W ' V. Li Ld- (Jut Uut cr nc:::zvc'J vn:t Pluztcro. M I lie yr IS't-t. ;.l't" 1 , )Il AND ruol'UTETOR. OlUfTiON RVTEJ. advance. ..$1.00 L In m.v -lULU . ..... O.I 0 riMir tu llio- city ... ..'0 ng Rates furnished on appll- ut tho Ton Ollioe, New Bern, ond class mailer. ayer of New Bern Crave County. and C.. Mar. S3; 1000. C. Tbe H DEMOCRACY MEETINC. etlag of tli Cravea County Di'mormiirl tbia'ciiy, yesterday,-was of a c miaclcr probably .. never before b i la t us city." '" Asa dial ingutshed speaker at tbe mett ij In this "city, yesterday, ing auUl, "it'i was s washing of dirty political linen," and as'soch It .Wat Jlw gn .tet success. ' . ,,'..-"-. I'ossibly ihe Democracy of .Craven Comit y fejls belter Uiat an ' opportunity was t Ivon It to give lull expression to i a pent up feelinga aud now it it Over Democrats- may get" together, feeling that It was merely family affair, :..s "1 As an exhibition of the ; yevelatlon .Of party secrets, It Would ordinarily hay been regarded at" most dangerous, - per haps the Democrats feel so sure of party success, of the" carrying of that 'most Important issue, the Amendment-, that they fear nothing. . ' " " ' . j It might, not Jie a strict Democratic meetlDg, surety not so in the lull accep tance of the word; Democracy, if any member of the meeting had been d "nled the privilege of personar expreta-ion.- 1 " ' That such privilege was sot denied ' any one,4nose who attended Saturday's "convention will bear testimony, ?: That a publio convention, ; with other business before It, give way for-.thebe- fore mentioned wash",i.f political linen, may be questioned from politi cal point o'f wisdom. "' f v - " , But that those present were granted permission to make the political exhibit, there can be ne blame attached. y The majority said ''go-ahead" nd the "wash" w at displayed amid applause BUU ClJ'mo. a -I But however unwise suca proceedings maybe regarded by: those who think without pauslont.br those who do not f..i-"et that while the Craven county convention wat a hot time among breth- ion, and a strlotly family affalr.yet there can be a different construction put upon - It by Democracy VfriendVtbe enemy. Tint while the record bat been made, kt net Democrati and every white man fail to ii-n ember.'not to lota sight of the A tin : :em question. 'v,l(-- Tlere may be party dlfferencesT per sonal recriminations, but on White Ba- ' pn n:acy there cannot and must not be any division,. ;- : how's. THiat'.C,.. We , r One Hundred Dollars Reward for any f -'o of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Kail's Catarrh. Curs,;. - ; . F. J. CHENEY A Co,y ; ToIedd,0, he undersigned,' have known F 3 Che: lievc 1 ne- t carry y for the last 15 years, and be i ; i fectly honorable in all bust rtlont and financially able to a uny obligations mads by their Truax, Wholesale Druggists, , IUnnaa & Marvlo, Whole- a; Ttledo, O. : ? - ' -; . irrh Core It taken internally, e.tly ; upon." the blood and 1 1 facet of the tyttem. Tetll t free. Price 75c per bottle : '::'i;Utt,75c .-. . . . ily Pills art th best; .'; T.io Aaxlomt, The i if appearing, clever often In i-omlcg to, i, J;'? rmn, Goshen,' Intl., tays: le Early Bisert always : relief, core my headache, ; e." They generally cleanse : the boweli and liver, F 8 ke To Lata. . ,, iltor "That's t lovely i carries me away." : & known ' how mm h ' give ui both I wauhl iKt In tbe evening." . u e-i rally In nol.eiiri-i I.a ( Juiriie 1 l o 1 i- I Tivt) Mr. I do not rer- ikrt i:.ii ing nrn-h at the tsiM. t.i.'$ Uanui'tt NcJ'-nvk-k iu The "A Uirl of fciixti-eu at Ilr A; in V; Indeed he was a very tiu-llm-u One dnv, tired of seeing him : man. dttina Immovable on the sofa 1n the hail, as I was learning some verses to recite at the evening elans for recitation formed by Charles A. Dana, I daringly took my book, pushed it Into bis bands and said, "Will you bear my poetry, Mr. Hawthorne?" He gave me a eidolon? glance-from his very shy eyes, toot the hook and most kindly beard me. After that he was on the sofa every week to bear me recite. .".""