i if "V K el r CONVENTION, TODAY. si ors FAVca i:.:r:;ovE::LNTS. xixriM o its mm. o:mh Acts gentlYon the . ; Kidneys; Liver ad Bowels Cleanses the Jystem Di Will Meet at Court House at Twelve O'clock. At Been, today, Chairman F. T. "Pat terson will call the Democratic County Convention, to order, and tie business i of th Convention! will follow. - - -. The vale by precincts is herewith I fiven, and the indications point to a large gatbetliig. .. - Precincts. : v v voleSj Vanceboro ........... . .. '. -.11 Maple Cypress. i 8 Troltt's u..l ",...v...... ....... ? it barnwtil... ..... . Dover ........... ..!.. ' .... 8 Cove ".. ....n,..t a Temples., i, ,t ..... v. 1 Stanton , , v,. ...,....-. 1 Ltes Farm.. .. . t. ..'.-2 Kive dale:... i- i 1 West James City. ...... t la. Ward ... ..,...,....,'.....,, fl Sad, Vaid.i...?;"s.-.vv..K-i'' HrdWard ..,.V.-. '7 Masterly Address of the State Chairman To a Large Audience at Court House Last mgtt. ' - Upon ' invitation of the 2nd Ward White Supremacy Club, Chairman F. M. Simmons last night delivered an address at the Court House. There was a large audience and a number of ladies graced the occasion by their presence... Before the address "Carolina" was started and the orowd joined In the song. . ' - The Club President, Mr, D. L. Ward introduced the speaker and drew ap- phrase by references to C. B. Aycock as the next Governor and to -F. M. Sim mons astbe next elected Senator froni North Carolina. '.; i Mr Simmons spoke for two hours. Il was bis first speech in this campaign. He proved tbat be ts master of the ques tions Involved in this State and the ad dress on a high plane; the senti- menu were elevated and bis logic war sound . lie thanked the people of Craven Neuso Tient. v. 1 Pleasant Iliil. .:. .... .... .. ...... I ...-'j, ..... 6 c ... : rtnpinnunu TrUal ..71 . '.: :--... ftuv Tur r.eKiiiiNV .UiN'ro by ' THE JOURNAL,. New Bern. N. CMar, 24. 1900., Index to New Advertisements.; : 0 !'. Gaskllt Dollars and pianos, tfasklll Hardware Co. , Ith, Ward..'., ,........-,"... 2 county and -flew Bern 'for their rver- 5th, Waid, MoUitiiys,v. o ainu reception ami smilingly, sata tnat 8th, Ward, SU Philips.. ... . v. . 1 j ' the prediction of Mr. Ward bad bis Pri TowaWp.:-i''.;.i..ij.-4 beary approval and be hoped It will be realized. ' ' Very brief attention -was Daid flral io yftional politics. : He was al'-emecrat not front prejudice, but because ha op' posed the gold siandard.and was for free silver, "if you will hare it," at the ratio of 18 to 1 without waiting for the' con sent of anybody, ' lie was opposed to Imperialism, to Militarism lu governing distant colonies, to trusts 'and "because the heart of William Jennings Bry an beat la unison with the hearts of ihe' pecple of this oountry," All this was quilt Orthodox. ' . - . When Mr.: Simmons struck Stale is sue he was in bis especial element. ' fie told why . he was a .Slate Democrat. ChUfiy at this tima because he was tor White government. Because only two Business Locals. , FOR Rent. Second floor of building hezt ' to Planter' ' Warehouse, containing seven rooms. Possession given April 1st. Apply Xo Tho. J. Mitchell. THE finest Beer always on draught, at ( JACOB'S, Middle Street. :- i NEARBY AFFAIRS. Matters of Local Intenst in the Cily and .Country. ' Weather Burean forecast pled. At Ralekh. N. - 0., March 23rd .1900 .las. M. Smith, aged 37 years. 'The Yeinaln ? will arrive '. on . the b-M train this- afternoon, and will be Interred In Cedar Grove ccmeteiy,whre the services will be held. Twenty Tons of Fish Shipped. Yesterday was a day of large fish shipments, these shipments being proba bly the largest of any single day'B rccurd In this market. The receipt of fish, crokerB, shad, her ring and olher kinds, were large the previous day and night, and the demand ' was good, so that the fish dealers bought I ajl the arrival. The shipments went but by express over the A. & N. 0. railroad - amounted to twenty tons of fiBh. ; ;: - Temples Precinct. The Democrats of Temples precinct met In their primary Saturday March 17tb 1900v Chairman ' Jahn 8. Marlon called the meeting to