VfELL DRESSED !IEN. K" .9 ORDER OF THE CITIES IN WHICH THEY MOST ABOUND. ' The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has been v la use for otot 30 years, has borne the signature of . and has been made under his per- - Z1,'1 sonal supervision since its Infancy.,; ; All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood " are but -" Experintents that trifle with and endanger the health of u Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. .What Is CASTORIA -. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- , goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo --.' substance. Its age Is its guarantee." It destroys Worm v and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ? , - and Flatulency, . It assimilates the Food, "regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , ' GENUINE CASTORIA VAfwAYS Bean the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over' 30 Years. -. . THC OKNTAUM OOMMMV. TT MURRAY VTlWetT. WIWVOM OIT. " 1 ' ' ' Boused ; Washing Dishes , To wish dishes In half lbs Mrm, and do It well, follow this recipe: Always bh hot viter not warm, but hot. It I, beet to tut moptwttb chins and class, and, to hire. a ales lather. Instead of uslntsotpua a Gold Dost Wisting Powder ' Dissolve i tablctpoonlul In the hoi water and vaah quickly t have plenty of nice, dry towels to wipe with ; have s drainer that will allow the water to run olf the dishes Into receptacle be low, when jou will have highly polished (bus sod china. . Th. .boro I, teftM from our fra. bmkbl -V "uouhh gvm fob uoubiwurk .v. wast n on rcqimt to . I IS It Sife 1 i. ' THE N. K. MMftBaNK COMPSNV, - K H """ ';' ' ' II OaJosge, slums, , MswVark, basts, gj H f-.qy. :L . . .. II HEALTHY OLD AGL ' Lin, Bbtto Oo. As, i' Aug. 4, , t am 49 yean old and have been suffering' with i, Ohange of Life. I had flooding; spells so baa that none thought I oould live. My husband got me Wine of Cardul and it sawt my life, I am like anoUier porson since taking it. . - . . . MRS. B. B. TOWN BEND. " "" - - It it the devout wish of nearly aH people to live to (Tripe old tge. ; " None of us want to die younj. This universal desire cad be realized if '' - care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution tben will add many years to our existence. ' Death can be kept away a long ;. . time.- Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Carduiwill take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and ' womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of -pregnancy and childbirth with is httle- discomfort as possible. At the - Chang of Life it will help her over the dangerous place. that appears in " her pathway between 40 and 50. - Then will come tnany years of truly s blissful existence: . She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve 'that charm and beauty which are always characteristic ot periectiy neaitny grandmothers. 'IS UMES' ABVISOM fttMITMEIT. ForftdTler) in (wm twinirlnit ipf ntel ai ruction, niiMren, piTing nrnfionii. UilV A-l.Wr lt, Tkl HAYTAAUttti4 CbtUtutoogt, Taa. - I It Is for women alone to decide whether they wiO be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick ned It close at band.' . LA9CI BOTTLES Or WIN I O P OARDUI ' SOLD FOR$I.OO BY DRUOCISTS. i Mistake V--'-"'V:8&&B;& WLo ho choosea for" the ,Xms : feast from our atock of Fancy and - f taple Qtoorrlea. Our , Royal - Flour for yoar Zidm baking, our superior and exquisitely Davoted : Coffee and Teas, Our Plum Pud ding, Relishes, Crystallzcd Fruits aud