-.' - - - - He was one evening alone In the hali Bitting on a chair at the farther end, when my roommate, Ellen Slade, and myself were going up stairs. She whis pered to mo; '..'Let's throw the sofa pil lows at- Mr. Hawthorne.",. - Reaching over the banisters," we each took a cushion and threw it -Quick as a flash he put Out bis band, seized a-oom that was banging near him, warded off our cushions and threw them "iback with, sure aim. As fast as "we could throw them at him he returned them with effect, bitting us every time, while we could bit only the broom. He must have been, very quick In bit movements. Through it all not a word wat spoken. We laughed and laughed, and bis eyes shone and twinkled like stars! with Jaughter Wonderful eyes they were. and when anything witty was saia i always looked quickly, at" Mr. Haw thorne,: for his dark eyes lighted np as If flames were suddenly kindled be hind them, and then tbe smile came down to bis lips. - We laughed merrily and went off to bed:' vanquished, without a word. l suppose Mr. Hawthorne's lace must have worn that wonderful smile, which always seemed suddenly kindled be hind bis eyes, twinkled there tor a second and then ran swiftly -over hit intensely grave face,. ' ' WOOD PULP POUUTICES.I Their Readr ApvMeatlos I Only Okie Si of Their Many Advantages. A TJnited States naval surgeon advo cates the -substitution of wood pulp sheets for flaxseed meal, etc, In mak- lnir poultices. He cuts a sheet of the pulp to tt size approximate to tho sur face to tie covered, soaks tbe sheet in hot water until It has become . thor oughly softened,-- then Wrings It onl very lightly, and applies, f The iwooo pulp sheet will absorb and hold from four to" five times its weight of water and, since beat and moisture are tbo desiderata: In poultices, this furnishes thjm In simple, cleanly form. No cloths are needed, no cooking, no stirring ana snreadlnc on cloth lust a soaklntt In hot water. And tbe nicest part ts the total absence' ot tba mess inevitable Iu making - flaxseed meal poultices,' al though there Is, too, a great economy of time and trouble. - It is sometimes ad visable to put a piece of oiled, muslin over the sheet. to help retain Uurheai and moisture. . When the -poultice, begins to -get cold, take It off, wring out the water and soak It again la hot water, and so on indefinitely. Tbe surgeon has used (he same sheet of pulp wood for twe days'; poulticing. In the hands of an Ignorant man at that, his lnstruetiona to him being "to soak '.the plaster in -hot water -whenever It got cold and put it on again.".. By the way, every physi cian 'who has had .the annoyance and trouble of being compelled to leave the all Important matter of poulticing to an Ignorant person will appreciate a way that will allow no loophole for mistake and failures. Philadelphia Record. , ' ' Cnrloai HUtsrloml Dmnmtit.' ". The charter In which the church was first granted tithes la England -Is carious historical document A literal translation follows; "I, Ethelwolfe, by the grace- of God, King of the West Salons with the advice of the Bishops, Earls and all persons of distinction In my dominions, have, for the health of my soul,' the good of my people,, snd the prosperity of my- kingdom, taken the- honourable, resolution of granting the tenth part of the lands throughout my whole kingdom to the Church and Ministers of religion, to be enjoyed by them, with all the privilege of a free tenure, and discharged from au the In cumbrances Incident to lay-fees. This grant has been made by us in honour of Jesus' Christ, tbe Blessed Virgin, and all Balnts, and out ot regard to the Pascal solemnity, and that Al mighty God might vouchsafe tils bless ings on ns and on our posterity. Dated at Wilton, Ann. Dom: 6U, at tbe Feast of Caster." ' -v. : GeeioKleal Tim. .. ' An Ingenious theory-for the estima tion of the time of the various geo logical periods has been propounded by an engineer whoso work on western railroads takes him Into prluilUv country, lie says that In one great de pression In Wyoming the trees hav been recording the rate of erosion of the slopes for about 3'K) years so accu rately that the data to he obtained I a careful study of theiu will Le a fa tor of extreme importance In cnnhlli scientists to convert geoli.;:!cal tin Into years. While he has nut yet had tlmo to collect tliouo data injn-i ly, ha makes tho rouull h -ilnetlull that. Cording to their re-coiilfl thrt j.'.ioi and plelHlciceiie periods wouM r sent about l,r' .''i'i-"J yenra, and tl-at on this t,ai!a, the ri-nlule ftee vi be nbieit 4,0 v -i y :ir.. 