The Hind You Kavo AJ. s v in use for over SO years, and Iy--7j sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bub . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the Lenlth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ' VJUat 4o CASTC7.IA vis:" - ... ... . ..; -" " ----- . . - .. i"' - Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare : goric. Drops and Sootlilngr Syrups, It la Pleasant., It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm - and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation - ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food, regulates the. Stomach and Bowels, giving Juealtby and natural sleep 't- The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA 'ALWAYS Sears the C The Kind You llavo Alnays Bought: V In Uss For Over 30 Years. - tmc BtimiH eoMMm. tt 4 i " Ont DodloPki i womtaifnllT -v fMtorrMiilpoteailBUienureof diMoaes ; f non, Mick a JUe, Oixwrriiaa, Otett, - finjKi!ofr(i Vartoirtl. JmjweMiefc , - lot Uinkoad, tStmulu cf earf tneM- . :' xntten, tatir (3MHM, wntv, mfwxrk, etc, sad in aitouM of jnuuea.surti ms 1 Itla, Omorrluu, Levcvrrhaa, Worn ' ZVauite, rtmall Wtaknw, SttriMv, ,. Bearing DoimPatnt,Ufu.mal Trouble t ' Onrme4UclnarxtiilTly nvv.r f.U erulnlcljr - anil chh no itarmfvil eilteote. . l;'l mA:: PROVE TKIS IVJJnDERSKa -mwilI!aEia w sa trmtiiit and alrt RfcB an yrepay tfs " sellverr,H7.ratwwwB, Mim iAJiwuawiwnmvn jwumimwu. jronrouo.tii monj th bftur, your turn, ocmiratlon and fnil axIrtmMi ""'"'"v"'1 MKNTliliT It von Moont this otrtr ymi will t plid but OWOli an Uia will lw gf- always. Write to4nr to KALl'lioK to., Uunuter.Olito. "... ir - TRY FIR3T-CUY AFTCIZWARDO. sjuuiuiuauuuiaiuuaiuui'Uiaimui Santa Ciaus Ttlistatie ! r X "ii .:.'r t V fl X ' MsUsa Grapes, California Oranges, F(h Apples and Bananas. r-f "ilais, Uaistns and Fig, in fact everything Nice and Fresh for Xmaa. rGIVE ME 11. w. miiit:, IrcliitccI k Supcrmtccicnt , . . ; GS Rroitil direct W15W IIVAITI GRIST ailLLS. Now mu IIIvitor? J'.si si i'r.m Vlr;:v.rr Ot the Latest Impioved and Up tO0ati! Mill natl.incry. y "Y0UH TRil'i-: Id HHICITEU I JVJ ''f'l.iL 1 ( 1 ln and I'oIiiJi'nig niio I 1 '! t.i 11-1 1 - I-, I lliroil fun il, ('," tie null , h.i !i s 1.1 r d ( : ; &3T '.v.. I - - 1, 11 " ii J I lias bor:ie to s' -' r 'nro t? Las been made nnuor l.ia r -..! supervision blnce L s"..i' Signature cf wnM mm, niw vo.k errr. 11 FOB- La r.iEn and vo:.icn.i A TRIAL TREAT:" EST. - Ttlalics No When hcbrgea fotj the jXmas feast fronijouf slock otFanoy acd Staple . Grooeries. : Oor - Koyal " Flour for yonr Xmaa baking, our . V superior and exquisitely. flaTored ; Coffee and Teas, Onr . Pluui l ud- ding: Rtlishci, Crystallzed Fruits and Ginger, Foreign and Domes tic Cheese, Foi RWer Print Butter . ' and Atmore's H)nc "jTeat will ' meet wito the fayor of . the; con-' - aoiuear." ,1.' ' ' f We bare In a large chlptnext . 'Beautiful Kalamacoo Celery and " -it fe floe." "v.v. ;: "J'-v 5;-; A CAIZs Ccltca Seed & M fd Fctatccs T. ' r T.I.1A r.t Red sud White JJlli-s both home snd northern grown. 1000 bimbela Karly King Cotton t-eed. 100 bushels Southern Hope Cotton Kel, Long Htiiplc Cotton, iCall or write for circuni'-. T T 'l,TT TT ti Xi. 11 - .ii.. ' f M to. ' f i-; run I e I huve s very 1'irr" ' from lili h A N 0.--Cm t inn v-4 N HAItlKl!!H H Mill I ii'l R ini lug 111 prlre f Mil 1. Mil. i IH I'l- SNitNM II l tt. u 5 .o co to i r, Fold fur Ci. li or u i'nyoK ! ) ike S- : I 1 li:tv ft lim 1 f (.i n n e-i )-t - 1 HI I ( Irllll t , 1 1 1 ... 1 - J 1.1 Ot tl" 111 id. I i I inSIi" al-jirts a 1 1 0 I t I li 1 .1 T l,:llliiT. IU I ! 1 i ti iii a .l.!','. 