1 v L ..J C v vv vOOC CCwOOOOOO,K0000 ( " 2: - : Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Dowels Cleanses the System. - rt EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES XLr, (auiaPgSyrvp. iE?i THE JOURNAL. New Ben. N. C Kr. 10, 1900.. Index to New Advertisements, Koyall Applei. -...- - . Backburn Spring goods. Business Locals. FINE Applei, Oranges and Binanss to day at the Broad Street Fruit Store. H. F. Royall. x ' DREEft'3 Fairmont Park Grass Seed at Davis' Pharmacy. 'i'-vi? ':-'. T9B finest Beer.aiways.on draught, at Jacob's, MiddleStreet. !.; V :5: Special 30 Days' Offer. .' Send for our descriptive circulars and learn how yon can buy a "Wagner" piano, style 14, in Oak, Walnut or Ma hogany, natural woods, for only $145 cash. SO days trial In your own home. The "Miller" organ for from $30 to $70, all styles. Send far circulars. 1 The Atlantic Music Company,; '; '; :?$, Ceables L. Oaskill, Prop.': TheRoufli Riders -, Will please meet at Scott's Hall, Mid dle street, Friday night at 8:30 o'clock to form a White Supremacy Club, By order of the President, . r- J. D. McCoy. ' J. J. Baxter will sell all of bit winter stock now at a sacrifice to make room for spring goods. ' 1 New Bern Fair, April 16-21, 19 JO Have your prescrlctions filled at Davis' Pharmacy. , . K, Have just received lot of fine dressed turkeys. . .Oaks Market. Coffee, Chocolate and Sandwiches at McSorley's. 1 The New Pulley Belts. " . The first to be shown In New Bern, gives the long waist effect, clings close to the flgure.the dressiest belt ever worn, nude of fine quality Liberty Satin at 85, 75 and 60 cents each, now on display. ." . G. A. Bakfoot. Cloak urn CatMS Al Cos. v.' v We will sell what Cloaks and Capes are on band at cost, v Respectfully, -. S.' .... J.J. Baits. - - Have) your prescriptions -filled . at Davis' Pharmacy. - - ' The New Pulley Belts.; !: -k The first to be shown in New ' Bern : gives the long waist effect, clings close to the flgure,4he dressiest belttjver worn, made of fine quality Libert; Satin, at 85, J0 ana ou cents eecn, new on display. ''.'ii'fik'f.- t""f- O. A. Babfoot. '''' -' "' 1 1 ii mhi i . ' Crystallxed Olnger at McSorley's. ' . J. J. Baxter has a fine line of extracts ' and toilet articles left over from Christ mas that he Is selling very low, . - Pickle Tripe, Liver Puddings, and Country Lard, can be had at the Oak's - Market, '- Have your prescriptions filled at Davis' Pharmacy. Baxter the Jeweler baa moved to 10? i Middle street In the store formerly oc cupied by! Mrs. Lane, Milliner, and Is constantly adding to bis stock of spec tacles, clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing and engraving promptly and neatly execu ted. Blgn, ' Gold Eagi.i. Have your preacrlptlons fi! at Davis' Pharmacy. td .'CAPUT Cures Uc :.!ad:o, fitnt' i 1! 1 alkrs of Lo.,.1 t la t. C ja i Country, Clearing weather is promised by tl e weather bureau for today. The mavimum temperature yeslerday was 40, and tlie miuimum 40 degrees. The rainfall for 24 houis was .10. The new fertilizer warehouse of th9 A. ifc N. 0., railroad an the Neuse river if about completed, the tin roof being finished although uot yet painted. Senator 1'rttchard hat introduced in the Senate a bill to pay James Hi How ard 140,000 for the rent of the niaiiue railway property in New Bern during tie civil war. . In addition to the side track being put in by the Atlantic Coast Line for trestle, a track la being laid on the couth side of the main track to the Virginia Carolina Chemical Co, : - ' There will be a congregational meet ing held tomorrow, Sunday morning af ter service of the- Presbyterian church, for the purpose of electing additional officers, Elders and Deacons, if the way be dear., A full attendance of the .mem bers of the church is desired. Rev.'U E. Knowles of Gait, Canada, will preach at night,., All are cordially invited. ; A change in the time table of the A. N. O. railroad in this issue should be noted.' The new daily passenger and freight solid train from Goldsboro to New Pern and return will btglo Monday. On Sunday Oils train will be a passenger train only, but will run from Goldaboro to Morehead, thus giving two passenger trains Sunday each way.. This, train bares Ooldsbero at 7.40 a m and leaves Morehead at 4.05 p m and leaves New Bern 6.4S p m. Other ' trains run as usual, -v ,..