order. : -s Upon motion John S. Morton was re- VRaln 1 the for today, . . - v " Maximum . temperature yesterday 74, ; minimum 44 degrees, .Eaily and family left yestCT da for Aulander to spend some time 1 rlsltlng relatives. ' Subscribers to the telephone system will please add to their lists No. 173, F. , Ulrich's residence. Maj. Graham Daves left by steamer , ' Keuse for NorfolJi last night and will go ': to Richmond before hi return home. ' Queen street Is belnfe Improved by tbe Atlantic Coast line with a covering ol marl which is Drought In on flat cars, Tbe funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas ; Gates will be held at the Middle, street Bantist Church this Afternoon at four 'clock. j j : ' xne siuewaia m iruut w vuuu wuu. store has been carefully remade with marl, a eood example . to some others whose walks are in pretty bad order, v An alarm of fire yesterday morning i -about 8 o'clock was occasioned by a small fire in a house occupied by celor ed peeple on New street near George. -; issue were Involved, good or bad gsr- ernment, while or negro eoreinment Bo then defined the' attitude of tbe wes tern Republican, that they had no ne groes in office in the west and If the) understood the situation in the east they weuld not vote the Republican ticket.. There was not a negro postman ter west of Raleigh, but Collector Dun can kept two negrots, Jim Young and "Prof." Bhepard In hi office on social equality with others in hisplao. Mr. Simmons then spoke of the future of political parties in the State and took high ground, speaking almost word for werd a Senator Osborne, Mecklenburg's great man, spoke in the Legislature, that he was for the Amendment because il elected chairman and W Ot Temple sec retary, and the following delegates were .1 would "enfranchise the j white man' elected to atlond the County Conrentiob M: F. Morton, Jishn B. Morton, Joshua Adams. - . N The following executive committee were elected: John 8. Morton, M. F. Morton, John Bowers, W G Temple. Joshua Adams, A. G Borden. John S. Morton, Chmn. "W. G. Tbuplb, Sec'y. : Death of Mrs-Thomas Gates. Nov. 17. 1827 March 23, 1000. 'u . Such were , the dates bounding I ho earthly existence of a woman loved and revered throughout this entire coraruu- nlij. While it extends beyond the Bib lical threescore and ten, her relatives and friends were hoping that she would remain yet several years to inspire them with her counsel and godly walk.,' Alas, ihe Messenger, came almost suddenly; only .three day of the final suffering front pneumonia, and on yesterday-morn ing, as tbe night shadow Bed away, her spirit took Jt flight into a brighter day than earth ever enjoy. For Mrs. Gales was a devoted Chi ln- tian, all whe know her for even a short The piling by Trent rlrer' bridge for I time were impressed with her deep piety, ane was tjapuaea lute in leuowsmp oi the New Bern Baptist churctt-on June 12, 1841. And for all of these fifty-nice )ear she has remained trne to her pro fession, loyal to her chuicb, and faithful in the discharge of every duty.; She was the special friend and helper of tbe poor, It Is remembered tbat upon the death f ber lamented son, Mr. B. M. Gates, sL for several yeam.'kept up bis monthly payments to the Benevolent Society, of this cily. She ' was one of the charter member of the Woman s -Missionary Society In her church and to the day ( ber death a most zealous promoter of its work. Her pasters always found in her an earnest adviser ajjd a ready helper la every , geod . work.: Truly, she was a mother In Israel and will be sadly missed from Tier place In the church, the home, and the community. . 7 Her husband, to whom she mlhlstered for 46 years with unswerving fidelity; but one of her five children, Mrs. Willis; her grand-children and other relatives; and a host ef friends are left wreplng w the, Shore of the river over which she has crossed.- Bat their loss Is her gain She lived among us only te die, and now she hss died only and forever to live. "Blessed are tbe dead which die In tht- Lord." ." . . " ' ;: Deb PafcTou. the new A. & N. O; warehouse Is .all in and the heavy cross timber are mostly In place. Censlderablo lumber Is on tbe ground and the work will be pushed by contractor NeaL v -.: The Now Bern . 