Giujer, Foreign and Domes j( ' 'fr.yjf , " tmore'i Mince Meat will yi v '; meet wl'li U.e favor of the con. we rave in a targe anipmexi Beautiful Kulamaaoo Celery and His fine. Ms!a Oraocs. Ualifornia Oranrei. Fine APDlcS and Bnnanas. Ntila, Ruisiua and Fig, in fact everything Mice and Fresh for Xium, "1 -"-s ' C'"B?wT'"y As Expert Soys Denver Heads), the) ' List, With Saw FnneiKs Second, Chlc&KO Tlilrd, Wnshlnictoa Fswrtk, Bad Sew York Trails Alone fifth. . "Pd probably be discharged, mobbed and have, all aorta of tu.iigs (laypeu to nie If I said this over la the big town, but I can name you at least four Amer ican cities the men of which are bet ter, dressed, year in 'and year out than the men of New Vork, said a nimr who travels for a New York merchant tailor's supply house and whose terri tory is the whole continent "I'll name them in the order of their standing as communities Inhabited by the : best dressed men: Denver, San Franclnco, Chicago and Washington.;- How do I figure It 7 Just according to the rule of sight, that's all. ' I don't profess to know much about Egyptology, but I do know a well dressed man when I 'see him. ' V : , - , Mind, I don't say that all of the men of those four cities am better dressed than all of the men-'of New Yoik, but I do maintain and say any Impartial, man who knows the tour towns mentioned as they are now will uphold me in tualntaiulug that lu ratio to their respective populations the men of Denver, San Francisco, Chicago and Washington ' are very s. much ; better dressed than are the men ot .New York. Of course this has been the case only In very recent years. New York was until, soy, Ave years ago away ahead of all Its rivals ob ft city of the best dressed men. At that time If you want ed to see-hundreds of perfectly dress ed and perfectly groomed men engag ed in doing business all you bad to do" was to take an elevated train up town in the neighborhood of 10 o'clock In the morning and watch he men, young, .1 middle aged and old, who boarded the trnin for the down town financial dis trict : "Of coarse you'll -still see slews of thoroughly got up men down In the financial district of New York; but not so many by 75 per cent as formerly. On Bhow occasions, -such as Easter Sunday afternoon. New York will still turn out a finely dad batch of men, but I'm -not talking about show occasions now. I'm talking about men who are well clad yen r In and year out, and it is in this respect that New xors has fallen Into the 'also ran' list , "When you meet up town fn. Mew York a genuinely swagger man not a flashily dressed man, but one who Is thoroughly and properly .rigged out from bis bat to his shoes you are lia ble to turn arouiid to get a rear view of him, and, then the fact Is liable to be slowly borne In upon yon that be is some member of -a theatrical profession- whom yon have seen upon the stage. There are still plenty of flashi ly dressed men circulating around New York, but a flashily dressed man never will be a w.ell dressed man. ; "The reason why the men of Denver are such a well dressed lot Isn't entire ly clear to me. ..It can't be especially because there are so many well oS men in that town, because there are myri ads of well off 'men ' In " New York. Maybe It Is because; In proportion to the: population. , there, are ; probably more men with large Incomes In Den ver than In any city on the continent, not excepting Helena, that used "to bear ! that distinction. ; " You scarcely ever see a badly -dressed or an over dressed man In