1 'in turn ...b iH'.a i ti ij 1 1 i b 1 cienu a low el tH'.l Ui'OUUll IHT lOUSleu lieuu i i,J ii cut over cue of Iut eyes. T'.ie r of liniment Vina heavy ou the air. For heaven's sake what Una Hap pened He asueu. - - - Without a word she led the way into the little drawing room. Over tne cushioned couch oriental draperies had been dispersed artistically with spears sail armor, forming a beautlfuL-cozy corner. A lamp. burning dimly, bung lu the center. "I put It ill) myself today," she said. "I Lad grown tired waiting for you to do It, and the decorators wanted loo He .seated himself luxuriously anions the pillows. " - How ou earth did you manage It alone!" lie naked, with exaggerated ad riiitnttou and wonder.. lie knew Just bow It -was done. . He tind always had to put It np himself before this. . s "Oh. Just a piece of lead pipe, a few tacks and a pnper of plnsi'Vsbe said simply, yet proudly. "I only fell tr the stepladder twice. . . .. v. There were almost tears In bis voice when be spoke.' It really touched him to see her standing there bandaged lllse- a broken down race norse. ., liesmes that, no one knew how he had dreaded ; the task of potting It up himself. Ah." lie said, "when -will we men realWSe what a priceless treasure we gain when we wtn the love of a true womnn! He (stretched ont hla arms affection 5 ately toward, her, and the entire thing collapsed about hla head with a crash. Kate Mastersoa In Life. f FUNNY HUMAN NATURE;: A Little Story That Illastrate Some . of Its Peenllar Phase. ..- Voung men can never tell where to look for nn ally 1n their love affairs. A few afternoons ago one of them was leaving a handsome residence In the upper part of Jhe city. : He walked un steadily, he will never be paler, and It was evident that be was In great trou ble. - He scarcely noticed the brisk ap proach of the old gentleman- who owns the house and the daughter, tnouga the suitor-bad been diligently dodging the father for months.' ; f Hellol ,' Tat'a thlst - Blckr and (he old gentleman firmly planted him self In the wily of tbe retreating taver. You're not Jt to go out In this storm, young man. t come insiae." xate a drop of cordlaL What do you -mean. risking your life like thlst" ' ; Not there, air," In a faint volcft "T'll "n.p -nlr ihAf lintiM ' acrn u. tour daughter Just, refused me." ' Now. the father had told bef a score of times to "get rid of that chap," but he Is sympathetic and choleric. v. . 5 "What." pounding tne wan witn nis cane, . "refused youHJUtea youi rut you In this awful state! The minx I Bhe'll hear from, met ' Look as though you- were dying,-' poor - fellow) How many times have you asked herf "Onee." . - .- x . . "Only once?! Thunderatldn, man. Ill bet I asked ber mother 50,000 times before ebe'd -have met . If s In .the blood. Come In here. - No, take a walk around tbe block and then come. - The Idea of that girl thinking that she knows her.'owtt- mlndl e It's absurd! Brace up, no-Ww:"; We'll bring her to time." "- ? -it And it looks -s though they would. The old gentleman looks sheepish, the girl laughs often without apparent cause, andthe youth calls regularly. Detroit Free Press. , Tommy's Trlaatsh. " p . "Please, air," asked Tommy of his teacher, "what is meant by -the 'sooth I0 weetfr " ' - "Does your father Smoke,- Tommy r asked the teacher. :, "Yes. sir." answered Tommy." "And what does he smoke 7. .asked the teacher. ' ' "Baccan cried Tommy. "Tobacco, you mean. Tommy, cor rected teacher. "WeU, tobacco la often Called 'the soothing weed.' But It Is tobacco, Tommy, not "Dacca.' There Is no such word In the dictionary." , "Yes, there is, sir," cried Tommy. . "You're mistaken. Tommy, there Is not," sold teacber severely. "But," he