8 F. E. Company movod into their new quarter -yesterday. The first floor is completed, tbe upper floir still being worked on.;, fht enelne hose wagon, reel, horse, and other paraphernalia were tranferred. The residence of Mr.'T. G. Hyman Is belna brightened with a new ceat of paint. The Baptist parsonage on John- sen street is also being repainted. The J. B. B. Carraway house on Broad street lately Injured by lira will ha rebuilt at once, when it will again be occupied by I)r. R. DuVal one. Mr. n. W. Simpson, architect, of New Bern, was In Kinston yesterday to con- . fer with these in charge ot formulating plans to rebuild the recently burned ' Episcopal chnrch. Tha plan now agreed n is to rebuild the present structure, adding 20 feet id length, making Ihe transepts wider' and ddlng Improve? mcnts to the Interior. Work will be pushed ioi' to have the church ready for use Ufo e next ..winter. Kinston "I uptd k odo. Uyspepsla Cura In my family with woaterful reaull. It gives Immediate relief, is pleasant to take and truly tins (lypcpt!o'. best friend," says E. 1 ar : "iltik, Overisel, Mich., Digests vi ,t you cHt. Cannot fall to euro. F. : i in Your Names. i . 1 Imv friends to whom they v,: : ! r Iuq of the Joursal Bent, . ,1 , ml their names at once to ti.i Ingcr at McSorloy's. 'UDINE Cold In IlenJ, .it.:ie,.i:tc. J r:sc. Juffy & Co., anil Rev. W E Bltxer, W, Caton, N. I, writes: . "I had dyrpepsfa ovr twenty years, and tried doctors and medlclnei without benefit I was persuaded to use Eodol Dyspepsia Cure and It holped me from the start. I believe It to be a ps oases for all forms of Indigestion," It digests what you eafc-yF S Duffy. . Special Notice. Miss Alice Filcz'wbo was with ns last action, will again nave cunrge 01 our IfUISnory department this season, under Miss Frlri nianiiKemcnt we mid more Millinery than ever before In llio history ot our business, and for tlio r prlng we have rnla'jci llis tb-part ment mid v. Ill show nne of llirj lr;;it stOiLs and Ihe most styllhh lints to ho found in the city. I:. -,.,,, !''.;, ; A. !' A I . ! f il. when the Amendment was passed white men would divide on Issues, would vote their honest opinions, tbe enslavement of having; to vote alike would be at an end. - Next the distinction between the Ignorant negro and the unlettered white man waa clearly and happily defined The conoluBlon ot the speech was the Amendment, was it Just,-was It Consti tutional, will any White Man be dU- franchlsed under: any condition what ever, la answering these three questions Incidentally a fine sketch of the negro race In America was given and ihe speaker asserted tbat the Anglo Saxon race had done more to help the negro I than all the other races combined, Illus trating by the .bfntal treatment of natives In South Africa by, the Boers and the contrast In their treatment by our "English cousins", yet telling new tilth all tbe humanity of tho English they would not suffer them to have the franchise, as - illustrated ; in Jamaica when they gave op self government aud became a Crown Colony rather the submit ta aucb a thing. -'; In cono'nsioD, Mr Simmon chslleng ed theenemy to make a teat case of thi eonstlluiionsllty of the proposed amend ment by going to the Court of Loulslsna wher a similar law was In force.-A better presentment of. the whole issue of White Supremacy could not , have , bean given. ;:''v?V-.'-TkF'v; The meeting adjourned; until such tima al Bon C B A jock Could be able to deliver an address, ;j ' - - BEST OP ALL " . To cleanse the ystem In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when tbe spring time comes, use tha true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genu ine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all drugglal, at 60 cent per bottle. 