- r i 7 - - " . r fcAfcE VAU2 Cr KUAM TEETH. . r . . L:.':: ,. . s' The Kind Too nave Always Bought, and which baa been . v In use for over 30 years, bas borne the signature of. and bas been made under his per sonal supervision since Its infancy. . : Allow no one to deceive you in this. -. , - All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good "are but t Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of -, . . , Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ' - Castoria Is harmless substitute for Castor Oil Fare w goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It is Pleasant. - 16 contains neither Opium,' Morphine nor: other Narcotic 5 -y substance. Ita age is its guarantee.: It destroys Worms J , t land allays Feverishness.: It cures Diarrhoea and Wind f , ajoiic. iii reueves xeeuung -xrpuuies, curt vwiibuiwuuu , f , - ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' , The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. y '', GENUINE CAOTUKIA ALWAYS T.-.2 Cw3 KCPORTCIL . 1 Row HI. "Nu.e For Spi" One Cat Hlia B Good Story. - "After a man bus bwu iu this business for 1 eortain length of time," nid an old reporter after work was over the other nik'Ut, "he undoubtedly develops a sort of instinct that occasionally enables him to fiud news without being able to ex- pluin how or why. lie has 'a feeling tnat a story of supreme interest luraa behind some commonplace event or that soinetluuK of extraordinary importance is connected with this or that casually the ot the nnbeliever. Loi.es That Are Taken Lightly Are Hard to RetrieTe. In the great Malatrawa temple at Kan dy is a tooth attracting pilgrims from far and near. A special minion was sent from Siam to try to purchase this, a sup posed tooth of Kuddha. An amount equivalent to $250,000 waa offered for it. It is not strange that a portion of the human body should be thus worshiped. There are many shrines where teeth are held as objects of worship inclosed with in golden caskets and rarely exposed to encountered stranger, and such premoni tions almost always turn out to be-oor-rcct. . Every old timer knows what I mean and can illustrate the subject with leaves from his personal career. : The alranseat thlnst of the kind in my own experience happened when 1 was a "kid, so 1 am unable to attribute it to any , highly developed 'nose for hews." How ever, 1 will tell you the facts: - - : - : "When President Uarneld was shot, The average individual values a tooth lightly, and ita loss is considered a trivial matter unless it -happens to be a front tooth. - Not nntil nearly all the teetb havo been destroyed by decay or remov ed by the forceps does one realise what has happened." - When one tooth baa been extracted, you have really last two. ; Teeth cut and grind. The grinding teeth way be liken- en . to uuiistones-one acting upon ,, me I was -work-ins on a PP J-IdTlUo. yot,,,. y,,,,,,,,, , tootn and he oppo8. ing organ la without a function.' it Jias nothing to grind against - It will length en uliirhtlv.- fin thnu&rh in search. 'of a mate, and iu the case of the gnawing ani mals the loss of an Incisor usually re sults' ifi the dath of the-animal..-The opposing tooth, elongating, prevents the Colo., Which was -then in its heyday and the biggest uiming center in the world. We received the. newa of tlia tragedy by telegraph-at about. noon and at ouce bul letined it in front ot the otiice. As 1 re member the message, it ran,. 