added, with a superior smile, "If you "can show me the word 'bacca' In an English dictionary I will let you home an hour earlier than usual." Tommy seized bis dictionary, hastily turned over the leaves and pointed tri umphantly to the word "bacca," fruit having seeds. ' Teacher floored and Tommy trium phant. London Answers. Irlt.k Fdmrd III. King Edward III of Knglnnd was a great epicure, but a le-llh.h one. Wbll be gorged himself V 1th a multitude of courses and dishes, lie furl. tide li servants entlng nient or u.u more tlinn once a lsy ami on' .!ned .y law th none of bis iitii'-ts i .l 1 1 a at dinner or ini-r more t ' nu two : u nor above t i - e f ' i f r t 1 i , It ! "Po you en; I one. ti nt any - a fi u't t t ( f r' o Into tlVililiill inn - lit tree?" Il '' "I l ' :lll! 1 f i - V. cf. t ie 111. 1, 11-8 tYh' ! ,... .-. s in: t..e .!! of I n miirhtv rinis. .;!et!ii.!g tar inland wherever (e-eess i iiviuluiile and d-ung witlnii its short lease of lite an muouiit cf Ivaclicciit woil; freely t:.nt v.iinl.l b.'S Eur (lii-lvi'iihliki.t m.ii'.iircliy of the world to undertake if it must needs be leiid fort .Mysteiions it may well be called, tinee. tliiiiii-'h i; passngc fiom xone tJ tone bv so ywift. it is like all -other wayrs, but an uiidaliUory movement f t that por tion of the oa uionieutai'ily iufluenced by the suasion of the planet not, as is vul garly H'.KKjmd. the same inasa of water vehemently eariied onward for thousands 1 of miles. : V ' To meet a tidal wave at sea is iu come pnitu uf the world a (trim and unfortwta blp experience. Floating noon the sli.n ing blue plain, with an Indolent swelling of the imifate, iust giving cozy roll to your ship now ami thea. you KtidOenly. see in the distance a l iuge, a Uuoll of wa ller that advances, Tiist. silent, tuenaeing. Nearer and nearer it coinus, tearing its apparcntly'endlos.s'curve higheiMiud high er. - There is no place to Heir from before ' its face. Neither is there much suspense. for its pace is swift, although it oppears- o delilierate, from 'the inimitable grnnv deur of its extent. It it upon the ship. Bh behaves in accordance with the way she has been caught and her innate pe culiarities. In any case, whatever her bulk,' she Is hurled forward, v upward, backward downward, a if never again- could she regain an even keei, wnile ner crew cling desperately to whatever hold ins nlttee they mar have reached, Some will have It that these marvelous uplif tings of the sea bosom are not tidal waves at all that they do not Oeiong to the normal ebb -and flow of the ocean thatiowus the away of the moon; If sor they would be met with more frequently thnn they are at sea, and tar more uisas ters Would "lie placed to their account. This, contention seems reasonable, , be cause it Is well known that lonely islets, such as St.- Helena, Tristan d'Aeunha onif Ascendon are visited at irregular in tervals by a r succession' of appalling waves (rollers) that deal havoc among tbe smaller shipping and look as if they would overwhelm, the land. -.The sugges tion is that these stupendous waves are duo to cosmic disturbance,- to submarine earthouakes - upheaving the ..ocean bed and causing so vast n displacement of the ocean that Its -undulations extend -for several thousands of miles. London Spectator. r RU8HIN0MNT0 THE GRAVE.-: Person ' Wno Make- -tTnneary -V Hast Only That They May Ola. , "VhjrlH elderly and especially portly persons who have suspected cardiac dis arenngcWut persiiit, in spite of the nu merous examples of sudden death that are recorded almost daily In the papers, in actually' nwhing thetnaflves into the m-aver1 said a well known pnysician Surgeon. General Hammond-died after : hurried rua uu stair, and :Ujerbert Sneacer. thongfi warned by Jtis pnysi' clans that death' Would follow any undue exercise, nereinted in an effort to vault a stile, which he finally 41a, only to expire from heart disease a few hours later. He might have livi-d many years.