1 ; . Don't be Surprised. - Subscribers to tb JouamL, those who have ben getting it, may find lhat their papers have - failed to ai- rive. - ; - . . v Two things can cause this fullarQ. One, due to the post office, the postal service, or If In this city, the carrier boy.. . ' '"-. Tbe cause may be due to the subscrip tion having expired. Notification, promptly," at this office will cure both defects. The JoI'bxal jnanagemcnt uses evt ry possible effort to secure quick and effl dent delivery of Its Dally and 8tnil Weekly issues, to each and every sub scrlber. In matter of nows, and In quality of paper and appearance the Jouhnil, la first class, even with the cost of netting out a papor Increased fifty per cent Tho subscription price of the Dally and fionil-Wcckly, Is very low, snl can ouly be malntaluod by pay In advance for the pap(r, Tlio-o who receive the Joi rnai. will pleasn1 remember lhat If they do not pay for llio paper themselves, Il Is paid for by some one, for there aro 110 Free JotjiiNAi.s sent out. Resolutions From Business Men ..and Mer chants on President Bryan ot Atlantic A Worth Carolina R. R. . That the business men and merchants favor the improved1 facilities of extra passenger and freight service on the At lantic and North Carolina road, is shown by the following endorsement of the management of tbe road and President Bryan. " ',' - "We, the undersigned business men of New Bern and vicinity desire to testify our appreciation Jtl the great and : untir-1 ing effort of President James A Bryan to improve and build up the Atlantic and North Caio'Ina Rail Road, and thereby greatly add to the material and commercial prosperity ; of New , Bern, Craven-' county, - and" the territory through which the load passes,' " We regard the double daily mall and ( assenger service great . benefit to us, I and he irtily and sincerely thank .Presi dent Bryan fer his efforts In our behalf.. We believe If he is permitted to carr; out tbe Improvement be has In contem plation in a short time tbe stock ot the I road will Increase In value, and .the ter ritory through which It passes will feel the increased advantages in all the ar enesOf commerce and favtl'. - . ' E U & J A Meadows Co, : Burru S Gray, J E Latham, J R Parker, Jr, 8 B I Parker, J C Whl-ty & Co, Willi & Mc Litosh, N 8 Richardson & Son, Hackbum I & Willett, E B Hackbum,' W O Willett C Foy, K Bishop, Uolllster & Cox, J A Paris & Co, E W Smallwood, Trent Lumber Mills, Mark Dlsosway, Elm City Lumber Co, Jno Dunn J G Dunn & Co. O Marks Co, J J Baxter New Bern Cot . ton Oil & Fertilizer Millsr; Hyman Sup ply Co, Gasklll Mitchell, Jas F Taylor, Fernie Gasklll, Ferdinand TJirtch F S Duffy, D. A Uargett, K R Jones Roberta & Bro, Chas S Holllster J B Holland, Muuger & Bennett, Lucas and l ewis, Thomas J Mitchell, J L McDanle. J A Jones. New Bern Ice Co, Carolina Canning Co, Win Dunn, D R Davis, J U Rhem, h M Satterthwaite & Bro, John E Mullen, Supt.' Atlantto Product Co, Klllcy E Terry, Oaks Meat Market, T A Henry, Geo N Ives & Son, U B Duffy, D Oongdon, J T li Moore, R 8 Neal, G A Barfoot, D G Smaw, Broaddus & Ives, Pine Lumber Co., Hawk, W B Cos, E Gerock, L J Taylor, G S Water. John Suter, Thos P McCarthy, 8 W Willis, R Berry, 8 J Hudson, James F Clark, W P Jones, Gasklll Hardware Co., TJ Turner Furniture Co., 811 Scott, J R Jones, Sam E Eaton, A E Uibbard, O IS Ennett, Sam B Waters, Thos W Waters, Wnt Lorch William P Melts, Wallace Robo, E B Cox. -CUBED by - Johnstons Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. , ? A. MOST WQNDKHFPIi ClTltiB!. " . ' 1 . A Grand OM Lady elves Har Expertenea. Mr. Thankful Orllla Hnrd Uvea in the beautiful village of Brlghtot LlvlngBton Ca, Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady waa born it - the year 1812, tbe year of the great war, In Hebron; Washington Co., New York, Bhe came to Micmgan in raiu, tne year or. uppecanoa ..ana xyiec, too." ' All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re tentive memory, her mind ia fuU of Interesting reminiscence of her early -Ufe, of the early daya of the State ot Michigan and the interesting and. re-' markable people she hag met, ana tne anrring event 01 wmcn ane vra a wn- . ness.. But nothing in ner vanea ana maniioia recouecuonB are more- mar velous and worthy of attention than are her experience in the ose or JOHNSTON'S 