'President Garfield has been shot by an unknown . j man suing the name ot Charles J, Gui- of t, remaining teeth, or, a fm . C j9 Bears the Signature of The KindTou;Ha?e Always.Bouglit; uZ- In Use For Over 30 Years: - THcatirr.ua eOMMHv, rr atfiiiuv erenr, WKwyeeaerrf. teait. "In " the 'dense crowd that Immedt-: atcly collected around the- board I bap-. pened to notice a little, pule, Jvashed out looking 'Womant who rwas staring at the announcement jvltli all her eyes,- aud the Wild tuoucht Hashed through me that she could throw aume light on the Crime, WNowv on the face of it nothing could have been more, preposterona. - The Idea was ttbsolutelr without any fonndatiou. in reason St common sense, "and if I had suffwstclrTt to my editor he would have ; J YOUR. tiAIR; WITH SHAMPOOS OF r-1 aueotly happens to.- rabbit the tooth. having no work to do. curves upward nn til It penetrates the ukulU -Luckily our teeth are limited as to thai growth. S The logs of a tooth adds a- wrinkle, to the face. -This u not so apparent per- bans m Vonth ns in nitddle nge, aluinui;n even In the youthful the loss of a cuspid, or eyetooth. plainly indicatiil by il line extending from tin? wing of the nose-, to the angle of the niniith.. Tliia Ucaoso l by the shrinking sway-of l!ie pronsinent which butllned the root of the tooth. I I I a k wmm And lieht dresslnn of CUTICURA, purest of emollient skin cures. v. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes Irritated, Itching surface, stimulate trie nair folli cles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else falls. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor. wiijmarow wellon r. r. , An4 i rar.the,. ' And Atlan'r Coat"'Llue Raifiad Co, w Mf Eontb Parolina,.-' set m flown eraty, but that ti hite, 1 u s a cnr(olI8. f(l.t tha, W0lU Penphi chewing use una slue vt the juouth more that) the "ther, 'This can be traced ced ally to mule defect en the unused side, but the hnlntnal tixo pf -one side of the month, fa detrimental to the- opposite side and to the health generally. - r,. j replied, greatly agitated, 'but the man npon ltB U8C,. BJthvi M tle teeth as It who shot him used to be my husband, i Am t. an, nth nnrf of th bod- -n,. Wclli you could hava kBockcd me over ,maBtlratlon of maJ weat lth, ItU a feather, , She waa Qmteao s 't.-Tinjin. ,,,.. but this does hot inter fere with their function, as Is shown by strained face haunted me so persistently that late-in the' afternoon, when 1 chain ed to "ep the woman again on the street I walked up and asked her abruptly whnt Bhe knew of -the shooting of the-presi dent. - " vi 1 don't know nnvrhlns ahAnt irJ aha- iHouscworkis hail wwkwttoutGoldDusf To Clean 'Matting - Few thlngi can be ustd to elun mattfar, att and soda faive beon uaed, hut exparienct haa taught that tha beat way la to have tb matting thoroughly awept,-and thru go OTtr it with ft elation ot warm watt with, -u Gold Dust Wasting Powder dlksotred !n It; ft Is beat to tnt a wMten cloth i tabfeapoonrul ot Oold Duat Wasfalnt Pttwdar to a quart ot water ia the proportion; wring tha cloth altnaat dry and rub quickly,, but the moment the water geta dirty, change it for fresh then follow tha wet cloth with 4 017 one. Tttla will clean il perfectly. . .. t ,.k- The arrjv Il taksll frrrm mr free booklet . c ' 'OOLDIIf ItlJLEft ron Hotisiiruu'. SealtrMon rwjuafsto - .. . :. THE M. K. ntMBANK OOMMHV, TWT ':Woman's Crowning Virtue. , ... ,, - pauox, Mo'.-, July 7. -t-- For yean I suffered terrible ealni every . - month an my doctor told me I contd not . k.,nml M-nt h. nneretlon.- Jfeltl could not submit to tbet aud waaso des- pondenc t nu given up an nupe. oi ran. lily hutiand ln.lited on my trying Wine ot Cardui sad at Lit thank God laid try It. Lut month I did not btve a patn, and diS ail my work, which I had aot dona in seven year. - MRg M,WOTHIlrrTLB ; Modesty 6 th erownin? virtue of American women. -1 h the traH 1 that all mankind admires. A modest womin Is the most pleuinf ot all . ' created tilings. - Because ot this, tecominf Wot ttwatrf ; - pref.t to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a physicianand to even think of jubmitfuig; to an examination is revolt-tag.