-. , I cannot understand why men and women of all age and degrees of health will race after street ear as though their lives depended upon catcuing a particu lar' car wneo it is common Kuowieus that the cars are run on a leeway of from One to, three nilmttea, It is the same imptdling reason, 1 presume, that will cause a mstt who (s being carried past his station to leap from the moving electric or steam car ti? certain Injury or death. ' In running tha body is entirely .thrown from the ground for an Instant with each step, and it la the most ylolent of exer cises. Tbe heart and lungs are suddenly called UDen to respond to th unusual and violent strain, and hemorrhage from tbe latter and ruptnra of tbe 'valves of the farmer often follow. - The heart is a tough muscle: but It has its limits. Th body, after all, is like, a cable as strong as Its weakest Cart. "This is well exemplified ID autopsies upon the bodies of athletes.-- In many cases of perfect muscular development the Iiinm. heart or kidneys have been found so diseased that bad not death re sulted from other causes this diseased condition would soon have produced it Id portly persons, in sddition to the pressure of tight clothes, especially stays, fat fills up the thorax, crowds the lungs and heart and interferes with tbelr natu ral functions. Undue sxertion causes shortness of breath or a 'queer feeling in the reeiou of the heart. I his Is na ture's waraiug, when she condescends to give sny at all, to go slow or else stop in at the undertaRer on the way and arrange for the funeral." Washington Stur. ; -. -- : -- " ' . Closer Anctloaa. A Dutch auction at Cape Town la frs- utiontly exciting. If -a house Is to be sold, the auctioneer offers "fit) golu. n sov ereigns for the man who hist bids to, (HK)." Nobody bids. A pause, nd then "Fifty golden sovereigns for the who first bids 1.000." This Is kept up until a bid Is secured. But It by no means follows that the house is Sold to this bidder. No, tus auc tioneer Is then at It agnln. Bay that f 1,4110 is the first bid. The auctioneer cries: "There ore 25 golden sovereigns for the first ninn who bus the cournge to bid il.lii.'i)." Perhaps no one has it. Then .) is offered for a t4,5.i0 bid. If there Is eventually nn bid shove the l.-i"0, the mini alio luii-le th nt hid is saddled with the house. Ollu-lneo lie pockets bis bonus and gels (,if free of it all. Tho On! V Wnr. lips were ii, --u-''-!"lT eii-u a iivii at. '1 lie :ii. i, nud one tin-' Two ti vi to how i n ' e I,,-,):. -1 li" v I -1 to ft f. r is f r ti t, i rolls r ' ' i I .j . -Cl-i.fc,D i -., - 7 C'JAriT COTTLCO. IIOST WOaDlkPUL cure. , - . A Grand Old Lady tiive ller Experience. .- - Mrs. Thankful Orilla Hurd lives in the beautiful village f Brlghtot Livingston Co., Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady was born h . the year 1812, the year of the great war, in Hebron, Washington Co, Ne. York. She came to Michigan lu law, the year of "Tippecanoe and Tylet too." All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a Very re- . tontlve memory, her mind is full of interesting reminiscences of her early lite, of the early days of" the State of Michfgan and the Interesting and re markable people ibe has met, and tbe stlrrlug events of which she was a wit ness. But nothing in ber varied and manifold recollections are more mar- . velons nd worthv of attention than are her. experiences In the use -of JOHNSTON'S SAUSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hurd inherited a tendency and pre- ,, disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed.. -la nnrcinir thn 1ici fir-tlinfiKnnrlfl And rnnrkltif? thousands more as vlo- tims of the death angel. Transmitted found In neary every family m one form or another...