'i ' r v mean t:.;-l all P ! If t K-::'i!i-!r i,f t:-. i Would be ' i r.i. 1 1 ( 1 Tho r' -'-vf.l of tlto first tm!y In tho mi" -iii ii J is the r,d lirtt 111)-, irtuiit t-vent (if m:u'NO(i life, lhs.' yn-.dijz iie who is ti I'eennie anuitheruPhLUitn to think of the happiness iii store for her hen the hi hp one shall nrFueupon her irat and latiei iy siie shall hear it nsp the sweet and h'.'iy mime, "mother. ' uther hannvuiitieiiiation qniok'y vnn ishea wiie.1) siie realiz.es ih t, 1 1 n.le I am and suiferiiifC thnnijrir which sho umst pasawhila biiri(5iiii4 tiieliuio one into the world. - An imioocribalih". fear of the danger attendant upon tiie oitleal soon issipatRS nor joymmess. 'Thou.-mnds.ut women have learned .try ex;ierieneo that thero is absolutely no necewuiy ior iiiosuuei iiiMwauiii ui--tend child-birth; they know timt b the use of "Mother's Friend" a ecien tiflo liniment lor u few woeks bcfoi-,. tlie trying hour .-expectant niothfirs can so prepare themselves tor the final hour that the pain and suffering of the Jreaded event are entirely obviated and It is sufely passed throush witn com paratively little discomfort. '. All women are lntereateu, ttuu w pecially expectant mothers who for the Irst time have to undergo mis inaa, in mch a rerhedy ; for they know tho pain and suffering, to say nothing ot the dan ger, which is in store for them. 'Moth er's Friend? is woman's greatest bles- ling, for it takes her salely througn tne leverest ordeal of her life. Every woman should be glad to read-the little book Before Baby is Born," which oontama Information of great value to all. It will be sent free to any onewho sends their address to Tha Bradfield Eogu lator Co.i Atlanta, Gai-v No principal It more noble, tn there none more holy, than that of true obe dience. - - V " " . Itemerty For K ervn Exliamtluti. Are yon weakened aot exhausted by overwork, worry or disease? The Mjstiq Life Henewer will quickly renew yout (.trenglh and vitality.. It is the greatest Nerve Builder known. It it a marvellous vitalizer and strengthened It quTtkly and certainly - cures Lost of ippellte. indigestion. Nervous Weakness, Palpi tation of the Heart and falling health. It is Indeed a wonderful Life Benewer and Utt Strengthener. Bold by T 4c Henry, druggist, Hew Bern.'--.. v. . .-X -..ii ' Below Her EipBOtulloa, ( Claribel, When we are wed your path way shall ' be - eternally strewn wun rotes, ' , " - ' " - . , .v T" Pathway? Then yon expect me to foot it everywhere, I Infer. 5 Jf i - s DOES IT PAT TO BUT CHEAP? " A cheap remedy lor coughs and Colds It all right, but you waat tomething that will relieve- and oure the . more severe ani: dangerous results of .throat and Ianf troubles. ' "VVhiit shall yon do I Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Tea, if possible-, If not possible tor yon, then in either case take the otrur remedy that has been Introduced in all" Civilized countries with success in severe- throat and lung.: troubles,: "Boschae't German Syrup."' It not only heals and stimulates tbe tissues le destroy the germ disease; but allays Inflammation, causes easy ex Lpectoratlon, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try obi bottle. Recommended many yeart by. all drug gists in the world. - For tale by F. 8. Duffy; . h ,'.7C;i'i;,c: The Rtnta of Kansas will haTS a freat exposition In 1804 in celebration of the anniversary Of the organization -of tht Territory of Kansas. Steps have already been taken at Topeka to inaugurate" the show. - '. ... - ..";.. ";- My mother suffered with chronic diar rhoea fer several months. - Bhe wat at tended by two, physicians , who at last pronounced her case hopeless. She pro cured one 23 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and five doses gave her permanent rtllef, t take pleasure in recommending It es the heat on tbe market. Mas. r. r. Watbout, Aiken, -Ala, Sold" by F. DuDty &Co.k- r, - It it rumored that MUa Sylvia Green daughter of Urs. Betty Green, will wed the Duke De la Torre, of Hpalnwho I now visiting In New York. - . L : . . ,1 - ' Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale. Ill wrIlo- "It never laila to relieve my children from croup at once by ualn Oiie Minute Cough Cure. I would n feel safe without Quickly cureB cmiirha, colds, crinpe and ail throat on lung diseases. Fl i Dully. Infirmity or Ufa. Of all Infirmiiiis vnnlty Is tho di to u; a man will starve his other to keep that alive. 100. It. T. tctcllm'sinM J ;,. Jt.iy 1". viinlh to ymi iimho t1,.