- They can't get theirown Consent to an operation; Wine of Cardui -f permits sensitive women to retain their modesty.Wrtli M they -can cure l 5 female troubles" in the qulet of their own rooms. ' If srI treatment -. - "b.required they can writs-to .tiM Advisory Depwtmtnt of the Chatt- . -. ; . . women trained in the ewe of - V womanly weaknesses -ana, irrqju- ,,, lUrities. There should be no hesita-, i tion. Delayed treatment means a chronic condition. The longer i postponed the harjef to cure,-, '. Mlltr ItvtSnt UrMTMt.T. PnrMlMlnaM.rirliisR)eetal dlrcUofu. .ililrM.. Ki Tin. mouioii.,. UM' Uthwri IM.'t, Ik, I'lUriAROOHX ,A LARGE BOTtLH Of WINE OF CARDUI ' , COSTS SI.OO AT THS DRUG STORE. 4 i B- J 1 with vorced wife and was then married to a outn named liunmlre, wno-ran a utuo woodyard in the suburbs of the town. I . went with her to her home, and she gfive i me" the first facts of the aasassin'a private life printed in any paper. The story fill ed a page and "was tclegrapuetl All over the country.- She waa afterward one vt the nialn witnesses of the government at the .trial, "New uneans umes-uemo-crat - " 1 i- i tx APPLAUSE IN OLO,BOME. J-.-, Varied -' Demonaeratlana SlKKtryinc .'the Decree .1 AppTt '" Praia (omo relics wJUeh have been un-1 earthed at I ompeu the Interesting dis covery, haa been., made that the theater goers in old Borne were much more pnae- tilious in the matter of applause than we modvrna are. . If they approved of a play or of an actor's performance, they testi fied thelr-aiHiroval openly, but in such a -manner as to ahow the exact amount of (ratification which the performance had afforded them. , In other words, tbey were guided by rigid rules In the matter, and so well were these rules known that every actor could tell at once whether he was. really niaunc a nit witn uw puoua or was playing to an sadienee that failed j to appreciate even his best efforts. V- When such -theater goers- were fairly well satisfied, with a play, tbey applaud ed by snapping with the thumb and mid dle finger, If they wanted the actors to understand that tbev were really satbr fled with the performance!' they clapped fondly 'by beating the. left hand on the right ? Only th hngera of tho left band were brought Into play An such occasions, and - the -souna was; as If two ' earthen Teasels had been knocked together. .; A mors hearty tokea-of approval was given by striking the Bat paline ot the Hands against each other. ' A still mora marked token of pleasure waa the curving of the hands and then, striking, them;-, hard against each other. - - At times, however, there was as -osca- sion- when even these methods of testi fying approval would be "insufficient to express the popular delight It became the custom. on every such occasion for all persons In the audience to applaud by waving a corner ot their togas or robes lo the direction of the stage, - The peo ple of the lower class Is. Rome were not privileged to wear togas, bat the Emper or 'Aurellan permitted them whenever they-went to-a theater to carry a pieoe of cloth, o that .If-the play-proved an rwrtraordinary success they might be able to testify their approval la the recognis ed fasbion.T-Unicago Times-Herald. the teeth of the Eskimos ground down in many cases to the "gum, yet showing no signs of decay.. The same condition may be seen in tha teeth of the Califor nia indinn. a Nature haa provided for the Wear of the tooth "by building from the inside' when the pulp which occupies the center of the tooth is approached. New York Herald. Mistake !; M -t When he "chroses for the IXroas feast from our strck-ot Fancy and i Ftap'e Groceries. :Our ' Hoynl Flonr for yoor Xma baking, our- superlor and exquisitely flavored Offes and Tens, Our Plum I'ud- dine, Eclighca, Cryatallzed FrulU and Giufer, Foreign and DomraJ tic riimti Fox Itlvor Print Butler and Atmore'a Mines Meat will met wi'h the favor of the con- noisfsor.. '. .i We hkfs in i large. Bliiproext. 