. "I'm sorry to hear lt-eally sorry, I wish I had known It." , "Why, you must have been able to see for yourself If you arc any judge of character nt all." ; .; . . "1 am usually pretty good at such things, but I muat confess that I didn't notice- It In this case. lu fact, I didn't seo his face at nil." ' . ' ' "Didn't see his face!" "No. He had a wallet In bis band that took my eye.. Now you go to work and copy off that brief, and after this If you want to learn tbe business watch mc not the other fellow's face." Chi cago Times-Herald. i " t . - An Cnwelooma Visitor. - ' While catupl - In the Wallapal mountains receutly there came to tny enmp from off the Snntn Fe Pacific an English overlnnd tooi'Ist, and.; after passing the usual - salutations and greetings, the strungur proposed to Join the desert express train of burros and try -his luck prospecting. The first camp was made at Maggie Springs, where stood an old .miner's cabin. In the morning, he proposed to help cook breakfast and built a rousing lire in the old fireplace of the cabin and Btart ed to Try tho bacon. ''All at once a, startled expression come from the em bryo cook, and, turning quickly, I dis covered a large king snake sizzling In tbe fraying pan., The chimney getting hot bad dislodged bis snakeshlp, and down he came into the hot grease. Tnma (A. 1?.) Sun. - A Remarkable Bntldtns. ; . The tabernacle at Salt Lake City' Is, in respect to Its acoustic properties, the most remarkable place of worship In the world.''. It Is constructed to bold 25,000 people, yet IP Is possible for a person Btandlng at one end to distinct, ly bear the sound of a pin dropped Into a bat at tbe other, a test of Its 'curious power to convey sound which is offered to every stranger who Is shown over tbe building. - " '.: A ferfeet Geatleaaan; i "So you proposed to- Miss De Verei" exclaimed Miss Cayenne. : "Yes," answered W'lHe Washlngtou, "yesterday evening." .. "What did she aay t" ; . AI don't remember, i' beard her tell a friend she was going to see how many proposals she could get this sea son, and I thought It would only be po lite of me to help out" Washington Star. ;f ;' 'A--y .. The longest canal In tbe world is the Brie, In New York, extending from Al bany to Buffalo, a distance of 881 miles. The cost of construction was 152,540, 800. ". - Lewis Ackermtn, Ooahen, Ind., says: "DeWitt't Little Early Risers, tlways bring certain relief, cure my headache, and never gripe." They generally cleanse and Invigorate the bowels and liver. F 8 Duffy. ; Milord. ' The girt who marries a title mutt ex pect to have her husband lording it over her. ' . We have saved many doctor bills shut we began using .Chamberlaln't Cough Remedy In oar home. We keep a bottle open all tbe time and whenever any ot my family or myself begin to catch cold We begin to ate the Cough Remedy, and at a result we never btye to tend away for a doctor and Incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlaln't Ceugh Remedy "never failato core. It It certainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D 8 Mearkle, General. Merchant and Farmer, Mattle, Bedford county, Pa. ; For tale by. F 8 Duffy 4 Co. " - - :e:', r -, -- Bhoeklagr Maaaara. ; Qi. ; Mrs Rlttenhoute Bqueer That BJonet weman it limply Impottible, . Her man ners are ibocklngr-: . Mrs De Ltncey Place Tat; the actual ly.llstent to thtmutlo when the goes te the opera. - . " .... It is very bard to tttnd Idly by and see our dear ones suffer while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany (N.T ) dairyman called era drug store there for a doctor to come and tee hit child, then very tick with croup. '. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at once on hit return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlaln't Cough Remedy, which heihoped would give tome relief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, laying the doctor need not come, at the child wti much better. Tbe druggist, Mr. Otto Scbolt, tay the family hat since recommended Chamberlaln't Cough Remedy to tbelr neighbors and friends until be hat a cob. sunt demand for It from that part of the country. For tale by F 8 Duffy d; Co. lfoble ilrl. Tet. said the amateur Is trus that I proposed to hortand the re fused me. But ttlll I have a great respect for ber. She resisted tbe temptation te spring that old gag on me about develop Ing t negative. My mothnr tulTerrd with chronic diar rhoea for several -monllis. Phe waj at- U-ndrfi by two ;iliysi Uns who at Ih'it pronouni'dl her ca-e lioj-' vhn. t Uti pro- ciifil one Z ((nt bo! tie or Clmu.lx-riam t Cullc, Cliuli la ami I linn lima i;.-,,.r.tiy and fiv(j ()i..!R fftvft her -t infincut rlhT. I I!.!. ! 1.1. II !!(! 11 r'-r:-' i ' H i ' T It " '.. 1 ' I .n Iiiii ti-i I it.- " i, V. 1 . V:a; ., n, A'a ! .1 I y I". !t - It U a well-known tact that Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound has cured more women than any other remedy.' It therefore most be the best possible medicine for female ilia. ' But tome women make the'mistake of thinking that they will try some thing else ahnply because It is new, That mistake la often a fatal one fatal to the health and happiness of the experimenter, -.,,.:, , . Is not foolish to risk tho possible results of such experiments 7 Is It not hotter to depend upon a med'olne which has boon tried suooessfullyYor thirty years, ana wnwn nas never boon round wanting? (, - ' ' 1 Do not therefore let any one persuade you to try something which they say is Just a goodvS It cannof be jnst as good. Mrs. Pinkham's Compound is the beat, and there can be only one beat. Thisis .not a' mere assertion, but Is a positive fact, admitted by hundreds of regular physicians. , r-- - Rely on your own common sense,-and Mrs. Pinkham's lifelinir experience and you will '.make no mistake, - Dont experiment with ytrar health, is good, and is backed by sach letters as these to Mrs. Plnkham ; Suppressed and Painful Periods Cured by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound," I was tUin, sallow and nervous. -I had not Jiad my. menses for over a year and a half. Doctored With several physicians in town and one specialist, but did not get an; better. I finally, decided to try your medicine, and wrote to you ' After I had taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and three of Blood Pnrlflar, my menses returned, and I feel as well and strong aa I ever" did, and hm training" flesh." fUs Lena Gaines. V!salla,Tulare Co., Cal. " After following "the directions tfl ven in your kind letter for Jthe treat ment of leneorrhoea,. I oan say that I have "been entirely onred by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies, and -will gladly recommend them to my friends," flits A, B. Davids, Blng hanrton, N.Y. n Modhlno that holds the record for the largest number of Cures Is i-ydia iEm Panhham'tt Vegetable Compound WOOD'S HIGH GRADE in ' Our business in Farm Seeds is - to-dny one of the largest in this ) Country. A result due to the fact ) that quality has always been our .1 first cpnsideration. We supply I all Seeds required for tho Farm. ; GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, ' Cow Peas,. Cotton Seed, ' Seed Oats, Seed Corn, Soja, Navy & Velvet ) Beans, Sorghums, ) Broom Corn, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, ) . Millet Seed, ) Rape, etc. t Wood's Descrlotlvd Catalogue j Iflvr A'no I'.itlcnt Information about M throe mid all ot)ier8odfl; best mathoda T 1 of iiuur. sou Dcei aaaoua lor ainer- crrnt crops and praollcal binta as to what are llkoly to prove most profitable to ginw, Oatalogua mailed free upon .lequeal. . . ,, .. .. . ( . .' HT;W;W000&S0NS,t SccDSMEN, - Richmond, Yai North Cabouha. i Sunerior Court Craven county. . f Special proceeding Tteid WhltfCrd, executor of Wm. 0. 