- 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. R. Gulon arrived home last night., - . - , -Mr! W. W, Clark returned last night from a business- trip to Curiltuck County. I. - f -JJ Mr. Frank Stetson,1 representing the Herald Sqnare Opera Company, 1 In the city, making anangements far the ap pearance of his company here next Frt day and Bstu'rday'aigEta.jji'SSS ' New Bern Fair Marshals The fallowing ' have been, -added; to. aad completea, thelist ot .Fairi Mar shals: MiK: -ZkZ&?'- FXi Bray, F D Preston.Tlalph Daver- port, Sam S Biddle, Clyde Eby, Josh Cromwell, L A Oran W. 8 Wsst, James Bimmona, E J Hester, Joe FulfordFrsnk D Perry, Will Stevenson,,: If. C. Press Association Meetin?.; The annual meeting of the North Caro lina- Press Association to be held this year at Hendersonville,' has been set for June 18th and Hth.'JXiiw?;'? s-js--'' These dates It Is thought will not con flict with the work of the editors, who will be unusually busy this year in the various political meetings and conven tions which mast be held,; vy , , Pamlico County News.' ' The JeoBHAL's reports from Pamlico county, note that: measles are epidemic throughout the . connty, many elderly people having severe cases of. the dlt ease.': r'? O'i?.; Farmer are busy planting their Irish potato crop, which will be an Immense acreage.. , : si-j-'fCK'S:. As soob as the potato erop Is. gather ed, cotton will be planted In the same acreage. Probably the largest osttoa crop ever planted wllTbe put in this J'-t :i:t K-v'i': ::: .i VMadam Amae.:? .' The celebrated medium and palmist, who has accomplished more good for humanity .than.aH others combined, now located In New. Bern. She reads life from the cradle to the grate without a mistake. Tells yen everything yon wish- to know. Madam Amae is acknowl edged to be the greatest living Medium and the truest, best friend to the human race that has appeared in centuries. Dur ing the past thirty years she baa been consulted by the leading minds of the world,' Presidents, distinguished states men, men eminent in professional life, crowned .heads of Europe who have consulted her all bear teitlmony to the great value of her advice and predictions, Husbands and . wives having family troubles, young ladles and gentlemen contemplating marriage, business men1 about to embark In new enterprises, par ties threatened with lawsuits, and, In fact, every one having any trouble at home or uncertainty in business life, should call and consult her, as ber ad vice and aid will be of the greatest bene fit to them. Blie removes ail evil In nuences ana gives- good juck In every walk In life. . . Drunkenness and all other evil habit are moat effectually and permanently curea c-y tuis giitca laiiy. There are Ihou&auds ef happy homes today, that were ouce desolate and In ruins from the curse of drink and oilier evil Influence which owe all their bappltu-ns and pru porlty to sindani Amno. Office and renldcnro No. iKJ Motca Street, corner Johnson street, New lien When In Bnyboro stop at the Lupton Bonsfl for (rood a nmmoilnllons Notice Kollee U hon ner.Mp lien-tc Wm. t. i:::i it t- i e r ' T! ti-"' : ' Of I.:-.so:;;;;:':i. hy glvril that tilt) fnrf) rs!.