1 Benutiful Ka1ama7.oo Celery and lt is fine. :'J .' - ' ' V-V- Early lllteols BSItara. ' . Among the men of later prominence -whose names appear as editors of early newspapers In Illinois arc E. K. bane, who left the Kaskaakia Republican Ad vocate in 1824 to become United States senator: Thomas Ford, afterward gov ernor of tltinois. who in 1U0 was asso ciate editor of- The Miners' Journal, pub lished at Galena: General John M, Palm er, who was the political editor of the Carlinvllle . Free Democrat until be re ceived a nomination for congress in 1850; John O. Nieolay, editor ot the Pittsfield Free Press, afterward private secretary ot President Lincoln; llnjor McClaugh TV, editor of- the Carthage Republican William M. Springer, cililor In of the Illinois State Iteglsler Rt BprtngHeld Stephen A, Douglas, who waa a regular contributor to The Illinois Republican of Springfield, and H. XV. Ulodgett, who in 1847 edited The Utke-Onunty Visitor at Waukegan-Freeport (Ills.) Journal, --.- t- ".' Smoked tllee. " , I The first thing that strikes tha traveler In China npon bis entrance into any of tbe many cities of the Celestial empire Is the strings of dried mice which hang from the roofs of the bouses suspended by their (ails, jhst as Ausogvs are hung in front of butchers' shops In Francs. Tbe Chinese- bunt these mice wii a long, ehnrp pointed knife, which tliey plunge Into the animals' throats. Then the mice are suxpemled by the tails until the blood has dripped out, when they are skinned, drawn and smoked. "rc A Compllmeat Spoiled;- --. At a picnic gathering en the banks of the Merriinne Whittier.-the poet, bad chaneedjo stray along a wooded pa (b at some distance from the .rest of tbe com pany, when, coming up quietly behind two- little girls in their first teens who had also wandered away from tbe others of the party, he overheard their conver sations Fourteen is a sensitive as well as an awkwnrd age, and one of the two, a tall." angular girl, was almost crying because- she had beard" one of the boys sax-she "looked like a guy In her new dressj' "The dress was a rather bright red. made over from an elder" sisters, and her own anxious suspicions that It was unlseromms were tbue-ernelly confirmed. , rWbat's thisVwhafs this?" -MrWhlt- tier broke in benerolentlyr rTbee needn't mind what a rnde'Boy-. ay about It, Mary..' Thee -looks tery . well Indedl'V Mary begun to smile "under -the tree sere, and with that boogn .in thy nana. Why, Mnrv. thee looks like an Oread! Wary blushed with pleasure, and. the poet, with a friendly nod, emphasised his pretty compliment by repeating: -"Like an Oread, Mary,' dressed all in greeq. Does thee know what an Oread Is?" i Poor Maryl . 'Bhe, was not very sore what an Oread was, bnt she knew only too well the color of her dreadful dress. She had forgotten that Mr. Whlttier waa partially eolor blind and could not ule- tiomilsfa between green and red. Youth's Companion. - s -' . - . ' - ... .) ... ,-T-- V Serve gedll.ts-' . y great I-ondon nhrsiclan who sits in his. room studying the passing patient crowd Ilk a wise and solid sphinx look- lug bnt over the desert pf human life was talking to me recently on the famil iar subject of ervea. . Mostly -one can Judge from a man's age" what he is going to say about them,. Between 25 and 60 he will probably take them very-seriously, explain how nerves have, h sporting language.- ' knocked par- the bacillus us the fons et origo malorum, or the greater, number ot them, and inundate you with stories of that colossal bore "and mischief worker, Charcot - After CO he- -will tell yon In more or less aweeplng faahlnn that tha average nerve patient wants beating soundly and that Charcot was thr in ventor ot a new and pestilential erase much stupider.