-' it may mane us apt i. penrance In dreadful running sores, in unsightly swellings in the neck or nlir n, in urnnilnna nf varied forms. Attaekinir tho mucoUB membrane. It may be known as catarrh In the head, or developing in the lungs it may be, and often is, tbe prtme cnuse of consumption. - ' ' Speaking of be,r case, Mrs. nurd says: "I was trouDiea ror many years with a bad skin aigeasc. My arms nj limbs would break out In a mass of J Sores, discharging ycl'ow matter. My nnsigbtly in appearance. . My body was My eyes were also grcnuy lnuamca ana weakened, ana tney paraeu iiw veri -much. Mv-hlnod was In ft Tery bad condition and my bend ached severely at frequent Intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also in my ears. I wiis in a m isern Die condition, 1 naa tried mended, and doctor after doctor. had ' the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as internal abcesses , were Beginning 10 rorrn, 1 at leiigin was toid or ur. juuusiou, ux u uu his fHnuiiia Karsnnnrilla -1 tried a bottle. more as an-exnerlment thaif any- , thine else, as I had no faith In it. and .began to grow better. Tou can be -sure many bottles, .: But-1 steadily improved -sores healed uorail the bad symptoms and I have never been troubled with scrofula siucev Uf course an 01a laay of 83 years Is hot a xouhs woman, but 1 have bad remarkably good health since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SARSAPAK1LLA is the greatest blood purl Her ana the best medicine in tho wide world, ;: ootn - xor . scrofula and as ft spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting old lady did not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe toy,:' life was saved by JOHNSTON'S sausaparilla," - "... s'jO. -1 BHADUAM, we invite: k The attention of taftner. to our splendid line ot Implements. - J ' The Keystone' Adjustabte 4 Weedef and ? Shallow Cultlvatr C ' Which can he ex -panded to 7J feel -V- or narronen 1000 inches. - Fills - a rtiig felt neceHtl- tyand covers wide range 01 cm llvstion We also all sttenlion to our lire of Ftrti'Jer Distiihntori which mnge an I AO OK ST KO anfi Sin fHl 'I '.; -i. -. pr-iutr .1 v ... wv '"- . Look out i ir our insn rmsio luiuht tor. You-will want one we epi c a supply of lhnm -Ui a few dsys-.-Our Itcel fran-e Side, Harrow, la hecomiog popular whenit has men ig.a uur t'anton Garden Plow' -is .ahead, of any vanien nlnw na ml a lone- wanted ne cessity. We have by fa- sold more of our celebrated Steel Pony , Plow this ' year than ever before. Have you seen n .. irii: Md J: J . , t, and at the extremely lo wprlces at which we are sel line it. PIo one can anora to be without one. v t . :. ' ' Cordially inviting vou to call on ns for anything in oor line, we ara t Yeurs Truly, ' - , J, C; Vliitty. 0 . "dealehin: Hardware andFire Siujh, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc ARentfor Garlandtovcs & Ranges and Devoe'.s, and llvnj Moorei' READY MIXED PAINTS, Under Hotel ChatUwka, 0,13 "Moore Stove Wood Mm moved to town and doing busi nw-s on Boutli Frout street. Notice tho carls loaded with wood from Si 00 UK'S ITJOO TAKD, and see what jon get, lliul C'lH 149 . ul oi, your viii 1 t (..iiiiilLo iilllihf ...... - I - -.J . i- . from generation to generations it Is V neck ue?an to swell and Decame'very- covered with scrofulous eruptions.. . everr remedy tnat naa neen recom failed. One of the best physicians u,; greatly to my agreeable surprise, 1 I kept on-taklng it I took; a great r nntTTMecame entirely wen.Aii tno dlsanneared." I gained perfect health. z New Bero, N. 1). , FINANCIAL, J THE - NATIONALS BANK, . - New Bem, N. ! At close of businesi. February 18. 