-t!tir 1.! part d CI I. A I I.. ( :i .t"t isljyoi I 'y Ci ,s. v.oliors are FicniULl. trectlnj to Bro. L ofEcIIa;r. . March 8. . The farrr.erj are making good use of the few days good spring weather, plant ing potatoes and preparing the gardens for vegetables. Owing to much very heavy laiDS followed by bard freezing the potatoes are 'not planted yet, but with a few days more of good weather the job af planting will-be "over,-the acreage will be longer than any previous year. In the County of Pamlico we pre diet fair prices for matured slock. The cabbage crop in our section is not looking well, owing to severe freezes. ' Mrs. Bray, wife of Silvanus Bray died at Ler 'home yesterday ef pnennvnia I understand she was attended by Doc tor Petersen of Oriental. She leaves a large family of little children and hus band to mourn her loss. - May the Lord temper the winds to the thorn lambs and comfort the bereft husband "' Ovr town has had. her share of clever drummers and strangers. Friend Gallop of & CIty,Mr Mucherson, the cotton buyer, Messrs Nunn and Henderson of New Bern, and our clever Jodbmal man who visited Stonewall yesterday in the interest ef the Journal, Znb is clever and I am always glad to sha-e his hand Oar fishermen are supplying the com munity with plenty crokers, spots and trout, ' Our brother L. of Bellalr, gives thanks to the busy hen and faithful old cow, we will add the faithful: fisherman to the catalogue of : blessings. ' t Wish brother L. could be with ns sometime to enjoy eating the speckled Trout, "'White Perch and the old time Round Robin, the best of all. L. '- The Ronfh Riders Meetini:. A largely attended 'meeting of the Rough KIdera was held -last night In Scott's Hall.- - - - t - NathanTlsdale, Vice President, pre sided,, and H. Morning, acted as secre tary,- Jf ; , X "- - -f - After roll call, Mr.- Tlsdale jnade a speech, which was warmly received.:;: .The following resolutions were offered and linanimously adopted, ami ; by 'vote aame were requested" to be .published la pally JoUbnal and Weekly Democrat.' iSSBBMLDTWHa;'::1- : Resolved 1st - That the Club favor white supremacy, and will, support all measures that may be undertaken to at tain that end; therefore wa favor the pro posed amendment to the Constitution of the SUte of North Carolina.. V . 2nd. That we .still beleive In the truth and expediency of the Resolutions adopted at a mass -meeting of , the peo ple, held at the Court House in New Bern; In November 1898; and we dc ktounce as disapelntlng and prefidioos those whom the people by their votes have entrusted with the enforcement of the principles thus set forth, but who have disregarded the same by retaining In positions of profit, the following ne groes, to-wlt. - , John Chadwick, carpenter, salary $36 40 John Barrum, : - . 86 40 Bill Miller, - - shop n - 28 00 Clabe Mendinghall, ' 25 00 Edward Capps, round house " '-:' 25 00 Five firemen on the road .v- "each 25 00 Kit Williams, shifter - " 25 00 Qus Kennedy, ; shops r. ., ; 20 00 JoeCredle 7 - SO 00 Sandy 13arrum, ' y, iOOO JeeReddlrk, - ' JO 60 Dennis Edwards, warehonse M " i t8 00 Alooze Rhem, - porter , ' " 20 M Starkey TIUery; u " - 20 00 Dan Holloway, Sunday watchman 4 00 And those white men who have failed or refused to vote for-White Suprenv cy:''3-f:.t;v:i'S" 8rd. That we endorse for the nomina tion by the Democratic Convention,, for Governor of Ihe State, that tried and fearless Democrat, 0. B. Ayoock. - - 4th. That we recommend for the pod lion of chairman of the Democratic Executivo Committee of Craven county, for this campaign, that friend of the people, and staunch believer In white supremacy, 0. T. Watson. Speeches were made by 8. R. Ball nd T. 0., Daniels, and t song was sung, all joining In the chorus, ' . '; ' Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "Wl never feel safe without One Mlnut Cough Cure In the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneu monia, We think it is the beat medicine made.".- It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take, harmless and gives Immediate results. F. 8. Ouffy. 