- tuourh - nnfortnnately more lasting,, than spirit rapping, tlieos- onhy or oalmlstry. :. A, specialist accord ing to the well known 4ictum. ought to be a man who knows everything about something and a little, about everything, lie Is, In fact mostly a-man who knows little about something , nnd nothing about the rest. Iondon Speaker, . M.l.aa Orapes, California Oranges, Flni Apples and Bananas, Nul, lUisina and Figa. In fct iroryllilng Nloe and F-esh for Xmaa, A Conendram For the ft.se. The Fool Nay, I will ask thee a qnes- tlnn. The Pnge What Is tli.v questionT The Foid Is a fool a fool If he mukoe living at It? Fuck. There is no word in Hie CI! r-ui(re llmi ooiiveva nn Intinuii mn vilint we term public opinion; nor iu the a t'"""ym for p-ii: m. Inn- t ssMbb" e sss nasi r ii I'cnr--tr er or r-. I..! v:: : t i.'m t- a I II T f Th Wleer et tbe Two, U "Mary," eald Mr. Thomas when a si lence fraught with unpleasant meaning had followed his first altercation with his yonng wife. , - -' '' ' -YosT" said Mary Interrogatively. "When a man and his wife -hare difference," said. Mr. Thomas, with a -ju dicial air, "and each coiwiders the other at fault, which of the two do you think should mnke-the first advance toward reconciliation'!"'.. i V - ' ' "The wiser of the two," said "Mrs. Thomas promptly, "ami so, my dear, I'll sav at once that I am very sorry." - - It occurred to Mr. Thomas that It might have been as well for blin to hove made the first advance, after all. but he thoiiKhtfiilly refrained from saying so. Collier's Weekly. ' - -- ' His Dl.ckerse. . A touching -instance of tbe humor which never ili-wrts a true Irlslimnn even In Ills worwt troubles is recorded. ' A soldier was seen In the trenches hold ing bis hands above the earthworks. 11 cniitnin nuked: - - - - - "Whet arc you doing that for. Tat?' He replied with s grin as be worked 111 dni'ers;' "I'm feeling for a furlough, sir." Just tlii-a a rille bull struck his arm jn Ih-Ikw the wrifcL i lien a queer exinc; emu of pniii and htinmr pnwsied over h ffice ,ir he eTehtiincd: "And fiiilli it's a 1!ki lifiiKe," Lond A unvri h. a n. I . r. r ( f l! red fni ' .1 x OoaeistlDK of Otrnotnu Sotr (26o ), to cleanae the skin of eraits sad end tones uw unoinnea eaueiet utmcuaA uumrsirr low.;. - W v Mejea.ei ' eauei ena wihd uw hidrhiw ouwjwj uin-ivvju umtmhy "w.t t 11IBI1 rm to IniUntly tly rtohhiK, influun.tlon, ud hrltatton, sad soothe sad aUftlVUACl heal; end OnncTnu Rssolvsht (Me.),b) eoolud .Wbom Uw blood. THE SET, $1.25 ifitlX.' AU About tbsB.Bcalp, and aor,1' free. - Sraeu SsTtooftensafflelenttoeareeSMettoiiarud1.ngarhig, semip,aaa Dwoanamors,wiui KWOTaeir,waen a rai A' QUICK CURB - ' FOR COUGHS ... V , - and COLDS eon Throat and Lur.g Affections. -". ;.s; Largo Bottles, 3 cents. DAVIS LA WHESCB CO.,-limited, Prop's Perry Dyu' raln-KIMor. .. KewTotk.-. : r.. '.... Jloatiesl. Pyny FINANCIAL. New Bern, N. C, At close of busioess, February 18, 1900, conduDtscd from report to Comptroller. RESOURCES i Loans ,x 1802,871 50 - - TRAINS GOINQ . POVIH. ; - - '. " v , - t -.;.' DATED j" a 95r - ' . js-.mmoo-s? S ; r-t t z,c. aq Zt a& aft T n m pTTp.m a.m p.m. In Wcldoii 11 50 8 f . . . i . , . . . . .. Ar. R. Mt,. 1 6o V 62 .--, . . - ..... Lv.Tiuboni la 81 ...ir 6 t.v. R: Mt. t Ob 0 6c 6 8': 5-40 18 68 Lv. Wilsoo 1 AH iO 7 It 6 20 8 40 Lv. Belma.. 2 hn 11 03 w. . . .. .. .i.. Lt Fay'lll. 4 80 18 lit) . .-. ; , Ar.Florenc 7 26 8 84 P. . A Jl Ar. Oolda . . 7 K Lv, Golds... 7 01 3 25 Lv. -Map'lia 8 09 4 85 ArWam'ton . . l 40 00 P. M AM. P.M. TRAINS OOINO NOItTU. i i . c- . 2'- ; . l c'5 c j c'S c"S 6 '3 C y, C KQ n A M P. It Lv.Florence 4'i .... 74- l-v.Kay'villi- 12 Bti ... . 9 45 . Lv .Belma.. 1 50 10 66 U. Wilson 2 3.-i ... 