-.a If W.il 1 i-i.;: i E A.-LONDON, Up to the last few days there- were Ht-vrral candidates in the f.ehl for lh n mination for Govein if; 'AH of thei-e who were rrgaidet flb any degree of n.mluence, savo one, live viihdraw so thai tbe party could becou-a-a unl; Hndetntre upt n tie (me men. Nw there should be some withdrawal amon; hoi-e anplrlng for other filt'cs Not that unv man hai net the rigltt to be a candi- lutp nlbce if he so liefcirttv but thai when the Convention, xsDfmblct there msy be no divisions." There are" several candidates for Slate Treasurer, andvTbv liefleoor does"not hesitate to say that ail the others of them onght; to gracefully withdraw and let Ma. H. A, London, of Pituboro, be nominated by Reclamation. tie it the candidate of the-North Caro lina frest 4t Is the first lime the Frest has asked for recognition on .the tate ticket, and there ought not to be a voice raised In the . convention against Ihelr man. 80 far as we now 'recall . svery candidate fqr State Treasurer hat had seme office, and. the Treat was a greal factor. in helping him get that office, tod in recognition of pst "services- thry should withdraw in ; favor : tt thTTne man brought forward by the Press ef the Stale. . Let H. A. Leudon be 4ionir nated for Slate Treaurer--flreenvllle Reflector.' i'r, Mr ilanry A..' london,- who spoke in Stttesvllle Frldayjiight, it, at tbe Land,. mark baa h ret ih re stated, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for State. Treasurer. Mr. London Oat edited a Oemocratio newspaper for 81 years, Is one of the most popo lar m'motrt oi we Emajprige, :-i.i.-editorial tratcrnny, an IThe great'ma- - ,1 'Jto abilities, however splendid, can command success without Intense tabor and preserverlng application. vv ' -" UOZtXVi T-KHUN ri-IXIH, ' ' ' - AFleasant Lmoa TonU, - -i Yo billonsncss, constipation and- ap pendicitis. ' - - For .inaigesiion, sics - anu -nervous headache, : , -.- ---;.. . '.? . For- sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. - : - v - - . - - For fever, chills, debility -knd kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. . . . -- ,! Ladles, for natural and thorough -or ganic regulation, take Lemon KlUlr. i ur. moneys iemon Aiixir isprepareu from the fresh lulce or lemons, combined with other vegetable- liver tonics, and will not fail ton In any of the above named diseases. 60c and f 1 00 bottles at druggists. : r.. --i -nr '- - ; -' freparea only oy jur. B.sioziey,,. At lanta, Qa. a. vri ;t..: :; v-;;-- p -.v;; - j:'- ; '"';.:' At the Capitol, J-. ' ..- I am in my seventy-third year, arid for fifty yeart I have been a great sufferer from Indigestion, constipation and bil louanes. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these diseases, and got no permanent relief. Abeut one year ago. tbe disease assuming a more aevere and dangerous form, I. became very weak, snd lost fienh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds In three months: My strength and health, my appetite aud myidigestlon were perfectly restored, and now I feel aa young and vigorous as I ever did in my life. L. Jl. Allured. Door keeper Ga., Btate rlenate,-' - Btate Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. Uoaley'a Lemon Elixir. -, Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recommond It for, and I bave-used many kinds for woman s troubles. ' . . Mas. S. A. OhKi-iiaM. Palem, H. C. - M07.I.KVS t.l-.HO.N HOT PUOI'S. Cure all Coiurhs, Colils,' Ilonrsene's, Rore Throat, bronrUilia, licmorrhiifre. and all throat and lung diseases Kii-guiit rcllKiile. uric at drucrlHtfl. Prepared on!y by Dr. U. Moz'iy, Atlnnta, Oa. ars tl.a For State: Treasurer.' jorily of tho Democratic eewapspe nn the State havo heartily endorsed him for. the. position to? which he aspires. - He hat not only wrved hit rrtrty faithfully . and loyally .st all times tad aj an eH' lor, but on tue stump -for he can . talk an well at wrile-and in the councils ot ihe tarty, in v hick He has been promt i.eiil for ffioie than 85 yean, he has ren dered Invaluable service. Re has never cen au ofllce-holder pr offlce-aeeker, but baa at all times given bis services f reefy i without reward or hope of reward. k Iu 1 addition to ail Ibis be it s nitn of the highest', char act er-a pure- man whoe record Is stainless. Mr. London Reserves to bo honored and ws yery much hope he will be.VWe believe that hit nomina