Denver. Shabby men there are In plenty, of course, but I don't call a shabby man a badly, dress ed man. - A badly dressed man la one who, white having plenty of means to equip himself with a good make ap, hasn't the taste to do It and therefore makes his appearance as a slouch that's the word for It slouch, - A shab by man ts simply a man who Is on his uppers and makes no pretensions. - "The clerks and other men of ery moderate Incomes In Denver, men who can't afford (o 'keep In the push' aa far as correct dressing goes; don't make any effort whatever to' tog themselves out In cheap, dismal Imitation of the men with plenty of money; but like the young woman In the song, they al ways dress in black.'. - The business men who ran plants of their own, how- ever, seem to pay Just as mncb atten tion to the Job of getting themselves ready for business en weekday morn ings as they do to the task of arraying themselves - for social functions or evening appearances. . i v' : "Easterners who have gone oat to the coast have often commented upon the swcllness of th average well fixed San ' Francisco man In the matter of clothes. The San Francisco man with an Income certainly gets himself pp 'proper,' as we -say, and he's got the right kind of a make np for every oc casion. Take the race tracks around San Francisco, for example. Every man who goes to the races ont there goes In a regular racing rig, from pad' dock coat to fleldglass and from the top of bis flat crowned derby to the soles of his 'downs' boots, and so do tho Frisco women, for the' matter of that ' Another thing, III venture to assert that nine out of ten men In San Francisco wbose Incomes are $2,000 a year or over1 tg out In evening clothes r-vprv nltrhtln the vear. summer In eluded. A great many more men of -moderate Incomes In Washington, don evening clothes than men of slmllarjn comes In' New York. The . men. of Washington dress with singular neat ness, many with notnble elegance. The excellence of the Washington average, I suppose, Is to be accounted for by the absence of a Inree laboring class here. Washington Post. A Sure System, "I got bnck at the bookmakers all right today!" "WlnT "No: (lldu't bef-Phlladclphla North American. PernmnniiSly cuif i 1 y U,a n-'rr'y pow er of F'ln'h Aix'-H'hn J-Vrvino Innlr I -s v ' ' t. In r ro In; t, t"-.i. t'.'n i - 'y c ) f ! ' ill. It la a r .!) f r I ' 1 v .) v. : 1 of yip TTTOMEK and Women Only, especially mothers, are most competent to YY appreciate the purity, sweetness, and delicacy of Cuticdra Soap and v to discover new uses for It dally. Its remarkable emollient, cleansing, and purifying properties, derived from Ctjtictoa, the great sklikcure and purest of emollients, warrant its use In preserving, purifying,"and beautifying . the skin, scalp,'hands, and hair, and In the form of baths and solutions for annoying irritations, ltchlngs, mflammationa, and chaflngs, tod free or offen- t tive persplratton, and also in the form of washes for fulceratlve weaknesses," as well as many sanative, antiseptic purposes, which will readily suggest themselves.: All that has teen saidiof CCtiotjba- Soap may also be said of Cuticcra Ointment which atfould be nsed after the Soap, in the severer cases, to hasten the cnre Complete External t Internal Treatment for Every Humor, $1.25, consisting of Coticora. Boap (95o.), to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened entitle, Cdticdbjl Oihtmest (Mo.), to instantly allay ltoning, inflammation, and Irritation, and soothe and heal, and