11 33 A.M. P- M A.M.' LvWiim'tnc 6 60 9 45 Lv. Mttu'lia.., 8 2011 IB Lv. Golds 5 00 9 27 13 26 . P. M. A.M. P. M. P. M Lv. Wilson 8 86 6 43 U 83 10 oO 1 16. Ar.li.Mt.. 8 30 6 26 12 09 11 11 1 58 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 Lv. Tarboro 13 21 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 80 12 Otf Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 04 P.M. A.M. Stocks and Bonds. Real estate, rur. and Due from bauks ..... Cach.-. ri -.1..,. fc-.(Tl.. liiAMoaS Urmtto, EHflYROYAL" PILLS v ffrlrlnU sXno vrij vwains. v .klltV rtllftl'U. LAUIBft a 'jivi.ii'ataftNlIn Ifcil '! U' iXW 'L'lJiTi.-.nss.vs.hs. llh Mjb Hl.lx.r. TltkO VMT W".s.m.-ivI imUuti-.n. At Uriiisis.l'rilb. 'i l 't iiwiltfttlat". llhttWkWi fr 1.11'' c." ' UiUP, r rctsir n.M i T stlnielali, HmmtPtpa Dri ll '' .ilr.tfl4Mil!-4Brs WOOD'S HIGH GRADE Total Resources. . . $501,686 85 LIABILITIES : Capital tl(0,ffl0 00 ;urpius ana fronts w.zia io Circulation 22 600 00 Deiiobits , 258,9'.4 73 Total Liabilities . . . $501,686 c6 James A. Bryan, President. J. H. Hockbnrn, Y-Prcsldcnt, G II. Kobcila, t asbier. ORGANIZED 1865. Total profits since organization .... ...,$877,294 18 Total dividends paid stockholders V20I,U0 uu DIRECTORS: James A Bryan, E K Bishop, , - Out business In Farm Seeds U to-day 6ne of the largest la this Country A rcgnlt due to the fact .that quality tafl always been our flirt consideration. - Wo supply all Seeds required for the Farm. GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, 'Cow Peas, Cotton Seed,,; JSecd Oats, Seed Corn, . Navy & Velvet. , r Beans,' .Sorghums,- , ' 5a" Broom Corn, Kaffir . Corn, Peanuts,---i MilletrSeed.; f' PM; R?P' etc; Wood's Descriptlvo Catslogue fives the tallest Information about: has and all other Seeds; test methods -of culture, soli best adapted for dine' erent ercnn end practical bin's as to I irhatare likely to jrove most profitable to frow. -Citelojiie trailed tree upon . i requesu : - - - - ,; O out hern - ..... ':' ;,The 8liodaril Itatlw.y. et tbe BOUTU - -. y..- - ----- .. r. t Thd Diroot IJn to allJPointa, CAIilFOBWIA, :H jloi:to kicoI Btrictly rirst-CIoss Equipment 00 nil Through or Local Trains; 1'uIIiuan I'al, ace BlocpinK Cars on all' Night Train Fant ami 8tif Schedules. - : . ! '; . Travel by Hie Bouthern aud you areas- iiireJ a Safe, Comfortable and Expedl; lions Journey, Apply to Tkkct Agents for Time Ta bli'B, Itutcs und Hfiicral Information, or ad.lr.-BS V. n. OARIIV, It. L, Vr.UNON', CP. AT. A, T. r, i.. A' I'cvillr, N ( !--!.;.. mi-, n. c. 1 !!A-M! H.i.V.N'nu, !!. V 1' V li-n Sinn, -V,'. A.Ti i U I' A. va'. :::"';'; '"i. - - C ,c J M. Ct'i.p, Tnif. Mun Fixt. 82.882 79 88.692 98 86,701 74 41,537 4 A:&N. C. R. las TIH E TABLS KO. IX ' 10 Tako Effect Sunday, March 11, 1900, at7 40 A, M. Going East 1 BcEtS)CLI: Going rVcst No. 8 -..Passenger Trains NO.- 4 ;v Lv. p m , stations: Ar. mm 8 40.,,. Goldaboro n r 4 09.. ...... LaGrangc. 32.. i r. KiBBton 8 40......Ar. New. Bern, Lv. 550...,..!. - Ar 7 15... At. Morehead city Lv ..10 8S 1013 . 9 00 7 8b7v-,, 705 No. 5. I . . i Nn n Mx'd V & STATIONS: SIvM F-,'J PassTn. . i.ttS8 Tl) -Dailt Except Jumj Lv, A. 11. 7 80 7 58 810 .... 8 il 8 60 .... 908.,... ............ Dover ... 10 02....' Core Creek. .0 20 Tuscarora. 10 80 Clarks... 1050 New Bern A. M. .. .Gold.boro. Besl'u. . . .. LaGrange. .Falling Crt-i-i . ...Kmston. . . . . . Caswell . . No. 7, Lv. a. m 7 40... 8 0). . . . 810... 6 53.... 8M.... 1115 Ar. p. a. 00, 7 - 7 20 0 67 0 40 0 15 0 0D 5 fc7 5 20 5 11 4 5J P. M. No: 8. - Ar. p. in. 74) Passenger SundaysOnly Goldsboro. . liaurange 7 07 Kinston c 47 Dorer c 27 New Birn 5 45 .as, Morehead Cily l.v ... 4 (5 ' No. 1, f I ' Mx'd Ft. and stations: Pass.Tn. Lv. a m 710 ..Goldsboro. 