1, Whltforjf, deoeated, . . ;- r Julia Whitford, Loulte P. Whitford Jannle R. Whitford, Nannie Smith . Helmet and Ueorge Holmes. ' - -To Julia Whltfortf. Louise P. Whit ford. Jannle R. Whitford. Nannie Smith Holmet and George- Holmes defendtntt In the above entitled action: ' Take notice that tbe above entitled ac tion bat been Inttituted by the plaintiff againtt yon .at defendants before the Clerk ef the Superior Court of Craven county. State of North Carolina, -for the purpose of selling the real estate des cribed in tne petition to mate assets, ana that yon are required te apnetr and answer or demur to the petition filed In said act Ion at the office of the Clerk of the Superior court of said county on tbe 7tn day 01 April, iw. - ' W. M. WATSON, 0. S, C; X.:-1 v Wotlce.'...-;.;-;'; The underlie ned bavin f thlt day duly qualified at Admlnlttrttor of the Estate ef W. W. White, dee'd. .; All persons Indebted to said eslttt are notified to make prompt payment to the underitgned. , And all oerions holding claims against said Ketale are notified to present the same for payment duly verified on or before February 8rd, 1901 or this notice will be plead In bar or iheir recovery, This February 8rd, 1B00. ,. J.U.WHITE, Administrator, 17olIee lo f;ioc!thoMem. State er NoRtn Carolina, ) Bnperlor Craven (Jounty, '. 1 Court L. II. Cutler andotb otlR'r' Nolle .her Co,) SUKk" elo vs k holders. The BtluiBon Lutnl To am. Ktochiouih!') dr thk Ftiuhak I.HMin uOwi'ANr TAKK NO'UCAI 1 'bnt l v I' Ju.!:-iiiMt rcniliirfd In the (,'..-., 1 i M. h.M hi tlie.lftnuttry 1 orm, A. i i . in p. 1 mic-i ini ln-en ,, - l 1 1 s m i' " ind for U10 pnr- . .. , t , ii.i. K'iit f tbe I i ' : i 1 1 1 t totlifl CdUlt : 1 1 1 ; ' ' ' 'i. , . M 1 1 I!... ' v (if riiriiiDmrc A Grateful Woman Re oommends Lydia Em Pink" ham's Vegetable Com pound to Every Wife and Mother. " I have taken eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with most gratifying results. I had been married four years and had two children. I was all run down, had fall ing of womb with all its distressing symptoms. I had doctored with a good physician, butl derived very little good from his treatment. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was able to do my work and nurse my seven-montha'-old babe. I recom mended your medicine to every wife and mother. Had I time, I (.'ould write much more In its praise. I bid you -Ood's speed In your good work." rirs. L. A. norrto, Welaka, Putnam Co., Fla. Sale of Land For Partition. NohTH Carolina, I Superior Court Craves Oolntv. Before the Clerk. J L Hartsfleld vs fames A Biysn and Julia R Bryatr his wife, and the heirs unknown of John Hayweod, deceased Pursuant le the order of Court in the above eo til led proceedings in which 1 was appointed Commissioner and duly tirected to sell tKe hereinafter described .1 acts or parcels of land after having ad vertised the same at the court house door and in the New Bern Daily Jour nal for 80 (lajs, I will on Wednesday the. 14th day of March, 1900, at the hour of 12 o'clock m , oiler for sale and sell to the highest bidder for Cah at tbe court ttouse door of Craven county all the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of land, to-wii: Lying and being situate in the county of Craven and State of North Carolina at conveyed to Richard Dobbs Speight ind John Haywood by tbe Stale of North Carolina by grant hearing the No 724 and recorded In Records ot Craven county in book of patents No 8 page 60, containing 8840 acres bounded and de criled aa follows: Beitiuaing on the south west corner of William leys pat , being south 41) west 800 pales from lJeys beginning on Elllas or W hite Lake, from thence along the line of said pat., south 84 east 897 poles te his south-esst corner