1000. condensed from report to Comptroller, t - EE-JOTJRGE3 1 " Loans ... 303871S0 Stocks and Donds. t2 888 79 Real estHte, Fur. aud Fixt r. ; ; 88.682 98 1 Dun front twnks.-u -v 80,70! 74 j Cat ,., f ,.,... ,.. 41)37 84 v Total Resources..". $501,688 85 '. LIABILITIES j Capital... ,.....,.,..';., f 100,(i00 00 urDlua ana fronts ,. w ia in Circulation,... 83 600 00 Deposits , ,8,974 72 Total Liabilities ... 1501,880 85 James A. Bryan, President.' J, H. Uarkburn. V-rresiaent. , r- U. Robcits, Cashier. ORGANIZED Total nroflrs since onrsnlxatlon...'. '.ti. ... 1877,894,15 Total dividends paid stockholders. ; .'.. i- WlltliVltJrlO V .i James A Bryan, E K Bishop, v- UbeB bryan, tbos uanieis, J H Pckburn,v,rs.r L Harvey, John Sinn,, Q H Roberts. T. A. Oreea, Fres. K. H. Usatfows, V, Prsa. U. V. Orovi,Cahler, CITIZENS IJAUK, or jraw bm st. c. Doins General Banking Business. February 18, 1900, Burplusand UndiVl- . . ded Profltt, Ht.Jfc; L ouif, mu wnuj ...wukivu (i'.u all business entrusted to us. - Accounts received on favorable terms. Board at Directors. rerdlnsnd Ulnun 3. A. Uusdow. It. B. Mesoowa, - CbM. Dully. Jr. ' Bftmuel W. pock, . ' Jsmis Kedmond. r. L'nas. u. vomer, - j. w. ursingsr, B. W. SniaUwuesl. - Taomas A.farasa, tj. . soy. . ueo. a.iva. i w.r.urooaetKj :; Mark TJItosmay. F. & 1 BANK, " FEBRUARY 1st. 1900. ' . Capital Stocky.. - 1 75,006 Snrplns, 4...-;V- 1(1,000 UBdivlded Proftts,.......C 8'6eo Deposl tn . . ... 1 02,00 oFFioEEs. L. II. Curr.KB President.- - - W, S. Cuadwick, Vice Pres. ' 'V-. T. W. Dkwiy, Cashier. . . : j. J. W. BiDDut, Teller. '" v. ',' C. T; Chadwiok. ConeotOBV ' , 1 : f. DIRECTORS :J t''." Wm'. B. Blades, M. M. Marks, t C. D. Brad ham, P. H. Pcllotler, L. H. Cutlor, . Jno. Suter, W. 8. Cbadwick, - ' J. W, Stewart, T. W. Dewey. - - , - It collects for merchants, manufaotur trs and other Banks promptly at special rates to each, and makes quickest re turns possible. By its liberality nd en terprising business methods, it is forging to the front of Enst Carolina's Banking Institutions. In its own city, tt Is the only one winch uoes-not pay Interest on DupoMls. : H puorrsioNAL. , f J m n out . i on. A, T). Wsrd K. W. l ou. rcu-A WARD, A'i '.VS nl LAW ,:i ..LO ..3 at Di -! il ..-I Id.) VU.MINOTOH & WELDON R.'R. And iilribir, Aii41tlaB'"rot Lino Its. road "Co, -6l South Carolina. ' Tl,AlNH MINO Wiin'H. 'PA.TFn- SW. 8,' ?! 3; Sk ; - 5C StC ft Z a 11 m pTm a.m p.h, Lv. Wlliioii 11 f-.,,. r v, Ar. R. U. IS 61 hfiJ.i.. . ...... Ti,v.Tnbr. 18 81 .. (0i .... r.... CvTh. Mt. Tt -5i 8; 40 19 68 M. Wil"0 t ) 10 ' 7 10 80 S 40 lv. Helms i SA II 0.1 . Lv Fay'vlli 4 80 14 U .i .s. Ar.Flureuc- 1 2ft S4 ftt .i'i. , ' I'.M. A - ' , , 1 w m 1 - .Lu. J , i .mnj 11 Ar. Oolils C. 7 65 . Lv, Holds.. . .. , fJl 8 88 Lv Mse'lia . . ( 09 4 86 ArVfilm'ton , ' 40 00 " , I . HP.M M. P.M. TRAINS GOING NOKTH. ,v -j: &i :-t: sj sa " oS e'j c'i s'j jO3 -.T- a m1' p. m Lv.Florence 9 43 .... 7 4 Lv.Fav'ville 18 80 . 9 45 w.. . Lv.Selma.. 1 60 .,. 10 66 ..... Av Wilson . 8 85 ... i 11 88 - 7a.M. P. MA.M. LvWumton..r 6 50 9 46 Lv. Mag'lia 8 80 11 lo Lv.Golds 5 00 ...... 9 87 1888 ' " "pTil " Tm. P,U P. M i Lv. Wilson 8 85 -5 48 11 88 10 tO 1 16 A.R. Mt.. 8 80 8.20 18 09 U 11 1 58 Ar, Tarboro 7 01 Lv, Tarboro 18 Si, . .. ..... Ly. R. Mt.. 8 80..... 