8ARSAPAEILLA. Mr. Bard Inherited a tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, tbat terribly destructive blood taint which ha cursed and is curslnz tne uvea or uiousanas and marking tnousanaa more aa vic tims of tbe death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation, It-la found in nenry every family in one form or another.. It may make its ap- penrance In dreadful running sores, in unslgrntly swellings in tne necx or; goitre, or in eruptions or varied tonne. .. Attacking tne mucous memorane, 11 may be known as catarrh in the head, or developlne In the lungs It may be, -and often is, the prime cause of consumption. . , 1 - Speaking of ber case, Mrs., uura says: "I was troubled lor many years with a bad skin disease. My arm ant limbs would break ont In a mass ot sores,dlscharglng yellow matter: My neck began to swell and became very unsightly In appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions- My eyes were also greatly lnnamerj and weakened, and they pained me very : much. -My blood was in a very bad condition and my bead ached aeverely at frequent Intervals, and I: had no appetite. I had sore also in my ears. I was in miserable condition, I had tried every remedy thai had been recom mended, and doctor after doctor bad failed. . One. of the best physician in the state told me I most die of scrofulous consumption, as internal accesses were beginning to form. , I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and bis ramous Barsa par ilia. 1 tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith In it, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I began to grow better. Tou can be sure I kept on taking It. I took a great many bottles. But I steadily Improved until I became entirely wen. All the sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health, and I haveTiever been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady of 83 years is not a young woman, but I have bad remarkably good health Since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SAR8APARILLA Is the greatest Mood purifier and tbe best medicine In the wide world, both for scrofula and aa a spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting old lady did not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times. "I believe mr life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA." aUCHBEXCa.JtvB' XXVOG- OOSCFAXfT, DBTROIT, adLTCJbC O. 1). BEADHAM, New Bern, N O. t t VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Peace and Harmony. Editor JouunaU-r-1 endorse the reso iutton pas sed by the Chamber of Com merce in regard ta the financial man agement ot tbe Atlantic aud North Car olina Railroad. ' I endorse, the resolutions, passed by the "Rough Riders" condemning the po litlcal management of the Atlantic ifl l North Carolina Railroad. This la ' not-a distinction without a difference. There is no reason why . approval of the railroad management carries with-it the approval of the -establishment of a grinding .political machine In Craven county-and the control of he Democrat Ic party of Craven county by the Atlan tic and North Carolina Railroad- The most Momentous Convention ol year meet , today at noon, ll peace and harmonv la sought for It must not be obtained, by-the, cramming down the throat ot tbe Convention a set at reso lution's endorsing the political jnanag- y-. 1 , " CHURCH DIRECTORY. Regular Services. TAUBRITACLB BAPTIST CHUKOn. Services every Sunday 11 a m and 7:80 p m, conducted by Rev. A. H. Rarnley. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing Sunday school 9:80 am, GL Vinson Superintendent. cubist chcbch. -Rev. T. M. N, George, Rector. 