thence with bis other line north 65 east 122 poles, thence south 845 poles, thence Welt 722 polet to Humeri Creek, thence up the lame the various courses thereof lo tbe upper corner of David Allison's Grant, for 8320 acres, on tbe said creek, then with a line of his survey north 04 west 120 polet, then north 10 the south west corner of John W Stanleys 640 aoret grant, In bills s Lake and on tbe grant on N. W, Lake. The tame being the western corner of R D Speights 640 acre pat., joining David Brown and laid Stanleys land, then with the line of tald Speliihll pit . south 47 ettt 820 polet to a loulh-eaat corner thence with bta other line notth 48 east to tbe beginning. Said Grant bearing the date November 97th 1795. , And also' the following tract of land lying in tbe county tnd Stale aforesaid. 5 ranted to Kicparct uoods epeignt ana oho Haywood by the 8ttte of North Carolina, by grant recorded In tbe rec ords of Craven eounty In book of Pat No 8 page 59 bearing the number 725 and dated Hay 87th 1795 for 8960 teres: On the 8 tide of Neuse river on both sides of the road from Neuse lo Newport bridge: beginning at a pine nn the west tide of said read near where it eniert the peceitn Jtcob Siket corner tree, then N 82 E 110 poles, then N 06 poles, then E 848 poles, tbencaS 800 poles, thence 8 78, E 645 polet, thence E 600 polet, then 8 SOU poles, then W 1410 poles to a pine ttand log on the West tide of Newport road 68 poiet iroia wnvrv iob aaiu ruau Kira through the said peooaln oa the New port fide, : then Seuth 44 Wett 793 polet, then Wett 770 poles to the south corner of the road, D. Speight western pstent, for 1,000 acres dated De cember 14th, 1798, thence with the line of tbe same north 2 M) polet to tbe laid Speights 850 acre patent, thence with the line of the sama north 81,-east 878 polet to bit eastern 1,000 acre patent, thence with the line of tbe same patent, south 104 poles, - thence with another line of the same ettt 400 polet, thence with mother line of the tame north 400 polet to the taid Speights 640 acre 'patent da ted December Hth, 1792, thence with a line of tbe asms east 40 polet, thence with another line of the tame north 250 polet thence with another lint wett 18 poles to said Speights 60 acre patent, dated January 1795, thence with the line of the tame north 85, weat 145 polet to Thomas. Bradshers patent of the east side of the east branch of Slocumbs Creek, then lth ths line north 65, rest tr5 poles to his east corner, thence a di rect line to the beginning. February Olh, 1WK). ' - OWEN H. OUIOff, ' . Commissioner. Administrator' Notice; Ilnvlnir qualified Si the Administrator fif Viiril hpurrow, derrnicil, notice i h n v (-lv. 11 to nil p(Hnnt bavlnjr. ( 11 1 til oi hic of tho drrmard, , 1 1 . nt t! ' in nil or brfnld the ll 1 v 1 : 1 xrirv. I 'I. or Oils nm ire will i : . 1 Hi (-! (.f !!.' it' r'-rnvr ry, ! . . ..ifl j;. .. . 1 t- G L 1 (..I'l'll arc 1 II' Hi'lll. j 1 I ' f $ V-.' I 8 I r 06 3 - K In but take a medicine that you know Nervous Prostration and Inflammation ot the Bladder Cured by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " DhabMbs. Pixkham I have used your Vegetable Compound for female weakness and it has done wonders for, me. I also had nervous prostration was not able to look after my house work. After taking one bottle I began to improve, and am now better in every way and feel like a different person." firs. Delia Keiser, riarienvllle, Pa. "Dkau Mrs. Pinkhah I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound enough for the good it has done me. I suffered from inflnmmntion of the bladder. I tried doctors, but obtained no relief. At last I decided to write to you, and now, thanks to your reme dies. I am entirely cured." firs. K. S. Grady, 131 Union St., High Bridge, New York City. Notice to Appear. Slste of North Csrolins, ) C'ouaty of