4th Ward Whit? Supremacy Club, A large number of the white voters of the Fourth Ward met at the City Hall Friday evening and organized a White Supremacy Club. Much enthusiasm was shown by those present. The following officers were elected: John M. Hargett, President. . B. B. Davenport, Vice President. . - H. W. Klmpson, Secretary. Jese lIarilnon, Treasurer. Soliciting committee on Membership 8. 11. Ball, M. Manly, Dr. J. R. Xlieip Jos Brliiflon, JefHO llarrlfati. Py motion of 3. R. 11. ill and ei nnd tjy hi. s.anly, c 1. v; nsti vriti unant motuly endwr-sf-d forchulnnHtifthip of tlie Craven County Iiemoeratic I'-iei-utlvo Cumin Th" rsHjti'"' It IB. 0 Tt ho Wihll to J- :1 to Rtvn lln ill of l!-.B In the Club r ii i .1.---i to a to the f-.r T , w f i - rl ' C CUART DOTTLES. 'A. MOST WOJ-JDiuttgrjl. CUBE. . A Grand Old Lady Uitem Her Bxperlenca. Mrs. Thankful Orllln Ilurd lives in the beautiful village of Brightoa ' Livingston Co Mich. This venerable the year 1812, the year or tne great war. In Hebron, wasblngton Co, Mew iork. Bhe came to Michigan in 1840, the year of "Tippecanoe and : Tylef too." All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re tentive memory, her mind is full of interesting reminiscences of her early life, of the early days of the State of Michigan and the interesting and re- - markable people sue has met, ana tne stirring events of which sue was a wit ness. But nothing In ber varied and manifold recollection are more mar velous and worthy of attention than are her experiences In the use of JOHNSTON'S 8ARSAPARILLA. Mrs, Hurd inherited tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which hag cursed -and is cursing the lives or thousands and marking thousands more as vie-. tlms of the death angei. Transmitted from generation to generation, It U found in neary every family in one form or another. It may make Its ap pearance in dreadful running cores, in goitre, or in eruptions oi varied rorms. Attacking the mucous membrane, K may be known aa catarrh in the head, or developing In the lungs It may be, . and often is, the prime cause ot consumption. " . . !ii;,.,:vs;ij;- tspeaKing or ner case. Mrs. tiura with a bad skin disease. My arms and limbs would break out In a mass of sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very unsightly In appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions. My eyes were also greatly inflamed and weakened, and they pained me very much. My blood was In a very bad condition and mv head ached severely t frequent Intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also In my ears, 1 was In a miserable condition, I had tried every remedy that had been recom- menaeu, ana aoctor arter aoctor oaa the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as Internal abcesses were beginning to form. ; I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and bis famous Bareaparilla. I tried a bottle,-more as an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith in It and m-eatlv to mV aerreeable anrnrlsA. I began to grow better. Ton can be sure 1 kept on taking it I took a great many bottles. -- But I steadily improved until I became entirely well. All the sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health, and I have never been troubled with' scrofula since. Of course an old lady of 83 years is not a young' woman, but I have had remarkably -good health since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA is the greatest Mood .purifier and the best medicine in the wide wnrld. hnth for scrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting old lady did not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe my life was saved by JOHNSTON'S BABSAPARnXA." . -- . 3DH.XTCA- ooaepjajsnr. dutroit, 0. 1. BEADH AM,' '.Fire Ust.Nujht., , An slarm at 10:02 last night was caused by a fire In the residence of Br. R. D. V. Jones on Broad street. The fire is sup posed td have caught from a flue. The flames spread into the attio nd burst through the roof; but were gotten under control by the department soon after the arrival of the wagons. . ' There was a fine water pressure and streams were directed from: the middle of the street Into the tipper windows. Much of the furniture wm removed but the whole house) was completely flooded. Dr.