1 I.enten Servloes. Sundays: 1st, 3rd and 6th. 11 a m and 7:30 p m; Sundays: 2nd, 4th and 6th, 7:45 ahd 11 1 m and 7:30 p m; Mon.'ajs: 6:80 a m and 3:80 p m, (Children's Service); Tuesday: 8:80 a m and 5 p m; Wednes days, tarn (Litany), 5pm;- Thursdays, 8:80 a m and 7:30 p m (Chapel)j Fridays, 0am (Litany), 5 pm; Saturdays, 8:3( am.. Holy Communion. Sundays: 1st, 3rd and 5th, 11 a m; Sun days: 3nd, 4th and 6th, 7:45 a m. PRESBYTERIAN CHtTBCB. Rev G L Leyburn, pastor. Service every Sabbath at 11 a m and 8 p mr-Com munlon 1st Sundays in January, April, July and October. Sunday school at 4 p m, Thomas R. Foust, Supt, Prayer meet ing every Thursday at 8 p m. CENTEHAnV METHODIST CHCBCH, Rev. R B John, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 7:80 p m; Sunday school at 8:30 p m, T A Green, Superin tendent-Prayer meeting Thursday 7;C0 p m. v Pollock Street Chapel Sunday school at 0:30 a m. Prayer meeting Sunday and Wednesday at 7 80 p m. ' MIDDLE BTBEET BAPTIST CHUBCH. Rev. Hight 0 Moore, pastor. Preach Ing every Sunday. 11 a m and 7.83 p m, Sunday school at 8 p m every Sunday( Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 80 p m. . . . ST. PADL'S CATnOLIO 08UB0H, - Rev. F. George, O. S. B , Rector; Rev, P. Paul. O. 8. B.. assistant. Mas and Vsaa" cotniaNr, Patting in Sanitary Plumbing IN NEW BUILDINGS keeps us pretty busy during the building season but builders and ont' a -to b will fnd our facilities for Plumhing l.i g, and imall buildings uni-ncille'!-, anil our is'l- mates on tins class of work beyond com petition. We employ expert workmen; ind our work embraces all Ihe latest ideas and improvements in fine open sanitary plumbing of tho highest orde and excellence Hyman Supply Co. Phr ne 02. 49 ctfAVKN STI E '.T WE INVITE ! The atto: tion of fi r n ri 10 r - e did line of In p'erueu. The Keystone Adjustable Weider and Shallow Cultivatr. ment of the railroad by President James I sermon, Sundays 10 80 a tu; Vesper ser A. Bryan and tbe fact that pledge of the last campaign have not been lived up to by tbe retaining in office of person not Pemocrats and tbe filling by negroes of positions sought for by white men who have families to support. 1.?- If this 1 sprung-, aomobody will bear something drop. . " !' ' - : , . ? i: 6B0OKD WaDD, mon and Benediction at 7:80 p m. Mass every day at 7:80 a m. Thursday at 7:30 p a Rosary and Benediction. -8t. Joseph' Catholic church for the colored people,- Masi and sermon Sun days at 9 a m. Sunday school at 8 p m. All are Invited. v- ; ' , "Christian" A4&. , The New York Tribune repr oduces the following , from among th advertise ments of sunflower plant in Mr. Shel don's "Christian Dally" - v 'Stir the Subioll Deep" Zv To let In the tains, that refresh tho earth Otherwise large portion of moisture graciously sent by our Hesvenly Fathet Is wasted by running off from the sur- ForSalc. A number of article ot household furniture at low rates for cash. ' Among them, Oedroom wits, 1 desk (man's) --haianrl uti 9 small nlaln table and 1 kitchen table, 1 bedepringM, font M 1 trunk. I matresse. glass jars, eio persons desiring to purchase please call at once anM see the things at Preaby Urlan Manse, 81 Johnson street. - face. 1! -ive yi ' Subsoil Plow accomplishes the stirring as we believe weuld ' pleas JESUS, who said let nothing be lost. "Also, ' Improved Potato -Digger, designed to work well, even lu unfavor able conditions of soil, which Induces good words .Instead of )ad wordsby wblob we desire to honor JESC8. , ' Plow Works, .. ' - "Topcka, Kansas." And this paper Is held op to th news paper men of the United Slate as a model '' " ' " , Dollars and Pianos. Don't pay I'HiO for a piano that you can buy here In New Bern for f 145. The "Wagner", style 14, In oak, walnut or malmgany Is Ihe piano for the wise purchaser. Fully guaranteed, 80 days trial. Excessive prolits In the piano bunlufsi Is out of dale. The Atlantic Music Co. (Ciiah L. Gai-mix, Prep.) 87 l'ollor k street. t y Mr. J. Lionel Fountain, enpert tnimr, run alwsjs to found at Ihe boe rnu-Ul linu-G. lluvo your pn M'.ilpllons filled lit I r' Baxter the Jeweler ha moved to 107 Middle (treet In th store formerly oc cupied by; Mi. Lane, Milliner, and la constantly adding to his stock of spec tacles, clocks and Jewelry of all kinds Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing and engraving promptly and neatly execu ted. " Sign, , - Cold Kagib. - Notice of Dissolution. - Casklll A Mitchell doing a general hardware business at 73 Middle street have this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Josenh Gasklll continuing ' tbe business at the old aland a Gasklll Hardware Co., and assumes all HabllltU of the firm. ' All accounts due Gasklll & Mllchell must be paid to Gasklll Hard ware Co. This 17tb day March, 1000. Johkpii Oaskim, J. M. Mitchell. :.v 1 1 ! a 1 o C !. .1 1' Bistreaalng Stomach Tlseaao Permanently curnl by the masterly pow er of rtitu Amnli au Nerrlne Tonlo. Invalids n-ei snr no lonirer, because tlili remedy can cure thi-ia all. It la eni fur tliB -R!io! wsrM Of Sloiii-e h w r.'