tion would add strength to the ticket, Certainly-it would prove a very popular one and he would make a very ..able and effective canvass. His friends through out the State will be glad to know that bis prospects tot '1 he nomination are very . . premising. StateavlUe . Land mark, - f. i 'Mr. London It tbe scholar In politics; the sr.cjeesful man In business; and bas I been in the forefront of every campaign , In his section since the ' war, yet -never an office-seeker.. Tbts year be it a candi date for State Trrasurer. If nominated he will make a campalgnover? the State which for brilliancy aud effectiveness will be second only to that- of Mr. Ay- i coca, iue cauuiuate tor uoyeroor. mil . ... .. . S .. -: mti 1 f , ttist ; vmf ., wTiaii 1h tiiirlr nMifa lia ilWDgest campaigners and test equipped mmn U MniAti . bearertNewton - t x fT-'ASnre; Cnraw K "TWre't only Onetvay te get"Id Of insomnia,? said the facetious doctor. And IhstT" queried hit patient. ; ; "Is to go to tleep and forget about It." ... . t.. Belief In 81s Honrs, Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by tNew Oreat Sooth American Kidney Cure."" It is a great turpriB en account of iu exceed ing promptness In relieving psin in blad der, kidneys and back, In male of female Relieves. retention of water almost im mediately,'. If yon want quick relief and cure this is the remedy ' BoM by C.t p Bradham, druggist, New UerntNt a'j- . -1 -.; --. 1,, mimmifci-i ' r: i - i - ' , Jlany a man gains a Veputatlon' -for originality -when he merely has a good memory. ; r v; 'Tit is very hard to stand Idly by and sot our dear ones suffer while awaiting Jhe arrival ot the doctor,. An Albany (N. V ) dairyman called at a drag store there for a doctor to come and tee hit child,' .then very tick with croup.; Not finding the doctor in, he left word Fer him to come at once on hit return. lie also bought a bottle Of Chamberlaio't-Ccugh Remedy, which be hoped would give tome -relief until the doctor should ardxe. In a few bourt he returned, saying tbe doctor nred not come, aa the child wat much better. The druggist,. Ur. Otto Schola, sayv the family hai since recommended Cbamberlaln't Cough Remedy to their nelgbbort and friends until he has a con stant demand for It from that part of the o untry. For sale by F 8 Duffy & Co. . ' 1 Notice of Meeting: of Creditors to Consider Discliarje. In the District 'Ceurt of the United States, for the Eastern District of N. a In the Matter of i. W, Peacock Bank rupt, In Bankruptcy. ' To the Creditors of Petitioner, who has hi en adjiidicatrd a Bankrupt: Take not ii e that a niectlng of creditors i;l lie held at the oHioo of L. J. Moore, II- '-H-I-, In Kcw l!irn ;', I il :iy of M an-li r W. U., at it il oa - 1, at whh h t' ;-p!y fur his i V. s if in U ' nil h JH y, v hy he bill rllt fi t HllOW 11 n t Ledic- I- J. -ill Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are useless, painful and dangerous, and beaidea, never cure Cancer. . . . ' -Ko matter how often a cancerous sore is removed, another cornea at or near the same noint. and always in a worse form. . .. Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer blood, trouble by cutting or burning out the the poisou ? . Cancer runs in families through many time to be stricken with the deadly malady. C:!j C!::l Diseases can -further proof that Cancer is a disease of (he blood - - ' ' . -v- " ' . - To cure a blw.-l disease like tins you must cure the entire blood system 1 ttmovt every trace of the poison.' Nothing-cures. : Cancer effectually and permanently but S. : S.S. S. enttrathe circulation, searches or ordinary blood medicine can do this. S..8. S. goes down to the very roots of the allowing the sore to keaLuaturally and permanently. - S. 8. 8. at the same time purines -. . A iitue ptmpie, a Harmless looting wart or mole, a lump in tne Dreast, a cut or bruise mat retimes to beal under ordinary treatment, should all be Jooked upon with suspicion, as this is often the beginning of 'a bad form of cancer. . ". t . V - - - " j- Safali M, KKallnir, - am 41 years old, and for l Cancer on my jaw, which : that I couM not live more - true, and had given up all gist, Knowing or my conaitiou, recommenaea . u s. Alter taking lew v . riiim kiw MMMHin 1 - J nnui l nine .ua.iv wiiina mm ( HK Dl MH, mj BIUWW i.4T' Our medicAt derutrtment ia in chunrp! nf rthvaiiMana rj Inner ''' llt'.