Cdkooha Eesolvkkt (SOo.), to cool and cleanse the ' blood. A Sikolk sot is often sufficient to core the most torturing, disfiguring, and humil iating skin, scalp, and blood humors, with loes of hair, when all else falls. Porra Dana AMD Chkm. Conr., Sole Props, Boston.. . . : . J'A QUICK CUrvE " FOR COUGH3 v - i and C0U33 Pyiiy-Pecfora The Canadian Rsmedy for all Throat and lung Affections . - Large Bottles, 25 cents. ' PAVia A 1AWEENCB CO., Limited, ' Prop's Porrjr Davis' Paia-KBlor. V New York. - r , ; .::.' Montreal. FINANCIAL. mm L Bot3Eic;.BW-Bak (B. P.B) New Bern, N. C, . At close of business. February 18, 1900, condensed from report 'o uomptrollei. RES0UR0E3: Loans $802,871 50 Stocks ond KnndB 82 883 79 iteal estate, Fur. and Fixt. . . 88,693 98 Due from-bHnks. 86,701 74 Cash...... 4i,637t)4 BLOOD CURE FREE. A Cure Far Bleed ani Skin Bissasat, Xcsema, Ulcers, Pimples Sere-' Ada, Bleed FoUoa, Cancer, -. Eidnay Trouble, Boils Malaza Bhen - matism. - A TRIAL TRBATMB5T SBHT PR1VATELT BT MAIL FRKS TO ALL WHO BDrrBB. If any man or woman suffering from any Blood or SMn Trouble will write u we will send them free of charge and prepaid to destination a trial bottle of Botanic Blood Balm (B B. B ) the fa mous Southern Blood Remedy. it has. permanently cared thousands of cases, some of 20 veara' atandinit,- and after- doctors, hospitals and patent medieineV bad failed. Kemedy baa been inorougmy teated for p'htt 80 years and is perfectly safe to take by old . or young. Blood! Balm la an nnnesl, lzezpenstve remeay that you may test before you part with: your money. , f! : CUBES KADI BT BLOOD BALM. . ' Allan Grant, of Spartai Ga. onred f bainful aore on llo called enltliellal -caa- oer, Julia K Jolinson, Stafford P. O.. 8. 0 cured of a terrible Itching eczema of 1 years standing; W A Bryant, Moody, Tex, cured of salt rheum on hsnd. -Ht band resembled a burned surface suneraa font years, yet cured by -Botauio Bloesi Balm. B W Beazley, of Americas, Gs, suffered with sores sll over bis body, eating into holes. Blood Balm cured Dim; sound ana well, ii a. oewen, 01 Atlanta, Ga, cured by four : bottles of a terrible eatln ulcer on leav ti W Pope. of Jackson, Ga. bad violent akin disease, entire body almost a scab, yet permaneat ly cored by u. a. a. J J neaa- or Aiuen Ga, had eczema on hands, arms and legs, suffered five years, tried doctors and pat ent mudicinea. Blood Bains cured bin. only a few scars remaining 'where' lire sorea had healed. Mrs. W f Bleed,' of Augusta, Ga, had recurring- boils,-, was curedDyoniy nve Domes mree yesra. ago, Perfectly well since. . Mrs M L Adams, of Fredenia, Ala. bad . deadly cancer, waa riven up to die br nine) doctors, vet was cured by Botanic Blood Balm. W P McDanlel, of Atlanta, cured of rheumatism, hut what more need we sav? We could fill this naper - wiltt wonderful cures, and remember, all these troubles are reused by Bad Blood in tbn system, and Blood Balm cures because it forces all the , polsoa . outward, benca llieie cannot baa return 01 me syenp- Don't trifle with blood troubles, and remember, even If aarsnparllla, tonics, doctors and salves bave failed In your case, tbat B, B. B. Botanic Blood Balm la different from 'any thing else, and cure, to stav cured, br einelllng the fiolsonous matter from the blood. Thin s the only remedy that pures In tbls way. - ROW TO OBTAIIT IU.OOD IIAI.M. WRITE FOR mil TRIAL BOTTLE. If you are SRlMed that Botanlo Blood Balm Is what vou peed vou will flml large bottles for sale by all druggists for fl.dfl, or sit bottlra (full treatment) i-I.OO. For free trial bottle aililresB Blood Balm- Co., 140 Mitchell HI , At lanta, Ga., and bottle and medical book. will be sent, sll charges prepaid. Describe Vour trouble and we. will Include free personal medical advice. Total Resources... $501,68 f?5 LIABILITIES: Capital:. 