.i and In I' '-'loo. 1 h rnre l' ii.s v. i:!i t!,e fli"t il..n. Tha rn r, f t ' ' I i a and aii'-i' MEW ARRIVALS Out SPRING STOCKof . . t AND SUMMER t Wash Materials, Silks, ress Goods, cMillinery, Etc., Etc., J Is rapidly being received and we invite i 1 l-j. ' KT C1..1 you 10 cau ana see uwai is itw, oiyi- q isb and Reasonably Priced. O. cMarks Company. . Which cun t-e ex pa mid 10 71 feet or narro-- in to 80 Inihes Fills a 'ong fell newpti ty, and mvers wide taiiftc of cu) tivation. Wta'aorll attentfon to our Hi e "t Fertlliiwr Dlttritmtors which n.n;je In pi Ice at 3 n, $7 50 and 15 00 ItnoK ont ror our insu rmaro v umn- tor. Ton will want one W i-xpect a nonlv of the In a few days. Om Harrow is iwwmn a popular when it haa ht-en mod. uur Canton Garden Plow is ahead of any tardin nlo and fills a Ion wat.t.d ne- ceasltv. Wehavelvf ir .lil more of our celebrated Steel Pony Plows this rear than evar before. ; Havo, you sen our Sprayer for killing tobacco worms ana potato bugsT - It t wmpiy penmi and at the extremely low- prices at which we are selling no on can auura to t without one. ,. , i; .... Cordially Inviting Too to C ill on n for anything In our line, we are -' ' LTour Truly, . ; J. C, vVhitty, CO, . . CITY .. TAX NOTICE ! Dave you paldyour0lty Taxes f lime ' out. .' '' ' . "Call at oace and settle up. - Will begin first ot April to Levy on Personal Pmpirty tuillclcnt to paj th Tax and ".oat. . .. I. T. TOIafiOST, City Tax O.ilh otor. r-v-r mine AfiKNC roa El Sisal VDEALER IN; Bariwaie acdSFirc Arms Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Limp, Etc. Agent for Garland Stoves & Range. and Uevoe'8, and BenJ Moore' READY MIXED PAINTS. Under Motel Chattawka, XKW BEKIV, IV. V. Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. Prisare For Wnr TIin i" lVace. in Just reifived a Si pplv of LOADED 1'JN8: r-i.re death lo Koaches, Bed Bui's M th. W ater Bugs ami nil Inset-. V ill not na n i r t-ieui e li e finest f ib: I -. ( )ne lr il i? a'l tliai's m-i il. il lo convince Ihe most skeptical. A full line of ToiUt Aiii- lie, l oiftiu eiy, t -. I'll s ' iun'a con pou d' A. I "let ci iplii.'i a cu'efnlly One "Moore" Stove Wood Man moved lo town and doing bul nrss on South Frm t -Tee. Notice tho carts loaded wit'i word from MOORE'S WOOD TAttD, and seeabi.t jou 1 get, and call Phone 149 and order your wo d. ICE OR HOIB USE aean, pure wholceome, guaranteed to tx chemically made from distilled water ind frr I rum impiiriilt-a. ripecially In tended and prepared for human oon- Minnllfln ' loe aciiverwi aany iexoepi-,uniijiM ra to o p m. - ; Sundays (retail only) 7 a n co 1S noon. For price and other in roi aattioa,. . ''-V '- , ... Addte, .. i New Berne Ice Co. j ILBook Store i 6vWMHrJCent . of four friend ar it adlrg oor new io'ik. :.'i' 4I Bt okkecprr's Piip1U.a a fp"- cltllj-. . -r v - r . ' . . A Swell Oet-Vp For early Bprinc I what the tlvlieh and handsome dreist r waula now. Come and let na post you on what is ilia new andoorrect thing in Oxlonl Mixtures, these will b the liaders Tn Polling and Trouserings we -ro iliimlnj soma beaulie. and everyr-ne kin a imt our high cia.' Tailoring mean in tlyle and fit." ? F. 5f. Clindwlck, Middle treot. NEW BERN, N. 0 kG. H. Ennett :::vr:: nniri:ri For F ilo at our Milt Five Inch Hand Kudo Ilest Quality f-lilnglo. R .OAbDUd & IVES. Stylish Oxfords; ., Queen Quality a Oxfords ara the coolest, . tho best fltUng'and the easiest walking shoes conceivable. '. They re also exceedingly handsome,- ' ;"'. . 1 1 CgaSO .-. took tor "' . TKADS KAEC (tampad a sols, 1. r. JAiivi.n. W W 1 . 1 Have your prescriptions flllc at Davis" Pharmacy. i.t '