-"" - ,-: experience, who are or information wanted, wemalte no charge IPpy-fectpralj j - ' - A QUICK CURE FOR '$ Very valuable Rcfflcdin all ; - - , atfectiona of tbo c THROAT 'or LUNGS I fi .','i Large Bottles, s jc. . S , Sim A HWKESCB Cp, limited, , J . JliiofIinyllsvii'rtitt-KillT. : it BrsasV--: rEMHYROYAL PILLS 4- -. erijlBslMSealrCleMlse, . A . iudfet ft- rikAcasra MnaUtk Dim- IJ7aaifl. lr.lanaal Laid BMUIUs tf tfatnpw lr-JTlWir-. tetiisnnni-jsi iff "irXUf UrM MvlL. I ,f t Tnmlti. Jranf Pofta X.abor Savers J u h, Kitchen '' Is-what ton want to facilitate lh? household processes and to lighten the lo ut of the housekeeper. We hav everything in household needs in all new devices and implements to thlsjllne and toseetbem l to.Duy, at siren smsu prices as makes buytng a pleasure. LI. MB! IMltfl. ';,J-Executor's Kotlce ! Having: Qualified at the.Execntot of Mary Ann Olckiusoa, decessorii , lt of thecoonty of Craven, this leto notify all persons having claims against me estate of the deceased toeihililt them' to -the undersigned on or before the 13th day of March, 1D0I,' or thlt hollos .' will be plead In bar of their recovery; All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment-.,, - t. , ; . v ; JACOB B. TAYLOR. 'T' Executor- Mary Ann" ; DJklnsoa,'de- .-'eeasen-a-:-' ' --j-y- r- - This March 18,1900. f Foreclosure Sale. By Virtue of authority vesled in roe as Clerk ot the Eastern imirict onuiinai Oourt lor Craven county, I will expose to public sale for cash.' at ,tlie court house door In New Bern, on Monday, Anril ttb. 1000. at 18 o clock m, all tbat certain niece or parcel of land described In a certain .mortgage executeu to ine Btate of North Carolina by Jest Whit field and wlfb in lieu of bond for the ap Dearnnct of said Wbilfteld at the Febru ary Term. 1D00. of said court, said bond having been forfeited and foreclosure of mortgage ordered. Paid land Is situated about one aid a half mi'ee from the city of N-W Bern on the Fembrokd road, oa joinlng the lands of J L Uahn ami others and contains two sores more or if as. ; W. M. JVATBON. yirrlCy i ISolice of fiulcvv Chan R Davis, Ella R Davis, Paul Davis, . aMfl a Jjavis, Cora E Davis, Joseph C Davis,' Bessie B Davis and Victor L Davit, Petition for Fale of Land for Partition, Under and by virtue of an Order of the flujvrlor C'ourl In the above entitled pro-ni-iiim a, the undersigned will, on the firht J.onday In Apr.l, l'JOO, tuln the 2nd ily ol mid niontli, at 12 o ch clt m ut th i ourt hoiii-e drwr In Ihe oounty lavi-n. sill ut puhlic auction- to the I, i--t 1 i-hlcr for I'-aph Ihe (olio Ing de- i-i d Iiu.iIk: (inn hoii:-n and lot sitiia'ed at the rmr'li wixt corner i-f (leoro ur-.d N BH--i-i, niiil riinnii g Ihi-tici Ui'nwuidiy wi.h Ii,.. hcnili mlfi of Niw aireil one i i, ' . n fi to It W Monis cor- n-iri i j.i pud ,(:irrt lire wiili ("-'.i 'i- Mr. et piMy-oi e -ui t li 1 uiiiiM i-'imrr, t.'ichi-i : I,-., 1. 1 s. t .-tr..i;i.-l nilh N I .! I i ii Ii i t to II Willi t . rilU't on in d l.l-H li HI.-, I 1,1 is a blqod disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure this deep-seated, dangerous .,. ' sore, which, after allyii only an outward sign of the disease a place of exit for ' - - generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at any . -. "-. '-!,-. ' i - -' t-' ji'" MpM m Or.3 S. S..: i -... ' ' ; - : - - -'.-ft v, !.:. "i ' v- - . - .rj-'. out and remove all talntrand stops the formation of cancerous cells. No mere tonic' - ui Wlnut Ae., Brfatol. Tmn writes: -1 -,: thrae years had suffered with a severe form of the doctors in this city said was Incurable, and than sue months. I accepted their statement as hope of ever being well again, when my drug M mn-ninininnwiwji,,hR,hflMaM ,M especially skilled in treating: Cancer and whatever for thia-service. - v THE 8W1FT ;'ui!iic;2:Blscil jaii CM GEEAT r - . BLOOD CORE A Cure For Blood and 'Skia- Diseases. Eczema, t) leers, Flmples, 'scro ': fnla, Blood Poison, Cancer. - Sidney Trouble, Boils (-. Malara Kheo-. -- - matisBi. A TUIAL TBBATMKHT SENT riliVAtBLr bt ' ' HAIL VBBR TO ALL WHO 80PFEB. If any man or woman sullerlng from any Klood or Mkfn. Trouble will write us we will tend them free of charge and prepaid to destination a trial -bottle of Botanle Blood Bslm(B. B. B.) the fa mous Southern Blood Remedy.. - It has permanently cured thousands of cases, tome ot 20 yeart' standing, and aftei