7 43 Best's.. No. 2, Mx't Ft. and l'ass. T11. Ar. p m 6 38 5 53 OhaS Brvau, J H Hackburn, John Djnn, Thos Daniels, Ii Harvey, " G H Roberts. T.H.Areon, Pres. B. n. Meadows, V. Free, U. H. Groves, Cashier. CITIZENS' HAWK, oi1 m ju w sasaxsKsr, nt. c. Doing Qeneral Banking Business. February 18, 1900, Hurpluaand Undivi ded ProBu, 119485.76. Promol and careful attention Riven to alt bnsiness entrusted to us. Accounts received on avorable terms. . -. BMrd i Directors. B. D. Meadows, Ohw. Daily, Jr. Jsnine Bedmond, rerdlnand Drnun J. A. Meadows, 8amual W. I pock, una, a. rowier. 1. W. Grainger, - Mayer liana. Thomas A, firsss, E. er.Smailwuod.. " C. K. War. o. S.lve. .- w.r.croeaett. i'jrf'Msrlt Disoay:-! :;i--:. F. & M. BANK FEBRVABf 1st. 1S0O. fispltslBtoesM...;;Wvi $75,000 Snrplii,..,..... Vili-'-' 10,000 Undivided Pronts,;;. : ' 8,600 Deposits. i 182,000 - .-; OFFioEaa - y,,--. t H. ODTuut-'Presldent.' KiiV 'S.';. ,. W. S. Cbadwiok, Vloe Proa. J T. W. Diwsy, Cashier. 'x:: J. W. Bidblb. Teller. - ' ' w -f S t-'tf y. P T.. Cbadwiok, CoUeototv,;,?j t 31' DIBECTOB8:: '5; Wm, B. Blades, VM- M." Marks, XA 0, V. Bradham, ' -'P. IL PeUeUer . LA U, VHMUi, - - . , wuv. uuwi, : W. B. UhaawicKj -y j. w.btcwart, :v.,.-.,.-.:'.T,'.W-. Dewey.r.tr..;-'. "- Ii oollecti for merchants, mauufaotur- eis and other Banks prompilv at special ntes to each, and makes quickrtt re turns possible. . By its liberality and sn li rpriainn business methods, It Is f Tiling ta the front ot East Carolina's Banking Institutions. - Io Ita own city, It is sl-s only nne which doea not pay tnten at oa uevo.ua. .... -... : j ; u - ; y . , Wilmington and Weldon Bailroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line .Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar. lives Favetleville 12 05 d ni. leaves Fay- elteviflo 12 25 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 p m. Keturuing leave canford Si 30 p m arrive Favetteville 8 41 p m, leave Fay etteville 8 46 p m, arrives Wilaington 6 40 p m WlimiUKlUU BUU VV L'lUOII HUIllUHU. Bennettaville Branch Trains h aves Bennettsville 8 15 a m, Maxton 9 20 a m, lied springs 9 68 a m, Hope Mills 10 42 m, arrive Fayttteville 10 oa. Upturn ing leaves Fayettevilie 4 40 p m, Hope Hills 4 55 p m, Red Ppi ings 5 85 p m, Maxton 6 15 p in, arrives Bennettsville 15 p m. Connections at Fayettevilie with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Mprings with the Rid Springs and Bnwniore railroad, at Sanford with the Beaboird Air Line and (Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Mia'ioi.rl. Train an the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 86 n m, Halifax 4 16 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, ureenviue u oi p m, ninatoo t oa p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 air. Weldon 1183 a m, daily ex cept ounau, . Trains on Washington Urar-ch leave Washington 8 io a m and 2 80 n m. ar rive farmele tf 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 SO n m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 80 D m, daily except Sunday. Tram leaves larDoro, jn t, daily except Sunday 5 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re- turning, leaves riymoutu dally exoept Sunday, 7 ou a m, ana riunday oo a m; arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a m Train on Hi Jland: H I! Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 05 a. m, arriving Bmiinnem s 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smlthfleld 9 00 a m: arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leave; Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,8:40 p m .arrive Nashville 11 10 a m, 4 08 p m. Spring Mope 10 40 a m, 4 25 pm. RoturnlDg leave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash ville 13 16 a m, 5 25 p m, arrive at Rocky Mount 11 45 a m, 6 00 p m, daily except CHnaay. - . --Train on Clinton Branoh leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday 4-11 40 a m and 4 02 p m. Returning leaves wi.u.u B. I W IU mju a UU U Ui. - Train ao jo mates close ooonection at Weldon for all points North dally all rail via Richmond.' " - B M EMERSON. Gen'l Pass Ajrent 4 K K.KNL1X, uen'i Manager. a Jn tMBUtujs, Traffic Manager. 