100,COOOO Kurptui und Profits. 00,213 18 Ciroula'ion 28 600 00 Deposits 2:8,974 52 Total Liabilities . . .501,686 86 James 1. Bryan, President. J. II. Hackbu'ru, V-fresident, G 11. boberts, Cashier, ORGANIZED 1665. Total profits since organization ' .... 877,804 18 Total dividends paid stockholders 287,082 00 PIKECTOK8 : Jafnea A Bryan, K K Bisliop. CliasH liryau, Thos Daniels, , J It Uackburn, L Harvey, John Djnn,' U H Roberts. A-d i, TlCt J , V- :. o.l A s.n'ir tons I 1 .'fiftd Co., . '" ,'10 th(H. 'n. , TKAIV HN v in.. . ' " AC z,,a - " A.H P M. P.M .V.M f,M. Lvi VVtldoi U SU 8 58 .... 4r. K: Jit. IU 6f II 5! . .". ..... Lv. Tatboro i 21 ..... 0( Lv. R. MU 1 ft 9 6; 6 87 5 4 12 S3 Lv. Wilson 1 88 10 T 10 8 20 i 40 Lv, Selma.. 8 80 1108 . ... livFay'vlll. 4 80 ill 20 Ar.Floreno 7 25 3 24 . P.M. A.M Ar, Golds... ..... .... 7 65 Lv. Golds 7 01 8 15 Lv. Magma 8 09 4 16 irWilm'lou ... 9 40 a CO i I P.M Ja M.P.M. I ' THAINS GOING NORTH. 1 . 4c . . "i- i g b e "2 c j o"S o "5 c"3 r-Q r, 2 C3 q aq " " AM pTm" Lv.Florence 9 45 7 4'i l.v.Fay'villc 12 2( . . 9 46 Lv. Selma.. 1 60 10 66 Ar. Wilson. 2 85 ..... 11 83 ' . aTm! P. M A.M. LvWilm'ton - 6 60 it 46 Lv. Mag'lfa .... 8 20 11 10 Lv. Golds 6 00 8 27 18 6 P. M. A.M. P. M. P. U Lv. Wilson 2 86 5 48 11 88 10 00 1 It) Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 6 26 12 09 11 II 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 Lv. Tarboro 12 21 Ly. a Mt.. 8 80 12 09 Ar. Weldon 4 88 1 04 P.M. A.M. A. &.1C.R.R. ; r , lit . VBI K KO. 1 1 'g? .,:yj -ijt.?. ' Ztfri Efct J Sctrrrtr Ooinr yfnt No. 8 Pauenmr Tnl. . . LV. f a. - - STATIONS: 40. .... , f . Golduboro ...... M... ".... LaGrange 39..,.,. , . . KiDston 40....Ai. Kew : Brn, L. W. IV. " . Ar 8 87 16... Ar. Morflioxrl fit) Lv 7 0S No. 6. I Mz'd F't & 1 stations: Pass Tu. Daily Except StNDiY. Lv.Am. Ar. 1 80 loldaLoro 7 63 Best's 8 10 ,v. .... LuGrange... ; 8 27 Fallini: Crrett 8 80 Kiueton 9 0S Gajwell 9 4 Dover 10 02 Core Creek 0 20 Tust arora 10 SO Clarke 1050 New Ifcrn .. . r. si. Mcih . fep. I p. 11 10 cr M p,(l !: -fin ! J.tu!. t'.:li V, :;;oim tiicl I'.ir- i V .,(: .. f Ci. h ..i- T. A. Green, Pres. K. U. Meadows, V. Pres. . B. M. Groves, Cashier. CITIZENS' HANK, - oar nrrnvrsscKBT, xr.c Doing General Banking Business. October 1st, 1899, Surplus and Undivi- dtd Profits, 12,000.00. Prompt and careful attention (riven to all business entrusted to us. Accounts received on favorable terms. Hoard of Directors, rerdinand Clncn K. B. Meadows, J. a. Meadows, Chan. Uufly, Jr. Bamuel W.Ipoek,' James Redmond, Cbiw. H.Fowior, MayerHahn, J. w. wrainger, -iauniaea..urara. K. W. 8m all wood, C.K.Fot. Ciao.ti.ivea, W. r. Croekettj. . Mark Disosw ay. . . . FI& Rl. BANKj ; ,n FEBEUARJ 1st, 1900. "'' Capital Stock, $ 75,000 SBrplns,..,-..'.;:.;....'" 10,000 Undivided Profits,"...;... V 8.600 Depot! U , . ..... JX i 8 ,000 ' '.WS$yfi OFFICERS. -,:?-i L. H. OuTLlft President, . '; f ; - W. U. Cbadwicic, Vice Pros. f 1- T. Wr Dswsy, Cashier.: - ' 1. W. BiDDLS, Teller. i;; - O. T. Chadwiok. Collector.'.., .