- Jones carried 5 Insurance ,,o . the furnlture.and the building was insured by J.fR. B. Carraway,. the owner,' for 5 y ' ii ' i ss sin ' i fl...'v ; - Was it an Accident? " The steamer Pearly May came up the river Saturday with a load of fertilizer for 43. Wi Sugg, and in order to get to Mr. Sugg'a landing it was necessary : to take the boat through the draw la the bridge, k:x''p:7ivr'- ' She went up all right but: In coming down ran into, the bridge, demolished the draw and. knocked It Into the river, Fred Williams, colored, who attends to the bridge, Was Nat his pest on Ihe draw when the boat struck it and bad a miraculous escape from' Instant death. He was thrown twenty feet In the. air and landed In the river, fortunately not being caught by any of the flying- tim- bers.. ,'. '.,.'".- . . ' - It was believed by those who witnessed the smash up that CapC BtyroO, com mander of boat,: deliberately -' and w 111 f ully ran fats beat Into the bridge, there fore Justice Bugg Issued- warrants for him, one charging an assault on Fred Williams, while the other charged will ful destruction of public property. - Ou the first warrant Capt. Btyroa was required to pay Fred Williams ten dol lars as damage and cost of the action; en the second, the state waa unable to prove a case and the action was dismissed. - .- The damage to the bridge Is estimated at about $400 00, -Greene County Stand srd. - ' . . - ' MB Smith, Butternut, Mich , sayp, "De Witt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for eostlve- ness, liver and bowel troubles : F. 8. Duffy.:.; ' 1 ' - , , Hand in Your Names. '.'.Those who have friends to whom they wish the Fair Issue of the Jourhaj, sent, will please send their names at once to this office. v -; :: Notice to Mariners. Branch Hydrographio Office. . - ' , JfoHvoi.r, Vs., March 8, IOOO Pamlico Sound. -Notice Is hereby given that Upper Middle Qround buoy, red, No. 3, in Pamlico sound, Is missing. Also, that loner Bar buoy, black and white, perpendicular stripes, Albemarle sound, entrance to North river, Is miss ing. These buoys will be replaced as soon ms practicable, of which due notice will be given. A Site For Cotton Kill Wanted. The undersigned, a committee ap pointed by the Directors of the Pem broke Manufacturing Company to look up a site for their mill, 'Invite offers or blila from o ncr of land within a rad Ins of one mile of Mew Born. Offers of traclsof ten acres, twenty acres, and thirty acres. In tealed WiIh the mine lo tie rpem-d March l'.Ui V-i'M. I!e-tvlng llio pilvili',;e of rejecting any and ail hhU. Vl 1 1 I.IAM Til n 1, J. A. S II. !'. I'M n. v, I3:irs:iparilla and highly respected lady waa bom ii unsightly swellings in the neck or savs: "I waa troubled Tor rnanv vears failed. One of the best Dhvslclans in - New Bern, IT. (T, . . ft Foreclosure Sale. By virtue of authoritv vested in me a Clerk of the Eastern district Criminal Oourt for Craven county, I will expose (opuono sate tor casn, at tne court house door In New Bern, on Monday, April 0th, 1000, at IS o'clock m, all that certain, piece or parcel of land described In a certain mortgage executed to the Stato of North Carolina by Jesse Whl -field and wife in lien of bond for the ap pearance of said Whitfleldat the Febru ary Term. IVOU, of said" court, said bond having been forfeited and foreclosure of mortgage ordered. - Said land is situated anout one ana a nan mies irotn tne cttv of Nw Bern on the Pembroke road, ad joining the lands of J 1 Hahn and others ana contains two acres more or less. ': W. M. WATSON, Clk. Will " arid Eggs P. ORLANS, "130 Middle Street. Henry's Pfiarmacf, l27:Middle Street. Prepare : For War In vTIme of Peace. : Just received a Supply of LOADED GUNS: --Sura death to Roaches, Bed Bugs. Moths,, Water Bugs and - all In seoU. Will not stain or grease the finest fabrh. One trial is all that's needed to convince the most skeptical, t v .'