8 11 LaUrange 5 23 8 26.... Falling Creek 4 5a 9 14 Kinston 4 83 9 25 Caswell 3 18 9 40 Ar. Dover Lv 3 00 10 40 core ere 2 00 11 15 TuBCarora 1 38 11 81 Clark's 1 20 ...Ar. ...Lv. PROFESSIONAL. : i'-' P. IK. rMmmons. ' A. P. Ward Ml. Pos, - E. W. I'd a. 3lMnONS, POO 3t WARD, ATTORNEYS a1 COUNSELORS st 'V-; "; - LAW. : ' .. Firve BKSIKB, . Q ,' i Otllco 68 So, Front fitroot, nearly oppo site noun uoatiawsa, - . (Omces also at Raleigh and Bmlthflold.) Priu-.lle In the oounties of Oravmi. rinnlln, Johh, (iiixlow, CHrl.rit P.iulloo, Wake, JiihiiMtmi, hftrn.r,c anil wiiwm; in ine su preiiM) ami l-.Mii'ml Courts, aud wherever urvK-8 areut)MiitiL - - , V. Il.IVIIrllcr, - ATTCSNET AT LAW, "dlo Slrort, Lawyers Brit! 1'uildlna;, pro- ''.-n in H' c.Mir.tU'. nf Cravon inll.'O, V mjie l.uurt O 12 05 130, 1 12 S20...... 2 43 312 S25 3 31 A FREE; PATTERN : I tramr emm mt,meitm ta mwr twits. j tctibm Only SO cent a jmc riGlZHJEW! A UDIESVMAQAZ1NB, I ummmm S slr)BMaklnaT oaosMM j mm awawitQHi yints ; nciiOeV, sjs J s le-oay. r, awiva u. I or late MM Mt t risflU VUQUsi. ! BtTHvlhe 1libU, BloipM, TTlMr j Ut, Ecofsomlcjtl n4 Absaotntvl WIWv'S UUSf S SlftC ruiuisV 12 GALL t (Ne tmm Alteweno. PetUree.) Onl. M end If et. Meh M. klrk I lik lor lh.m. SoM In Mllf m) eKf ; TUB McCALL CO- 3 I1S-14S Wttt I4tk tl.. 9 I i SeVaik. ' BO YEARS' - EXPEBIENCa . Ml, k ' 7 f "srmsj New Bern, Lv 12 50 " Ar 10 47 . Rivvrdale 10 10 .. oroiitaii 10 00 . HavolocU 9 40 . Newport, Lv 9 06 .Wildwood. 8 4? ..Atlantic 8 38 8 46 Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. .8 20 4 01 Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 H. a. v. "Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Ttiuisday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, Buiierinteadent Atlantic Coast Iine. R. Wilmington & New Bkkne K. TIME TABLE NO. 5, InEUcct Wednosday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily Except Sunday. doing South SCHEDULE: doing North No. 51, I'ttUBCnger Trains Ho. 50. Lv. a m, 9 00.... 9 36.... 9 51 ... 1002.... 1208. STATIONS: . New Berne .Pollocksville . . . ...Maysville .Jacksonville Wilmington, ) Union Depot I Wilmington; Lv. Ar. P m, 540 504 4 49 . in 2 82 12 15 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 45 P M P H No. 8, Passenqbb ft Freight No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A M Wilmington, Ar .Scott's Hill.... Woodside ..Holly ridge . . 7 80 Lv. 8 40 80. 10 05. 10 61 1120. 12 05. 12 30. 8165. 180. 215. 255 Ar, Pit ... 14S ...12 55 ...12 16 .11 40 ...10 61 ...10 20 ... 046 ... 866 ... 8 80 .. 8 06 : Dixon . ... Verona ..Jacksonville. .. . . . Northeast. .. Whlterak .. ., . . Maysville ..Pollocksville... . . DebruM's . . . 8 40. .... . Ar. New Brne, Lv "uaiiy jsxoep'- Sunday. J. R. KENLY, Uenenil Manarer. BORDEN, wupt. Tianarortation. ..8 86 CAROpDISPJaTCH imM AND- fREIGHT. ;4 PASStNfllReW The Steamer lUSliy will leave on MoDdajs,vWtdnedajs, sod Fridaps at 6 p. m. sharp, tnak--ids landings at Oriental... Ooraooke and ltoanoks Warid.fi,..-; ' tST Freight re6el;ed not later "' than one hoar previous to sailing... . , ;For farther informatlou apply to tv- GEOl ilENDERSON. -Agt. -" . ' MiX -Euro', Gon, Mgr., 0.0. H0DQiN8,Goo.Frt.4 Pass.'At. ' '''K-Norfolk T. Z'-:f'-- New Berns, N. 0., May 80tnVl8S6 A Good i Telephones 1; BERVIC1I IS A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A'- BOMB CONVENIENCB. 'A . COM T -v'-t",'..-- -- - 1 . ii. y. m:zv BINED . I . i i. I lar'vl' I'e-i , I .U: A. r.'.INM, Architect a 1j;. v. ; at On : 1 0.