-i... ..... r,TDt?rrrM5Q.: . '. Wm. B. Blades, M. M. Marks, v O. D. Bradham, - F. 1. Pelletler, . '; L, ii. Cutler, ' Jno. Suter, - t W. 8. Chadwick, ; J. W. 8tewartr ' '.'r- Dewey. : i i It collects for tnorchanto. manufactur ers and other Banka promptly at special rates to . each, ana mates quickest re turns Doasiblo. Br its liberality and en- terDrlsina business methods, it Is forelnc to the front of East Caroline's Banking Institutions. In it own city, It is the only one which docs notjiey Interest on Deposits. . ', i , . Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Lii.e Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Fayrtlcville 12 05 p m, leaves Fay- etteville 12 25 p m. arrives Sanford 1 43 p m. Keturuing leave csanlora swpm, arrive Fayetteville 8 41 p m, leave Fay etteville 8 40 p m, arrives Wilmington 6 ill D in. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Bennetlaville Branch Trains leaves Bennettsviile 8 16 a m, Mazton 9 20 a m, lied Springs 9 68 a m, Hope Mills 10 42 a in, an fve Fayetteville 10 55. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 55 p m, Red Springs 5 86 p m, Mazton 6 15 p m, arrives Bennrttsville 7 15 d m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78; at Mazton with the Carolina Central Itailroad, at lied Bprings with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Beaboud Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train an the Scotland Neck Branch Road leavea Weldon 8 85 p m, Halifaz 4 15 D m. arrives Scotland Neck at 6 08 p m, Greenville 6 57 p m, Klnaton 7 65 p m.' tteturnlng leaves Klnslon 7 60 a m Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifaz at 11 18 a n-- vvemon n&sa m, daily ei- oept Bunai.. Trains on waanington BrapcU leave Waabinc ion 8 10 a m and 9 80 n m, ar rive Parmele 910 am, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 8 80 p m arrive wasningion ii uu a m ana ( ou D m, dally ezcept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0. daily ezcept Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p m, ar rives nymoutn y tu p m, e tu p m, tte tuming, leaves Plymouth daily ezcept Sunday, 7 warn, ana nunaay v uu a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m, II 00 a n Train on Hi Hand; It U Branoh leaves Goldsboro dally, ezoept Sunday, 7 06 a. m, arriving smiinneiu a lu a m, tteturn- ing leaves Smitbfield 9 00 a m; arrives at Golasboro 10 20 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,8:40 p m.arrive Nashville 1110 a m. 4 08 Dm. Snrlna Hope lb 40 a m, 4 25 p m. Returning leave 8oring Hope 11 80 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash ville 12 15 a m, 5 25 p m, arrive at Rooky Uount 11 40 a m, o uu p m, dauy ezcept Sunday. ' - Train on Ulinton uranon leaves war- saw for Clinton daily, ezcept Sunday. 11 40 a m and 4 02 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 60 p mu rrain no 78 mazer Close connection at Weldon for all points North dally all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON. Gen'l Pass Agent J B KKNLY, Uen'l Manager. -T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager.. No. 1. t I Mz'd Ft. and stations: Pass.Tn. Lv. a m 710 ..Goldsboro. 7 48 Best's.. 811 LaGrange. 8 2 Falling creek 4 5a 914 Kinston 4 88 9 25 caswell 8 18 40 Ar. Dover, Lv 8 00 10 40 oore creek 2 00 11 15 Tuscarora 1 88 PROFESSIONAL. . T. M. Rlmaions. ' - A. P. Ward I. H . Po, ' E. W. fon, SIMHONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS aa1 COUNSELORM t - LAW. . ' . " ARSt BtHHE, . O. ," ' Olllce 68 So. Front Htreet, nearly oppo- site Hotel Lliattawau. (Omces also at RiUnii;h and Bmithfleld.) Tracllen In tlie Bounties of CraTen, Puplln, Joiie, OiihIow, ijurl.