13 00 .... ..... Ar. Weldop 4 83 1 04 P.M : A.M , Wilmington and Weldou " Railroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Ham Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar. rives tayettevllle 18 05 p m, leaves Fay- etteville 13 86 p m. arrives San fore) 1 48 p nw Reluming leave Sauford 8 !0 p ni, arrive Favctteville 8 41 P m, leave Fav etteville 8 40 p m, arrives Wilamgton wiimineton aua. vveiaon iwiuroaa Bcnnottaville Branch - Trains leaves BennettBvllie 8 16 a m. Maxton 9 80 a m Bed Springs 9 63 s m, Hope Mills 10 48 a mi arrive Fayt-ttcvllle 10 63. Return intrleaves Fayetleville 4 40 p m, Hope mills 4 at pn, ltoa ppnngs o bo p m Maxton 9 16 P m, arrives Bennettbvllle 7 15 p m - -. : connection at rayetteviiie witn train No. 78, at Maxton with tbe Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with tbe Seaboird Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with tile Durham and Charlotte Hoilrosd. Train on the Scotland Aeck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 86 Dm. Halifax 4 16 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, ureeavnie o oi p m, n-tosion i oo &m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m reentUlo 8 58 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a n?. Weldon 11 BB s to. daily ex cept Suntu. "- .. -! , - Trains on w aabington Brarjcn leave Waahinprlon 8 10 a m and 8 80d m. ar rive Parmele 9 10 a to, and 4 00 p tn, re turning leave Parmele 9 86 a m and 6 80 p tn arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 80 p m, dally except Sundsy. rh i vr I . tram waves Aaxuum, a , oauy vauvpii Sunday 5 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p to, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 0 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 1 oo m, ana Hunday V UO a m, arrives Tarooro iu on a m. li ou m Train on MiJIand; N 0 Branch leaves Goldsboro dally, exoept Buuday, 7 05 a. i uutufluuiuvauji Minui -Duuuajr, . vw Hi I m, arriving Smithfield 8 10 a m, Return mg leave Smitbfield 900 a ni arrives at Goldsboro 10 85 m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m.8:40 p m.arrive Nashville 11 10 ft m, 4 08 p m. Spring Hope 10 40 a a, 4 86 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 80 m, 4 56 p m, Nash ville 13 16 a m, 8 86 p m, arrive at Rooky Mount 11 45 a to, 6 00 p m, daljy except 8nndv. - -. - ir.' y ',.-' Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily; except Sunday, 11-40 a in and 4 08 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 1 00 p m. Train no 79 masea close coonecuon at Weldon for all points North dally , all rail rr Richmond. - I ': . '.. w - i H M EMERSON. Genl Pass AmnL i k nuniiX, uen'i Manager, X M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. ; Heiity's Pharmacy, "-: 27: Middte Street. PwpurC For ? War j in , Time of Pea2c ! 1 Just received a Supply of LOADED GUNSi Sure- death to Roaches, Bed Bugs. Moths, Water Bug and all In sects. Will nolstaln or grease the finest fabrl-tr One (rial la all that's needed to convince the most skeptical." . . A full line of Toilet Articles, Perfum rry, etc. : -r' -".; '. Physician's Prescriptions caiefully compounded. Tl.o'Culy f;ioveVoil :i ll.rro hoi Heineiii her we bsve started to work again. Move Vt ood kept unuor inri'9 heiis never t wet In niiny wii.t' '.VI I to your ilnois "He limj. Pry ie-.-i.i-d 1 . -,, Ouk.- Jl ct A. & 11 C.R.. TIME TABLB HO. XI . ',. o Take Effect Pundsy, . arch 11, WCt1, at 7,40 A. M. doing East SaiEMJUfc Going Wt i Na 8" :, Passenger Trains No. 4 -Lv. p m.