doctors, hospitals and patent medicines had fallen. Kemedy hat been thoroughly tested for past B0 years and is perfectly safe to take ,by old or young. Blood Balm it an hone-t, ixexpeaatve remedy that you may test before you part with your money, CUKBB MADE BY I1I.OOD BAMI. L Allan Oranty of Sparta, Ga, cured of palnfuraore on Up called epithelial can cer, Julia K Johnson, Stafford P. U., B. C cured ot a terrible itching eczema of 18 years standing; W A Bryant,-Moody, Tex, cured of salt rheum ou hand. Ills hand reaembled a burned surface suffered four years, yet cured by Botauio BIjoiI Balm. " B W Beazlev. of Americas, Ga. suffered with sores all over hit body ealinit into holeB. Blood Balm cured him; tound aud well. L fi tie well, of Atlanta, tia. cured by four bottles or terrible eallne nicer on leu. 8 W Pope. of Jackson, Ga. had violent tkin disease, entire body almost a scab, yet pernunent. IV oureo Dy a. u. a. j j xteau- oi a mens V. I., UMI VbAVUl VU UCUWD, Wl WV aunered five years, tried doctors and pat ent tneaicmes,- riiooa -oaim oureo mm only a few soars remaining where the tores had healed. Mrs. W J Steed, ot Augusta, Oa, had recurring boils,-Was eu red try only nve Domes inree years aco. Perfectly -weir since. Mrs At L Adams, of Fredoniar Ala. ' had deadly cancer, was given-np - to die by nine doctors, yet was cured by Botanic tioo Balm. W P McDaniel.of Atlanta, curet of rheumatism, but what more -need we eyr We could ' Oil this psper with wonderful cores, and remember, all these troubles are caused by Bad Blood in tba system, sod Blood Balm cures because it forces til the' poisou outward, hence theiecsunot be a return of the symp toms. , j.'V'tf"'--'-':'-'' Don't trifle with, blood troubles, and remember,, even if strtaparllla,. tonics, doctors tnd talves have failed in your case, that B. B. B. Botanlo Blood Balm it. different from r anything else, tod cures, to stay cured, by expelling- the poisonous matter from the blood. Tblt It the .onlyrejnedy , that curet In tblt :. BOW TO OBTAIN 111.000 BAJ.M. v want ob ruxa taii,soTrL,-K. ilf u a a 1 1 c ft A njUMnln Tllrtl Balm It what vou seed vou will find large bottles for sale by all druggists for f l.oo, or - tlx nottles (tuu treatment) (3 00. - For free trial- bottle address Blood Balm Co,, 18 Mitchell St . At lanta, Ga., and bottle and medical book will be tent, all charges prepaid, uesorine your trouble and we will .include, free personal medical advicsv 't r--vi, , Notice to Stockholders. wanaajs-w I k "I ; : ? r if j, craven: vpumj. y vvur v a.'. ' - t ( 8tockkold. i m cuuiniu fciuuiini Wi ,,....vl .-i.- To aia Stock H(.ukss o in f tiubos Lpubbb Cimr am TAKEN OTIUW : '. That by the Judgment rendered In tbe above named ai-tiou at t lie January Term, A. D.. 10DO. Tbe aaid cause has been referred to the undo) signed for tbe pur-. pose or eataoiioiitug tne interest oi me Mockholders hi taid "Tbe Btlmson Lura- tier Company" end to report to the Court as directea in taia juagment. ' - - -You are hereby notified to appeal' before me at my office in the tSty of New Bern, "Koiih larollna, on f ilday the Icltrd day of March, A, D , lOt-0, at It o'clock A M , and prove your Interest as such Stockholder in (aid 'lbt Bllm ton Lumber Company." ,' Tblt :0th da' of Fehrnary, '; i "M. DkW. BUiVitKHOit,' - . " - Ki fi ire MonTit Cjkitoi.itta I Superior Court Craven cnonly. Bpcclal prorpcdhig Iii id Whltford, executor of Wm, C. Wliilford. drreiMr-il, va Julia Wlilir.ir.l, Loiifao V. Whltfnrd. .Iinnieil. Wlillfiird, Kanhlfl r-.inllh 1 , .ii i- nd f -. iir -a I loluir. 1; .!-.:. X) ! i, l.onl-0 I'. Wlilt- I f..i,i, J,,.,,-.1,. It . Iiril, iN Hn ii ii Smith 1 j li-.rj ii i i 1. 1 i i r i , a di fi-Ti.imi.s ..I ! ' .- I. ( l! ' ' ; i : I . I i ''ll I I ..,.-., . . if ,.tll, ll gf. i j , 1: t l-V t: -I r1- iini.l Goaticn to Another "V disease, and forces out the deadly poison, the blood and builds up the general health. i "SrtV ) ' a 1 s. 1 I .. 