-rtit Fftmlloo, Wak, JuluiHtoii, HiirnHtt. and W11ti4n; In tne hn pr-no and Iciierul Cuurtu, and whorever st.irvi-s are uoirwM. ATT0KNET AT LAW, '.die Etrert, Lawyers BrltV 1' ii i ! i! i ii !. -! itrn.-M.-fl In (In ((.unl'ns nf CrnvArt " , .(...' ( r, li.vifiiH I . -i 1 1 if r. Ii. H ;-. a l -iii'j unl tMji'i. n.H L-iillrt o ICE OR HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to b chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities, specially in tended and prepared for human con snmption. - ; ,- -- - r. . Ice delivered dally (ezoept Sundays; a m to 6 n m. , .. Mundays (retail only) T a m',to 18 noon. :' For prices ana outer information. , - - New Berne Ice Oo.; - ; DEALER Uf Hardware and Fiie Arms ' Saab, Doors and Blinds, Faints, Oils, Cement, Lrfne, Etc . A Rent for Garland Stoves & Rangei and Devoe'8, and BenJ -Moorei' ."READY MIXED PAINTS. if ' .( Under Hotel Chattawka, ll-iti j Xi Jt 'I I f Ar. a m ..11 6 ...10 ...10 If .. . 900 No. Ms'il r I'HMi 't and In. P. M. 800 Tttj 7 20 67 C40 C lj I) 00 0 t7 5 80 611 451 A. U. No. 7. P.sengt r No H Lv a. in JunlinB Oulv Ar i,. m. J 40 UolUui.oro 7 4 1 8.09 L..Griiugu 7 07 8 0 Kinslon o 47 8 5? Dover 0 27 9 60 New Btrn 11 fl Ar Moreiiead Citv Lv . .5 45 . 405 I No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar. d m ..6 88 . 5 63 5 23 11 81..... Clark's 12 05 Ar. New Bern, Lv. 180 Lv. " - Ar. 2 12 Itivcrdale 20 croatan 9 48 Havelock 8 12 . . Newport, Lv . . . 125 Wildwood . 4 81 Atlantic 8 48 Ar. Morehead citv. Lv. 4 01 Ar. M. city Depot. Lv. . . . . 7 5C M. a. . Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thurnday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, Superintc jdent . 1 20 . 12 50 ..10 47 ..10 10 ..1000 . 9 40 .. 906 .. 8 41 ..8 88 . 820 Atlantic Coast IsSue. Wilmington & New Berne II. If. TIME TABLE NO. 5, InElfect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,.Dally Except Sunday. Uoing 8outb schedule: I Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No. 50, Lv. a m, "BTAMON8: Ar. p m, 9 00 New Berne 6 40 9 86 Pollocksville .. 6 94 9 61 Maysville 4 49 10 02 Jacksonville 4 18 12 08. 1 ,7,.n' 2 82 ( LfUiUU lrjjub t 1215 ...Ar. Wilminuton; Lv. ... 2 45 P M P M No. 8, Pahbemoeb & Freight No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes iav and FritiAv. favn Nov TlArnn Tum. lay, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. am Ar. a si 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott's Hill 18 55 9 80 Woodaide 12 15 10 06 Hollyrldge ... .11 40 1051 Dizon 10 51 1120. Verona 10 20 12 06 Jacksonville. 9 46 12 30 Northeast 8 65 Jl 55 Whiterak 8 80 180 Maysville 8 05 815. Pollocksville 7 20 2 55 DebruM'a 6 86 8 40,.....Ar. New&arne.Lv 6 00 Daily Exoep Sunday. J. R. KENLY, General Manaeer. BORDEN, Hupt, Trans i ortattrn. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, AND ' OliDwiofllailipCo. FREIGHT k PAS81NG1R For All Points North. The Steamer. NEUSE -WJii leave uu aiunuajs, irouutwuajs, and rildapi at 0 p. u. sharp, mak ine landings al Oriental, - Qcraooks and Eoanoks Island. , . ' HT Freight received not later than on hour previous to sailing-. : Tor farther information apply to - GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. II. K. Euro, Gen, Mgr., , -Q.O. IIuD0iN8,Gen.Frt.4 Paat.Agt, Norfolk, Va. " .. , New Bern. N. O., Ha; 80th, 1888 Telephone j BERVICE 13 A BUSINESS . ' NKCE8SITY, A HOMK CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED . ... ( . ' r Yew I -ft Oitt'c t rt.iv, a. r;UNN, r . .A-j' . i.A -ll.-livil U u; , v-ii,.,.. I i h-r,