-V stations: Ar. am 8 40. Goldsboro .31 CS ,10 88 .10 18 , 9 00, 8 87 7 06 ro9.,, 188..; 640.. ., .jiaGrange i . t v ... Kinslon y..Ar New-Bern, Lv... ...Lv. Ar . ; Ar, Moreliead oily Lv.. S 60... ns.. No. 6 No fl, Mx'd Pt and I'nss Tb- Hx'd Tt & i ' stations: t &: 'n. , i PassTn, -i-Daili Except Simmy. ,. Lt A...M. - -,,.. - .,.m,i' Ar 7 0.. ........ Goldsboro. . ? 63r,.V..V, Best's... . 810 .... r.XaGrange 8 27. ...... Falling Cred 8 oO .'.EJoston. . . 908 .Caswell... 9 :,.'.,.. . Dover 10 02. ... Core Creek 10 80. , . ,j . . . . .Tuscarora . 10 SO. ......... i. Clarke. . 10Q0.,M.....Kew Bern a. V, , No. 7.. Passenger -i-SundaysiOnly No Ar. Lv. a,m.-- p. m. .7 41 . 7 07 . 0 47 . 0 27 . 5 45 . 4 05 7 40 8 03...., 8 80...., 8 65 9 60.V.V 1115.,.. Goldsboro i,..;LaQrange .... .Kinston .v . ... Dorer -New Bern rTMorohead City Lv No.l, t No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar. p m 0 33 5 53 6 23 4 6if 4 33 318. Hx'd Ft. and stations - Paes.Tn. Lv. a m 7 10 ..Goldsboro. 7 43.,,. .Best's.. 8 11.......... LaGrango. 8 86.... Falling Creek 914....,t...,. Kinston,. 9 35.......... ..Caswell . 9 40.., 1040.. 1116.. 11 81 13 OS ; 180.. :..Ar. Dover Lv .....Core Ore, .....Tuscarora ....... Clark's ..3 00 .. 200 .. 138 ..120 . 18 50 ..10 47 ..10 10 ..10 00 .. 940 ..906 .. 8 47 ..888 . 820 .. 750 A. V. Ar. New Bern, Lv... .....Lv., ., Ar.. ......... Biverdale ...... .. .iCroatan ......... flavolock ."., Newport, Lv... ...... ..WUdwood ........'..Atlantic . . . Ar. Morebead city, Lv . ...Ar. M. city Dopot, Lv. - 13.. 8 20.. sla.. S25.. Ii81.. 8 46.. 4 01. P. M. "Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTunsday, Thursday and Suturday, , ' . '- S. L. DILL, . - v , Superintendent Atlantic Coast I.ine. Wilmington & Nbw IU:knr R. tlME TAQIrK NO. Tl, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily Except. Sunday. Going South') SCnRDUUC: I doing North No. 61, Passenger Trai No. 50, i Ar. p m, .... 5 40.' 504 .... 449 41V Lv. a m, - STATIONS: . . . . . New Berne . Pollocksvillu ...... Maysvule. . Jacksonville. (Wilmington, Union Depot Ar. Wilmington; 9 00 9 86 961 .... 10 03 18 08. i TV.rrvs. V 2f f umuu wpot i 1815 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv ... 8iG' K . ' '- y,''-i- , - P H No. 8, Pabsknqeb ft Fkkiuiit No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday W ednes-" day and Friday. Leave New BeroeTWtwT i'-:if,-.' lay, Thursday snd Baturduy. ' r-.y:i Lv. am ' , . i Ar. r ' l ' .7 8o..i;;Lv.wiimfngtbi1 Ar &)-:-it... 8 40.VM-..iV.8cott' Hill . . . . 80 Woodside .13 66 ; 10 05., Bollyridge . . . 1061, ,', . , i Dixon II 80.,v.7''.i..verona 18 05.-. ,v.,f. .Jacksonville. , . . 13 80, , .Northeast. . 865 , 880 , 806 780 , 8 86 . 400 r65.;,,.,r,WhrtePak.. .. 1 80.... . ;''. . MayavUle . . . 9 18. .....,,PollookgviIle. . . . 8 65 Debruhl's . ; 8 40,v,...Ar. New Borne, Lv. ; -uauy HJtoepn auiday. '&ftr&. KENLY, . li Zr' General Manager.. BORDEN, Hunt. Transrortstion. CABOLINA 3 DISPATCH LlSlriiy AND- 1 I Doffilnioh SteamshipJDa . FEEIGHT& JPASStNGIE,iv; ' For" All Poknte rfcj ThCtcamerNETisB will loavo on Mondayi, Wednesdays, and l'riili'i'8 at 6 p. m. sharp, malt ' ; inar liuidinj's at Oriental, Ocrak?V and .Kuanoks Ialaud.';'--.f',-i.';v.'"i,'''A''.,'J E Freight received 'not bticf j -' tlian one hour previous to sftilTn g, r i :t For fnrthor information apply to -'.. c::o. iiFATDxbsoir,'Agt.'t" IT. K. Kino, Cn.' Ugf.,: 'I'fh e 1I.C. IIui.aNa,(;en.Frt.&PaSS.A4f,,::- f a sv I . rue. K.O.; May 8016,1808 :otice ! ourlClty Taics 1 1 KcHlesp. "'. r ApfU to Uoy nt to j ' v. 1. . . 8 00-. 1tS', t - 7 80 ' .61? V 1 mo ; .615 8 00 ' -v" . o i7 . 5 80 ft 5 11 .4 51 -? .... . -v. -v--.. - . P. M. Vff" t1 ... l.v 1. ll. ;,..(, n'i-'i. ... .'.'--.:ti,-i '" .13 16..-;, .1140 .i .10 61V .10 20 . 9 46."f; - -I ': .- -a. il'V. T"l "j