. A full line ef Toilet Articles, Perfum ery, eto. - - Physician's Presonptloos carefully oomponnded. - v ( ' CORSEld : We- Invite especial attention to our CORSET ; DEPARTMENT which U -, i'.-: '..-,'. ..Z- .'r..v..- - supplied with the newest styles and forms In the lest Standard Brands. " Warners'- Guaranteed Rust Proof., v ".,' 1 '.' . . '' -VK- is. ...' :. .. '" " v., v : : The Itoett - known Ask to see our new J. B. Batiste Corset Just the weight and . style for Baring wear. ' . D. F. J AMIS. 63 POLLOCK S TREET, '4 I 5 1 ! . a t t . ! - I L. s SHOES v . : : ahd;;-;::: OXFORDS! o - We haleT just. gotten together our Spring line of Ladies Shoes and Ox- ; fords and in variety truly xdaim to have efforts. a areai manv manaracrtirers are ra&- . ing quality out of the 10 enaoie me iraae to seu at a price, t but even oair of these new Shoes nntt J .-: . (j."" r I i T " J be guaranteed as formerly and for good 4 : J service there is no shoe made that is J - better wan tne make of Urewtoelby 0 Co., and we haT?e their line exclusively X in Nett Bern. Now the sizes are intact and you can select your Oxfords at leisure with the assurance of the TSest Styles at Lowest Prices. Oxfords range in price from ft, 50 J to $3.00. I 'Patent Leather Slippers, $3.00. Shoes, $7.00, $2.50, $3.00. I Or (Marks Company. 1.19 HATH $1.10 Low Prices Still Continue at Our Store. This week we have marked down all our 11.50 and f 1.70 bats to $1.19. WE CAN SUIT YOU IN: s Black Crush Hats, Black Derby Hats, - Brown Derby Hats, 1 v Brown Crush Hats, - r Brown Alphine Hate, Pearl Alphine Hats. Your Choice For $1.19 l This offer holds good for two weeks. ' ' " ; " ho Longer,-.. kvv. ,- '.-: Call early and get your choice of Styles. . - ' These hats are bargains at I1.J9. ' CALL AND BE SDITEdV; iiU J.G.DUNN &C0. The Oulj Stove Wood Han there be ! ." " v"" ' Bemember we have alartsd to woik again. Stove Wood kept under large sheds, never gets wet In lalny weather, delivered to your doors 78c S load.;- Dry seasoned Pine, Ash, Oak- - . V : All Kinds ot ; . r Btovo Wood. W BIG HILL, The mtt Mai One "Moore" Stove: Wood Man : ' ; moved lo town and doing busi ness ou S mtb Fi-oi t uri e , No'l -c the carts loa'e.l iti wood from BOORE'S W00 YARD, nnd sue hut )ou wl' get, and call Phone 149 and on'er yon w0 i6:-pno:mi6i and qualitiJtoe can ' outdone alt previous ' t- stock '. of leather X ' Bicycles For Every body. I have a v ry lr(re t tock of Bicycle', fr m which ANVO.NE can I e Suited. COLUHBIAS (-.TORMKRS HARTFORD8 PENNANTS RAMBLERS IEAL Ranging in price from $20 00 to $"5 00. Bold for Cast ir on Easy Pay mi nta. I have a limited stock of ihe Modol TO Chainleas at 50 and Models 45 and 49 Chain Colu-iblna'at (40, and g 't no mote of them wheu present stork Ii exhaust ed. Second-Hand Bicycles at almott any old price. All kinds of Repairing f'ono promptly and yrur work h aoiloited. A large and well selei ted stock of Records for Graphrphoi e or Phono RTnph, consisting of I ilntt Marches, Cuke Walkf, Coon Songs, tie at factory w sr. T. mis l, - 8outh Front St., Next P. M. Draney iUBo6! Store 5 David barum . " . i Bed Pottage , " Richard Carvel ,, Janloe Meredith i Prisoners of Hope k ; When Knighthood was in Flow-, k 5 KnlghU of the Cross . . l,er 3 : ... in ignis wiin uncie nemus :.-:,- al I -v . I S ; CROKONdLE BOARDS S J 6. N.'Ennctt. ! ... B The 5Vcto BjM Tv! It n it t n'y "a tl log of la.nu. In a Joy forever" to thr Iho llv who Is enough to know the val'.ie of the imlii for heiilth and bt amy. You cau rvi;! in th) luxury nf o e ol t'i neeil drBi(ni in Imt'i tut s at a rinioiiHlilo coat, - I r. i we I'Hmih your linth ri om, as'll ss nj -t' - Lite w anil slan le, foot tnl a and i ). ot", with 0 en nickel tluled p t : . y l-'nm'iilg. C ' i i I ' - - . I r :. C f,,

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