Craven. J In the Superior Court, I Beforo the Clerk. ( In the matter of the final account of L H Cutler. Executor of W'm Cleve: To whom it May Concern: Whereas, L II Cutler hat tiled In Ibis court his final account as Executor of the lsst will and tcslameut of Wm. Cleve, Sr., deceased. Now Therefore, The heirs at law, le gatees aiid (lUiributeca of Wm Cleve.Sr., deceased auu all other persons having any interest in the said estate are hereby notified and commanded to appear be fore the f.niler-lj;ned Clerk Superior Court at Ms office in New Bern on Wed nesdsy the 25th riav of April, 1900. st tbe hour of 1 1 o'clock a m snd show cause, if any Ihey have, why said final account should not be audited and ap proved, and an order of distribution in accordance with the will maiia, and the said Executor discharged from his trust. Done at my office in the city of New Hern under ray hand and seal this the 23d day of February. 100(1. W. Mi WATSON, C.K C. Valuable Timber. l.niiN For Nale! N'orth Cumllna, ) Pnprrior Court, ( raven County. Special i'roci cdlngs Geo R Hughes and wile Annie C Hughes vs John H Whitford, Lnura E Wl.ittoidaid Mary Whitford. Petition for Bale of Lands for Pai tiilon. I'ursuaut lo tbe judgment in the above named proceeding Hit; undersigned will sell at public auction nt the duor of 1 lie court house of said Craven county, on Monday 'he 2nd day of April. A I),' 1900 at 12 o'clock r'ul-day lor cutli, the fol io lag lands, situated in said 1 raven county; A tract of land embracing a'd com posed of several small parcels and con tiguous tracts, containing by estimation about 1640 acres moie or h ss, lying and being in Craven county afcresuid on the north side ol Neu e river and east side of James swamp atid at Hie Im art of s&id swamp, a 1 art bounded by the lands of Moses Esrnold, dr ceased David P Whit ford and" others, being all tbe lands which Nathan Whitford, d ceased Inhet tted from his father in Hill's Neck and a swamp tract at the head of the said James swsmp being the same that Nath an Whitford gave ty will to . Jonu N Whitford, which wt re sold by a d( cree -of tbe court and being a part of tbe Minnwbiob Hardy Whitford purchated at laid tale In the year 11:69 and being the same lands which were oonveved to said John H Whilford by Hard Whlt- iora ano wire oy oeeu srgisieted in 'he office ot the Register of D' wis of sxld Craven county in book 76, (.sgeS&e, March let, 1W00.. . , . PIITfXI.fTIFR, . - . - MU1Y bTEVEhON, , . ; . ' Commissioners. Notice of Hal. . .. Chat R Davis, Flit R Davt, Paul T avis, and N B Davis. ' , ' . '.':.'t,.::,.L-''.i .,- Cora E Davit, Joseph O Davis, Dear It B , ' Davit and V iotvr L Davit.. Petition for Hale nf Land for PaitiUon. ' Under and by virtue of an order nf the Sop- rior Court In thx above entiilrd pro-: ccedinga, the nndertlgned will, on the first Monday In Apr.),, 1000, Mug the Snd day ol said month, at 18 o'clock m, . at tht court house' dooHn the couniy of Craven, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cavb the follow Ing de scribed landvi , ' One house ' tnd lot situated at the norlh-wesl corner of (3oorge and New streets, and running thence weswardly with the south side of New street, one hundred and fifteen ft to B W Morris Cor ner, til en re north with said Morris line and-parallel with Horge nrrel sixty-one feet to Margaret E Kiitina corner, thence east with her line, and parallel with New aireetomi hmnlml and fifteen feel to ( 0 ge street, tlx m l smith with (ie 7j;e ai r. i alaty ne feet to the beginning on (Jh') stieet, heieg the snnie house, ami l( t (vinvi'Vc'l by need from JHllies Jl 1 Infix s mid licit, e W Hucjiis. bis ile, lo illiuin ii JiHvis, ami ri rotib il In Look ho hi, jmiira i;r7, :i;h ami in t Im i.i: c of tlm r c.iier of (Ji cds of Cian n 0 Mint v. '- 'i 1, 19 '0. H W V 11.1 tvi"N, Co -ini.ii '1 1 1 r. f 1.