1 k. s a. s other blood diseases. Write for any advice SPECIFIC COMPANYj ATLANTA, GA. Notice of Summons. . r tS2 Superior Court f The City of rtw Bun,") :; .;j ve. . Summons:--, i i -;-! A E Woodruff, trnstte for , . " ; ( of the Estate of Eli;- Relief. -alicth Gooding, dccu.j ' - : Action for Account and Other Purposes. A. E. Woodruff, trustee of Eiisabcthi , Goodingdeceaserf, the above named de- - -leudaut will take notice thai a summoiit in the above entitled action was issued - from tbe Superior Court' of Ciavtn couuty, North Carolina ou Fibruary 1st, IU00, teturnable at the next term of tbe Superior I ourt of sd count-, to be held , at the court bouse in ew Bern, N. C, on the 12th Monday after tbe 1st Monday iu March, it being Ihe 28th day ; of May, llKKl, when and hi re yon are ruquirvd to answer tbe t-oiiipluiLt he.ein or judgment will bo rendeied in favor of the plaiutin tor tne reiiei ucmanneu. w M. WAiBUfi, v;. o.u. H. C. Whitehurst. Atty. for Pla nliff. February 1st, 1900. Notice of Summous and Attach- ment. ?CC0RD0ML;NVA' I S-KKIOHCOUK li B Dully va J J Trader. To J. J. TitAUEit: -.WhereaB, the summons was duly Usueu from tbe Superior couri of Craven coun ty, returnable to taid court on the 6th Monday before the ltd Monday in March 1V00, and returnable by the Hheritl not to be found in my county, said summons being Issued iu the above entitled action, and where as an order of publication has been duly made for Beivicu of summons upon you In tbe action afoienaid: Now therefore you are hereby notified to appear at the Superior Court of Cravea Oounty or. lbs 12th Monday after tbe 1st Monday in MaiclLlllIlrir it being the 28th day of May i(0 and answer, demur or oi Lit wise plead lo the com plaint whit h will he filed in eaid action on or befoie the hrst three da)s of said term or otherwise defend said action at you may be advised. And you will further take notice that at the tine ot ittnlng of tho summons above men i loped a writ of attachment wat issued from said Court in aaid alinn directed to the Sheriff of Jones oounty directing him to' levy taid writ-upon your properly in said county, and take eaid property into his possession for the purpose of said sctlon. To all of which yon will take due notice and defend tbe same as yon may be advised. This February Oth 1000 W.M.WATSON. Clerk Superior Court, Craven Connty . Notice to Anwar. M - m A anH.H r v In ifie Boperlor Court, ) : ; Before the Clerk. f In matter 6f the Una. acconnt ot,V 1 h H Cutler. Kxccutor of Wm Cleve;. : -V t U n.sl.. k.. Ml. st I, this juitase lalsi ' V , un LU1CI ua. li 1 VI iu- iui( vv'Miw atias v -j HDftl 4WCOOBI 4U Klti U.Of tb iftit " wlll 'a.nl ii.yUhi.nt tf Wm PluVA Hf.; i'V" wiu-auu -VBttstsuiaa v vv vsvi ranw i nurTfnrf t np. nm rsi" m.. lhw. ir " v ? rateea aud dlslrlbutect ef Wm Cleve.Sr. t w deceased snd all other persons having any ..-? I ii an I avail, - iii a usj . vsaiu -ntiati sic inicuv - nAtiAswl anil sVmminilsn tt sinnffiV T hfi. '. 'i'i fn.: that' , n wt Hakosiltvn tail fett-lf -. KnvaAvlts ".. -t Court at Ms omce in new liern on wea aesaay tne rots a ay oi April, tuuu, ai ':-i cause, it toy they have, why: said nnal.'V, account should not us tuaitea ana tp----proved, and an order of distribution . in ' accordance wun tne win mane, sua me- -- :,, said Executor dlschanred from hit trust.- - Done at my office ia the city of New Bern . . ' under my nann ana seal tuis toe zea uay. .- of February. 1900 W. Mk WAToON, 0. 8. C .fins.-', Valuable-Timber ..v.'. ;v,' IsUBtlM For Bale ! North Oarollriav ' '"' Pnrr'rlor Court, ':T Cravea Coonty. , J Precisl Fruci ertlngs ...V Qeo R Hughes aud 'lr-A Unfe C Uughet ; - .'- vs,.,..,.;-':"- . Jobs H Wbltford, tjiiira E Wl itlorUaod ... ; v v Mary Wbitfurd,:-.:;- j. Pctltlon for Side nf Landt fofJ'arUiion. ' ' i Pursuant tn ti e Jndnment In Ihe above . named proceeding the undiraigbnl will sell at publlo auction at the door ft the court house "f teid Craven county, on Monday Ihe Snd day of April. A I, 1800 .- . at 18 o'clock rid-day fur cai-h, ibe fol-i"-lowing lands, siluaUd in aaid raven county; - . . ' , A tract of land enibrtclns' and ooro posrd of several small m Is and cod ttRuoiis tmcit. oi nlaiuli g l y mimatinn about 1040 acres noxM.r h . Ivlns arid bmng In Craven d uMy sfitt-rHi'd on Ihe north side of Nun erlwr ai d si-t sldo of James swamp ai d at ihe h'-sri r.f said swamp, a t art hotitidcd by the lnr.da of Moses ICaronld, d4-assd David P Whit, f.irit and olhus, being all tlx lends which Wailian Millford, rli ri-ai d iiiln r lti") from 1,1s fiithrr In Hill's Nei a and a hiii) tnut at the brad of the paid Jmi. -a swamp Ik lid the )nn that Nalh n'i . hliford fmv t y will to Jol.n N hi' Intd, wI.m Ii wt re sold by a di cTr-n tie i-'itil and trims a tmrl ol li.a

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